Energy Group

Chapter 1387:

1387 Diamond

There is no good way for Xu Guozhu to contact Li Cong. Li Cong just asks them to make the last effort. If it doesn’t work, they can only retreat and engage in street fighting with the enemy. As long as they can hold the enemy, it’s good. Now Li Cong I was quickly searching the entire treasure house, but the problem was that this treasure house was too big, and it was a bit outrageous. Li Cong was a little surprised. Otherwise, he would definitely let the guards retreat. , But now he needs time most.

Street fighting is generally called "urban warfare" because it is a battle between streets and houses. It usually takes place in cities or large villages. Its salient features are that the enemy and ourselves are hand-to-hand, close-to-hand, and cruel, and the other is that they are mixed with each other and canine teeth and are highly dangerous. Urban street fighting is gradually formed with the development of cities and the expansion of the scale of war. The development of urbanization means that if there is a war in the future, urban street fighting will still be inevitable and will become an important combat style.

Perhaps the last thing Xu Guozhu wanted to happen was street fighting. The short-term combat does not mean that the soldiers of his guard division are not good. On the contrary, they are all excellent soldiers in this respect. But the problem is that the current population gap is too great. If you really get into that situation, it is estimated that the guards will be the first to fail. At present, the guards only have more than a thousand people able to fight, but the troops outside, from the beginning Up to now, there has been no less, but it is increasing. The pressure Xu Guozhu almost can't breathe. It's too terrible, but Xu Guozhu is not a fool. The enemy's more and more powerful increase in troops, at least let Xu Guozhu see clearly. One thing is that my boss really did a big thing this time, and it was a big thing that caused them to die. I have to take these young and old men to resist whatever I said.

From a strategic point of view, through hand-to-hand firefights, the two sides of street fighting mainly compete for urban energy, transportation, communication hubs and key sectors such as finance, news, medical care, government agencies, and residential areas. Because controlling the above-mentioned departments is equivalent to controlling the entire city. The locations of these key departments are often the best buildings for urban construction. They are strong, tall, complex in structure, capable of opening up to the sky and down to the ground, and the environment is extremely complex. Sometimes, they are often struggling to compete for a floor , The hostile two sides are fighting together in the building, it may be you up and I down; you are inside and I am outside. Whoever occupies first, knows the topography of the building first, will suffer less. The purpose of war is to preserve oneself and destroy the enemy. Covert combat is also a feature of street fighting. Whether it is offensive or defensive, it is necessary to make full use of the terrain and organize shooting firepower. When the two opponents are evenly matched, the difficulty is greater if the opponents are evenly matched. In addition to encirclement, hand-to-hand combat, etc., the attacking party can also make full use of it. In the climate, measures such as water cuts, power cuts, and heating cuts are adopted to put the opponent to death and disintegrate the enemy.

But now Xu Guozhu doesn't need those things at all. Instead, the enemy has cut off the power and water for him. What he needs is how to delay time. What Xu Guozhu needs is how to control the commanding heights of the entire city. This is more important. If he is controlled by the enemy, he will be very passive, and people who come from the country will definitely They will also take the form of an airborne landing. If they cannot control the commanding heights, they may also be very passive.

From a tactical point of view, the main feature of street fighting is to fight for the commanding heights. These vantage points may be a skyscraper, an overpass, or a small hill. Whoever owns it can organize crossfire and control a large area. At this time, Xu Guozhu has found the commanding heights of the city through satellites, which is the building under his feet. If he abandons this place, it may become a complete retreat. The enemy will definitely not let him go. There is no benefit, the retreat has become somewhat improbable now.

As early as 1994, Grozny killed thousands of Russian soldiers. It is said that only one officer and 10 soldiers left alive in a combat regiment of more than a thousand people who drove into the city; 26 Russian tanks that entered the city were destroyed by Chechen forces and 20; 120 Russian armored vehicles 102 vehicles were also lost; the Chechen armed forces even used the Russian corpses as sandbags as street bunker-the dead soldiers lost their last dignity. Five years later, the bodies of Russian soldiers who died in battle were again insulted. January 24, 2000 was the worst day for the second street fighting in Grozny. The corpses of the Russian army were everywhere. It was extremely cold, and the bodies did not rot, and Chechen armed forces marched on them. Street fighting in Grozny is a sniper war. President Putin mobilized a large number of sharpshooters to deal with the situation, but in the end he ordered a tying of Grozny.

The major general was also very clear about the war that year, so this guy would never allow things to happen again. He knew very well that his army lacked street fighting experience, so he gave Etley a death order. These people must be wiped out in these tall buildings. It seems that fifty minutes is no problem at all. Now the enemy is forced to fight back.

"Commander, I have an idea. It should be able to alleviate our current situation, but I don't know if the group will be??" The chief of staff looked at the rooms where the residents lived, and said hesitantly. It’s not that I’m afraid I’ll sacrifice, but the most important thing at this time is to hold down the enemy, even if only a little time is necessary. If these people can really hold back, he thinks this method should be used. War is to Do everything possible to achieve your goals. As for the enemy, it is not within your own consideration. This is the cruelty of war.

It’s not a day or two for Xu Guozhu to cooperate with his chief of staff. Why don’t you understand what this guy means? At the moment, it seems that there’s not much that can be done. Moreover, Lao Maozi did a lot of evil to our people. Yes, Xu Guozhu thought of what Lao Maozi did in our place back then.

Lanpao is a village on the bank of Heilongjiang. It was originally named Mengjiatun and later renamed Lanpao. In 1858, Czarist Russia forced the Qing government to sign an unequal secession. On the sixth day after the signing of the Treaty of Ai, Tsarist Russia changed its name to Blagoveshchensk (meaning "Annunciation City"). In 1900, there were about 38,000 people here, more than half of whom were from the Qing Dynasty. They have been farming, working, and doing business here for a long time. There were 500 large and small businesses at that time. In July 1900, Tsarist Russia brazenly dispatched more than 100,000 invading troops in the name of "protecting the road." Invaded the eastern part of our country from Wulu, creating the appalling "Lanpao Massacre".

After the military mobilization in Amur Province on June 25, 1900, Rampao continued to persecute Chinese atrocities, and Chinese people who could not bear the abuse fled back to Jiangyou. All the Qing dynasty people who had time to leave due to their family and property dragged down in the future became the targets of massacre.

In early July 1900, the Czarist Russian authorities ordered to inform the Chinese residents of Rampao that China and Russia were going to fight and send them across the river. They were not allowed to lock their doors behind closed doors. On the afternoon of July 15, the Russian army suddenly blocked Heilongjiang. , Detained all the ships and prevented Chinese residents from crossing the river.

When the Russian ship invaded China's Aihui River on July 15, China's Aihui garrison sent a ship to stop it. The two sides exchanged fire, causing slight casualties to each other. The Tsarist government used the aforementioned incident as an excuse to plan a massacre of the Chinese residents in Lanpao. An atmosphere of terror is shrouded in and outside the city, and incidents of persecuting the Chinese are increasing. Resident representatives of the Qing Dynasty asked Gribski, the Chief Military and Political Officer of the Amur Province, whether the Qing people in the city needed to evacuate. He deceived that the Qing people "can stay where they are without worry". The next afternoon, he ordered the Qing Dynasty to be banned. People crossed the river, detained all the ferry boats, and sent cavalry to disperse the Qing crowd who were preparing to cross the river.

On July 16, the Czarist Russian army forced thousands of Qing residents to the police station, regardless of men, women, children, and children. The houses and shops of the residents of the Qing Dynasty were looted. Nearby Qing dynasty villagers were also ransacked. Anyone who resisted was assassinated. As more and more people were detained, the police station could not accommodate them. At night, the residents were taken to the courtyard of a timber factory by the Jingqili River. . The next day, the first batch of Qing residents, about 3,000 people, were escorted by the Tsarist Cossacks to the Heilongjiang side six miles north of Lampao. Those who fell behind were hacked to death by Russian soldiers. At that time, the narrowest part of the river was still 700 feet wide and the water was turbulent. Not even a boat. The Cossacks forced the Qing dynasty to swim across. Those who went into the water immediately drowned. Those who dared not go into the water were shot and killed by the Russian army. Half an hour later, the bodies of the Qing dynasty were piled up on the shore. Witnesses from the Qing dynasty on the other side said: The Russian soldiers "armed their swords and axe, slashed from the east to the west, smashed the corpses and bones, and the sound was sore. Death, skeletons drifting, covering the river bank, there were more than 80 people who followed the wave, naked, unconscious and unable to speak.... Inquiry about the tragic killing of more than 5,000 drowned Chinese." From July 16 to On the 21st, the Russian army carried out 4 massacres in Lanpao, claiming the lives of six to seven thousand Qing people. A Russian official transcript said: "All the witnesses' testimony is convincing. This is actually not crossing the river, but killing and drowning the people of the Qing Dynasty."

On July 17, the Lanpao Police Department rushed all the Qing dynasty people in custody to Upper Blagoveshchensk, falsely claiming that they were taken across the other bank by boat. But there is not even a boat on the shore. When they reached the river, the Russian soldiers waved their sabers and "drove all the Qing people into the water." "When the women threw their children on the shore, begging for at least their lives, the Russian soldiers caught these babies. , Pick on the bayonet and cut the baby into pieces.” A mother “leaves the child on the shore while she walks into the river by herself”, but after a few steps, she comes back and hugs the child into the water. Finally She had to go ashore to "lay down her precious child," and the cruel Russian soldiers stabbed the child and his mother with a knife. There are too many examples of such cruelty.

In order to legitimize the occupation of the Northeast, that is, to truly realize the "Yellow Russia Plan", the Russian army eagerly searched for and quickly captured General Shengjing Zengqi, who had fled from the abandoned city, and forced him to sign the "Temporary Regulations of Fengtian Didi" in an attempt to monopolize Russia. The three provinces of the East were fixed in legal form, but they were invalidated due to opposition from China and foreign countries. In April 1902, Czarist Russia and the Qing government signed the "Treaty of Handover of the Three Eastern Provinces" in Beijing. After the Qing government guaranteed many Russian privileges in China, especially in the Northeast, Russia was stipulated within one and a half years. Withdraw troops from the Northeast in three phases. However, after only withdrawing part of its troops from the northeast, Tsarist Russia stopped withdrawing its troops. The Qing government sent a note to Russia in early October, urging it to withdraw its troops in accordance with the treaty, but it was ignored. At this moment, the four ministers of the Russian government met in Yalta and determined the policy that "Manchuria (referring to the northeast) must be merged into Russia in the future, or be subordinate to Russia." On December 15th, the Tsar ordered the suspension of the withdrawal of troops from the northeast and publicly tore up the signed treaty. In March 1903, the Tsarist government proposed to the Qing government seven new conditions for the continued withdrawal of troops. In fact, they clearly stated that they would continue to occupy. northeast.

So far, it has been the fourth year since the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded the Qing Dynasty, and the devastated Northeast was still ravaged by the Tsarist invaders. Subsequently, the conflict of interest between Japan and Tsarist Russia triggered the Russo-Japanese War, but the battlefield was in the Northeast and the local area was killed twice. , It's a catastrophe on earth!

Xu Guozhu silently nodded to the Chief of Staff thinking of these things. These people are not good people. Even after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were not necessarily good to us.

"Go, pull me out of all the people in this house, and put them all on the stairs. If these old guys dare to resist, I think none of the guys in your hand are burning sticks." Xu Guozhu bit Teeth and said, these guys don’t say that Lao Tzu is inhumane to you at this moment. You did a lot more than Lao Tzu back then. Even if you really die later, this can’t count as my head. Come on, you must know that the bombs that killed you are all from your National Defense Forces. You pay taxes to support them, and finally they come to send you on the road.

"Open the door? Open the door, shit, don't open the door and shoot again????"

"Fuck, what are you doing with that talk, look at your buddy??" A soldier looked at the guy next to the door and shook his head helplessly, still using English, how can it be so gentle, you know, here is a place with many Chinese, Chinese Although it can't be the second language in this area, most people can understand it, and this guy shot directly at the door.

"The people in the room have listened to me. This is an extraordinary period. I am not an army of your country. You all come out to me. I count three times. If you don’t come out, I will just throw a grenade in. If you Don’t blame me for not reminding you that there’s something wrong. I’m starting to count now???” This guy pretended to take out the grenade. Before this guy started counting, a few people came out. It's from a family, "What the hell, you're so strong, you can't do this??" The soldier raised his hand and shot this guy who was taller than himself. Using such a person as a hostage is simply Being irresponsible to oneself, if this guy turns to the front, he really can't control it, so it's best to kill the danger now.

The soldiers next to him saw this guy's actions and felt that they might be a little too gentle in doing things, and they also learned how this guy started to drive away the hostages in their hands. Those hostages are all unlucky, but now this is the only one. I can interfere with their methods. I hope that there are no experts in these military forces to rescue hostages.

But even if it does, there is no problem. The officers and soldiers of these Guards Division have nothing to ask for the soldiers outside. All they ask for is their time. It is estimated that this can still hold them back.

Outside, Lao Maozi’s command center, the major general saw that he rushed to the seventh floor now. The blasting team’s people are still good. Although the losses are a lot, the work is also very good. If you hate it now The soldier came over, and he had a foreboding that something bad might happen, but he took it with him honestly.

"What's the matter? Is there any problem ahead? I think it's moving forward very quickly." The general said.

"General, there is a problem. These people have taken the residents of the building out. Our soldiers are a little backed?" Etley said with some depression. As a professional soldier, he is the most common people. Emotional, but the soldiers below are different. The education they usually receive allows them to protect the people. They are taxed by the people, so they naturally have to protect the people. Although there is no such thing as a soldier of the people, But I also knew in my heart that I couldn't hold a gun at the people.

"What? How could there be such a thing, you just blast up like this, the ordinary people will not be alive, just tell the soldiers, whoever retreats, directly cliff them." The major general is now dead. Ordered, the people in this building can't be a way for them to go to the drought area or retreat to the second line. Even if the entire city is dead, it doesn't matter. All you need is to get in quickly.

With the assurance from the major general, Yitli has come to understand that this task is extremely important today. In addition, when the incident suddenly happened, there were no members of the press here, so there is no need to be afraid. Gotta die, die early and play dead are the same.

"Everyone has listened to me. We are performing a major task this time. No one can stop us from moving forward. The major general has already sent his guards over. You are all optimistic about it. If you If you don’t move forward, bullets will chase you forward. You are all members of the troop. You should understand sometimes what you should do and what should not be done. I know that those are the people of our country. At this time, their sacrifice is to make more people not sacrifice. If you can’t even do this, you are not a qualified soldier???” Under Etley’s order, of course the main It was because of the threat of the general’s **** that these soldiers regained their fighting spirit, and each of them knew what they should do, and each of them knew that their lives were actually different from theirs. They chose them. I understand that I must live, so the people in front of me can disappear.

Xu Guozhu would only take advantage of these hostages, so he was a failed soldier. He ordered his brothers to retreat to more than two stories, and put some "things" on these people. The high-explosive bombs developed were sealed off when they retreated, so those people can only go down or come up, or stay in the middle. Xu Guozhu’s people will naturally not let them come up. They also saw that the army below was their own country, and they rushed madly. The army below saw that there was no enemy behind them, so they did not open fire. When these people rushed into the Russian soldiers, great changes took place. Up.

With the slight movement of Xu Guozhu’s finger, the entire sixth floor lit up. The people outside could see very clearly, as if the building was not damaged, but the people inside were really unlucky, countless soldiers. There was a big fire burning all over with civilians. They wanted to extinguish the fire on their body. Unfortunately, instead of extinguishing the fire on their body, they made more people like themselves, like a fireball. He ran everywhere and rushed downstairs. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Guozhu let his own people rush down quickly, and a charge passed. After Lao Maozi dropped hundreds of corpses, he returned to the previous place again? ? ? ? ? The situation is back to the past.

At this time, Li Cong has been running in the treasure for more than ten minutes. He can feel that his position is probably outside the city, because he felt a little vibration just now. It should be the place of war. Li Cong's gaze was attracted by the huge diamond in front of him. This is too terrible. They say that women like diamonds. In fact, sometimes when facing some huge diamonds, even men can't move. This is The charm of diamonds.

The diamond in front of Li Cong is the largest diamond in the world, the Star of Africa, but Li Cong never expected to see it here.

The African Star Diamond is processed from the same natural diamond Cullinan. "Cullinan" i: Discovered in the Premier Mine of South Africa on January 21, 1905. It is pure and transparent, with a light blue hue, is the best grade of gemstone diamond, weighing 3106 carats. Until now, it is still the largest gem diamond found in the world.

In 1905, South Africa discovered a raw diamond ore weighing 3,106 carats. The newly opened transatlantic cable quickly spread the news around the world. At that time, experts in the gem industry estimated the value of the raw ore as high as 7.5 billion US dollars. Since South Africa was a British colony at that time, everyone agreed that it should be shipped to London and dedicated to King Edward VII. This unparalleled treasure caused jewellery thieves all over the world to think about it. The personnel concerned spent several months thinking about how to ensure transportation safety. In the end, Metropolitan Police decided that the best principle is “the simpler, the safer”. Diamonds as big as eggplants were put in a package without any logo and mailed out, and appeared in the Royal Mailbag of Buckingham Palace a month later. On February 10, 1908, this huge diamond was split into several large pieces and processed. The processed finished diamonds total 1063.65 carats, all of which belong to the British royal family. The largest diamond is named "Cullinan 1", also known as "African Star I", weighing 530.02 carats.

Speaking of the king of diamonds, "African Star i" is well deserved. The largest gem-quality diamond in the world was discovered in the Premier Diamond Mine in South Africa in January 1905. It was called the "Cullinan" diamond at the time. A diamond block with incomplete crystals, colorless and transparent, without any blemishes, excellent texture, and weighs 3106 carats. "Cullinan" was taken from the name of the mine's general manager at the time.

In January 1905, Friedwell, the supervisor of the Premier Diamond Mine in South Africa, was walking in the mine and found a shining object in the reflection of the setting sun. At first he thought it was a glass bottle falling in the mud. After picking it up with a stick and scraping away the dirt, he was shocked, and he could hardly believe that his eyes were actually a diamond as big as a fist. Because he got Qibao, he got a reward of ten thousand dollars.

The world’s largest diamond was bought by the British government for 750,000 US dollars and shipped to the United Kingdom. It was presented to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom in 1907 as a birthday gift for the King of England. Later, the diamond went to Nicolas. Pull the hands of II. Later, this huge diamond was sent to the Dutch capital for cutting and grinding. After several months of research and evaluation on this unique "Cullinan" diamond, many experts finally decided to divide the diamond into three pieces. Big drill. Experts carefully studied the direction of its division, and first opened a quarter-inch gap in the direction of division. On the afternoon of February 10, 1908, Nicholas II personally selected two brothers Joseph Fitch, a famous Dutch diamond division expert, to be responsible for the division. At the segmentation site, a consultant team was accompanied to study changes at any time, and a doctor and two nurses were invited to escort. If their estimates have the slightest deviation or improper force or the wrong angle of the hammer, the diamond may split into tens of thousands of gravel, and the future reputation of the segmentation expert will end. The air in the room was very tense at this time. The segmentation expert inserted the steel blade straight into the pre-delineated gap and lifted the wooden hammer to slam the back of the blade. The blade broke! The giant diamond was not cracked at all, and the segmentation expert was already Sweating profusely, but still calm. Lifting the wooden hammer again, at this time, he was so nervous that it was difficult to breathe. The segmentation expert hit the newly replaced knife with a vigorous hammer, and the diamond was completely divided into three pieces as planned. At this time, the segmentation expert also fainted to the ground immediately, and then rested in the hospital for a long time before returning to normal.

After the huge diamond was divided, it was cut and polished on March 3 of the same year. Three polishing experts worked 14 hours a day and spent eight months to polish the four largest diamonds.

"Cullinan No. 1" is pear-shaped, the heaviest one, weighing 530.2 carats, and was later set on the scepter of Nicholas II. This giant diamond was called "African Star I". It has 74 facets.

"Cullinan Second" is square, weighs 317.4 carats, and is inlaid on the crown of Nicholas II.

"Cullinan Third" is pear-shaped, weighs 94.4 carats, and is set on the spire of the crown.

"Cullinan Fourth" is square and weighs 63.6 carats. It is made by dividing one of its diamonds into two, namely "Cullinan Third" and "Cullinan Fourth". It is inlaid on the edge of the crown.

The "Cullinan" diamond is cut into nine large diamonds and 96 small diamonds, which are used as crowns, scepters and other decorations. The remaining five of the nine diamonds are: the fifth is heart-shaped and heavy carat; the sixth is boat-tip-shaped and weighs 5 carats; the seventh is boat-tip-shaped and heavy carats; the eighth is rectangular and heavy carats ; The ninth one is pear-shaped and weighs 4.39 carats. In addition, there are 96 small diamonds, which have been scattered around the world with a total weight of 8 carats. The remaining piles of very small and unrefinable gravel weighing 9.5 carats.

This huge "African Star i" rough weighing 3106 carats was cut into 105 diamonds with a total weight of 1064.26 carats and 9.5 carats of uncut stone. The weight of the finished product is only one-third of the rough stone. It can be seen that the consumption of rough diamonds is very large.

Before Li Cong’s eyes were a few huge diamonds and a bag of small diamonds. Next to it, there was a note saying that these were made by the Star of Africa. Goodness, Li Cong felt that his blood was flowing fast. Now the world These missing diamonds are very rare on the previous page. Li Cong tested the hardness of this thing a little bit, and he felt that it was definitely a diamond. If it were hidden in such a hidden place, it would not be a genuine one.

Just when Li Cong was surprised, No. 1 on the side saw another strap with the same packaging. The contents should be on par with Li Cong's.

"Sir, what kind of mountain of light is this? Is it a diamond?" Number One was talking and preparing to open it. This sentence can hook Li Cong's soul away. Damn, is this Tsar special? Diamond makers, how come there are so many good things, these things are not found outside, I didn't expect all of them to be found here.

The one discovered on the 1st is called the Great Mughal Diamond, and its English name was discovered in the Kola r) mine in India in 1304. The rough stone weighs 7875 old carats, and after processing into a rose shape, it weighs 240 old carats (280 carats). The Big Mughal Diamond is a diamond discovered in India in the 17th century. For 5 years, the French traveler Tavernier er) witnessed this diamond while serving in the Royal Palace of India. The Great Mughal is named after Sharjah Khan, the builder of the Taj Mahal. However, the diamond later disappeared. Legend has it that the later generations of "Orlov" and "Mountain of Light" diamonds were separated from the Great Mughal diamond.

The English name ird historical name drill. Produced in the Kola r) mine in India, the rough stone is said to weigh 800 carats. Originally ground into a rose shape, weighing 191 carats 5 old carats). In 1526 it was owned by Sultan Babel. Later it became a treasure of the Mughal Empire. In 1738 it became the trophy of Persian King Nadir Shah. It was owned by the British royal family in 1850. In 2 years, to remove the above flaws, it was re-cut into a round diamond shape, and the weight was reduced to 10,893 carats. According to reports, the color of this diamond is grayish, and the color level is not high. American gemologists once valued it at 7 million U.S. dollars, but Li Cong believed that if he took it out, many people would spend tens of millions to buy it.

The Orlov diamond weighs 192 carats. This diamond is light turquoise, like half a dove egg, with a gap on one side. It can be described as a former Tsarist Russian diamond. It is said that the Earl of Orlov at the time helped his lover Catherine become a czar and gave this diamond to remind the lover of his important status. However, Catherine accepted the diamond, but withdrew her love for Orlov. This is no way. Power is still more important than love. Li is in no mood to take care of this from this time. He wants to continue watching this. Treasure house.

Soon Li Conggan No. 1 discovered another famous diamond, the Eye of the God, the Eye of the God Diamond (l', is a flat pear-shaped diamond, the size of an egg. The "eye of the God" is heavy. 70.2 carats. Legend has it that it is the "ransom" given by the chief of Kashmir to the Turkish sultan who blackmailed Princess Rasha Taha.

The Eye of Idol is a perfect combination of legend, mystery and fantasy. His story contains unpredictable deeds such as worship, theft, plunder, and mysterious disappearance.

For example, from its name, we can easily think, is this diamond really the eyes of a certain god? But there is not enough evidence to show that he had such a glorious experience in his past and present life. His name is probably because of its sculpted shape and appearance like a big eye with bright eyes. Why should it be cut like this? Why not cut into other styles? This is not known. Another possibility is that the eye of the idol was dug from a idol by an unscrupulous admirer, and then sold on the black market. But this is also impossible to verify.

Another popular saying is that as early as the seventeenth century in the Golconda region of India, around 1607, the Eye of the Deity belonged to a Persian prince. His name is Ray Hubble. Unfortunately, he encountered a debt crisis, so he used the Eye of the Deity to repay the debt, so the big diamond flowed into the hands of the creditor, the East India Company. Since then he has disappeared for 300 years, and a lot of speculation and controversy have arisen from this...

The focus of the controversy is: does Ray Hubble really exist? Even so, how did this diamond pass from India to Persia and then back to the hands of the Indians? The East India Company was doing such a deal so early? Queen Elizabeth awarded the East India Company a license to do business in Surat in 1600, and the license to do business in India had to wait until 1609. If the East India Company really got the diamond, would they sell it to the rich and powerful as their private collection? Or that the East India Company has been guarded and stolen?

This is another story. Legend has it that this diamond was the ransom of the Indians after Princess Rashta was kidnapped by the Turkish emperor. But there is no reliable evidence for this story.

It wasn't until 5 years that the eye of the idol appeared in people's sight again. At the Christie auction in London this year, the Eye of the Idol was bought by a mysterious photographer. He only left the simple "b.b" as the code name. In 1906, this mysterious guest finally emerged. He was the famous Abdul Hamid II 42-19, the last emperor of the Turkish Sultan. On June 24, 1909, the Eye of the Gods appeared again at the auction, this time in Paris, and the winning bidder was a Spanish celebrity.

After World War II, Harry Winston bought the gemstone from a Dutch businessman. At this time, this 70.21 carat diamond has become part of a necklace. This necklace is very dazzling, not only has the eyes of the gods, but also 41 small shiny diamonds around it, a total of 22.50 carats, and a baguette-cut diamond of about 12 carats.

In 1947, the Eye of the Idol was acquired by Ms. May Bonfils Stanton, the daughter of Frederick G. Bonfils, one of the founders of the Denver Post. Her love for jewels and diamonds is world-famous. She spent her whole life collecting all kinds of jewelry. He was very protective of the Eye of the God, and she would not take it out on important occasions. It is said that she usually wears this gemstone during breakfast, and perhaps the gorgeous costumes will even cover up the light of the idol’s eye.

In 1962 After Ms. Stanton's death, her jewelry was also put up for auction. This time, the Chicago jeweler Harry Levinson won the bid at the Barker Bonart auction house in New York. He won the championship with a high price of $375,000. In 1967, Levinson loaned this priceless treasure to the De Beer Mine Museum to decorate their Johannesburg Diamond Pavilion.

In 1973, Levinson planned to sell the diamond. He gave the gemstone to the New York auction house and asked them to auction the diamond for a sky-high price of $1.1 million. Finally, Lawrence Graf of London photographed the eye of the idol. But it didn't last long. Four years later, he transferred the diamond to another person.

There have been rumors that this buyer is the President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, who has mixed reputation. Even though he continues to lace news, he is also a president. Three years after his death, the eye of the idol once again disappeared from his mansion. Just like the mystery when it appeared, he was once again absent.

Li Cong believes that this is definitely not a treasure of Tsarist Russia, it should belong to the former Soviet Union, but these are not important, the important thing is that they are now mine.


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