Energy Group

Chapter 1775:

In other places, it may be very friendly to call a person a friend, but here, this is not a good thing, especially when the person calling this friend is the resistance army, these resistance forces are basically inhumane People, people they call friends will die miserably in the end, so when they asked for food, the preparation chief didn’t say anything, but when these people asked for friends, these people were obviously panicked. I'm afraid of these cobras, but I definitely don't want to be friends with these people. Cobras can kill them. But being friends with these people is more terrible than being a neighbor with cobras. If you are not friends, everything is negotiated. If you become friends, these people may enter and leave your place at will, and your women may be taken away by them. They will share all the fruits of your labor, even when they need manpower. Those who want you to fight with them are the so-called friends of these rebels. In short, it is all your contribution. Without them, the preparation chief would never agree to be their friend.

"No, we are not your friends, and we don't want to be friends with you. Didn't it mean that we provide you with food, will you take these things away?" The chief said very nervously, he didn't want his people to be with these guys. A little connection, let alone friends.

"Hehe, Chief, what you said really made us feel chilled. When did you Indians have friends? In the past, didn't you think about quickly integrating into this society? We give you this opportunity, and we don’t want it. Let’s talk nonsense here again. We want you to send 30 people to join us. They go out to fight with us. In the future, we will get together. You will definitely gain a lot from your tribe. Said food. This is all our requirements. I will give you five minutes to think about it. Otherwise, we have to let go of these things in our hands. Don’t worry, it’s just four or five items. If you can do it in the last two days If you find a new place, I don’t think they will reproduce so quickly. By the way. I forgot to tell you, I have a lot of them in my car. If you can follow our instructions, I’ll take these things back tonight Eat it. After all, this is a very delicious thing. If you don’t want it, you will become their food. Whatever you want, it all depends on your decision. Think about it." This guy has obviously lost his patience. They can't stay in such a place for too long. Although the government forces have retreated, they cannot keep any soldiers passing by. Their name is the Resistance Army, but they will only escape when they encounter government forces.

It has long been known that these rebels can't be sent with a few bags of food. They still come here to ask for people. If the thirty people were before, it would be nothing, but now it is a chaotic world. There are only thousands of people in the entire tribe. These people are the basis for the tribe to keep themselves. Anyone is very important. The most important thing is that the tribe has nothing to do with the outside world, and they don’t want to go out and do some harm. It’s okay if you sacrifice this because you surround your home. But going out to fight, fighting a fight that has nothing to do with them is absolutely impossible. They will not go. Several people have clenched their bows and arrows. It seems that they will have a good fight with these guys. Now, Li Cong on the side is depressed. Can't thousands of people do these people? The chief is really not good at negotiating. As long as this kind of thing comes to a guy with a strong tongue, there is no need to use force to scare these people away. Li Cong takes off his military uniform and prepares to help these guys and watch them by himself. In this way, I feel tired, I have an advantage, and I am scared by people who have no advantage and can't speak.

Just when these Indians were at a loss, Li Cong stood up. At this moment, including the chief, they don’t know this person anymore. They seem to have seen this guy, but they can’t tell where they are. This guy is dressed in Indian clothes. Although there are no messy things on his face, he looks like an Indian from the outside. "Take away your scares. The chief doesn’t I gave you a grain of food. Now we don’t have much food. If you want food, it’s okay. Go to the government by yourself. A few cobras are nothing. We will certainly die in their hands. Here, but I can tell you, there are no natural enemies of this thing around here, as long as you let this thing out, you will not be better off, this cobra can go everywhere, maybe it will be you someday As for the bedside, we will not be friends with you, nor will we have any intersection with you. If you continue to persecute us, I think we can only join the government army. They don’t know you are there. We know very well wherever we are. It is very easy for us Indians to find someone. You should all be registered with the government army. If we report it up, the bounty will be a lot. Do you think that? "When Li Cong first started speaking, the chief wanted to tell Li Cong not to say it, but after saying so much, he felt that what Li Cong said was really right. Why didn't he think of these things? What if these people? The cobras are released. They are also dangerous. This area is not very far apart. Looking at themselves, thousands of people are afraid of them?

The resistance army over there is about to succeed. The hardest thing to find these days is actually people. These other things can be dealt with, but this person has no way to deal with it. You can't just take people out of thin air. Give birth to it. Now the people in the city are either under the control of the government, or they have joined other resistance forces. They want to get new supplements. This is impossible. If you look for it in the countryside, it is possible. It’s been a long time since I couldn’t find anyone, so these people turned their attention to these Indians. Although they hate these guys, it’s better to have one than none. These recent rebels are not just following The government has launched, and large-scale battles between the rebels and the rebels have begun. Often they can go to war because of a very small thing. They have also been sapped by a very large rebel army recently. The more than five hundred people in the country are left with this point. It is okay to add a few hundred people in these tribes, if they don't add it. Now that more than a hundred people look like, it is estimated that a new resistance army will come to kill them in a few days. I thought it was a simple thing, as long as a few of them showed them to them, this one Everyone has to obey. I didn't expect such a guy to come out. It seems very difficult to deal with.

"Your kid is not an Indian. Who are you, how could you be in this place?" This guy knew at a glance that Li was never an Indian. The height of the Indians is not that tall, and although the Indians can speak English, the English they speak has an earthy taste, as long as people with no ear problems can hear it, Li Cong in front of him speaks. But with the authentic Oxford English, how could such a person be an Indian? Is this a teacher invited by an Indian? Do these guys know how to seek help from outside? Anyway, Li Cong's words made this guy very upset. He thought his prestige had been damaged.

"Haha, it doesn’t matter who I am. It doesn’t matter why I appear in this place. What’s important is what I said, you can’t say it’s not true. You should look like you are now exhausted. I can see that you There shouldn’t be many bullets in the bullet bag on your body. Even if you want to be strong, you don’t have that ability. I can see that you are the end of the force when you come out this time. My sister has seen the skills of Indians here. , But I think it’s no problem for them to deal with your hundreds of remnants. Although you use hot weapons, theirs are cold weapons. But the accumulation of quantity can be more than the quality, you all understand Yes, taking advantage of the Lord Chief hasn’t said anything yet, hurry up and take your cobras and get out. Otherwise, you will be in trouble later. Although the Indian habit of cannibalism has disappeared in recent years, If you don't keep the balance, they will also open up foreigners?" Li Cong said with a smile. Li Cong did observe their embarrassment, but he didn't dare to say so as to say so accurately, but now they saw their eyes darken a little bit. Indeed, these people really told Li Cong. It was the same tragedy. They were indeed just beaten up, hoping to find some benefits, but they did not expect there to be a hard problem here.

"Bows and arrows." The chief is not a fool. Hearing Li Cong said that, he immediately yelled. Hundreds of Indians around here all pulled out their bows and arrows, and their distance is within the range of these bows and arrows. Within the scope, if these resistance forces are really ignorant of current affairs, they may all be killed.

"" The boss of the rebel army did not expect that this young man would have inspired the blood of these Indians in a few words. Seeing that he could not take advantage of this place today, he was called a subordinate. The man got in the car and left. When he left, he gave Li Cong a fierce look, but under the threat of hundreds of bows and arrows, this guy still didn’t have to say something like a long stream of green water. The man can bend and stretch. It was the worst thing for me to be killed by these **** half-savages because of a word. It's better to leave now, because the number of people is small, and it will be even worse if you lose here for a while.

This is the first time the Indians have seen these hateful guys run away. Now they all cheered happily. Now they can feel it. In fact, they are also a terrifying force, as long as they can unite. If you get up, there is nothing that can’t be done. In the past, you really underestimated the power of your own people. Now you can see that they are all relying on this young government army to speak. In the past, they told the government. The army doesn’t have a good impression. It seems that these government troops are still very good. At least they haven’t suffered any loss right now. This is already a very good thing.

"Haha, the young man thank you so much. If it weren’t for you to help us today, we might have been fooled by these demons. Maybe our tribe would suffer heavy losses. Come back with us. You are the greatest in our tribe. The guest is here." The young preparatory chief said, he is obviously young like himself, but he feels very old and old-fashioned, but Li Cong agrees happily on the other side. Follow them away.

"It's all a matter of effort. There is nothing to be thankful for. You are actually very strong. If you don't have your own strength as the backing, it is useless to say things well. These people are mainly afraid of their own strength. Yes, your brains are also very good, but you have not been exposed outside, and you are born to learn. There are a lot of thousands of people in your tribe. Everyone is a teacher of another person, but Compared with the outside, it’s still too limited. The people outside have met ten times as many people as you. Over time, they have come up with some methods. Just like the ones I just mentioned, if it weren’t theirs. If my brain is almost impossible, I guess my words will not work that way." Li Cong said with a smile. His very humble character made the preparation chief very satisfied. The chief took Li Cong's hand as if he was a friend who had not seen each other for many years. It's the same, I must take Li Cong to my tribe as a guest.

"This gentleman is a member of the government army, aren't your people already out of the minefield, how come back?" a kid on the road asked, he was the one who monitored Li Cong in the morning. They sincerely praised the skills of these two Li Congs. Even the most powerful warriors in our tribe would never have such skills. One day, if they can be like Li Congs, it would be great.

"Hehe, we are not members of the government army. We are members of the Li Tang Empire. The reason why we are here is also because we have a very important mission." Li Cong didn't want to lie to these fairly straightforward people, and Many of them have also realized that they are not from the US-Europe Union. If you were a member of the government army, you might never follow them back now. Instead, you should follow those people to see where their nests are.

People from the Li Tang Empire? Each of them was dumbfounded. Although they had heard the term Li Tang Empire for several years, it was the first time these people saw it. They were no strangers to this Li Tang Empire. Although their lives have little contact with the outside world, that doesn’t mean they don’t. They will also report some big things outside. In recent years, they all know that those powerful whites seem to be in the hands of the Li Tang Empire. They suffered a big loss, lost a lot of places and various benefits, so they were also very curious about the people of the Li Tang Empire, but there seemed to be nothing in their tribe that had anything to do with the Li Tang Empire. Li Cong understands when he arrives in their tribe, mother, everything here is self-sufficient. Li Cong never thinks that there is anyone in this world who can have nothing to do with his own things, but now I believe it. People really don't need you for anything, Li Cong thought sadly, if these people are many in the world, it is estimated that there is a real chance that their group will go bankrupt. After all, these people are really good at making things by themselves.

"How is it, Mr. Li, how is our tribe? No matter what it looks like outside, our tribe can always live like this." The reserve chief said with a smile, it can be seen that this guy has already regarded Li Cong as a They are friends. Although their lives are relatively backward, they are more or less peaceful than those outside. This is already a very good place. At least we don’t have the so-called killings outside here. It is safe.

Li Cong nodded. Although he didn't agree with this guy's statement very much, he still had to show some face on others' sites. The Erhei over there rolled his eyes helplessly, and he really regarded himself as a dish. Well, your grain output here is enough for tens of thousands of people at most, but it’s not bad for manual laborers. If the US-Europe Union hadn’t taken a fancy to your grains, they would definitely not be so accommodating. Yours, it is estimated that the soldiers are already under pressure now.

After entering here, Li Cong and Erhei saw a lot of things they hadn’t seen before. They didn’t know what primitive society was like, but they all knew that the people in this place were really simple. He didn’t know Li Cong and Erhei, but when he saw the preparation chief beside these two guys, he smiled kindly at these two men. Li Cong could see that this was from the heart, and the outside Those false smiles of Li Congneng are totally different. From this moment, Li suddenly felt a little back to the original. In this place, the human soul can really be evolved. Of course, such a comfortable feeling is Li Congneng. I can feel it, as if Erhei didn’t feel anything at this moment. At this moment, I went to one side with the first strongman in the tribe to break his wrists. That guy is the first strongman here, even if he was talking to the surroundings before. The masters in the tribe rarely lose in the competition. But today this guy is really not Erhei's opponent, don't look at Erhei's injury, but it is very easy to use 30% of his strength to kill this guy.

"Mr. Li, this is my father's residence. My father is our current chief, but in recent years, age has been a big reason. Some things in this tribe are not managed very much. I’m managing. You are the great hero of our tribe today. If you had saved so many of us, if it weren’t for you, I might have been fooled by those bastards, giving them so much food in vain, and maybe Our tribe will provoke a starving wolf. My father will thank you very much when he learns about it." The guy said sincerely, and he took Li Cong into the tent.

There is no difference between the tent and the tents of the ordinary people outside. It does not show that here is the tent of the leader of the tribe. This shows that the officials here are really not privileged. Li Cong still agrees with this point very much. This may also be related to the customs and habits here. It may also be that the boss of this term is of better quality. In short, everything here makes Li Cong Kajue very good, if he is fine. If so, I really want to stay here for a few days.

The chief here really did what the kid said, and didn't come out to see people. But Li is really their great benefactor from now on. As a chief, he should come to thank him. In fact, the old chief still has his own small abacus in his heart. This Li Tang Empire is already a nail in the stone. It’s impossible to change anything. People in the U.S.-Europe Union shouldn’t look at the counter-offensive and counter-offensive they are talking about all day long. In fact, they can’t even grasp the situation on the front line. So the old chief actually wanted to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Li Cong. He was not sure what position Li Cong was in the Li Tang Empire, but he would have his own way of doing things here. It would be a good thing if I could borrow the relationship between the Litang Empire and his descendants. He knew the history of blood and tears of the Indians, even after World War II. This country has never seen people like himself face-to-face. They have been called savages for many years. He doesn’t want this to happen in the new government. Even if they can’t be like the people, don’t come. To persecute them, you can leave this piece of pure land to them. As for how much to hand over each year, this is all negotiable. It can also be seen from this that these Indians are also very xenophobic.

The old chief is almost a white old man. This old man has now reached the end of his life. Although several sons are good, there is still a big gap with him when he was young. It’s a bit uncomfortable to give it to them. If there is a better person in the tribe, he will give the chief's seat to that person without hesitation. Unfortunately, the people in the tribe are not very good. Everyone is a good person, but this calculation skill is too bad. After entering the door, Li Cong looked at the old chief and knew that the man in front of him must be an old fox. For nothing else, just because of the look, he looked at it before. Some of the old people I visited and some enemies have such eyes, but as the years go by, those people are no longer there, and I have changed from a little fox to an old fox, and my eyes may be similar to those in front of me. The old man is the same.

When Li Cong was looking at the old man, the old man was also looking at Li Cong. The old man saw Li Cong for the first time. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that this guy was not an ordinary person, and he also had a feeling of indescribable price. Yes, Li Cong. The emperor of the Tang Empire also had the surname Li, and there were many generals in the army with the surname Li. He knew clearly that the person in front of him might be a member of the Li Tang family, but should not be a member of the core family. If so, It is impossible for Li Cong to take such a risk after arriving at the enemy. If Li Cong knew what the old guy was thinking, he would definitely tell him that he was wrong. As long as he was a member of the Li family who entered the army, it wouldn’t be right if he didn’t enter the frontline combat unit. There may be promoted positions. It’s okay if you eat and drink, I’ll provide for you. Who said that I and you are the same ancestors, and you have to worry about eating and drinking in the face of the ancestors. , But if you commit a crime, you have to be punished. It’s okay for you to enter the army. The three-month trial period, if you can stay, then you can become a core kid in the future. If it doesn't work, I'm sorry, you still go back to the city and be your dude, take it every month With a salary of one hundred thousand, what do you like to do. In the future, there will be no chance to enter the upper echelons of the empire. At most, you can show your face on TV in the royal family's New Year greetings. But because you are standing too far behind, there may be many people who can't see you at all.

"Sir, please sit down here, nobles, and Pengxun is shining." Li Cong was very surprised that this old man actually spoke fluent Chinese. There were many Chinese in the US-Europe Union before, but later Because of the war, these Chinese have either suffered persecution or returned to China with their families. How could there be such a thing? This old man is not a Chinese. This Chinese speaking can make some Chinese who grew up in the US-Europe Union feel ashamed.

"Thank you, old man. To be honest, the old man’s Chinese really shocked me. I have seen many foreigners speak Chinese over the years, but it’s the first time I have spoken to the old man so well. I thought Your Indian tribes don’t have much contact with the outside world. It seems that I was wrong now. The old man also keeps pace with the world." Li Cong found a place to sit down and said, these words are from the heart Yes, it’s good for an Indian to speak Chinese like this.

"Hehe, my husband really praised me. In fact, the reason why my Chinese is so good is because of a friend of mine when I was young. He was your Chinese. He was the son of the first group of Chinese who came to America. He is considered to be the second generation of Chinese. It is estimated that the first generation of Chinese is no longer there. The railway just started working on this land back then. Our tribe is still not here. We have witnessed those Chinese enslaved. It’s tragic. It’s a pity that we didn’t have much power to help them. I could only save my little friend. For this reason, my father beat me severely, afraid of me. It will cause trouble to the entire tribe, and my husband should be able to see it. The people here are like this. Generally, we don’t have any selfish intentions. Everyone thinks about the fate of the entire tribe. Our ancestors have been like this for generations. Yes, what I did back then can be said to be very wrong. Now my old friend has already left. He said that he would take me to his hometown to see him. He said it was only in that land. It’s the richest area in the world. I didn’t believe it very much before. Now it seems to be true. If your land is not very rich, your husband’s family cannot rule the world. When the old man speaks, his eyes are dull on the surface, but the old man’s heart is concerned about Li Cong’s every move, especially the last sentence, to look at the person in front of him. How would he react? Seeing Li Cong’s reaction is normal, he knew that the young man in front of him was not a simple person. He had revealed his identity, and there was no panic. This kind of disposition is the first time he has seen him in his life. One person, if his children and grandchildren can have such a temperament, they can close their eyes in this life. It is a pity that they don't even have one-tenth of the young man in front of them. It's a pity.

"The old man praised. Our country is really very rich. In history, we were once the most powerful country in the world. It is a pity that later children and grandchildren didn’t know how to make it. But it’s a bit too serious. My family is indeed the royal family of the Li Tang Empire, but I’m just an unknown junior. The family asked me to come out for experience. Today I know that there is still such a thing between the old man and our Chinese people. It’s really fortunate. "I can see that the old guy wants to calculate himself, Li Cong is not so polite. Everyone Li Cong meets here is very kind, he belongs to the kind of unintentional person, and he first saw such a person. For the discerning people, Li Cong still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but soon he was relieved. If the people here are as careless as the outsiders, it is estimated that this tribe will be over long ago. It is impossible for them to continue for such a long time. In the past, there were thousands of Indian tribes in the entire Americas, but now there are not even one third of them. The reason for surviving these years is that the old man in front of him is now.

"Hehe, you Chinese people said that I have also come into contact with a few. Except for my old friends before, I feel good about these later. The world should be very good in your hands. As far as I know , The area we are in is not yours at present, how come the husband comes to us?" The old gentleman seemed to be talking about the family, but Li Cong could see it. It's no wonder that the person in front of him is still worried about himself. They are all defensive to strangers. A thousand tribesmen are not defensive to themselves. If the chief is also not defensive to himself, then they would have been done for a long time. The guy's temptation is not so disgusting anymore, all for self-protection.

"This involves our military secrets. It is inconvenient for me to say more about these things." Li Cong was blocked by a single sentence, and these things are not impossible to say. It’s just what exactly do you mean, we don’t know yet. Before, you still had transactions with the government army. How do I know if you have any contact information with the government army? Although the old man in front of you is already saying very He agrees that the Li Tang Empire has dominated the world, but we have to prevent this small move.

"Since this is the case, I won't ask, but. Today, my husband saved our entire tribe, old man, I remember, if my husband has anything to do with our tribe in the future, even if he speaks, we will do our best. I went on." The old gentleman said this sentence very sincerely, which made Li Cong a little moved. This old gentleman can still speak. In fact, Li Cong felt that if the old man was in the situation just now, there was no need for Li Cong to say anything next to him. It is impossible for the old guy in front of him to take advantage of those people. The old guy has been watching people for a lifetime. Of course he knew what Li Cong was thinking now, and he smiled and didn't explain much. Although he didn't say anything, Li Cong knew a little bit. He definitely wanted to test what his son would be like. Unfortunately, his son didn't hand in a satisfactory answer sheet. His son really couldn't. Competent for the position of the chief, but now there is no other candidate.

"With a simple effort, the old gentleman doesn't need to remember that. The old gentleman once saved my compatriots. I came to help the old gentleman as if it was to pay back the favor for my compatriots." Li Cong said with a smile, indeed , This thing is a very simple thing for myself, there is no need to remember that.

Li Cong talked some gossips with the old man. He also saw that Li Cong needed a rest, so he told his son to take Li Cong to rest. If Li Cong had just come in, he could still rest. Now he saw this old man. The guy really doesn’t dare to rest anymore. Who knows if he’s asleep or not, this guy will pull the government troops in. Those kindness and other things are useless. Since the old man is just an old fox, In the eyes of the old man, this can only be beneficial and nothing else. He also wants to train his son to become such a person. Unfortunately, his son is not like him. Normal kind people.

After Li Cong left, the old man was disappointed first and didn’t get what he wanted. It would be great if Li Cong could give himself a promise, and let the Li Tang Empire occupy it and live here. It’s a pity. Li Cong didn’t say anything. It seems that Li Cong’s appearance is not that he can’t be the master, but he doesn’t want to talk about it. Indeed, Li Cong’s idea is that these people will never continue to live so backward in the future. The times are advancing. How could there be such a half-savage state of life? If the whole society is so much more than a thousand people, Li Cong will not look at it, but the entire Americas are about the same as theirs. There are tens of millions of people, and it is impossible for them to give up so much labor. These people must be allowed to help themselves in the future. If you want to conquer the universe, you must have a large number of younger brothers. These people are in Li It seems to be the best brother.

"Father, thanks to this person today, if it weren't for him, I would really have been scared by the rebels. Are we going to prepare a bonfire party to welcome people at night, although we don't have a lot of reserves now But if there is no such person, today we will be dragged away by the rebels a lot of food." After sending Li Cong to the resting place, the reserve chief returned to his father’s place. In fact, this kid just now Everything used at night is ready. I came here to tell my father that I hope my father can go out at night. This kid has a very good impression of Li Cong. In his eyes, this Li Cong is nothing short of one. A genius, a few words can make those rebels get out of the This kind of ability is absolutely not available.

"Asshole things, it's really useless. You can't do things that people can accomplish in a few words. The things I taught you all these years are simply handed over to you. Roll me aside and see you. I’m upset.” The old man said angrily. Looking at his son, he doesn’t know what to say. The crisis that Li Cong can resolve in a few words means that the matter is not a matter at all, and people can tell at a glance. , You almost got fooled, such a thing is really...

"I'm sorry, father, I'm useless, I made you bother." The kid knelt aside quickly, to be honest, his father hadn't made such a big fire for a long time, he knew he was not. As the chief’s materials, but his brothers are even more incapable of taking care of the dealer. There are no capable people in the tribe. After becoming the preparatory chief, he can say that he has done a few things. Okay, but no one has stood up and is willing to take over this position. It would be great if someone could take over. I want to be as dedicated to the dealer as my brothers. That is what I want most. .

"That banquet, you go get it, do it better, and be warm." The old man thought for a while and said, it's useless to scold his son. This IQ is innate, and I give it to him. I have to pave the way for him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.) Guiqiu to share

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