Energy Group

Chapter 1134:

Episode 1134

In the mountainous areas of northern Myanmar, here is Pilong’s hiding place. In the past, it was said that Myanmar’s First Army was the strongest combat force in Myanmar. In fact, it was more of a gimmick. Where is the strongest force in Myanmar? They are all in the mountainous areas of northern Myanmar. Yangon is very important, but it can only be a trading place. The most important place in Myanmar is the northern mountainous area with rich mines. Warlords of various factions have treaty restrictions. Jointly defending Yangon, will they really abide by the treaty and put their best soldiers in Yangon? That’s absolutely impossible. Take now, if the two ordinary guards at Pilong’s gate were in the First Army, they would definitely be at the level of a battalion commander, but here he can only be a guard, but He doesn't have any complaints at all, because he knows exactly how capable he is to become a battalion commander here.

The combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the northern mountainous area is clear. Of course, it’s not that all the soldiers here are very strong. It can only be that all the warlords who guard the house are very strong. Others may not have that ability. Since his return, Long has been paying attention to the affairs of Yangon. Although he himself has withdrawn from Yangon, his every move is still in his eyes. The most important thing is that he wants to know that Mr. Li’s The whereabouts, what I need most now is that Mr. Li, if that person disappears, it will be a fatal injury to me, because that person gave me the courage to fight against the Liu family, but now that person No longer, do you still have the confidence?

Certainly not. Although I have a great influence in Myanmar and speak very well, Liu's family said the same as himself. If they come to attack their territory, they will definitely be defeated, but Master Liu Is such a silly person coming to attack himself? The places they control by Liu Jia are all important traffic roads. The other warlords in Myanmar are in the innermost part of the mountainous area, and the Liu family controls some marginal areas. Their purpose of controlling here is also very obvious. You do not all have minerals. Rich place? Then I will control the traffic arteries. In this way, we still need to cooperate. You work hard to dig out the minerals. When you get to me, don’t you still have to pay tolls? This is equivalent to starting the construction together. For so many years, the Liu family has exploited them in this way, but they dare not speak, and they don’t have that ability.

From the perspective of military strength comparison, after the new expansion, Pilong is fully capable of mobilizing 300,000 troops, while the Liu family’s standing army has nearly 400,000. They have not yet mobilized for combat, if they are mobilized. There can be an army of nearly 700,000, and these people don't know anything. They have experienced many battles. Some people say that this is impossible. How can a small Myanmar have so many troops? This is determined by the national conditions of this country. In Myanmar, everyone can definitely be a soldier. You can find a few ordinary people to be soldiers, but it depends on the strength of the soldier's combat effectiveness.

From the financial point of view, Pi Long is even more not an opponent. He had secretly investigated when he was working in the Liu family before. The annual income of the Liu family was at least five times that of his own, even if he passed it later. Other ways have narrowed a bit, but there are still some gaps. I can reduce the gap to three times at most, even if it’s pretty good. I still have some little secrets that I haven’t told, let alone the Liu family. People must have their own. What I don’t know, Pilong feels sweat on his neck when I think of it. Why did I believe in that kid so eagerly at the beginning? How could I be so anxious to tear my face with Young Master Liu? Now there is no room for recovery. Unlucky.

Pi Long has been wandering around in the office for a long time, and never thought of how to deal with the Liu family by his own strength. Although the Liu family is not as good as before, the words that the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse are a bit more obvious. It’s true that he doesn’t use it to attack himself at all, and he can’t do anything by blocking the way he connects with the outside world. Although his troops are powerful, they are not in vain, and they have to stay away from their own territory. If you go outside to fight, your own soldiers will appear to be uncomfortable, but now the two sides are in a period of peace, so you can make more plans for yourself, do you want to escape to China behind you? This is the last way. It is absolutely impossible to go through when it is not a last resort. What I hope most now is that the people left in Yangon can help me find that Mr. Li.

There will definitely be Pilong’s people among General Kari’s subordinates. They have reported to Pilong about the defeat of General Kari. They also said that in the end they did not find that Mr. Li, there were no living people, and there was no dead body. , This shows a problem, either this Mr. Li has passed, or this Mr. Li just died in a corner and has not been found, Pi Long must force himself to believe that Li Cong is still alive, there is nothing at all. Otherwise, he was really afraid that he might not be able to support it. Now the young man who convinced himself is the only hope for himself and the tens of thousands of people here, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Dad, what do you think? How do I think you are motionless? Come and eat some fruit, we planted it ourselves." Pilong was thinking about things when a young girl came in and Pilong looked up I glanced at this daughter of my own, who is known as the first beauty in Myanmar. Her long wavy hair is flying in the wind, she has soft phoenix eyebrows, she has beautiful eyes and a beautiful nose, and her cheeks are blushing and exhale. Lan’s vermilion lips, her cheeks flushed like snow, her crystal clear and snow-like skin is like ice and snow, she has a slender figure, like a fairy who has fallen from the sky. There is a girl like this in the house who really doesn’t know if it’s a blessing or a blessing. Woe to him, but Pilong still has the ability to protect his daughter, but what about

"Meng'er, it's better to leave those things alone and leave them to the next person to do. When I first came back, they said that you were asleep, so I didn't go to disturb you." It can be seen that Pi Long treats his daughter very much. Her love, her words were not as harsh as usual, and this daughter did not feel how powerful her father was. In her eyes, she was just her own father, a father who cherished her, and there was no other difference.

"I have nothing here. What can I do without getting some of this? Father, when can we go to Yangon? Didn't you say that you are taking me this month? Why are you back now? Can I go now?" The girl is always locked in this mountainous area. Even the beautiful scenery may not be in any mood at this time. Although I have not yet reached the mountain and can count the number of grasses clearly, but At least there is no freshness anymore. A trip to Yangon every few months is what she looks forward to most. Pilon looked at her daughter apologetically, and basically couldn't satisfy her even this request.

"We won't be able to go this month. There is war in Yangon, and we can't enter at all. Yangon is now a waste zone." Pilong said honestly, looking at his daughter's big eyes. He couldn't even tell a lie. The little girl was very disappointed when he saw it, but the director did not care about this matter. He hurriedly brought fresh fruit to his father and suddenly seemed to think of something important. The same, "Dad, you said there was a war in Yangon, isn't it safe for us? Are we going to flee again?" The little girl's eyes are full of fear. It is a terrible thing.

Pi Long didn’t want to live the previous days. He remembered when he heard his daughter say that. His daughter was only fifteen years old at that time. The **** Young Master Liu fell in love with his daughter and wanted to do it. Little wife, at that time, she was not so powerful, she could only pretend to be a merchant and escape. Later, after the incident was revealed, the family could only return to the base in the north through the mountains. Everything in the jungle left the family with Schenker. In the memory of the girl’s mother, it was at that time that the girl’s mother passed away. When I think of it, Pilong’s eyes are moist. Escape in Myanmar is a very terrible thing. Basically, it is deadly. When something like that happened, I didn't have a few relatives anymore.

"No, Xiao Meng'er don't think so much anymore, now my father's power is already very powerful, don't you see that we have hundreds of thousands of troops? We don't need to run away at all now, now we don't bully Others are pretty good, why would they run away? Just play with you. Dad promises you that as long as the outside situation is better, Dad will take you to Hong Kong to play, OK?" Pi Long’s daughter has been to Hong Kong several times. I was envious of that place to the extreme. If I didn't think that I had no influence in Hong Kong, I really wanted to put my daughter in that place to live a good life. It was a top paradise for the Burmese.

It was so easy to coax his daughter out, Pi Long was tired at the moment without any strength, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure of too many things.

"Mr. Pi, our munitions points have been calculated. Although we have machines for producing firearms, the raw materials have always been a major issue that restricts us. Now that we have a lot of raw materials, we can only manufacture 20,000 submachine guns of various types. , But this quality is difficult to guarantee. Our workers are not very familiar with it. As for bullets, we are very wealthy. This Mr. Li has shipped us 40 million rounds at one time, which can support several major battles. "Yes." A kind of butler came in and said. He has served Pi Long for five years. He has never left the base in these five years. He is considered Pi Long's most trusted person. Otherwise, it would not be so clear.

Seeing this result is still very good, at least for a short time not to worry about all kinds of weapons and ammunition, in other places may be the most important thing is food, but in Myanmar, especially in the northern mountains of Myanmar, the most important thing is ammunition. , If you have ammunition, you have everything. If you don’t have ammunition but you have everything, then your doom is really not far away, and someone will come to beat your ideas immediately, that’s why After Pilong came back, he immediately wanted to see how old he was. Now that he had fallen out with the Liu family, it was basically impossible to buy raw materials from them. There is a new way out, and some jade ores and gold mines in my own territory may not be sold. My economy will not cause problems in a short time, but there will be all kinds of problems after a long time. The problem arises.

"Pharaoh, arms and supplies are now our lifeblood. I know you paid attention to these things before, but now you have to pay more attention to it. There must be no mistakes. We have fallen out with the Liu family. This is our last support." Pi Long said, looking at the old king in front of him, these are also the foundations of his footing.

"Mr. Pi, you don't need to worry about this. I have been here for five years and have never had a problem of going abroad, but now I am not worried about this. What I am worried about is that our goods cannot be shipped. If we can't, we can't. To obtain the things for our survival, the materials we stored in those few months can survive, but there may be problems after a long period of time. No amount of ammunition can be eaten." Old Wang frowned, he said. However, I know that soldiers, weapons and ammunition have been delivered continuously during this period of time, but there are no other things at all. This is very difficult for him as a butler, but I can’t understand it on the phone. You must make it clear when you meet someone.

"I know this, but now you also know our situation. We used to do trade with outsiders, but now there is no trade at all. What should we do. If we also have enough helicopters, it will be fine. , Then you can ship the things directly without looking at the faces of Liu’s family.” Pi Long said helplessly. This matter is now their biggest problem. No one knows what to do. Now it’s not just them. Even several other warlords are also suffering from this problem at the moment. They were also taken aback by the tariffs that the Liu family suddenly raised, but at least they can still do business with the Liu family. Pilong is here directly. Don't talk about it.

"Mr. Pi, when we had frictions with the Liu family before, we used to find other warlords to help us do business. It would be enough to give them a little benefit afterwards, but after the Liu family raised tariffs, if we still follow In the past, we had to pay too much. Even if we took out all of us, it might not make this army of hundreds of thousands live longer. I have an idea. I don't know if I should say it. "At this time, the old Wang gritted his teeth and thought of a vicious idea. It was because of this idea that some small warlords in northern Myanmar wanted to kill this old guy directly. It was all his bad idea.

"At this time, what are you still selling Guanzi? A few months later, we won’t have anything to use. Come on." Obviously, Pi Long is very uncomfortable with Lao Wang selling Guanzi at this time. What I want to know most is what I should do. Of course, it is absolutely impossible to let myself marry a girl. He knew that Lao Wang would not mention this. When there was a trouble in the year, a subordinate said it. This matter, I shot him directly, and besides, it is much better now than it was then.

"Hey, Mr. Pi, if you are not satisfied with this idea, just pretend that I didn't say, Mr. Pi, don't shoot your gun. This matter I said has nothing to do with the young lady." Seeing Pi Long, I will get angry. , Lao Wang said with a smile, and after seeing the anger on Pi Long's face went down, he continued: "Mr. Pi, although we don't have so many supplies, there are many people around us who have them, let alone others. Just say that Wu Dadan is more than a hundred kilometers south of us. I heard that the old boy said that his 50,000 troops can eat for several we **** him, we will not Can you get through the current difficulties?" Lao Wang was also a little scared when he spoke. This may be a very common thing with others, but it is not very good with Pilong. Pilong is too famous. , It is estimated that he would not do such a thing, Lao Wang just said that, did not expect Pi Long to agree.

50,000 troops have been eating for many years? Although the troops are a bit less, if they are all brought back, the hundreds of thousands of troops won’t last for a few years. It’s always okay to eat for half a year. As long as you can hold on for half a year, you may have a solution. , This Wu Dadan himself knows that he never gives face to himself because of his older age. He always talks about the things of the year. In the past, he really wanted face, but now he has only two ways to face him. One is to let his daughter marry Young Master Liu, maybe the beams on both sides can be unlocked, and the other is to start with the small warlords around. I heard that the Jiakun in the central region has moved several times. I haven't seen anyone say anything, I just follow him to learn, I can't live anymore, I still care about what others do.

"Well, non-toxic, not a husband, we did this. You brought 30,000 elites overnight, and don't arrange any battle plans. Just kill it tonight. We will be the first one to do this Wu Dadan." Said, Lao Wang suddenly felt that he didn't know him anymore. It seemed that in times of danger, everyone would choose to die, and the reputation was like **** at this time.

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