Energy Group

Chapter 1595:

According to the brains of the current Europa soldiers, Poland is definitely their rear area. What does Poland have now? The army that has not been trained, there are still a lot of military supplies, and all kinds of things sent to the front from here. What about the people here? They never think that war is coming to their heads, so they don’t need to be afraid here anymore, because they think it’s still very safe now, and they don’t need to worry at all because the battlefield is so far away from them. A hundred kilometers, and look at the officers on the street now. They are no different from ordinary people. They all go out to eat in restaurants, and occasionally go to some entertainment venues. This situation is even worse in the Polish capital Warsaw. There are many, so most people are very at ease at this time, they are still living the same way as before. M[Just read a novel~]

If someone tells them that someone is about to rush here, those people are the most elite troops of the energy group, and they are about to occupy Warsaw, then 90% of the people on the street will definitely think that this person is a lunatic. Now all The place is peaceful, how can there be enemies? Could it be that your kid didn’t rest well yesterday?

But now there is one thing they must believe in. Now in Warsaw, 50 kilometers away, the forward force of the energy group special operations division that has been running for nearly 50 hours is here. They can even use reconnaissance aircraft. Let’s take a look at the situation in Warsaw. It’s a pity that they didn’t encounter anyone interrogating them at all. Someone might see them on the road, but the people’s knowledge of the army is really bad. They didn’t even know that the army in front of them belonged to the energy group. They even thought that these were their army. They wouldn’t worry about seeing the NY logo on the tank. Maybe these were to paralyze the energy group. Maybe. How could these people be the army of the energy group? This is a few hundred kilometers away. The rear is absolutely safe here. Don't think about it.

"Hey, I said, buddy, did you come down from the front? Is this the equipment of the energy group you seized or something?" There is a checkpoint here less than 30 kilometers near Warsaw, and they have seen the forged road When quoted, pointed to the weapon on the tank and said. This was also the first person to ask them. One of the guys in the tank was a European and came out and smiled.

"Haha, your guess is true. This is the pride of our life. The previous battle has undergone earth-shaking changes. We are all going to Warsaw to award honors." This guy pointed to hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles behind. Said, the questioning kid was depressed for a while, shit. Is the frontline army so good at fighting? There must be a team of thousands of people. How can they have such good luck? It seems that Lao Tzu can't keep guarding here, otherwise, he will be able to see a guide here for a lifetime. Lao Tzu's ability is definitely better than that of the guy in the car, so he can do anything. I can't, this guy cursed people to move the obstacle away. Then let them pass, saying that there are so many troops coming back from the front line today, and now it’s the third batch, each with thousands of people, shit, where is our own tank? Why are they driving other energy group chariots? By the way, these people must show off their abilities. If they don't drive energy group chariots, they are afraid that they do not know that they are meritorious.

The energy group soldiers on the car stopped talking nonsense to them, because most of them didn’t understand Polish. In fact, even if they came down to speak, it’s okay. There are more people who don’t understand Polish, but many People feel scared. No matter how courage they are, this place is hundreds of kilometers behind enemy lines. If something happens here, let alone your own fate, it's just these few people in your army. One hundred thousand people may have problems.

In a place less than 30 kilometers away from Warsaw, Li Yin made a plan. More than half of the army will enter Warsaw. Because there are hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous troops there, they must quickly occupy here, and the remaining a dozen Ten thousand people have to rush to several military bases around Warsaw. Many things there are they need. They need a lot of supplies after running for more than 50 kilometers. Once these military bases are occupied, , The soldiers outside are probably turned into rubbish. They don't even think about how to retake their base. What they think is to throw away their clothes and be the common people.

All troops are fast moving towards their goals. At this moment, the headquarters in Warsaw is about to get off work. The commander took a look at all the work today, and he did a good job. He sent it to the front. Wan Xinbing and more than 10,000 tons of various materials are another busy day. These people waste so much food every day. I really don’t know how they fought on the front line. They couldn’t win the battle and they ate so much. Generally speaking, the soldiers in the rear have the same idea about the soldiers in the front. In their opinion, going to the front line to win a battle is an easy task, and it is something that does not need to be considered at all, but when they really get to the front line, they know that it is not. That's one thing.

The commander-in-chief walked out of his office humming a little tune. When he went out, he wanted to have a flying eye with his female secretary and lover. Tonight, he has something to go to another beauty, so he can’t follow The person in front of me is happy, too. I have been facing this woman all day during the day, and I will also have visual fatigue. I need to relax the environment after work. I don’t understand such simple principles, but I am in the office in the morning. Here, this girl’s service to herself is really good, so I just buckle something tomorrow and buy something good for this girl. This is also a compensation. Maybe tomorrow I will have something unexpected when I come. The gain, for example, last time this girl went home and asked his aunt to serve herself with her two people. That time was really comfortable. Just when the commander was thinking about it, he suddenly found out after he came out. His female secretary is not at the desk at the moment. It's not time to get off work now, I can leave early, what did this girl do, don't you think I slept with myself several times? [Just read the novel~] Can you ignore the rules in the army? It's too shameful, you still need to pay attention to your face outside, the commander thought angrily.

He walked to the desk of the female secretary, **** it, this woman really doesn't have any brains at all. At this moment, she is not in the mood to buy him a gift just now. What a joke, all this on the table It's a confidential document. When this person left, he didn't even think of putting it up. If an enemy spy came in, there would be no need to go around looking for it, just need to come to this table to take everything away. .

wrong. How can there be red things in this? This is blood, God, this is the Warsaw Military Command, how can there be blood here. No, when the sentry was on the transparent glass side, the commander looked over and there was nothing left. It's just that there is a pool of blood in the original place of the guard, good fellow. The guards were gone, and at this time the commander also saw where his female secretary was. At this moment, it is estimated that it has already been lost. Looking at the miserable face of the female secretary, it is a fool who knows what happened at this time, not to mention that he is still a garrison commander. This step, the ability to react They are all superb. At this time, he thought of the alarm button in his office, which is connected to the army outside the city. As long as he can touch it, the helicopter commando outside the city will come here immediately. It will be more than five minutes. He quickly wants to go back to his office, but he can't get in right now. A familiar guy is sitting in his seat. There are two **** guys at the door. It looks very strong.

"Hehe, Mr. Commander, I'm so sorry, introduce myself. I am Li Yin, the second son of the Energy Group. I also thought of coming here temporarily. You are really good here. By the way, I want you to rush in. You just want to press this when you come in, right?" Li Yin pointed to the very hidden red button on the table and said, then Li Cong pressed it down without hesitation. The whole building sounded an alarm. Why was Li Yin so stupid again Now, is he going to try his abilities? Or has their army completely occupied this place? At least now that the alarm has sounded and no Polish soldiers have come in, it means that the entire headquarters building is no longer the place of this commander. This is Li Yin's place.

"Hehe, Mr. Commander, not just here, you won’t hear the helicopter anymore. We have taken it over there. The dozens of square kilometers around here are our people, you don’t need to So troublesome, now I have something to leave to you, this is a check for 10 million yuan, this is the money of our special fighters, now you have taken my money, you want to do something for me For example, everyone on the list called me to come to Warsaw. They are only tens of kilometers away from here. If you can’t call them, I’ll show you some good shows. You know what this is. Yes, this is your home. Your wife and son are also in our hands at the moment, but they are already tens of thousands of meters above the sky. They have been transported to our side. I know you are very concerned. They, work hard and you can see them earlier, but if you don’t work, I’m sorry, maybe the plane will throw them down at any time.” Li Yin took out his phone and said, there are some on it. The names are all military officers in Poland, and the mobile phone immediately turned into a video. It was the commander’s wife and son. At this moment, behind them is the open hatch. If he does not follow the energy group’s If we do this, it is estimated that his wife and son may be thrown out at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters at any time.

"Okay.. OK, I cooperate with you, don't mess around, don't mess around, I will call them one by one." At this moment, the commander has long lost his usual prestige, collected by the Energy Group Investigation Department. The information received is still very important. Don’t look at this guy who usually fools around outside, but he still attaches great importance to his wife and children. This guy will not make fun of their lives. In fact, the two people are still at home. Well, that video is all computer-synthesized, but it doesn’t matter, as long as this guy believes it, as for other things, it’s not that important. We are not making movies. Why do you want to be so perfect, focus on results, as for the process, go to hell.

"How are the other troops?" Li Yin asked one of his men to look at this guy. For such a bastard, I really can't waste my time, but I still have a lot of things to do, this guy can just watch him.

"Master, all the important targets we have determined within 20 kilometers have been taken. According to your instructions, we all enter the village quietly and don’t want to shoot. As long as this guy’s evening dance can be completed in accordance with the procedures, we The mission is completed, so the bosses of the military bases within 50 kilometers around will be gone, one night. We can take them all, our special forces team is still very good, and our team It’s time to take over some important goals. Now most of the troops have found their place, even if they are going to make trouble. We are not afraid. We have never lost the hard work, and we still It was discovered by accident." A staff officer said with a smile, he came from the special forces brigade. Li Yin usually spends the most time watching the special forces team, so he is more casual. When two people talk, they don't have the kind of stereotyped superior-subordinate relationship, which is similar to friends.

"What an unexpected gain? Isn't it just millions of tons of supplies? I think we can't take those things. These things are too heavy. We don't have the ability." Li Yin looked at it casually. Looking at the so-called military secrets, these things may still be secrets in the eyes of these Poles, but in Li Yin’s eyes, these things are like rubbish, they know it by themselves, and even there are people from the investigation department inside. I don’t know it. They still need to continue lurking. Although they have helped themselves, it is not the final victory. They don’t need to be exposed. There may be other tasks. They must be at the last moment. Exposed, sometimes they may not be exposed for a lifetime. [Just read the novel~]

"Hehe, Commander, Europa also has a lot of newly occupied areas on the front line. In those places, they have shipped some valuable things back. These things were originally to be shipped to the Paris headquarters tonight, but now there is no That is necessary, because we have detained the train now. Thirty-two carriages. Just take out of it is a remarkable thing. The least valuable is probably bundles of euros, our people. I’m not very clear about the value inside, but I’ve read their information. These things are worth more than 208 billion Euros. They know the value, and the two-carriage items don’t know their value at all. Haha, this is an accident. Have you reaped the reward?” The staff member smiled sinisterly. He knew that his mayor, like the big boss of the group, was extremely interested in these things discovered during the war.

"Well, this thing is pretty good, but I think you have missed a lot. Look at these officials. The things on your hands are not cheap. Let’s not talk about others. Let’s take a look. Mr. Commander, this ring on this hand can cost millions, and the jade ring is very valuable. Looking at the pen in the home, this is a limited edition of Ardigo. I think there are hundreds of thousands of them, so I can find someone to ask them, don’t let them go, take their skins to me, I don’t want to go back empty-handed. We are now the mountain king who kidnapped the ticket. The underworld, the government embezzled, and the state assets are all gathered for me. Our transport plane is estimated to be able to bypass, so we have to transport these things out." Li Yin smiled Said, while looking at the commander over there, he said, the commander could not hear anything through the glass, but seeing Li Yin's appearance, I know that this person is talking about himself now, and I don't know what it is. , But there is definitely no good thing.

What Li Yin asked this guy to do was to hold a cocktail party in his name. All the military and political leaders in Warsaw were present. His face was still good. After all, this guy came from Europa, even if he was a local. Some people don’t give him face. Now Europa’s face is to be given. In the past, there were still energy groups here. Many people can fall on both sides. But recently, all the energy group’s people have retreated, and the front Still fighting, the propaganda here is naturally that Europa will win, and they have their own judgment. I don't think Europa will win, but a long period of publicity will always have a certain effect, so they will give this guy face.

When the time comes, these people can be directly controlled at the ball. When the sun rises tomorrow, it is estimated that there will be no other forces that can mix in the Warsaw area. They are all powers of the energy group. At that time, it is estimated that the front line will know that their lair has been taken, and they will definitely send an army back to the division. Then they will withstand their attack. Then Li Sen and the others This will lead a large group of troops to start a fierce attack. Then the millions of troops on the Europa front will be instantly chaotic. The millions of troops of the energy group can rely on this advantage to control at least three countries in the target, Li Yin was done at that time. At that time, relying on his fast athletic ability, he wanted to rush back, with the support of Li Sen and others, no problem. Now we are about to enter the most important link, complete control of the Warsaw area, and let the enemy begin to rush. Of course, this money is definitely going to be made. Li Yin estimates how they can take away 300 billion euros.

There is still no change outside of Warsaw City. After a tiring day, people still start to go home the same as before. Those who drive cars and those who take the subway take the subway, it seems that there is no change. It's just that these people are people who don't observe very carefully. If there are people who observe carefully, they will find out. The policemen they were familiar with on the street seemed to have disappeared all at once, and now they have become strange faces. There are also some important intersections and passages with more soldiers. These soldiers look very kind. They appear like a scenic line. There are some beautiful girls who took pictures with them in the past, but I don’t know how. Yes, it just feels that they are a little awkward. Yes, these soldiers came to the street with weapons. They were still driving military vehicles. Could there be any disaster in the city? Need the army to help?

But most people don’t care about this. Even if someone cares about it, they don’t care about it. The frontline is fighting. I heard that the distance here is getting closer and closer. They also worry about it. Some soldiers are fine, maybe there are important goods to be transported, wasn't it the same way last time?

In some places where banks and valuables are traded, this place is even more different from before. It is already time to get off work here, but none of these places has an employee out yet. Most of the employees find that they are communicating with the outside world. The tools seem to be invalid. This was first discovered from a young man’s cell phone. He was going to go out with his fiancée to enjoy a big meal. When he was off work, he called his fiancée to confirm. Who knew his cell phone showed? There was no signal, **** it, he knew it might be because of the phone. It was not time to find the reason. It was a waste of energy to hook up with this woman, so this guy immediately picked up the one on his desk. The landline, but what makes him depressed is that there is no sound in the landline, which means that it is impossible for him to make a call. Then he has to put on his clothes and go to the public phone outside to try it. Maybe this area All of my phones are under repair, but how come the phone lines in the bank are repaired without a notice? Is this still a bank? The government is too unreliable recently.

But when this young man got dressed, everyone felt very tired, and then the people in this room were unaware. They didn't even see a colleague they didn’t know came in just now. It exudes a very terrible smell. These things make people feel like sleeping. All people fall asleep crookedly in their seats, and this gas will slowly spread throughout the building until Everyone is asleep.

At this time, the soldiers who had the antidote came in. They started looking for the useful employees one by one. As long as they found the antidote, they would be given the antidote. As for the others, I'm sorry, you can only rest honestly. Tomorrow is this time, the temperature here is also good, I should not fall asleep, but to blame their location is not so important.

Soon, the keys to the three vaults were in the hands of the officers who led the team. This is the largest national bank in Poland. There must be at least hundreds of billions of euros in cash. The officer smiled and picked up his pistol. The vault keeper was approved.

"Hehe, gentleman, I think this is your thing. You should help me open this place. The whole city is under our control. I hope you can do things quickly. If you are not soft, I can't guarantee that I will What do you do, I am a sensible person. I will not kill people, but you know what you want to kill here. Please open it.” The officer smiled The ten-something guy said, he thought this guy would open up obediently, who knew that this guy would get up and punch the officer, and he was ready to fight back by force. It's not bad, kill the chicken and the monkey, just shoot this guy out, and don't see where it is. Is this something you can run wild?

"I don’t know how to exaggerate, **** it, I wasted a bullet, this lady, I see you know that you are willing to cooperate with us. Or you come to this matter, or you are willing to go to heaven with this gentleman to enjoy What about it?" The officer gave a kick to the corpse, then looked at the woman behind the guy just now and said.

"I...I do, I do..." Obviously this person was already scared and didn't know what to say. This woman entered the password three times with a face and was wrong, but fortunately, there is no rule that the password cannot be used after three incorrect passwords on the bank's vault door. Otherwise, they might have just blasted the door of the treasury in Tainan today, but that would not be very civilized.

"Haha. Madam is really cooperating with us, so the remaining gentlemen should not be idle. Isn’t there a storage room for valuables? Everyone should have a way to open it for me. I think you just go over. Open these thousands of safes, and then sort them out. Don’t give us the worthless things. We don’t need them. Give us everything that can be taken away. I hope you will give them to others. Going back, we can’t take those things. We Huaxia people understand the house very well. These things are things for a lifetime. We can’t make fun of them for a lifetime. Okay, you can start to work.” This officer It's really ridiculous, these people secretly said in their hearts that this guy is a good person, and at first glance, he is a badass, and even if he takes it, he still has a good reputation. How could this be possible.

"Mr. Officer, we don’t have a key there. Our key can only be opened halfway, and the other half can only be opened by bringing his key..." a staff member said, but this guy hasn’t After I finished talking, I was killed by a single shot. It was shot by the officer. This guy is so annoying. I just wanted to kill this guy. At this moment, no one else is talking. You come out to talk and show that you have What's the matter with the mouth? If you don't cooperate with Lao Tzu, you will die.

"What's wrong? I didn't seem to hear what the dead guy said clearly. I don't know if you heard clearly. What this guy said can't open up? Can any of you repeat it with me? Don't tell me anything. If you can’t open it, I know that all banks have keys behind them. You can definitely open them, right? Miss.” The officer said to a girl behind with a pistol. The child’s legs were trembling now, and he couldn’t say anything at all. He closed his eyes and nodded vigorously. He has lived for thirty years. When did he see a murderer? Not only did he see it today, And I saw him more than once, and it was his own supervisor who killed him. Although this guy usually stands for his own advantage, but now that he is dead, I am not happy at all, and some are just helpless and scared.

"I said you guys don't stand here anymore, hurry up." The officer gave an order, and the remaining few people hurriedly went to work. They were afraid that they did something wrong, which angered this. The guy killed himself with a single shot.

People in the bank have never been so efficient. They used to be double-paid, but the efficiency is not the same as before. Now it is very fast and a lot of work. The personnel quickly set up some things, quickly set up the things, and then waited for the elders in the army to pull them away.

"Hehe, sir, there are really not too few things here. We originally thought that several vaults could have a total of 100 billion euros in cash, which would be very good. We did not expect it to be doubled. It seems that the bank There is really a lot of cash in it." At the place where the inventory was counted, in front of the original state-owned bank's vault, the cash and valuables of several banks in the city were all transported here. Where are the small hills of banknotes? . Good guy, this money is...

"Hehe, do you think this is the same as ours in China? Most people here do not bring cash when they go out. Most of the cash is in the bank, so their bank is much larger than our vault. Robbery, ah, yeah, no, it's not a joke, it's just like we are now, how tired." It is estimated that the person in the world who is tired of carrying banknotes is this guy. I don't want this or that at all, I feel sore all over.

"Sir, these things are painted like ghost paintings, how can they be worth tens of millions of euros. Some people will buy them? Are these people's brains faulty, I think this thing It's useless to wipe your butt." The guard on the side looked at a Van Gogh painting on the ground and said to do. Although this is not Van Gogh's most famous painting, these things are also extraordinary things, 30 million euros. There is absolutely no problem. In the eyes of this guard, it was almost like a wiper.

"Fuck me away. You guy knows how to move banknotes. I tell you, look at other college students. They are the educated people, and they know the most valuable things when they take everything. You just get it for a long time. Come out tens of millions of cash, you look at people. A few paintings plus a scepter, this is a **** hundreds of millions of euros, ignorance is terrible, what the **** is it, this thing is auctioned We can’t find them at the meeting. It doesn’t matter if we don’t understand. We don’t have so much money to buy. But there are more and more rich people in the world. Those rich people like these things, as long as they watch them. Once we get on, we will have money, idiots, hurry up and learn from others." There is a guy in this team who graduated from college. Usually this guy is more intelligent than these guys who graduated from high school. It is also the best done by others.

Li Yin’s troops basically moved out the government property of the entire city. Of course, some of the rich and famous people in the city have also taken care of them. The money is not a joke, all They have to move out.

YHN Street, here is the darkest place in the whole Poland. There are many societies here, as if they are cows. Old Rand is the person who has lived here for the longest time. This guy is also recognized here as a tumbler, whether it is the government or Poland. If there is any change in his club, there will be no major issues here, because he can take care of everything, and people everywhere will give him face, even the new mayor will love him for dinner, so His business is the best done here. It is said that he is also one of the richest people in Poland. The four King Kongs under him are even the best on YHN Street. But now, these four King Kongs have changed at this moment. He became a gangster, and there was no breath at all. A dozen guys with guns stood beside him and pointed at Old Rand. The old Rand and his family were shaking in the back room in terror. They had never seen these people.

They know that their father and their brother are very powerful, so they are not afraid of anyone. Even if the chief of police comes, they do some illegal activities in front of him. The chief of police has nothing to do with them, but now, they see The companion who has died down on the ground. It belongs to the old Rand's nephew. Even his nephew is dead. There is nothing else they can do. They can do the same at the moment. Go to the computer in front of your bank. The deposit is transferred to a designated account. Of course, you only need to transfer the Huaxia Bank. The other banks have been robbed and the transfer is useless. Fortunately, these people have the habit of putting all their money in Huaxia. Banks, they also know where is the most insured, more insured than Swiss banks.

"Old Mr. Rand, you are really good here. I have earned it. I will take away the famous wines you have here. I'm sorry for these white goods. Our boss doesn't like it. Let's burn it." An officer Looking at the billions of euros on the computer, I felt very happy. I threw a bag of white goods into a brazier not far away. There was a bigger one in the yard, and several tons of goods were just like that. It’s burned. It’s not always the case. These are all money. One gram here is a few hundred yuan. Now they are all gone. My heart is really dripping blood, and there are a bunch of usury. Tie Zi, now if those people know the news, they will definitely not give themselves money. Besides, more than half of their subordinates are dead. Whether they can get along is another matter. At this time, Old Rand He promised with a smile, that if he was done in that way, he would lose money and avoid disaster. As long as he didn't kill himself, he could take anything away.

Old Rand was very nervous watching the people searching in the house. He also had a secret room, which was filled with some jewels and valuables. It was also worth more than one billion euros. As long as they left, he would rely on those Things can still make a comeback. It’s a pity that the guy with the metal detector has found the entrance to the secret room. The officer who was talking to him happily just now kicked himself away. It’s not honest. In this end, naturally my own billions of fortunes could not be protected, and the munitions inside were not moved at all, because they looked down on those things.

"Old I know it’s not easy for you to get these things. It’s been so many years, but I don’t think you have come on the right path with these things, so we confiscated them and did them with them. Go for something meaningful. I will leave you 10 million euros in your account. It should be no problem for your family members to be ordinary people.” The officer said when he left, his psychology was born. I want to thank them for what they meant. Damn, it’s really cheap bones. Almost 10 billion euros were taken away. The savings of my own and my own two generations are gone. Now they leave 10 million euros. , I actually want to thank others, what is it that I am not always confused?

Li Yin was still in that headquarters, listening to reports from various places. It was not bad. The army was responsible for the occupation. The special operations brigade began to ask for money everywhere. They have a record of some evil people in the city. Of course it is good. People won’t go there. The most is to go to the homes of some wealthy people and ask them to donate some, up to 40%. Who told you to follow Europa? Just find a good person to follow. We don’t want to of.

"Very good, I really didn't expect it to be twice as much as I expected. Damn, there are 500 billion euros now. It's not over yet. The evening is also a good harvest season. Our venues are all set up. Alright?" Now Warsaw is a huge trap, just waiting for those guys to get in. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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