Energy Group

Chapter 1558:

The granary that Li Yin and the others are looking at is the largest granary in Turki’s army. Turki does not have any large granaries at all, so they have helped them in disguised form, with thousands of tons of large granaries. It's impossible. The biggest one is only one million tons. It is a small granary for the energy group, but for these Turkis, this is their lifeblood at this moment. , Even if they lose their lives, they have to look good on this place. M【】【】

At this time, Li Yin and some of his subordinates started to step on around the granary. A few of them put on makeup, but they were okay and unrecognizable, but they didn’t speak, and the streets were not Chinese. If these guys opened their mouths, they would have to be recognized immediately. The most unwelcome people here are those who speak Chinese. If they hear it, they will have to be killed.

A few investigators came to report in a hidden place, and this was impossible.

"Boss, we have checked it out clearly. The big guy over there is the largest granary on the Holy See. The small one is a bit smaller, but it stores wheat. Now all kinds of coarse grains in Turki are very popular. This time our air force blew up one of their granaries, and all the grain there was burned. Guess what? Those people would dig up the soil on the ground to make round cakes and eat them. These people I'm absolutely starving. Now let alone the bark, the leaves are gone. The grain in this granary has not moved. This is the pope's last grain. These grains are used to give the pope's most direct line of hundreds of thousands. For the army. If there are only a few hundred thousand people, the grain is definitely enough, but if it is magnified several times, the grain will only be eaten for two months. You said that the army only has such a small reserve. Let alone the common people, I heard that there are people who can eat people." This investigator was very detailed in the investigation for a while.

"Hehe, this is better. The pope is not willing to use the food in it. It doesn’t matter. Let’s use it for them. It’s just that I don’t think that bombing this place will not be able to give full play to his role. In fact, we should be better at handling things. ." Li Yin stared at the huge granary in the distance and said, eyes narrowed, just like his Lao Tzu. Whenever there is a bad idea, it usually looks like this.

"Boss, what good idea do you have to say, let's all have fun?" A kid didn't see it after watching for a long time. What's the use there? If you blow it up, it can cause chaos, isn't this Do you need it?

"Hehe, can't you even think of such a small strategy? Look at the people in this city. When they look there, they have pilgrimage eyes. Naturally, they don’t believe in the pope’s **** theory. What they think about is the food in it. Let alone eating one by one, they just drank every day, I guess thank you God, you say if they conflict with the officers and soldiers defending there, do you think it is a good sign? "Li Yin smiled and pointed at the beggars on the street. The brothers followed Li Yin's eyes and looked at him. Good guys. There are at least a few hundred people lying on the ground for hundreds of meters. It is estimated that the whole city There must be hundreds of thousands of people like this. They can do anything to eat. In fact, even if Li Yin didn't have this idea, violence would definitely happen if he continued to develop like this. It's just that what is missing at this time is an opportunity, an opportunity to motivate them.

"Haha, the boss has a brilliant plan, how to arrange it? We can't tell them to grab food one by one, right?" The other kid thought about it, but still didn't think about how to manipulate this matter. After all, there are a lot of people mobilized, and they only have more than a thousand people in the city. It is not so easy to make this transaction.

"Why don't you say that you are so stupid? After a while, I will find hundreds of brothers to mix in and say that the pope has brought a bunch of food. Isn't the food they bought in neighboring countries exactly where they are going to go? Do we do it ourselves? You won’t hire people. A bun can make you sell your lives. As for the rest of us, we just need to blow up the granary at the right time. The hundreds of thousands of refugees in the city will pass by. It’s the time when you can’t control it, but you should pay attention to it. The strength of the mob cannot be underestimated. If you accidentally get squeezed to death, let alone Lao Tzu’s soldiers, I can’t afford to lose it. That person.” Li Yin’s words are not in vain. The energy group planned a riot in South America and it was very successful. I didn’t expect that the person in charge of the plan was actually squeezed to death by the mob. Accidentally, I don't want to be jokes at the headquarters like the boss of that guy for a long time. It seems that the situation here is much tougher than that day. It's normal to squeeze people to death.

"Hehe, how can such a thing happen to us? Boss, just look at it. Our brothers will definitely let you watch an Oscar blockbuster in a while, but I don't know if these guys can stand it." Personally, I sneered at the strong guards in the distance. I am still in the mood to smoke now, yes, I will see you guys get a fart later.

Naturally, Li Yin would not do things personally. He just needs to direct people. These guys do things a lot more dexterously than himself. If he follows along, he might have to drag them back. Someone has to protect themselves.

An hour later, there were tens of thousands of people in this city spreading news to a large number of refugees, saying that the pope had bought them a lot of food from neighboring countries in the south, enough for them to live, and there were a few more. The men in military uniforms said in the most popular place that they circulated that they all went to the granary at 12 noon to line up. Everyone can receive three catties of grain. If there is more, it is only The reason why I can get this point is not exaggerated because Li Yin feels that this amount can be trusted. In fact, let alone three catties now, it is three taels of grain. These people will also get it back in the past. They haven't known what food is like for a long time. For a long time, everything in my stomach is something that I can’t eat. People don’t remember the taste of what they eat. Sure enough, I haven’t finished talking here. Some people with flexible brains have to exercise over there. It's late and nowhere. (Just read the novel.)

For the refugees in the city, the pope originally sent a special person to take care of it, but at that time there were only tens of thousands of people, but now, more and more urban residents have become refugees, and there are millions of refugees outside the city. , You can prevent them from entering the city. But what about the city? Could it still be driven out? That's too wasteful of manpower. They don't have the strength anyway, just tell them to lie down there. Air doesn't need money anyway. However, today several officers clearly found something wrong. More and more people are walking towards the granary in the middle of the city. What do they want to do to grab food? When they reported to the above, it was obvious that the above did not pay much attention to these people. They thought that these people had trouble walking, what else could they do. They just killed them if they wanted to grab food. Anyway, they were all useless. Untouchables, the Pope will not feel sorry for these people.

In a large refugee gathering point in the city, tens of thousands of refugees were itchy when several guys said it. They set off immediately, and there were people praising the Pope, and others were giving the Pope consideration.

"Although His Majesty the Pope was not very good to us some time ago, but we are the Lord’s people, I know that His Majesty the Pope will not leave us alone. Isn’t it the Pope’s donation from the brothers and sisters of the former world? Did our money buy us food? Three catties of food will allow us to eat for several days. Good graces, His Majesty the Pope..." Several people said this and walked towards the granary all the time, in their opinion The granary is their hope. If these people had no food yet. They can live for less than ten days at most. Now they have hope, as if they are full of strength. Although they have encountered a lot of soldiers along the way, they just don't want to care about them. They are not the direct line of the Pope, and the food they usually give is not necessarily good. At the moment, one by one is too lazy to take care of things, anyway, it is not them who are full, but the direct line of the Pope, let them manage it.

"You guys, come here, go here, that side is not a channel for distributing food, there is an army there, but the army has to move quickly, let's not take the army channel, come here together, from here Go to the granary, and stand in the main square in front of you." A few soldiers showed up as they moved on. They recognized that these soldiers were the ones who called them, and they couldn’t be found along the way. There are still some worries that things are false, but now it’s good for them to show up, they will have food in a while, it doesn’t matter where they go, they are justified.

Li Yin smiled and looked at these people who were so deceiving. The investigators in the city had already sent reports to Li Yin. Some military officers in the city had discovered these things that were not right, so let these refugees go. The trails are better, but there are not so many soldiers on the trails, so they can pass, right?

Although the trails are harder to walk, but as long as there is food, you don’t need to worry about other things. We can deal with it. This is the attitude expressed by these refugees. They just need food now, and other things. It's all easy to say.

When the Pope’s direct line found the first batch of refugees in front of the granary, they did not care much. In their opinion, there were tens of thousands of troops stationed here, and there were also some large armed forces such as barbed wire tanks. They dare not make trouble here, but they did not go out to expel these people. It is said that there are more and more refugees in the city. It may be that there are no longer living there, and many people are also in this city. Saying that they are all people in the same city, don't do too much.

"Boss, it seems something is wrong. Why don't these refugees find a place to hide when they come? What are they doing in front of them? Why are there so many? How do I feel that the refugees in the whole city are coming. Is it going to be a riot?” A soldier on the scout post was standing relatively high, so he could see a large number of refugees behind him. At this time, all those who appeared in his eyes were refugees, and they gathered into a long dragon. There must be at least hundreds of thousands of **** people, and you can't see the side at a glance, and it will continue to increase. How many the **** people, at least hundreds of thousands. This matter is no small matter.

The officer was lying down thinking about something. Hearing what my subordinates said, I immediately came over to take a look. It didn’t matter, I almost frightened myself. The refugees in the city hadn’t eaten for many days, but they were very clear. There were a lot of them behind them. Food, if this food is lost, it is not a joke, let alone him, it is that tens of thousands of them may have their heads down, even if they are the Pope’s cronies. This is a million tons of grain.

"Damn, don't lie down, just get up. The report says that these mobs want to grab food." The little official said loudly immediately. The silence of the whole granary was disrupted, and the other outposts were also up. My God, although they have guns in their hands, they are also frightened by the situation. Damn, hundreds of thousands of people are Coming towards you, how can there be anyone who is not afraid.

Finally the top commander of the granary also came out, this guy is fat, although there is a food crisis. But this guy is still eating so fat and so rich. It can be said that he is a bit too rich. "Quick.. Quickly, raise the alarm, contact the Pope and ask him to send an army to support us immediately. There may be changes here. "The guy said tremblingly. In fact, he doesn't have much ability, but he has such a good mouth. When he speaks, the Pope loves to listen, so this guy has a position of high-ranking priests. When it comes to real skills, this guy is a complete trash.

"Report, it's not good. Our telephone line was cut off, and there is no signal. We can't contact His Majesty the Pope..." A liaison officer reported that Li Yin will naturally get these things for you. It's messy, otherwise, how can you be worthy of you? More good shows are still to come, and you can enjoy them slowly. []

"What? This.. This is premeditated, no. No, it's not the mob who can do it. It is. It is the spy of the enemy. You can sound the alarm and set the alarm." At this time, it can only be an alarm. Now, their alarm can be heard throughout the city. It is more than ten kilometers away from the pope’s residence. There are many soldiers in the middle. As long as there is movement here, the pope’s reinforcements will come soon. It can only be so.

It’s just that the alarm stand on the roof of their building before, seems to be a bit problematic at this time. With a few shots, the person who used to go to the roof to raise the alarm rolled down the stairs, and the fat man immediately became angry. Several people also wanted to stop Lao Tzu from raising the alarm.

"Quickly, take a group of people to inform the Pope immediately. You take the alarm back to me. This is not a joke, we must take it back, otherwise we will be finished." He understood that the people here are not He may be able to withstand so many refugees, and there are also people from the energy group. If they are all refugees, he will not be afraid, and he can just put up a machine gun and shoot. Even the Pope will definitely do it here. It was done. Such food is much more precious than the lives of these people. He can know this, but with people from the energy group, everything is unknown.

"Haha, you want to attack? No problem, you are here, we will retreat, but you have to do not regret it here." Several guys on the alarm stand said with a smile, and immediately pulled a cable I slipped away. Although the soldiers shot at these guys vigorously, they were helpless because their marksmanship was too bad. It was so easy that every shot they hit was hitting the body suit. It was too late when the sniper found them. Now, they have slipped into the crowd, and they can't find their target. Anyway, these people finally gave up the alarm station. The fat guy asked people to hurry up to pull the alarm. Dozens of people swarmed. And above, just when they were about to touch the alarm, a huge explosion came, and dozens of people became flying people. The refugees outside saw an explosion on the top of the warehouse? What's going on here? Could it be an air attack by an energy group?

It would be best if the energy group’s air raid would be the best, so if the granary was blown up, they could get more food instead of just three kilograms. They would be very good at calculating things like this.

Without the alarm station, although there was an explosion here, the soldiers inside the city would not take it seriously. They didn’t know where there was an alarm station, and there have been few explosions in this city recently. It’s worth making a fuss. Well, the soldiers in other parts of the city didn't even plan to take care of this. from their perspective. The Pope’s direct line is far from them. I hope to see their unlucky appearance, one by one, they are usually bullish.

"Listen to everyone. This is the granary of His Majesty the Pope. All the people will get out immediately, otherwise we will shoot and kill you. The looting of the ration is to decapitate." This place also has a loudspeaker. , The fat man’s voice came out, and the faces of these refugees immediately became a little confused. Isn’t this what the Pope wants to give them? Why didn't you give it again? Didn't they say to rob the army here? How is this going?

The common people are all happy. Why is there no food? Why did you take the gun? All the people showed a confused expression. They were also afraid of bullets. If they were shot, they would not be able to bear it. I am right after all. If this continues to scare them, it is estimated that these people will have to turn around. It is absolutely impossible for Li Yin to let him happen. Although this kid is far away, he can pass through satellites. Remote control here.

"No, the soldiers told us that food will be distributed here. Why didn't they give them? No, it seems that the clothes of these people are different from those of the soldiers. It must be these people who used all the food. Swallow it, don’t give it to us, they absolutely sold all the food for money..." said a loud voice in the crowd, this guy is wearing a small loudspeaker, others can’t see it. Yes, most people have heard it at the moment, and many people have this idea.

"Yes, these guys who drink human blood are simply inhumane. We can't eat anymore. These people are even going to sell our food. Brothers, today we are going to die, even if we endure us sooner or later. Starved to death, let’s see if they can smoke cigarettes one by one. We don’t even have food. Lao Tzu takes the lead, Lao Tzu wants food. Lao Tzu wants to live..." Another nursery also appeared. There are dozens of people in the crowd, and all of them’s enthusiasm has been mobilized for a while. The soldiers on the checkpoint above know that they can’t control it. They will mobilize their guns when they kill a group of people. There was a huge explosion behind him, and the granary that was still in good condition was directly blown up. A large amount of grain in it flowed down like a hill. If there were not so many grains, it is estimated that these people would not be so excited. I have been hungry for so many days and saw so much food. If these people are not electro-blooded, there is really no way to describe them. Most of the people are angry at this time, so they just rushed up and tried hard. Shouted the slogan to eat.

Originally, dozens of checkpoints had heavy machine guns on them. If they tried their best to stop them, they would definitely be able to stop them for a while, but now because of the explosion, many checkpoints are simply gone. Their layout was originally perfect. , If they cooperate well, no one can enter, but now it is nearly half less, even if the defenses here are tight and useless, people have entered in other places, and there are still many mobs with guns, they The checkpoints were also temporarily constructed and were not very strong. Hundreds of people might fall directly after shaking hard.

The few soldiers on the edge immediately knew from this look that continued resistance was futile. Although they were all direct troops of the Pope, at this time, even the direct troops would be alive. They immediately left their posts. They got into the crowd. They were clever like this. Those who continued to resist usually died after death. These people don’t care what your status was before. They were killed and pulled down. Who called you just now? You are so cruel to them too.

Originally, millions of tons of grain caused Li Yin’s bomb to explode at most, which means he could still pick up less than 200,000 tons. There are hundreds of thousands of refugees here. It is certain that other people in the city , Although there is still food at home, it is definitely not much. They will definitely come after seeing the situation here. Not only will they come, but the Pope’s people must know what’s going on right now, now Li Yin’s people The task has already been completed. If you don't retreat at this time, it will be difficult for the Pope's brigade to come, so Li Yin immediately issued the order to retreat.

Li Yin took the agents from the spy company and was ready to find a place to rest for a while. This is not a small mess. It is better to be honest in these two days, but Li Yin will definitely not go too far. You must know the distance. Their most core place is the place where they can make contributions. If you want to be safe. No problem, just fly back to China by plane, there must be no war there.

Inside the church, the Pope’s room

"It’s not good, it’s not good, Your Majesty Pope, our granary was blown up by the enemy. Millions of refugees have now passed by. They have cleaned up the entire granary with guns, and His Majesty’s direct line of troops also Tens of thousands were lost.” The Pope is studying an ancient book from the Middle Ages at this time. The Pope's recent mood is unusually irritable. Only when studying these ancient books can His Majesty feel that he is a Pope, not a hard-working person who can't sleep for food every day. I heard his subordinates now. I was silly right away. The ancient books that I usually regarded as precious are nothing at this time. This is one of my own interests, and that lack is related to my wealth and life, the food is gone, and my direct line is gone? What a serious matter.

"Asshole, what does that fat guy eat? This guy has no abilities at all. What is he doing cold? Let the army go. Give me the food. Otherwise, what does the army eat, if there is no food in the army. Now, our rule will really come to an end. This is something that absolutely cannot be allowed. Do it immediately, and do it quickly." The pope has lost his square inch at this time, and the pope at this moment really regrets the purchase. The food that came was thrown there, and if it wasn't there, I could keep a lot of it, and now it's all gone.

Subordinates are naturally used to be scolded. At this moment, all of them are afraid to speak. Just now, all of them were very able to say. At this moment, the calculation is how much food is left. Although Turchi still has several granaries, it is compared with here. They are all the smallest. Now they have more than two million troops, and each meal needs to consume millions of kilograms of food. If this is not enough to eat in the army, it is estimated that these soldiers will be the same as those mobs. In the past, they could still use faith to say things, but now that people can’t even eat enough to eat, you tell them about faith. Isn’t the question nonsense?

"How much food do we have? How many days can we hold on?" The pope asked this question after five minutes of silence.

"His Majesty, this granary is our biggest granary. In addition to this, we have less than half a million tons of food left. We can only consume less than half a month. If we want to reduce all the officers Expenses can still last for a while, but the high-level life cannot be guaranteed." Although the people below are no longer able to eat and starve to death, it is still okay for the top officials. Look at these senior officials of the Holy See. It’s not that they still eat and drink, and the food is very good. They waste a large part of the food. Someone has done a calculation. The food for a company commander’s family is only for ten ordinary soldiers. A high-level priest is even more terrible. If their family’s food is allocated enough for hundreds of soldiers, will the Pope dare to reduce their quota? The Pope is invisible to the soldiers, but if the families of these high-ranking officials starve to death, it is estimated that it will be a riot from top to bottom. Since ancient times, it is easy to do things from bottom to top, from top to bottom. The next generations will change dynasties, so now the Pope will not make this idea no matter how difficult it is.

"How come there are so few, tell the people over Europa, tell them to give us some support quickly, and tell the whole army that now is our difficult time, since I started, I will eat two meals a day. Meal." The pope thought for a while and said, whether the pope himself will eat two meals or not. No one can see it anyway. You can get food for one person. Just say that, even if you tell the soldiers about the pope It doesn't matter if you eat one meal a day, as long as those people are willing to believe it.

"Two meals...?" A subordinate swallowed. Isn't this a bit too much? How can two meals be enough?

"Be less wordy, do it now. We have no way to increase revenue. We can only save money. Tell Europa that we have to go to the ASD base of the Energy Group more, otherwise we have no way of survival. No matter what they do, we will start preparing for our attack tomorrow. They will give us their cannons if they are willing to support us, and they don’t want us to fight by ourselves.” The Pope thought about it, gritted his teeth and said, now there is nothing we can do, if nothing happens. If you come to divert the attention of the soldiers, it is estimated that these soldiers will worry about the two meals there. Now that they are on the battlefield, they are naturally thinking about how to survive.

Although many senior generals below know that the Pope’s words are a bit wrong. After all, Europa is their only ally at this time. Although they have an army of more than two million, they know how powerful they are. They are just looking for death when they attack. Although they were victorious on the surface in the battle a few days ago, they had almost nothing, that is, those people. Well, they won. In fact, this is definitely not the case. At this moment, if they are influencing Europa's combat plan, I am afraid that they will be even more dissatisfied. Maybe they will sit back and watch. But in the current situation, there is no better way.

Although the Pope sent troops there, the situation there was no longer what they could stop. The Pope's troops had to start shooting at the crowd on the jeep. Originally, they hoped to use this method to frighten these **** mobs, and then they could pack some food. Unexpectedly, many people in the crowd had guns in their hands. Just now, the tens of thousands of people in it were all. Those with weapons, these mobs are also angry right now, damn, aren't you soldiers who went out among us ordinary people? We give you food and everything for you. Now we are going to eat and you will kill us. How can there be such an army? Many of the more powerful people in the mob took up guns to shoot at these soldiers. There was even more chaos among the crowd when they heard the gunfire.

At the beginning, it was only in the area of ​​the granary, but then it was not so simple. Things got bigger and bigger. A large number of people were very angry. The people in the whole city came out, and they had Some have weapons, and some do not, they have to resist the pope's rule. Anyway, they will not be able to feed them sooner or later with the pope, and the pope will have to take out food one by one.

Stop constantly. You must suffer the chaos, this is a sentence the pope thought of. Seeing the chaos in the city now, the pope became angry and ordered the killing of 100,000 people. In order to follow the example of you, there is an order from the pope. The troops below are not so scared. They all know that there is only so much food. If the Pope really gives them the food, then the army will be hungry. For the food for half a month, they will kill. When these people die, the more people who die, the fewer people will distribute food, and the large-scale killing will not end until night.

At 7 o’clock in the evening, the whole chaotic city became quiet, but there were still some sporadic gunshots in the city. There were still some remnants of the chaotic party. His Majesty only asked 100,000 people to be killed. The Pope understands that there may be this number of casualties at the beginning of tomorrow’s war, so the Pope does not want these people to die too much. If they are all dead, their own source of troops will be gone. Who knows the following The murderous people came and couldn't stop, and more than 200,000 people died here today.

Li Yin and the others did not expect such a thing to happen, "No, we can't stay here anymore. Hurry up and retreat quickly. The pope will definitely not clean the corpses inside. It will not be long. These corpses will rot. It seems that this place will become a place of death without our hands." Li Yin thought of the plague. Originally, Li Yin wanted to stay here to see if there is any other advantage. Now, Li Yin can’t do that. Everything here has exceeded his expectations. They are going to retreat. If anyone in the team is infected with the plague, it’s Yao Ming’s business, and everyone else knows it. The plague is terrible, and no one will greet others at this time. They all agreed to retreat. It is precisely because so many people died that scared the people in the city, the Pope did not expect it. Yes, these two hundred thousand corpses also scared Li Yin's agents away. This should be said to be their blessing, otherwise, this little evil star might not have anything to do here.

Li Sen also knew what Li Yin was doing. He didn’t expect that more than two thousand people could play such a big role. However, Li Yin also brought them bad news that the Pope will die tomorrow. One million troops attacked the energy group’s ASD base. If Europa does not come to join them, this one million troops would just sound scared, but now, under the threat of huge artillery, it is really not easy to do.

"What? The SAS team hasn't come yet?" Li Yin heard that these two cannons were to be handed over to the SAS team. Why hasn't there been any movement now? He thought they had to finish this thing long ago.

"No, the SAS transportation team was blocked by the Europa plane over Turki. They couldn't get there. We still had to rely on ourselves. The headquarters had ordered the SAS team to walk past, but it took at least three or four days. For a period of time, the enemy’s huge artillery will still pose a great threat to us, and we don’t have any corresponding measures. The headquarters originally wanted to launch satellite attacks. Who knows that the enemy is also very cunning, they are constantly After you attacked their air defense positions, the enemy’s huge artillery began to follow the railway line, and always changed the place with two shots. Our satellites could not find them at all. The small jammers are also very powerful." Speaking of Li Yin, I have a headache. The Pope has to fight hard, but Europa doesn’t seem to be desperate at all. They rely on their two giant cannons. , The words are still very useful.

"Damn, these guys are so courageous. Why don't I take the spy camp out again to see if I have a chance. We were close last time, but we couldn't find the chance. This time they got on the railway and I missed our chance. It should be no small Li Yin thought for a while and said, now there is no other better way, at least his mistake is still very familiar to enemy queens.

"No, this is not the time to start. It would be great if you could find the opportunity last time. This time Joey has suffered such a big loss in your hands. Now that you can learn, why they want The artillery was moved because their air defense missiles were gone. Under our attack, their production of air defense missiles could not keep up with the consumption. The Americans had not agreed to join them at this time, so they could only move the artillery. Get up, it makes us very embarrassed." The folds on Li Sen's face came out. This is also impossible. As a frontline commander, there is no way to think of it, which is too shameful.

"I think the threat of the cannon to us is not small. We can't do anything to him right now. Let's look at the Pope. This guy has come with so many troops. I guess Europa is definitely not happy. It broke the steps of the Europa army. Our army is mixed with the army of the Holy See, so that they will not shell us. The combat capability of the squad is not right, but we are much stronger. Why don't we destroy the Holy See like this?" Yin thought for a while and said.

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