Energy Group

Chapter 1942:

For Li Cong, controlling the four medicine pots consumes a lot of mental power, but his mental power is also increasing quickly. Refining the first 5000 medicines only uses 30% of Li Cong’s mental power. , But later controlled four medicine pots to refine 800 medicines and used 20% of Li Cong’s mental power. From this moment, Li suddenly thought, did he take this matter too seriously? Maybe I can take it easy. If I’m not so nervous, maybe I don’t need to waste so much mental energy. Li slowly relaxes himself from the beginning. This is the same as the easy first and then the difficult in the exam. Li Cong reduced his speed. The four medicine pots worked together, and it took an average of more than two minutes to complete once. Sure enough, Li Cong's mental strength did not decrease so quickly after this reduction.

After this consideration, Li Cong made a plan for alchemy while refining medicine. He could increase the speed by two to three seconds every time he refines 100 medicines. This way, it would be possible for him if he didn’t seek quick results. It was very fast, and Li Cong immediately mobilized the breath of the five-clawed golden dragon to support him when his mental power was about to dry up, so that he immediately became full of energy. In the middle, Li Cong would also drink a magic medicine machine. Relying on external forces to make up for things is not to use your inner strength. Although the magic potion is very precious, it is okay for Li Cong to drink water.

Li Cong had already taken out the fifth medicine pot when he started to refine medicine for 17 hours. This was definitely a test for Li Cong. It took three minutes to practice all the medicinal materials in this medicine cauldron. Five medicine cauldrons failed one, but in the second time they all succeeded. After another seven hours, Li Cong was already You can refine five copies in one minute on average, and it has been 100% successful. Li never knows how many records he can break in a day about alchemists, but he doesn’t want to be so famous at the moment. Yes, so this matter will never go out of Kampot.

Progress is still going on. From the beginning of alchemy to the present, 72 of them have disappeared. It is normal for Li Cong to stay awake for three consecutive days. There are already nine medicine pots outside now. It takes an average of 30 seconds to refine Jiufen'er medicinal materials. At this speed, even Li Cong himself did not quite believe it, and during this period, Li Cong also thought of another problem. One's own ice magic can understand the extreme cold. I don't know if fire magic has anything like high temperature. Following this, Li gradually increased the temperature from the beginning. Generally, the temperature of the flame is about 600 degrees, but the flame created by the magician is completely different from the usual flame. The temperature of the fire line made by the magician must be at least 6000 degrees, and the temperature used by the pharmacist is about 3000 degrees. Of course, it’s not that the high temperature is not good. The high temperature is really difficult for the pharmacist to master. The temperature can allow the pharmacist to refine for a while. High temperature can save time, but it cannot maintain the quality and quantity of the medicine. Compared with these two, it is acceptable to sacrifice a little time. The reason why Li Cong can It takes 30 seconds to open the furnace. The big reason is that Li Cong has used a temperature of nearly 9,000 degrees. Such a temperature is not unusual for a 9th-level fire magician. It must be a 9th-level fire magic. Only the best among the teachers can refining medicine at such a temperature. This speed is definitely incredibly fast. Of course, other people don’t have such skills. They just do it after careful observation. Less than Li from this kind of ability, now Li can feel a little change from the inside, the space magician's ability is not bragging, naturally it is very good.

Finally, 150,000 copies of Zhixue San medicines were gone. In exchange for 4.22 million Zhixue San, it was 144.7 billion silver at the current price. Li Cong took nearly ten days to complete it. For this matter, almost 15 billion silver is spent every day. The cost of this medicinal material is only less than a few million silver. This gap is really too big. It may not be possible for other pharmacists to produce so many in ten years. The bleeding is gone, but this is a very easy thing for Li Cong, he can accomplish these things, very easily.

Originally, according to Li Cong’s plan, it has been completed so well. Now it should be a rest for a while, but now Li Cong sees that it is definitely not a good time to rest. Now we should make persistent efforts. Li Cong immediately It’s time to refine the second-grade pill, the Qi-condensing pill. It can be said that the second-grade pill is the best one. This kind of thing can increase the chance when you advance, but you can only eat it for a lifetime. One, so the price of this thing is not very expensive, but under Li Cong’s hype, this thing has already passed the mark of one million silver. Every time this pill is upgraded, the benefits obtained are amazing. The cost of the medicine for this thing is as high as 70,000 taels of silver. Even if Li prepares it from his own trading house, this must be more than 20,000 taels of silver, but one A Qi Condensation Pill is worth 1 million taels of silver. Li Cong’s Cao’s family firm also sells Qi Condensation Pills once a week, 1,000 pieces at a time. Since this thing can only be used once in a lifetime, the quantity demand is not There are many. Li Cong is ready to refine 30,000 copies. According to Li Cong’s current skills, the probability of the finished product should be more than 95%. Each one can produce an average of about ten. This profit is also It’s about 500 times, although it’s not as high as Zhixue San, but because this base number has increased a lot, the money made by this thing must be much more than that.

At the last time, if they were all sold, it would cost 300 billion silver, and the cost would be 6,000 or 700 million silver. The 500-fold profit made Li Cong work hard for more than a day. Now Li Cong must be good. After taking a break, I still have mental energy even if I continue. But my own brain can’t stand it anymore. My nerves are always in a very tense situation for a long time, and I need to relax my brain nerves. At this time, Li Cong regrets it a bit. At the beginning, I said that I came with the little princess, but let’s forget about the dangers that the little princess might have, and let me come alone. If there is any problem with these things, Li Cong is not very distressed. Just pay some money, and I am not someone who can't afford it. But if someone has a problem, there is really nothing to say.

Hand sweep. More than hundreds of thousands of pills have entered the world of my body, and I am too lazy to find any small bottles to put it in. I don’t have so many bottles now. It can be said that my refining medicine is definitely in the hundreds. Pharmacists add up to more sums. These condensing pills never intended to increase the sales of Cao's house too much. Because this thing is different from Zhixue San. This thing is not something that can be consumed in large quantities. Li Cong intends to maintain a weekly sales rate of 1,000 in the capitals of the Northern Empire and the Western Empire, as well as the other two major cities, and sell 6,000 per week. These elixirs are enough to sell for a year.

I looked at the ten medicine cauldrons floating in the sky. These ten things were already burnt in black and shameless. 8 million taels of silver is really very good. It can last for such a long time. They are indeed very good, but now Li Cong does not intend to continue using them. When he came in, he brought in hundreds of them. After these ten Li Cong withdrew the power of space, all ten medicine pots were removed from It fell from the sky, and all fell to pieces, and then the wind magic wind movement immediately blew all these things out, and they had completed their historical mission.

Li Cong followed the fragments to the outside of the cave. At this moment, he saw that it was just in the morning, and he was practicing alchemy inside day and night. He didn't even know what was going on outside. He saw Li Cong coming out in the sky. The circling ninth-level flying monsters immediately flew down and asked Li Cong what he needed. Li Cong knew how they looked, and now they laughed too. These guys said yes. Protecting themselves, in fact, they also have great benefits. Li Cong's aura diffuses a lot. Li Cong looked at the five flying monsters. It turns out that they are all nine-level monsters, but they are all nine-level primary monsters. , Now the one with the slowest progress has reached the ninth-level mid-level position, and the other two are already at the ninth-level peak. They are just one point away from the tenth-level beast. Years should be fine.

Li Cong slowly got his vote. He also saw Li Cong in the tenth level monsters in the middle. From their expressions, Li Cong also knew that these guys benefited a lot from each one. Xiaohu was on the periphery. I didn’t come here. It is estimated that by the time Li Cong finishes alchemy, these tenth-level beasts may be about the same as Xiaohu. Even if he can’t beat Xiaohu for a while, they will be the same in the end. This time Li from here There are more than 5,000 advanced, and there are more than 3,000 on the verge of advanced. You must know that they are all monsters above the eighth level, and their strength is amazing. Anyone who has an action is not a small action.

These monsters felt movement, and they were all very quiet. They immediately became alert. The good guy’s aura is that Li Cong also frowned a little. These monsters are too powerful. If they are alone, they can still Parry, but if there are so many, this momentum can directly scare oneself, as if standing alone in front of a hundred thousand army is the same situation, who can not be afraid.

When they saw that it was Li Cong, they all hurriedly salute each other. Although it seemed nondescript, Li Cong knew that this was their highest etiquette, and Li Cong hurriedly told them to get up.

A few Tila Chi wolves were originally not qualified to be here, but like Xiaohu, they also often followed Li Cong, so they all came happily. For Li Cong, they are different from other monsters. Yes, the other monsters respect Li Cong, because this is their emperor, they don’t dare to fool around, but these four Tila Chi wolves are different, from the last time the beast tide in Jiangning city began to the present It has been a long time. They have always been by Li Cong's side. Their names were also given by Li Cong. They are Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San and Ah Si. These four guys are now All have reached the eighth level, and speaking of them, this is already a very defiant behavior. Tilachi wolves are only level six monsters, it is impossible for them to become level eight monsters. The wolf king is just level seven monsters, but they are already at the level of level eight monsters. It can be said that they have all created them. The history of Tila Chi wolves is now, and they are still making history. One of them is already faintly about to break through the nine-level beast. He will become the first nine in hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. Tier-level pulling the pool wolf, the behavior of this guy will also greatly improve the status of their entire race.

There was a small stream in this valley, and the four guys went past the river and caught a hare and some fish for Li Cong. This can be regarded as a flattery to Li Cong in disguise. Naturally, the other beasts in the Warcraft Mountains would not understand such a thing. In their opinion, there is something wrong with it. If they catch fish, they can catch all the fish in it, which is not like them. Humans have been in contact with related ones.

Li Cong happily watched the four brothers help the lord catch fish for himself, and then helped the lord get some dry wood for himself. It's very good. Even some human beings don't have this ability. Li started roasting hare and grilled fish since he lit the fire. The surrounding monsters were not interested in this, although it was delicious. But they also knew that it was the critical time for them to advance, and that they should cultivate properly to be serious, so they kept 50% vigilance and paid attention to their surroundings, and the remaining 50%. It began to slowly digest Li Cong's energy.

These four Tila Chi wolves have eaten too much cooked food in human society, and they smelled the scent one by one. But there are only so many things, Li Cong may not be enough to eat by himself. .

"You can't eat these things anymore. If you want to eat them, hurry up and grab some. I'm tired and make them for you." Li Cong said with a smile. They heard one by one and immediately ran away. The emperor himself Cooking food, this kind of honor is not something ordinary people can have. This is a thing to brag about for a lifetime, good guys, they really worked very hard one by one. Li Cong saw dozens of hares The time can only stop, and now I can't use wood to bake. I use my magician ability to hang these things in the air with space magic, and then bake them. These guys also squatted and waited.

So many scents came out in this place early in the morning, and the monsters practicing outside were also a bit greedy, but they all knew that if they all went in, it is estimated that they would not be able to eat all the fish in the river. The emperor is full, and the emperor is already very tired after finishing alchemy. These four guys ran over and spoiled them. When the emperor went to practice next time, he would catch the four of them and give them a severe education. Where did so many come from? The problem.

After eating and drinking enough, Li Cong found a place where he could bask in the sun and asked Ah Da to come over as a pillow for himself, and then slowly fell asleep leaning on Ah Da. The other three lifted and ate waves on alert. Looking around, in fact, they don’t need to be so vigilant. The monsters around here are enough to destroy a country. Li Cong’s safety is absolutely fine. Li Cong is really tired now, less than two. The snoring sound has been heard within minutes, and the temperature in this valley is now over ten degrees Celsius. If it is twenty degrees Celsius at noon, there is no need to worry about catching a cold.

This Li Cong went to the Warcraft Mountains to refine his alchemy. The Prince Hagen outside this place died of hardship. Originally, Li Cong went to the capital to talk to Prince Hagen about the problem of this place. After leaving, he asked Gu Xin to talk to himself. This guy didn’t see the Prince’s enlightenment at all. He came in with a lot of etiquette, but he didn’t show respect from the bottom of his heart. This made Prince Hagen very uncomfortable. , But there’s nothing you can do if you’re uncomfortable. The interest on this loan makes Prince Hagen terribly uncomfortable every day. Damn, this is a loan shark, earning millions of dollars in interest every day. Even though he can make money, he can make money. If his speed is the same as the speed of spending money, what's the meaning of living these days? It must be very uncomfortable, and I won't have to lose myself.

"The prince, our Cao family firm has already checked the land of the prince. We don't think it has much interest in the acquisition, so the price we offered is 1.5 billion silver. If the prince is willing, we can trade today. The prince has other thoughts that can be said." Gu Xin came up and gave Prince Hagen a premature death, this guy was directly dumbfounded. Damn, I thought I could earn a little and lose this interest. If I can only get back 1.5 billion silver, I will lose 2 billion silver before and after. This is nothing to Prince Zheng. , Even the current Prince Yulin is nothing, but it is terrible to myself, I can't afford this loss now.

"What? 1.5 billion silver? I said if you made a mistake, is it a joke? When I bought the land, I spent 4 billion silver. Now you tell me to buy it with 1.5 billion. Go back. You can't buy even the land of other people nearby." Prince Hagen was immediately angry. How could there be such a thing and bear the loss of this two billion silver? That's impossible, and the palace is not as good as before. Otherwise. With the supreme prince of his own, it is impossible for himself to mess with those market gangsters. Originally thought that relying on the name of the royal palace to scare them, I personally talked to them, but I didn't expect that the Cao family firm could achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time. Don’t say it’s a prince’s mansion like yourself. Even if it’s a good one, it’s impossible to threaten them. Who knows that Li Cong has something to do, and he called a manager to talk to him, then he would give himself up to Qi Qiao to smoke. Damn, I'm also a prince anyway, how can I look down on Lao Tzu so much, but his koo-headed sergeant also said that he should put pressure on the steward to meet some conditions with him. That would be a done deal if Li Cong came back. Did the Cao Family Chamber of Commerce veto these things without asking?

"My lord, how much money you spent on buying it is your business. Our Cao family firm is only doing business. To be honest, we don't want to buy so much land. The price of this land has been sold for many days. The other transactions of our Cao’s house are the ones with faster money. Our young master asked me to talk to you about this transaction based on the principle of one more friend, one more road. If you are not satisfied with our price, I think This thing may not be done, or else, the little one will leave first? You think about it and call the little one?" Gu Xin said nonchalantly. I don’t have so much time to talk nonsense with you here. Anyway, you have to find out clearly. If you don't sell the land, you can take it yourself. Just the loan from the bank can kill you. Of course, if you are rich, you don't care.

"Asshole thing, what are you, you dare to talk to the king like this? Isn't it just a small housekeeper in a business, come here, take it for me." Prince Hagen is really embarrassed at the moment. If this is spread to himself What kind of face is messing up in the capital? Damn, what I say is that it belongs to a prince. No matter how great your Cao's firm is, you are still a businessman. You guys are not a businessman yet, you are a businessman’s doglegs. That's all, you dare to talk to Lao Tzu like this. If Lao Tzu doesn't abolish you today, you really don't know that the sky is so great.

The palace guards outside the door came in one by one with a knives on their shoulders, but one by one was amazing. These guys usually scared the people one by one. According to the rules of the empire, these palace guards are all imperial courts. For the salary, each person is 300,000 silver each year. Some fighters must be hired, even first-level fighters. But this price is in the early years of the establishment of the empire, and this price is impossible in these years. Will be invited, most of them are paid by the major palaces themselves. If this is small, they may be subsidized by themselves, but the entire palace has 300 such six-rank guards. If this is subsidized by one person, three For one hundred thousand silver, that would be 90 million taels of silver. It is impossible for them to do such a thing. If they make mistakes, they can find some relatively strong ordinary people to do the work for a few hundred taels of silver each year. Now, let’s talk about it, most people will run away without a shadow when they see their prince’s name, and will not come to trouble. They have always done that, and they have done very well. These ordinary people A few hundred taels of silver a year is not light, and the Hagen Palace can also reasonably take the tens of millions of silver given by the court into its own hands every year, which is not a small amount of income.

boom! A very powerful airflow came in from outside the house. Several of the guards were ordinary people. To put it bluntly, they were pretty good. The two fifth-level fighters outside could already get these guys out. In fact, Prince Hagen’s mansion is still There are several seventh-level fighters. But unfortunately, they are not in the palace now. The most powerful thing is a third-level display. At this moment, although that guy is also here, he can't say a word when he sees these two fifth-level fighters at the door, Lord. They naturally don’t dare to move. At most, they just let the prince fall off the bottom. But what he is, Cao’s firm knows what he is, and it’s a big deal that he doesn’t need to do it here, anyway. His life can be saved. If you bite the bullet, go up. But it was dead.

"Hehe, don’t worry, the prince, they don’t know how to do it. I came to the palace to talk about business. It’s not to make things. The prince doesn’t need to appreciate the words of a small person like me. There are not so many things. , Xiao Ke is leaving now, and I won't bother the prince." Gu Xin got up and flicked his pants or something. Standing up and walking, he said that he hadn't forgotten to salute the prince when he arrived at the door. This etiquette must not be abandoned.

These few words will directly vomit blood to Prince Hagen, but there is no other way, right? What can I do now? This kid is not afraid of anything at all. Looking at this guy's appearance, I know that this kid is confident. Even if he wants to be tough, he has to see if his subordinates are available. Those who are capable, look at their gang of wine pouches and rice bags. Back then, I really shouldn’t have given the money to the court to be greedy for ink. This is really a shame for me. I am a prince who has been caught by a little boy. The steward laughed a lot, but this society is like this. Although the status of merchants is not very high, but for some very background merchants, everything can be done. What happened to the prince, you are just A prince who is of little use, no one will value you.

Prince Hagen directly smashed some things in the house. Anyway, there is nothing worthwhile. Some worthy things have been taken away by the people of the bank, and the people of the bank are also at this time. I am very depressed. The biggest asset of the palace is the trading house in the city, but this trading house is just a name for the Hagen palace. The other big nobles are his real masters. What I don’t know is true. People think that Prince Hagen’s Mansion is so powerful, but anyone who knows the inside story will say that Prince Hagen is actually a **** among the nobles, that is, such a bastard, and this is under his own planning. I have to play all my own. The debts he owes can only be more and more. The people in the bank also have their own backgrounds. They are not afraid that Prince Hagen will not pay the money. Anyway The Prince Hagen’s mansion has a fixed income of about 200 million silver every year. This is all given by the court. All these things can be used to pay off debts. If that happens, they will be happy. This is a long-term meal ticket. Yes, you can pay back 3 billion silver in fifteen years, but after fifteen years, all the money will be given for nothing. Although the cycle is a bit longer, it is also very good. At the time, I also did this kind of business. The Duke of Del’s mansion in the south is like this. It has owed 1.5 billion usury, and it has been repaid for 30 years. In addition to the money owed at the beginning, it has been 30 years. Interest and everything are already more than two billion, and they can't pay off such money.

Prince Hagen definitely didn’t want his prince’s mansion to become a profit-making platform for usury merchants. He knew what the result was, so in the evening he immediately called his housekeeper to Cao’s house to say that he agreed with them. Asked, isn’t it 1.5 billion, but he also has an additional condition, that is, let Cao’s Piaohao loan himself 2 billion silver, and he can use his salary in the court as collateral. This is also typical The one who demolished the Eastern Wall to make up the Western Wall, otherwise, I might really end up like this. Although Cao’s firm’s money also requires interest, the Cao’s firm’s money is really nothing compared to those usury, Cao’s The annual interest of the commercial bank is about 15%. You must know that the annual interest of these usury loans is more than 60%. However, not everyone in the Caojia Commercial Bank can get the loan, and it must be a large amount. People with small loans would not accept this transaction at all. Prince Hagen did that after very painful considerations. Otherwise, he would have to be a poor man for a lifetime.

Gu Xin agreed to Prince Hagen’s proposal and discussed with Bai Er and the others that they could use Prince Hagen’s salary as collateral, as well as the remaining assets of Prince Hagen’s mansion. The annual interest of 2 billion silver is 16%, and the annual interest is 320 million. The Prince Hagen’s palace pays more than 200 million per year, and his own property can also have 500 million silver handwritten orders. Ordinarily, they are still very capable. Those who come to pay off the debt will just ask people to stare at them. It is expected that he will not be able to dig out any waves. If the expenses are reduced, repayment is also a very simple matter. Prince Hagen received the news. At that time, there was no strength at all. It's really self-inflicted. If I didn’t want to fight against Li Cong, I wouldn’t have come to this point. In fact, Prince Hagen did this. It would be impossible for Li Cong to change to some other economically powerful person. successful. Prince Hagen was forced by his own interest. If it is a strong economic power, then there is no need to care about this interest. They could definitely continue to fight against Li Cong. At that time, it was Li Cong who fought for the initiative. He had to buy the land. Otherwise, you will really suffer.

After this battle, Prince Hagen has no confidence. Now he is like a fool. The whole capital will basically spread. What a foolish thing Prince Hagen has done is not that no one understands this. They also wanted to cooperate with Prince Hagen to transfer these plots, but they thought that their family had also ordered a lot of medicines from Cao’s house. If they couldn’t get it, they wanted to transfer the land. Li Cong is offended by something with a bright future. The days after that are really not easy, so the problem can be resolved so smoothly. After the incident is spread, the happiest one is Prince Yulin. He and Hagen The two princes have been fighting for a lifetime, and now this old guy is useless at all. If he wants to, he can go to the capital to bully him for a while.

Although the royal family also thinks that the Cao’s family firm treats Prince Hagen in such a way that they can’t live with their royal family, but at this time they are all thinking about alchemy. Compared with that matter, the matter of Prince Hagen is like a small spiral nest. , It’s not worth talking about, especially Prince Zheng also said that this kid is simply humiliating himself. Prince Zheng’s influence in the royal family can be said to be second only to the emperor. He said that, other Even if the people want to say something, they have to swallow it back, especially when they see that Prince Zheng’s Thirteen Taibaos are back, all of them naturally don’t dare to speak. He has a hot temper, just like Prince Zheng. In the past few days, there have been a lot of powerful children in the capital. They are all the same as Prince Zheng, they are upright, as long as they can’t see things, they must be taken care of, anyway. With Prince Zheng's backing, what's the matter, who would dare to go to Prince Zheng's Mansion to find them? Can they have that courage? Naturally, there is no courage.

Now that the land has been settled, Bai Er and Gu Xin started the construction plan according to the plan left by Li Cong when he left. They planned to establish the No. 1 belonging to the Cao family in the 1072 counties of the Western Empire. Approximately 1,500 luxury residential areas were approved. This is also the first plan for the expansion of the Western Empire. The plan requires an investment of more than 3.5 billion silver. The final total income is about 400 billion silver. It will be completed in two years. It's a long-term investment plan. This plan is not a good plan whether it is to make money or cycle. It is purely to make Cao's firm a name and prepare for becoming the business hegemon of the Western Empire.

Two months later, Li Cong also followed the rest action at the beginning. Now Li Cong has finished all the pills. In these two months, Li Cong has maintained five elixirs for most of the time. The speed at which the medicine tripod works at the same time, otherwise, it will take at least a year to complete. The medicinal materials worth more than two trillion silver have all become pill. If Li Cong takes all of these pill If they are all sold, it is estimated that the total value of gold will exceed millions of billions. This is gold, not silver. The fourth-grade pill Li Cong can also produce several at a time. Such things were before Li. Never imagined.

After this refining medicine, Li Cong felt that he was absolutely capable of sprinting the five-grade pill. The more advanced the pill, the more expensive it was, and the more valuable it was. Li Cong looked at the pill in the world in his body like a hill, casually One can adapt the fate of any person, but now he has so many pills, as many as a hill. If this is thrown directly on the square outside, I don't know how many people will be scared to death.

Li Cong, who is a low-level pill, is estimated to last for at least a year. As for the high-level pill, he will not be able to persist for half a year. As long as he puts all these things on the shelves, he will immediately be bought without bargaining. For the sake of sustainable development, I will never do such a Li Cong is already ready to do future business. That is to put this medicine on the shelves, you have to get me ten I have to buy medicinal materials plus a certain amount of money, otherwise I won’t sell it to you. This is also due to Li Cong’s reason. Ordinarily, I will receive five medicinal materials, some fees and a Favor, now this favor is not needed for the time being, just give me ten medicinal materials and money, and you can get 100% of what you can get, which you may not get from other alchemists. In fact, Li Cong has reduced the price a little bit. It is estimated that there will be a lot of customers in this way, and all the prescriptions in his hand can be negotiated slowly. This time, Li Cong has obtained a lot of prescriptions. I believe I will gradually earn income in the future.

In addition, Li Cong really already has the ability of high-energy heat. Now Li Cong can create a flame of up to 13,000 degrees in an instant. If Li Cong is given the temperature to reach 15,000 degrees in one minute, If time is sufficient, Li Cong can even create a flame of 20,000 degrees, which is impossible for any fire magician, but all these things are achievable in Li Cong. Spiritual power has also improved a lot, but it’s impossible to be promoted to a ninth-level magician. After going out, Li Cong also wants to learn some of his important magic skills. The pharmacists made a good contact. Since you didn't come to find Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu will bother to find you. Although King Lear and the **** are already dead, their faults cannot be forgiven. (To be continued...)

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