Energy Group

Chapter 1437:

Section 1437 gets the largest diamond mine

The things that the three major forces had determined were quickly settled. When the senior leaders of Sequoia Tree received the news, they were immediately stupid. They never thought that the enemy would get the news so quickly, and they also proposed such a harsh one. In their view, this is an absolutely unacceptable condition. Just one trillion dollars will send oneself away? Are you kidding me? Everyone knows that these minerals are worth ten trillion U.S. dollars. Although it is only a broad quantification, it does exist. Otherwise, Li Cong will definitely not pay one trillion U.S. dollars to buy mining rights. . m

"Everyone, I think the energy group’s suggestion is actually good. We can’t mine such a huge diamond mine. To be honest, we don’t have the technology to mine that diamond mine. The money we mine might eventually be earned. That is about three trillion US dollars, but it will take ten years or more. We can receive one trillion US dollars at a time. I feel very good, and I can get back at least five more in future taxes. About hundreds of billions of dollars." said a guy with a hooked nose. This guy’s family controls Eastern Europe because the military operations of Great Russia have caused them heavy losses. At this time, they don’t want anything, they just want to get some money quickly. Then start a new offensive, and the expanded strength like that is his own. If you can win Poland, it will be the best.

"Mr. Khatolov, don’t think we don’t know what your idea is. We have our own jewelry company. Why don’t we develop it ourselves? I don’t know what your $3 trillion in ten years was like. Forget it, my jewelry company told me that if it is developed properly, we will have the largest diamond company in the world. The annual profit is definitely more than hundreds of billions of dollars. In ten years, we will have four trillion to five trillion dollars. For our entire organization, this is definitely an opportunity to laugh out loud, instead of giving up this Baoshan for the trivial one trillion dollars. After all, this is definitely a Baoshan.” The other guy is obviously I am very dissatisfied with this idea. He is the largest jeweler in Great Russia. It was also discovered by his exploration team first. Now he has privately retrieved goods worth tens of millions of dollars from there, and they sold it. Very good, you must know that the few pieces he got back are just a small part of those things.

"That's right, now this huge treasure is a new starting point for us. We must seize this opportunity. Otherwise, we won't have such an opportunity in the future. As for Poland, I suggest that It’s better to stop the war temporarily. We don’t have the ability to attack on both sides. The energy group just saw that we had Baoshan and they were eager. We can promise them to give them a certain share, but they will use it. Cash to buy.” There are many people who support jewelers. Of course, they mainly want to divide the money. In the early stage, they only used a small amount to achieve such great results. They will definitely increase in the future. The richer it is, it is not a good thing to give up here for one trillion dollars, because that seems to be too short-sighted.

"Have you all forgotten what happened to us before? Forgot how we lost the Far East? Do you think that Li said that he would talk with you and you really think this guy is that good? I can tell you responsibly that this is an impossible thing. This guy will never give up. I also know that this is a hope for the rise of our red cedar tree, but I also ask you to understand that sometimes the hope is greater and disappointed. The bigger one is, the one who can’t eat a fat man in one bite. Li Cong never said one trillion dollars to death. We can definitely increase the price. If 15 hundred billion dollars, plus tax, we can get 20,000 yuan. Billion US dollars, although it is far from five trillion US dollars, but with these two trillion US dollars, we can immediately wipe out our nearly 700 billion US fiscal deficit, and we can rebuild a strong Fleet, update the weapons of our three armies. Everyone has seen this Polish campaign. Modern warfare is just a word of money. In a few days, we have burned tens of billions of dollars. As a result, we drove the Polish army. After I went out, I did not approve of using force against Poland. Poland is not terrible, but the energy group and Americans standing behind it are not vegetarian, so we are facing today’s situation.” Vice President Ander Kazinov Said that he was in favor of cooperating with the energy group, but the voice was still a little bit before. Since Li Cong swept the huge treasure house, this voice was only made by him, and only I talked about it when I was fine, and now this guy finally has a chance to talk.

"Military officer, your opinion, you haven't spoken until now." Khatolov saw that none of the military divisions spoke. When encountering big things, they are used to talking to the military division first, but Everyone hasn’t paid much attention to this guy since the military division made a major mistake, but when everyone didn’t pay attention to this guy, they found that their path was even more wrong. This person is still useful. At the moment the military division’s mind thinks That's what Li Cong told him.

"You help me do this. Two billion dollars can go to your account and your son. I promise him a happy life forever. Of course you can also refuse me. Then you have I think there are many people who know about this son. I think there are no less than three digits of people who have enemies with you. Those people are hiding in all parts of the world waiting for you. They may have nothing to you. The solution is because you are in the red cedar tree, you have a huge number of bodyguards watching you, and your power can also protect yourself, but your son, I know you have arranged dozens of bodyguards for him , But those people can block ordinary killers, but most elites are useless. Besides, open guns are easy to hide from dark arrows and hard to prevent. One day he might have something wrong, but you know very well that if there is my guarantee If you do, he will be fine. Think about it. I’ll wait for your call.” This is what Li Cong said. He has no objection to cooperating with Li Cong, let alone having his own son. Even if there is no flower, he is ready to cooperate with Li Cong. He is just a think tank. Even if he gives important advice, what is the effect, can you give me two billion dollars? It is not a fixed one billion US dollars in consulting fees every year. Although the price is not low for a consultant, it seems that you are a bit stingy when you look at Li Cong’s shots, and with the recent fact that you are not doing well. , They are already thinking about how to get rid of themselves, if they don't arrange a way for themselves, then they are really sorry for themselves.

"I think we shouldn’t work against the energy group in this matter. First of all, the area is in Central Siberia, where people are off the beaten track. Although it has a great effect on our preservation of this secret, it turns out that Li Cong has already known the news and this advantage. There is no more, and if we want to develop there, there will be many difficulties. First of all, we have to develop such a huge diamond mine. We may not be able to solve the funding problem, and again it is the personnel problem. I think it is not in our country. People are willing to go to that place, but I won’t go anyway, and someone said just now that it took us ten years to make a profit of about 4 trillion US dollars. I don’t think it's cost-effective. It’s better to go directly to 15 trillion US dollars. I’d like to sell it directly to Li Cong. I think he would be happy to accept an additional price of 500 billion US dollars, and it would also bring us huge taxes. We can’t solve the personnel problem there, but the energy group can As long as Li Cong is willing to spend money, I think many people will be willing to go there. He will pay the price. This will solve the employment problem of at least 100,000 people, plus other channels. We are The long-term gains are also a lot of stable profits." Military divisions are military divisions. Even if they want to help Li Cong, it will not be so obvious. They always start with the interests of the organization. As I thought, most of the people here are no-brainers. At this moment, I heard the military commander say that. Even the people who opposed it just stopped talking. They also felt that this guy was right. Thinking is really a bit superficial.

"I know what the military adviser said is correct, but I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart after such a golden rooster that can lay eggs. I reserve my own opinions. I feel that we should develop it ourselves." Master Jewelry Company The guy in is still a little unwilling, but he knows what everyone is saying now, and can only do his best. After the military division said it, it is estimated that most people in this room have to support the military division. It's reasonable.

"In fact, you don’t have to be so unwilling. Even if we give Li Cong, it’s nothing. Our jewelry company can also develop. We can add one thing to the agreement that Li Cong must sell to us at a low price every year. I think it’s okay for a batch of diamonds to share billions of dollars a year, so that we can get five or six times the benefits once we change hands. We can also grow up. And your jewelry company is not big enough, even if the entire diamond mine I don’t think you can play around. You can’t eat the meat in your mouth, but you’ll never own it. You can feel good when you eat it.” The military commander said with a smile, and his words made the guy just think from his heart. I feel comfortable, too. I can’t play with such a big diamond mine. It’s better to just eat a little bit as I told the military commander. I believe Li will never kill him, and Li Cong will never kill him. Those who have mastered the world’s jadeite, that thing is now a good thing. A few days ago, my jewelry company spent 1 billion yuan to get that little bit. If you change hands, you will get 50% profit. This is because The reason why the price I got is too expensive, if I take this opportunity to have a good chat with Li Cong and ask him to give myself a batch of jade, then I really make a profit. Europeans seem to like it more and more. That thing, the green oil is indeed better than some transparent diamonds.

"Hehe, military strategist, although your words are reasonable, but you have thought that the result has not been. If we just give up such a huge wealth to Li Cong, what will he see us as? A very good bully neighbor? The guy’s appetite is not known to others, can we still not know? If this guy has a chance to annex us, he will certainly annex us, are we implementing the appeasement policy? We must know that the appeasement policy will ultimately give ourselves The tragedy of the year is still vivid.” There are still many voices of opposition. People like them can't get any benefits, but they are indeed frightened by Li Congji. They will do everything possible. To prevent Li Cong from becoming stronger, they are afraid of Li Cong becoming stronger.

"You are right, but without this diamond mine, I think Li Cong might find us worse. I think everyone hasn't forgotten the things in the past few years, and now this diamond mine is a secret to the common people. , But it’s not a secret to us at all. If Li Cong really announces it, what can we do to this guy? We are the only one who loses. We will not get a dime by then, Li Cong’s jewelry group He will definitely suffer heavy losses. The guy in this account will not swallow it himself. I think we are going to help him pay off the debt. Everyone knows his ability to pay the account." The military commander had already threatened his words at this time. Everyone also heard the taste in his mouth. At the moment, no one had said anything, and no one had the courage to challenge Li Cong. The things that happened a few years ago were still vivid.

"Since no one has any opinions, I think we can agree to Li Cong's request. I think you have to go to Huaxia for the military division. We are not familiar with that guy, and we are not cunning people. "The rotating chairman Chekovle said, the military commander couldn't help but scold this **** fellow in his heart. You are not cunning people, so is Lao Tzu? If it weren’t for Lao Tzu’s son and the two billion dollars, Lao Tzu wouldn’t care about your affairs. It’s best to ask you to go head-to-head with Li Cong. Then you will know how correct Lao Tzu’s words are. Know how many catties you have.

"Regarding Poland, what do you think of the military division? We have reached this point, but the energy group and the American brigade have also arrived. Are we going to fight them?" Chekovler said.

"This problem is more serious. In fact, we have all seen it. After they and the American troops arrived in Poland, they did not explode their numbers at all. What they took out was actually the number of the Polish Garrison. It means that they don’t want to turn their faces with us, but I have an idea, that is to put Poland close to our side of the territory, about ten cities are assigned to us as compensation for them, I think the energy group and the Americans do not want it. Fighting with us for such a small benefit, I also know that ten cities are a little less for us, but if we don’t say anything, these ten cities may not be available at the end.” The military division thought about it and said, wanting to be fast To end this war, he had to come up with something to feed these guys. He understood very well, and I believe Li Cong would also understand.

"The military division is right. We do not have the strength to confront the two major groups. The latest news from the military department shows that the American Atlantic Fleet has entered the Baltic Sea. That is a huge fleet with a dozen aircraft carriers. Our Baltic Fleet is fundamental It is not an opponent of others. If there is a war, I think that a large number of coastal cities such as St. Petersburg are within the range of their attack. The loss is too great for the entire empire. It can acquire ten cities in Poland. It’s already very good, and the Energy Group has given us trillions of dollars. We can immediately build a brand new Baltic Fleet, and we can compete with them as much as possible.” The military guy said, he also If you don’t want to have a head-on conflict with the energy group and the Americans, look at your own equipment, and then look at other people’s equipment. It’s definitely not of the same grade. What does an army division use? Take tanks and armored vehicles as an example. Ten people on the other side can get an average of one, and only one for 70 people on their own. This is still their own Central Army, not to mention the miscellaneous troops below.

"Yes, our navy does need to update its equipment, and our Navy Department has already brought the information. We hope to purchase four large aircraft carriers. We do not have manufacturing capabilities. The energy group has promised to export us a version without weapons. The hull is now, but the cost is as high as 5 billion U.S. dollars. We can fit all of our own things." The Secretary of the Navy sat and said, everyone didn't feel it at the moment, but the military division felt it. The topic of the meeting It has already begun to work towards how to use the money. At this moment, you don’t need to participate in things. And they won’t ask yourself about these specific things. They just continue to enter the Dhamma, and they will solve it. The rest.

Siberia (a) is a vast area of ​​North Asia in Russia. It starts from the Ural Mountains in the west, the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the mountains of central and northern Kazakhstan in the southwest, and China, Mongolia, and North Korea in the south. It covers an area of ​​12.76 million square kilometers, except for the southwestern tip, all within Russia. Some people regard the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean as its eastern boundary.

Siberia (Russian: сибирь), the name "Siberia" may come from the ancient Turkic language, meaning "a peaceful land". It is also said that it is "Xianbei Liya", from the Xianbei nationality. On the ancient map of China, Siberia was called "Luo Wilderness". The name "Siberia" comes from the Mongolian word "xabar", which means "earth, muddy place". In ancient times, Siberia was a muddy place. The ancestors of Mongolia who lived here named this place based on the terrain. When the Russians came, this transliteration was "Siberia".

Historically, the Siberian Khanate (1460--1598), also known as the Siberian Khanate, was a Khanate in Siberia, Asia in the 16th century. It was established by the Mongols and Turks and belonged to the Chincha of the Great Mongol Empire. One of the four khanates of the Crimean Khanate, the Kazan Khanate, the Astrakhan Khanate, and the Siberian Khanate, split from the Khanate (also known as the Golden Horde). In 1218, Mongolia eliminated the Liao Dynasty. In 1219, the "people in the forest" (southern Siberia) merged into the territory of Mongolia. In 1271, the Mongolian Khanate became the Yuan Dynasty. The territory of the Yuan Dynasty was unprecedentedly vast. Most of today’s Siberia extends north to the Arctic Ocean, east to the Bering Sea and the Kamchatka Peninsula in the east of Siberia. Outer Meng, Outer Northeast, and Kuye Island are all within the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. , Belonged to the Lingbei province and Liaoyang province of the Yuan Dynasty. In the 15th century, the Outer Hinggan Mountains and the northern areas were the land of Mongolian nomadic tribes. In the 17th century, it was incorporated into the territory of the Qing Dynasty. In the early 17th century, Russia invaded the outer Xing'an Mountains and the northern regions and the Heilongjiang region. The ethnic minorities in the outer northeast refused to pay tribute to the Tsar. The Russians carried out brutal suppression. , Emperor Kangxi ordered the Qing army to attack the Russian army entrenched in Yaksa twice, and curbed the Tsarist Russia's ambition to invade China.

In 1689, China signed the first border treaty with Tsarist Russia-the "Nerchinsk Treaty". The treaty clearly stated that the entire outer northeast was China's territory. Some hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land between Lake Baikal and the Ergun River were ceded to Russia. The Qing government established Heilongjiang and Jilin generals to manage the outer northeast. Tsarist Russia forced the Chinese government to sign the Treaty of Aihui in 1858 and the Treaty of Beijing in 1860, ceding more than 1 million lands to Russia in the outer northeast-Heilongjiang North, Ussuri River East, and Sakhalin Island. China also lost the Sea of ​​Japan and The marine resources and outlets of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

In 1919, the Soviet government under the leadership of Lenin issued a declaration to the Chinese people and the North and South governments, abolishing all unequal treaties between Tsarist Russia and China, which restored a glimmer of hope for China's sovereignty in the northeast. But after Stalin came to power, the Soviet Union began to deny the previous declaration and refused to return this territory to China. On May 31, 1924, the then China Central Government (Beiyang Government) and the Soviet Union signed the "Sino-Russian Outline Agreement for Solving Unsettled Issues", also known as the "Sino-Soviet Agreement." Main contents: 1. Abolish all unequal treaties between China and Russia; 2. The Soviet Union gave up all concessions and leases of imperial Russia in China; 3. The Soviet Union gave up the Russian part of the Boxer indemnity; 4. The Soviet Union cancels the extraterritorial rights and consulates of imperial Russia in China Jurisdiction; 5. The Middle East Railway agrees to redeem it by Huaxia. 6. Recognizing that Outer Mongolia is the territory of China, and China has complete and permanent sovereignty in Outer Mongolia. The Tang dynasty's Ping Shi Wei and Wu Ji occupies most of the outer northeast, belonging to Heishui Dudu Mansion and Bohai Dudu Mansion. Liao belongs to Shangjing Road, and later it is the territory of Jin Dynasty. Most of the Yuan Dynasty belonged to Liaoyang Province, and the Ming Dynasty belonged to the Nurgandusi and Jurchens. Beginning in the second half of the 16th century, Tsarist Russia expanded across the Ural Mountains to Siberia, and cut off large areas of China that belonged to China. Siberia has a vast territory. According to natural conditions, it can be divided into 3 main regions: West Siberian Plain, located between the Ural Mountains and the Yenisei River. The terrain is low and flat, the swamp is wide, and the average elevation is 120 meters. Ob River and Yenisei River; Central Siberian Plateau, west from Putorana Mountain at the northwest corner of Yenisei River, East Dalena River Basin, with an average elevation of 300 to 500 meters, the plateau surface is broken; the south and northeast Mountains, including Chersky, Upper Yansk, Baikal Mountains, East and West Sayan Mountains, Altai Mountains (northwestern section), etc. Siberia is located in the middle and high latitudes, with a significant continental climate, gradually strengthening from west to east, with long cold winters and mild summers. The annual average temperature is below 0℃. The absolute low temperature in Yakutia in the northeast is -70°C. There are obvious differences in precipitation in time and space. The annual precipitation along the Arctic Ocean is 100-250 mm, the coniferous forest area is 500-600 mm, and the Altai mountain area is 1000-2000 mm. 75% to 80% of the precipitation is mainly concentrated in summer. The vegetation includes tundra, forest swamp, Taiga coniferous forest, forest grassland and treeless grassland. Siberia is rich in natural resources, with mineral deposits such as oil, natural gas, coal, gold, diamonds, etc. The distribution of various resources is relatively concentrated, and there are many large-scale deposits.

After the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway from 1895 to 1905, the area began to be developed on a large scale, and a large number of people mainly from the Russian nation moved eastward. During the first five-year plan period of the former Soviet Union (1928-1932), the Kuznetsk coal field and the industries along the Trans-Siberian Railway were greatly developed. In the 1950s, the development of the Angara-Yenise River's hydraulic resources was implemented. The development of large oil and gas fields in West Siberia started in the mid-1960s. In the mid-1970s, the construction of the second Siberian railway with a distance of 4,275 kilometers, the Bea-A railway (Taishet-Soviet Port), was opened in November 1984. Siberia is an important energy and raw material base. On this basis, the petrochemical, coal chemical, non-ferrous metal mining, and metallurgical industries are also very developed. The iron and steel industry has begun to take shape, and the machinery industry has developed, but it is not matched and is still weak. Agriculture is more developed in southern Western Siberia, with wheat, milk, and meat animal husbandry as the main sectors.

During World War II, this place was once the rear of the entire Soviet Union. After the end of World War II, the industry here was very developed. Originally relying on oil and other resources, it might be good, but Li Cong's energy. The emergence of the group made all of this impossible. The place has gradually become desolate, and there are not many people in such a large territory. It seems to be the quietest place in the world. Fortunately, it is still There are some diamond mines distributed in dots, otherwise they are really forgotten by God.

After the sequoia was settled, Li was now in front of the peace diamond pit, the largest diamond pit in the entire Siberia region. Such a huge guy is more like a natural formation than an artificial formation.

The Peace Diamond Mine is located near the city of Yakutia in the Permafrost Zone of Siberia, Russia. It is one of the coldest regions in the world, with temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees Celsius in winter. However, it was in this remote and remote place that miners from the former Soviet Union and Russia dug out the world's largest "man-made cave"-the "Peace" diamond mine. This huge cave is about 1,600 meters in diameter and 533 meters deep. From the satellite photos, it looks like a big wound on the earth. Thinking that the huge diamond mine he just got down might become like this in the future, Li Cong felt a little uncomfortable. After all, this scarred the earth. Although we are not environmentalists, Nor are they bad nature remodelers.

The Peace Diamond Mine is the largest man-made cave in the world. It is located near the city of Yakutia in the Siberian permafrost zone in Russia. It is one of the coldest regions in the world, with temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees Celsius in winter. However, it was in this remote and remote place that miners from the former Soviet Union and Russia dug out the world's largest "man-made cave"-the "Peace" diamond mine.

It is reported that because the diamond pit is so huge, helicopters are also prohibited from flying over it. The air turbulence created by this large hole is enough to **** the helicopter into its interior. Once the helicopter is "captured" by the turbulent air turbulence in the giant hole, it will be more unfortunate. In fact, digging for diamonds from the "largest cave" on the planet is obviously not an easy task. In winter, lubricants will freeze and steel will be cracked.

The "Peace" diamond mine was once one of the Kremlin's top secrets. The large amount of diamonds it produced gave the former Soviet Union a powerful economic capital in the US-Soviet hegemony. Even today, the Russian government still regards it as a "cornucopia", eager to receive More diamond treasures were dug up in this huge pit.

Since the first batch of diamonds in the Khrushchev era were excavated from the "Peace" diamond mine in the 1950s, Russian miners have dug 165 million cubic meters of rock from the mine. Due to the importance of this diamond mine, the Kremlin has now returned the "Alrosa" company operating the mine to the control of the federal government. It is reported that 99% of Russia's uncut diamonds are supplied by the company "Alrosa", which digs up 23% of the world's diamond output. The small town on the edge of this "huge cave", also called "Peace" town, is home to more than 40,000 households. Although the "Peace" diamond mine produces £20 billion worth of diamonds each year, the town is still one of the poorest places in the world. It is reported that the diamonds in the "Peace" mine will always dry up one day. In fact, the "El Rosa" company has begun to shift its sights to other Siberia regions and even abroad.

The first reason Li Cong came here was to inspect it on the spot, and the second reason was to visit Heping Town, because the best diamond workers in Great Russia live here. If you want your diamond mine to be able to work, here is a must The next step is to get the chicken that can lay the golden eggs, but the breeder himself has to dig it out.

The town of Peace in Eastern Siberia, Russia, with a population of only 40,000, has a secret little known to outsiders: the world's largest man-made cave-the "Peace" diamond mine was dug there! Due to the turbulent airflow formed over the huge mine pit, there have been tragedies in the area where a helicopter was caught in the downward airflow and crashed when flying through the mine. Therefore, this place is called the "death vortex". The Russian government prohibits helicopters from flying over the entrance of the cave. It is mysterious to outsiders, but it is commonplace for people here.

According to Alrosa’s general manager Alexander, “People discovered the first diamond mine here 50 years ago. Since then, the local mining industry has developed rapidly. The “Peace” diamond mine was first put into operation. One of the mines has been the pride of Russians for many years. Since 1958, the mine has produced a total of US$1.7 trillion worth of diamonds.

A few kilometers away from the "Peace" mine, an underground diamond mine called "International" has been mined. There are 870 miners working there in 24-hour shifts, and trucks transport 100 tons of gray-green ore mined every day to a nearby factory to extract diamonds. Mine Director Keschen proudly said that "International" mines are the "richest in Russia". A reporter asked how many diamonds the mine is expected to produce, and the Russian government and companies are tight-lipped.

According to reports, mining diamonds in the cold winter of Siberia is a very hard work. Especially in the difficult month of January, not only the lubricant will freeze, but even the gas exhaled by the workers can freeze onto the ground. But the mine's monthly salary of more than $1,000 has attracted a large number of workers. In a small city with a sluggish economy, such an income is undoubtedly very attractive.

It's just that such a "cornucopia" has not allowed the locals to live a good life. The small town on the edge of this "huge cave", also called "Peace" town, is home to more than 40,000 residents. Although the "Peace" diamond mine produces £2 billion of diamonds each year, the town is still one of the poorest places in the world.

Ivanov, a 64-year-old former miner, said: “We provided gems for the most beautiful women in the world, but we never saw any money. Now that the Kremlin has taken over it, nothing has changed.” Huge A steady stream of wealth has flowed into Al Rosa Company, and the roads in Heping Town are still bumpy and many houses are dilapidated. Li Cong walked on the streets of this small town and felt astonished. It seemed that it was not the 21st century at all. The houses here were all built during the Soviet period in the 1970s. The people here seem to be It’s the same as nutritional deficiencies. I quickly understood that more than one thousand dollars is good here, but what can I buy here for more than one thousand dollars? Because it is in the depths of Siberia, it has not developed at all for decades. There is nothing but diamond mining, and the lives of residents have not been improved.

"If I don't know this place, I think it's a slum, but it's where the most valuable minerals are mined in the world." Li Cong slapped him in an old restaurant that can no longer be older. Said with the snowflakes on his head, it’s only the end of September and the beginning of October, but snowflakes have already floated here. It’s still at noon, and people who are cold can’t stand it. If it’s night, it’s not bad, no wonder it’s winter here. Even the lubricant can freeze, it really deserves its reputation.

"Haha, sir, you may be used to living in the south. Although my home is not here, the whole Russia feels basically the same." This time Li did not bring a large number of people from here. People and horses brought more than a dozen entourages and Karelina. She is an authentic Russian. There is also a scenic line that does not lose to her. There is a local employee in the entourage, the beautiful girl Elaine. Na, her grandfather used to be a miner here. With the money from the color mine, she went to a model school in Moscow. Later, this girl learned Chinese again, and she was taken by the public relations department of the Energy Group. Of course she liked it. It’s not the girl who learned it, but the girl’s talent or to be more precise in appearance, facing Li Cong, although Li Cong has put on glasses, she still feels When she was a little restrained, she sat there without saying a word at this moment, and she could see that she still liked the place where she grew up, watching everywhere.

"South? Are you kidding me, as far as we are concerned, Shandong belongs to the north, and this is still the south. I haven't experienced the cold, but it's really cold here and wicked." Li Cong said with no good face. In a word, this is the first time I have heard that my place belongs to the south. I really don't know how this girl defines it.

"Ilena, I see one of you watching everywhere. Is there any acquaintance? You haven't been back in a few years?" Karelina said while pouring hot tea to Li Cong, for this Girls who are much younger than themselves are very kind, and it is not easy to find a fellow in the group, especially in the upper ranks.

"Yeah, I don’t seem to have any acquaintances before. Although I haven’t been back in a few years, it wasn’t so desolate in the past. I thought about it. It must be that the diamond mine is depressed, except for the diamond mine. There is nothing. After the diamond mine is gone, those people will definitely not stay here. They must have gone to a new place. This is an abandoned place." Irina said sadly. After all, the place where I grew up still has feelings, and I am very unhappy in being abandoned.

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