Energy Group

Chapter 1327:

Episode 1327

Born in Singapore in 1953, the wife of Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and the daughter-in-law of Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew. His ancestral home is Fujian, China. He is currently the CEO of Singapore Temasek Holdings. (The most stable,) In 2004, the US "Fortune" magazine selected the 25 most influential entrepreneurs in Asia for the first time, He Jing ranked 18th, with Sony Group CEO Nobuyuki Idei, Japan Toyota Motor Corporation Chang Fu Fu and Hong Kong rich businessman Li Ka-shing are equally famous. He Jing is very low-key. Even when she speaks in public, she rarely answers people's questions. In the eyes of people who have worked with He Jing, she is a shrewd, capable, and keen person.

He Jing was awarded the Singapore Presidential Scholarship in 1972, and then obtained a first-class honours degree in electronic engineering from the University of Singapore, and later received a master's degree from Stanford University. In December 1985, He Jing, who worked as an engineer at the Ministry of National Defense, married Li Xianlong and became Li Xianlong's second wife.

Ho Ching joined Singapore Technology in 1987 as a defense contract subcontractor under Temasek Holdings. Later, she was gradually promoted to the company's chief executive officer and president. She took over Temasek Holdings in the year and transformed it into a comprehensive enterprise with business scope involving telecommunications, engineering, logistics and aviation.

Temasek Holdings is the most important official investment holding company in Singapore, currently in charge of tens of billions of dollars of assets in Singapore all over the world. Temasek Holdings was established in 1974 and its large enterprises include Singapore Airlines, Singapore Telecom, Singapore Development Bank and even the world-famous Singapore Zoo.

The US "Fortune" magazine announced the annual ranking of business women. Among the top 50 international women, 6 Chinese are on the list. They are He Jing, CEO of Singapore Temasek Holdings, and Zhang Yin, Chairman of Nine Dragons Paper. Haier Group President Yang Mianmian, Huawei Technology Chairman Sun Yafang, Shunde Group Managing Director He Chaoqiong, and China Power International Chairman Li Xiaolin.

Lee Hsien Loong, who became Singapore’s Minister of Finance in 2002, strongly opposed his wife Ho Ching’s acceptance

The position of President of Temasek. However, He Jingli rejected the crowds and accepted the invitation of Temasek Chairman Tanah Banan. After taking office, He Jing adopted the management strategy of "doing nothing". The group's investment income has risen rapidly, and the return on shareholder investment of all its listed companies has risen rapidly for several consecutive years. As a result, He Jing's name frequently appeared on the "Fortune" Power Women rankings. Temasek has become a behemoth with strong financial resources and capable of calling the wind and rain in the world.

Spend a hundred days. Since 2007, Temasek’s investments in the European and American banking industries have suffered heavy losses. According to Temasek’s public information, the loss of the last fiscal year as of March 2009 exceeded S$40 billion (approximately US$27.75 billion). Immediately after Temasek Chairman Tanah Banan issued an important statement that Temasek would introduce a new leader By. Soon, Temasek announced that Gu Zhibo, the former president of BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining group, would succeed He Jing as president of Temasek on October 1, 2009. When Temasek was in the economic crisis, Ho Ching stepped down suddenly, and as a state-controlled company, Temasek was even more curious to introduce a foreigner to take the position of any Ching. Such a management change seemed too radical and incomprehensible. But for such doubts, Temasek has never made a convincing explanation. Everything is hidden in a cloud of mist.

This suspicion was confirmed only 4 months after the two sides started the handover work-the two sides found that the differences on some strategic issues could not be unified. So on August 15, 2009, Gu Zhibo will resign as a director of Temasek. Before Gu Zhibo left, Temasek executives were full of confidence, saying that it took more than a year to consider the new CEO and believed that Gu Zhibo’s outstanding management experience should be prudent and appropriate for Temasek. Prior to the handover between Gu Zhibo and He Jing, relevant in-depth discussions and preparations were made, and all work was actively developed in the direction of striving for harmonious cooperation.

Without introduction, from the simple appearance of Ho Ching, you would not have thought that she would be the helm of Singapore’s largest state-owned enterprise, Temasek, and would not associate her with the radiant Singaporean first lady. . In today's world, more and more "first ladies" of various countries have begun to look up to Hillary Clinton. They are no longer willing to act as the green leaf of the president, but boldly and boldly walked to the front of the world stage with their special identity, with their unique influence. It affects all aspects of a country and even guides the trend of the entire world.

The "first lady" of Singapore also has fierce ambitions. When she appeared on various grand occasions on behalf of Temasek, when she appeared on the cover of Fortune magazine, when she was arguing with her husband Lee Hsien Loong, her simple appearance could not conceal her edge, He Jing was Strong. In 2002, she took up the post of Temasek's president amidst opposition. In 2009, after a brief resignation, she resurfaced in doubt. He Jing was repeatedly questioned, but she seemed to dismiss it.

In fact, Lee Hsien Loong's worries back then are obviously well-founded. In 2005, Temasek's intervention in the “nrp” equity held by the Thai Prime Minister Thaksin’s family triggered a strong backlash from the Singaporean people, which almost led to Lee Hsien Loong’s impeachment, but even so, she could not stop Ho Jing. Instead, she increased her investment. . No one knows his wife better than his husband. Lee Hsien Loong's worries back then are obviously well-founded. The largest investment loss observed by the outside world was undoubtedly Temasek's investment in Bank of America (bankofa). From the end of 2007, he started to hold the equity of Merrill Lynch and sold it all in the first quarter of 2009. The loss was between US$2.3 billion and US$4.6 billion. In the same year, Temasek's mergers and acquisitions of telecommunications and banks in Malaysia and Indonesia were also severely blocked by the local government. Leung Shixuan, Chairman of the Singapore Financial Services Professional Association commented: "Temasek's investment frustration shows that international diversified investment still has certain risks. We cannot expect Temasek to make a lot of money, but hope that they should also explain to the Singaporean people every step they take. Good." In fact, Ho Ching never left Temasek. During the handover of work between Ho Jing and Gu Zhibo, Temasek always focused on Ho Jing's decision. Even after Gu Zhibo came, Temasek could not weaken Ho Jing's influence on itself. He Jing has always been like the "Queen Dowager" sitting behind the curtain.

"This is the same as the Queen Mother of the West in our country." Li Cong naturally has no good feelings for the old lady Cixi, so naturally he has no good feelings for the first lady of Singapore. This is similar to Chinese state-owned enterprises. The system is no different, it's just a different approach, so that people can see everything in it more clearly.

Ho Ching, who is low-key and unassuming, has deliberately adhered to her self even after taking up the prominent position of Temasek's president: not accepting interviews from any reporters, and not making any media exposure. Therefore, even the public opinion circles in Singapore knew very little about her life experience and achievements at the time. The energy group's investigation department had a very high evaluation of this woman, and she was not arrogant at such a high position. This is a rare woman. If it weren't for his own enemy, Li Cong would really want to recruit this woman into his own group, saying that talent at this age is absolutely the most important.

With Lee Hsien Loong's promotion to the prime minister, He Jing, as the "first lady", can no longer avoid frequent appearances in front of the media.

But it was He Jing herself who really pushed herself in front of the mercury lamp. Due to the looting of the Asian financial crisis and the impact of the global economic recession after 9/11, Temasek, which He Jing took over, has gone downhill: the return rate to shareholders for 10 consecutive years is only 3%, which is far lower than that of the world 500 in the same period. 13% average for strong companies. The first action taken by Ho Ching at the beginning of his tenure was to move the company from the towering "Temasek Tower" to an ordinary office building near Hard Street, which is far away from the city center. Although Li Cong It feels like this is a show, but no matter how successful people are, as long as it is successful, no matter what you say after success, it is a matter for others.

One year later, in 2003, Temasek recorded a profit of S$7.4 billion, which was 30 times the profit made in the previous year, and the company's return to shareholders increased to 46%. As a result, Singapore’s national economy has jumped to a rapid growth rate of over 8% for two consecutive years. As a result, some overseas media said half-jokingly and half-seriously that Singapore’s current prime minister and finance minister Lee Hsien Loong should be most grateful to his wife.

In 2004, Ho Ching announced Temasek's financial statements for the first time. According to data, Temasek's total assets have reached US$50 billion and it is the largest company in Singapore. The company controls almost all of Singapore's most important and largest companies, and its stock market value accounts for 47% of the entire Singapore stock market. Therefore, when this "hidden champion" surfaced, two international rating agencies, Standard & Poor's and Moody's Investment Co., Ltd. simultaneously gave it the highest credit rating of 3a and it has been used to this day. The highest rating of energy groups is not so high. It's because Li Cong doesn't want to have any dealings with such an international review agency. In his words, I know what level I am. I know that I am using you guys who don't understand anything to point fingers at me?

In Temasek's capital distribution map, local investment accounts for up to 75%. Based on this, Ho Ching has repeatedly stated in public that in the next few years, Temasek will retain only one-third of its investment in Singapore, another third in the Asian market, and one-third in developed countries.

Asian countries have become the region where He Jing has mobilized capital and investment the most in the past two years. "We will adjust Temasek's asset portfolio so that it can reflect the economic growth of Singapore, ASEAN, Asia and the world in a balanced way." He Jing said in a public speech in February 2004. If according to Ho Ching's plan to increase investment in Asia outside Singapore from 16% to 33% two years ago, Citigroup Global Markets' Singapore Research Department estimates that Temasek may spend S$24 billion within 10 years. However, the latest information shows that in the financial year ending March 2007, Temasek’s investment in emerging markets in Asia rose from 34% in the previous year to 40%, reaching more than S$23 billion. The accelerating investment speed shows that He Jing is trying to complete the capital layout in Asia ahead of schedule, thinking that he will gain more time for the reorganization and organic splicing of the capital structure in the next step.

The rain of foreign investment not only made Temasek’s net asset portfolio exceed US$100 billion for the first time in the 2006 fiscal year (as of March 31, 2007), reaching 164 billion Singapore dollars (approximately US$108 billion), but also made the financial industry a major asset. The largest single investment area, the proportion of total assets has increased from 26% in 2004 to 38% at present, and a total of 14 banking and financial institutions worldwide are held. He Jing said that banks have become the core of their investment strategy based on four investment themes: the rising Asian economy, the growing middle class, the ever-deepening competitive advantage, and the rising champion companies. He Jing believes that banks are agents of the growth of the middle class, and occupying the important "bridgehead" of banks is equivalent to gaining the right to speak in advance of the middle class, the huge consumer market in the future.

According to some of the latest information released by Temasek a few days ago, after 2002, the market value of its foreign direct investment assets has reached S$58 billion, with a compound annual rate of return of 38% in five years; the total value of the enterprises invested before 2002 was S$106 billion. , The compound annual rate of return over the past five years is 17%. Due to the strengthening of the global market, including Singapore, Temasek’s total shareholder return reached S$23 billion in 2006, of which about S$7 billion came from direct investment outside of Singapore.

"How could such an important company as Temasek be run by someone who is not in the Li family? Isn't there a problem with Lee Kuan Yew's brain? If such a large asset is taken away by Ho Jing, I think the old man Lee Kuan Yew I feel distressed." Li Cong said after looking at the report. He did not understand why such an important large group was not in the hands of the Li family. Although this daughter-in-law and son are a family, it is only necessary to manage the assets of their small family. It's okay, such a large scale seems unnecessary.

"President, in fact, we have all investigated the members of the Lee family in Singapore. In the end, we found that the family had no business prodigy at all. Doesn't the old man Lee Kuan Yew know what to take in his own hands? No one can use him at all. This is how the legend of this woman can last a lifetime, but this legend can only be in the past, and now he will become ours. This is our group’s plan to acquire dozens of Temasek’s Although many of the shares of the listed company are not sold, we also have our relationship in Singapore. The Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong's people back then can be said to have helped us a lot." One said with a smile. Looking at him, you can know that maybe things in Singapore do not need to be bothered by yourself. This Temasek may also be in his own hands.

Goh Chok Tong (hkng) was born on May 20, 1941. In his early years, he studied at Raffles College with a long history in Singapore, and later at the University of Singapore, where he received a first-class honors degree in economics. He is Singapore’s second prime minister after Lee Kuan Yew. He took over as Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in 1990 and the Secretary-General of the People’s Action Party of Singapore from 1992 until August 2004. On May 14, 2011, Singapore’s first and second prime ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong issued a joint statement. Both announced that they would not enter the new government cabinet. According to the group’s information, Goh Chok Tong did not perform so well at the beginning. The reason why he could not continue to enter the cabinet was because of Lee Kuan Yew’s blockade. At that time, Lee Hsien Loong did not have the current power. Lee Kuan Yew took that step. When he retreated, he had to pull the old guy down. After all, Singapore’s political arena is Lee. The family and the Wu family are in charge, but the Wu family's ability may be a little worse than that of the Li family.

Goh Chok Tong's father is from Yongchun County, Fujian. He is 1.90 meters tall, which is said to be related to his love of swimming when he was a child. In 1955, he studied at the famous local British school Raffles Institution and was the chairman of the Raffles Institution Student Union. He entered the University of Singapore in 1961 and obtained a first-class honours degree in economics in 1964. He began to work in the government in the same year. In 1966, he went to Williams College in the United States for further study and obtained a master's degree in development economics. After returning to China, he worked for Singapore Ocean King Shipping Company and became the company's managing director in 1973. In 1976, he was recommended by the People's Action Party to be elected as a member of Parliament for the Marine Barrier constituency. In 1977, he was elected to the cabinet and served as a senior minister of the Ministry of Finance. In 1979, he became a member of the Central Executive Committee of the People's Action Party. Minister and Minister of Defense. After Lee Kuan Yew decided to hand over the baton in 1990, all cabinet members voted that Goh Chok Tong would take over as prime minister, but Lee Kuan Yew still served as the minister of the cabinet. In December 1992, he took over as secretary-general of the People’s Action Party and led the party to win two general elections in 1997 and 2001.

At the end of 2003, Goh Chok Tong announced that he would resign as soon as mid-2004, and he would be replaced by Vice Premier Lee Hsien Loong. Goh Chok Tong handed the stick to Lee Hsien Loong on August 12, 2004, and he himself became the Counselor of the State. Since Lee Hsien Loong is the son of Lee Kuan Yew, this appointment has been questioned and worried. When the energy group contacted the former prime minister in Singapore, they knew why Goh Chok Tong, who was at the peak of his career, gave up his position as prime minister. Blame your own rights for not enough. If there are enough, who would give up the rights in their hands?

"What information did Mr. Wu provide us? In fact, I think such a person is a deadly old fox like Lee Kuan Yew. You should be careful when you do things. Such a person may give us if you are not careful. If we eat in, there may be a trap waiting for us sometimes. The relationship between Goh Chok Tong and the Li family must be clarified. We must not be deceived by some superficial things. We must know that these old guys are deceiving us. I don’t know where it is yet.” Li Cong felt that this guy was really cooperating with him, but he had to be careful when doing things, especially with these old foxes. If he didn’t pay attention a little, he might be caught by them. Swallow it.

"The president can rest assured that we will do things carefully. I have already explained the Temasek business. This is a small vault of the Lee family. Mr. Wu has already told us about his inside Temasek. I think we will soon A lot of results can be achieved, and Singapore’s Li family’s funds are so tight that there shouldn’t be any large-scale aid to India. It’s just that India is already very strong now, and it’s convenient for the Army, not even ten Pakistan Their opponents, the battle report just received, the war is over in India, and now the Pakistan-controlled area of ​​Kashmir will soon fall, thanks to the thousands of cannons of the Indians. The scene of Qifa has not been encountered for a long time. The Indians already defeated Pakistan’s most elite first army two hours ago. Now the mood of defeat within the Pakistani army can be said to be very serious. If nothing else If you move, Pakistan may fall into a kind of failure.” Number One frowned and said, this is not that the Pakistanis are not strong enough, it is that his enemy is too powerful. The Indians have bet the whole country on war this time. Basically, the entire country has no international hard currency anymore. All are in the military. Originally, their military gap was huge, but now it is even bigger.

It seems that things like supporting weapons cannot help Pakistan. "How about the actions of the Chinese government?" In this world, I don’t want Pakistan to fail, but there is one more I don’t want Pakistan to fail. That is the Chinese government.

"The latest news, President, seems to be that the Chinese government is about to intervene on its own. If Pakistan fails, it will be no less than the Korean War to the Chinese government. Moreover, the Chinese government has not had a war recently. The domestic military seems to need it. After training, we have obtained the intelligence that a large number of government troops have already moved to the Sino-Indian border in Tibet. It is precisely for this reason that several elite divisions in India did not dare to chase the Pakistani army, but if the Chinese really dare If you use force against India, the whole world may be messed up.” One said, looking at the latest information, he doesn't really believe that the Chinese government will fight, but everything in front of him is factual.

"Connect me to Beijing???" Li Cong entered his office after he finished speaking, and did not come out for several hours. These people on No. 1 were waiting for Li Cong at the door, but they knew that Li Cong After he came out, he said, "Order several bases in Sichuan to prepare 700,000 tons of fuel for the government. As our group’s contribution, 1 million tons of environmentally friendly oil will be prepared for the second phase. Grain will be transported directly from the Xinjiang base, and 200,000 must be guaranteed. After eating for a few months, I also ordered the Indian military to start moving north to investigate all Indian military targets. It must be foolproof.” This was Li Cong’s order, and dozens of people in the office immediately went down to arrange these things. They understand very well that the boss is going to help the government to fight this war.

To the south of the Himalayas, the sound of gunfire on the China-India border once again added to the violent situation in South Asia. The world’s eyes are once again on China, the roar of the hero is about to erupt, and the dragon's lash will ruthlessly fall on those rascals who do not know how high or low. On the head of the country.

Regarding how the Sino-Indian border conflict broke out, this matter has always been regarded as China's top national secret and has not been made public until now. Two theories have been circulating around the world. One is that the Sino-Indian border patrol team met during patrol, and then there was a fire incident. Finally, there was a conflict between the border patrol teams of the two sides, and the Indian side immediately dispatched air force to support. At the same time, troops in the rear of India also carried out a siege of the Chinese patrol. However, the Indian Air Force fighter planes flew across the border and entered Chinese airspace. They were shot down by Chinese air defense forces. After that, the Chinese artillery supported the patrol that had fallen into siege ahead, and the war expanded. This is an official Chinese statement, which has been refuted because it has not been confirmed by other parties. This has become the mainstream view of why the border conflict between China and India broke out at this time. But there is another folk saying that the Chinese border patrol voluntarily launched an offensive against the Indian patrol, and then the Indian border guards counterattacked, and the fighting between the two sides began to expand. Although this is just a rumors among the people and has not been confirmed by China, from the perspective of China’s actions in time and other aspects, this should have a higher credibility. In other words, China has used the fourth time India and Pakistan The war started an action against India, thereby expanding its sphere of influence in South Asia. Of course, if China really plans like this, it will definitely not publicly admit it. Because the far-reaching impact of the South Asian War is quite extensive, and its impact on the world will directly determine the pattern of world power in the coming decades!

India has dispatched 4 mountain divisions to urgently stationed in Nagaland and Assam. The Indian army in the region has reached a total of 100,000 people in 2 armored divisions and 6 mountain divisions to defend China. The two mountain divisions of the Indian army in the western border area of ​​China and India have also entered a state of emergency to prevent possible conflicts at any time. On the Chinese side, two mountain divisions based in Tibet have deployed defenses in the western border area of ​​China and India. The other two mountain divisions have deployed troops in the eastern border area of ​​China and India. At the same time, there are four mountain divisions in the Chengdu Military Region and one light division. Division, two rapid response divisions also began to transfer to Tibet, the Airborne 15th Army was also transferred to Chengdu, ready to enter Tibet for assistance operations at any time. China and India have assembled a total of 250,000 troops in the border areas, of which 140,000 are from India and 110,000 from China. The border conflict between the two sides may evolve into a border war at any time. The tension in the Sino-Indian border area has also eased the pressure on the Pakistani front. India is no longer able to deal with Pakistan with all its strength, and must be ready to deal with the offensive launched by China at any time. After the pressure is reduced, Pakistan can already defend its borders in the border areas. Of course, you don’t need to count on these people to fight back, but it’s okay to watch the gates honestly. Of course, this is also the same as the hundreds of leopards shipped by the energy group. 2 Tanks are related, as long as there are ready-made weapons in the world, they will be searched by the energy group.

The main battle tank developed by the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1970s (see tank). Its combat weight is 55.15 tons, the crew is 4 people, the tank has a maximum speed of 72 kilometers per hour, and a maximum range of 550 kilometers. The main weapon is a 120mm smoothbore gun (see artillery), equipped with a tail stabilized armor-piercing shell and multi-purpose ammunition, and the ammunition base is 42 rounds. The fire control system includes cannon two-way stabilization, digital computer, laser ranging, thermal imaging night sight device, etc. The car body and turret adopt interstitial composite armor, equipped with collective three-defense device and automatic fire extinguishing device.

The tank is equipped with a 120mm smoothbore gun developed by Rheinmetall. The barrel is 5.3m long and is made of electroslag remelted steel. It is equipped with a thermal sheath and an air extraction device. The designed chamber pressure is 710 meters pa, and the actual chamber pressure is 500 meters pa (5500 kg f/cm2). The barrel system is manufactured by a self-tightening process, and the surface of the inner chamber is hardened by chrome plating, thereby improving the fatigue strength, wear life and corrosion resistance of the barrel. The barrel life is 650 rounds (standard kinetic energy rounds).

The entire artillery system weighs 4290 kg with an anti-shield, 3100 kg without an anti-shield (including the barrel, heat jacket, suction device and breech block), and the barrel weighs 1315kg. The maximum recoil distance is 370mm, and the general recoil distance is 340mm.

Richard Liang’s years in Europe are definitely not white. These Panther tanks can be said to be smuggled out of Germany. The German Army has retired 400 vehicles, and the total number is only more than 2,000. The tank gods were transported to Pakistan without knowing it, which can be regarded as the energy group's ability.

In terms of Sino-Indian relations, Russia is the last to want these two parties to fight, so Russia sent special envoys to the two sites before the war started. The Russian President’s special envoy made an emergency visit to China and India, hoping that both sides can remain calm. , Don’t escalate the already white-hot conflict in South Asia. However, both China and India have expressed a strong attitude. The Chinese government’s reply is that India has always occupied more than 90,000 square kilometers of China’s land, and China has repeatedly expressed to the Indian government its willingness to negotiate on the territorial issues of both sides. , But they were unreasonably rejected by the Indian government. If China cannot get back what belongs to itself from the negotiating table, then China can only say that it uses force to get everything that should be itself. It also stated that the Chinese military team will not participate in the India-Pakistan conflict. China will only fight back against India in self-defense, instead of participating in the fourth India-Pakistan war. At the same time, it is hoped that Greater Russia can maintain a neutral position in future Sino-Indian conflicts. After being unable to get a satisfactory answer from China, the Special Envoy of the President of Great Russia also stated that Great Russia will absolutely maintain a neutral position between China and India and will not paralyze any party. He also hopes that China can reconsider its current actions. The Indian side also insisted that China occupies more than 20,000 square kilometers of India’s land, and the more than 90,000 square kilometers of land that China said was originally Indian, and India will not give its own territory to a greedy China. people. And said that India will spare no effort to protect the integrity and security of the country. Russia's mediation action between China and India has completely failed.

The Russians have already predicted it. They feel that the Indians will lose the war. When Li saw this prophecy, they cursed these Russians for speaking lightly. Anyone could see what they were doing earlier. India will fail. It’s okay for them to bully a small country in a short period of time, but China’s military power has always been opaque in the world. If the Chinese wanted to print the degree, it would have started long ago.

The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs has started touring countries in Europe, Southern Africa and some countries in South America to win the support of the international community for China in the conflict with India. On the same day, the Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs also started a touring visit to the United Kingdom, the United States, South American countries, black African countries, the European Union, Japan, Australia and other countries. The purpose is the same, hoping to get the support of the international community. The two sides began to fight on the diplomatic stage.

The foreign policy is naturally that the Indians did not achieve the results they hoped to achieve. Under the influence of the energy group, the major countries have stated that they will remain neutral in the war. Although the Americans want to support India, they also know very well that if they fight against Pakistan Supporting weapons and ammunition can win, but against China, weapons and ammunition alone are useless.

After the visit, China already had a clear view of the international situation. In the name of a counterattack in self-defense against India, China began its offensive to regain the land occupied by India without a target. The battle first started from the western border of China and India. With the help of the 15th Airborne Army secretly deployed, the Chinese Mountain Division launched an all-out attack on Leh in the Indian-controlled Kashmir region. This was beyond the expectation of the Indian military. According to the estimates of the Indian military release, the Chinese army will first start offensive in the eastern border area of ​​China and India. Therefore, India’s defensive forces are mainly concentrated in the eastern border area of ​​China and India. There is not much defensive force in the western border area of ​​India. China's offensive completely disrupted India's strategic deployment.

After a day's attack, the Indian garrison in Leh had completely lost combat effectiveness. Forced to retreat to the rear, but they have little retreat. In order to cooperate with the attack of the Chinese army, the Pakistani army has launched a counterattack in Kashmir, and the spearhead of the attack has been directed at the capital of Kashmir, Srinagar. The Indian army retreated more than 50 kilometers before breaking out of contact with the squadron and stabilizing its line of defense. And I think Srinagar put two divisions into it and stopped the advance of the Pakistani army.

The Chinese * team’s feint in the western border area of ​​China and India has been successfully completed, and the large-scale offensive in the eastern border area of ​​China and India has officially begun. First, the air force’s large-scale apex clearance operations, Indian air defense, radar, artillery, forward airfields, and field fortifications. , The command organization was hit hard by the air. Then four mountain divisions were thrown into the ground offensive at a time. At the same time, the Airborne 15th Army also came to the eastern border area after a long-distance special day and night, and joined the attack on the Indian army. The Indian army reluctantly supported it for a while before retreating in front of China's fierce fire attack, and basically withdrew from the mountainous areas, building a line of defense on the edge of the Brahmaput River Plain. The Indian army in the rear also completed the maneuver and reached the line of defense. This resisted the frontal attack of the squadron, and the Chinese offensive troops based on mountain troops, because they could not get the support of armored firepower, also temporarily stopped the offensive, waiting for the arrival of the rear armored troops.

To this end, the Indian Ministry of Defense immediately formulated a code-named combat plan, which is to immediately concentrate superior forces to defeat Pakistan, and then concentrate all efforts to fight the Chinese. The energy group has announced a necessary energy embargo against India, but because The reason for the contract, this statement can only be said, and India’s domestic storage is not low, the energy group’s weapon is a bit not enough, but the energy group’s rapid assistance to Pakistan’s dozens of planes does. It has a lot of effects. Because the Indian Air Force is confronting the Chinese Air Force, sometimes the Pakistan Air Force can also obtain partial air supremacy.

However, the situation in Pakistan is only temporary. Their weapons are varied, and the quality of their soldiers is not very high, so in the next few days they still did not achieve any results. On the contrary, he lost his morale and weapons and ammunition. The Pakistani ambassador made an emergency visit to China, asking China to provide more military assistance. India’s violent offensive momentum on the India-Pakistan battlefield has lasted for two days. Pakistan has lost a lot of war materials in the face of India’s offensive. Now the Pakistani army has little ability to withstand India’s offensive. If too many material reserves were consumed in the attack of the sky, Pakistan’s fragile line of defense would have long collapsed. China and Pakistan have reached an agreement that China will continue to provide military assistance to Pakistan, but now China is also engaged in a war with India, and the greater the conflict between China and India, the more favorable it will be for Pakistan, so most of China’s military assistance to Pakistan will be It is delivered to Pakistan in the form of export, and Pakistan does not need to pay the purchase fee, and the gold fee for the purchase of weapons can be returned to the branch after the war. At the same time, China will launch another full-scale offensive on the Sino-Indian border to reduce pressure on Pakistan. In order to quickly restore the combat effectiveness of the Pakistani army, China will send more military instructors as volunteers (in fact, many of these instructors participated in military operations commanding the Pakistani army, which were announced after the end of the war) to train troops in Pakistan. At the same time, China will help Pakistan train air force pilots. Of course, Pakistan must pay for the training. The lack of pilots is now Pakistan’s biggest problem, and it’s not possible to have airplanes without pilots.


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