Energy Group

Chapter 1485:

Mexico International Airport, this is the only airport capable of receiving large aircraft in the whole of Mexico. Today, hundreds of people from the energy group will come directly from different channels. They can also choose to enter by smuggling, but Li Cong I told them to take the flight directly. The smuggling is still very unreliable. I learned from a local boss that the owner of a smuggling boat threw people directly at sea after collecting money. Then go back and continue to pull the next batch. The speed of making money can definitely be several times higher. So for safety considerations, Li Cong should let them fly on a civil aviation plane. The main reason is that there are two Li family descendants. m

Outside the airport, Li Cong found a bus to wait for them.


The weapon flowed into the costume as if it were a tour guide. Seeing the secret sign on the car, everyone put on a tour group hat and walked towards this side. Although they didn’t need this, they still fought to respect the Skull and Bones. Let’s set it up, otherwise, the Skull and Bones don’t think they are too lawless. They don’t have weapons on their bodies. These things need to be solved locally. Civil aviation all over the world is the same, and it’s impossible to have weapons. .

"Patriarch, we are here." People in the family still prefer to call him the patriarch when they see Li Cong. Of course, these two Li Clan juniors know Li Cong's true identity.

"Very good, it seems that you are good and have a good mental outlook. At least on the surface, it seems that there is no problem with Mexico. Li Sen. You will be responsible for the whole plan. Recently, Miss Bahrain of the Morgan family will solve it. If you lose a warlord, your task is to start negotiations with those people and let them recognize the status of Miss Bahrain. Remember, no matter how many interests there are, half of them belong to us. I will slowly watch you in Mexico, you What our action is made has an absolute impact on your future." Li Cong whispered to Li Sen in the car.


The weapon flowed into a member of the Li family. Li never knew what the name was. Just knowing that this guy turned out to be a dude, Li never knew why Li Xian would win such a precious place for such a person, so he didn't bother to care about that guy. Li Cong only needed to be optimistic about Li Sen. As for the other guy, you can only look at your own good fortune. When you first called you, you didn't choose to back down. It all depends on you, and you have to go your own way.

"Patriarch, I have done a lot of homework. We have a military base in Argentina. I hope to get the cooperation there. And we also have a small arsenal over there. The problem is. The patriarch can rest assured, I will exchange the profit for the group." Li Sen likes these things very much. He likes to accept various tasks to realize his own value. For such requirements Li Cong also gave them many opportunities for motivated young people.

There are several bases in the Central and South American Energy Group, but they did not tell the people below. Li Sen knew that the base was also because he wanted to bring Mexico to the post. Otherwise, there is no way for his status. Knowing such a secret base, his biggest support here is that base. Li Cong checked the information of that base when he came. Basically, it can produce 500,000 weapons and equipment needed by the army per year. It is a very complete base. If Li Sen cannot succeed, then this person is a waste of the family, and there will be no such opportunity in the future. Up. Li Cong looked at Li Sen, and this was the last chance he gave him. The price of such an opportunity is really too great, there can't be many. Now the family gives you opportunities, but if you can't grasp it, you can only create them yourself in the future.

Miss Bahrain was a little dumbfounded when she saw Li Sen. She didn't have a guide. She was originally responsible for something Li Cong was in charge of. Now she was replaced by the young man in front of her. Could it be that she had performed too much yesterday? Li has hated herself since the beginning. Although there are many thoughts in her heart, Miss Bahrain's face still doesn't show up. She is very clear about what she needs to do. It's not the time for a showdown with the family. Yes, so I have to repay my family. Some of my own personal things can be left behind. As long as I can make my family a firm foothold in Mexico, then my life will follow my own wishes, and the family will also send People come to **** the fruits of their labor. Girls are always girls. The family won't put everything in the hands of a girl. There will be people in the future.

"Miss Bahrain, I am the new person in charge of the Li family responsible for this matter. You can call me Li Sen. This is my guys. They can take on any task. In addition, according to the information given to me by my predecessor, There is a batch of munitions arriving this evening. I hope you can send someone to collect it. Here are the documents and the quantity. The total value is about 35 million yuan. They are all light weapons. We will discuss heavy weapons with you. It was shipped out." Li Sen is acting like an official business. The woman in front of him knows what the relationship is with the patriarch. It's better to treat it with care. If you save something, you can't afford it. The previous generation in the family was very optimistic about him, but Li Sen knew very well that he was a very potential seedling, and he did not have much right to speak. Some things could only continue until the day when you became a talent.

"Well, okay, I'll remember all of this. This is our plan?" Miss Bahrain didn't know how she spent these few hours. She didn't even remember how she discussed with Li Sen. Some content was gone, and she cried loudly when she returned to her room, but when she came out the next day, she returned to the appearance of the strong woman.

At this time, after Li Cong gave Li Sen a few things, this guy entered the war-torn zone in Mexico with his own light. There are government forces here, but they are not very powerful. The biggest here is the local warlord. From now on, Li Cong is the place where the father of lj is. At this time, this place is looking like a fight. Thousands of troops are on alert. Seeing their well-equipped appearance, Li Cong absolutely believes that the combat effectiveness of these troops is very good. Strong, it seems that lj is really important in this guy's heart.

"It looks like something big is going to happen here recently. What's the matter?" said the merchant on a table next to him, because he wanted to hear some news and he had to come to the lobby. This is a truth that everyone understands, Li From here, I found a table and sat down. I just asked for something and haven't eaten it yet, so some people started to talk about outside affairs.

"Haha, my brother is still from Mexico City. I can't get any information about this. Our handsome daughter, that very powerful lj, was killed in Mexico City, and here Hundreds of brothers were killed. At this moment, Miss Lj was hung on the building to air dry.” Another black man said, he seemed to know very well, and he knew that this guy was a small officer from his clothes. It's true that Li never showed the slightest performance. His hearing is very amazing, and if you continue to listen, you should have a lot of discoveries. Although such a small person doesn't know some details, he knows most of the things very clearly.

"What? How can someone be so courageous? Isn't Ms. Lj very powerful? We have several bosses over there who all fell in love with her. Why were they killed? I've seen them. She is very decisive, and she is not the kind of weak person at all. Does the person who killed her have a lot of background?" Many people basically think this way. The performance of lj to people is very strong. It's impossible for such a person to be killed. She is the only one who kills others.

"My brother you can say this, and it seems that these years are really amazing. Lj has really offended the big guys. Our boss has been investigating this matter these days, but we can't find out anything until now. A warlord who has a good relationship with our marshal has also begun to gather troops. If we can't say we are going to Mexico City to ask those officials in charge, our lady is dead. Our marshal has hundreds of millions of dollars in assets in Mexico City. There are no more. If we just let it go, it is estimated that someone will always calculate us in the future." Li Cong took a look at the thousands of pairs outside. Although he was in a fighting state, Li Cong saw that this was actually It’s just a gesture. It’s hundreds of kilometers away from Mexico City, and there are several warlords in the middle. If the boss here really wants to bring his troops there, it’s estimated that he will have to be given to his home before he gets to Mexico City. After taking it down, how can he be so stupid after mixing with the old oil for so many years? He estimated that he was doing it for the people below. As for how it really depends on how many allies he can get.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder the warlord on our side also brought people here. It seems that we are going to discuss this matter, but these things are not handled by us little people. We will continue to drink bars, but this year The cost of this is not very good. If there is a large-scale war, I think we young people don’t have to eat. Why don’t these people know that they will be fine if they come out?” The two people started next. Talking about some non-nutritive things, Li Cong also learned a little bit of news in general. It seems that a lot of bosses will come here recently, and he has to have a chance to see what these bosses are in.

It is true that Lj’s father is really depressed at this moment. His power is basically nothing in Mexico. It is only a medium-sized power. However, his thousands of troops are very strong in combat, so there is no one. I dare to do anything to him, and there are high-yield goods in his area, so he is a bit arrogant and no one has done anything to him. His life has been very plain all the time. After such a big thing, lj is the daughter he likes. This is just a situation seen by the outside world. In fact, if he is a child he likes, how could he be allowed to go to a place like Mexico City, which is not so much. It's not just him. It's estimated that all warlords have this idea. Of course, the best child stays with him, and the unused child has to work hard outside.

If he had enough abilities, he would immediately fire up soldiers and prepare to go to Mexico City to avenge his children. But now he doesn't have that ability. And he is still worrying about who is the one who killed his daughter. Now not only he, but other people can’t find any news. Several warlords who have been friends with him are reminding themselves to be careful. He didn’t know how to be careful of a pile of waste. These people solved hundreds of armed men in an instant. There are not many such people in Mexico. The United States didn’t even have a special agent force last time. Such an efficiency. Are these people conflicting with their daughters because of a little problem, or are these people who they think are themselves? This problem has plagued me for several days, and I'm really crazy if this continues. So tonight, I will invite a few warlords who are good with them to discuss some things and see what should be done next. As for those who are bluffing for revenge on the eldest lady, they are just guys who don’t know about life or death. There is no need to have general knowledge with them. It is good for those people to bluff for a while, at least outside people will think that they are very concerned about the life and death of the people below.

"Marshal, our people have already returned. They spent a lot of money in Mexico City and finally learned some news. Many people saw that it was brought by a girl from the United States. As for the woman. The identity of the children is not very clear to us. They have at least three hundred people, well-equipped, and better equipped than ours. They are very powerful. All the forces in Kendava have recognized their existence, and they still There is a partner who is very young and a Chinese. As for his news, we don’t know what to do. There is also a lot of Kendava forces that have obtained a lot of arms from them. These arms are very high. Advanced, the several forces around us have also gained a lot, and their military strength may rise a lot in a short period of time." A guy who came in forty years and a month just poured a sip of water and said, he is this warlord. A right-hand man. When two people grow up together, they don't have so many worries. The warlord has no interest in that American girl at all. What he is interested in is the latter. Those people around him have arms? Very advanced weapons? What is the biggest on this site? Of course it’s fighting power. Without a strong fist, everything is imaginary. It’s because everyone has the same power for a few years now, and there is no power to swallow each other. But when they have this ability, they don’t. Will manage who you are.

"To be more detailed, how did those people get the arms? What kind of arms? How advanced?" This is really what the warlords worry about the most. His biological daughters have to stay behind. The daughters themselves have more than a dozen. There are many more dead, but only one share of his own territory and power, if it is gone, the other daughters can't keep it.

"The time we went was too short, and now we are not from Kendava. You know how realistic and handsome the people there are, but I still know some of them from a brother I knew before. That force is similar to ours. They got 1,000 m4hhj, which is the most advanced equipment of the US military I heard that the US military has only been equipped for less than two years, and all of them are equipped with scopes. In a battle like ours, a scope is still very useful, and they donate 1,000 rounds of ammunition to each gun. This is one million rounds. This is not a small number. They It is by relying on these weapons to stand firmly in Kendava. Even if we hit Kendava now, it is estimated that no one will help us, because we can't give them such great benefits. As far as I know, these 1,000 submachine guns The price is pitiful. We smuggled it from the United States for a handful of 350 dollars, but it was only 300 dollars from them. This is only the first batch, and they will have the next batch." This confidant sighed what he knew. It's all said that these arms can definitely be adapted to the pattern of the region, so it must be delivered to the boss to let him have a preparation.

"What? m4hhj? They can also get something like this? Damn, I have discussed with a few arms dealers in the southern United States for a long time, and they didn't let me say to bring those things over. They actually did. Such a great skill, I have seen these guns. We still use a lot of AK47s. These guns are not bad. We don’t have the upper hand when we encounter those with scopes. Damn, these How did the **** come out? By the way, the ones I want to entertain tonight are all there?" Suddenly he thought of an important question. If those so-called good friends also have those weapons tonight, then they might I'm not sure who was in trouble with myself tonight. Those people are all the guys who have milk and mothers.

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