Energy Group

Chapter 1593:

The second lieutenant officers quickly made all the preparations. They already knew from the data that one hundred kilometers away was the defensive position of the US-European coalition forces. They currently have thousands of soldiers and dozens of armored vehicles within their attack range. A small supply point, currently there are still a lot of supply items. It seems that Master Li is going to see their skills. After seeing Li Yin nodding, this guy immediately ordered "All from 1 to 15 Yes, the target is 100 kilometers away from the enemy’s base, release three bases, each base is 120 rounds, shoot quickly, and release. m (read the novel, it’s up to ·)” After the commander’s words, everyone present seemed to see Like the weapons on the alien planet, indeed, these things were seen on the computer by Li Yin, and he had never seen the real objects.

Immediately, the fifteen artillery guns began to emit light blue light. Li Yin knew that the orbital gun started to be activated with electricity. This process took fifteen seconds. Sure enough, after fifteen seconds, a blue light shot out towards the distance. , Before people could react, the second shot went out. At this time, the fifteen guns were like a cannon. Standing less than two meters away from the gun, there was no feeling at all, as if they were still. , And then fired out at an average speed of two rounds per second. Because it was due to the day, the trajectory could not be seen at all. If it was at night, a beautiful scene would be seen. Several soldiers proudly manipulated their hands. The artillery in the railgun has two shell ports, because it is to fire three bases, which is 360 shells, so this iron box is not enough, and another iron box has been installed on the other interface. . When the shell here is not available, it will automatically connect to another one. It takes less than a second to display it on the computer, but you can’t feel anything during live viewing. After all, one second is too short for human perception. , I spent this one second every moment.

As early as Li Yin ordered, two unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were launched from the forward position. Because there are instruments that interfere with satellites near the battlefield, the satellites are basically useless during the war. Those relying on reconnaissance planes, even reconnaissance planes, can only work for half an hour. Unless a manned reconnaissance plane is dispatched, otherwise, the frontline situation will not be fed back. Now Li Yin and the others need to see the effect, don't do well here. In fact, there is no effect at all on the front line. Li Yin has already made people set up big screens around here, just to let other people come and see what is going on, and encourage these people to let them all see. , How about our new weapon.

The front line was originally very peaceful, but now it can be said that it is a time of rest. The armies of both sides have ceased the war by coincidence, and we all know that. After fighting for such a long time, they are indeed exhausted. The five to ten kilometers between the two sides are full of corpses. The backup personnel of both sides have been transporting for more than two hours. , Now the road can’t be seen as a road, because all the asphalt on it has been blown up, and now it’s all a piece of mud. Often they can tell that there are no buildings around here, and this is the road. Many soldiers from the US-Europe Union were cursing the unpalatability of compressed biscuits, while still rejoicing that they had a mouth to eat. Many people have lost their mouths.

Just when they were enjoying a rare moment of tranquility, the explosion came, and there was no observation point that said there was an enemy attack, because the orbital artillery shells were too small, and they simply It is impossible to observe. It is precisely for this reason that when they encounter an attack, they can give them the greatest blow, such as now. One by one, they didn’t know what was going on. The overwhelming artillery shells came, and the enemy’s artillery group had no movement at all. How could they attack them? They also discovered an important problem. They can drill into a cannon hole when the enemy is in public, and they don’t need to worry immediately. Now it seems that it’s not the case anymore. Why the cannon hole is several meters below, but they still can’t hide. In the past, they had to be bombed to death. It was useless in tanks and armored vehicles that they thought were very safe. A few soldiers saw a tank not far away bombed at the last moment of their lives. They were broken, and half of their bodies were cut off by the flying debris from the tank, and nothing was left. This was the price they paid to witness the super weapon.

Li Yin and most of the people were standing in front of the big screen. At this moment, what they saw in their eyes was a 15-story building with an anti-tank position of the United States and European forces on it. They could fight here. The tanks were far away, but now the whole building collapsed with a shell. It’s not that they haven’t been shelled by the energy group, but no matter what, there is no such powerful artillery. In their opinion, this is no longer The artillery can cause it. This artillery shell is too violent, and there is also a fatal problem. How can so many artillery attack them? This is not the front line, it is a distance from the artillery position of the energy group. A hundred and fifty kilometers, what kind of artillery can be bombed here, does the energy group also have Eurona's trump card, a super cannon? That was impossible. They quickly threw away this idea of ​​their own. Didn't they know what it was like to fire a super cannon, it couldn't be, then what is it?

For a while, most of the soldiers who were bombed were thinking about this problem. The shelling was over before they could understand it. Damn, just a few minutes of shelling had turned their regiment's position into a garbage dump. , The things that were dug before were not used at all, and they had no effect at all. They cursed and started to check some of the surrounding conditions. This time the gunpowder was very powerful, and they all realized that. But what they didn't realize was that the casualties brought to them this time were huge, and 30% of the brothers who hid below were all killed. According to their calculations, there were four to five thousand shells coming. Even if the explosives of these artillery shells are very powerful, they can kill thousands of people is already very powerful, but this time they killed tens of thousands of people. Many people were bombed and no one was found, so they were missing. Basically, they are all dead. From the feel, this is definitely the latest weapon of the energy group, the most powerful weapon. (Just read the novel.)

"Haha, very good, your troops are directly under the headquarters. You are directly responsible to me, and now take your soldiers to rest. Your mission today has been completed, but I think you also understand. Today is a test. That’s it, I’ve seen your information. You can attack for two hours without interruption. Maybe tomorrow I will make you all tired for a while.” Li Yin said with a smile, touching the cannon and firing three hundred. It’s not hot at all if you run frequently. The **** thing on Mars is better than the stuff on the earth. If the steel on the earth fires so vigorously, it is estimated that if you put your hand on it at this time, you will have to bake it. It's burnt, but here. But as usual, there is no temperature at all.

"Please rest assured, the commander, we are absolutely sure to complete the task assigned to us by the commander." After a little salute, he knows that he is already in the limelight today, but this military chief is still very good. There is no young master. Shelf.

"Hehe, sir, don’t rush away. I don’t see your old man very much. I tell you. I got a good bottle of wine, what's the matter? Come to me for a drink? I know it’s a time of war, let’s order That's it." Immediately, Li Yin was held back by a very strong guy before he even left. This guy has been following Li Yin for several years, and seeing good things is the most shameless one. Needless to say, I must be thinking about this artillery squad now, good fellow. I think my Apocalypse tanks are very powerful. When their Apocalypse tanks are the most powerful, they only have 80 artillery shells per minute, but transportation is still a big problem, and the Apocalypse tanks cannot hit that far. It turns out that the Apocalypse tank is absolutely good compared to ordinary heavy tanks, but you have to compare it with something. If you compare it with the railgun in front of you, see if there are any advantages. ? That's a bunch of broken things, useless.

"Stop, there are a few of you. Didn't you hear what I said just now? This unit is now a division and has nothing to do with you. You should go back and think about how to modify your artillery. People will come in the last two days. Although you can’t refit your artillery to look like this, I think it’s okay to have a range of 200 meters and a rate of fire above 80. Of course, you’ll only be able to fight for 35 minutes. You have to rest. If you want to persist for an hour like others, don’t even think about it. Don’t talk nonsense here. It is estimated that this place will be exposed when the gun is fired. Move quickly.” Li Yin immediately ran all the way. He got in the car and left. He was right. Just a few minutes after he finished talking, it was attacked by missiles. It's just that this is an airport, and the surrounding air defense firepower is still very impressive. Small missile-like attacks can be seen here, and can be resolved immediately.

Li Yin knows the abilities of these people. If he speaks a little bit and guesses that these people will have to apply for approval for a unit like this immediately. What a joke, his own is still sent by the top to test it. Don't talk about you, if such a unit is mass-produced, it is not very valuable, but these things are very valuable in the experimental stage, and 15 guns of these equipment cost more than tens of millions of dollars. Li Yin is clear about this cost issue. Many of the things on this are not made from earth, so they are a little more expensive now, but with the arrival of large-scale space transport ships, these things are basically as cheap as stones. The Science and Technology Department of the Energy Group has made a plan. If 10,000 such railguns are produced at a time, the price is estimated to be 700,000 yuan per door, but if it is produced 100,000, it is estimated to be 500,000, 1 million. The door is 300,000 yuan, and the shells are not very expensive. The weight is very light. A shell is now less than 2,000 yuan. After mass production, it can reach 1,000 yuan. If he hits it, it will be several hundred. Ten thousand dollars of tanks also have to be reimbursed. The electricity used for launch is very expensive in the eyes of others. Every shot needs 2000 degrees of electricity. If you launch 120 rounds per minute, it’s 120*1000 yuan. That's 120,000 yuan in one minute. But this is too simple for the energy group. It’s basically the same as having no cost. Therefore, such high-performance weapons can be manufactured by the energy group. Others are limited by this issue of electricity. They simply cannot produce such a large number of storage batteries. The group can now easily take out millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of tons of large batteries, and even billions of tens of billions of batteries have come out. Generally, one such artillery can be used for an hour. 100 million kWh of electricity is enough, and then they will go to the tens of billions of large batteries to charge.

Although the railgun was brought to the front to make people on the front line happy, but everything he could change was too little. He can’t just completely change the form of the entire battlefield. When in a war is not a single position bombed five or six times, but sometimes there is no difference between bombing it again and burning it again, and the final result is just that. The land here has been bombed over there. In the end, there will be no results, so if Li Yin wants to get out of the predicament at present, it is not enough to rely on this. This thing can only be said to affect one aspect of the war, and the rest has to rely on his own brain. At present, the situation in Belarus is still possible against the energy group. After all, they may have two more troops to support in one more minute. The United States and Europe are different. They will have more time in one minute. A little dangerous, as it is now. They also see the intention of the energy group, they will not let the energy group come to it.

In Estonia, at this moment, they have successfully dragged Li Sen’s army with the lives of 200,000 Latvian troops. They walked on thousands of corpses every step of the way. They want to quickly end the war here. It is possible. Originally, they did not have any hatred with the local people, but as the war deepened, this has become inevitable. Many people got the hatred they deserved from the war. They can’t get out anymore. [Just read the novel~]

The improvised army of Latvia may not have any combat effectiveness at all. But they are a group of pigs that can block the attack of the energy group, not to mention so many people. As long as they hold weapons, it is dangerous. Li Sen has to stop little by little, right in front of him or The occupied area in the back was cleaned up again, which hindered his plan. But if you continue to move forward without asking, you will have more and more dangerous areas behind you. This is not our own territory. If one day I really lose the logistics supply line, hundreds of thousands of troops will rely on air support? How much air force is needed to accomplish this.

Liu Tao’s Central Route Army also encountered this situation. The Lithuanian army seemed to be unable to kill cleanly. They could send tens of thousands of soldiers to the front every day. Every time Liu Tao’s army moved forward a little, they would retake it. All of them were recovered with bombs on their bodies. Suicide attacks have not been seen in Arabs, but they have been seen here. This put the other two armies of the energy group in trouble. It seems impossible to rely on them. Now, the plan to encircle the millions of troops in the U.S.-Europe Union in one week seems to be bankrupted by these millions of miscellaneous troops. For the U.S.-Europe Union, it doesn’t matter how many of these people die, anyway. They were all killed by people from the energy group, and they care about so much.

After receiving this news, the Energy Group Army also felt that continuing to fight like that was not a way. Temporarily increasing troops was not a good way. The strategy must be changed. The three routes were changed to one route. Li Sen and Li Yin immediately received orders. They must Abandon the current turf, fully support Liu Tao's troops in the middle road, and then abandon the Belarusian battlefield to fully capture the two northern countries. This strategic deployment has also taken a lot of consideration. The northern part can also be defended. This is estimated if Belarus is taken. It's also a person who can't keep it. It's his own side that makes them come and die. By then, taking Belarus is equivalent to setting a living target for himself. It is estimated that millions of troops will attack here.

Li Sen immediately began to go south after receiving the order, and Li Yin immediately started northward, while Liu Tao began to stand still and hold on to his own turf. This way, the troops in two directions started a chase war. This was originally added by the US-Europe Union Those miscellaneous troops are going to have the upper hand, but now that the sports war has begun, his miscellaneous troops have no means of transportation at all, let them all use their legs to fight? What a joke. How is this possible. They don’t have the abilities at all. They can’t understand it at all, but it’s a few hundred kilometers. Do you think it’s still the old days? The ten kilometers distance is probably useless now, let alone the hundreds of kilometers. The miscellaneous army can only be arranged to stay in place, and the remaining US and European forces can only catch up. This way, the comparison of strength between the two sides has undergone a fundamental change, and the two sides have become an energy group in comparison. , The U.S.-European coalition forces continue to run away from their advantages.

No matter what Li Yin's special fighters do, they are much faster than others. During this great transfer, Li Sen's troops were about the same distance from their destination, but Li Sen's troops would not arrive until a day later, and they had already arrived. Moreover, he is planning to launch an offensive before Li Sen’s army arrives, at least to get rid of all the **** army in Latvia. Liu Tao was bullied during those few days. He didn’t have the ability to fight back. Now add Li Yin's more than 700,000 people, especially with so many new weapons, they directly attacked. What kind of routine? No routine? What rules? There is no tactics, just see the enemy fighting, and the enemy who must fight hold their heads.

The millions of miscellaneous troops in front of Latvia were immediately dumbfounded. How come the energy group army, which didn't come out very much a few days ago, has become so powerful today? Isn't it afraid of our millions? When they saw more than ten thousand two tanks on the plain, they were dumbfounded, shit, their reinforcements arrived. This is the first idea of ​​all miscellaneous troops. Their anti-tank weapons combined are not as many as other tanks. How is this thing reversed? As for the old man's fate, Lao Tzu can't die here. So many people died a few days ago because it is possible to defeat them. What now? There is no such possibility. Take a look at these tanks. Don't kill hundreds of thousands of people. Even a few million people are probably not enough for others to kill. Run. Run for your life.

The miscellaneous army generally looks like this and can do everything quickly at the beginning. Later on, they couldn’t do anything. The emotion of failure took root in their hearts. They knew that they couldn’t win. No matter what their chief said, they wouldn’t go up anyway. It’s okay if you are willing to shoot me. First ask Lao Tzu. The gun promised or not. It’s no problem if you want to go up. Let the US and European forces go up first. We follow them and ask us to fight the main force to die. We don’t have that noble character.

This is a real success and failure. These miscellaneous troops have given hope to the U.S. and European coalition forces, but at this moment, they have also made the U.S. and European coalition forces desperate. These people really can't do big things. One by one is the generation who is greedy for life and fear of death. Although we already know this, we can’t do anything about them now. The tanks of the US-European coalition forces can’t move, because they are all soldiers of the unbranded army who are going to retreat. If they can’t arrive at the position on time, It is estimated that they may lose tens of thousands of square kilometers of land, and the victory that has been exchanged for hundreds of thousands of lives in the past few days may be gone.

"Are they all a bunch of idiots? You shot me to death if you didn't give way. Are your guns all fire sticks?" The top of the U.S. and European coalition forces came down and ordered them to shoot and kill these miscellaneous brands who were not allowed to escape. The army, this trick is really useful. As soon as the bullet is dropped, the road is immediately cleaned, but the miscellaneous army on both sides of the road has also begun to shoot at the US-Europe coalition forces. Damn, don’t look at our party members, why should we take you Look at the party.

It’s a pity that the energy group’s army hasn’t rushed forward at this time. If they rush forward, they can benefit from the chaos in front of them. It’s a pity at this time. When they know the situation on the front line, Allied forces from the United States and Europe in the Belarus region also came, and the two sides became a stalemate again. However, when Lee Sen’s army was about to arrive, the Second Armored Division of the United States Army and the 35th Infantry Division of Europa joined forces to Lee Sen. At a meeting ceremony, two armies lay in ambush in a city that Li Sen’s army was going to pass through. Li Sen’s army did not enter the city and had to pass directly on the highway, and when they passed, the two armies rushed. When they came out, they stopped Li Sen’s hundreds of thousands of troops, and then the two sides went to war separately. I have to say that the two armies did a beautiful job. Li Sen’s army suffered a blow, but the energy group’s regular army responded very quickly. , Immediately the head and tail began to shrink toward the middle, and after losing more than 10,000 people, they became two defensive positions. They looked no good at all, and they retreated. Only in this way could Li Sen's army be preserved. Although it sounds like two sentences, the real situation is very intense.

Coincidentally, when the two armies attacked Li Sen’s army, they were very happy when they retreated. The energy group’s army let them kill nearly 20,000 people as soon as they came. They killed all the energy group’s regular army. Those mercenaries, this made Li Sen’s face very shameless. When they were about to arrive at their station, they were also trapped by the mine array of the field brigade of the energy group’s special operations division. Thousands of landmines made them not know what to do one by one. At this time, a large number of unmanned bombers appeared in the sky, and these people attacked others in front. I didn't expect that they would let others do the calculations. Li Yin in the distance looked at all this and it was a sigh of disgust for Li Sen.

After leaving hundreds of armored vehicles and thousands of corpses, the Second Armored Division of the US Army finally completed the breakthrough. Their losses were not small, and the attack was originally a victory. Now it has become ineffective.

During the assembly that day, something happened that made the energy group take a high look at the mercenaries. That is, a Finnish mercenary that had just entered the battlefield with more than 3,000 people rushed directly to the enemy’s field supply. It directly detonated the huge ammunition depots and granaries below them, leaving the miscellaneous army of hundreds of thousands of U.S. and European forces without supplies. When there were supplies, they were still called miscellaneous troops. If there were no supplies, they It must be a bandit, sure enough, just after this one was detonated. These miscellaneous soldiers began to stretch their hands towards the local people. Opening their mouths means I was bleeding and sweating on the front line. What the **** happened to eating your food? Even if you fell asleep, your wife beat your baby. That is what your kid deserves, one by one. Don't mention that bullishness, as if they really won a battle, don't you know that the people know that they were killed because of their own supplies, and there is nothing to eat here to fight the autumn wind.

The Energy Group’s military department immediately notified the award of the Finnish mercenary, and the whole army has rewards, and all the mercenary units can learn from others. Dozens of officers of the Ogasawara Division have also been promoted. Just like the Fuso Army during World War II, the Fuso Army began to have a military-level organization. Now the Fuso Mercenary Group has 65 divisions, all of which are organized into 13 Army. The commander of the Ogasawara Division was promoted to the rank of commander of the Second Army during the same period. The other four divisions of the Second Army were all transported to Belarus. Under the leadership of Commander Ogasawara, they will compete with the millions of miscellaneous troops in Belarus. The Ogasawara division will fight with each other. Similarly, as a military commander, the direct line of troops must behave like other mercenaries. How can they be the same as the Finnish mercenaries. The whole army is praised, what a showy thing, our millions of Fusang There are no mercenaries.

The first army of the Fuso mercenary army, commander Hashimoto, also came with this army. This was also requested by Li Sen. Because the supply pressure of the regular army was too high, it was not very convenient to transport the army, but the mercenaries were different. However, their supply pressure is very small. Take the Fusang mercenaries, for example. The consumption of three soldiers is about the same as that of a regular army soldier. In this way, one million people from the two armies is equivalent to There are hundreds of thousands of energy group troops, but their combat effectiveness is good against these miscellaneous troops. It is also difficult for them to let the regular army of the energy group deal with these miscellaneous troops. It is just fine for these mercenaries to deal with miscellaneous troops, and they cannot deal with the United States. The elites of Europe are happy to kill some miscellaneous brands.

The U.S. and European Union knows that the energy group has just assembled and has just changed its combat plan. It will take some time to be familiar with it. They will not give the energy group any rest time. They have concentrated thousands of the two armies. Missiles, thousands of large-caliber artillery, thousands of helicopters and tanks began their first round of offensive, which is bound to deal a heavy blow to the energy group army before the special forces arrive. The two sides are in eastern Latvia. A fierce war has been launched on the Great Plains. The first round of missile attacks caused some traffic lines in the control area of ​​the energy group to get into trouble. It can be said that the start of the battle was really unexpected. Now The entire army of the energy group is really unprepared. They are still looking for their own positions, and the enemy has fought over. Even a well-trained army can't have this ability. They were quickly broken up. When they were dispersed, they immediately received the order to retreat. This order was given by Li Sen forgiving the other two commanders. Now if the scattered sand continues to resist in the middle, they will be more serious. The only thing they can do now is to retreat.

Take the tank group as an example. A single Apocalypse tank can deal with one or two tanks head-on. However, you can't find your comrades around you at all. Are they all enemies? Hundreds of other tanks can tear you to pieces at once. The energy group has caused the current small-scale retreat due to its lack of preparation. The U.S.-European Union army will naturally not retreat after a good start. They would also take advantage of the victory, but they encountered fierce shelling when they advanced 30 kilometers, all of which were the result of railguns, and railguns showed their great power at this time. Fifteen railguns are enough to intercept a large number of tanks. The armored division commanders of the US-Europe Union also immediately felt that they were threatened by the heavy artillery regiment, so they decided to withdraw for a while, which was their decision. Let the energy group avoid a large-scale rout.

After the energy group was stabilized for a few hours, and after a large number of swimming outposts were established, the three of them were gathered at the headquarters. If it were not for Li Yin's railgun this afternoon, it is estimated that the three of them are still running.

"Today is really dangerous. If it weren't for your artillery to withstand the enemy's pursuit. It is estimated that now we have to lose a position of tens of kilometers." Li Sen still wanted to say thank you when he saw Li Yin. After all, he kept the position. The biggest gainer is yourself.

"Yes, these elites in the US-Europe League are really powerful. Look at the exact ones they look for. The speed of action is comparable to our elite troops. We have won too many battles before. If it weren’t for the fact that we underestimated the enemy before, I think today’s retreat could be avoided. I didn’t expect them to be so powerful.” Liu Tao said, looking at the map on the wall, they used to chase the enemy on a large scale. of. Unexpectedly, they will have such a day today. These soldiers are worth fighting for. They are not a group of soft persimmons. It seems that the future tug-of-war will really be seen.

"Hehe, it’s good to be able to teach us some lessons. We won’t be arrogant and won’t be tender. This is a good wine I got. Let’s drink some together, which can be considered shocking to us. What should we do next? Let’s discuss it carefully. You see, our three-way armies are now combined. Millions of troops are here, and the fists have gone up. But if we don’t get any results, it is estimated that the headquarters will have to arrange arrangements for us. It’s the old-age care business." Li Yin said, raising the thing in his hand.

"Your kid is the only scorpion who shit, so he can calculate the fuck. We eat while talking. To be honest, when we started to retreat in the afternoon, I didn't expect our people to retreat. I am afraid that everything will happen. Li Yin said it is right. Now we really have to make a good total. Otherwise, we will suffer a lot. We are not fighting locally. We better not fight such a war of attrition.” Liu Tao Take out a drumstick and say.

"Yes, originally we wanted to take this place and continue to go north to take Estonia. Now it seems that we can kill the enemy opposite us. We have to say otherwise. They also have momentum in this battle." Li Sen also sighed. In fact, the loss of the army is small, and the main thing is to give the enemy confidence. This is a very troublesome thing. The battle that gives the enemy confidence is not so easy to fight. I really don't want this.

"Look at which one of you two look like, who are we? We are a well-known Iron Triangle, and we have enough soldiers. If we can't solve the problems, can anyone in this world solve them? I have one. The way, but the brothers have to do this bottle." Li Yin raised the bottle in his hand and said, his idea is very bold, he is a little scared when he thinks of it, if he doesn't drink a little wine, he will be strong. , Maybe he can't tell.

"Cut, your kid has always been a powerful general. If you have any good ideas, just say it if you want to drink. Who else can be afraid of. Drink." Liu Tao raised his head and drank, and Li Sen beside him They raised the bottle with a smile. What they didn't expect was that Li Yin really had an idea in his mind when he finished drinking, not to let these two guys drink such a bottle of wine for nothing. Without diamonds, we Li Yin will not come to this porcelain work either.

"Hehe, my strategy is very simple. It's the same sentence. Now all the main forces are attracted to us by us. Tomorrow is the time for our three armies to attack together, how big and big we can fight." Li Sen and Liu Tao thought this guy could have any tactics. They didn’t expect this guy to come up with such a sentence, and this kid had never made any tactics before, but was so eager to pursue his dreams. Both of them laughed at themselves, how could they expect This guy has an idea.

"One day after our fierce At this time, our food is coming. Li Sen, you are relatively stable. You still stay here to keep half of the army and continue to attack. I will leave the railgun to you. , Creating the illusion that our main force is still in front of them, you must use rail artillery for several hours uninterrupted, so that they believe it more, and then I took the assault team of special forces and several powerful The department hit Estonia overnight, where there are less than 300,000 troops. I can deal with them in one night, so I will bring the Fusang mercenary army that will follow. There are millions of people. Fight directly from the north. If you continue to attack from the front, the enemy in front of us will definitely fail. Then it will be time for us to march for thousands of miles." Li Yin smiled and said his idea, really don't talk about this kid's method. There is one way. The key is to be able to confuse the enemies in front of you. Otherwise, if they reinforce to the north, they will still be the stalemate they are now. Their favorite is this kind of battle, but we don’t. Like it, what we need is a quick fight, but not too many casualties. Now they are all here. Let's take a dead end. They will stand in a deadlock with us. This is very beneficial to them. They are fighting locally. What Supplements are fast, how about us? Although we are now our homeland behind us, our new homeland has nothing in class. "Li Yin said. Both Li Sen and Liu Tao looked at Li Yin like monsters. What's wrong with this guy? He grew up so fast? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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