Energy Group

Chapter 1413:

isH Section 1413 Bordeaux Peace Talks

Gibraltar (brr), a city and port at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. iSH is on the northern shore of the eastern end of the Strait of Gibraltar, as the main route of communication between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean, and to the south is the city of Ceuta, a northern African territory of Spain. Located in limestone highlands. The area is 5.8 square kilometers. Residents believe in Roman Catholicism accounted for 77.7%, and Islam accounted for %. It was occupied by Britain as a colony since 1704. After the Suez Canal was opened for navigation in 9 years, its strategic position has strengthened. It is an important fortress, navy and air force base, with modern loading and unloading equipment, ship repair shops and large docks, as well as watchmaking, wine making and other industries. From the southernmost lampstand at Cape Europa, you can see the African continent on the opposite shore when the weather is fine.

It covers an area of ​​6.5 square kilometers and has a population of about 30,000 (excluding the Europa Garrison), of which about 20,000 Gibraltarians (descendants of Italian, Maltese, and Spanish), about 5,000 British, 3,000 Moroccans, Indians and Portuguese , Pakistanis and Spanish. Most residents believe in Catholicism. General Spanish and English. After the establishment of Europa, an additional 20,000 troops were sent here, but it has always been regarded by Europa as its own private land, so there is no extra thought, and there is no way that the U.S. military would directly use this place. The understanding of the strategic air force has risen to another level, and Li Cong's idea of ​​forming his own strategic air force has become even stronger.

In the 8th century AD, the Arabs landed from Gibraltar when they invaded the Iberian Peninsula. It was not recaptured by the Spanish until 1410, and was officially included in its territory in 1501. In 1909, the British built military bases and fences in the neutral zone between Gibraltar and mainland Spain, forming the present border. However, Spain has never given up its request to recover Gibraltar. After the Second World War, Spain intensified its recovery activities. In 1967, a referendum on ownership was held in Gibraltar, and the majority of local residents agreed that Gibraltar should continue to belong to the United Kingdom. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution stating that the referendum violated UN resolutions and urged Britain and the West to negotiate. In 1969, the Gibraltar Parliament passed a new constitution, declaring that it is “part of the United Kingdom” and that “Gibraltar should not be handed over to another country without a referendum that fully expresses the will of the people”. In the same year, Spain closed road traffic to Gibraltar, evacuated workers working in Zhizhi, interrupted communication with Zhizhi, and banned British aircraft from flying over Spanish airspace.

After the Spanish Workers’ Socialist Party came to power in 1982, Britain and Spain took some measures to improve relations. In November 1984, the British side accepted for the first time to start negotiations on various issues including the sovereignty of Gibraltar. In February 1985, the Spanish government announced the opening of the Gibraltar border and land-sea passages, while the United Kingdom announced that it would give Spaniards the right to work, live and buy real estate. In December 1987, the British and Western governments reached the "Agreement on the Joint Use of Gibraltar Airport." The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs believes that this is an important step in Spain's restoration of its sovereignty. Due to the different opinions of the Gibraltar authorities, the above agreement has not yet been implemented. After Europa was founded, there was no similar territorial problem. Europa immediately implemented management of this strategic location. In their opinion, the army of 30,000 in such a small place is already very strong. I would think that their opponents would be so powerful. In fact, the US military's combat effectiveness is still very strong, at least in the face of these second-rate European troops.

The war situation has also undergone a fundamental change after the US military occupied Gibraltar. Both the energy group and the US naval fleet set sail and flew toward the Strait of Gibraltar. Their goals were very clear, that is, in the Great Russian Fleet and Europa. Before the fleet converged, they rushed out of the Mediterranean. As for the army on Sicily, there is no need for them to worry about it. It is like a nail. If Europa wants to eliminate another trump card of the American army, it will not be easy. Besides, the more than 10,000 people of the third independent group of the Energy Group in the Middle East have all boarded. As an ally, Li Cong ordered them to go to Sicily to defend the place with the US military. At the same time, several large local engineering teams After receiving millions of dollars from the US, it has begun to build airfields on the islands. Although it is not very realistic to build large-scale military facilities in a short period of time, it is not a problem to build an airstrip that can be shared by transport aircraft. At the beginning, these people also said about countries and the like, but under the threat of bullets and the temptation of dollars, they immediately forgot their so-called Europa motherland.

The third independent regiment is a reinforced regiment that Li Cong placed in the Middle East. Originally, the combat effectiveness of this regiment was not very strong, and various things often happen, all of which are very bad things. It was originally made up of some domestic bastards, who originally followed Li Cong to the Middle East to make a fortune. As a result, there was nothing but the desert, and all of them were clamoring to come back. Li Cong knew that if these people played well, they would be one. A good army, just throw them in the most chaotic area of ​​Israel. That’s where they can play. Since you want to be domineering, you should gang up with the Arabs, the radical organizations. People don't care what you did before, who you were following, you can only speak with their guns when you get there.

In the first month, the whole group clashed with the surrounding people 175 times, an average of five or six times a day. They suffered a loss each time. They would not suffer a loss if they fought openly. After all, this is like a duel between the army and the common people. No matter how tough the common people are, they can’t keep up with the army. Moreover, this is an army that is well-armed and has received formal training. But if people don’t come face to face with you, there will be a conflict in the first month. More than a hundred deaths and dozens of people were injured, and even more were injured. When their report was reported to the military, the military only replied, "Ask for money, guns for guns, and get them done in three months." , Otherwise you will all die there."

The military’s orders are not unrelenting. They have only 10,850 people, and the hostile forces around them would be more than 100,000 if the army alone, let alone the ordinary people, their only advantage is that they have complete warning. The system has richer money than those Arabs, and has stricter discipline than them. If these are used well, they are not necessarily losers. So starting from the second month, they adapted their previous practices. I’m not going to fight hard anymore, knowing that it’s absolutely impossible to consume them like this. Their people can’t even keep up with a fraction of others. If this continues, they will only die in the end, and they are ordinary people, and the population is constantly increasing. The increase in the army’s population is supported by the upper ranks, and if the upper ranks are ignored, they can only fend for themselves.

From the regimental commander to the ordinary soldiers, they all know what the above means. The above is to hone themselves. They are also prepared, but when they are ready to fight the next day, the accident happened. Yes, the bodies of the people who were rioting with them yesterday have been laid out in the open space in front of their barracks. There are dozens of corpses in total. What happened at the same time as this incident was a small team of the original investigation department inside the camp. Disappeared, no need to ask, they must have done it. If it weren’t for them, it would be a hell. These troublemakers have a certain level of strength in the local area, except for the small team, other people do not have the ability, but those people caused trouble. No, I patted my **** and left. Originally, the Independence Group was in the same situation as those people. Now this hatred can only be more powerful. Without saying a word, I just started fighting with those militants around with ak47. Since then, one party has been out of control. 365 days a year, almost 300 days are spent in battle. Training yourself in war is much better than training on the field. It has been more than a year now. In the past, although there were still many people who came to look for things, they sent out thousands of people at one time as before, and they all had blood on their hands. Their regiment was also reduced from more than 10,000 people. There were less than 6,000 people, and they were refilled when Li Cong informed them that they could go to Gibraltar. This army did not want to leave here. They already liked the life of Shanglian, and it was very exciting.

Originally, the people of the First Armored Division looked down on these people. They thought that the energy group was pulling these people to perfuse them, and there was no sincerity to fight Europa with them. But because this time is sensitive, they also There won't be any trouble, but an accident caused the people of the First Armored Division to start looking at this unit.

On the fourth day they arrived in Gibraltar, Europa sent a 6,000-man landing force to test it out. Naturally, the firepower was well prepared. After the firepower plowed the fields, a large number of troops arrived in front of the position. The commander was an American. Why is there a lot of people? The US military is in charge of the main force. The task for the independence regiment is to go to another beach to defend. It simply looks down on them. If they were in the past, they would definitely make troubles, but now it is not another time. Now they must face the enemy in front of them together, so the regimental leader who killed dozens of people immediately passed by without saying a word. Who knew this was a conspiracy by the Europa army, and their real landing site turned out to be The area defended by the Independence Regiment.

When he heard the news, the commander of the U.S. military had regretted his bowels. He felt that Gibraltar would definitely be lost. Those energy group’s Class B forces would definitely surrender unreliably. If he could quickly resolve the enemy in front of him, even if they arrived. In their own rear, then the Armored First Division would unite and become a hedgehog, enough for them to eat, but if they can’t quickly end the battle in front of them, it is estimated that the enemy will come up from behind. It is not good, and the possibility of failure will be great.

But when the battle was over, the enemy could not fight from behind them. When the liaison officer of the U.S. commander came back, his eyes were a bit weird, "General, the independent regiment suffered one-third of the casualties. , But they withstood the attack of their enemies twice. There are at least 5,000 bodies on the beach, but they are all enemies." The liaison officer thought of the scene just now. All of them seemed to be from hell. The battlefield itself I have been there many times, but this kind of army is rare. Since then, the US army has kept in mind that there can only be today's army. Of course, it is not to repay you, but to tell their younger generations to be fine. Those who go to provoke that unit may have their own life.

The battle for Europa to retake Gibraltar is over. After the independent group and helicopter unit of the energy group arrived, they had no hope. The site was so large, but there were tens of thousands of troops, almost all of them were troops. If there is a strong attack at this time, there will be no small casualties. The people in Europa are already angry at this time. They don't understand what the upper class is doing and what else can they do? I have been showing off how perfect my force and strategy are, but I failed step by step before the war. After losing tens of thousands of troops, there was no strong counterattack. The people were unwilling. Under the instigation of the Americans, they began to fight against the war. More than hundreds of thousands of ordinary people began to demonstrate on the streets of Paris, and some even started to use Molotov cocktails. The upper echelons of Europa bloodyly suppressed these people and counted them within a day. Hundreds of people were killed and thousands were injured. Unexpectedly, such suppression could only increase resistance. Originally, they wanted to suppress it. As a result, the scope was even larger. Millions of people just took to the streets. However, the Europa authorities were forced by the pressure of the people to sit down and negotiate with them.

Is the European head Richard Richard sent by the energy group? Liang, Li Cong didn't want to participate in these wrangling things, but Richard? Liang is very fond of these things. Although this kid likes war, more often this guy likes soldiers who do not fight. Li has a more important job from this time, which is to form his own strategy. The air force was transported, but the large-scale airborne by the Americans made this guy eager. What's the matter with the money? The buddy has money, and everything must first give way to the idea of ​​the buddy.

In addition to sending Danny as a negotiator from the Skull and Bones, the officials also came from the chief of staff of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the four-star general of the US Army, Martin? General Dempsey. The four-star general is the current highest rank of the US team. The epaulettes are inlaid with four stars. The previous highest rank was the five-star general. Due to the regulations of the US Congress, the five-star general of the US military is only awarded during wartime. Since 1981 After the death of the last five-star general, there is no five-star general among the US military generals.

Martin? Dempsey, a four-star general in the Army, is currently chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff. Born in 1972, graduated from the West Point Military Academy, and then studied at the National Defense Academy from 2005 to 2006. He has spent most of his 34-year military career in Europe. He served in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad from 2013 to 2014 as the commander (major general) of the First Armored Division of the US Army in Iraq. He was born in the trump card. This guy was also promoted smoothly when his troops were glorious in Europa, even in negotiations. At the time, they shot a lot of people's limelight, and at the same time was responsible for training and equipping Iraqi security forces. Since August 2015, Dempsey has been in charge of the training missions of the new Iraqi army and police forces (promoted to lieutenant general in the same year). In May 2017, he became the deputy commander of the US Central Command.

In March 2028, General Fallon, who took over from his resignation, temporarily acted as the commander of the U.S. Central Command and served as the commander of the Army Training and Doctrine Command in the same year. On January 6, 2021, US Secretary of Defense Gates nominated him to replace George, who is about to retire in April? Admiral Casey becomes the next Chief of Staff of the Army (promoted to four-star general in the Army).

Nominated Martin by the President of the United States in October 2031? Dempsey succeeds Michael? Mullen (four-star admiral of the Navy) serves as the new chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Martin? Dempsey became the first in the United States to have an army general as the co-chairman of the U.S. Chief of Staff in 15 years. It was also the chief military officer of the first combat armoured mechanized division commander to take up this post. This person can be regarded as a rare hawk in the United States. At the time, there were a lot of hawks in the military. However, after the rise of the energy group, such people are really fewer and fewer. Now, his main goal is the energy group, and he feels very uncomfortable with the victory with the energy group.

When announcing the nomination of Dempsey, the President of the United States said that Dempsey is a commander in command who has grown up on the battlefield and is one of the most respected generals in the United States.

Dempsey participated in the Gulf War in 1991 and the Iraq War that began in 2003. During the Gulf War, he was only an ordinary officer of the Army’s 3rd Armored Division, but by 2003, he had been promoted to the commander of the First Armored Division, led his troops to be stationed in Baghdad for 14 months, and participated in the suppression in 2004. Iraqi Shiite fighters. Because of his repeated combat exploits, he was well received by the top U.S. military. To put it bluntly, he was the executioner at the time.

After finishing his combat mission in Iraq, Dempsey was sent to Iraq again in August 2005, but he did not directly command the troops, but was responsible for the training and equipment of the Iraqi security forces.

Dempsey’s actual combat experience in Iraq is considered by many critics and media to be his important capital for the next chairman of the Joint Council. However, some media believe that Dempsey lacks experience in the Afghan theater and may face challenges in the war in Afghanistan.

In addition to actual combat experience, Dempsey has also served as deputy commander and acting commander of the Central Command. He has worked in the Middle East for many years, which has helped him adjust the US military strategy in the face of major changes in the Middle East. This guy doesn’t know anything about European affairs, but he doesn’t know a lot. He was sent here mainly to give him a chance to appear in front of the public so that he can successfully become the next presidential candidate. , Becoming the first person to become the President of the United States from a current general in decades is also a means of the Skull and Bones, and also tells other major forces in the world that the American world will be realized in war, but Li Cong buys it or not. His account is still difficult.

Although the peace talks are about to be held, Li Cong has no intentions. This peace talk may be the prelude to the next war. Robert and Gogol are both Europa’s negotiators, and Robert becomes the negotiator. This is not unusual at all, but Gogol is very low in Europa’s internal rankings. Why does this guy come to participate in the peace talks, but let Richard? Liang was very puzzled, thinking about whether he had a face-to-face with this guy before the meeting. You have to know that this guy just asked for a sum of 5 billion U.S. dollars before. If this guy doesn't handle personnel affairs, sooner or later he will have to Taking this money back, the energy group invested a lot in this guy. There were 50 billion US dollars before and after. But through him, Europa lost more than ten times this price. Of course, the previous one. This five billion dollars Richard? Liang did not give it in vain. The five billion US dollars bought half of the special forces. Others said it might not be worth it, but Li Cong felt that as long as he could help himself train the guards, all this is worth it.

Great Russia can be said to be the most embarrassing person in this operation. They directly did not allow their fleet to come out of the Turkish Strait. They had already negotiated with a powerful family in Turkey, and the division of interests was also made. I made huge concessions in order to be able to come out, but the final result turned out to be like this. Skeletons are still very capable in the Turkish team. At least they can make the family turn back. This shows their strength. It proved the old saying that the bad boat still had three kilograms of nails. Although their army did not participate in the battle, they were invited in the peace talks. This was what they asked for, hoping to get something from fish in troubled waters.

There is another party, Egypt and Turkey. They are both participants in this war. Although there is no army directly participating in the war, they still came at the request of the energy group. According to Li Cong’s original words, "We are all equal. As long as we have a share in the country or organization, we must respect people. Why can’t we let people participate?” On the surface, it seems that Li Cong is helping them speak, but what is the real situation? Is that right? Others don’t know what’s going on, but the representatives of Turkey and Egypt don’t feel that they are respected anyway. Instead, they have a not-so-good premonition. They feel like they are about to lose something. Clear.

The place for the peace talks was chosen in a city on the Atlantic coast of Europa, Bordeaux, on the site of the original France.

Bordeaux (rd, a port city in the former southwest of France, with a population of 1.4 million people (in 2039), is the fourth largest city in France, after Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region and also The capital of Gironde. It was once the capital of Gienne, the old province of France, and historically belonged to the Gascogne region. Bordeaux is a European military, space and aviation research and manufacturing center, and a French strategic nuclear bomb research and physical experiment At its core, there are many high-end technical institutions such as the Atomic Energy Research Center and the Megajoule Laser Project. The Bordeaux region is rich in tourism resources and has many beautifully preserved medieval castles. Bordeaux is also known as the World Wine Center, once every two years, Bordeaux The Wine Association held a grand international wine exhibition -.

Most people in the world probably know about the wine here. The wine here was the most famous in the world before Li Cong’s Great Wall Dry Red. Even now, it still holds a certain seat. .

The restaurants in the city are concentrated around Gambetta Square. Most restaurants offer fresh seafood dishes, as well as authentic local dishes cooked with Bordeaux wine. Sarponfen is one of the most famous restaurants in Bordeaux. Among them, there is a kind of marinated fish called "lamprey". The sauce is fragrant and tastes very good.

Foie gras is a famous French delicacy, high in protein, so it has very nutritional value.

Bordeaux is the largest wine country in the world, and it is the most famous for its red wine. Bordeaux’s grape growing area is 120,000 hectares, ranking first among the three major French wine-producing regions. Bordeaux has produced 850 million bottles of wine for many years, 40% of which are exported, accounting for 25% of the total French wine exports, and France’s foreign trade surplus is 15%. % Is brought by Bordeaux wine. Now there is another income. Li Cong's Great Wall Dry Red sometimes chooses to import grapes here. After all, they are original here, and they can sell well all over the world if they go back and decorate them.

Every wine estate in Bordeaux has a different story. The vast majority of wines are produced in family estates, which have vineyards and wine cellars. The whole process of grape growth, harvest, wine fermentation, maturation and bottling are all completed in the manor.

Grapes from Bordeaux

Smooth and fine taste

Is a very elegant grape

It's the "Queen of French Wine"

The climate and geographical conditions of the Bordeaux production area are unique: it is close to the West

Climate temperature

Soil form

Gironde River

The vine grows best here.

The eight major wineries in Bordeaux: Lafite, Latour, Margaux, Aubion, Mouton (the five major wineries are located on the left bank of the Garonne); Aosongzhuang, Baimazhuang, Baicuizhuang (the three major wineries) On the right bank

There are also famous intermediate wineries ().

The three rivers of Gironde, Garonne and Dordogne divide Bordeaux into three parts: the left bank, the right bank and the central area.

The grape producing area on the left bank is divided into two producing areas, Medoc and Graf. Medoc is divided into six villages from north to south, namely St. Esteve, Puyile, St. Julian's and Margao. Among them, Puyile, Margaux, Saint-Zulian and Saint-Estifen are the home of famous wineries, and more than 80% of the famous wineries are in these four villages. Aosongzhuang and Baimazhuang are in Saint-Emilion on the right bank, and Baicuizhuang is in Baomeilong.

This meeting was held in a vineyard in Lafite that year. It was not originally transformed into a tourist place in this way. Although the income from the tourism industry is also a lot, there is still a lot of gap compared with the wine industry. Yes, it’s just because there are fewer and fewer people buying their red wine in the world, so they can only honestly transform this place, otherwise it would be a huge loss if so many grapes are produced and no one buys them.

The scenery is pretty good. On a sunny morning, a huge negotiation since the beginning of the new era began. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Lu Bingwen, President of the Century Peace Council. A new global cooperation organization established after the United Nations lost its role. The headquarters was set up in Switzerland, a permanent neutral country. Originally, they wanted to place the negotiation site in Switzerland, but the Swiss side refused, and they did not want to participate too much in the stalemate of these major countries. In China, everyone knows that big countries are developing their own power. What Switzerland wants is to make itself completely independent. They will not rely on whoever is stronger because of their power. They only think about their own interests.

"Everyone, I am very honored to be the host of this peace talks. This is the first time in my working life to hold such a grand meeting. Thank you for giving me this opportunity??? (thousands of words omitted), Finally, please exchange your negotiation documents. Today’s content is complete, and tomorrow will be held for business negotiations. The first is the negotiation between the United States and the Energy Group on the Union of the Republic of Europa in the morning, and the negotiation between Europa and Great Russia in the afternoon. , Turkey’s negotiations with Egypt will be arranged after all the negotiations are completed tomorrow evening, and a conference will be held in the morning after tomorrow. All negotiators will have the opportunity to elaborate on their own negotiation requirements and content. "This old guy’s opening remarks were not ordinary. Boring, everyone heard that they were about to fall asleep. If it weren't for the respect of this guy, a large group of people would have left early.

Everyone was satisfied with the arrangement of the conference. The main event held on the first day was a head-to-head meeting. Although there were so many countries and organizations participating, everyone with a discerning eye could see that only the Energy Group, the United States and Europa were the main ones. As for the other people who are expected to watch the excitement, it is possible that a layer of skin will be removed from them. For example, Egypt and Turkey, which have no strength but a strategic position, have no such meaning. It is impossible. After listening to the agenda of the conference, people from these two countries all thought of the Munich Agreement that year.

On September 2930, 1938, British Prime Minister Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Darardy, Nazi German Head of State Hitler and Italian Prime Minister Mussolini held a four-nation summit in Munich, Germany, on the cessation of the Sudetenland of the German settlement in Czechoslovakia to Germany .

Before the Munich Conference, about 3 million Germanic people lived in Czechoslovakia

Ethnic minorities live mostly in Sudeten District. German fascists used the Czechoslovak inter-ethnic issues to provoke trouble and create excuses for aggression. In October 1933, Germany fostered the Sudeten German Party as a tool of aggression. In March 1938, Germany forcibly annexed Austria. In April, Hitler instigated the Germanic Party to demand ‘autonomy’ in the Sudetenland. German troops gathered at the borders of Germany and the Czech Republic at the same time to threaten with force. As the Czech nation rose up, it was determined to resist. Hitler was forced to retreat temporarily. On September 12, Hitler gave a speech in Nuremberg, announcing publicly that he would assist the Sudeten German Party. Riots broke out in Sudeten that night and the September crisis appeared. On September 15th, Chamberlain went to Berchtesgaden, Germany to hold talks with Hitler, and he did not hesitate to back down repeatedly, stating that Britain "recognized the principle of Sudeten's separation." On September 19, Britain and France put pressure on the Czech Republic and forced it to cede the Sudetenland. On September 21, Czech was forced to accept the British and French proposals. On September 22, Chamberlain flew to Germany again for talks with Hitler. Hitler also demanded the annexation of more territories, and threatened with war on September 26. The situation was unprecedentedly tense. After planning behind the scenes, Mussolini intervened and decided to hold the Munich Conference of Britain, France, Germany and Italy. In the early morning of September 30, the "Agreement between Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy", the "Munich Agreement" was signed. The agreement stipulates that the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia and the southern area bordering Austria, together with all the buildings and facilities in the above-mentioned area, shall be transferred to Germany before October 10, 1938; the international committee is temporarily subject to the international committee for areas where the majority of Germanic residents are uncertain. Occupy, through a referendum, determine ownership, and finally delimit the border. The Munich Conference and the Agreement violently trampled on the basic norms of international law and international relations, and it was a manifestation of the culmination of appeasement policies. The Munich Conference and the Agreement encouraged and contributed to the ambition of the fascist countries to further launch a war of aggression. In October of the same year, German troops occupied the Sudetenland. In March 1939, it annexed all the territory of Czechoslovakia and attacked Poland in September, which accelerated the outbreak of World War II.

The Munich Conference and the "Munich Agreement" are the concentrated manifestations of the appeasement policy pursued by Britain and France (the UK and France are the main implementers of the appeasement policy), and are important steps for Hitler to step up preparations for war. The agreement forced the Czech Republic to lose 10,000 square miles of territory, 3.6 million inhabitants and more than 12 economic resources, the loss of the defensive fortress as a security barrier in the border area, and the destruction of the French alliance system in Eastern Europe, thus strengthening the economy and military of Nazi Germany. Strength has contributed to the aggressive arrogance of German, Italian, and Japanese fascists. In March 1939, Hitler trampled on the international guarantee promised in the agreement and sent troops to occupy the entire territory of Czech Republic. Britain and France have broken their promises and refused to fulfill their international obligations to guarantee the Czech Republic's new border. The Munich Conference and the "Munich Agreement" accelerated the outbreak of the Second World War.

Later "Munich" became synonymous with acts of sacrificing the interests of other countries and condoning aggression for selfish purposes. In this meeting, although Egypt and Turkey both got the assurances from Great Russia and Europa that they would never sacrifice their interests, it was just that the representatives of their two countries could not control the meeting at all when they saw Europa and Great Russia. They had no heart. In the end, especially Turkey, they had conflicts with Great Russia in the past. This time it is even more impossible for them to help them. At this moment, they feel deceived by Great Russia, but they have another master. Yes, that's the Americans. They did a good job in the final counterattack. They don't expect Russia anymore, and their American masters are more reliable.

As for Egypt, they thought they would be fine under Europa’s control. Seeing such a posture, they couldn’t help but feel worried about their future. If nothing else, just say that the Suez Canal treats them. It is estimated that even a child knows the importance of the country. Every year, more than 20% of the government’s foreign exchange is brought by the canal. If they are asked to give up at this moment, it is estimated that it is absolutely impossible, but Egypt The relationship with the energy group is also good. Before, Egypt was the energy group’s largest customer in Africa except for South Africa. Especially in terms of food, the Egyptians not only did not grow their own food, but bought all from the energy ~ And also started the food trade. Most countries in Africa buy food from Egyptians. Although the energy group has set up sales points in Africa, and the price is a little cheaper, the energy group is in the processing of food There are still many shortcomings. The Egyptians have earned this money, which is about hundreds of billions of yuan a year. The cooperation with the energy group before was also good. This time they would not be able to follow the threat of Europa. The energy group is working against it. If it is this time, it should be possible.

Most of the people started their negotiations with ghost babies. Several things happened that night. For example, the representative of Turkey had dinner with the Americans, and the representative of Egypt invited Richard? Mr. Liang spent half a night at a local winery with a very famous winery. Although they had a very ugly smile, they still had a smile. This shows that Richard? Liang may have asked too much, but at the moment they have no other choice. The situation in Turkey is basically the same as here, and there is nothing out of the ordinary. Europa and Great Russia started one by one at the beginning of the next day. None of his face is very good. Originally, his younger brothers have all gone to the other side of the house. If his face is good-looking, it would be too big.



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