Energy Group

Chapter 1085:

Section hotel gift

"Let’s go to the hotel and take a rest. I don’t think there is anything to do today. I guess we won’t be allowed to go to the public market until tomorrow. If Xiao Li is okay, you can go out for a while. By the way, we must let you The hired soldier takes you out, but don’t buy anything where he takes you. If you want to buy something, just take a few of us. Otherwise, it will cost you a big price, and you can only buy a bunch of garbage back. "This is what Brother Zhao told Li Cong before entering the house, dare to believe that now this a business is really everywhere, even the people in these mountains have changed.

"Okay, thank Brother Zhao for taking care of me. I'll be more careful." Li Cong smiled and nodded, and looked at Brother Zhao's number 816, his own 818 is still in front, but Li Cong turned around. It seems that the rooms on this floor are either 6 or 816 or 818 or 828. Does the Burmese have a clear idea of ​​the Chinese? Start to fawn now? This number preference should not be what the Burmese people are particular about, it should be because of the Chinese. It seems that this subordinate of my own is still very good at trying to figure out the psychology of the guests, and turned back to give him processing funds.

After entering his room and turning on the air conditioner, Li Cong felt a little cool, as if he had just entered modern society. Everything from the airport to the hotel just now seemed to be in the 10s of the last century. The first impression the whole of Myanmar gave Li Cong was Too backward.

"Boss, our information has been passed on. Now the top ten jewelry shops in the world have sent people to the Burmese public market. It is said that this jade public market is also the largest in history. The number of people reached nearly 20,000. People, of course, this also includes secretaries like me, but it is undeniable that the competition in the Myanmar public market will be very fierce. According to the information obtained by our investigation department, more than 20,000 people have brought The incoming funds will be as high as 50 billion yuan. Of course, some people who can’t buy the stone will go with the money in the end, but it is undeniable that 1a’s money in Myanmar will reach tens of billions. Our 20 million yuan looks like It’s not enough to see.” Karelina is a competent secretary. Although her underwear is very hot because of sweat, she did not run directly to the air-conditioning outlet like Li Cong. There is no morality. People first opened their notebooks to carry out their own work. This is the quality, the quality of a good secretary.

Li Cong glanced at Karelina appreciatively. Why did he bring this person here? It's not just for this. What's the use of fewer people from the emerald public market? It's fun to have more people, more than two thousand. What's wrong, although the money is a little bit less, it doesn’t mean that he can’t bring back anything. Li Cong has actually thought about it. At the beginning, he will buy the best stone with the least amount of money, and then buy the stone. I sell it for some money, and then I buy a good one. It will definitely make a lot of money in the end, and it can also bring huge jadeite storage to my jewelry store.

But how can I only buy good stones? I don’t need to worry about this. The Myanmar jade public sale is definitely a major event for the whole country. Just now, Li saw a lot of jade when he got off the plane and when he entered the hotel. For the rough stone, Li Cong's eyes that can see through the Peak card will naturally not be idle anymore. He found that he can clearly see everything in the rough jade stone, and there will even be analysis next to it, because he has already compared the rough jade stone with the jade The types of data have been entered into my central computer, and my brain is connected to the central computer, so there will be analysis. If you can’t buy good jade with this ability, then you can jump directly into the river. Forget about drowning yourself, why are you still alive?

"It doesn't matter, your job is not this. It is your job to monitor the Zhang's jewelry. Is there news from their family?" In fact, the previous work of destroying the Niu family and knocking the mountain has been completed. The reason why Li Cong wanted Dealing with Zhang's jewelry is because Zhang's jewelry will compete with itself in the future. At this time, it should be the most suitable to give one's own competitors a look.

"President, six people from Zhang's Jewelry came this time, Zhang Jie and Zhang Li and his son, and four are some rough consultants of their group. It seems that they will make a big move this time. According to my analysis, If they can buy good rough jadeite stones this time, Zhang’s Jewelry will definitely go to the next level after returning, because the Zhang’s Jewelry exhibition has reached a bottleneck, and if you want to continue the exhibition, you can only cannibalize other people’s stores. , But if there are no other reasons in other people’s stores, their encroachment will definitely not be successful, but if Zhang’s family has jade, and others don’t, it’s probably a different scene.” Karelina opened. I added another folder, which is all about Zhang’s jewelry. Their family is indeed okay in the jewelry industry. The four stone gambling experts turned out to be from the Yushi Association, and one was the vice president. Another one turned out to belong to the China Fortune Stone Association.

"I don't know what role these so-called experts have? Can they see the inside of the stone clearly?" Li Cong changed into cool clothes, and now there is a big slit all over his body. Karelina is not the first. I saw it this time, but when I saw Li Congchi 11's upper body, I still had a hot face. I heard Li Cong point to a few experts on the computer screen and asked myself, and quickly diverted my attention.

"Of course not. Now even our latest technology can't observe the inside of the stone. These so-called experts actually rely on their own experience and analysis to live their lives. The texture and performance of the opened stones can be used to judge the stones in front of you. These are also based on some basis, but they do not account for a large proportion. The biggest chance of betting on stones depends on your luck, which accounts for more than 80%. It’s not bad that they can have two achievements.” Karelina tried not to look at Li Cong’s body, but when she talked now, she was far less calm than before, because Li Congchi was eleven. The upper body sat next to me, and the masculine smell on my body made me a little dizzy. Although I was already quite old, it was undeniable that I was still a big boudoir, and his resistance to men was really good. tiny.

When Li Cong wanted to say something, he suddenly heard someone knock, put on a piece of clothing and went to open it. Li Cong didn't want to be seen by others when he was naked, so he was a bit disadvantaged. Your secretary is not an outsider.

"Hello, sir, I am the hotel service staff. We know that you are all here to participate in the Myanmar Emerald Market, so our hotel will give you gentlemen an appetizer. Of course it is all free. Do you need it?" Li Cong glanced behind this guy. This so-called appetizer is not really for you to eat, but a few small rough jade stones. Although this stuff is everywhere in Myanmar, But now this thing is not cheap. Basically, it costs hundreds of yuan per kilo. It is not nonsense that it costs thousands and tens of thousands when it performs well. The car behind the waiter is pushing hundreds of dollars. A rough jade stone, but it doesn’t seem to perform very well. That’s right. It’s just a gift. How high-quality can you ask for it?

It happened that at this time the three of Brother Zhao also heard the movement. There was no such program before, and all three of them happily joined together.

"I said, young man, how do you use this appetizer? Why didn't you have it before? Explain it to us?" Old Tian glanced at the rough jade behind him and said. Are these all for gifts? The owner of this restaurant is not small. The value of such a car of rough jadeite is at least several hundred thousand yuan. Although the performance is not very good, it is difficult to say whether there is any jade in it.

"This is a few gentlemen. This is a special service newly added by our hotel this year. It is specifically for you stone gambling merchants. Our hotel presents a piece of rough emerald stone to every merchant who has political fǔ certificate. If you cut the stone and cut it up on the spot, you can continue to choose a piece, but if you cut it up again, we will no longer give it away, but we want to make the video of your cut up price open to the public." I understand what's going on.

This stone gambler always believes in luck. If you believe in luck, you will be very faithful. If you want to broadcast these videos in this hotel, you must also broadcast those that have been cut up. If those cut up, Let alone the broadcast, there is nothing about you. If the big screen in front of the hotel lobby continuously broadcasts the hotel guests, how come the jade is cut out? It’s strange that their business is not good, look. These hundreds of thousands are bleeding from the hotel, but if they are really full of guests, if you calculate it according to the current room rate, you can earn it back that day.

This hotel owner’s abacus is very exciting, businessmen, naturally they are not willing to lose, but this is also cheap. These lust-stone businessmen start to warm up. There is no harm in saving. Tomorrow, I won’t be able to enter the state of the public market and make no money.

Several people understood what this kid meant, and then they immediately showed his Myanmar government fǔ proof to this kid, and then began to choose jadeite. These rough jadeite stones were not from the old factory. It's all reduced a lot, but it was given as a gift, that is, it is not 1a money. Thinking of the few people here, they went up to pick it with gusto. Anyway, there are no other guests on this floor. It's the same in the corridor.

Soon those few people picked the rough jade stone they were looking for. Li Cong's eyes immediately showed a three-dimensional picture. It seems that these guys don’t know much about jade. Some of them don’t know how to pick them. The so-called rough stones they picked are basically not green at all. From Li's point of view, it’s almost the same as when he goes back to pad the toilet. How about the stone? If Li never had this perspective, he might have really believed this group of bullshit.

"Sir, are you not going to pick one?" The waiter saw that the gentleman who knocked on the room first was just standing and listening to those guys. He was not ready to pick the rough jade stone, so he couldn't help but remind him.

"I'm a novice, and I don't understand these things very well. I'll listen first, and I'll pick now." Li Cong said with a smile. This sentence made the faces of a few others look good. Your kid is a novice. , We are your teachers. It’s good to be able to show that you are an educated person in front of a gringe, and continue to speak loudly with your so-called "experience."

Li Cong immediately lowered his head and looked at all the jadeites in the car. Although it was a gift, I don’t have to give it to us like this. None of them have emeralds. Of course, there are some edemas in it that are not very good. Li Cong didn't like it at all. Only then did Li Cong realize that even if he has a perspective, he can't buy a good stone every time. It depends on luck. For example, now, can you buy imperial green?

After reading it, Li Cong's quality has been greatly reduced. I always hope that the stone here on the public market will not be the same as the stone here. I just picked a stone that is still a little emerald and held it in his hand. When I personally saw that Li Cong had chosen the stone, he immediately followed him. He wanted to teach this kid what kind of stone he took. The original stone did not show up. It was like a roadside stone.

"I said, Xiao Li, don’t ask for your stone. Find a few that perform better. Didn’t I tell you the quality of the stone? Your stone is the same as the stone on the side of the road. There is no jade at first glance, so don’t take time.” Old Zhao said kindly. He really hadn’t seen jade in such a stone. Why should there be some lines on the skin, but look at this. Nothing, it's very smooth and clean, I still have to say that I live in other people's houses, otherwise it would be too unjust.

"It's okay, Brother Zhao, you will open your eyes when Minger is really on the emerald public disk. I will just have a casual look here today. I think this is okay. Let's go." This is not a professional calcite place, so there is only one calcite machine in the entire hotel, which is different from the public one. There are dozens of them on the other side, and the other side depends on that for food.

A few people followed a waiter to the dedicated calcite place on the tenth floor. There were already a few people here. It seemed that they were all Chinese except for a foreigner. Some of them knew Lao Zhao and others. I said hello, there must be a first-come-last-comer for everything. People have been here for a few minutes and have not been in line. Li Cong and they can only wait. Fortunately, there is still a lot of sand in this house. After a while, they couldn't reach them, so I found a Lao Tian who loves calcite the most to arrange the numbers there, and the rest went to rest.

Not only does Lao Tian like calcite himself, but what he likes most is to watch others calcite, as if he can get some light when other people's gambling rises. This old guy won’t even want to come here as soon as he enters this old guy. From the expression on his face, you can tell what's going on inside. Don’t ask. Look at the ugly face of Lao Tian. The guy inside must be broken, but if this is the batch given by the hotel, it won’t break. That's strange.

"This little brother looks at him, don’t know where he is?" said a fat guy with a thick gold chain around his neck and a gold chain in his hands. This buddy is afraid that others don’t know he has it. It was money, and there was a smell of tycoon all over.

"This guy is from Shanxi and his surname is Zhou, a coal mine owner. He only joined the gambling industry last year. Like you, he has money at home but he doesn't know how to preserve his value, so he entered this business. It was 1a last year. Tens of millions, it's not a loss or a win, luck is still okay." At this time, Li Cong's accommodation fee was even useful, and Zhao quickly explained a few words to Li Cong.

"Haha, this senior, I’m a stock trader. I recently made a fortune. I don’t know how to keep my money from devaluing. I’ve heard that there is an emerald public market here in Myanmar. The knowledgeable Li Cong speaks quite modestly.

Who knows that this week the fat man immediately felt like he was a man from the end of the world. He himself was born in a miserable background. Later, because he contracted a coal mine, he was regarded as wealth, and then because of the increase in coal prices, he was considered to have hundreds of millions of dollars. I am wealthy, but the depreciation of the renminbi is too fast. I must have a new deposit point for my own money. This brings me to jadeite. I came here last year and earned more than 30 million yuan and made less than dozens. Wan, although I didn’t make a lot of money, the excitement of gambling on rocks made me fall in love with this business. This year I also brought more than 100 million yuan to play. Anyway, this money is not for my net worth. questionable.

"Haha, my little brother is really young and promising, young and promising, just like me when I was young, this exhibition is diversified, although we are not jewelry merchants, but the Myanmar military and political fǔ do not stipulate that only jewelry merchants can come. Ah." When Fatty Zhou spoke, he glanced at Lao Zhao with a little disdain. Is there anything wrong with this?

Li Cong also smiled helplessly. This week the fat man clearly praised himself, but in fact, I think it’s right to praise himself, especially the sentence like him when he was young. Brother, I’m not the same person as you. Yes, the gap is really big. F

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