Energy Group

Chapter 1115:

Episode 1115: Three Chinese Powers in Myanmar

This can also explain clearly why there is a doctor there. People like Zhou Fatty, who is a trader, can basically take on the big responsibility, but they still need some professional knowledge about organs and the like. Listen. Li Cong was a little surprised by Zhou Fat's words, these people really did everything. (Please keep in mind when reading novels)

"General Kari do they know that there is such a thing here?" Li Cong asked. He probably wanted to see what kind of attitude the Myanmar government had. Zhou Fatty sneered. If they had any reaction, it might not be possible here. Continue to sustain.

"Those people? They are the big bosses here. Of course, Mr. Pi is not involved. The big boss here is a warlord. All the supplies are from this guy. In fact, they are in the country except for the people who buy and sell. The whole world has its own channels. I say no to you. Energy groups may have places that are not involved in the world, because some places do not need energy in primitive society, but people's business can go all over the world. Yes, even some primitive tribes in South America and Africa have their business." Zhou Fat said, that expression looked very envious of others.

"These Burmese really do everything. The compatriots of their own country treat people like this? It's really shameful." Li Cong also doesn't want to care about this matter. With his reasoning, Li Cong is a little envious of Qin Guozhong at this moment. People don’t have so much curiosity. It may be that the guy has known these things a long time ago, and he didn’t know the result followed, and he felt so much in his heart. Trauma.

"This is not what you said. The Burmese were part of the place in ancient times. Later, we Chinese came over partly, and the two groups gave birth to partly together, so there is the current country and the current situation. It means that the number of people is large, it is the original inhabitants, but the part of their urban poor, the rich are people from China. These Chinese have very smart brains, so they are all very well, rich and poor. When the gap comes out, you have to move luàn, and it slowly rises to the national level. For the people I bought, most of them are the original residents of Myanmar, and a small part of them are from hún. As for the Chinese, live All of them are pretty good. They won’t come out to sell nv. Although the general who did this is an indigenous inhabitant of Myanmar, the big forces behind him are all from China, so he doesn’t dare to speak out even if he has ideas. It looks like General Kari, it looks very beautiful, but people who know it don’t think that he is just a dog.” Li Cong knew about this for a long time, and he could see it from Mr. Pi. It seems that this betrayal is not a matter of a day or two. The Chinese look down on these people's brains and want to enslave them, so how can there be no trouble.

On the way back, Li Cong said a lot less, and Zhou Fatty naturally knew what was going on, so he was speechless all the way.

Just when Li Cong and Zhou Fatty returned, some unfriendly things were happening in the upper echelons of Myanmar. This contradiction is a microcosm of the big contradiction in Myanmar right now. It is another contest between the local forces of Myanmar and the Chinese forces. The influence of the Chinese in the northern government is great, but there are also some powerful local Burmese people in the long-term development, such as Mr. Angkor who is now in the presidency.

It is the third year that Mr. Angkor has become the President of Myanmar. Every decree he has issued so far is not what he thought. He is also a very ambitious man. When he was young, he was born in a rich family in Myanmar. This also laid the economic foundation for him to study in Europe. Of course, this is not the reason why this guy can be the president in Myanmar. The reason why he can be the president in Myanmar is because his mother is a Chinese and his uncle is in Myanmar. Monstrous power.

At that time, Angkor’s uncle was the number one overlord in Myanmar. Now the three giants of the Central Government in Myanmar are all under his uncle at that time. Take this Mr. Pi as an example, he had dealt with Angkor’s father back then. The old-fashioned story. Although Angkor’s family was considered rich in Myanmar, the Chinese also valued bloodliness at that time. How could they let their sister marry such a person, so they fled with Angkor’s mother. At that time, Mr. Pi played the role of the sniper. Angkor’s father was interrupted by Mr. Pi at the time. Later, it was Angkor’s mother who took the death picture. This matter is regarded as a result. Later, the people in Myanmar also learned For things like democracy, these Chinese tycoons can't cover the sky with one hand. The rights that should be given to others still have to be given. Angkor returned from his studies at this time. The old leader’s nephew, this identity is enough. The Burmese president is cheaper than this guy, but real power is not so easy. When your uncle is alive, his old man has the final say, but when his old man is gone, it is not your turn to talk.

One of the three major Chinese forces in Myanmar is Mr. Pi and the other is Zhang Biao. He and Mr. Pi are basically the same, and Mr. Pi is the brother of Baiba, and their projects are similar. This guy was Angkor back then. One of my uncle’s bodyguards has developed in recent years. It is a small force, but it can also be ranked in the top ten in Myanmar. After this meeting, Mr. Pi is going to talk to his god-brother about joining the group. Up.

Mr. Pi is not the number one power of the Chinese in Myanmar. The number one power of the Chinese in Myanmar is naturally the uncle of Angkor. Even if the old guy is no longer there, he still has children. Mr. Liu is a Chinese in Myanmar. The big power is also the big power in Myanmar. The family has a deep relationship with the Golden Triangle. They also run some similar businesses. They are also partners of the energy group in Myanmar. The important thing is that they control 100% of Myanmar. For gold mines over 50, if Mr. Pi can make more than one billion yuan a year, people earn ten times that of Mr. Pi. The real wealth is powerful.

At this moment, these northern political leaders are discussing the plan for the south proposed by Mr. Pi. Mr. Pi himself has seen it. According to the current situation, the three major Chinese forces in Myanmar may be There is one thing left. This Mr. Liu must be old and strong. When he is old, he can still leave others a front line, but this guy always eats more and takes up more things. Even if President Angkor supports it He must also support his cousin. On the outside, the relationship between the cousin and the cousin is still very good, but Mr. Pi knows that this is just a surface, and it is estimated that there have been many quarrels inside, but it just didn't show it.

"I think Uncle Pi's plan is good. Since you can trust this person who supports you, and we can trust you, there is no problem. We will meet and talk another day. The main thing in front of us is to withstand the Southern Army. My people came back from the front line. They are completely different this time. Their strength has been greatly improved. This is the news that just came. In the first round of attack, they have 105mm. There were only a few howitzers at the beginning, but now there are dozens of them. I hope that Uncle Pi will put the first army on top first, and we will have time to assemble the troops. Otherwise, I’m afraid that we can rely on the current second-line troops. Very problematic." Mr. Liu said with the document in his hand.

The urban nonsense mentioned earlier is the main thing for Mr. Pi to take out the jīn sharp first army in his hand. Back then, the first army was his father’s strong fighting force, but Mr. Pi has always been running the first army. Until the time of the separation, I was not sure to manage the army. It would be better to be a good person and directly hurt Mr. Pi. Otherwise, if I had to come over, I would not be able to manage them. Should I throw away money every year?

Several other local Burmese forces came out after receiving Mr. Liu’s suggestion that this opinion is okay. They also said that their troops lack guns and cannons, but they basically won’t be effective if they are pulled up. It’s just some bombs from the Southern Army of Fei. Seeing such a harmonious scene in front of him, how could the old jān cunning Mr. Pi not know what happened? Needless to say, these people were bought by Mr. Liu. Of course, he himself could not have such a strong appeal. It must be his cousin of the president who helped him a lot. At this moment, seeing how disgusting they are, I had known that this way he would not come. The First Army can protect itself. If there is another unit similar to the First Army, regardless of whether the Southern Army or the Northern Army is in Burma, there is no ability to invade others by itself, but the defense is still no problem.

"You guys, I basically understand what you mean, and I know that you are indeed having difficulties, but I also have difficulties. I hope you can understand me. My troops are receiving some weapons and equipment. To be honest with you, I also feel that there will be big things coming, so I almost took out all my belongings and bought some good things from various places. My army has not adapted to it these days, so please come back. For a few days, I have urged General Kari to train quickly. As long as he has combat effectiveness, I will immediately let him lead his army south to block the Southern Army." Basically, Chinese people are naturally capable of such things as Tai Chi. , Especially the old cunning man like Mr. Pi.

Mr. Pi’s words are also true, and everything they say is justified. This is originally because Renjiagang bought weapons. This soldier is not very familiar with him. He wants to go to war. It seems to be a bit of a nonsense. The watch also agreed. Of course, this approval comes at a price. Before the meeting, Mr. Pi knew that he might be isolated. Therefore, the price of 1 million rounds of ammunition in exchange for Zhang watch’s support is very appropriate. The watch's troops will have to be strengthened in a few days, and I am not giving it to him in vain. It's a matter of urban calculation.

In the past, the meeting basically had to end at this time, because neither of the two controversial people would give in. Anyway, it’s okay if it's not their own vital interests that they will get off for a while, but now it’s different, this The fire is about to burn over. Although these people live in Yangon, their major profit-producing areas are all in the north. If they are rushed in by those southerners, it will really cut their money. So no one has to leave now.

"Uncle Pi, I think this can be done? You know that the combat effectiveness of our troops is really bad. We also know that Uncle Pi's First Army also contributed some time ago, and Yangon The Emerald Fair is still being held, and the troops are scattered a little. Can we only send two regiments with 8,000 troops? The reputation of the First Army in Myanmar is unmatched, as long as the First Army is in On the battlefield, that is synonymous with victory, and it has a great effect on other armies." Mr. Liu saw that his trick failed, and he immediately had a second trick. Of course, this can only be regarded as reaching himself. Part of his strategy, so he should not be able to refuse.

"Mr. Liu, you have already said that. Ordinarily, I should have agreed, but I just agreed to Brother Zhang and gave him a large part of the arms. I need the strength of these two regiments to **** him. Everyone knows. If you have to pass through the Golden Triangle, it will be of no use if the troops are not strong." Mr. Pi is planning anyway. We said at the last meeting that my army is only in charge for a week, and the rest is up to you. Now, I’m trying to behave again one by one. It’s not possible. We’re not stupid. Last time you offered a price of 100 million RMB. We’re fine. How can we not give money this time? Even if you give money, it won’t work anymore. Our First Army is temporarily unable to go out. How many things are there.

Hearing what Mr. Pi said, Zhang Biao quickly stood up to testify that it was related to 1 million rounds of ammunition. How can I not work hard? Others don’t know my plight, but we know it. We have three emerald mines. There is basically no emerald anymore. If you don't strengthen your guard, I guess you will let someone else eat it when you sleep.

"Uncle Pi, is there any financial problem? We can solve some of it." Mr. Liu hasn't seen anything yet. Hai thought it was the same as last time because of the money problem. Now Jade is open for business. So good, the money is rushing. At the moment, the price of 100 million yuan a week is nothing. As long as you can keep it, we will pay this price.

"Hehe, Mr. Liu, you really said too much. Last time it was really because of money. This time it was really a bit hōu. You just talked about the 105mm artillery, but I was a little bit jān with an arms group. It’s done. If everyone is interesting about this, I can pick a middleman. Of course, I won’t take any profit.” Mr. Pi is also an old cunning man, knowing that he’ll have to fill it if he keeps on talking. Talk to him.

"But the dignity of our political fǔ must always be upheld. That's good. The Southern Army now has 200,000 people going to Mandalay. If they are allowed to fight Mandalay, I think we are doing it. All of you will suffer a huge loss. Although we have 50,000 troops on the front line, I don’t tell you what they are capable of. We have to hōu to transfer a 100,000 jīn sharp army to the past. , Of course, it’s okay if there is no one. If the frontline collapses, everyone is responsible. If someone’s place goes wrong, he has to compensate us. We partnered up and swallowed his site first. Uncle Pi also has it. For my own reasons, I think I can give Uncle Pi two more days to end the meeting." Mr. Liu knew that this time should be a little stronger, so he said so based on his own power, and no one would dare to violate it. Own, although he is not as strong as his father back then, but there is no problem with Jiuding at a glance.

President Angkor glanced at his cousin impatiently. How can you say that you are the president? Your power is not small, but you are only a member of the council in Myanmar. Can you announce the adjournment like this? Put me wherever he is, but he also knows how capable he is. If his mother hadn’t asked for this Mr. Liu, or if he had half of the Liu family’s blood, he might be a rich man at the moment. He didn't even have the qualifications to watch a play. Thinking of the dozen or so guards that he can command now, let's suppress this.

Everything is the same as Everyone knows what Liu Da’s master has said. At this time, I should go back and prepare. There are a lot of things like this in the past. If this guy is really anxious, what will happen? They could be picked up, but at this moment something that surprised them happened. At this moment, they found that Mr. Pi had been sitting all the time, as if he hadn't moved at all. What did this guy want to do, is he going to rebel?

"Mr. Liu, I feel that this matter is a bit inappropriate. I just said that the people here are busy. It is impossible for any troops to go to the front line in Mandalay. I don't think I will get out of there. "Mr. Pi said while trimming his fingernails, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, as if the person in front of him was a common man.

At this moment, even Zhang Biao who got up in Hong Kong was a little surprised. This guy gave himself 1 million rounds just to support him, but there must be a limit. You can support yourself when you are pimping. Yes, because everyone knows those things, nothing will happen, but now? Now you are confronting the Liu family head-on. This matter can’t support you. It will cause problems. Originally, Hai thought that the 1 million rounds of ammunition would be cheap by himself. I didn’t expect this cheapness would not be so easy to take. It should be explained now that although Mr. Liu’s power is not as good as before, it is no longer a problem to clean up their two conversations. Others don’t know their power, and he was once the core of the Liu family. But it is very clear.

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