Energy Group

Chapter 1463:

Section 1463 Missile Interception

With the opening of the energy group's fleet, the United States has paid more and more attention to this matter. In their opinion, it is not enough to have a second fleet. If it is just a confrontation, it should be fine. It’s very large, but if you want to blockade the energy group’s task force, it might be insufficient. So immediately, twelve guided missile destroyers sailed out of the naval base in the New York area to form a new destroyer fleet. Two more nuclear submarines and several frigates arrived. At this time, the main force of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet was still in Europe. It was not easy for them to piece together such a navy at their doorstep. This was mainly because in their home. There has never been such a thing at the door. m

Of course, they don’t need to worry. The energy group fleet will soon enter the attack range of their shore-based aircraft, just like the U.S. b2 bomber, which is the master that can fight all over the world, the shore-based aircraft mentioned here. It is the aircraft with a combat radius of several thousand kilometers. There are thousands of combat aircraft in the eastern United States at this moment. If you really want to destroy this fleet, it is very easy.

"Commander, there are fleets coming over all around us. Their current fleet is much higher than ours. If we continue to follow the current course, we will most likely run into them in an hour. The marching staff said while looking at the road map on the computer. Soon they are going to run into a four destroyer formation of the U.S. Army. If they continue to fire at that time, it is estimated that the world is invincible. The navy will not be so bullied, and their people have never been so birdish before.

"Hehe, keep going, I want to see what these paper tigers are capable of, and order the fleet and air force to vacate the runway, let the planes in the sky come back and refuel, and release 20 planes as a warning." Yes, but Li Yunhai is not a fool. Naturally, he must be fully prepared at this time. If his pilot has not adjusted well when he really enters the combat state, he will suffer at that time, although the ground attack power is also very good. It's strong, but the arm is always a little shorter, so it's not as big as sending an airplane to do.

"Commander, the latest news. 35 U.S. shore-based aircraft have taken off. According to the news from satellites, their target is us. Do we need our pilots to play with them?" Another observer of the American continent The guy said, the good guy is really a major country, and 35 aircraft were dispatched at one time. You must know that the main combat aircraft of the US military now sells for more than 50 million US dollars, which is more than one billion US dollars. , If it is replaced by a small and medium-sized country, it means that their annual military expenditures will not do anything and may not be able to make up such an air force. For these old Americans, such an air force formation is a very simple matter. They There are hundreds of airports in the east, and at least half of the air force bases can deliver such a number of aircraft. From this we can see how terrifying their air force strength is. The energy group's fleet can't even catch up with people's teeth. .

"Report, Commander, the US Pentagon issued a statement, saying that the area in front of us is the area where they exercised, so we don’t want us to move forward." Now that people have warned that it can't be the same as before. If we continue to move at this speed, it is estimated that there will definitely be some reactions there. At this time, we must carefully consider.

"Commander, this matter doesn't seem to be so easy to handle. We can't move on like this. If they really say the bombing is wrong, we will suffer. The above is still not ready for a full-scale war with them." After thinking about it, they couldn’t shoot the first shot, but because of the temper of their commander, if someone over there really opened fire, he would definitely not sit and wait, let alone attack his own warship, others may not know it. I know very well that this commander of my own is very short-sighted. He may directly order the fleet to attack the United States. He can definitely do such a thing, but it is impossible to ask them to retreat now. If they retreat, this The international influence of the representative has gone far.

"I know this, but we can't retreat now. Although we defeated them in the past, they are not in the current position. If we retreat now, it is estimated that many people in the world will think that Lao Tzu is scared. These guys, they all have a mouth that doesn’t say good things. Let’s form a defense and control formation, move on, and slow down to 28 knots.” Li Yunhai finished speaking and looked at the Chief of Staff, sometimes he He also has to listen to the opinions of his deputies. He doesn’t have the habit of not believing in those who came from a major. He still respects these people from a major. He will never be proud of being ignorant. , On the contrary, sometimes I still learn actively.

"At present, this is the only way to see it. Our plane will face up with their flight formation in five minutes. Let's see how they are." The chief of staff has no extra suggestions, but just take one step and look one step at a time. At this moment, both sides refused to give in. The eyes of the whole world were focused on this, and there was no news from the senior energy group, which shows that the front-line matters are still left to Li Yunhai.

Twenty fighter jets of the Energy Group moved forward in the form of a five-plus-one formation. A hundred kilometers ahead of them, 35 planes of the US Air Force also came towards them. They were playing a game of life. , To see who retreated first, their altitude and speed are basically the same. If they enter the range of 50 kilometers without turning around, they may have to hit it in a while. After all, they all fly at supersonic speed in the air. Yes, even if the current speed is not very fast, it is very dangerous.

"A1 locked?? A3 locked." Li Yunhai's ears kept coming from the pilots in front of them. They have locked the enemy in front of them with missiles, but they are not the only ones who can do this. The pilots on the opposite side had also locked them up a long time ago, but no one fired them first at this moment. This is no other time, and no one can bear this responsibility.

"Please pay attention to the front fighters, please pay attention to the front fighters, you are about to enter the territorial waters of the United States of America, please retreat, please retreat, otherwise we will take necessary actions." Standard American English, the other flight captain began to shout. It's just that the distance of this call is a bit close.

"We are the naval aviation of the Atlantic Fleet of the Energy Group. We are still in the common sea at the moment. We have full power to fly anywhere. As long as we have not entered your territorial waters, we can continue to move forward." The aviation forces here are not vegetarian either. Do you want to make Lao Tzu retreat with a few words? Are you kidding me? Your aircraft carrier hasn’t arrived yet, but there are anti-control frigates behind us that have locked you down. Even if you can beat Lao Tzu down, you won’t be able to survive. Besides, Lao Tzu is still watching you, you don’t necessarily have it. That capable.

Now that the two sides have said everything, but there is nothing to back off. They can only move on. Soon they can see it with their naked eyes. Generally speaking, modern air forces rarely have such a situation, even if it is used In the case of short-range combat missiles, it is also a matter of tens of kilometers away. Even if they rush over, the most they see is a fireball, or they become a fireball for the opponent to see themselves, but rarely see themselves. Opponents, the American aviation team seems to be a bit larger, and at their doorstep, their confidence seems to be a little bit more, but the naval aviation of the energy group has fought all over the world, and also competed with the other three in other regions. The pilots of the big powers have fought against each other. Of course, they will not be afraid of the rookies in front of them. The radars of both sides are turned on. As long as there is a pilot who can't guard the psychological pressure at this time, his fingers will move a little to estimate. You can fly out the missiles on your plane immediately. It was quite lively at that time, and the world war was about to begin at that moment.

Not only the pilots in front, but also the fleet behind them and some missile bases on the land. At this time, all the responsible persons are also standing in their posts. They have no choice. Once there is any news there. If it comes out, they will immediately activate the strongest weapon in their hands and directly deal a fatal blow to those so-called enemies. Of course, they won’t know who the final victory will be. They only need to know this moment in their hearts. It’s all you need to pay your life for your faith. This world is like this. Major events are accumulated by the lives of these little people.

Li Cong, who is in Philadelphia at the moment, is also watching everything on the front line in a secret place. Although he is calm on the surface, he is actually very nervous. This cannot be a nervous thing. Although he is not the first time he has challenged Skeleton. The world hegemony of the meeting, but it is undeniable that he is definitely the first military provocation. It was not without it in the past, but those times were outside this land, and now it is at the door of others.

The aircraft approached according to their scheduled route. At the last moment, the squadron leaders of both sides made changes, as if the two air teams had a tacit understanding, the energy group aircraft all flew upwards, while the U.S. Air Force all dived downwards. Dozens of planes passed by without any friction. This is remarkable in the history of world wars. Even some of the energy group Air Force officers who led the team were sweaty on their bodies. To be honest, they admire them a bit. They’ve done this before. It’s just that the pilots of Great Russia and Europa didn’t have this ability. This time they all changed their flight direction in the last 500 meters. It can be said that this place is already a The foot stepped into hell. In the past, the pilots of Great Russia retreated at 3000 meters, and Europa's was even more outrageous. They began to change directions at 5000 meters.

"Commander, these people are not generally tough. I can see that the qualities of this old beauty are better than those we have seen before, and they are not even a little bit strong. What should we do next?" The squadron leader directly told Li Yunhai talked, and this is also good. In the past, or just ten minutes ago, he still looked down on these old and beautiful pilots just like the boys under him. At this time, they understood in their minds that these people have They have the same technology, and sometimes they are even better than themselves. After all, the energy group’s fighters are relatively advanced in technology, and their technology is still a bit behind, but they can do the same as you. , This shows that they are more powerful.

"Hehe, you guys, you guys have always said how good you are. Our opponent in this world is probably the only one in front of you. You immediately fly forward until they reach their maritime exclusive economic zone and then come back immediately. The radar on my side can already see them following you 1,000 meters below you. As long as they don’t turn around and come to our warship, you can just go around with them, just remember your fuel." Li Yunhai I reminded them that he didn’t remind them that the fuel was not enough, but that they could all learn to disguise. Otherwise, there would be no fuel, but they were still flying in the sky. Wouldn’t this change the energy group? Have you sold the energy-consuming equipment?

"Yes, don't worry, the commander. I mean they are better at it. Our brothers are not persimmons. If they want to attack the ship pair, I will definitely tell them not to eat." What Li Yunhai likes most is that his gang of lads are like wolves. It seems that they have not been frightened by the air force in front of them. On the contrary, these evenly matched people stimulated their desire to defeat them, one by one. Li Yunhai hadn't thought of this. He had known that he had brought them so early.

Time has passed so passionately for five hours. At this moment, it is no longer an airplane to see the other side. Even the surface ships of both sides have also met. The second fleet of the old and the United States has all merged. At this moment, they are Fifteen nautical miles in front of the navy of the energy group, and has put on a murderous posture, if the energy group really dared to rush up, they will blow up the warship, there are many not far away Ships, those are reporters who have received the news. At this moment, they have forgotten their lives. All they have in mind is that as long as they can photograph the beginning of this world war, then he can stay in history. As for their own Xiao Ming was something no one thought about at this time.

"Keep the speed of 28 knots, do not retreat, do not fire, as long as they dare to be in front of us, they will hit me directly." Li Yunhai pulled his tie, to be honest, this guy doesn't like these things. , If it were not for the majesty of his commander, he would not have brought this thing.

"Keep the speed, not stop the ship???" The order went down. The captains of the two destroyers who opened the way stood directly on the deck, looking at the enemy in front of you. Are you going to die with us? Determination? The prestige of the group navy was on these two destroyers at this moment.

The old American navy also quickly changed its formation, and their four destroyers went sideways. If the navy of the energy group really moved forward, they would definitely hit them into the sea. The sailors above were scared, but Thinking of their own motherland behind them, they have no way to retreat at this moment. They must use their bodies to protect their motherland. Thinking of this, they all straightened their waists, that is, some people on the ship. The groceries soldiers also feel that they are selling gum for the country at this moment, which is very different from before.

"Commander, our two destroyers will collide with their destroyers in fifteen minutes." The survey staff looked at the chart and said, if they really collided with this, it would happen. After all, my side is the main responsibility. Yes, they stopped there and their responsibilities were relatively small.

"Haha, these old beauties are playing this for me. I think they are still very tender. Ask me to prepare the missiles on 001 and 003, and be here immediately after receiving my order?? This?? And this Click to explode." Li Yunhai immediately marked three points on the survey map. These three places are very close to the old American destroyers. If there is something wrong, they may be hit. Yes, Li Yunhai believes very much in his soldiers, knowing that they will not do anything wrong, and also to see whether Lao Mei is really elite or fake.

The two guided missile boats that received the order immediately sailed to the launching position, waiting for the commander’s command. The two new guided missile boats could launch 30 missiles at once. It happened to be at those three points, their maximum payload. The ammunition is this number, and the firepower is not small, but compared to the huge fleet in front of them, they are still a bit insufficient. Even if the US military does not fight back and ask them to fight them, they will not be able to achieve much. of.

Lao Mei’s fleet obviously also observed the difference in the energy group fleet. The two guided missile boats have clearly reached a position favorable for their launch. Are they really going to attack? Some uncomfortable officers have already ordered their men to prepare for battle. Fortunately, at this time, they can still remember that they can't do it without the above orders. Otherwise, it is estimated that the missiles of the US military will fly first.

"How is our defense? I don't want some old American officers who can't stand the stimulus for a while and give us a missile. At that time, don't tell me that you can't stop it." Li Yunhai looked at several staff officers and said, thinking If you want to provoke others, you must have your own ability. Otherwise, you will find yourself dead. Ashamed, your loss is not small. It is estimated that a missile in an aircraft carrier will have to be repaired for a long time. Energy Group This time the fleet is going to establish its prestige in Cuba. It would be a shame if something like this happened before it arrived.

"The commander can rest assured. Our defense and control frigates have reached the designated positions. We can block the first wave of up to 500 missiles. Our Jincheng system can intercept at least 150 missiles. There will be no problem." The staff officer said with confidence that this kind of defensive capability is much stronger than Aegis. They will not be afraid. Besides, there are many guided missile speedboats around. If the other party really launches an attack, they will not watch it. When those warships fired the first wave of missiles, the second wave had to explode on their warships.

"This is not safe, and some helicopters around will also get up. If there is a problem, they are also a line of defense." Li Yunhai thought for a while and said. He said that the helicopter is the last line of defense but he does not expect the helicopter to launch itself. Missiles, but after everything fails, the helicopters have to go up, but these helicopters are different from those manned. This is also a new initiative of the energy group. Their role is to Cannon fodder, but the cost of these cannon fodder is not low. They are usually the same size as those Transformers, but they are not very large, but if they are to be opened on a warship, they are almost the same as a real helicopter. They are all commanded by computers. Yes, they will rush towards the threatening missiles at the first time. The effect is still very good during the test. Basically, ten aircraft can kill at least four missiles. This probability is already very good. After all, their The flight speed cannot keep up with those missiles, and the gap is not small.

When everything was prepared, the entire squadron waited to see what happened to the Americans. Finally, the time came. The missile speedboats in several positions in the squadron immediately launched all the missiles that should be launched in the shortest time. If someone held a camera, they would see those panic expressions on the faces of the old U.S. Navy not far away. They would never have thought that the energy group naval fleet would actually dare to launch missiles, and the number was not a small number. There are at least dozens of missiles. What's different from their mood is that Li Yunhai feels distressed at the moment, but these dozens of missiles. Damn, these are all bought with money, and each one has. His mother’s millions of renminbi were used directly to bomb the sea, so it would be nearly 100 million renminbi if it was sent out at thirty. If you put so much money in front of your eyes, you would have to burn it for a while. Well, this is a wasteful behavior than burning money. What is the result? The result was that a large number of water columns appeared in the sea not far away as a temporary fountain, but the price was a bit high.

"Haha, the commander's method really worked. The US warships began to turn, and they dare not continue to confront us." The chief of staff was the first to discover this. There were two destroyers in front of the energy group warships. Maybe they started to leave at an accelerated rate without receiving the above order. The remaining warships didn’t know what was going on and they were preparing to leave together. The two destroyers of the Energy Group that happened to rush to the front directly accelerated and rushed past. Several warships in China have also followed, and the US military’s blockade was due to these 30 missiles.

"Asshole, what's the matter, and didn't hit them, who told them to leave, these people are going to a military court." The old U.S. Navy officials at the Pentagon were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. *What's the matter, the psychological quality is so weak, in fact, this is not to blame the sailors on the front line, if these officials are in that position, there are missiles flying over your heads, and they will explode not far from you. Now, everything seems to be that they are not aiming. You have to know that when the thing reaches your body, you won't even have the opportunity to confess. It's normal to leave.

"Attention all personnel of the fleet, I am Li Yunhai. I ordered all the warships to rush to me at a high speed of 35 knots." Li Yunhai is very happy at the moment. He is the first person in the energy group's fleet. Too many firsts. At least one medal is indispensable. At this moment, he didn’t fall into that fantasy. At this moment, he knew that he was not out of danger yet. Although he had already rushed over, he didn’t. The old U.S. Navy in the distance is not vegetarian either. They will definitely have follow-up actions, but can they talk about it next.

After receiving Li Yunhai’s order, the fleet all seemed to be beaten up. Their boss set a record, and they are also a member of this record, from the end of World War II in the last century to the present. , Which country’s navy has this ability? Directly rushed to the door of Lao Mei's house, and still under their heavy besieging, this kind of ability is not available to everyone, at this moment they seem to have forgotten the dangers.

Lao Mei was immediately angered by the aircraft carriers behind them. Their own people were really useless. The enemy interrupted their formation just as a temptation. What would happen if this went on, Fleet Commander Hu Major General Mori is an Asian, but this guy has never returned to China. This guy thinks he is born an American, so when facing the warships of his fellow villagers, he doesn't think about things that he knew before. , But thinking about how to send these **** guys to Haidi, then there might be one more star on his shoulder.

"Sir, can we also learn from them and release missiles before they march?" The Chief of Staff on the side suggested, don't you Chinese people have an old saying that you can get up wherever you fall? Don't you know this? In fact, these white people despise these Asian officers in their hearts. In their hearts, these yellow people can only do some basic work. Although Lao Tzu is the chief of staff and you are the commander, in their hearts, you I've always been a guy who can't make it to the table, and you may have to go down in the near future.

Yes, why didn’t I think of this method? Hu Sen glanced at his chief of staff. This guy deliberately said so loudly to tell the people in the command cabin that it was you, not me, who came up with this method, but What's the use? I’m the chief military officer. If I get any credit, I’ll take it first. How do you say it’s a supporting role. After you figured this out, Major General Hu Sen also rarely confronted his chief of staff. He smiled, but it made the chief of staff a little hairy. He knew very well that the commander's mind was faster than his own. Does this guy have any ideas? Suddenly he wanted to understand, damn, he is really a pig's brain, if this thing succeeds, the credit must not be his own, it must be this guy, but if it fails, this guy will definitely say this to the above The opinions are my own thoughts, and many of the staff members just now can prove that he may give himself a small amount of credit when he has done it, but if there is a disaster, it is estimated that the biggest one is himself.

"Order the three guided missile destroyers ddg112.ddg113.ddg114 to launch missiles directly in the direction they are advancing, each launching ten rounds, 1,500 meters in front of them, they must calculate accurately, and they must never hit them. At the same time Order the other destroyers to rush to me and block them as soon as the energy group’s warships turn around.” Major General Husen said. The staff members immediately went down to pass the order. They also knew about this matter. The navy on their side. The strength is absolutely no problem, let alone 1500 meters, even 500 meters is okay, the distance is so close, the launch time is almost negligible, this general is still a little too careful, just now the latest ones have arrived. It's 300 meters, we directly launched such a 1500 meter, it seems that we have lost a lot of momentum, but we are just a staff, and we can't decide the big things.

"Report, Commander, the old American warships have also opened the missile launch cover. Could it be that they?" Before the staff finished speaking, he saw a flash of fire on several old American destroyers not far behind. No need to ask that it must be them. The missiles were also launched, and the air defense forces of the entire fleet immediately began to operate. The computer analyzed and found that none of the missiles was coming towards them. The target was the sea area 1200 meters in front of them. It seemed that they also wanted to use just now. That trick is that the people of the energy group are the ancestors who used this. Is it possible for you to learn from others to receive such good results?

"Haha, these foreign devils want to learn from Lao Tzu. You are still a little bit younger. Just go ahead and leave them alone. If you find a missile that enters the range of 200 meters, you can intercept it directly. If you are 200 meters away, you don’t have to worry about it. Five knots dropped to 28 knots.” The reason for the reduction in speed was also that she was afraid that her warship would rush too fast and directly into their attack range. The old beauty did not receive any effect at all, but instead exposed their fragility. Everyone understands what happened to them. The reporters who had already ran far away understood what was going on. Of course, if they didn’t understand, the naval liaison officer of the Energy Group would be happy to explain it to them. What does this mean? I wouldn't listen to what the company said about this kind of thing, but seeing that the energy group is not afraid of the missiles moving forward, it is clear who said it is true.

"The report, the energy group fleet has not changed direction. The destroyer asks for instructions whether to continue to release the missiles?" The staff officers looked at the screen with a little surprise at this time. They thought that these people would definitely turn like them, but they did not expect them to move forward. Are these people desperate?

Major General Hu Sen didn’t dare to give orders casually at this time. If he continued the launch, the distance would be too close, and he might be able to get it. He could not bear the charge. The above has clearly told them, no Promote a war, if it is hit, it is provoking a war.

"Chief of Staff, what do you mean, should we continue to launch missiles?" At this time, this guy thought of his chief of staff, but this chief of staff is not a fool, you want to tell me to blame, just now I have been caught by you I have calculated it once, but I can be fooled this time. How could I be the chief of staff?

"Commander, I don’t see them for sure. To be honest, I’ve been in the army for so many years. I’ve seen these people for the first time. I’m not sure what they want to do. Maybe they will retreat, maybe they will move on. "There is no difference between saying this and farting. Hu Sen really couldn't find any other way except to express his condolences to the women in the chief of staff's family. Now is not the time to shirk, he is a staff officer. Long, if he couldn't stop it, he would follow him at most, but the big sins were all greeted him. There is no doubt about this.

Hu Sen gritted his teeth. It was not easy for him to seize this opportunity this time. If he could block the Energy Group's fleet here, he would definitely be promoted to Lieutenant General if he went back. If he lost this opportunity, he might go back to himself. I have to go to a research room to be responsible. That is not what I want. In the military, I can say that I am the highest official position in the entire Asian group. I don’t want to be in the same place as my predecessors. It’s not what a soldier should do for the end of life in the research institute. The most important thing is to stop thinking about getting promoted once you get in there.

"Order the three destroyers to continue firing missiles for me, and order the fleet air defense forces to be prepared, and other warships are also prepared. Once the energy group counterattacks, we must send them to the seabed as soon as possible." Hu Sen is ready to gamble on this one. The other staff members are a bit scared at this moment. Is this general crazy? He is also going to send people to the bottom of the sea. At this moment, the planes on the aircraft carrier of the Energy Group are basically They have all taken off, and all the carrier-based aircraft on their side have also taken off. Regardless of the battle below, even if your side has won, the enemy’s aircraft will directly pounce like the locusts. If this is really the case. , Neither of them has any hope of winning.

Soon the three guided missile destroyers that the U.S. military originally launched missiles fired again. The difference from the last time is that their extended range is closer. Basically, the explosion can be felt on the energy group warships. There was shaking, and a lot of water sprayed up. The captains of the two destroyers in front of the Energy Group and all the officers and men were all sweaty at this time. The air conditioners above seemed to be out of function at this time. Damn these old beauties. Are you really crazy? The missile just now is not far away from them, which is 200 meters away at most. This 200 meters is very close to the missile. Fortunately, the missile they launched is not such a huge missile. The missiles on the land are estimated to cause damage to their warships by shrapnel.

"Keep a speed of 28 knots, don't slow down, just keep going, I'm going to see if these guys have been planted." The captain lit a cigarette and said, the no-smoking rules in the command room were also thrown away at this time. I was on the sidelines, and the spirit was really tense at this The officers in the fire control room at the back just wanted to release the interceptor missile when the missile was approaching. They also had no idea. Yes, who knows how the quality of the U.S. military officers are? If they miscalculate the number of digits after the decimal point when checking, it is estimated that they will go to the bottom of the sea. This is really too much pressure on the sailors. Up.

The US military’s missiles continue to explode around the energy group’s fleet, but the energy group’s fleet has been sailing for half an hour at a speed of 28 knots. During this period, the Americans have launched at least one hundred missiles. Tons of seawater were blown out of the air, and there was really no other way.

Major General Hussen knew that this would not work. People in the Energy Group had already seen this clearly. They would never retreat. They knew that the Americans were afraid to hit them, so they moved on at that speed. It’s not very far from Cuba. This method is okay during the day. If you don’t dare to use it at night, who knows if their warship will pull out a broken ship at night to let them hit. Let’s find an excuse to go to war. After all, if we go to war now, the navy of the energy group is much stronger than that of the U.S. Navy. They have the advantage.

"Order the nuclear submarine to go ahead of them at a speed of 35 knots." Major General Hu Sen issued an order. This order changed everyone in the cabin? ? ? ?

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