Energy Group

Chapter 1869:

The news spreads very quickly. The main reason is that the pig head didn’t want to conceal the news at all. This guy sat on the airship when he went back. When he got to the town of Bai’s family, he could not wait to take out two big speakers. Shout vigorously. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

"Haha, it's done here now, and it will be fine in the future. We also have this thing in Qingfeng Village. If you go to hunt Beasts in the future, you can use Qingfeng Village as your supply base, what? We used to do business without capital. Haha, brother, we were absolutely like this before, but now, if you say we guard a good money cow, would we do something like that? Can't the money make it?" The pig head was nagging in the square for a while, and this is considered to be known about this matter, and the two brothers of the Bai family also looked at everything outside in anguish.

They have no way. It is absolutely impossible for Li Cong to let them eat this business for himself. This is an impossible thing for Li Cong. If that is the case, Li Cong is a fool, and they have thought about it. The rapid development over a period of time has developed to the point where Li Congdu can take them seriously, but it is a pity that these people like this pig’s understanding ability are too fast, they have not given themselves a certain amount of time, and now they can only follow Qingfengzhai. Of people share this piece of cake.

In the past, the Bai family brothers would always be happy watching the food unloaded from these airships every morning. This is a huge profit, but today they may not have that idea. They know that such things will happen soon. Among others, Bai Boss is worried about someone coming to share the cake with him, but Bai Boss is worried about another matter. What he is worried about is how many Li Cong partners will appear in the entire Warcraft Mountains in the future. Li Cong wanted to unite the entire Warcraft Mountains. The method of the pig's head would undoubtedly give other people an idea. Will they also act according to Li Cong's method.

"Second, do you think he can't stop this? The distance between Qingfengzhai and us is still very long. Although they have obtained these airships, it will have an impact on our business. But I don't think the impact is too big, I am afraid. That is, if Master Cao signed such a contract with every small town, it is estimated that we would not have any chance to make money." Boss Bai said with some worry. His worries are not unreasonable. I was thinking about something that has nothing to do with making money, but the speed of making money in this month is really too fast, and then I think I don’t know anything. It seems that I can't pass that level.

"Brother, this kind of thing is too difficult. Soon Dutou will spread the news. Those gathering points to the south of us are not fools. They all understand that an airship is one within their sphere of influence. What a wonderful thing. We don’t have the ability to stop this. We can only make a good profit while they haven’t reacted during this time. Besides, we’ve been doing it here for so long, some Things are much easier than them. This is one of our advantages." Bai Lao Er said weakly. I really don't know what to do with these things.

"Second, since it's the general trend, let's not be so sad. I think this kind of thing will come sooner or later. That Mr. Cao is not a simple person. We can follow such a person. Anyway, we can continue to do it. It is also very profitable. It’s just that in terms of the share of Master Cao, I think I should increase it a bit?" Boss Bai can think of this problem is really not easy, second Bai nodded, and at this time gave up some profit. It is also necessary to exchange Li Cong's goodwill. This Li Cong is really good at making money. Whether it is ideas or something in his hands, they are all things they don't have here.

Li Cong and Bai Lao had gotten billions of dollars in one month. According to the share, Li Cong received 2.8 billion taels of silver, and the Bai brothers also received 1.2 billion taels of silver. It can be said that both sides are a win-win situation. The second Bai family spent an afternoon calculating the new profit. Now, if the airship route of Qingfengzhai is set up, their income will be reduced by at least half. But even in this way they can get a lot of income.

Although the Bai family was a little dissatisfied with the addition of Qingfengzhai by Li Cong, they did not show it on their faces. The cooperation with Li Cong and the others is still the same as before. The family brother took a sigh of relief. It seems that they still have to continue to use their own, not to kill the donkey. Neither of them knows when they were so afraid of the child. Isn't he just a child?

The news of the pig head really caused an uproar in the Warcraft Mountains. After returning home, the old ambassador gave this kid a meal. I knew you were such a big mouth. What is said here can’t tell you to do this. Now Everyone knows that Lao Tzu and the Bai brothers get the same money. In the past, I could call you a brother, but now? People of two eras.

From this time, Li didn’t have the time to take care of the things in the Warcraft Mountains. It’s your own business how you want to make noise, but we still have important things to do. It’s not like Li Cong just woke up, and someone came, yesterday. That Jiao Hong actually brought someone to the door. This girl didn’t even look at it. At this time, when there were most people on the street in front of the door, everyone looked at the door here to see what’s going on. Don't this Master Cao usually cherish his feathers very much? Why did a brothel woman carry her own things to the door at this time? Is she waiting to enter the earl's mansion? The people around me looked at this girl stupidly. Although she was a little older, she might not be able to see it if she didn’t look closely. The woman in front of her was still pretty and she didn’t know what she looked like when she was young. But after getting old, it can still attract so many people to visit.

"What do you look at, I haven't seen a woman, I haven't seen a woman go home to see your mother." It's been half an hour, and Li Cong hasn't come out yet. Even the steward who was about to reply just now seems to disappear suddenly. What's the matter, I am so unwelcome?

This girl looks very beautiful. They are all looking happy, but there is no such scene before, but they are not as hot as the guide, and they immediately start calling. Up.

The number of people in charge saw more and more people. There is no other way but to tell Li Cong again.

At this moment Li Cong has finished his breakfast. I heard that this woman can even do such things. I really underestimated this woman. Now I just have time. I want to see that this woman is a woman. What do you mean.

The earl's mansion has its own rules everywhere, although this woman is from the same family. But to put it bluntly, he was a commoner, and he saw Li Cong sitting in the middle. This woman knew that this was Li Cong's disarming herself. Indeed, she was a grassroots. No matter how powerful her relatives were, it was her relatives, not herself, and leaned over to bow to Li Cong.

"It's been a long time since such a beautiful woman came here, Sister Hong, I don't think it would be so easy for you to come here today?" Li Cong smiled and asked the woman to sit down, but his words revealed the distance. It is better not to be too close to such a woman.

"Hehe, no, I heard that there are beautiful women in the Earl's Mansion, how can a handsome adult like me see it." This guy gave a charming smile, and Li Cong guided the former Sun Erniang , This look is so alike, shit. From now on, maybe she will be a woman who runs human flesh buns, her expression is so similar.

"Hehe, you might have heard it wrong. I met some powerful enemies last night when some of my servants in my house went out to work. It's really strange. The security in this inner city should be very good. It’s up to those people." Li Cong said while drinking tea. Sure enough, after hearing about this kind of thing, Hong Jie was not as calm as before. In fact, Li Cong was the first to investigate others, but because Li Cong first told the matter. It made this woman feel that something was wrong.

"Really? It's a coincidence. Yesterday some of my guys also went out to buy things. I didn't expect that I also met the thieves. I don't know if I met the same guy. I went to the yamen to explain some things. Yes, why didn’t Master Cao go? Look at my mind, it turns out that Master Cao still has an official position. It’s not that simple to put you on trial.” This woman is not a simple person, if she is a real one. Where is the courage to talk to himself in the clothing business.

"Really? Naturally, the yamen dare not take care of it, but not because of my status as an earl, but because I am a magician. There are many people who want to follow me, so all the things you find must be I need to take it back." Li Cong said with a smile, and the gathering point was established with great difficulty, so it is absolutely impossible to persecute them.

"Huh, I know you are investigating me. I thought that we were all in the well and not in the river. I didn't expect that now we are going to confront each other, Master Cao, I know there is a mysterious expert behind you, but I also tell you , I didn't give it to me in vain, I hope you don't do such things against us in the future." Jiao Hong said.

"Hehe, the water in the well doesn't offend the river? It's impossible. Everything in this Jiangning city is related to me. I will take care of everything. It is impossible for things that have nothing to do with me. I don't care if you want to be here. What are you doing, as long as I'm still there, this is impossible." Li Cong also said forcefully, this is related to his own territory.

Jiao Hong looked at Li Cong. He clearly knew this man’s abilities in Jiangning City. The county town is as big as that. Even if Li Cong is one of the most powerful earth-headed snakes, the foreign dragons are powerful in this place. Not open.

"I hope you don't regret it." Jiaohong dropped these words and left. In fact, the reason why he came to Li Cong was that Li Cong's people broke his small restaurant today, and the people who smashed the shop were the imperial guards. Speaking of ten small restaurants, he wouldn’t worry about it, but those imperial guards told them to get out of Jiangning City today. This is all those people make their own decisions. They are all children of the nobles, and they usually follow the emperor. In their eyes, don’t talk about a Chamber of Commerce restaurant. To be honest, if it weren’t for the princess, Li Cong would not take it seriously. Li Cong felt that Li Cong was a lucky guy. That's it.

I regret it? I regret* not throwing all of you out, you guys on Lao Tzu’s site have come to investigate Lao Tzu and said that there is nothing to do with Lao Tzu. I really don’t know what you are pretending to be in your mind. I can also say things that are mentally handicapped, one by one, it seems that I really don't put Lao Tzu in his eyes, and that's right, Lao Tzu has always been concerned about business matters, and most people think that Lao Tzu is very bullied. This time can be regarded as a lesson for you monsters and ghosts.

The royal guards who finished the work at the moment are all drinking in the Grand Hyatt Hotel. This is all planned by Bai Eryi. This is not so good for these brothers to drink, although they don’t like Li Cong’s very much. , But the thing that Li Cong smashed out is still very good. It is simply a paradise on earth. In the capital, they are all top figures. They have all played all kinds of enjoyments, but they have not even heard of the same things as today.

"This place is really comfortable. It would be nice if we could open one in the capital, and we would also come here with the province." This sentence is said to be what these people are saying. Bai Er heard this sentence. Then he smiled, maybe the young master in my own family has this idea. It is too difficult to get in in the capital. It is a bit wishful thinking to want to build a hotel of this size. The last time I opened a trading shop, it was the same. It takes so much effort. I don’t know how many people will be offended if such a big hotel wants to open in the capital.

"Hehe, aren't you idiotic dreams. Looking at such a large site, even hundreds of companies in the capital cannot make up such a large piece of land. In the capital, it is definitely an inch of gold. Everyone knows that the capital is A good place." The other guy said, also thinking that this thing is not good, Li never thought about what they can do, as long as they can bring back the situation here. My current strength is still a bit weak, and there will be time to enter the capital in the future.

"Masters, our young masters know that the masters will return to the capital tomorrow. This is a little gift. You are welcome to accept them. Please accept them. These are rewards from the princesses to the masters." They all knew that today. When Li Cong gave them gifts, he prepared to take them one by one. Who knows that the boy said the next sentence, what kind of mess is, that's bullshit, except for the big face, who is here? He saw the consort in his eyes. But the princess was different. It was authentic golden branches and jade leaves. Such people are not something we can offend. They stand up and respectfully take things over.

"It’s a hard work for us. I thanked the princess and her husband on our behalf." The leader said, this steward can be considered to be tainted, and they wouldn’t be able to talk to this guy happily without the princess. The gap between the two is really too big.

I opened the gift and saw, good guys, this shot is very generous, the princess gave all silver, fifty thousand taels per person, and what Li gave from here was two hemostatic powders per person, which almost added It's more than a hundred thousand taels of silver. They don't know what kind of handwriting the nobles from other places have, but none of the nobles in the capital have such a handwriting. They all have a good impression of Li Cong and the princess. It's really multiplied, of course it's all based on this silver.

Asking people to pay some benefits for more or less work, most people are like this, let alone the imperial guard.

"Haha, what's so hard for me, that is, the princess's life has not been very good recently. Oh, forget it, a few of them are also going to be on the road. It's better not to say these things, man, let me add Two bottles of wine come up." Bai Er hesitated to speak and stopped making these people wonder how the princess would have a bad life, not to mention that she was a girl whom His Majesty likes. From time to time, someone came from the capital. This noble concubine is not eating for nothing. How can anyone make the princess ugly, and the princess’s husband is also a powerful person. It’s good for her not to bully others. How could anyone bully? Where's her?

"Princess? Who are you over there?" A guard's complexion is a bit unsightly. To be honest, all of them can be regarded as the princess's maiden family. The imperial guard is just like that in the entire empire. Sometimes the emperor It is also when they are nephews.

"Hehe, what did this guardian say? It was not some of the people in the Supervisory Camp a while ago. He said that the emperor is far away. It is impossible to treat the governor here at all. This whole province is nothing. The governor is the biggest, the princess will naturally not be familiar with those people, but these things are not pleasing to the eyes of us as slaves." Bai Er said, that expression really doesn't know what to say about this guy. , This guy can be regarded as an acting school.

"What? That fellow Halman dare to say that? Where did he get the courage? Isn't he just relying on the right side to have today's status? It's okay, this matter is covered by me. This guy dares to do this. If you don't follow the rules, I will ask him to come to the princess to apologize when I look back." One of the guards said, Bai Er smiled and thanked him, seeing that Bai Er still didn't understand, the other guard quickly came out to explain.

"Hehe, you don't know these things. This kid dares to say that but it has his own reasons. This right-hand image is the boy's uncle. This guy has a lot of face in the right-hand image. He went back and took this In other words, look at what Harman would look like." This guy said with a smile, and Bai Er felt a bit blamed for his mistake. Damn, what he wanted was not the righteous reprimand, Li From there, he had already obtained the evidence of the Superintendent Camp, and he had already passed to the capital. What he wanted was these imperial guards to help him spread the rumors, but right now there are people from the right. It seems to say that this is not the time. Right-handedly promoted Halman. He will definitely not demote Harman's official position because of that small matter. This is not only an ugly thing for you, It also dissipated a lot of their power.

The few who had eaten this meal were still very comfortable, Bai Er did not continue to accompany them here, one by one, the two chicks went to sleep behind. The things Li Cong confessed were almost done except for the smearing of Governor Hallman. This can also be done back.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. Li Cong also began to prepare for his own departure this time. From this time, Li was going to kill the fish monsters, and he had agreed with those people last time, but Li Cong didn’t want to be so. Past. He was going to send the airship over. When he said this idea, these people all agreed. If you walked by yourself, you would waste a lot of time. With the airship, two days are basically enough. Several people certainly know that the cost may be huge, but Li Cong said that he sponsored this matter, and there is nothing else.

For things like airships. These mercenaries are also very curious one by one. They didn’t just fly up, they started to watch them everywhere. This time they were actually not empty. Li Cong knew that there were gathering spots near the fish monsters. Yes, when the time comes, the food on the top will be sold, but it is also a lot of money, and I won’t lose money this time.

"I said, the speed of this thing is really fast. How long is this, that is, there is an hour of effort, how can we walk more roads than we usually do in a day." Zhang Shuang looked at Said loudly below, this thing is amazing.

"Haha, there are more things you don’t know about. This thing is pretty good. I said the sixth child, your relationship with the earl’s mansion is really good. We can get such things. I've been following you." Hong Zhan also glanced at Gao Feng when he was speaking. After this guy came up, he rested there. He didn't talk a lot. Everyone wants to fight together. You are there alone. Say nothing, what is this, look down on my brothers?

"Haha, the relationship is pretty good, you know, Master Cao is a magician just like me, this is still some face, this time we went to hunt there, he also gave a lot of help, I Let's sell everything to Cao's firm when we come back." Li Cong said with a smile, his strength has improved a lot, and there must be a lot of monsters killed this time.

"That's natural. The most important thing in this matter is you. You'll have the final say on how to do it at that time. We all followed the soup." Hong Zhan said. They also knew that if there was no Li If you follow, they will get tens of millions a year, but with Li, it’s never the same. Every time hundreds of millions are less, and it’s just a little soup.

"Don't say that, everyone is working hard together. By the way, Brother Gao, when is the best time for you to attack? In the past, when I cooperated with the captain, I attacked first and then he gave a fatal blow to Warcraft." Li From this, I actually told this guy that his main attack was himself, and the archer was an auxiliary. Gao Feng looked up at Li Cong, and he understood what it meant.

"Don't worry, I won't take more. I know I am a support. The best person in the whole team is you." Gao Feng pulled off his hat after speaking. Don't mention how arrogant it is. If it is magic If the teacher said that, no one would have any opinion, after all, there were too few magicians. People still have that arrogant capital.

"Huh, I was originally an assistant, what's so great, I am also an archer, I will get out if I'm not convinced, no one told you to come." Yang Qiu can't stand it anymore, she can't understand how others treat Li Never talked like that. What's wrong with the seventh-level archer, so am I. It is one level lower than you. Although Yang Qiu’s level is not there, no one else has Yang Qiu’s magic arrows. He is carrying the magic arrows specially made for her by Li Cong. By then, his skills are estimated to be a lot. The first-class archers can't keep up. If you find out about Yang Qiu early, it is estimated that Li Cong will not come in with Gao Feng, but now that he has a strong face, he can't say that he is going to get people out. This is not brothers. What should be done.

Li Cong quickly pulled the little aunt's grandma away. If this continues, I still don’t know what to say. This girl recently used the equipment Li Cong bought him. This self-confidence has really increased. In the past, his archer skills were just fine. It's not bad. At this time, he is even more powerful with good weapons. Li Cong gave him bows and arrows made from Beihai Driftwood, which had a much faster range than ordinary people. And the distance is much farther. Of course, this is not the main thing. The main thing is to use the bow and arrow that Li Cong blessed her with wind magic. This is different from ordinary wind magic arrows. Li Cong created it himself. A bow and arrow can be blessed by two magic methods. In addition to the wind magic blessing on Yang Qiu's magic arrows, there are other magic arrows. The power of such magic arrows is better than the magic arrows with only one kind of magic.

Yang Qiu once tried shooting such a magic arrow in Li Cong's backyard. The magic arrow he shot was even hard to escape from the eighth-level fighters. As for the seventh-level fighters, they were basically hit with a hundred shots, of course. At that time, the power was reduced, otherwise there would certainly not be so many people who did not want their lives to accompany this little aunt's grandmother to try out there.

"Oh. What's wrong, what I said is wrong, this guy just doesn't know the southeast, northwest, look at his appearance, he is basically a arrogant guy, I will give him two sentences to tell him to see the facts. It's not that we don't have archers. Calling this guy is really a burden. He divides our spoils and we haven't said anything yet. This guy himself is proud and doesn't know what his surname is." Yang Qiu's little mouth is reasonable. I'm not forgiving. I followed Li Cong to the other side of the airship. I tried to remove Li Cong's hand from covering his mouth. What was going on? I was afraid of others?

"My sister-in-law, can you keep your voice down? We mainly do it for my former captain Gao Qiang. Gao Qiang is the cousin of this guy. If something happens to us, wouldn't this brotherhood be very affected? You are here to make money, don’t you know my ability to kill WoW? Besides, the two of us have cooperated for a long time. When the time comes, the two of us have cooperated well. He has nothing to do and may not want to I want ours to be cheap." Li Cong said with a smile, saying this is actually to comfort Yang Qiu, other things are simply impossible, he will never deduct the money belonging to Gao Feng, this is also Li The principle of compliance is the same as what he said. It is not worth making conflicts for some money.

"Yes, why didn't I expect it, too, it's really unnecessary to tell what's on your mouth. If you speak with facts, this guy will definitely want to leave first by himself, but he is losing money. At the beginning, this guy took out 50 million taels of silver. If this is not a benefit, he would go back so guiltily. In fact, it would be very pitiful." This girl will lose her position for a while. I was worried about someone else coming, but Li Congke didn't care about it, as long as Yang Qiu didn't run over and say something excessive.

Everyone else is not very satisfied with Gao Feng. They don’t know Yang Qiu’s skills. If they know Yang Qiu’s skills, they probably wouldn’t speak to Gao Feng. If that’s the case, Gao Feng Obviously, it was here to get the light.

"Master, we are about to arrive at our destination. There is a gathering point here. Are we going to land? This is 200 miles away from where you are going." A guy said when several people were talking about Gao Feng. It's an open area, but it's still impossible to let the airship land. This airship is too huge, so they can only land a little bit to get them down.

"Well, it's fine to just land here, we just walk over by ourselves." Li Cong looked down. They can't directly land in the Warcraft area below, so they have to take a good rest at a gathering point, just like a program.

As the airship slowly descended, many people below came out. Some people have seen something like this, and some people don’t even know what it is. If you don’t know what it is, it includes here. Boss Daitian. Dai Tian is a hero around here, and there is only this small town within five hundred miles. Guarding such a good place as Lake Faer, there are a lot of people from this guy’s town. Li Cong roughly estimated that the size of the town here is twice that of Baijia Town, which is a small town away from Baijia. The town is more than 3,000 miles away, and the level of danger is not comparable to that of Baijia Town. The surrounding area is also surrounded by level 5 and level 6 monsters, and the surrounding area is full of level 6 and level 7 monsters, and level 8 monsters are also frequent. Appeared, so the people here are all six-level fighters. It's not like there, even third-level fighters have it.

Li Cong and a few of them jumped down the rope when the airship was still fifty meters high, and the airship continued to stay on it. After all, I don’t know what is going on here. If the people here robbed it clearly, Li A few of them may not be enough for others to stuff their teeth, but Li Cong can also see that the people here should not be so superficial.

"The boss here is called Dai Tian. He is loyal, and this guy can't do things like cockroach and dog thief." Gao Feng said slowly, as if seeing the problems Li thought from the hearts of several of them, all of them were a little scared. No one has been here except Gao Feng, and Gao Feng's character can still be trusted. Since he said that, a few people have no other ideas.

"Could it be that the airship that Baijia Town said was not successful? It's really a huge thing, huh? Gao Feng, your kid came by this thing? I heard that it came from Baijia Town. Hundreds of thousands of silver, it’s much more than a million to come here?” A guy in the guard clothes in the crowd seemed to know Gao Feng. Li Cong took a look. Damn, every janitor is seven. Class fighter. The armed forces here are not stronger than the Baijia side.

"Yeah, Brother Wu, it's time for you to shift. I didn't pay. These things belong to Mr. Cao Ke Cao, the overclocking count. We are just drenched. A brother in our team is a friend of Mr. Cao. They sent us here. By the way, they have 400 tons of wheat on it. These are all delivered to the Bai family. If you can move fast, you should be able to get these things down, even though the mosquitoes It’s not big, but it’s also a piece of meat.” Others can’t hear Gao Feng telling others, but as a space magician, Li Cong knows everything around him, and Gao Feng is not. Fool, knowing that so many people along the way are very upset with him, and he also understands that it doesn’t matter if everyone has an opinion on him, but as long as Li Cong has no opinion on him, he can stay in this team. I guess Now I have to give Li Cong some strength.

The eyes of this surnamed Wu immediately began to wander. Although this guy is not in charge of the food in the town, it is Dai Tian’s younger brother Dai Lin. Dai Lin’s relationship with himself is also possible. The food here is 40 taels per catty. Yes, this is the price they bought, and the selling price is much higher, at least 60 taels per catty. The various expenses in this town are several times higher than those in Baijia Town, and some are ten. More than double, 400 tons can be 800,000 catties of grain, which can be less than 10 taels of silver per catty, but 8 million taels of silver. This profit can be calculated very quickly. This guy's brain is not stupid.

"Haha, Brother Gao, go and tell the people over there, don’t transport it to Baijia Town, how can the price of food over there be higher than ours? How can we pay 30 two per kilo? How?" When the business reached the door, he naturally wanted to offer a profitable price. This price would immediately make 8 million taels of silver. The smile on this guy's face was also very good.

Gao Feng nodded, and told Li Cong in the past about the things here. In fact, Li didn't even think about sending out the food this time. Although the price of thirty taels of silver per catty is not very ideal, But it's not bad. Li Cong nodded. This thing can basically be done like that. Even if the deal is settled in this way, Li Cong will earn 24 million taels of silver.

"Hehe, Brother Li is really a refreshing person. This business is very good, but is it a bit less? If you can come here once a day, it would be great." Wu Huwei took these people Brought to a teahouse, this guy started to follow Li Cong's words. If they paid the entrance fee at the door, these six or seven people would also be worth five hundred thousand taels of silver. Following this Wu guard, the money would be saved. Now, I have to say that this guard Wu is still very good at doing things. He is just preheating the talks now. Only when Dai Lin comes will be serious negotiations. This guy's level is not very good.

"Brother I don’t hide this from you. To be honest, I can still have a relationship with Master Cao. I am a magician and Master Cao is the same as the two of us in the Magician Union. A member of a faction, so I can still take charge of things here." Li Cong first gave this guy a reassurance. This guard Wu is not a fool. He can send an airship to send people to such a far place. Cao Ke's relationship is naturally very good. They know that the pig head of Qingfeng Village has gone there and invited the airship over. Damn, they are too far away, and the relationship with the earl's mansion is not very good. It can be said that it doesn't matter at all, otherwise, someone would have been asked to see what was going on. Now someone has delivered it to the door. If this is not possible, you can find a piece of tofu and kill yourself.

"That's all right. Our Lord Dai has been admiring the Lord Earl for a long time, but we hope to establish a trade relationship with your Cao family firm. Our Lord Dai's reputation must have been heard by my brothers. The head of the house, who can compare with our Lord Dai, each of them is not very good. Therefore, if Brother Li wants to find a partner, our Lord Dai is definitely the best choice." The guy said that when Dai Tian came, the eyes that popped out were all worship. Such eyes were not fake, Li Cong could see it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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