Energy Group

Chapter 1563:

The headquarters of the Energy Group’s military department also respects this combat plan. At least from the point of view of weapons and ammunition, it is already on this plan. Hundreds of large transport aircraft carry tens of thousands of tons of ammunition every day. A survey was made above, and it feels that at least more than half a million tons of various ammunition must be transported on the front line to meet the needs of the campaign. Mwww.)

However, this figure was estimated before Liu Tao and the others attacked the last seaport in the south. After that battle, these ammunitions were obviously insufficient. Li Cong personally approved 1.5 million tons of ammunition, and also from the local army. Two rocket artillery regiments were drawn out and brought more than 800 rocket artillery to the battlefield in Turki. They were assigned to a battalion of Li Sen with 120 defensive units opposite the 400,000 Europa army, 400 vehicles from Li Yin, and the rest from Liu Tao. Of course, it was mainly because of which Apocalypse tanks in Liu Tao's army, which were very powerful.

The pilots of the strategic transportation team of the Energy Group can say that they have not rested at all in the past few days. They are constantly transporting a large amount of ammunition to the front line. Many people want to have a beautiful rest for a while, but they all know that it is not them now. When they can rest, they must hurry up and transport these ammunition to end the war here. After the war here, it is estimated that they will have time to rest again. The transport fleet set off from the African base carries millions of tons. All kinds of materials are also at sea. Their task is to transport a large amount of various materials. From now on, this will be another rear base of the energy group.

General Joey also clearly felt the difference these days. He has received the above order. They have to retreat when necessary. Although the Pope still has one million troops, the Holy See with two million troops has not been able to open up any situation. Now only half of the people have put their faith in them. , It is simply an insult to themselves, and what these people do is not worth helping them. The highest level of Europa has made a plan. They want to build a huge line of defense along Turki. It will be stationed there for a long time, although General Joey doesn't like to lead the war to his own land. But I have to believe that this is the most correct method at present.

It seems that the Holy See also knows something. The Pope has been sending people over the past few days to ask General Joey what to do next. At this time, the Pope’s idea is that even these people propose a way to let his troops die. The plan is also very good, who knows that these people in Europa have no plans at all. Their plan is to defend in situ, but this is only on the surface. General Joey has also noticed the actions of the energy group. The original retreat plan is no longer possible. Everyone already has a battle plan waiting for you. If you still go like this at this time, it would be good if you can go back one third. You must know that although Europa still maintains a standing army of 5 million after the expansion, it can mobilize 10 million at any time, but these troops are all Veterans on the battlefield. These are precious wealth in the army. The existence of these people can help Europa obtain a lot of benefits. Therefore, the senior management instructed General Joey to go back. General Joey is still the same on the surface, but this guy has already started to move. Other brains.

General Joey saw the army of the Holy See. The million people are still very useful. It is necessary to let them help. He is here to help them, and now they are finally used. It's time for them to reflect their value. Otherwise, the meaning of living would be lost.

Soon General Joey had an idea again in his heart. It turned out that it was time to not need these people, so you can treat them coldly. Now that you use them, you can't have this attitude. I want to ask others for help and get some strength.

"Come here. Send 100,000 tons of rice to the Vatican army, saying that we gave them, and then call their liaison officer to see me, I want to discuss with the Pope about another matter." General Joey's attitude is not It's just that he feels strange that the staff outside don't know what's wrong with his boss? I didn't sleep well last night, what happened after a cold? When giving them food, it’s not for their people to beg for a long time. This is the first time that we take the initiative to give them food, and it’s definitely the first time, and when there is generally something, when did our general say I have to discuss with the Pope. The guy doesn’t know anything about military affairs. At best, he can just give him an order. Although it’s weird, the general’s order should be done quickly. Otherwise, the military affairs will be delayed. Can take care of it.

Just two days before the energy group was preparing to attack, because some troops had not yet reached the predetermined position, on this day the Europa army sent two troops and began to smash the energy group's army, and the Pope also sent 800,000 troops to the south. , Their lair only left 600,000 old, weak, sick and disabled to defend. What is going on? Could it be that what happened? The sudden attack made the three people feel a little bit uncomfortable. Their attack of several divisions seemed to be just for death. If they concentrated their forces, they might still have a role to rush out, but now they are all separated, It is estimated that it is impossible to run out, after all, when you have an absolute advantage in the division of troops, it is obviously not a good time to divide the troops now.

Why doesn’t General Joey know, but now he has no other choice. He spent more than an hour deducing the energy group’s plan. Although it is not necessarily accurate to guess, at least it is not far from ten. , It’s good if his elite can escape one-tenth, but if he can do it according to his plan, although his army can only escape 200,000 people, all these 200,000 people can It is the elite of the Europa army, but these ordnances are definitely not going back. This is another Dunkirk... The thoughts of General Joey have reached a hundred years ago, although it is not the English Channel. But the current transportation capacity is not comparable to that of the year.

The Dunkerque Retreat (English rk; French lledeDunkerque) was May 1940 at the beginning of World War II. After the British-French coalition defense line collapsed under the rapid offensive of German mechanized forces, the British army carried out the largest military retreat in history at Dunkirk, a port city in northeastern France near the Belgian border. This operation, code-named "The Generator Project", allowed the British to finally use various ships to withdraw a large number of troops. Although this large-scale retreat succeeded in saving a large amount of manpower, all the heavy equipment of the British expeditionary force stationed in France was discarded on the European continent, causing serious problems in the ground defense of the British mainland.

The teacher of General Joey’s teacher was the main person who made the retreat, but his teacher’s teacher was a German, and he was a happy party, while one of the grandparents of General Joey’s family was the British expedition at the time. Jun, he still remembers the diary written by the elder at home about those days.

Under the fierce attack of German artillery fire, thousands of ships of all kinds were advancing in the direction of Dunkirk.

This is a weird "invincible fleet": there are brightly colored French fishing boats and tourist ships carrying passengers. There are also maintenance ship tugs, small **** ships, minesweepers, fishing trawlers, destroyers, British air rescue ships, radar sentry ships...

This extremely bizarre and indescribable fleet is driven by a variety of British and French people. Among them are bankers, dentists, taxi drivers, speedboat drivers, dock workers, juveniles, engineers, fishermen, and civilian officials... Among them are the delicate-skinned Sea Scouts and the bronze-skinned old men with pale hair. . Many of them are obviously poor. They have no coats and wear shabby sweaters and sanitary shirts. They wore cracked rubber shoes, and they were hungry in the sea and rain. They were hungry in the bone-chilling cold wind...

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, this strange fleet is unarmed and unescorted, but brave people are facing the rain of bullets and gunpowder. They are moving forward flexibly on the surface of the sunken ship, knowing that there is **** ahead. Not afraid. For what purpose is this courageous fleet moving forward?

Nazi Germany began to attack Western Europe on May 10, 1940. At that time, Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg had 147 divisions and more than 3 million troops. The strength is comparable to that of Germany. However, the French strategy is rigid and conservative. They only pin their hopes on the Maginot line, which they consider to be solid, and declare no war against Germany. On the German-French border, there were only small-scale exchanges of fire, no major battles, and the famous "strange war" in history.

However, the Germans did not attack the Maginot Line. They first attacked Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and bypassed the Maginot Line and crossed the river from Sedan into France. The iron hoof of German fascism soon entered the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

On May 21st, the German troops approached the English Channel. With nearly 400,000 Anglo-French allied forces besieged in a small area in northern France, only Dunkirk, a small port with only 10,000 residents, can be used as a sea retreat.

The situation is extremely critical, and Dunkirk port is a target that is highly vulnerable to sustained bombers and artillery fire. If 400,000 people retreat from this port, the consequences will be disastrous under the strong attack of German artillery.

The British government and navy launched a large number of crew members. Mobilize the people to rescue the army. Their plan is to strive to evacuate 30,000 people.

People complained about the upcoming tragedy. Quarreling endlessly. They slammed the incompetence and incompetence of the upper echelons, but still preferred to die rather than throw themselves into the danger of withdrawing troops. So appeared the strange "Invincible Fleet" sailing to Dunkirk.

There are government-requisitioned ships in this fleet, but more of them are people who voluntarily go to pick up the troops. They have not registered and received no order, but they have something more powerful than organization. This is the spirit of the British nation to conquer the ocean. A British person who personally participated in the transport force recalled afterwards:

"Driving in the dark is dangerous. The clouds are low, the moon is dim and the stars are dim. We have no lights, no signs, and no way to distinguish friends and enemies. We started to return with the first batch of sails when we were less than halfway through the voyage. The fleet of ships met. When we were avoiding the white waters of the fleet passing by the bow, we fell into the half-dark shadow of the ship ahead. There were often shouts in the dark. But it was just accidental horns. We' I'm sailing by God while guessing."

The soldiers waiting to board the ship were disciplined. They have been fighting for the evacuation for three weeks and have been retreating. They often lose command and are helpless. They lack sleep and suffer from hunger and thirst. However, they remain in formation until they reach the beach and still obey the command. These weary soldiers staggered across the beach towards the boat; large numbers of men and horses braved the bombing and strafing into the water, and the people in front were shoulder-deep. Their heads were just above the waves leaping toward the shore, and they didn't get into the boat until they were not shoulder-deep. The small boat ferrying from the shore to the big ship tilted crookedly because of too many people...

Some large ships almost rushed to the shore regardless of the danger of ebb tide...

On the beach are the wreckage of a destroyer hit by a bomb, an ambulance that was abandoned...

All this is reflected in the red background, this is Dunkirk burning. There is no water to put out the fire. No one has time to fight the fire...

There is a horrible noisy place like hell. The artillery keeps firing, the artillery is blasting, the fire is shining, the sky is full of noise, anti-aircraft guns, machine guns... People can’t speak normally, they fought in Dunkirk. Everyone has a very hoarse voice-a mark of honor "Dunkirk voice".

In such a dangerous situation, this unnamed fleet rescued 335,000 people in a week or so.

This is a miracle that shocked the world-Dunkirk retreat.

When General Joey’s family elder returned to the British mainland, he was really excited about this action. At the time, everyone thought it was a miracle of war, indeed. It’s still the same up to now. General Joey has already reported his plan, and Europa has begun to organize the fleet. They don’t need to keep up with the last time there are no rules. The upper-level people are not very united at this time. , But facing the 200,000 elite troops, they knew what to do. They knew very well that saving a million new recruits could not be more capable than the 200,000 troops, so they all agreed to this. plan. It's just that they still have questions. They had time to retreat when Hitler gave an order to stop. Now how could the energy group be so stupid?

When the Germans pressed on Dunkirk from west, south, and east, the nearest German tank was only 10 miles away from the port. On May 24, the Germans received Hitler's personal order to stop advancing. Hitler's order puzzled the generals of the German tank unit. Guderian sighed even more. Dunkirk was at his fingertips, but was ordered to stop! The German Air Force is attacking. This order later caused controversy. It is considered by many military historians to be a stupid order by Hitler to interfere in military command arbitrarily.

In fact, Hitler's order was his consideration, and it cannot be completely attributed to his responsibility. First, after the battle in northern France became clear, the German army needed to preserve the strength of its armored forces for the next combat operation. In addition, Goering assured Hitler that the air force could eliminate the coalition forces in Dunkirk. Dunkirk's terrain is full of swamps and low-lying areas, which prevents the armored forces from advancing, and there is no need for them to suffer losses. The German headquarters had planned to complete the final siege by the B army group. Secondly, even though the coalition’s fragmented counterattack had little effect, it aggravated the concerns of some senior German commanders about the loss of armored forces, because the rapid advance of armored forces made the infantry force far behind. On the 24th, Hitler visited the headquarters of the Army Group A. The war log of the Lunstead Command recorded that during the meeting Lunstead suggested that the armored division on the canal line not far from Dunkirk should stop advancing and wait for more. Many infantry units respond. Hitler agreed to this suggestion and believed that the armored units should be preserved for use when attacking the French troops south of the Somme. At the same time, the German Air Force Commander Goering assured that the Air Force can take on the task of eliminating allied forces in the encirclement. Another may also be considered to be the reason that prompted Hitler to issue the order, worrying that the armored forces were trapped in the riverside area outside Dunkirk into positional warfare, unable to quickly stop the retreat of British and French forces.

In addition, some people think that Hitler has a political plan to withdraw part of the British troops to Britain, which will help make peace with Britain politically. Some people, including the commander of the front-line armored force, expressed opposition, and they believed that they should move on. However, this statement is inconsistent with the No. 13 instruction issued by Hitler on the 24th. In the 13th instruction. Hitler ordered the B Army and the Air Force to cooperate to eliminate the British, French and Dutch forces in the encirclement as soon as possible.

As a result of the execution of this order, the British and French coalition forces retreated to Dunkirk under the pressure of the German Army Group B in front of them, and the Army Group A that cut off their retreat was closer to Dunkirk, but in the west of Dunkirk. The offensive in the Canal area ceased, and there was no gathering of troops to outflank the coast, which gave the British and French forces a chance. Now the coalition forces are fighting for survival, strengthening the defensive positions of Dunkirk close to the ground. Although the German armored forces resumed their offensive in order to prevent the British and French allied forces from retreating from Dunkirk on May 27, they faced the enemy's organized defenses and were unable to break through. The British and French forces successfully delayed the German offensive and bought more time for the troops to leave Dunkirk. But Guderian's recollection also mentioned that his troops did not stop attacking after the 24th. Carles’ British troops insisted on surrendering until 16:45 on the 26th. On the same day Hitler had already ordered the resumption of the attack, so there are still many opinions about how much influence the stopping order will have on Group A's army.

No matter what the real situation was at the time, Hitler gave this order. It did give the Allies valuable time to go back. General Joey also wanted to let other troops attack across the board, disrupt the enemy’s plan, and buy his own people for about two days, but would this be the case? ? If your troops can’t resist it, the enemy will rush in by then. Not to mention that the 200,000 yuan cannot be saved. Even the fleet that came to pick them up might not be able to return. So many ships were damaged during the war. It's not a good thing. General Joey’s answer to them is that my plan is 30% possible. You have to transport these people back. Without these soldiers, I don’t think your ships will have any other effect on you. Yes, because of this sentence, they approved the plan.

General Joey was afraid that the above would not be able to accept the casualties, and deliberately handed in the loss list of the Dunkirk retreat that year, hoping that they could have a psychological preparation.

The Dunkirk retreat lasted nine days from May 26 to June 4, which was actually three nights on May 26, June 2 and 3. For five full days from May 27 to June 1, a total of 338,226 people withdrew back to the UK, including about 215,000 British troops, 90,000 French troops, and 33,000 Belgian troops. But these troops discarded all their heavy equipment when they withdrew. Bringing back to England was nothing more than a rifle and hundreds of machine guns, on the beach in Dunkirk. The Anglo-French allied forces discarded 1,200 cannons, 750 anti-aircraft guns, 500 anti-tank guns, 63,000 cars, 75,000 motorcycles, 700 tanks, 21,000 machine guns, 6,400 anti-tank guns, and 500,000 tons of military supplies. .

During the retreat, more than 40,000 British and French allied forces were captured, and more than 28,000 were killed or injured. Some of these casualties were killed in the fight against the German attack and defended the vital defense line, and some were waiting on the beach while waiting to board the ship. They were killed by German airstrikes and artillery fire, and others were buried in the sea with ships sunk by the Germans.

Britain mobilized a total of 861 ships of various types to retreat. 226 British ships and 17 French ships were sunk by the Germans.

In order to cover the retreat, the British Air Force dispatched a total of 2739 sorties of fighter jets for air cover, with an average of 300 sorties per day, which effectively fought against German air strikes. The British army lost 106 aircraft and British fighter jets and ground anti-aircraft fire shot down about 140 German aircraft.

A luxury cruise ship named "Lancasteria" was requisitioned as a retreat military transport ship and was sunk by the Germans, killing at least 3,500 British soldiers. This shipwreck has more deaths than the "Titanic". The British government has been blocking information afterwards, and it has only been decrypted in recent years.

Although it is not the same time as in the past, Europa has a stronger fleet. They can dispatch hundreds of large ships at once to bring back 250,000 to 300,000 people, but What they ignore is that the power of the energy group is not comparable to that of Germany back then. For the air force, if they really want to retreat, it is estimated that the energy group can concentrate thousands of aircraft to interfere with them, from their current seaport. It takes sixty nautical miles to the nearest Europa Seaport, which is much further away than it was in the past. In the meantime, Europa’s air force is required to provide great assistance.

When the frontline war enters the state. Wang Mei first discovered Europa’s plan at sea. Because his navy found a large number of Europa ships, because international law stipulates that as long as there is no strategic use on the ship, but only civilian materials, they cannot be attacked. Their direction is to go to the largest Europa in Turki. From the naval base, Wang Mei told Li Sen of her guess. There are capable people on your side. We play around from time to time. Our people can also see it.

Li Sen attached great importance to this opinion, and found that it is not too late. Immediately Li Sen ordered all the troops in Turki, all the troops with the ability to move quickly, and the helicopter troops moved quickly toward the harbor area. You want to escape. We will catch you firmly. Wang Mei even separated a small fleet of ten destroyers and started intercepting these passenger ships. We didn’t mean anything else. We just got on board for inspection. Of course, deduct. It’s okay to stay with you for a day or two.

Europa’s navy became irritated after learning of the news, and immediately a large number of navies would dispatch to the energy group. These ten destroyers are also the most warships that Wang Mei can produce. If they are released again, it is estimated that their side will not work. . In the end, ten destroyers caught about twenty-five large troop carriers. A large number of ships passed. The navy could not manage the rest. They also had to guarantee their own affairs.

In the headquarters, Li Sen is amending the order loudly. He cannot allow these hundreds of thousands of troops to withdraw. These people are elite and must be let them know that if you dare to fight against the energy group, you cannot go back.

"Order the SAS team to take a helicopter to the enemy's back immediately. To create some trouble for them, order the 322 Armored Regiment to abandon the enemy in front of them and hand it over to the Fusang Army. Their task is to reach this position within two hours. One hundred and fifty kilometers. Let the supply personnel wait for them in this place. After they merged with the air fleet, they launched an attack on the port area with all their strength. For the rapid forces in the south to also start northward, they must attack the enemy port area within three hours. Start fighting." Li Sen was also a little dizzy at this time. If it weren't for Wang Mei, he would suffer a lot. Although he could wipe out the enemy’s nearly 600,000 troops, he was more than 20 elite. It’s not a good thing that everyone can run back. When they go back, they can take several people alone. If the 200,000 people are expanded, a million people’s tiger and wolf division will appear immediately. When the time comes, energy The price paid by the group is even greater.

However, there is one thing in the plan that has not changed. For the Vatican army, they are still handed over to mercenaries to greet them. Their role can be ignored. When the rocket is launched, many people are scared to pee. In their view, they are not opponents for such things, and it is better to surrender early.

The Fusang soldiers of the five divisions attacked from the north, and the troops of the two divisions attacked from the south. They may be the fastest-moving people on the entire battlefield. It seems that they have the momentum of the Malay tigers. It’s a fact for them to advance two hundred kilometers within the distance. Thousands of soldiers surrendered at once. The soldiers of the Holy See were a little scared when they saw these soldiers wearing some outdated yellow uniforms. People are simply too ferocious, especially when they rush in for hand-to-hand combat, these people may be the most ferocious beasts in the world.

Especially the First Division, their offensive speed is the fastest of the entire army. They have reached the outskirts of Istanbul, and they have killed the most enemies along the way. The Hashimoto Brigade is the fastest of all mercenaries, of course. This is also related to the relatively high degree of mechanization of their troops. Another means of transportation appeared in the other troops of the First Division, that is, the three-wheeled sidecar, which has been missing for a long time. Before, their predecessors used these things a lot, but now they are gone. Because of the speed of the war, the energy group has produced thousands of them again. Light machine guns are installed in front of them, but they are firepower. They are not small, especially when they are on the move. Their firepower can be said to be very remarkable. Often three or four motorcycles can chase hundreds of people and run the same way as the turtle grandson. The fear of it is more than that of armored vehicles.

There is another phenomenon that makes the energy group's senior executives dumbfounded. It is certain that these people robbed a place. According to their Sanguang policy back then, this is beyond doubt. But what surprises the energy group is that when they occupy a bank in a place, they will not move the contents away. Instead, they left the guards, put a seal on them, and waited for the energy group’s army to accept it. At this time, their chief came back to talk to the energy group officers about remuneration. For example, what you said at the beginning was whether it was a robbery. We have a share of everything.

For these requirements, the generals of the energy group are also satisfied. After all, people robbed one hundred yuan for five yuan. Don't you give them five percent? Is this okay? You are too greedy.

At this moment, the Hashimoto Brigade occupied a city north of Istanbul, in front of the largest bank in the city. At this moment, many soldiers' eyes were narrowed. Good guy, so much money.

"There are so many things inside, and from time to time we soldiers should take care of things. What we have to do is to advance immediately. We can't discredit our heroic First Division, and the whole army advances immediately." Hashimoto's expression was serious. He scolded several senior officials under his command, but he still walked in without slowing down.

After entering, I went directly to the vault. It was really a little frightening at this moment. Although the Holy See has searched all the wealth of Turki to Istanbul, they are still a little surprised at this moment. There are neat piles and piles inside. There are a lot of gold and various precious metals over there.

"Report to the head of the brigade, all the cash here is 12 billion U.S. dollars, 10 billion yuan. 30 billion euros, and other things are converted into cash of about tens of billions of dollars. This is the headquarters of Turki’s second largest bank. We think This may be their biggest treasury. At the time, the Holy See's army probably didn't find it here, or for some other reason." The adjutant opened the information and said, no matter what the reason, the money has been in his hands anyway.

"The amount of money doesn't matter to us. It's all blocked here, and then a brigade is left to guard. The other people keep going with me." Hashimoto's mind has gone through too many entanglements, and even his men want him to be able to. They ordered them to rate, but Hashimoto knew very well that if he really gave that order, he might not have the chance to rise in his life. The money is indeed a lot, but I am greedy of the energy group's money. This is not a trivial matter at all. It is simply unimaginable to offend the people of the energy group, and it will eventually kill people. So it is better to hand in these things, and you can do it later. There is a promising future.

The faces of other people showed incredible looks, but they didn’t say anything. They could only do things honestly one by one according to the orders. Hashimoto’s action quickly reached the top of the group, and he had to say this person. It's a personal talent. After this time, he may have to be the leader of the first division, and the entire division will become Hashimoto's division.

It is the same as when the British and French coalition forces retreated. At this moment, the elite forces of the energy group are also hitting the harbor area. They are much sharper than they were in the past. Their attack mode is all gunpowder to open the way. Nothing left for the bombing. The people of Europa didn't even have a chance to speak. They had never seen such a powerful fire preparation, and they didn't know how many bombs and shells fell on their heads.

If you can see from the highway behind the energy group, trucks with a capacity of 30 tons are transporting ammunition to the front line one by one. Generally speaking, there are hundreds of vehicles each time, as consistent as ants. In exchange for their efforts, they directly smashed the resistance of the Europa soldiers, especially their scouts. Soldiers in the rear may not be able to see all of this, but the scouts are all aware of it and just look at the transport convoy. Can be scared.

Just when they lost more than 100,000 soldiers and retreated to the port area, the ships they were looking forward to came, but what made them feel depressed was that the ships that came to pick them up were more or less scarred. No need to ask, I must have encountered the navy of the energy group along the way. Their naval fleet is escorting a squadron of the Mediterranean fleet. The strength is still reasonable. Under their escort, there is still such a big one. Casualties, it seems that their opponents are really not easy.

General Joey did not hesitate to give the order, let the 150,000 troops withstand the attack from the north, one hundred thousand troops withstand the attack from the south, the remaining 250,000 troops are ready to board the ship, as for the others The 400,000 troops, dead and wounded, are no longer capable of running here. Besides, now they are hard to protect themselves, let alone other people, as long as these 200,000 people can be brought back, He is the hero.

General Joey ordered the abandonment of all the luggage, including 3,500 tanks, 5,000 various armored vehicles, 4,200 artillery pieces, 60,000 trucks, 110,000 jeeps, and more than 600,000 tons of various materials. Naturally, airplanes cannot be left behind. , All the planes have already lifted off, in fact, they all received the order, after throwing out all the ammunition on their bodies, they will fly back to Europa with all their strength. As for the **** of the fleet, they do not need to do it. Even their ground crews didn't know that they had been abandoned. They were still waiting to refuel these planes. Unfortunately, all they were waiting for were planes from the Energy Group, and the bombed people turned their backs on their backs.

Many soldiers think that they should be killed in However, such people are rare after all. They immediately stunned their comrades around them and threw them on the boat. Are you kidding me? What are we doing to achieve that glory? Do you still expect someone to commemorate you in the future? If you have such an idea, it's better to go back to commemorate others. It's silly. If it weren't for Lao Tzu's army, Lao Tzu wouldn't care about you.

Although the three of Li Sen were not together at this time, they were anxious when they saw that their troops had begun to board the ship. They were not here to destroy the 250,000 troops on both sides. They must all die. What they want to destroy is The 200,000 troops that are going to escape, these talents are the elite of the elite. As for the things such as the heavyweights, I haven't taken a lot of attention to them. What I want is the lives of these people, things, isn't that important.

The offensives on the north and south have become more urgent, and long-range bombers from Great Russia and Port Said Airport have also come over. They formed a huge phalanx and threw bombs into these fleets. Their losses were also Very powerful. Europa’s navy and air force have also taken off from their homeland. They are still a little closer than us. In the rounds of bombing, Li Yin’s special forces brigade in the north finally saw The harbour is now, and General Joey angrily wants to shoot all the 150,000 troops, what are they doing, and they are pulled down after being blocked for less than an hour? Who are you soldiers? To be continued. . )


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