Energy Group

Chapter 1906:

"Brother-in-law, the business on the Magnolia River can be said to be very good. The 90,000 boats in our family have three sailors. In fact, there are more than 15,000 boats in the family, but each time it can only be driven up to 9,000. You can’t go up and down. This seems to be a kind of magic sign made by the magicians of the Wizards’ Guild. The four big families also talked about this in a meeting at the beginning. As long as anyone gets on the ship more, they will kill the ship. In addition, even if the ship that was killed is gone, a large amount of money will still be required. This regulation was formulated thousands of years ago. In fact, the population on both sides has increased by many times. These numbers have long been Not enough, but in order to keep the high freight rates, they will not increase the number of ships one by one. Brother-in-law, if you want to use your brains here, I don’t think the family will support you." Yang Chuan This guy sees things thoroughly, and he still made his own suggestions for Li Cong.

"I think the four big families at the beginning only stipulated the number and size of this cargo ship. They didn't stipulate how fast this cargo ship could be driven?" Li Cong said with a smile. His loophole was this one, which you used. It’s wind power. I will use the machine at that time. We will have a lot of energy. At that time, your boat will come back four or five times, and we will do business by ourselves. You can still earn a fart. Up? One by one, you can't honestly see how we make money.

"This is natural. The speed of the boat is directly related to the natural environment. It is not as fast as you want. Although the sails on sailing boats have been improved to some extent over the years, The speed is still not very fast. If the speed of the ship is downwind, it can be 20 kilometers an hour. It still has to go from upstream to downstream. If it travels from downstream, it is estimated to be 15 kilometers an hour. If the wind is upwind, it is also 10 kilometers. Possibly, it is 15 kilometers an hour on average." Yang Chuan, influenced by his elder brother, can be said to remember these materials very clearly.

Li Cong nodded. Now the technology on the earth is developing very fast. Such a 500-ton ship can completely become a small ship. The speed can reach 50 knots or more. When converted into kilometers, it is about 100 kilometers per hour. This speed can be said to be 7 times that of those ships. If the family’s 9,000 ships are calculated this way, the transportation volume would be 63,000 ships, more than any other family. Moreover, the boat of the Yang family is fast, and many people will transport some things that take time. In this case, their business will definitely decline. When they see Yang Jiadeli, they will always come to negotiate with them. Then they will not be so easy to talk. They have not violated any regulations to play with you. I can't violate the regulations to restrict Lao Tzu. If you play yin, you can't say we don't have a meal.

"Xiaochuan, what is the annual profit of the family fleet now?" Li Cong asked such a question, if others asked it, they would definitely not answer it. This is considered a secret of the family, but it doesn't matter if Li Cong is his own.

"Last year was a relatively good year of income. There were as much as 1.3 billion silver. It was not so much before. There were also when it was 1 billion, but there are those at the lowest level, brother-in-law. What do you want to do? ?" Yang Chuan asked.

"Of course I have my own ideas. My idea is that I want to contract the family's fleet. You said that I would give the Yang family 1.5 billion silver every year and ask them to contract this to me. What would they think?" Li Said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, do you have a fever? How can you do such a thing. When the year is good, you will earn 1.3 billion silver. If the year is not so good, there will not be so many, the most is 1 billion, if you are like this, you will have to lose 200 million silver at the best time of the year. Don't do stupid things." Yang Chuan said, in his opinion. Last year was the best time. There were no major natural disasters on the Magnolia River, and most of the boats went smoothly. It can be said that 9,000 boats did not rest at all. Most of the year was throughout the year. Work endlessly.

"Of course I don't have a fever. You haven't answered my question yet. Do you think the family will be willing?" Li Cong asked.

"The family will naturally be willing. In fact, there have been rentals in history. Just like now, the magicians of the Magician Union will naturally not take care of these things. Their operation rights are in the hands of the Mu Family. Yes, the Mu family is actually the overlord on the Magnolia River, but behind them is the Mage’s Union, so people don’t mention him much. This is contracted to get a little income every year, but brother-in-law, you have to use it. If 1.5 billion silver is contracted, isn’t it a bit of a disadvantage?” Yang Chuan said worriedly. Li Cong is still very satisfied with this guy’s performance. At least this guy still thinks about himself. This kind of kid needs to be taken care of. Now, this kid also knows the fleet very well, and it would be good to let him manage it in the future. This kind of idler at home can be much better managed than those in higher positions.

"You don't need to worry about this. Now my brother-in-law has a good deal for you. This is a cash ticket of 1 million taels of silver. There are 15 in total. You can help me with this matter when you go home. There can be no results. If you can move down, you can still take this number." Li Cong said with a smile. The Jinyuan offensive is a must at this time. It is an old saying that I can't bear children and can't catch wolves. I looked at Yang Chuan enviously. Although the family hadn't arranged things for them, the people born in the big family were all human beings. How could they not know that Yang Chuan had gone a few steps earlier than them. Yes, if you can cooperate with Li Cong, the cousin-in-law, the future path...

"Brother-in-law, are you here for real?" Yang Chuan looked at the banknote in his hand with a bit of dare not imagine. This is 15 million taels of silver. I haven't seen it before, but these silvers are in his hand I felt a little surprised by the above.

"Naturally, it is true. Can it be fake? The condition is that the family will contract to me. The longer they can set the time, the better. They will give them 1.5 billion silver every year. If you can give me this matter If it's done, I promise you will drink it spicy for the rest of your life." Li Cong's fascination with such a child is still very contagious.

"Of course, don’t be idle with you. Each of you has a million dollars. You can help him when you go back. All of you are in a team. You must have team spirit. Remember, if you succeed. If you do, each of you will have your own share. Brother-in-law, I will never break my promise, right. A while ago, didn’t you say that the beautiful and beautiful people of the Southern Empire were your wish? I will give you one." Li Cong said with a smile. Money beauties have been their favorite since ancient times, especially these young people who have never seen the world. "You two." Li Cong said to Yang Chuan.

Several people held their breaths. This Li Cong's shot is so bold. There are three or four people here, each of whom is worth one million dollars. Not counting this, that beautiful woman can be said to be famous. For women all over the world, Hua Jiaoyuan is a very famous place in the Southern Empire. To put it bluntly, it is a place specializing in educating girls. They collected a group of young and beautiful beauties from the world, and they took eight years and ten years to raise them. The girls who came out were all omnipotent in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. They are the real stunners in the hearts of men. There are not many that come out every year, and it is said that they are worth millions of dollars. This has to have its own relationship. If it doesn’t matter, this is something you can’t buy if you have money. One of the Yang family’s previous generations belonged to his own concubine. They had all seen this concubine’s, and they didn’t envy that in their hearts. It was impossible for an uncle, but soon they would have nothing to envy. I have it myself.

"Brother-in-law, don’t worry, if we still can’t do this, it’s really useless, but what the brother-in-law said will be honored for us." Yang Hao is more active than Yang Chuan at the moment. This kid also likes flowers most. It's charming, but I didn't have that condition before, and the distance from Hua Jiao Mei was too far. It's not that far now. I have a chance to realize this wish. If I can't catch it, I'm really a fool.

"How can my brother-in-law take advantage of your little furry kids? Okay, don't talk anymore. The guys on this stage are about to start and have done so many things. Today, I'm here to watch the performance of the forger." Li He said with a smile, but he could see that these people no longer have the mind to look at this here. With Yang Chuan as the center, they have already begun to discuss how to let the family accept this condition. The direct descendants of the Yang family are different from the Yang Guang who went to Jiangning City last time. Yang Guang can only climb slowly from below. They are different. If they become adults, they will have the same When his incident appeared, they would not be too uncomfortable, but the opportunity Li Cong gave them can make them even more advanced. No one will lose this opportunity, time is waiting.

The things on the stage seem to have nothing to do with these guys, but Li Cong looks at it with gusto. The blacksmith on this stage is pretty good, and the blacksmith from the Ouyang family hasn't let it go. People are disappointed. In more than three hours of forging, this guy has produced a good weapon that can be used by 7th-level fighters. Li Cong also has a preliminary grasp of the steps of this forging. The person who polished his own material slowly made the whole material very small in the iron furnace. The essence in the middle is what is needed to build the weapon. The other things are not needed, and then it is After building it over and over again, Li Cong found that their stove fires were not very sufficient when they watched it. If a fire magician comes, it can definitely be built in one hour, or even two to three at the same time. For more than one, Li Cong doesn't have time now. If he has time in the future, he will definitely try it.

"I said, how are you guys discussing, and after spending so much money to come in to see others forging, why didn't all of your eyes lift up." This person is almost gone, Li Cong is still thinking about it. As for the action just now, I saw my brother-in-laws still discussing there one by one. These guys have been discussing for a few hours. Their whispers make people around me very uncomfortable, but seeing them Several of them are from the Yang family. Besides, Li Cong’s identity has basically been exposed. With such a brother-in-law, who dares to heat them, it’s just unlucky for themselves. Why sit with them. It's around, don't the organizers who haven't seen the conference dare to come over to talk? Don't look for that boring one yourself.

"Brother-in-law, go out first if you have things. We still have our things. Otherwise, we won’t be able to earn your money. And that sweet and beautiful person, you can quickly prepare for us, and we people do things. That’s 100% okay.” Yang Chuan hurriedly sent Li Congji out. It’s better not to let this brother-in-law grow up on these things. These boys don’t have any good ideas one by one. You can't destroy your image. In the future, I have to follow Li Conghun, if this is for Li Congdu to understand. There will be no chance to use it in the future.

Li Cong could only helplessly give a few words to the subordinates who followed them. These few people are also important children of the Yang family. If something happens, he will be involved more or less, and Li Cong will also stay. With a few of his own, now Li Cong’s guards are all seventh-level fighters. They all came out of that mysterious training camp. Now there are more than 3,000 fifth-level fighters (archers) in it, more than 1,200 six. Class Warriors (Archers), 400 Class Seven Warriors (Archers). 12 eighth-level fighters (archers) As for the ninth-level fighters, it is impossible, at least for now, it is impossible, and because of Lu Manjia's Chinese medicine, their loss ratio has dropped significantly, otherwise More people will die.

All these people only listened to Li Cong's words. They all knew what Li Cong had in his eyes. Such subordinates are really very comfortable to use. Each of them understands that they are adapted by the person in front of them. They don't think about what the boss tells them to do. They just know what the person in front of them tells them to do. They all have to do it.

Li Cong ran into Miss Ouyang Qiu again when he went out, but the one who greeted her actively at the moment became Li Cong.

"Miss Ouyang. I didn’t expect that we would meet so soon. I really didn’t expect your Ouyang forge to be so powerful. In a blink of an eye, a piece of iron lump turned into a good weapon. It’s very good, I’m very I want to become a blacksmith, I don't know if Miss Ouyang will ask me to watch if she does some work someday?" Li Cong said with a smile, and he was telling the truth. He really wanted to see how the master forged, and he certainly didn't help him at all, but his expression didn't seem to be so good now.

"It's good if you have a chance." At this moment, it is replaced by Ouyang Qiu's never pretending to be too silly to Li. This is also a normal thing. How Li has made things difficult for others just now, they can't forget it in a while, Li I have seen a lot of things like this, and I have seen a lot of girls like this. At least one sentence can tell who this person is.

"By the way, Master Cao, I forgot to tell you. The Mu family's advantage is not so easy to take advantage of. I don't think the meal at night is so delicious." This woman did not forget to give Li Cong a few words before leaving. If it's not very comfortable.

"Hehe, I have prepared the one. In fact, you may not know me very well. I am most comfortable with such uncomfortable meals. For that kind of very comfortable meals, I honestly don’t Why do you want to eat? I don’t know if you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the answer? Also, if you are willing to cooperate with me now, I think you may not suffer so much in a few months, otherwise you have to think about it next time. It’s not that simple to work with me." Li Cong said with a smile, and it’s really like this. Ouyang’s family really missed an opportunity. In fact, it’s not just Ouyang’s family, as long as they were with Li Cong. People who cooperate will make a lot of money, but those who don't cooperate will only cry.

Ouyang Qiu didn't say anything. He just glanced at Li Cong angrily and took his entourage out. In her opinion, the transportation business on the Yulan River has not changed for so many years. This income is for them. It’s not necessarily so rich for the family, but this is a very stable source of the family. If there are no special circumstances, it is estimated that the family will never move here. Many people understand this very well. She also thinks that it is very correct that she refuses Li Cong's refusal, otherwise Li Cong doesn't know what to be arrogant.

After Li Cong went out, because no one took him around for a while, he could only return to the place where he lived. Because of the real estate on the earth, Li Cong developed a habit of going to a place. I would definitely buy a house and land for myself. This is also a habit. No, Li Cong bought a small three-in-one house in this place, and bought about 500 hectares of land. This house is estimated Lived by myself this time. I don’t know when I will come to live in the future, but everything here needs to be prepared. Even if it’s a stronghold of my own intelligence agency, I can still earn thirty thousand taels of silver every year. If you use the seeds Li Cong brought from the earth, it is estimated that they can earn one hundred thousand taels of silver. This is not a small amount. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is a piece of meat.

Li Cong's four maids have now become his concubines. It was Xichun who followed this time, although Xichun has become a concubine. But for Li Cong, he still did everything by himself, and he didn't become a little arrogant because he changed from a maid to what he is now. Seeing that Li Cong came back, he quickly took off his clothes for Li Cong. Then let Li Cong sit on the chair of the imperial master, make tea for Li Cong, and give Li Cong a few massages behind him.

"Okay, don't do this. You don't have to sit down after these things. I don't have so many problems. Besides, I haven't been anywhere today, and I'm not very tired. , Where is it worth making you serve me like this." Li Cong touched Xichun’s little hand and said. In fact, Li Cong still likes little women like this at home a lot. To be honest, several of his wives are a bit strong . But having four beautiful concubines is very comfortable.

"What the young master said? No matter when it comes, Xichun still knows who she is and cannot be equal to the young master." Xichun stood beside Li Cong and said, indeed, she really didn't dare to sit on Li Cong. The opposite.

"Haha. I really don’t know how many times I have to tell you. In this family, when there are no old ladies or a few wives, you are the mistress of this family. Why do you want to embarrass yourself so much? Just sit down, don’t you? Don't you want to live in a two-person world with me?" Li Cong said, and what he said is normal for him. But in Xichun, this sounded like a remarkable thing, and many people in this world would not do things like this.

"Master, you are so kind to your servant..." Xichun's eyes burst into tears. She is really very happy. The maids in other people's houses are also serving the young master, but after the lady at the main house enters the door The days of these maids are not so good. The wife of the main house can't tolerate them. They usually move out of their own house. They may not see their man for a year or two, if they have a child. It might be okay if you don’t have children, you can only live like that in your life, and it’s a long time.

"Didn't I say that I am not allowed to say that I am a slave and maidservant in the future. Just say that you are a concubine. There are so many slaves and maids in the house." Li Cong said, holding Xichun's hand and the two of them went back I went to the little garden, and all the people in this mansion came from Jiangning City. Li never bought people here casually. These people don’t know what’s going on, Jiangning City. There are so many domestic servants, many of whom have no errands. They are just right here. They also feel normal to their young master’s strange behavior. After all, Li Cong has done more and no one is curious. Up.

On the other hand, the purpose of the Ouyang family’s participation in this exchange meeting this time can be said to be only half achieved, that is, to tell everyone that the Ouyang family has extended their power here, but their other purpose is to I cooperated with Li Cong, who knew that Li Cong didn’t give them this face. It made them feel very uncomfortable, especially Ouyang Qiu. For the first time, Ouyang Qiu felt that his personal charm had declined so quickly, which made her I even had doubts about myself. You must know that such a thing had never happened before, but now it has happened.

"Miss, we have already made a clear investigation. In the past year, the Yang family's expenditure on food has been reduced by 100 million taels of silver. This is only on the surface, secretly they have lost a lot of manpower and material resources. We have also calculated that because Cao Ke cooperated with them to sell food, they can save at least 500 million silver each year, and they have also recently begun to intervene in the food business. They have already bought from Cao Ke on their own. The low-priced food that came was sold to some of their original spheres of influence, and they also made a profit of tens of millions of taels of silver." A guy with the appearance of a servant took the ledger in his hand and said, they are deadly enemies with the Yang family. It’s normal to have one or two spies at home, and it’s also normal to get the news, but the accuracy depends on your own judgment. Maybe this is something that the Yang family discussed with Li Cong and took the initiative to release something. Fake news. These things are likely to happen.

"Huh, this **** Cao Ke, who didn't cooperate with us, did they have any contact with us? Is there any way we can make this guy regret it?" Ouyang Qiu is gone now when he is outside. With that expression, I thought that my first setback was given to me by this guy, so I didn't get angry, and it was normal to feel unhappy.

"Miss. This seems to be a bit difficult. We don't have any contact with Cao's family." The steward seems to have no intention of scrupulous about Miss. I just said the words directly, and then silently pushed it out. What's left is that all these things in the house have been shattered. This woman is really losing her mind at the moment.

The people of Ouyang's family really rarely see their young lady making such actions. In their opinion, their young lady is very aware of what she is doing at ordinary times and will never do such a thing. It seems that this Master Cao Ke is not so powerful, and can make their young lady lose her mind. Such a person should not be an enemy.

Li Cong and Xichun had a wonderful afternoon. Although it is impossible to have a big garden in this small house, the weather in this season is still very good, and some plants here are not available in Jiangning City. Two people are drying in the pavilion in the small garden. The sun is also very good. Li Cong also saw that there is still a small pond here, and you can get some fish in it. It is also good to go fishing here when you are fine.

Soon it was night. Li Cong can only say sorry to Xichun. Originally, Xichun meant to cook Li Cong's dinner by himself, but Li Cong also had to eat with the Mu family. People meeting was originally optional, but after knowing that they were the spokespersons of the Wizards' Guild, it was different, and I had a deep connection with the Wizards' Guild. Maybe they can get a batch of ships from them. Li Cong’s intelligence agency has already given an answer. The transportation business on the Yulan River is now between 13 billion and 15 billion silver each year. This is less than one percent at all. If it is fully opened, this number will have an explosive growth. What Li Cong wants is this explosive growth. If you can win the contracting rights for these ships, you will definitely make a big profit. These people will also get at least a 20% increase in their current income, although the 9,000 ships of the Yang family should be no problem. Yes, but at this time, no one would feel that he made less money, and now that Li has started to expand on a large scale, he has spent more money in all aspects, and no matter how much money he has, he will not feel that he has made more money.

The place where the Mu family chooses to entertain guests is their stronghold in this city. People like them would never choose to entertain guests in a hotel. First, they are not very hidden, and there are all kinds of people. Second, they are family members. The cook in my own home is many times better than those in the so-called big restaurants, and I can eat better at home.

The Mu family’s house is slightly larger than Li Cong’s. They are three-in and three-out. There are many such houses in the whole city. There is no obvious place at all. If not, If you come in, who knows that this is a stronghold of the Mu family, and the location is not very good, it can be said to be ordinary among ordinary.

But after entering the house, it is completely different from the outside. The outside is very ordinary. Any place in this house reveals the luxury. Anything inside is not very cheap, and Many of them are still things you can't buy when you have money. It's like where Li sits now. This chair is an antique hundreds of years ago. Although Li Cong doesn't know this thing very well, it's good or bad. I also have this thing in my own home. It is said that Wu Liu spent 150,000 taels of silver to get it, but there are only four in his own house, but there are eight in others.

"Master Cao, I will introduce myself first. My name is Mu Qing. I am the person in charge of the Mu family in the east. Today's things at Muzhan in the daytime really make Master Cao Renhaihan. The junior is too rude. Don't worry, Master Cao. I will never see that kid again. "It was a middle-aged man who came in. The few people who appeared at the exchange meeting were standing behind this guy. It was obvious that this guy's abilities should be the boss of those people, and the rest of them must listen to him.

"Hehe, I almost don't remember this thing, these boys are too lack of discipline, but young people have their own impulses. It is normal to want to behave in front of women, it's okay." Li Cong said. But I was sighing that this Mu family was really good enough. Just because I was dissatisfied with that guy, I put that guy to death. I absolutely can't do such a thing. After all, it is also a descendant of my own family. Very good offspring, as long as they can learn a certain lesson from this matter, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Master Cao, please, these things are all carefully prepared by us, especially this crystal lake cicada. This thing is a good thing, and we took a lot of effort to get these things." This dish Li Congye I have heard of it. Because the cost is too high and it is not always possible to get it, Li Cong also ate it for the first time. This lake cicada was obtained from the big round lake in the frozen forest in the north. The combat power is almost the same as the fourth-level monster. The most important thing is that this thing will die as long as it leaves the frozen forest. Many people have studied such things for a long time, but they don’t know what is going on. After all, everyone’s current level of research is not very high. Yes, so if you want to transport this thing to human society, you must simulate the living environment of the frozen forest. In this way, the cost will be high. If Li Cong is right, this dish will cost hundreds of thousands taels of silver, and the number of lake cicadas is not very large. It is estimated that there will only be one person on this table.

"Well, it is indeed very delicious, thank you for allowing me to taste such a delicious thing." Li Cong said with a smile.

"In fact, food is still secondary. We asked Master Cao to come to us this time. There is actually another thing, that is, Master Cao’s airship transportation. We have received information from other sources. Some big cities in the empire are preparing to set up some pick-up points. I wonder if our Mu family can cooperate with Master Cao?" They must also know that Li Cong’s airship is profitable in the Warcraft Mountains, which is ten times shorter than the original. It’s not dangerous. Li Cong did have this plan, but he stopped because of the lack of allies. At present, it’s good to do it in the south and east. As for The northern part of the central and western parts is basically no good. The place where they got the news should be the Wizards’ Union. Li Cong has already confirmed with his master that the route from Beijing to Jiangning City will be opened next month. No, I don’t know which route the Mu family wants.

"I don't know which place Mr. Mu is talking about, can you be more specific?" Li Cong said.

"Master Cao is quick to talk, we are considering the route from the western city of the empire to the capital. I wonder if Master Cao is interested in this side?" Li Cong does not have much interest in this route, because the western route is already open. That is the route from the Western Empire to the Empire. This kind of international route is the most profitable. The western part of the Empire is not very far from the capital. The farthest place is only 20,000 kilometers. If the horse is fast, it will be within three or four months. It can also be there.

"Mr. Mu, with all due respect, one of the main problems facing my airship now is the shortage of numbers. This route in the western part of the empire is not very useful to me. For the time being, I do not have this plan. I already have it in the west. A longer route. We’re in business. The route from the western part of the empire to the capital is not very long, and the economy there is not very developed, so I think business will not be much better in the future, but from the west. The route from the empire to the capital of our empire is very good. In the future, I will add an intermediate landing point as appropriate.” Li Cong said. In fact, Li Cong does not have many routes at all. After the battle is over, you can have as many as you want, that is, Li Cong does not have that many people who will open it. Although now a batch of airships are released every month in the training base, the number of airships can be increased every month. However, there are only a dozen planes, and there are still many places in the Warcraft Mountains that have not been covered, let alone these places, their profits are not as good as those on the Warcraft Mountains.

"Master Cao seems to have done a detailed investigation here. The economic environment in the west is not as good as other places. This is also caused by the inconvenient transportation in the west, but there are definitely a lot of rich people in the west. Many of you hope to be able to get closer to some big cities. If there are routes, I dare say that even if the prices are higher than yours, there will definitely be people on other routes. It’s not as good as we can cooperate like this~www Master Cao’s airship can be contracted to us. Master Cao can just ask for your current profit. All other losses and profits are our business, how about it?" When they proposed to contract their ships, they started to propose this one by one. It was really interesting. Suddenly Li Cong thought that the Mu family was also the ship of the contracted wizards’ union. They were more involved in contracting than themselves. There are more lines, and things like this are getting more and more interesting.

"Hehe, this is the first time I have encountered this method. Let's put it this way, I can get there in five days on the route from Jiangning City to Beijing. Your western cities should also be within this range. These five days Every airship can bring me hundreds of millions of dollars in income at time. I don’t know what contract price you will have?" Li Cong said with a smile. What he said is true. I believe the Mu family. If they really investigate, they will know what Li Cong said is true.

"Master Cao, although there are many rich people in the west, not everyone is willing to spend this money. We pay 300 million silver for each route from the west to the capital, and we also pay the same price when we come back. Master Cao is responsible for the airship and the pilots. We will also bear all the salaries of these people, but Master Cao must guarantee that we will give us at least ten airships. I don’t know what Master Cao means?” Six hundred million dollars is almost the same. As for how they operate the rest, it’s not Li. Li Cong will not put the Cao’s house on the airship. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation...)

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