Energy Group

Chapter 1740:

Since Li Cong announced that he would increase the treatment of soldiers, this meat has been continuously transported towards the northern front line. Now the large amount of meat in the several administrative districts in the north has basically been transported to the north. There is no need for Li Cong to bother. Naturally, there will be those merchants who will do this. The farmers in the southern administrative region are taking a big advantage. A large amount of meat is shipped to the north, and the price has increased by more than one third. Yes, many people have made a lot of money by relying on this, but since the union with the bear tribe, the supply of this meat has been a little bit unable to keep up. It is true that these people are too good to eat, and millions of pigs have been delivered. They cleaned it up in a few days, and this way of eating couldn't keep up with them. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

"This matter still needs to come slowly. It is still difficult for us to have any contact with other peoples on the land of the savage tribe. Although the bear tribe surrendered to us mostly because of our threat of force, we are now The temptation of meat, we do not have any fighting power in winter. If the temptation of meat is burned at this time, it is estimated that we will not be able to gain a foothold on this land in the end. The empire is very huge. This pork is still No problem, it’s just that we haven’t started purchasing in the entire empire. Moreover, in the western region, our palace’s own breeding farm has already begun to be established, and then a steady stream of meat will be delivered.” said Li Cong is still a little guilty about this. Everything here is very clean, non-polluting, and purely natural, but to gather so many meats in such a short time, you can only use the earth. The most powerful thing is feed. If there is no such thing, it is absolutely impossible to transport meat continuously.

The farm Meng Tian mentioned by Li Cong is also clear. The Prince Regent's Mansion has established a small farm in the western region, in the western farm. Many people need a large area of ​​grassland. Everyone knows that if the area of ​​the grassland is not large, it is absolutely impossible for good livestock to come out. Compared with the largest pasture, Li Cong's delineated piece of land is connected. They don’t have one percent of them. I’m thankful to Wu Hai’s elder brother. That kid has a lot of land over there because of buying horses. If this were the case before, I would definitely have a relationship with Li. Count the money. But now Li Cong bought all the horses in his hands, although he didn't make much money. But it was quite okay to not lose money, so he gave it to Li Cong for free in several pastures in the west. In fact, it would not cost much if he bought it.

Li Cong used these pastures to build large-scale breeding farms in the west. Energy groups on the earth also have this kind of business, so the first batch of hundreds of people came over. It turns out that they were all on the earth. It belongs to some staff members, but they have become leaders here. After five years of work here, they can return to the earth with 1.2 million yuan, or they can send their money to the earth in the middle. Of his family. You can contact your home once a month. Other things can be done except not going back. Of course, they will never know that this is not on the earth. Every time they come on a plane and get on After the plane ate, it was impossible to know anything until they woke up again. So all the places where they live are closed. As for the people here, it’s easy to say, just say it is a relatively closed place in Africa or South America.

Of course, there are also very smart people among these workers. They feel that something is wrong here, but no matter what they think, it is impossible to think that this place is not on the earth. They were surprised by the scale of the farm here. The chicken farm here can produce more than one billion chickens in one month, which is the kind of fast-growing chickens on earth in 27 days. They don’t know how many chickens are produced. The chicken is sold to whom, in fact, according to their idea, it is directly killed here, wouldn't it be better to transport the chicken in the past, but unfortunately there is no such thing as a freezer car here. If they were killed and transported there, they would definitely turn out to be stinky when they arrived. They wouldn't continue to ask because of the high salary. They would not have such a good opportunity to go back.

As for the pig farm, it is not so good. Pig raising is a matter of time after all. Three months is already the longest time for a pig to grow up. Every day, two huge teleportation formations keep coming from the earth. Sending a large amount of feed, the scouts of the Skull and Bones did not know what the energy group was doing. Why did they order such a large amount of pig feed? But it seems that the energy group did not dabble in these farming businesses?

When Li Cong talked to Meng Tian for a while, one of Li Cong’s entourage came in. Meng Tian had not spoken to this person, but this person was Li Cong’s absolute confidant. He knew Li Cong’s study room, but he didn’t have it. Right to go in, but this person can go in directly. This person doesn’t have any information. Li will never give this guy a position in the army, and this person doesn’t care about his problems at all, just knows Just follow Li Cong to do things. As for the rest of the matter, he doesn't need to think about it. Such a subordinate is really eye-catching.

"Meng Tian, ​​all the things I need have arrived. I am going out now. He will tell you what happens after I go out. You can arrange an identity for him at this time. His words are my words." Li Cong went out after finishing talking. Now he can't wait for a minute. His son has disappeared in a deep mountain and old forest on another planet. No one can bear this kind of thing. More lumps soon.

Meng Tian nodded. It seems that in the future, he will have one more soldier who is even more powerful than himself, but fortunately, this guy has nothing to say. In the next two days, this person has never said anything. It’s all silent, no matter whether it’s military or civil issues, this guy will never speak, only when he needs to talk to Meng Tian, ​​he will find a private occasion to speak, and the rest is silence. Now, it is still very comfortable for Meng Tian to have so many soldiers. If he is indiscriminately commanding everywhere like those eunuchs in the palace, then he really has a headache.

The equipment sent to Li from the earth is very handsome. It is similar to the suit of Iron Man in the movie. It can work normally under the condition of minus one Baidu, or even directly Flying in space, their own energy system can work for more than two years. In other words, it can fly a distance of two light-years. Of course, there is no way to use the speed of light on this planet. The weight is only less than 30 kilograms. There is no pressure on Li Cong's body. In fact, Li Cong mainly uses this thing to resist the severe cold. His own body can't feel cold in the weather of tens of degrees below zero, but it can only be done for a short time. If it takes a long time, I really don't know if my body can hold on, and the wind here already has ten levels. It’s impossible to see the situation clearly with my own eyes. Some high-tech equipment in this suit can help Li Cong do a lot of things. For example, the life detection equipment above can tell if there is alive around. Human.

Naturally, Li Cong can’t start the flight mode like that in the public. Although there are not many humans outside, there are dozens of people who come out to give him away. These people are also very surprised by Li Cong’s clothes, but They didn't think much about it, thinking that this thing was similar to the armor of a heavy cavalry, and many armors were like this. It can’t be exposed at all when worn on the body. This armor just looks brighter. It may be made by the regent. It’s impossible to use some precious metals. After all, the regent has money and can do it. Many things.

Li Cong waved his hand with the people behind him and jumped directly off the wall. This is Guangming North City. The natural city wall is not as exaggerated as the original city wall in Guangming City. It is only a few tens of meters high, but because it is night and the snow is really big, you can’t see anything ten meters away, Li I started the machine when I was about to reach the ground. But to be on the safe side, he didn’t fly directly. Instead, he used his own strength to run for a distance of about one kilometer, and then he started flying into the air. When he got up, Li Cong still felt sweat on his body. It was hard to believe that the thermometer outside showed that it was already minus 55 degrees, and I even sweated after running for a kilometer. It seemed that this armor was really good.

Many armies on the earth are already equipped with such mechas. Li Cong’s model is also the latest model. Because the cost of such a thing is too high, there are not many troops equipped. Take Li Cong’s model as an energy system. It’s hundreds of millions of yuan, but the military on the earth is equipped with some energy, not Li Cong’s one that can be produced by himself. The charged one needs tens of millions of RMB, and Li Cong’s one is More than dozens of times. In future wars, Li Cong’s will be used by officers, while the charged ones will be used by soldiers, and scientists are still studying whether Li Cong’s can be used for ordinary models. How about charging? Of course, these are the future things.

Li Cong flew towards the valley, and he could get there in five minutes at Li Cong’s current speed. Li Cong also used life detection equipment to observe the surroundings along the way. There were very few living things around, even if it was. There are also places five meters underground, and the breath of life is very weak. It is estimated that some savages are hibernating. They don’t know if they can survive this winter, and they don’t know that they are in their hands at this moment. On the head, there is a creature that does not belong to their time and is advancing rapidly, and the technology above is thousands of years more advanced than theirs.

Soon Li Cong arrived in the sky above the valley. The tall ice wall that blocked the entrance was an unsurpassable mountain for the Bear tribe, but for Li Cong, it was not a problem at all. Coming over, Li Cong looked down, and it was as deadly silent. The temperature here has dropped a lot from where he came out just now. It is already minus 80 degrees, which is almost the same as the Antarctic on the earth. It is impossible for people to survive under such circumstances. If there are people below, it is estimated that they would have been frozen to death. Thinking of this, Li Cong's heart slowly sinks. He hopes to take his son back. It’s even better if you are alive. Li Cong has landed directly. The snow here is already two meters thick, so Li has to start searching by himself. Fortunately, this thing can also make oxygen by himself. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. There was no oxygen under the snow, and Li Cong had already seen no signs of life around.

The area of ​​this valley is not very large. Li Cong can quickly find the things below through high-powered perspective equipment. Finally, Li Cong finds some robot horses. These are the latest products of the Energy Group, but now they are all. It was damaged, and all the outside was frozen. But there was no one around this horse, and Li Cong had some hope in his heart. Is there another place to hide here? Maybe they have reached a safe place, but Li Cong soon knew how naive his idea was. His life detector was always on, but it showed that the distance of several kilometers around There is not a living thing, even if there is one, it is estimated to be tens of meters underground, and it is obvious that it is not human, it should be a kind of mouse or something. My son looks fierce. Dorje is missing.

Li Cong continued to walk forward, and soon some humanoids appeared on the video. It's just that these people have no signs of life. Li Cong walked over and pulled out a person, and then used the identification system to look at it. Indeed, this person is an employee of the energy group. This is not wrong. Li Cong started slowly. Pull out their bodies one by one slowly. They can't just be here. When the snow stops, they should send someone over immediately to collect them so that they can be transported back to the earth. Their family will definitely miss them very much.

In such an environment, it is impossible for Li to tell whether the person here is his son or an employee of the group. Li Cong can only extract their DNA when he touches each corpse and compare it with his own immediately. Such a comparison is a waste of time. After half an hour passed, Li Cong just couldn't see it. Twenty people, there are more than a hundred here. If you finish reading them and don’t know when, Li Cong suddenly thinks that his son is wearing a unique watch. This should be none of them. . Thinking of this, Li Cong went to do it immediately, and the speed of the inspection began to speed up. However, as the number of people decreased, Li Cong also began to worry. Until now, he has not found it. When he was the last in the cave After seeing a person by himself, Li Cong's heart became a little happy. He didn't find his son's body. Does it mean that his son is still alive?

Fifteenth.. This is the corpse of the fifteenth. Li Cong glanced at the fifteenth and felt very sad. If he didn’t feel that there was no one available here, this guy would do his own thing in Africa. Well, I saw an alien planet, but I also lost my life here. Li Cong knew that their bodies were modified on the 15th but they were very good, but in such a low temperature environment, if they could have some protection This should not be the case with measures, but depending on the combat uniforms they are wearing, this thing can move up to 20 degrees below zero. It is certain to be frozen to death. Now Li Cong wants to give No. 15 eyes Closing is not an easy task, because now each of them is almost as cold as a rock. If you do it yourself, it is estimated that their whole body will fall apart like a rock. Such cold weather is not a joke.

Li Cong slowly walked out of the cave. The people in it were pretty good. After all, the wind and snow didn’t get in. Li Cong fired a small cannonball towards the top of the mountain. Then there was a huge avalanche. Xue directly sealed the entrance of the cave. Li never thought that wild beasts would come in and eat their corpses after the snow stopped, so he would protect them for a while, and he had to continue to search for Li Yin.

Outside the cave, Li Cong searched bit by bit, but after half an hour passed, the sky was almost bright now, but nothing was found. Li Cong suddenly thought that there are a few meters of snow now. It is definitely impossible for oneself to see the previous footprints, it is impossible to find someone like this.

Li Cong let himself float gently, and looked around, there was no light. If there are no brothers' bodies below, I guess Li will destroy all the snow in this area from now on and take a good look. , But now Li Cong knows that Li Yin did not die here, and he can’t tell whether he is happy or uncomfortable. What is happy is that Li Yin is not dead. What’s uncomfortable is that Li Yin has no habit of living in the savage clan. It’s impossible here. To survive, maybe to die in a separate place, but before the last moment, Li Cong will never give up. Li Cong has searched inch by inch in the valley from the beginning...

Imperial capital. In a very remote restaurant, the people of the imperial capital's several big clans gathered here after solving the dozens of trackers of Li Cong. They knew very well that this must be done by Li Cong, if not Li Cong What he did was made by the emperor himself, but the emperor hadn’t done much for a while, and he didn’t need to do anything to get one-tenth of the national treasury and one-tenth for him. It's okay for the emperor. The emperor won't be troublesome, so Li Cong must have done it himself. They knew that Li Cong had left the imperial capital because of important matters, and they were not very clear about where he went. The people Li Cong left in the imperial capital probably didn't have the ability to do so. They have all investigated. It's impossible to come up with such a way, they really didn't know that Li Cong's men still had such powerful characters.

"Yun Peng has already said everything, everyone feels what we should do next?" As the host of the meeting, he was the first to speak, speaking of which he suffered the most this time. The first batch of investment was his. He doesn’t expect these people to make up for all their losses. These people also have their own losses, and all of them are not very happy. This was originally a profitable business, but now it is lost.

"What else can we do, even if we encountered a setback this time. But I don't want us to end there. We must know that we have invested a lot in there now, and we must start mining again. Is it scared by Li Cong? Let's not do it? Then there will be no place to put our faces in the future." The Wuya family sent a woman, the eldest daughter of the Wuya clan chief, Tingyun Wuya.

Originally, this woman should have become a leader with Yun Peng, but something happened within Wuya's territory. So she didn’t rush over, but it happened to let her escape the fire. Even though Yun Peng and the aristocratic children had nothing to do with their bodies, this thing was not just physically traumatized, but the bed on the soul was also very good. Seriously, they are still very resistant when thinking of going back now, in comparison. There is not so much pressure in these people's hearts, after all, they have not seen it personally.

"Ting Yun is right, we should be going back, isn't it just the loss of such a small amount of slaves? For us, this bit of loss is simply a trivial matter. We don't need to care about such a small loss. Yes, if everyone is burdened, all the slave losses this time will be counted as mine." The second prince Longwu said with a smile. After this guy said what he said, black lines appeared on the faces of more than half of the people in this room. Does this guy think that the loss of the slave is the biggest loss? I heard that Longwu’s brain is not easy to use in the past, but now I can see that this guy’s brain is not ordinary and not easy to use. This guy is talking. Not idle, his eyes turned around on Tingyun's body.

This Tingyun Wu Ya clan is also considered to be the beauty of the emperor's capital, but his destiny is not very good. Less than two months after her marriage, the twelfth son of the emperor passed due to the epidemic, and she is considered Longwu's brother-in-law. Well, but when will this kind of relationship in the upper class be regarded as real relatives? Looking at Tingyun, Long Wu’s eyes don’t look like his brother and daughter-in-law, but like seeing a prey. If someone is familiar with this guy, you can see it. This guy had the same look when he saw the red card for one night of 100,000 gold coins in the Bada Hutong of the Imperial Capital yesterday. This guy just came out of there to participate in such a meeting. If it hadn't been for the aftermath of others, I guess Li Cong's people would have touched it at this moment.

"His Royal Highness the second prince is really generous, but this matter is not that simple. I feel that we should hurry up and find out our opponents. We are just guessing now. From the perspective of the whole incident, this person can It is very powerful, and everything is linked together, and it does not give us a chance to fight back. If it weren’t for a few of them to run fast, it is estimated that they will all die there at this time, and we will start working again. It's not a big problem. With the strength of our companies, these losses are negligible. The question is how can we guarantee that after we start again, this person will come out to make trouble?" Yunpeng represented Wula Naras came to participate, and there was an old guy behind him, this old guy should be the queen mother. Although the queen dowager trusts Yunpeng very much, she also knows that this kid is still a young man. He may also be undecided about many things. You must know that the people in this house are all old foxes, if there is no old one. If the guy is overwhelmed, he might panic.

"Yunpeng was right. I thought that way just now. I just don't know how to say it. Li Cong must have done this. I don't think this guy has left the imperial capital at all, or else this guy will come back after he left. , Confuse us, or this guy remotely command or something.” Long Wu said with a big head dangling, his words are inconsistent, absolutely no one will listen to this guy’s words, this After the guy finished speaking, he looked at the people around him and saw that no one was interested in what he said, so he honestly didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't have much profit in this mine. It was just that Li Cong called him to listen to the news. In addition, this guy's prince alliance was so powerful that he was called. Otherwise, no one would want to follow him. If a fool comes to discuss such an important issue, it is enough for everyone to save face.

"This should not be the case. The intelligence systems of several of our companies have shown that Li Cong has left the imperial capital. And there is no evidence that he has returned. I think we should still attack the people around Li Cong. His housekeeper, Lao Yang, can be considered a scheming man, but I don’t think he can do such a thing, grasp all kinds of time so accurately, this man would definitely be a very good general in the army. Yes. We can see the abilities of Yunpeng and the younger generations clearly, but this person can make such a big thing in front of them, and in the end it is just some bandits. We have already investigated those bandits. , I can’t find anyone related to this matter at all. More than 2,000 people didn’t say anything when they were dying. This shows what it means. It means that people are ahead of us, and the dead are impossible to tell. What important news about us." Said Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites, and he regrets now that Long Wu called this guy. This guy is just a idiot. He doesn't know anything and knows nothing.

"Everyone, I think of someone. I don't know if you still remember the old prince of Yanping County Palace?" Duke Chirac said. This guy has a lot of right to speak in this alliance. This guy is mobilized. A lot of troops helped them. Although they were all local troops, they were better than some private troops from these families. Everyone should listen to what he said, but I don’t know why this guy would Mentioned that person, and everyone soon understood the reason why he said this. It has nothing to do with the old prince. After all, the old prince has been dead for a long time, and it is impossible to run out from below to help Li Cong. , Then this matter has something to do with another person, that is, the most powerful assistant to the old prince. The old steward in the county palace used to be called the guy Suo. This guy must have this kind of brain. Cong’s relationship will definitely be shot.

"Old housekeeper? My husband, you are talking about the old guy who is asking for something. I saw that person once when I was a child. I really am an old and cunning person. If this matter is really related to him, I think it is true. Yes, that is, that person can do something like this. This person has never interacted with people in the imperial capital. In the past, he went to a small place like Kahuan County. Only when the king of the county appeared in the imperial capital, but more often went to the theater in the imperial capital. I don’t know the relationship between Li Cong and Long Yun. Everyone knows the position of the prince of Long Yun. Without Li Cong, that guy would still be an earl. If Long Yun asked this person to help Li Cong, he would probably be very happy, and he would also understand that the county palace is no longer what it used to be, so what power he wants to have He can only rely on Li Cong. He helps Li Cong.” Yun Peng thought for a while and said, his words surprised everyone in the audience. If this analysis is done, it is really possible that this old guy did it. Yes, Long Wu’s mind is even more different, mother, this Yunpeng is really not an ordinary person, if this kid continues to live, this Ula Nala clan will definitely rise, Long Wu knows this The matter was handled by Suo Ye, and even when he came here for a meeting, Suo Ye asked Long Wu to come and listen to the news, of course. It’s not a loss for Long Wu to run a leg once, a full one million gold coins, two hours of hard work to make so much money, even the prince is very greedy, if Long Wu’s expression is usually normal Someone can see it, but now when everyone is surprised, this expression is no big deal.

"Master Yunpeng's words are absolutely reasonable, but this is only our guess. Now the power of the Yanping County Prince's Mansion is not as good as before. If we wanted to know the actions of this old guy in the past, it might be a bit difficult. But. It's easy now, I immediately ask someone to see the trace of this old guy. If there is any doubt, let's kill him?" Ting Yun said viciously. It is not even a bit of affection for the person who ruined their plan. Keep it. Besides, when the old prince was in the past, it was seen that the Wuya clan was not very pleasing to the eyes, and they did not suffer from it. Now, the Uya clan's poor development in the army is a major reason. It is directly related to that old guy.

"Haha. If we weren't able to kill him before, the power of the Yanping County Mansion is not small, but now the skills of the County Mansion are at the end, and there are no huge assets. We will kill if we kill. He is just such a small person, but now I am thinking of another thing. Our mine is about to enter the rainy season, and there are basically no trees on the mountain now, and the soil may not be fixed well. Yes, if there are some natural disasters, will we still fall short?" Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette is the oldest cunning guy, and it is very important to track down who did it. But there is something more important than this, and that is the problem of starting work in the future. His words made the guys who had just become more excited immediately lose their interest. This old guy is right, even If we can organize and start work again, we will definitely encounter natural disasters in the future. With good luck, everyone ran out. But what should I do next time I’m out of luck? Slaves who died hundreds of thousands of people will not have the slightest uncomfortable face, but let them lose the elite of the younger generation of the family, this is not good, especially Yunpeng and Tingyun, they both want to go. They will definitely not go in an unsafe environment, especially Yunpeng, who grew up with swords, lights, swords and shadows, but they were all in the dark. It was the first time I saw it in the days of the gun, and I was really scared in my heart.

"Master Shang Shu's words are the key point. We have to mine this place quickly. Otherwise, we can only watch the money and can't get it from our own hands." Ting Yun said helplessly, no one else What a good way.

"This Li Cong is really good at calculating. If we drag us here, he will definitely have important things to do. If we are concerned about those mudslides, it will definitely be delayed for several months. At that time, Li Cong must be early. I’m back. I’m not sure if this gold mine is ours at that time. What should we do? We have invested so much. In the end, we can’t get nothing? Let’s say what you can do." The old man touched his beard and said, what he said is true. This Li Cong is really sinister. Everyone here has taken Li Cong to a meal. If he meets another nobleman, he only needs to come to discuss it. It’s just a big deal to give up some profits. This Li Cong is not that simple. This guy wants everything, and there is no room for negotiation. This single food business is what Li Cong wants to do, but Li Cong is not like that. The nobles who followed Li Conghun were all different from them, like Prince Gong and Anjun Wang waiting for them.

Because of the emergence of Li Cong, the nobles in this imperial capital have also been separated, just like a prince’s mansion. The prince’s mansion has passed by with tens of millions of gold coins all year round, but Li has never been the same. It doesn’t matter how much he spends himself. After all, the money was obtained by Li Cong himself. It doesn’t matter how he wants to spend his own money, but with the help of Li Cong, some nobles in the imperial capital have also changed. Your own way of life is like King Anjun. In the past, the Prince Anjun Mansion could not spend two million gold coins a year, but what about now? The first-rate palace spends 30-50 million gold coins a year, but the King An can spend 80 million gold coins a year. The nobles just want to compare each other, and if they don’t, it’s not them. This People who were incomparable with themselves before suddenly became rich. At this time, they felt the benefits of money, so their money began to rise. After all, this was brought by Li Cong. Those who were with Li Cong How can they earn more than tens of millions of gold coins in a year from the family of the nobles who walked very close? No matter how many hundreds of millions of gold coins are added, there is no problem, but they have a bad relationship with Li Cong? I have to unite and find some money on my I have a way, but it is too inhumane. "Yun Peng said deliberately, seeing other people's eyes all over, they all looked anxious, Yun Peng stopped selling them, and said directly, "My plan is actually very simple. Let's mine. All the ore is shipped out. In the past, we were going to extract gold in the valley. All we shipped out were gold. Now all we shipped out were gold ore. This time it will increase a lot of transportation costs. The thing is that 50,000 slaves can do this thing. Now we have to prepare hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. As long as there is mud and rock coming down, we will let them die in it, and then ask people to dig in again, one at a time. In the end, a lot of gold should be produced in the past few months. "After Yun Peng finished speaking, he was a little scared. This is simply to trade human lives for gold, and they still take so many lives. They don’t care about the lives of slaves, but they take the lives of tens of thousands of people at a time. It's not a bit..., and they all know how dangerous it is after the rainy season. If it is twice a month, all the ore dug up is estimated to be enough to pay for this, and they will not make a lot of money. Yes, but if you don’t do that, you will definitely not make any money. If you do what Yunpeng said, you may still make a little money. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for it. , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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