Energy Group

Chapter 1709:

After a busy day, Li Cong was able to give a big outline about the newspaper. Lao Yang had already discussed the store’s affairs with others. In the past, they only knew that their house was a house. The house in the family’s family, now I know what’s going on. The feelings belong to the regent’s house, good fellow. If the regent is upset by this, it’s not a trivial matter. I will move immediately. When talking about compensation, people didn't dare to ask for compensation. Later, Li Cong felt that this matter was a bit difficult, so we couldn't bully the small, right? Anyway, there are a lot of high-end silks and satins in his store. This big family doesn’t sell clothes from outside. They buy these silks and make them by themselves. Li Cong directly ordered 500 pieces of good quality. Silks and satin, these are dozens of gold coins, and they can earn more than 10,000 gold coins for goods with a total price of tens of thousands of gold coins. Although it is not enough to compensate for their losses, it is still very good. The boss regrets a bit. I just made a big deal. Otherwise, there are thousands of high-quality silks and satin. Li Cong just bought it at hand. Even if I guess, Li Cong would not care about it, but how much he is. It has something to do with the people in the Prince Regent’s Mansion. Lao Yang has already told this guy that he will buy all the silks and satin needed in the Prince’s Mansion. I use goods that cost tens of thousands of gold coins every year, not to mention those things like returning gifts. Every year he needs nearly 100,000 gold coins for goods, and he can also earn 20,000 gold coins. Such a big customer But there are not many. I just change the place. After so many benefits, I don’t know the depth if I don’t move quickly.

"Hehe, is this a ready-to-wear shop in our house now? How come there are so many beautiful floral fabrics?" In fact, these are all expensive silks and satin, and one piece is enough for an ordinary family of four. Years old, but in the little princess's mouth it turned into a floral cloth, the price has dropped a lot, and the little princess just woke up. Yesterday, I studied with Lu Xinlan and two people. They really admire the capable people Li Cong found. How can they have so many ideas? According to them, this newspaper may become people in the future. Something I can't put down.

"That's not the case. Isn't this your shop, which is in the satin business? If we ask them to move out, it will cause a lot of loss. I will give them some compensation, who knows they don't want it. This is not old Yang It’s up to you. I bought these things and helped them in a disguised form and gave them some compensation. What do you think of the quality of the silk? I think it’s impossible for that kid to cheat us?" Li Cong said with a smile , He could see that these silks and satin were basically the same as those sent by the people below a few days ago, and they should all be fraudulent goods.

"Well, the goods are really good. It just so happens that we should make some new clothes in our mansion. These are good." Lu Xinlan is very good at these. She picked some and said to Lao Yang in the past. Yang, take these to make twelve clothes of various styles for the prince, and these to the princess, these..." Lv Xinlan arranged all this in an orderly manner, and the little princess who was watching was really envious of these things. I didn't necessarily learn it in a few years. Li Cong laughed when he saw the little girl admiringly. This woman is really good at comparison, but Li Cong agrees to compare things in a good way. As long as two people are not okay in intrigue, it's fine, although he also knows It will certainly be inevitable in the future, but it is good to be able to maintain such a day for one more day. Let the storm never come, Li Cong thought.

After a while, the hundreds of silks and satin were distributed cleanly. There are only three masters in this mansion, and there is no need to make too many clothes. Speaking of which, Li spends less money in this mansion than in other palaces. When there were too many, Lu Xinlan gave the rest to Li Cong's good relationship households in the imperial capital, although their family did not lack these things. But Li Cong’s identity is different now. It was all given by others to Li Cong. This is the only one sent by the Prince Regent’s Mansion. Most people will be very happy after receiving it. Those who are not happy. There is no way.

"Master, I don't know if I should say something. I just heard someone say it after I went out." Lao Yang hesitated to tell Li Cong about this matter. Li Cong knew that he was affirmative. If something happens, if you take two more steps towards the pond, it is better for women not to be so upset.

"Just talk about what you are doing. Did something happen?" Li Cong asked. In fact, Li Cong can tell from Lao Yang's expression that this thing should be something that can be managed and ignored. There is no such thing as burning eyebrows.

"Master, this is the case. I heard a news on the market when I went out in the morning. The two grandsons of Mingxiong Shangshu Hua Mingxiong of the Ministry of War had a big deal at the casino yesterday. The two lost 20 million gold coins in one night. A large number of creditors have already arrived at the door of Master Shang Shu’s house to ask for accounts. Master Shang Shu was irritated by his two grandsons. If it were a general casino, they would not be so brave, but there are people behind this casino. Yes, it was opened in the house of the noble concubine Zhang. Although Master Shangshu has some power, this power is a bit wrong compared to the noble concubine empress. Master Shangshu is very embarrassed.” Lao Yang said, although Hua Mingxiong They are not from the Li Cong faction, but they have given Li Cong more or less a lot of help. Li Cong is a person who knows his gratitude, and 20 million gold coins is not a big deal. I am going to pay them back now. .

"Lord, I don’t think it’s a matter of money. Master Shangshu’s family members usually know about it. He doesn’t usually stretch out his hand much, but he has been a minister of war for 20 years. It’s definitely not a small amount. Master Shang Shu made those people quarrel at the door and didn’t give out the money for a long time. Is there something embarrassing?” Lao Yang’s words also made Li Cong feel for a while. Strangely speaking, although the number of 20 million gold coins is not small for Hua Mingxiong, it is not too small to be unavailable. There are too many banks in this imperial capital. Hua Mingxiong said, I am afraid someone will rush to take this money. I took it, so no one would care about it. Li Cong suddenly thought of the imperial concubine Zhang mentioned earlier. Is there anything wrong with it? In fact, Hua Mingxiong didn't ask Li Cong for help on this matter, which means that people didn't want Li Cong to take care of this matter. It’s just that Li Cong regards Hua Mingxiong as his friend. This person is a very good person. Such a person can’t just go down because of such a small matter. Li Cong decided to see what happened, but he was in the imperial capital. It's not good to say it, so it's better to ask someone who understands to come. Li Cong thought of the girl Long Ming'er. Immediately he had an idea in his mind, the news about this girl in the imperial capital was not ordinary. I can't compare myself with others, after all, are they the local snake here?

"Take the post of the princess, bring a bottle of perfume and thirty satin, and give it to the princess, saying that the princess asked her to come to our house to talk." Li Cong could not come in his own name, he knew he His daughter-in-law and Long Ming'er still have some friendship, so she said that.

Long Ming'er had nothing to do at home recently, but she didn't get up early. She just opened her eyes and heard her maid coming in. "Xiaohong, what's the matter, the loud voice in the morning, don't you know I haven't woken up yet?" Long Ming'er said angrily. The maid was already shivering with fright. It's the same outside, in this house. The words of the princess are the greatest. Even if the princess wants a few of them to live, a few of them will have to stretch their heads and wait. He has no room for maneuver at all. Who makes us a slave?

"The princess, the minion didn't dare to quarrel with you. It's really a bit nervous about this matter. What you said, as long as the affairs of the Prince Regent's mansion need us to come and return you quickly." This is called Xiaohong. The maid said with some fear, these words were all confessed by the princess, all came quickly.

If the princess had said something like that in the past, the servants in the house would have not even dared to say a word. The princess would have been angry, but when she heard her talk about the regent’s mansion, she immediately got up. The maid was even scared. It's unclear. The princess was wearing a silk pajamas. The weather was not very warm yet. The maid hurried over and took a blanket to put on the princess. The princess didn’t care about her beautiful figure so it was exposed. He took this guy's hand and said, "What's the matter with you? What happened to the Prince Regent's Mansion?" It's no wonder that Long Ming'er is so nervous. These days, the Prince Regent's mansion is getting restless and the maids are not in peace. If you know some content, it doesn’t feel strange to see Long Ming’er like this. She also knows about the collapse of Dingjun Prince’s Mansion under the Regent’s Mansion. She is also afraid that her life will be lost if she delays things. I hurried to report, this nervousness actually forgot what I was doing when I came in just now. Looking at the princess's increasingly severe eyes, Xiao Hong wanted to cry. Fortunately, at this time, I thought of just now. The handsome butler of the palace.

From the handsome butler of the palace, he thought about the things of this morning again, and finally when the princess was not angry, everything came to mind, "the princess, it’s like this, it’s like this, just now the regent came to the palace. It’s just a matter of business, I sent a bottle of that pink perfume, which is exactly the same as the one that the Lord of the Blue Mountains came to show you last time. It just seems to be the bigger one for us. Said the Princess of the Regent’s Palace thought I want you to go over and chat. The person in charge is still waiting for news in our living room. I don’t know what the princess means?" Thirty horses of silk, such small things don’t need to be reported back, between the two palaces Gift exchanges, these things can be ignored. After Xiaohong finished speaking, he was also relieved. How can you forget those problems when it is critical? This is not a good thing, if you can't remember it It's dead.

Tell me to chat? Long Ming'er felt as if she hadn't been awake. How could there be such a thing? The reconciliation between herself and the Prince Regent's Mansion was yesterday's matter. Why did it come here today? No matter what, even in the past. They couldn’t be so close when they weren’t conflicted. Long Ming’er thought of dozens of possibilities, but none of them were right. “You go out and tell the steward that I’ll be there in the afternoon. , Tell him to go back first." Long Ming'er thought for a while and said, although you are the princess of the palace, but I am also the princess of the Dingjun palace. If you can’t tell me to go over, I will follow you. , It was noon now, and the afternoon passed just right, and I must have some time to bathe and change clothes, Xiao Hong nodded and went down. The rest of Long Minger was still thinking about it.

After getting up, Long Ming'er saw the bottle of perfume on the table and sniffed it. Yes, this is the highest-level one. There are only fifty bottles in the market. The price of one million gold coins is gone. It is said that the black market has reached a bottle of three million gold coins. But the ones who bought back were all noble ladies or ladies. They wanted to smell good. They won't make the one million gold coins. In their opinion, thousands of noble ladies went to grab them, and they grabbed them by themselves. Such things can't be measured by money.

What's the matter with Li Cong? How could he give himself gifts so kindly all of a sudden? I don't seem to have what he needs here, right? If it's because of the palace's problems, I should have talked to my brother instead of myself. With so many questions, the princess started a new life of her own talk. The afternoon came soon. The girl sat on her carriage to the Prince Regent’s palace with some anxiety. It wasn't the place where the female family lived in the back, it turned out to be the prince's study. The first thing Long Minger thought of was that the prince was fancying himself. What do you want to think about yourself? Speaking of this, the prince’s appearance is very good, and he also has some good feelings for this man, but how can he be the empire princess, how can he be a wife for others? Long Minger's ability to associate is also very rich. When she was still thinking that she was favored by Li Cong, Li Cong's voice was already here.

"Haha. It might be a bit abrupt to ask the princess to come over today, it's Li Cong's no longer, but I want to ask someone to ask about this matter, it's really better to ask the princess, that's how it is..." Li Cong simply talked about Hua Mingxiong's grandson. I don't know what happened. When Long Ming'er breathed a sigh of relief, she was still a little lost. How can I say that I can’t get into Li Cong’s eyes with this declining flower and losing willow. If I don’t say anything else, just talk about the absurd things of my youth. I’ve only been a few years now, and there are more men who have been in bed. Li I have always paid attention to my reputation. Although I asked for a widow, Lu Xinlan, he was also a man in the past. He is different from himself. It’s better here. Some are men, let alone Li Cong. Even some playboys would not want to own themselves. Thinking of this, Long Ming'er felt a little helpless about the major events of his life. He really paid too much for the family, and the family could not let him stay at home for the rest of his life. In the future, my own path will be very difficult. It seems that I have to plan my life earlier. It is impossible for the proud young lord in front of me to have any interest in him. At the moment, Long Ming'er also took his share The mind was put away, and Li Cong felt strange when he was speaking. He was still very coquettish just now, how can he become so serious in a blink of an eye? Is this change a little bit bigger?

The affairs of Hua Mingxiong’s two grandsons, Long Ming’er, are very clear. The things here are not as simple as they are on the surface. Just like Lao Yang and Li Cong thought, this casino is not even bold enough. Those who dare to count the two grandsons of the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, although Hua Mingxiong now has only one marquis title, he is one of the six Shangshu. For this alone, many princes can’t match it. When these princes talk to Hua Mingxiong They are all talked about by the same generation, but they don’t look down on him because of his low title. In fact, things like title and official position can make a point on the surface. The real thing depends on the strength, even if you are. A viscount, but you have enough strength, no one can do anything to you. This is something everyone agrees with. Long Ming'er just knows the ins and outs of this matter very well, so she sorted it out now.

"The prince, Hua Mingxiong, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, has seven grandsons. It can be said that except for the largest and the smallest, the others are all first-class talents. There are not many of them in this imperial capital. Now, Hua Mingxiong’s three sons are also cautious. It is obviously not so easy to find the handles of his three sons and several other grandchildren, but this eldest grandson and young grandson are proficient in eating, drinking, and gambling. , It’s too easy to find the faults of the two of them. These two guys spent two days in the casino, and they have been very restrained after losing 20 million gold coins. Speaking of them, they are also master gambling players. Yes, otherwise, I think 200 million gold coins can be lost. The ones sent by Guifei Zhang are not ordinary people. They are a group of swindlers in the rivers and lakes. Guifei Zhang also gave them a large price. They have signed the agreement beforehand. No matter what the end of the matter is, what kind of impact it has has nothing to do with them. The subject must come out to bear this matter, and they will not be entangled in this matter again. Go on, now things have happened. It is estimated that the guy should have been on the territory of the Southern Empire, and Hua Mingxiong also wants to find out those people. It’s just that the things that people have calculated, it is impossible to be captured by Old Man Hua. Concubine Zhang wants to use this thing to give Hua Mingxiong an ugly one." Long Minger said briefly, but obviously Li Cong didn't understand these simple messages.

"Wait, you said that Concubine Zhang is going to deal with Hua Mingxiong. Why? If you have a grudge, why didn't you do it before? What happened at this time?" Li Cong said, and he didn't treat this Concubine Zhang at all. I understand that the empire has only two imperial concubines and four noble concubines. This imperial concubine is one of the four imperial concubines, which is one grade lower than his mother-in-law, the imperial concubine, and the name of the imperial concubine is two grades lower than the queen, but compared with the concubines and nobles below. It's going to be much higher, and it has its own power outside, and it's not small.

"This matter is a long story. When Hua Mingxiong was a small officer of the Ministry of War. This imperial concubine's sister had no clear relationship with him. Naturally, the small official back then could not enter the Zhang family. In the face of a big family, eventually Zhang Guifei’s sister went out with Hua Mingxiong, but unfortunately, due to physical reasons, she passed away a long time ago. Speaking of which, the two of them are also relatives, but this concubine’s sister did not leave a child. The Zhang family has always felt that Guifei Zhang’s sister must be a prince and duke even if she finds someone casually, how can she not be a wife for a small official, this is the original grudge, but so many years have passed, they No one on both sides said this. Many people have forgotten this. Recently, it was another incident that prompted Concubine Zhang Guifei to act on the Hua family. Hua Mingxiong has been in the position of Shangshu in the Ministry of War for many years. It’s also impossible to move that position recently, but Zhang Guifei’s younger brother has been serving as an assistant in the Ministry of War for many years now. If Hua Mingxiong doesn’t move, he can’t move, plus the thirteen sons of the emperor under Zhang Guifei are interested. The lady of the Hua family, unfortunately, was rejected by Hua Mingxiong. This new hatred of the old, Zhang Guifei and Zhang family naturally would not forget about this matter, thinking of it, they arranged such a trick. The two grandsons of Hua Mingxiong are also fools, so they followed the set step by step. Now they owe a huge debt of 20 million gold coins. This Hua Mingxiong can come up with 20 million gold coins, but the money can’t tell. Don’t take the one who came here. Those people are waiting at the gate of Washington. Now it’s time for him to be embarrassed. The Zhang family has already arranged people in the court, as long as he dares to take out these two thousand. When the ten thousand gold coins come out, someone will immediately participate in Hua Mingxiong. Even Hua Mingxiong will have no argument. In the past few years, Hua Mingxiong’s income will not add up to that much." Long Minger simple He made it clear about the grievances between the two of them over the years, and Li Cong smiled, and it seemed that he had to pay the favor.

"Thank you, the princess, I know about this." Li never said much, so he said such a sentence. Long Ming'er was also very careful in his mind. Naturally, I can see that Li Cong seems to be intervening in this matter. Now Long Ming'er is bold enough to ask Li Cong.

"Master, can you ask, does the prince help Father Hua solve this matter?" Long Ming'er said with a smile. Li Cong looked up at her and nodded. Anyway, he was about to do it himself. Hua Mingxiong said that there are quite a few old officials, but they all have their own reasons for inconvenience. This money is given out. Li has never been the same. You can get it with any 20 million gold coins from the palace. After coming out, does the Zhang family dare to impeach others and Li Cong? That's impossible, they don't have the guts yet.

"What? This matter has something to do with the princess?" Li Cong asked a little strangely. The things in this imperial capital are really too complicated, especially with his current identity. The people who stare at every move are really too complicated. There are too many. If you don’t pay attention, you may fall into some people’s traps. She has just reconciled with the princess, and she has also suffered from her own losses. She won’t count herself on this matter, but soon Li never thought that way, because the princess wouldn't be so stupid and just solved his troubles. How could she even get in? She is not a person with **** and no brains. Speaking of which, this breast science is really proud of capital. Li Cong seems to have a thumbs up.

"Hehe, speaking of it, I have to take advantage of the prince's east wind. There is a site in the commercial street that is the Zhang family. We were optimistic about it in the past. We are also going to take it down. Who knows that they will suddenly increase the price. I just realized that it’s because Zhang Family wants to rise up, they want to make a splash in the imperial capital. Naturally, they won’t give us the place to make money. Now it would be different if the prince helped Hua Mingxiong get ahead. This Hua If Ming Xiong made the Zhang family faceless, I would release a message saying that this matter was done by the prince. Many people would think whether the Zhang family had a feast with the prince. At this time, I would show up to buy what they had. The site is still at the original price. I won’t give them a penny more, prince, do you think they will make a move?" Long Minger said with a smile. There is a large piece of land on this commercial avenue. The Zhang family's, this is their ancestral property. It would be unkind to calculate their ancestral property like this at other times, but now they count Hua Mingxiong in front. Long Ming'er also learned from them, so it was nothing.

"Hehe, the princess is really a good calculation, well, I won't interfere with your affairs, and this family has no grudges with me. Whatever you want to say, it has nothing to do with me. "Li Cong said with a smile, and the princess also left with satisfaction. He said he was here to talk to the princess, but after talking to the princess for half an hour, fortunately, the chrysanthemum tea served by Li Cong was very good, Li From what I can see, the princess likes it very much. I was asked to pack a bag for the princess. Don’t look down on this small bag, but one or two of 30,000 gold coins. How could it be 100,000 gold coins? I walked out and took away 100,000 gold coins of tea. , The price is not bad, not to mention that within a few days, the land of this house will be connected to the original land of the house after the acquisition of this house. The appreciation is not a little bit, at least it can make a profit of more than ten million gold coins. Yes, it is really comfortable to come here today. It is completely different from the previous few days. Long Ming'er looked back at the gate of the palace, and it seems that he will come here to walk more in the future.

"Come here, go to Hua Da Ren's house, Lao Yang, and bring the golden ticket." Li Cong said, since the matter is not that complicated, he has to pay the favor, no matter what Hua Ming's ambitions are, Li From here on, I took the gold coins and helped him pay back the money. From now on, Hua Mingxiong would have to become Li Cong’s person. Whether he wanted to or not, Li Cong gave you such a high profile, the people in this imperial capital would naturally have to. Count Hua Mingxiong in the part of Li Cong, otherwise no one would believe what he said.

Hua Mingxiong’s yard is not close to Li Cong’s yard. Hua Mingxiong doesn’t like being in Zhuque Street. He feels that there is no popularity there. There are officials everywhere. What’s good, so he moved to the west of the city. The surroundings here are also very quiet, but it was before. These days there will always be a lot of people gathering here to make trouble, and there are also many people watching the fun at Hua Mingxiong’s door. This Chinese family is considered If you lose it thoroughly, Concubine Zhang also knows that this matter can’t do anything to Hua Mingxiong. As long as he doesn’t take the money out, he can only be so disgusting that he can do it all at once. If he takes out the money, they can do it. When it comes to your Majesty, it will only be a reprimand at most, which is of little use.

Zhang Huazhao is the nephew of Concubine Zhang, and he did all this series of things. Originally, he was making trouble with Hua Mingxiong's two mischievous grandsons. In the past, he thought he was the most useless person in the family. Although the aunt in the palace loves herself, what's the use? The elders at home don’t wait to see herself. I didn’t expect that he could do such a showy thing today, that is, he brought dozens of people from the casino. Those who ask for money at the door do not swear or make mischief, and they knock on the door very observing the law. The sound of the knock on the door is a little louder, and everyone around you who shouts knows it. When there are too many people, they will follow Let me explain why I came here. In short, this person from the Hua family is quite lost.

The noise outside the house was fierce, but the house was lifeless. Hua Mingxiong basically didn’t go out now. He was on sick leave even in the previous court. His two grandsons had long been beaten by him and couldn’t find the North. It's all such nonsense, Hua Mingxiong also knows that killing these two boys will not have any effect. The two of them were deceived this time. I really can't blame the two of them, but right now. Hua Mingxiong also has no good solution. There is no business person in the family. Although the money can be paid out, if the money is used out, then the real disaster of the Hua family is coming. If this is not used out , Can only let them make such a fuss.

Hua Mingxiong glanced at the door helplessly. Even though he was born and acquainted with all over the world, those people are also in trouble at this time. If you want to help yourself, you can’t put out such a large sum of money. Those who can help yourself are all in high positions. If you take it out, the Zhang family will point their guns at others. This time The amount I took was also very good. There was no way for other people to intervene. A few of the palace and duke’s mansion were fine, but there was no need for others to offend the Zhang family for their own sake. It was a headache to say.

"Master, master. Something seems to have happened at the front door. A lot of people came to directly beat up the rascals who demanded the account. It seems that they should be the guards in the palace." Hua Mingxiong is reading a book. Well, he is not close to the front door here. Reading here, no one can disturb him. The old housekeeper is also very happy because of the news. This kind of thing was unexpected. Among the people outside is Zhang Huazhao, the nephew of the imperial concubine. The general city guards will not do such things when they come. In fact, the best ending of this matter is which prince and duke come out. This matter is over. It is a pity that I will live forever. He didn't have such friendship with any prince. He had thought about Li Cong before, but Li Cong has had enough things recently. First there was the Queen Mother, then the Queen, and then Dingjun Wangfu. Although Li Cong has a good relationship with himself, he should not offend Concubine Zhang at this point. This family is also a loser in the imperial capital. It's a character, it shouldn't be Li Cong. But except for Li Cong, the princes in this imperial capital were even more impossible. Just as Hua Mingxiong wanted to call someone out to see who it was, he saw his son come in.

"Father, the regent is here." In one sentence, Hua Mingxiong knew that Li Cong must have done this. He smiled bitterly, and the contradiction in front of him was resolved, but in the future he will be Li Cong's person. , I can’t say I’m going to follow him in the future, and speaking of it, I can’t always be my own party. I’m still too weak. It’s not a bad thing to follow Li Cong. It’s like this matter today, if someone can help me solve it. , I will not be so embarrassed.

Hua Mingxiong took the whole family to the front of the flower hall. His eldest son was already accompanied by Li Cong. In the past, many people came to this mansion, but these days I know this Hua The mansion is going downhill. No one has come out to take care of these things. After a few days, Li Cong can be said to be the first person with identity to walk in. The gate of Washington has not been opened for a long time. , Basically, I don’t remember too much about the icing on the cake, but everyone remembers the charcoal in the snow.

"Hehe, prince, today's things are old and don’t say anything anymore." Hua Mingxiong grabbed Li Cong’s hand and said. Both of them are political veterans. How could Li Cong not understand this? Hua Mingxiong also knows, Zhang Although the family is very powerful compared to Li Cong, they are nothing compared to Li Cong. They are not comparable to Dingjun Wangfu. Basically, Dingjun Wangfu gave Li Cong his head down to admit his mistakes. If Zhang Family sees that Li has never helped solve the problem, they don’t know the depth. Now in this imperial capital, anyone who dared to fight against Li Cong hasn’t come out yet. As long as Zhang’s members are not fools, they are sure. It's going to be quiet, this matter will stop here, and they have been sick of Hua Mingxiong for a lot of days.

"Hua Da is really polite. I only learned about this this morning. Hua Da is wrong. I just have to say it directly. I still took out the mere 20 million gold coins." Li Cong smiled. A gold ticket of 20 million gold coins was dealt to Hua Mingxiong, and Hua Mingxiong did not refuse. In fact, it is easy for him to get the money. What is scared is that there is no way to explain how the money came. Anyway, Li Cong was not someone who lacked this little money, so he accepted it.

"Prince, let's keep this golden ticket. When will I have enough salary and when will I give it to you." Hua Mingxiong's words made his children a little strange. In the past, they all knew that his father would not follow any of them. The princes and nobles have been close to each other. This is also the reason why my father can be in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of War for so long. Doesn't it mean that my father will be inseparable from the regent in the future? Although they doubted this matter, the good tutor still didn't let them ask.

"Hehe, the money is easy to say, I am going to have a meal with you today, I don't know if your brother has the habit of managing the food?" Li Cong knew that Hua Mingxiong would never entertain outsiders in his own home Mingxiong, an old fox, naturally understands what Li Cong thinks. This prince forced it to be really urgent, no matter what, Hua Mingxiong smiled and nodded, then let his two sons go to the backyard I dug out a jar of good wine I treasured.

It’s a joke over here, but Zhang Huazhao covered his face and went back crying miserably. Li Cong’s guards didn’t even give them a chance to speak. They beat them in the past, and they were quite brutal. Why does Zhang Huazhao have a baron’s title? It’s a higher grade than the city lord in other places, but the guards in Li Cong’s mansion don’t take him seriously. We also fight for the lord. Our master is amazing. You, a little baron, don’t even look at what identity he is. If you dare to come to the prince’s frame, you will fight for nothing.

The owner of this house immediately turned off the fire after he knew that Li Cong was involved in this matter. They received the golden ticket from Hua Mingxiong. They also knew that this matter could not continue. It is no longer Hua Mingxiong's own business. , Unless they want to offend Li Cong, otherwise they can’t continue to make trouble. The Patriarch of the Zhang family immediately went to the palace to speak to the concubine, but his words made the concubine speechless for a long time. No wonder this Hua Mingxiong is not in a hurry. This is supported by Li Cong. The imperial concubine quickly confessed to her brother that this matter can't go on. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) Guiqiu to share

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