Energy Group

Chapter 1138:


Episode 1138 Zhou Fatty's 300 Million Hong Kong Dollars

To put it bluntly in this room, in fact, Fatty Zhou felt that the gift was a bit expensive. If it was not a big deal for Qin Guozhong, after all, such a big family, this Zhiqiang might be the next generation of the ship king family. His ineffective brother has always been in Macau and will not come back. It is estimated that the amount of money that he enters every month will have to be the same. If you give it to yourself, it is considered a friendship, mainly because his family wants to open a new store in the International Building in Central. Most of the shops there belonged to the ship king’s house. If you don’t give a heavy gift, you probably won’t give it to yourself. A new jadeite store will have to be opened in that place before anyone can see it. Otherwise, you don’t have to. So many courtesy.

This Madam Zhang looked up at Qin Guozhong, with a hint of approval in her eyes. Is this the patron of the next generation of Qin Jewelry? It looks good. People give such a heavy gift. I can’t just sit there. Although I’m not a member of the jewelry industry, I still know more or less about the recent jade market. Things in Yangon are almost The whole world knows it, and also knows that the millions of rough jadeites that were supposed to be sold on the jade public market have been destroyed and turned into a pile of broken pieces. The jadeites Qin Guozhong brought back may become out of print. This is Hong Kong The big families in the region are all with deep roots. In their eyes, those diamonds and gold are a symbol of nouveau riche. Only emeralds and various gems can be called noble representatives. In the future, the Qin family will have such a unique But you can never worry about selling a batch of goods. This is a lot of face for yourself.

"Haha, Xiao Qin, you are so polite, but since it was Mr. Qin’s kindness, I won’t refuse. It seems that the older generation’s face is better, but I hope my grandson will get married in the future. At the time, Xiao Qin gave us a copy, hehe, it’s a long way to go. Recently, I heard the secretary say that you are going to open a new shop in the International Building. We have a few shops over there. You just tell Zhiqiang if you are the winner. I will leave it to him. By the way, your elder brother also teaches him something. The students who have just left the gate have a lot of things they don’t understand." His wife is also a generous person. The shop floor over there has recently been snatched up to a high level, no less than the status of jade in jewelry. Qin Guozhong was relieved when he said that, there is no money in his family. White flowers.

"Thank you Aunt Zhang. Zhiqiang, I watched him grow up. It can't be wrong. What kind of friendship was the old ship king with my grandfather? We can't be wrong." Qin Guozhong patted the young man on the shoulder and said This guy named Zhiqiang just smiled silly. It seemed to be a bit of a student smell. Mrs. Zhang saw that Fatty Zhou had been in the house twice, and knew that she had achieved her goal. It's time to go. She didn't come here to buy jewelry. In fact, she wanted to see how the relationship between the old ship king and the old man Qin was. Now it seems to be very useful, and she has to maintain this relationship. Apart from other things, it is said that the Qin Guozhong in front of us is the best of the next generation in Hong Kong. With his leadership, Qin Jewelry can definitely stand firm. Maybe it is the next generation of jewelry king in Hong Kong. He said a few more gossips. I left.

Qin Guozhong went out and kept sending two people to the elevator. Then he said that he would send security guards to send these things there. The rich in Hong Kong are very life-saving, but they don’t take such valuable things on the road. You might get robbed directly after you go out. Robbery and murder are very common in Hong Kong.

"What's the matter? It's not easy to live in Myanmar. I came to my place. Your kid didn't give me a call, so I could ask someone to pick you up." Qin Guozhong who entered the door saw Fatty Zhou watching it. A few pieces of jade jewelry, my eyes are a little obsessed, this kid is not the one who has never seen the world, why can't I find such a few pieces of jewelry?

"Is it so troublesome for people in my family? I came here as the safest car. Let me talk about serious things first. Why do I think you are too profiteer? Just a little jewelry. If you look at the raw materials, the most is With the size of a fist, you dare to sell 26 million Hong Kong dollars if you are really good? If you get all the violets, you can't sell more than one billion? I think it's possible for several billions." Fatty Zhou pointed to the table. The Violet Jewelry on the website said that at the beginning, how big Qin Guozhong's piece was, he knew best. It was bought at a price of 1.4 billion yuan. Now it seems that it can be doubled in just a few months? This jade is too powerful, why didn't I buy it in the first place.

Qin Guozhong didn’t answer Fatty Zhou’s words. He asked Fatty Zhou to sit on the sofa. Such a precious thing is a shame. If he broke it to himself, he would really cry and have no place to cry. Qin Guozhong carefully put a few pieces of jewelry. Packed it in a silver-white box, and then called in his secretary to give a few instructions, to the effect that a few people from the security team were sent to the villa of the ship king in Tsuen Wan, and the receipt was signed. Then I have time to come over and talk nonsense with Zhou Fatty. At this moment, it’s strange to see Fatty Zhou’s body, Qin Guozhong. Why isn’t Burma not at war? Why is this kid not thin at all, but he looks a lot fatter. It is how it happened?

"You mean my body?" Fatty Zhou pointed to his stomach and said, "Don't mention it, I did lose a few kilos at the beginning. You said that in such an environment, I might not lose weight. Okay, but do you know? After I arrived in Thailand, it was safe there. I started to eat hard. I ate several bowls of rice for a meal, and I put it in my stomach with all my strength. Who knows that a few weeks’ time has not only made up for the original weight loss, but also made me tens of kilograms fat. You say it’s fun or not.” Fatty Zhou didn’t feel that he had two people alone. What's wrong with the place, but he shook his fat body proudly. It was a pride.

"Don't talk about things with my body. I know a little bit about the price of this jadeite. Why is it so expensive now? Is it because of the Burma war?" Fatty Zhou thought that his question just now has not been answered. Do you want to make a lot of money? If the price is really increased, then the things in your box can be

"Yes, the Burmese war is part of it. The most important thing is that now Mr. Liu has blocked the northern part of Burma. In the past, some rough jadeite stones were smuggled out during the war, but it is no longer possible. He has taken the way in and out. After being blocked, only the sky can come out, but Myanmar has no airport at all, and helicopters are not useful at all. Recently I heard that several large warlords in the north have begun to deal with small warlords. If the northern part is unified, it will be even more troublesome. In the past, when they competed with each other, we might still have some profit, but now if they unite, that would be the worst thing.” Thinking of Qin Guozhong’s face, there is not a trace of it. I am happy, although the price increase has made me a lot of money, but how should I go in the future? This market is absolutely big, but the supply of goods is only so small that you can use as much as you want. There are several second-tier cities on the mainland. The store is basically in a hurry. Even if the price is raised, many rich people will buy it. They can only maintain the Hong Kong side first. After all, the price here can be sold higher, and the inland earning is relatively speaking. It’s still a bit less. I really don’t know what people think nowadays. Isn’t this diamond an expensive stone? How come it is like a child who no one hurts compared to jade now. A diamond necklace of millions of diamonds would be better than jade if ordinary people watch it, but it’s not the same thing in the eyes of the rich. How can a multi-million diamond chain show your wealth? That is to say, what they bring is not jewelry at all, it is money, it is their own wealth, others have it, and you don’t have it. This means that your wealth cannot keep up with others. It is the psychology of people who buy jade now.

It turned out to be like this. Don’t think Fatty Zhou came down from the forefront of Burma, but when it comes to understanding the situation in Burma, he can’t keep up with Qin Guozhong. At best, he knows that jadeite will increase in price, but why and how much can it increase? He didn’t know it. Fortunately, he wasn’t an inquisitive person. At this moment, he set his sights on the box he brought. He was indeed the safest car, because he brought a few. A piece of precious jade, this thing is not ordinary precious, it is the finest thing in jade, a piece of top-quality red jade, the kind of red that looks very comfortable, but I don’t know the price, so I brought it to Qin Guozhong. Give firmness all at once.

"When you come, don’t talk about business, you are mad at me, you quickly open me and see, your kid and that guy are really lucky, how did you find something like this? Do you two know how to put jade? , If it breaks in the middle, I won’t kill you two.” Qin Guozhong became anxious as soon as he heard it. You said that you were sitting here for a long time before talking about business. If we are not friends, I will go straight up and give it to you. It's a kick, what's important for such a big person, what's not important, don't you know, this red jade has never been seen by myself, it is true, this is definitely the king of jade, it can be compared with the emperor green. , Such a thing was brought by such a layman, almost dizzy.

Fatty Zhou looked at Qin Guozhong. If he didn’t open the box to him immediately, he might have come up and hit him. He quickly opened the box. There were two pieces of jadeite material of high ice and sun-green, although it was a rare one. It’s good stuff, but Qin Guozhong obviously didn’t pay attention to these two. This is what Li came out of that stone. He saw that he had the same two pieces in his safe. What I want to see is the red jade.

My old field, it is really a piece of superb quality. Natural red jadeite is a secondary color. It is distributed under the weathered surface or along the rough cracks of the jadeite. It is a color formed by iron minerals. The red is different, bright red. The color is not much, it is usually brownish red. The best red is called cockscomb red. It is not easy to find a red jade with good natural quality. This red jade is the size of a football, and the color is the best cockscomb. Red, fame and fortune, and delicate texture. It is the best of the red jadeites. I saw Qin Guozhong, a person who has seen the world and never recovered for a long time. What kind of luck is this kid? Good jadeites let this kid meet We are not alive anymore.

"Fat man, this is a top-notch red jadeite. What did the kid tell you to bring here, tell me to keep it or something? I don't have so many safes. The ones from last time are still there, good guys. Just sell me one piece and ask me to keep so much for him. Isn’t the storage fee low?" Qin Guozhong said that the number of jade has been reduced bit by bit, check his insurance If the things in the cabinet are all by themselves, maybe the most generous storage period in the history of Qin’s jewelry is now, but I only have the right to keep it but not the right to use it. This **** little plum, I am greedy with such good things. Yes, I'm so angry.

"That's not true. You have wronged him. He wants you to keep these pieces of material. This piece of material is his travel expenses. Leave the red jadeite alone. You can show me this piece of mine now. How much money can I sell? I lost a lot in Myanmar this time. If you pay a good price for this material, I will sell it to you." Fatty Zhou didn’t have time to worry about their affairs. He went from Yangon to Thailand, Thailand waited for the formalities for a while, and found a beautiful lady to take it back. I didn’t expect it to be a personal demon. He disgusted herself and couldn’t eat for almost a few days. I wanted to kill the **** dead lady directly. From Thailand to Hong Kong again, it would be a strange thing for me to learn from Lei Feng for such a long journey. Although there is only a small piece of my own, it should be good. I can go back with my travel expenses, so I must first To do things for the people themselves, let others do first.

"What is it? This piece of material is your travel expenses. Why didn't you tell me to go with such a good thing? Your kid's luck is really good. I knew I was mixing up with you two in Yangon. I was fine and ran back. What are you doing? Although this material is not a very good material, it is about the same when you make some mid-to-high-end things. If you say you sell it to me, I will give you a fair price. How about 300 million Hong Kong dollars, although it can’t keep up. The price of the auction, but if you really go to the auction, you may have nothing to do with the various fees." Qin Guozhong couldn’t wait to go back in time. Why didn’t he think of keeping it at the time? , How many industries can Fatty have in Myanmar this week? The 300 million Hong Kong dollars is almost the same. This kid is really lucky. This kind of material used to be more than 100 million at most, but now it is different. This is a popular item.

"What the hell, this thing can sell for 300 million?" Fatty Zhou looked at Qin Guozhong with a look of disbelief. He didn't expect Qin Guozhong to be wrong, thinking that he was too small.

"I said Fatty, these 300 million Hong Kong dollars are not a low price. If I take them back and get them, I will earn tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars at most. If it weren't for our customer base, how could it be so high? As for the price, I’ll see you are a layman, so I’ll pay you 200 million yuan directly.” Qin Guozhong said, if you want the fat man to say he doesn’t believe it, he will have to take him out to find some experts in the jewelry industry to appreciate him. See if it is worth the price.

"No. No, Lao Qin, you didn't understand what I meant. I meant that the kid told me that it cost more than 100 million. Even if the price increase was not so great, right?" Fatty Zhou quickly grabbed Qin Guozhong, My friend Zhou Fatty absolutely believes, so naturally he doesn’t have that idea. It’s just that the price is too amazing. It is 300 million Hong Kong dollars. He has a lot of industries in Myanmar, and there are several mines, but they are all others. The rest of the digging amounted to more than 200 million at most. Not only did it not lose money, but it made a lot of money. How can I be I think that the kid gave it to me, The trip he had run for him was not bad, even the ladyboy was temporarily ignored for 300 million Hong Kong dollars.

Qin Guozhong suppressed his fire after hearing Fatty Zhou's words. He is a businessman, but he is his own brother. He still can't do things that cheat brothers. It turns out that this fat man was 300 million yuan. The Hong Kong dollar was scared. In fact, if you make jewelry and go out, you can earn 50 million Hong Kong dollars according to this price increase. The jewelry industry must be extremely profitable, just like the one just now, 26 million. I sell a jadeite at the price of, can they only buy such a small amount of jade jewelry? It’s impossible. They also bought a set of diamond jewelry, which is as high as 20 million Hong Kong dollars. I won’t give it away for free. The cost price is less than 8 million Hong Kong dollars. Even if you add in labor costs, it will cost 11 million Hong Kong dollars and earn 9 million Hong Kong dollars. This is how the profit comes out.

"Okay, this stone is so set. I'll write you a check in a while. Does that kid say how to sell this red jade?" Although the price of that jade is not low, it is not what I need now. Another big family gave itself an order. If this piece of red jade can get a share of the pie, it is estimated that it can earn tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. People have to buy a set of jewelry and several other pendants, which is not A laughing trader must get it. Although the violet one is also good, it seems to be a bit worse than the red jade.

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