Energy Group

Chapter 1112:

Episode 1112

Karelina’s work efficiency is still very good. When Li was resting, people had basically contacted the armament matter. Because of the tension in Myanmar’s domestic situation, the munitions were all very tense, but Ka Lielina still made two plans. This batch of munitions needs to arm nearly 70,000 people. The number of the first batch is not a small number. All types of firearms need 73,000, and all the bullets are based on the number of 500 bullets per gun. Come to prepare, all kinds of grenades, flash bombs, flares, etc. need 15,000 pieces, and 80,000 sets of military boots. Some of these things are purchased by Karelina from the Golden Triangle, and their inventory can support half. Other clothes and the like have been compared with the south of the country. The garment factory ordered. Myanmar and China are connected by train. With the transportation capacity of the energy group, it will be no problem to ship to Myanmar within half a month. The other half of the arms Karelina is directly with Vietnam’s largest arms dealer. Bought.

Speaking of this Vietnamese arms dealer is really well-known throughout South Asia. Their supernatural powers are so great that people can’t believe it. They can actually sell some of the standard equipment of the Vietnamese army. The final result is that the generals of this army can also get some benefits. The general secretary of the Viet Communist Party is said to be involved. The total amount of these things is one billion yuan from Li, which is not a large number, but This is just the beginning. The desire to train these people to become masters of refinement is just the beginning. There is Mr. Pi’s road in Myanmar. It is estimated that no one will intercept these things, even if it is. Without the roads opened by the central government, then the US dollar and the renminbi would be the best roads. These barriers on the road are just for making money. In addition, they have no need to establish it, Karelina When I finished all this, I printed out the main content I made and put it on Li Cong’s head. I was so sleepy that I curled up in Li Cong’s arms and fell asleep. [Search for the latest updates

When Li woke up the next day, it was itch by Karelina’s hair. One of the hair just went into his nostril. Looking at the Ling Luàn paper in his room, Li Cong knew this. The nv kid must be driving at night again. I looked at the text on Chuáng’s head. It seemed that the task he had given him had been overfulfilled. I just gave him a rough content, and others did it for himself. , Such a good subordinate is really hard to find. So many things only cost one billion yuan, which is very good. It did not use the group’s money. Although the group’s transportation route was used, the people in the investigation department would pretend to be Yes, the Skull and Bones and the Chinese Association will not find any evidence. Everything must be careful now. Since you want to win by surprise, you should not underestimate your opponents, especially the Chinese Association in Myanmar. Their boss is Li Jianzhang, who has a close relationship with him. This guy is really not a good person to deal with.

When Li Cong was thinking about Li Jianzhang, Li Jianzhang was also looking for Li Cong. The news he got was clearly that Li Cong had arrived in Myanmar, but the Chinese Association had been looking for hundreds of intelligence personnel in Myanmar for two days, and there was still no máo. I found that this is really amazing. The intelligence agencies of the energy group have experienced them. Although they are much better than their ability, it is impossible to be so strong. How can there be no news at all? And Li Cong He is a very arrogant person, such a person will have some troubles wherever he goes, but the search these few days has no goal at all, making Li Jianzhang feel a little unable to let go, and he is very frightened.

Li Jianzhang’s southward trip was also recognized by his family. They wanted to open up new forces in Myanmar to meet the challenge of the energy group, and to tear a hole in the energy group’s South Asian defense line. If Li had never been in Myanmar, maybe Li Jianzhang It’s really possible that this plan will have some results, but now that Li Cong has arrived, it is destined that this guy will not have any results. The Southern Army does support them, and they have also contacted some leaders in the north. The price offered is also very popular, but the generals in the north are insatiable people. They will not be satisfied to manage Myanmar with Li Jianzhang. They have a very good life now, and there is no need for such unrealistic things. They put all their possessions on the stakes. In their opinion, they must have their lives and deaths before they can put everything on them. Otherwise, there is no need. To put it bluntly, there is no crisis. The southern warlords are different. , Their life is too bitter, to the point that people can't believe it.

Earlier, Li Jianzhang also knew that the difference between the rich and the poor in the north and south of Myanmar was very large. Of course, he felt that there was food in the north and no food in the south. It is true that there is food, but the northerners account for less than 16 million of the population of Myanmar’s 50 million people. The rest are southerners, but these 16 million northerners consume 70% of the entire Myanmar. For the above food and various crops, more than 30 million talents in the South consume 30% of the food. Which warlords in the north has an annual income of several hundred million yuan, but what about these warlords in the south? Take the one supported by Li Jianzhang, that is, drug trafficking, killing people, and doing everything else will cost one or two billion yuan throughout the year, and this person is still relatively powerful in the South. Such a person is a very ordinary person in the north. Warlords, if it weren't for their geographical advantage, it is estimated that their territory would have been occupied by northerners, and they are no different from slaves.

It is precisely because of these poverty problems that these southerners will tie their heads to their belts and follow Li Jianzhang to start the civil war. In the past, they had not fought a civil war, but under normal circumstances, only a few people in the north need to come. The tens of thousands of troops can immediately suppress them, and then there will be a **** massacre. The middle-aged of them will be taken back as slaves to the mountain, and the nv will be brought back by those warlords, or they will If you sell it to China for money, you will either be rewarded to your subordinates, and within a few years, the entire South will not slow down.

The man who worked with Li Jianzhang was called Jiakun. He was an authentic Burmese man. Don’t even look at him now that he even dared to eat ròu, but he was bullied to death in the past. He was married three times and had ten. A few nv people, but so far there is only one child. It’s not that he is not good at it. If all his children survive, he will have more than a dozen children, but those who are pregnant nv people have been his opponents. We were killed, most of them were killed by people from the northern military and political fǔ. When Li Jianzhang’s people found this guy when he was in the pain of a dirty son, he agreed without thinking about it. Although there are only less than 10,000 troops, these people are the strongest troops in the Southern Army. They are mainly members of the ethnic group in Jiakun's hometown. They are all family members. When fighting, they naturally recruit more than those casually. People are much stronger, and they have a tacit understanding. At the beginning, Jia Kun had no other ideas. He just wanted to kill a few members of the northern army to avenge his son, and he knew his army and the northern army very well. He even chose his route to enter the mountain. But what surprised him was that his troops were replaced with new weapons on the first day. These are some good guns, and the bullets are still so good. Sufficient, the most important thing is that the Chinese brought more than a dozen people. It’s really amazing. Every time a confrontation is encountered, the head of the opponent’s general will fall off before it starts, so it’s a fart. , Naturally he took the opponent's position with a wave of his hand. Jia Kun really never thought that he would achieve such an achievement. He could dominate half of Burma. At this time, he no longer wanted to kill a few. The northerner, but he wanted to dominate the entire Burma.

"Mr. Li, why do I look a little unhappy about your appearance? We have unified the entire Southern Front. We now have 200,000 troops. Although there are 100,000 people without weapons, they will soon have them. , We can hold the central area with these 200,000 troops. As long as Mr. Li’s next batch of equipment is available, we will immediately have 400,000 troops. Then we can go to Yangon. At that time, we two I am really the Lord of Burma." When Jia Kun came in, he saw Li Jianzhang a little surprised. Although Mr. Li’s person is powerful, but this guy is too conservative in his affairs. If he went on an offensive a few days ago, it might be possible. I will be in Yangon, Myanmar, but now I can only station troops in the central region. I really don’t know what this guy thinks. Even the sharpest first army in Myanmar can’t resist him. What kind of army can resist him? , Even the unbelievable energy group sent people to mén to see himself. Getting the summoned by the energy group in Myanmar is basically acknowledging your influence. The next step is to negotiate some details of dividends. If it is called Jiakun, If he confronts the energy group, he doesn’t have the courage. He has personally seen a tribe who refuses to obey the discipline of the energy group. One night more than a dozen large planes came and threw a bunch of bombs. It's flattened, and such a thing can't come to my own head.

Unified the Southern Front? Li Jianzhang smiled helplessly. Is this a unified Southern Front? I really don't know what this guy thinks. There are indeed 200,000 soldiers in the Southern Army, but do you really think you are invincible? The war in the central region was indeed your victory, but don’t you look at the objective conditions? The Northern Army doesn’t know it at all, so you are a sneak attack, and the Northern Army’s weapons are much behind you. Their artillery is only a few dozen mén, and they are all old. It is said that they don’t even have shells. The artillery will blow up the hall, but what kind of equipment are you guys? Your weapons are not so good. They are all taken directly from the assembly lines of those military factories in the Middle East. You have hundreds of large and small artillery, which directly bombarded someone and disappeared before rushing up, and the other party was really in some places. Army, it’s not the strongest Central Army in Burma. In the central part, you also played with the two regiments of the First Army. Later you reported that you defeated the First Army in Burma, but all the signs indicated that it was They retreat by themselves, they don't want to fight such a disparity, causing unnecessary losses, and the United Southern Front. How much can you control of the 200,000 troops? Is it half? Many people watch the money go. They can listen to you today, and they can listen to another rich person tomorrow. Can these people who have nǎi mothers live reliably? Absolutely not.

"General Jiakun, I hope you will not be so optimistic. As you can see, the front line is not optimistic at all, and according to my reports, it seems that the emerald public market in Yangon City is still going on, there is no It means to stop. Why? This means that they didn’t care about us at all. They even felt that the event didn’t need to be over. You must have gone to the front again just now, right? Did you take people to the camp again? How about the casualties?" Li Jianzhang asked when he saw blood on this guy’s arm. This guy had never beaten the Northern Army like this before. He was always beaten by people. I have to try new weapons later. It’s just that the Northern Army really lost a lot at the beginning, but now people have stepped up their guards. Your subordinates seem to be five-and-three rough, but they are not soldiers. Li Jianzhang actually You don't need to ask to know what the result is. It must be a failure. If it succeeds, this guy will definitely show off people's head all over the room.

Yes, I just went to the front to take a look. You said a few days ago not to let me act rashly against the Northern Army. How could I not listen to you? Since they don’t close the Emerald Public Market, is it our offensive? Fierce, do you think we are preparing for the next round of attack? "This guy is a bit brainy, but at this time the offensive will definitely not yield any results, because the intelligence just now shows that the Northern Army has already sent several troops to the front line, although some troops have not yet Arrived, but this is definitely not something these rabble people can resist. It is like Chiang Kai-shek back then. The American equipment can’t beat the People’s Liberation Army, but Li Jianzhang doesn’t want to be Chiang Kai-shek. He already has a plan in his heart, but Before this plan is implemented, you must first attack your own people. The control of the entire Southern Army is only superficially in the hands of this Jia Kun, but some other tribes and warlords only come for money. This is not a good thing, Li Jianzhang First of all, he had to ask this kid to take control of the entire Southern Army.

"Okay, you can do less things like this in the future. Now I won't say anything to you. What I want you to do is to rectify your army immediately, regardless of whether it is the Northern Army or the Southern Army. "Although Jia Kun is stupid, Li Jianzhang has said everything for this purpose. If he still doesn't understand, he is really a fool.

"Mr. Li, are you going to do something against Shanbang and the others? Although they are not ours, they have also contributed to the previous things, and they have been in contact with our tribe for generations. If this is passed on, we can I can’t go back, I have to face the punishment of the elders.” Jia Kun said embarrassedly. Although he was also dissatisfied with the guys in Shanbang, of course, it was mainly because these guys didn’t listen to them. Killed them like this and swallowed their army. After returning home, it’s not easy to be able to replace them with the old people at home. They have a deep relationship with the tribes of Shanbang. As far as Jiakun is concerned, his aunt nǎinǎi is the mountain. Bang's daughter-in-law fù has a very strong relationship.

"Jia Kun, you have to know that this is a war, either you die or I die. Now I will give you an analogy. If you are a mountain state, the generals of the Northern Army tell him that if he can kill you, then the whole The South is yours, and given you a general seat, what would you do? Would you care about those relationships? On the contrary, if you don’t do they will kill you immediately, you are thinking Do you die? Or do you want Shanbang to die? Maybe now the special envoy of the Northern Army has arrived at Shanbang’s barracks. This is definitely not alarmist, this may become a reality." Li Jianzhang knew that without the support of this guy , It’s hard to want to get things done by yourself, you can only say so.

Sure enough, after Li Jianzhang finished speaking, there was a trace of murderous on the face of this guy, and he said to Shanbang in his heart, this is not my business, your boy, if someone from the Northern Army comes to your place, you must be sure Will betray me, for my own benefit, I can only ignore you.

"Mr. Li, what do you want to do? I listen to you, and my people will go to the assembly immediately. Just tell me what you want to do." Jia Kun's answer made Li Jianzhang look up a lot. Sometimes silly men are very decisive, especially when it comes to their own life and death.

"You just go and prepare quickly. In addition, ask people from the Quartermaster Department to distribute ammunition to your troops. People from other troops don't send them. Call Shanbang and the others to come here for a meeting at night. Remember, allow them to bring troops over. You can bring as many as you want, absolutely not for them to see.” Li Jianzhang did not do this kind of thing once, so he was very experienced. If they were prevented from bringing troops, problems would definitely occur.

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