Energy Group

Chapter 1929:

The black magic pharmacists also have a very powerful ability, that is, they can transfer the internal injuries they have suffered to all their own lives. This ability is also not available to others. In theory, if the various lives in their hands are unlimited. , Then this person may not die. Of course, trauma is inevitable. The main cause of master fights is internal injuries. The **** used the fastest time to transport his injuries.

As a result, the plant life exploded in the next minute. A huge plant life explosion can be said that the entire Xinjiangning city shook for a long time. Most of the citizens were dumbfounded. The place where the explosion occurred was in this city. The Cao family is the best, what happened to the Cao family? What's the matter if you encounter a strong enemy you can't resist? The masters in the city passed quickly towards the Cao family, but if they didn’t find out, the masters belonging to the Cao family are not running in the direction of the Cao family at this time, but the Cao family’s stronghold outside the city. They want Gather there, and then leave here quickly. There is no place for them to guard in this city, and no one for them to guard. It can be said that it is a worthless city. They also sent news to the government. Now, the evacuation of the people is naturally a matter of the government.

The half of the Cao’s family that occupies a huge area was directly turned into a waste area. Basically, there is nothing here. Hundreds of Cao’s subordinates died here. Of course, when Wu Liu retreated, too Those who had their own plans, these hundreds of people were simply the ones who had been inserted in from other families, and Li had known them for a long time. Therefore, when they retreated, Wu Liu regarded them as a loss to the Cao family, and he could explain it to everyone at that time.

Almost all ordinary people are scared to death. They don’t know what’s going on. It’s just their instinct that makes them want to leave here. They don’t want to stay here anymore. Several city gates were squeezed for a while. They can't walk anymore. The ordinary people are naturally walking and dragging their homes. Those wealthy households are all riding in carriages. The horses in front are running at full capacity. They know that they must never stop at this time. If the households stopped, they would definitely be surrounded by these ordinary people. At that time, it was impossible to go out. They had to take advantage of the impact of the carriage at this time. No matter how many people died in front of them, their goal was only one. That is to go out. Post-event statistics. The wheels of every carriage that rushed out were full of blood, most of which were the blood of the people in this city.

In the middle of the storm, King Lear glanced at the little tiger not far away. He didn't know the offensive power of the tenth-level beast before. Now I understand that this guy is not something he can resist. Fortunately, it was a tentative offense just now. If you are alone, you might be able to kill yourself with one move. This guy is really amazing. No one can beat the tenth level of Warcraft. This is definitely not empty talk.

"Unexpectedly, you two have some ability. It is good to keep your head under my attack, but I will use my real ability next. I hope you two can also resist it." The tenth-level beasts spoke, and both King Lear and the **** looked at everything incredible. Most of the tenth-level beasts could not speak, but it is said that the top-level existence of the tenth-level beasts can speak. The voice they heard was like the voice of a young boy. If he could be transformed into a human form, then this guy must be the top ten-level beast among the beasts. King Lear and the **** seemed to be electrocuted. The same, they knew when they entered the city that this powerful figure in the Cao family was not that simple. At that time, they were scared and thought about retreating, but they never expected to be so powerful.

After Xiaohu finished speaking, he acted as if he was going to attack. Now the **** knew that King Lear was telling the truth. He had to use his own ability to press the box, even if it was some precious and terrible things. I have to take it out. This thing is of course very valuable, but no matter how valuable it is, it can’t keep up with my own life. Isn’t it important that the **** broke a dozen small bottles immediately before Xiaohu rushed over, and there was black inside. Ghosts have cultivated a variety of lives over the years. These things have cost nearly tens of millions of people’s lives. Each of them is more powerful than the plant life that died just now. Even the worst can match that. It's almost the same. Although these things are cultivated by old ghosts, according to their sect's rules, these things are not the nigga's own. This belongs to the entire organization. If the organization knows the **** use it, the **** will also be affected. It's a small loss, but now I can't take care of that much. Even if I punish myself, I will never kill myself, but the thing in front of me is going to kill myself, and the difference can still be understood.

King Lear won’t have any reservations. He also took out his own magic weapon. King Lear has two magic weapons. The one he used here is not the one he often uses, but A sword, the world knows that King Lear’s sword is very powerful, but what they don’t know is that in fact, King Lear can use the sword with his right hand and the sword with his left hand. In fact, the masters basically know how to use both hands. The combat effectiveness of manipulating different weapons is very powerful. Many people don’t understand that one mind and two use are powerful, so they cannot succeed. This is the first time King Lear has used this in front of a living person, because before Someone who saw him working at the time was either dead or stupid. Now when his life is dying, he can’t hide anything. Now he has to use any method that can prevent this guy from killing himself. .

Over there, Xiaohu glanced contemptuously at these hundreds of meters tall objects made by the nigger. In his opinion, these guys are all a lot bigger than their bodies. There is no big deal. From his perspective , Neither the attack power nor the defense power of these guys are very useful. If you want to kill them, it is a very simple thing. These things will not be your opponent.

"Kill this bastard." The **** said vigorously, wishing to use all of his strength for breastfeeding. This guy’s voice can be seen by anyone. He himself is afraid. He hopes to use a loud shout to relieve the fear in his heart, but the more you do this, the more your enemy can see your mind. It was already messed up. King Lear frowned and looked at this guy. There are more than a dozen such powerful beings. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. If they rush up together, the vitality they use is definitely one. A terrible number, this **** won't last long. He is likely to be resolved quickly. Well, it's a blessing to run into such a pig-like teammate. I hope I can run away while this guy is killed. This may be my only chance. Although the opportunity is not great.

A few swaying plant life rushed towards the little tiger. Their bodies are already more than 300 meters tall. In fact, they are still growing slowly, but their height already makes their growth not so easy to see. Their bodies are the soil on the ground. But it looks very strong. The most important thing is that if their limbs are broken, they can still grow out. Just like those things in the Western Empire, their bodies are more powerful than those in the Western Empire. It's very tough, and it won't even be unable to withstand the attack of a seventh-level fighter. Even if all aspects are improved, what is it to Xiaohu?

Xiaohu lowered his head, shook his head vigorously, and straightened his head suddenly, "Roar..." with a roar, the entire Xinjiangning city, whether it was a beast or a poultry, knelt tremblingly towards Xiaohu. The direction of trembling, King Lear knew that this was the signature attacking Lion King roar of the tenth-level demon, and some ordinary people around him were horrified when they heard this roar.

Looking at the three mud creatures in front of Xiaohu, they immediately disintegrated. Although the broken limbs can grow up again, the whole body is in a broken state. How can this grow?

The **** came out with another mouthful of blood. This guy’s body is connected to these various beings. The earth beings were killed without even using their own ability, and his body would naturally be harmed. The **** was dumbfounded. He never thought that his clay life would be so useless. He remembered clearly that this clay life directly killed four eighth-level fighters and two eighth-level archers during the Eastern Empire. Yes, this is not someone who has never been on the battlefield, but what about the current situation? Even the roar of others cannot be resisted. In fact, the **** should now thank Xiaohu for reducing the power of the Lion King just now in order not to harm ordinary people. Otherwise, it is estimated that the **** might make this roar at this time. It's done, Xiaohu can be regarded as giving this guy a little face in disguise.

These created lives should have no ideas of their own. They will follow the nigga’s orders and rush up directly. No matter what it is in front of them, they will not be afraid, but at this moment the **** sees in them. Fear, these guys are reluctant to attack Xiaohu, which surprised him a bit, this is something that has never been encountered before, the coercion of the tenth level of monsters can even be adapted to these guys.

The **** no longer threatened Xiaohu. From the beginning they came in, Xiaohu felt as if the greatest threat was the nigger, but after a long battle, Xiaohu thought his feeling was wrong. , This guy doesn’t have any fighting power at all. It can be said that there is no fighting power that hurts him. It’s not as good as the king Lear who didn’t take a shot. Xiaohu glanced at this guy contemptuously, except that he would make all these inconsistencies. There is no such thing as a little skill, Xiaohu turned his eyes on the ready King Lear, maybe he could try it on this kid.

In fact, if Xiaohu is an ordinary tenth level beast in the Warcraft Mountains, he may not be so easy. He can definitely win against King Lear and the nigger, but it is definitely not that simple. Now Xiaohu's combat effectiveness can be It is said that it is the combat power of two tenth-level beasts in the Warcraft Mountains. It is estimated that he rarely exists in the entire Warcraft Mountains. It is estimated that they can appear in hundreds of thousands of years or even longer. As for King Lear, this is called black Ghost guys, they’re really unfortunate to have arrived home. They didn’t think one by one that the masters here would be such a person. If they were a human, they could even absorb the skills of these people with the most top techniques. of. But for the combat power and vitality of the monsters, they have no choice but to watch, now there is one more, waiting to die.

King Lear saw Xiaohu look over. He knew it was not that simple this time. Rather than waiting to be killed, he might as well rush once. King Lear lifted up his two magic soldiers and danced his most peerless. Martial arts, if someone is here. Would definitely appreciate King Lear's ability. Whether it is a knife or a sword, it is definitely very powerful in the hands of King Lear, and it surprised them all, especially when Prince Zheng is here. He would definitely say that King Lear is an absolute genius. If such a person continues to cultivate. At the age of Prince Zheng, Prince Zheng will definitely be over, but now he has no chance to see it. Little Tiger would not say anything to such a person, so he went straight up. Little Tiger’s claws touched King Lear’s knife. The dozens of large trees around could not stand the impact. They were already The blow fell down. The surrounding houses are all made of the hardest material, but now the roof is gone one by one after a while. The two people stood still for a full tenth of a second. For humans, this tenth of a second will not feel anything, because this time is too short, but for these masters, this time is really not short, and each person and beast have already experienced this. The perception of this offense.

Xiaohu felt a fiery sensation from his paws, and he seemed to underestimate the human beings. If this guy's body collides with his own body, it is estimated that this guy's body is already fragmented, but now he It just feels a little numb. As for his magic weapon, it's not so good at the moment. The person in contact with Xiaohu can be said to be an inferior magic weapon, but even such a thing can be valuable. With more than trillions of silver, cracks appeared in the place where the magic soldier and Xiaohu were in contact.

What... King Lear looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. He didn’t know how much money and energy he had wasted before he made it out. Now he can’t resist even one move. This is definitely not himself. If you want, King Lear feels that he has failed in an instant, a failure that has never happened before, but this is not over yet, Xiaohu sneered, if you think that the attack of the tenth level beast is so easy to catch If you do, that’s a big mistake. In fact, you can think of it with your feet. Just now, Xiaohu used his anxious voice to wipe out the life in the mud, and now he directly touches you with his body. Now, if you just damage a handful of magic weapons, is this an illusion of tenth-level monsters? Or it was a kind of disrespect. With Xiaohu's sneer, Shenbing Peng shattered with a cry.

The damage started now, Xiaohu retreated fiercely, and King Lear's eyes showed horror. He didn't understand why the tenth-level monster that had the upper hand would suddenly shrink back. This was a bit unreasonable. Soon he I understand what is going on. The fragments of the sacred soldiers did not fall to the ground at this moment. At this moment, they all seem to have life, and they all face their hideous smiles. As King Lear flew over, King Lear absolutely knew how powerful these divine weapon fragments were. They could definitely split his body. King Lear used his fastest body. Fa, only in this way can I leave quickly. Otherwise, my own goose may die here, and the **** sacrificed one of his liquid lives, and King Lear avoided this attack, but When King Lear fell on the ground half a minute later, there were already three fragments of the gods in his body. Although he was not in his vital position, the damage to himself could be said to be the least, but this person I can't afford to lose it. One move makes people beat me like this. Even if the opponent is a level ten monster, King Lear feels that he is really very sad, and he wants it all. Cried.

"I really don't know how the strength of human society will decline so fast. How can you say that you are a tenth-level fighter, and what invincible fighters are you talking about. But look at what you have done. You are even one of mine. You can't stop it, how can you call it a human invincible warrior? Don't you feel ashamed? If I were you, I would definitely wipe my neck." Xiaohu's ability to speak is also very good, and he follows every day. Li from such a master. If this little mouth is not used for training, it would be too brainless. King Lear will vomit blood when he hears this sentence. He is so humiliated by a monster, how can this be? To rush up again, the **** hurriedly dragged his injured body to this guy. The **** was not worried about him, but King Lear was dead, and he could not go out.

"Don't be told by this guy that you have lost your mind. If that's the case, we will definitely fail. See our enemies clearly. Fight, let's be together." People who know **** don't believe this guy would say this. People who know him also know that this guy is definitely not so loyal to his face, but many people know the treacherousness of this guy. So no one will believe it. But now King Lear has no other choice. He had to cooperate with this guy. King Lear glanced at the nigger, and now he can only believe this guy. But he has his own plan. He can't follow the nigga's method. It can be confirmed just now. The two of them add up to 1+1=2, but the combat power of the opposite person is definitely 10. The above guys, they will definitely die if they go up like this.

"You cover me for a minute, and I absorb these people around me. I want to gain enough combat power in the shortest time. At that time, I will stop him, and then you will run away, but all your life creation must be given to I stay, how do I get out is my business, how?" King Lear said, the **** looked at King Lear in a little surprised, this plan is very risky for the nigger, maybe he has no choice. It would not be able to withstand this guy's one-minute attack. If that were the case, King Lear would be able to escape within this period of time. By that time, he would suffer too much, and this guy would definitely not stay.

"Except for this method, we can’t run out. Believe me, after I break through, my combat effectiveness will rise a lot. It’s okay to escape without defeating this guy. This is our only chance. If we go up as you said, They will die here, it is impossible to run out." King Lear said anxiously, this is not the time to hesitate, because he has already seen the tiger on the opposite side to do the next attack.

Indeed, Xiaohu doesn’t have much patience anymore. He has just made a breakthrough. He also wants to try his abilities, so he wants to use these two men as his touchstones, but obviously these two This guy is not the one he was looking for. The facts of these two guys are extremely bad, so there is no need for any reservations at all. Just solve these two guys in one fell swoop. This is the best way for him. Now, because Xiaohu has his own feeling as a tenth-level demon, he feels that these two guys will definitely have his own hole cards, and his attack will make him die directly. coming.

"Okay, I believe it once." The **** looked at King Lear and said. He didn’t know King Lear for a long time and didn’t know much about this guy, but he knew there was no other way, so he followed King Lear said that he didn’t follow his method; if he did it, he would definitely die here. There would never be a second result. Just fight it once. I hope that King Lear’s character will not follow outsiders. The legend is so bad. He knew King Lear’s terrible absorption capacity. If he worked desperately, he could definitely absorb the vitality of tens of thousands of people in one minute, but this indiscriminate absorption would affect King Lear’s body. It was said that it was a burst of destruction. He was holding his own future in exchange for the current security. The result of doing this was two. One was that after success, King Lear could soar in strength, and the other exploded and died.

King Lear smiled, and he immediately flew up to a place he thought was safer. At least this place is not a place that Xiaohu can reach in an instant. He wants to absorb the vitality of the people in this city here. It was the only way he could get out, and Xiaohu over there had already jumped up. Those few life-making skills just now had already been seen, relying on them to stop Xiaohu for a minute? Don’t be kidding, let alone a minute, it’s impossible even for half a minute. They don’t have the ability at all. At the moment they see Xiaohu coming up and even want to leave, Xiaohu doesn’t even look at it. Looking at them, his target was King Lear in the distance. The **** and his **** subordinates weren't Xiaohu's target at all. In Xiaohu's eyes, these guys are just garbage, hopeless garbage.

"Beast, stop for me, dare to ignore my existence. I am a great black magic potionist. We are the greatest profession. What kind of magician is not as good as ours. Do you want to pass? Impossible, come Fight." It may be because of these **** rhetoric. Those who had already felt the retreat of the created life rushed towards Xiaohu frantically. Xiaohu was also taken aback. He really didn't know how this inexperienced Dongi could have such a big tone. No matter what kind of ability this guy has, just rely on the words he just said. I will greet you well today. Make you feel like you haven't come to this world for nothing.

When Xiaohu was about to go up and give this guy a claw, he suddenly found that this guy was holding a black bottle in his hand. Seeing the appearance of this thing, Xiaohu felt that this thing should cause some huge disasters in the world, so he must get this thing before the bottle burst. If you compare his ability with the idiot opposite, he can get this thing, but since the **** took it out, he wouldn’t give Xiaohu a chance. When Xiaohu wanted to get 2 this thing in his mind The Burleigh bottle was already crushed, and the face of King Lear in the distance was also shocked. I did not expect that there would be such a thing in the hands of the nigger, in order to save his own life, this **** actually Dare to take out such a thing, this is too terrible.

Xiaohu stopped his sprint because he felt danger. If the things inside came out, it would definitely not be something to provoke. Xiaohu felt it. As expected, when Xiaohu stopped, the black liquid in the bottle immediately disappeared. He began to absorb a lot of things around him. No matter what it was, he was in the process of absorbing. A huge body not far away started to rise. This guy has everything in his body, of course. Most of them are human bodies and corpses, and there are many living people on them. They are all people around Cao’s family. From the perspective of Xiaohu, at least tens of thousands of people have been absorbed into this, and they all started to slowly. It changed. At the beginning, these people could still be called human, but in less than a minute, these so-called people began to change, and they all became hideous, as if They hate everything in this world, and their eyes have become hollow. Xiaohu doesn't know what it is, but he knows that this giant of thousands of people is a bit threatening to him.

This is really a complete bastard. This is the fire demon spawned by the **** with half of his life force. Such a thing is the last weapon of the black magic potionist. He is a monster, a demon, and he will not care about other things after he comes out. People just want to absorb the world they see. When they don’t want to stop, as long as they see something alive, they will absorb it into their body, and then they will use their own blood to absorb This poor kid who absorbed in became a part of his body, and at the same time, all the fighting power of this guy is his own. Such a guy has appeared two or three times in history, and each time it caused a catastrophe, it is recorded in history. , The most recent time appeared 150,000 years ago. The Balrog that appeared was also released at the last time by a black magic pharmacist. Because there was no master around at the time, this Balrog absorbed millions of people and killed two. A tenth-level warrior and several ninth-level magicians were killed before he was killed. Then he was taken to the desert, where there was no one inhabited, and he could not absorb the human spirit before he died there. , Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with this kind of thing. Now this guy has only absorbed a few people and already has the ability of an eighth-level fighter.

Xiaohu is not a fool, he can see that this thing is actually being assembled slowly, he would never give this guy such an opportunity, Xiaohu went up and tore this guy apart, the **** did not expect Xiaohu With this ability, Xiaohu went up with a paw. This uncompleted Balrog became two yuan, and then he was kicked out. He kept flying for nearly 800 meters, and the entire Cao Mansion became He was in a waste area. The Balrog came up and got hurt and he was really furious. He didn't expect that there would be such a powerful thing that could inflict serious injuries on himself. This guy staggered to his feet and slowed his body. Join slowly. Then he opened his blood basin and rushed towards the little tiger not far away. This guy is more than 30 meters tall. The little tiger looks like a child in front of this guy. If this kind of battle is only from In terms of body shape, it seems to be a bit unequal, but in terms of strength, this huge guy is still a bit unsightly, and this huge guy is a bit out of date.

The fire demon is a perverted version of the black magic pharmacist. Their working principle is the same as that of the black magic pharmacist. They will quickly absorb human vitality. Only the black potionist will judge. When they absorb too much, they will stop and take a good rest for a while, but they don’t know what is called rest. They will only continue to absorb it. It seems that if they stop, they might be wasteful. Up. They don't care how much they can afford. They control how many people they need to absorb. Although this Balrog suffered a blow, his heart was still very happy, at least there was a previous one around him. If he had absorbed all of them, he would be the most powerful thing ever. Whether it was a human or a monster, a black magic potionist, or a flame demon, he would be the strongest.

The flame demon was very dissatisfied with the little tiger ripping himself apart, and hammered his chest vigorously. The earth felt trembling because of this guy's actions, but he was not afraid of such a dismounting tiger. In the mountains of Warcraft In, some of the bulky guys looked like this before the attack started. Your reminder is not as big as theirs, which means that you are nothing great, just have the ability.

One of the biggest attacks of the Balrogs is that their bodies are extremely corrosive. Just look at the green liquid on their bodies and you will know how hateful these **** are. Many humans have died on this. It’s said that even magic weapons can be melted. Xiaohu’s second attack was a bit of a loss. The first time this guy didn’t have these things on him, it was because he was still a baby in the pyramid of the Balrog. It can be said that there is no threat of any threat, but now it is different. He is already in the juvenile stage, and people in half of the city have reached this guy, and only ten seconds have passed. That’s all, the growth rate of this thing is absolutely amazing. Some of the living and dead in the distance are coming here at flying speed. The little tiger's second attack also tore this guy apart, but little tiger’s I also felt a terrible pain on his paws. Although this guy's corrosive liquid can't do anything to Xiaohu, Xiaohu is really hurting now, which makes the tenth-level monsters feel painful.

"You **** angered me, I want to kill you." Xiaohu roared, some of the bodies that flew in the air quickly towards the Balrog fell one after another. The tenth-level fighters are really amazing, even this. If it can be interrupted, the **** looked at King Lear anxiously. He wasted half of his life force to create such a thing. It seemed that it would not be able to stop the tiger. If King Lear is not good Well, this is really going to be explained here today. I knew I didn't believe in King Lear. He didn't feel like getting up until now. This **** is really too much. What happened?

The Balrog is naturally not the same as the lives created. Even if Xiaohu’s current combat effectiveness is more than twice as powerful, this guy still wants to rush forward. He needs to use his body to teach this tenth-level beast a lesson. The Balrog also has Your own dignity is not just a **** if you just call it a bastard. Although we have not been welcomed by you in history, every time we come out, we will make a sensation in the whole world, and the flame demon also rushes up with a roar.

At this time, Xiaohu directly exposed his body. A three-hundred-meter tall monster was shocked by both King Lear and the nigger. It turned out that he was such a thing. The body of a tenth-level monster turned out to be Such a tall and undeveloped thing seems to be a little surprised at this moment. He didn't expect that his opponent is also such a big guy. He thought that being tall was his own privilege, and it turned out that others would also do it.

The lion king’s roar caused half of the dead house to collapse. Xiaohu felt the pain from his paws increase. This **** must not keep it, otherwise it would be a threat to him. Xiaohu jumped up in the air and faced that. The flame demon rushed over and pulled down the flame demon's head directly. This was done by Xiaohu using all his strength. After the flame demon's head fell off, a green object was sprayed at Xiaohu's body. After it passed, Xiaohu knew how powerful this thing was, and immediately avoided it. When this thing fell on the ground, it corroded out a bottomless black trench. This was not a joke.

No, you can't let the Balrog regroup again. If this continues, the vitality of the Balrog will disappear quickly. Although the Balrog can recombine, every time such a reorganization will waste a quarter of its vitality~www The **** immediately issued an order to the Balrog, exposing himself and exposing himself quickly. At the same time, the **** quickly ran behind King Lear. After receiving this instruction, the Balrog had no doubts. He revealed himself. Up...

The bottom of New Jiangning City seemed to have been buried with dozens of nuclear warheads. A city of tens of millions of people was turned over in an instant, and the little tiger of the tenth-level monster was dumbfounded. Powerful moves. It takes time for them to kill a city like this with tenth-level monsters. No one except the tenth-level magician in the world has such an ability. I didn't expect these black magic potionists to have such an ability. Xiaohu worked hard. He stood firm, and then protected the vital parts of his body. King Lear not far away was also fully defensive. The **** naturally entered King Lear’s defense circle, otherwise it would be black. The ghost is in this state, don't say that the main air currents are on his body, even some of the guys who affect him will also die. He is now a waste.

No one would have thought that New Jiangning City would disappear like that one day. Many people would guess that it might be destroyed in an animal tide hundreds of years from now, but no one could have imagined that it would become the one in front of them. It looks like no one believes everything in front of him, but when Li Cong came here ten days later, he was dumbfounded. What kind of battle is this that can turn the city into this way? You must know that there are no nuclear weapons in this era. , Today without nuclear weapons, can a county city be destroyed without a tenth-level magician? (To be continued...)

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