Energy Group

Chapter 1885:

No matter how reluctant Yang Qiu was for Li Cong, and how reluctant Li Cong was for Yang Qiu, the two were still destined to be separated for a period of time. All the people who came to pick up from the Yang family had already arrived. The one who came was Yang Qiu’s brother Yang. Guang, this Yang Guang’s status in the family is not very high, but the relationship with Yang Qiu is still past. The main reason is that the two people are of the same class. Both of them are concubine. Yang Guang is better than Yang Qiu. One point, after all, this guy is a man, he can take care of things as he ages, and he has a lot of money on hand. When Yang Qiu was a child, Yang Guangming secretly helped their mother and daughter a lot. It was for this reason that the Yang family sent this guy. If everyone else can't talk to Yang Qiu, why are they here? Isn't it okay? Isn't it?

Yang Guang is indeed a bit of a problem in the Yang family. The entire 24 counties and 135 counties in Yandong Province are officials from the Yang family. The entire province has a population of more than 100 million. A member of the Yang family should be good, not to mention that Yang Qiu is still the son of a contemporary Patriarch. It is a pity that Yang Guang belongs to a transportation team with more than 30,000 people and less than 8,000 carts, but this is not bad. At least Yang Guang earns tens of thousands of taels of silver each year.

Yang Qiu smiled when he saw Yang Guang. Although the two people didn’t have much contact, Yang Qiu also knew that this elder brother was good to him, even though he was helping himself with more than ten taels of silver every month, don’t think it’s a big deal. People are full of money. Li Cong also knows how Cao Ke and Li lived in the first place. Every day’s food and clothing may be a problem. A dozen taels of money can make their mother and daughter's life very good. It is for this reason that Li Cong is also polite to this brother-in-law. If the Yang family came from other people, he wouldn't be that idle.

Now it is the same as before. When the Yang family wanted to do business with Li Cong, they came to beg Li Cong, and it is the same now. They demanded even more. Now because of the large-scale entry of Li Cong’s grains, the Yang family can spend at least tens of millions of taels of silver to buy grain in other places every year. They see how long the grain fleet that Li Cong pulls out of the granary every day. I know how much money this grain can save. In the past, we had to organize a large-scale convoy to go to other shops to save grain. This kind of thing is now gone. It all depends on Li Cong.

Of course, this in itself is a win-win business. The Yandong River can spread across more than a dozen provinces in the empire, and now Li Cong's grain has spread to the surrounding dozens of provinces. It can be said that the grain trade is better than that of Jiangning City, but the dozens of provinces around are dominated by minerals. The grain production and other things are really a bit unable to keep up, so over there There are a little more people buying food. It’s not like Jiangning City. It’s the earliest development, but there are still a large number of farmers here who eat the food produced in their own homes. Of course, this is also very much related to the lack of industrial production. It's a big relationship. Many people here still stay in a self-sufficient living environment. Li Cong never thought about how powerful an industrial revolution would be to start here. In that case, it would interfere with some developments on this planet, which can be said to be bad.

At noon, Li Cong entertained them in one of the largest private rooms of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. This hotel is definitely a very attractive place for them. The dozens of people from Yang’s family can rest here in a very comfortable day. Everything Li always paid the cost, and they are very satisfied with this place. This is something I haven’t heard before, but I’ve seen it today. I thought it would be a chore to be here, but I didn’t expect it to be so good. Yang Guang and a dozen of the Yang family’s children were very satisfied. They are all marginalized children in the Yang family. In the family, they are not taken seriously. This is not to say that the Yang family is dissatisfied with this matter, but that there are few prominent figures in the family who have a good relationship with Yang Qiu. If you let those people come, don’t talk about it. Things may ruin things.

"You are welcome, we will be a family in the future, and we will all be relatives. It is good for you to treat this as your own home. This hotel is my property, and I may open it to you in the future. Everyone has a VIP card, and everything here is free.” Li Cong said with a smile. He can face these things calmly, but these people can’t be calm. They stay at Yang’s house for one year. The income of ten thousand taels of silver, this Li Cong gave is really not small, they can spend tens of thousands of taels of silver on average for a day of playing here, this gift is really not light, in fact, Li They also have their own ideas. They came here to show that they have a very good relationship with their daughter-in-law. What's wrong with the Yang family? Now it is not necessary to use their own influence. If they have children in the future, this Yang family is not For your own son, it is a matter of time to annex you, and now it is all about finding a future helper for your own children.

"Master Cao is really kind to us. You are right. We will be a family in the future. Although we are not very good at all, our hearts are all good. If Master Cao has anything to use in the future As far as we are concerned, we will never frown." Yang Guang said emotionally. In the past, it was not that no one was good to him, but many people used his identity to use them. It's rare to see friendships without any use. In fact, Li Cong is also using them, but Li Cong's methods are relatively superb. These people have not seen it.

"From Qiu'er, I have to call you elder brother. If this is the case, don't say more. I know a little bit about your situation here. I know your situation is not very good, Qiu'er. I told me that you used to take care of her very much. When I came, she told me that I had to help you. I thought so. I don’t know if it’s okay. Everyone is a man. No one gives me anything. If you want it, just because you can’t lower your head. It just so happens that my Cao’s family firm wants to set up branches in several counties and cities in Yandong Province. If you guys are interested, you can come to me and help me. You can communicate with them in the past. As long as your brothers are willing to help me, I dare not say anything else. What you get every year is more than ten times what you are now." Li Cong said, Li Cong is also using them. However, even they themselves didn't feel the danger of this use, and it could only pull Yang Qiu in. Yang Qiu also really hoped that Li Cong could reorganize their lives. They were all children of the Yang family, but their lives were not so good.

A big family like the Yang family can be said to be really different. Each of the Yang family’s direct children does not need to have any talent or ability. As long as they reach that age, they will have their own official positions. Many county magistrates and county prime ministers are waiting for them. As long as they stay honestly for the last two years, there will be a promotion position in the past. It would be great if they had a little bit of political achievements. It’s okay to even be promoted to the third level, but it’s not that simple for these concubines. When they are older, they will not eat or drink as they did when they were young. How can they be children of the Yang family? At this time, the Yang family will hand over some of the business in the family to them. This is also an opportunity given to you by the family. If you can take care of this, you will naturally have a greater burden. In your body, if you don't have the ability, it can only be an honest fuck. I don’t care for idlers at home. There are so many children from the elder brothers. Yes, there are more than a dozen people watching your opportunity. Maybe it will be someone’s one day.

"Thanks to Master Cao for seeing us as a person who is not in the eyes of a few people, we are willing to do our best." Yang Guang is not a fool, he knows that this is an opportunity given to him by Lao Tian, ​​if he can If you seize this opportunity, it will be very simple for you to become prosperous in the future. If you can make up for it, maybe you will never have such an opportunity in your life. What you should do in the future is your own business. Want to rise? Go dreaming.

The other people also stood up one by one and said that they were going to mess with Li Cong. Li Cong is now the first person among the younger generation in the Northern Empire, no matter if he is a powerful magician. It’s still a huge Cao’s house. Every one is something they admire. It’s impossible for them to get these things in their lives, but now there is such a chance that they can get closer to these things. They don’t want to be in the officialdom. Yes, they entered the mall at the beginning, and they also need to work hard in the mall. It's a pity that there was no strong backstage in the past, or the backstage did not support them. From now on, this is the way they are going. The one in front of them is their master. Following this person, they have shown their hope.

"What service does not work, you will all be in charge of a county in the future, as long as it is my Cao's business, you can manage it, as long as he makes a profit without losing money, I promise to make this whole system run every year. You all have a salary of one hundred thousand taels. If you earn more, I will give you more." Li Cong’s words shocked these people again. For the direct descendants of the Yang family, one hundred thousand taels. The silver is nothing. They have money, and they may be able to spend so much in a day, but it is not that simple for them who are prostitutes. They are busy all year round and are exhausted, but they count as a year's income. It is already very happy to pass ten thousand taels.

"Come on, let's offer Master Cao a glass of wine together. We thank you for this glass of wine. It can be said that our second life was given by Master Cao. From now on, we must be full of heart and soul." These beautiful words are all these people. I know how to say it. Li Cong is not the kind that you can say a few beautiful words and I can give you money to do things. There are genetic medicines in the food and wine. After drinking this glass of wine, you all It’s really my people. It’s not that I don’t believe you. I really don’t understand you. Li Cong also told Yang Qiu about these things. Yang Qiu also expressed his approval. Ghosts don't betray themselves. If they really want to betray themselves, he won't have that heart with this genetic medicine. Usually you are still yourself, and these genetic medicines will only do things that involve Li Cong.

"Hehe, I will drink this glass of wine. Everyone will drink this glass of wine together. From now on, we will be brothers on the same boat. We will lose all our glory and glory." Li Cong stood up and drank the wine in his glass. A little excited.

"If you lose everything, you will lose all the glory." Everyone repeated what Li Cong had said, and they all drank the wine in the glass. They didn't feel anything, they just felt that their life had begun a new page. Who knows that they are all Li Cong. People out.

Li Cong was very happy after eating this meal. These guys were all drinking too much, but Li Cong was also happy that he had accepted so many people. Gene medicine is not everything. Yes, all of these people here are not high-ranking members of the Yang family because they don't have that great ability. This big family also has its own ideas in doing things. As long as you are a warrior with that ability, whether you are a prostitute or a prostitute, you will be given a chance. If you are a magician, you don’t need the opportunity given by the family at all. You can find your own opportunity outside. These people who are not fighters can only start slowly from the bottom to the top. Such days are also uncomfortable. The method Li Cong has in his hands is not very effective. As long as the experiment is successful, they can all become Level 5 fighters within half a year, and their lives will be much better in the future. Of course, I can gain a lot more.

"Why didn't you just go over and have a good chat with your family, what are you standing here doing now." After eating, they went to the hotel to play around. Li Cong talked about these things he created. But there was no interest. When I went up, I saw Yang Qiu on the side. This girl seemed a little unhappy. Li Cong ordered two cups of tea and sat down with her.

"What can I say to them? Don't look at them all being so honest. In fact, what I want to tell you is. People in a big family don't have simple minds. They listen to you just now. Because you are capable, if you are not capable, they won’t know what you do. I see a lot of these people and things." Yang Qiu said with some worry, he knew his husband would definitely give them to them. Some important things about people, on the surface, these people are all very honest, but in fact it is far from the case. Many of them may tell the Yang family something when they go back. Although the Yang family can’t stop Li Cong’s expansion now, they can at least make some reactions, regardless of whether the reactions are right or wrong. , Will be detrimental to Li Cong.

"Hehe, your man is not a fool. It is impossible for them to take my money and do nothing. No one in this age can take advantage of me, of course, except you." Li Cong He smiled and touched Yang Qiu's slender waist.

"I hate it, don't look at where it is." Yang Qiu opened Li Cong's hand, and Li Cong remembered that this place is not on the earth, and no one would say anything about lovers even if they kiss openly on the earth. After all, this is not earth.

"This is a bank note of 30 million taels of silver that you bring with you. You may use it when you go back. If there is any place for these people to use the silver, you can give them some. They want your help. You can help. These people are also very important people to help you get back the entire Yang family in the future." Li Cong said with a smile, his words made Yang Qiu wide his eyes,'Why do you have to keep your eyes so wide? Ah, this eyeball is about to come out. "

"No, what does it mean to help me get the Yang family back? Is the Yang family mine? I found that your appetite is really getting bigger and bigger. It is good for you to have ambitions. I also appreciate it, but you You have to do what you can. I know you are very capable. I can’t wait to let everyone in the world know that you are capable, but you don’t even know how powerful the Yang family is and how terrifying their penetration is. If they confront you in this province, I think they are not opponents. If they are in Yandong Province, I think ten of you are not their opponents." Yang Qiu said with some worry, since he was a child, he was in Yandong Province. I grew up, so I know everything there.

Li Cong nodded. Although he has not seen the Yang family's forces in Yandong Province with his own eyes, he also knows that the spies sent out have basically never returned. Li Cong knows exactly what happened to them, or betrayal. I was killed by the Yang family, so Li Cong stopped the act of dying. Even if one or two broke through the encirclement of the Yang family, it was of no use. He was alone and wanted to do it. Nothing is that simple. That’s why Li Cong thought of a way to start actions from within the Yang family. Even if you doubt it, it’s absolutely impossible to doubt your own people. Moreover, no matter what generation you are from, these prostitutes Home is what makes them look down on.

"I'm all clear about this. Are you telling me to tell me not to bully you in the future? Your mother's family is very powerful. If I bully you, they will come to me for revenge?" Li Cong said jokingly. It made Yang Qiu anxiously blush. Yang Qiu didn't mean it at all, and Li Cong knew it. This is when I want to find some interesting topics.

"People don't mean that. Dogs bite Lu Dongbin and don't know good people. I don't care about you. I will know when you suffer a loss there. So many families in the capital are greedy for Yandong Province. Yandong Province produces every year. The minerals of the are very huge, they all want to be able to intervene. But except for the emperor every year, no matter what the other princes and dukes. Or the harem concubine, they do not have any income. "Yang Qiuyu said earnestly.

"I know, what you mean is to let me pay attention to the Yang family. I already pay attention to them. Okay, don’t talk about these things. You will leave tomorrow. Let’s not waste our time here. It’s better to go to the top to take a good rest. Here is a new kind of waterbed. I didn’t let anyone use it first. Let’s try it first.” Li Cong said with a smile, on his arm Yang Qiu immediately gave him a few shots, but Li Cong also laughed, without any counterattack, pulling Yang Qiu and leaving. I'll call you this little girl pretty later.

The lingering lingering all night left Yang Qiu with no energy. Li Cong felt sorry for Yang Qiu, so he let them rest for a day and then go back tomorrow. Anyway, Yang Qiu wished not to go back every day, so this time was postponed by one day, Yang Guang and they have played everything they should play, and they have almost eaten everything they should eat. At this time, I had the ability in my hands, so I wanted to go back and try my ability quickly to see what kind of errand Li Cong had given him.

That night Yang Qiu said that he would not let Li Cong into his house. If this person is allowed to come in again, it would be the same as yesterday, so he won’t have to leave tomorrow. Today Yang Qiu feels that many people look at his own eyes. It's different from before. In fact, how did those people think of Yang Qiu in the past. How I look at it now, there is no difference at all. It's just that Yang Qiu himself has a guilty conscience. On the third day, Yang Qiu reluctantly boarded the airship, and Yang Guang followed them one by one. , Although they have all sat on this thing, no one has too many.

Seeing the flying airship Li Cong was also uncomfortable. The next time I saw Yang Qiu, it must be a few months later. There are more engagement and marriage matters. The Yang family belongs to the family. , It is absolutely impossible for oneself to marry Yang Qiu home so easily. It would be too cheap for yourself. Such a thing is simply impossible. As a person in the upper class, all this must be done according to the upper class. The rules of society come.

"Master, don’t read it. I’ll be back in a few days. You should come to see the latest report. We just calculated it. This is our plan. The 227 counties in this province set up our grain shops. Regarding the transportation issue, didn’t the young master say that he had his own way at the beginning? Can we know this way now? Basically, everyone The choice is almost done." Bai Er looked at Li Cong but didn't speak for half an hour. If the young master didn't speak, wouldn't it be a devil? He couldn't let the young master be like that.

Li Cong let out a cry, seeing the minions behind them all looking at him with ambiguous expressions, and then he realized that he might have been a little gaffe just now, but that's the way he is, he is a real person and he has himself. The seven emotions and six desires.

Li Cong took it over and took a look. These are not from the surrounding provinces, nor from Yandong Province and Dai’s family. They are selected from among the four empires on the whole continent that lack food. Li Cong’s grain industry is the real place where rapid development can be achieved. If the grain is invested in these places, the sales volume will increase in the future. As for how to transport this, Li Cong already has a solution. What is it? We’re a space magician. It’s very difficult for others to do things like space rings, but it’s the easiest thing for ourselves. You may not be able to do other things, but this is. Very easy, especially after I have the inheritance of the five-clawed golden dragon, this can be said to be absolutely powerful for these things.

Now Li Cong can quickly make a medium-sized ring. Such a ring can carry about 50,000 tons of grain. No matter how much it is, it may be dangerous. The counties in these places Although the city needs food, the number of 50,000 tons is definitely a lot. The airships that can be sent to send them there are all people who have drunk genetic medicine, and there is absolutely no need to be afraid that they all run away with silver on their backs, they don't have that ability.

"Naturally, I have my method. You ask the shopkeepers you entrust to find out the situation within their scope, and ask them to depart half a month in advance and pass, and half a month's time must be the county where they are located. I’ll clarify the matter. Otherwise, it’s not a trivial matter for our headquarters to just make overall planning.” Li Congkan said to the plan, and everyone here is considered to be able to use the term plan. In the past, I just came in directly with a pile of paper. It was messy. It really didn’t look like a big company. I thought I didn’t say anything at the beginning and I thought I was okay. Who knows this one by one. They were all very thoughtful and helped Li Cong solve many things.

"Master, these people were fine in the past. It's just that you have to approve the money first. According to the plan, we will build nearly 2,800 sales shops. 200 stores with a storage capacity of at least 50,000 tons. Warehouses, 20 grain warehouses with a storage capacity of at least 500,000 tons, and 10 grain warehouses with a storage capacity of at least 1.5 million tons. These cost a total of 956.5 million taels. This is only the construction capital, and the cost of opening up the relationship is not counted. Inside." Bai Er looked at it and said, this is a lot of money. Even if the young master can make money, such an expansion method is rare.

Boss Cui is not an old man of the Cao family. This guy will say something about rapid expansion when he has nothing to do. On the surface, Bai Er and Wu Liu are very satisfied with Boss Cui, but in fact, they all think Boss Cui is worthy. The performance of responsibility. If these things are done well, it may make Cao's family firm somersault, but if they are not done well, this is a catastrophe. Such things are not a joke. If they fail, they can start again.

"Don't worry, I know you are afraid that the Cao family can't support such a development, Bai Er. You can be regarded as an old man following me. Why can't you figure out my psychology? Forget it, you can also do these things. Don’t worry, just leave it to Boss Cui. He will do a good job. You kid obey.” Bai Er’s complaint was not settled. The feelings are really popular, forget it. This guy is so hard, it's not guilty to compete with such a person.

"Master, I don’t mean anything else. I just feel that shopkeeper Cui’s is not the old man in our family after all. This may not be the same as our hearts. Some time ago, this guy jumped up and down. This is offensive. Quite a few people.” Bai Er’s worries are justified. Standing by him, he and Wu Liu are both beautiful on the surface, but they are both from the Cao family. Qidu is in the Cao family. They will never do anything to betray the Cao family. It can be said that they have been marked by the Cao family all their lives. If they do something bad for the Cao family, they are the first to be unlucky. Own, but Boss Cui is different. Although his sister is now the second wife, the relationship between the family and the Cao family is always an employment relationship. If someone else offers a price that cannot be rejected, this...

"This is the first time and the last time I heard this. What this guy needs is unity. Didn’t you cooperate very well at the beginning? I admit that I may take care of him, but he also has him. The ability of you, the loyalty of this group of people is incomparable to others, but you are also inferior to others in this brain. Besides, when you see him being dishonest, why don’t you want to remedy him? He was offended before. If you find the favor on the back foot, it will be over. He can't do anything. You have to remedy this. You will not need to talk about such complaints in the future. Anyway, the three of you are the heads of the Cao family, and one of them made a mistake. The other two will be punished together.” Li Cong left after speaking. This Bai Er was speechless. What did he do with his extra mouth? I wanted to make Boss Cui not be so proud. With a tight curse, even if this kid does something wrong in the future, he will have his own share to follow.

In fact, Li Cong looks at his usual accounts, but he doesn’t care about everything. If he doesn’t care about anything, it’s okay. Boss Cui really spends a lot of money. This may also be related to himself. Always telling him that as long as money can solve things, it is not the cause of the matter. This guy has indeed understood this sentence very thoroughly, and he has always been doing things like that, and encountered obstacles. I don’t care about you. I have gold bricks. If one piece doesn’t work, we have two pieces. If two pieces don’t work, we still have them. Anyway, I’ll be smashing you all the time. At that time, I’ll be honest, and I’ll do things for us honestly. . I won't talk about your shelf problem.

"Oh, my brother-in-law. A happy event, a happy event." Here, Li Conggang is thinking about Boss Cui's business, this guy ran in, really something happy? What kind of things would make this guy so happy.

"What's going on? Could it be that gold fell from the sky, which happened to smash my eldest brother's head?" Li Cong said with a smile. I have never seen Cui Old Conference before, except for those who were reborn after the disaster. time.

"Hehe, didn’t you mention the inappropriate question of Governor Halman a while ago, but now the results have come down. Governor Halman has been promoted, and he went to the Imperial City Procuratorate as an inspector, this guy Isn’t it arrogant? It’s better now. The Metropolitan Procuratorate has basically nothing to do now. It has been emptied by some secret organizations of the emperor. Most people who go there are pensioners. Although it sounds like a promotion, This is actually rising and falling." Cui said with a smile. Indeed, in the past, the police station was a fat man. Many people had their heads reduced and they wanted to go in. Now they have reduced their heads. To come out. This is definitely not a good place for the Procuratorate. There is nothing to do all year round. His Majesty will never think of them, and the courtiers will not think of them even more. Except for the annual tide meeting, the emperor can show up in front of the emperor. Apart from the face, there was basically nothing left at other times, an absolutely leisurely and clean yamen. There is no chance even if there is that greedy heart here, because no one comes.

"I had a pretty good impression of this Halman at the beginning, but I didn't expect that his appetite would be so big later, and he was collecting money everywhere. If it weren't for the economic development of this southern province, the people Basically, there is no way to live. This kind of person is like a silverfish. It’s too late to get this guy out. If this guy gets angry, it won’t be easy to stop. Maybe we will I'll be implicated by this guy too." Li Cong said with a frown at the thought of the cheerful Governor. From the people in the Supervisory Camp to Li Cong who was eating and mixing everywhere, he could feel it. Later, he called people. I started to check this guy carefully. I don’t know if I check it. I was shocked. This guy crazily embezzles at least 100 million taels of silver every year. It can be said that one-third of the court’s taxes are in this guy’s pocket. No wonder it is said that a developed economic province in the southern province has to be subsidized by the government.

"Hehe, Master, this is not the biggest happy event. The biggest happy event is the new governor. The new governor Ferdinand turned out to belong to our wife's mother-in-law. His Majesty said he really took care of us. "This is something Li never expected. It seems that the emperor feels guilty to Cao Zheng again. This is no longer asking people to help himself. Such a thing has never occurred to Li. Indeed, such a person It is a great help to myself.

Li Cong also knew about the princess’s grandfather’s family. His imperial concubine’s mother-in-law was the youngest daughter in the family and the most outstanding daughter. In the past, this family was ranked at best because of the imperial concubine daughter. , This family is also amazing, and it can also enter the top 50 families in the empire. Of course, this is also fast. The foundation will still be a little unstable. After so many years, the foundation is pretty good. .

Ferdinand is the second brother of his imperial concubine’s mother-in-law. The eldest has a lower official position than this Ferdinand, but he is the governor of another province. The third is the third rank of a certain government in the capital. Speaking of it, it’s not a good one. This second uncle can even be said to be the most official and the most powerful in the entire family.

The second uncle used to be not in the local area. He has always served in the military's quarters department. This time he can go to the southern provinces to become governor-general. It can be said that it is really flat. This official position has risen by one level. It is very rare for the army to move to a local area. You must know that every year there are a large number of military personnel in the empire who want to become government personnel, but even 10% of them are not approved because of local vacancies. Too few. These soldiers have suffered enough in the army. When they get to the place, they must treat themselves well. It is also because of their ideas that many strange things have appeared in the entire empire, such as a general. I like women. After I became the lord of the city, I went to the street every day to find a woman to come back. It was really maddening. Even the royal majesty was violated. The emperor was very sad about it, so there have been few since then. People in the army came to the place to be local officials. This time this Ferdinando can be said to be a record-breaking, the first person in the army in decades.

" Yes, this is indeed a big happy event. Have you told your wife?" Li Cong said.

"I haven't had time to go there yet. This is going to go. Brother-in-law, do you think we need to ask someone to take care of this? Or do you go there in person? Other governors don't have that prestige, but this is also It's your uncle's, and the past trip hasn't been a big price drop." Boss Cui thought for a while and said, this guy is a veteran dealing with government officials.

"It's natural. You should prepare some gifts or something. I'll tell your wife that the whole family will pass by. Your sister will also say something. How to say it is the first elder of the royal family I have ever met. It’s too shabby to give someone a face-saving gift, and let the people below bring me this person’s information." Li Cong thought about it and said that he wants to have a good relationship with the future governor. The reason is my wife, and another reason is that I need help from others in my future development. There is no doubt about this.

"Don't worry about this, we will definitely handle this matter." Boss Cui went on as soon as he finished speaking. He never saw Li Cong being so serious. Boss Cui would still think about it on the road, if it was his uncle. I don't know if Li Cong will be like this. The answer is definitely no. Everyone is equal that is a slogan. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...) Guiqiu to share

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