Energy Group

Chapter 1948:

"Treasurer Cui, I think we should say that our business is doing very well now. We definitely want to continue with this kind of thing. If I guess right, you are not willing to trade with them? "Dila glanced at Boss Cui and said, he was very unhappy with the Cao Family Chamber of Commerce's method of picking himself out like this. These guys have to take the most when they make money, but when you get to yourself, you have to run. It’s gone. It’s uncomfortable for anyone to change this kind of thing. You can’t do that.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"Haha, Lord Diwa, it has been like this since ancient times. The people don’t fight against officials. We don’t have the ability. Some of our business needs to be carried out in the Southern Empire. If we offend the zhèngfǔyamen of the Southern Empire because of this matter. If this is the case, this is not worth the gain for us. What our firm sees is long-term benefits, not how much benefits can be seen in a short period of time. Our starting point is different from yours in these situations. You are within the scope of the entire empire. I am not afraid of zhèngfǔ, but we are not the same as you. We will need their strong support to do business in the future." Boss Cui said with a smile, although there is a smile on his face, in fact he has already made it clear. Your own attitude, how you want to divide is your business, our side is not convenient to intervene, it is too difficult for us.

"Slick, treasurer Cui, don’t say you are so pitiful. Everyone knows that your Cao’s business is very good now. Even if our wizards’ union compares with you, it’s in the Southern Empire. It’s just tough, you are incapable of interfering with zhèngfǔ. That’s a joke. Couldn’t your Master Cao Ke give us a little support from the Mage’s Union? Di La said unwillingly, this matter represents his future within the Wizards’ Guild. If he can control this matter well, it’s absolutely no problem to enter the core management, but if the court is also involved in this matter. If you put a hand in, then your own son will not be able to live very well, and it will be an end to yourself.

"Hehe, Lord Tila said this is a serious matter. We will definitely take care of this matter. Of course, we will be inclined to you. Why? Because our young master is also a magician, and all magicians in the world It belongs to a family. If not, why should I tell you more about this? Actually, I brought 1 million boxes this time, but the remaining 500,000 boxes are not here. They are all in the Warcraft Mountains. Among them, the distance from here is no more than 30 miles. It is already a weak area of ​​the imperial court. We can choose to trade in that place. In the future, no matter what you do with the imperial court, we will give you twice as much goods every time. It’s just that the price can’t be discounted anymore. How to sell it is your business. This is not our heart, and if this matter is found out, we won’t take care of it. I don’t know if you are satisfied with this answer. "Is it?" Cui said with a smile. According to Li Cong's instructions, their business has nothing to do with them, as long as they can ship quickly. The shipment means making money quickly. This is what we need on our side. As for what is going on on your side, it is not something we need to consider.

"Haha, I really didn't expect your young master to do things like this. Just rest assured about this. Our wizards' union is not that vulnerable. You should take a look today. The entire county is our world. Just ask your airship to come over, let alone 1 million boxes, even if it is doubled, I will eat all of it immediately, haha, hurry up, stop the ink." Dila laughed. Said, this matter is a bit beyond the prediction of Boss Cui, but people are customers, and customers are God. Although Boss Cui does not know what God is, Li Cong told him that God is the **** of the world and we must obey. Yes, customers say they can trade here, so it must be safer than the Warcraft Mountains. We care about so many things and immediately send a signal to start the delivery there.

There are definitely a lot of banknotes worth over trillions of silver, but Boss Cui is not the old Boss Cui anymore. I remember that when I was with Li Cong, the banknotes worth hundreds of millions of dollars felt very much. Surprised, but now these things are nothing to me. According to his statement, this little money is something we can afford. For Mr. Cui, these things are no different from ordinary goods. The **** thing is transported in boxes. What's the difference between this and ordinary goods, of course, the difference is that the guy who guards these things is more advanced.

Usually, Boss Cui and the others should go back at this time, but today Boss Cui just asked someone to send the money back. He took dozens of guys but didn't go back, but was ready to live in this county. , Dila was not easy to ask them what they were going to do here, but he was also curious in his heart, so he simply asked people to stare at them. It was okay for people from the Mage Union to monitor a few buddies.

Boss Cui and the others naturally have their own ideas when they stay in the Southern Empire. Their Chamber of Commerce will soon enter the Southern Empire. According to the usual path of their Chamber of Commerce, they have to give gifts now. If this aspect is not big If you are good, your first shot would not be fired, and it would be very unfavorable for the entire Cao family firm to come back. In the other two empires, it developed like a zhongtian, and it has no reputation in the southern empire. This is absolutely not. Yes, after knowing their plans, Di La had no other ideas. He just asked his people to cooperate with them. After all, everyone is also a partner. Although Cao’s business started to develop in many ways for them He didn't feel very comfortable in his heart, but Di La was also a wise man. Since he couldn't go back to the previous kind, he should be the one with the best relationship.

There are thousands of officials and officials in Platte County. At least half of them are on the list of Boss Cui. That’s because Platte County will serve as an important stronghold for Cao’s business to enter the Southern Empire. Jiangning City has the same status in the Northern Empire, so this first step must be in place. Li Cong gave Boss Cui two spatial rings, all of which were filled with things that looked good. It is already prepared according to the size of the officials. The speed of making money is very fast, and the speed of spending money is naturally dissatisfied. As the head of the wizards' union in the northern part of the Southern Empire, Lord Dila is the biggest visitor of Cui boss.

Di La is different from other magicians. Other magicians don’t care about gold and silver at all, but Di La is different. Di La can be said to be among the magicians. This guy likes some gold and silver treasures, so the gift that Boss Cui arranged for this guy is fifteen carts of gold and sixty boxes of gold. Each box is 5,000 taels, which is also three hundred in silver. Ten thousand dollars, this is definitely not a small amount. Although it is not very attractive to Di La, he knows that this is just the beginning. The gift given by Cao's family firm this time is to let most people know They are just that. If they ask you to do things in the future, they will definitely give another indication. Di La hastened to ask people to put all these things in her warehouse. This guy usually doesn't carry the cash when he goes out. They are all paid in silver. In his opinion, this feeling is even better.

In second place is the governor of the northern provinces of the Southern Empire. The governor’s mansion is also in this juncheng. Although this is not a provincial capital, because of the prosperous place here, the governor spends at least half of the time in a year. After spending time here, he knew that Boss Cui was from the Cao’s House of Business. In fact, this guy is also a member of the Mage Union. Boss Cui went so smoothly here. The Mage Union can be said to have helped. It’s not too busy. After receiving the 2 million taels of silver from Cao’s House of Business, the Governor happily responded to the various official approvals that Cao’s House of Business needs to operate. He also said that the following people don’t need a family. The family is gone, even if it’s just a one-time trip, the words are pretty good. Boss Cui has been dealing with him for so many years and he understands the truth that the king of Yan is better than the little ghost. It is the smallest gate in the city. The officials received two fifty taels of gold ingots from Cao's house. This is considered to have bought the entire city. The next thing is that they slowly start to develop and eat away.

In the city of Platte County, after Boss Cui’s large-scale visit this time, at least 90% of the officials hope they can live well here, because as long as these guys start business, In the future, I will have a lot of oil and water, but there are also some people who don't want Cao's business to enter, because the Cao's business is against them to a certain extent.

Although these people are not very satisfied in their hearts, these guys dare not understand them one by one. They can only figure out what is wrong with Cao's house and come to find something, but they all It's just some clowns who can't do anything serious. These guys are just making a fuss on such small things one by one, and they are not capable of other big things.

Before the Cao’s House of Business entered the Southern Empire, the trading houses here were controlled by the people of the City Lord’s Mansion. The people of the City Lord’s Mansion also received a lot of filial piety from the Cao’s House of Business this time. The city lord himself chose a very good method. I just sold my entire trading house to Cao’s family firm. Boss Cui also found someone to investigate, and it was worth 30 million taels of silver at the most. But Boss Cui gave 40 million taels of silver with some of them. The employees they were willing to buy bought everything, which made the City Lord’s Mansion feel very good about the Cao’s family. In fact, their trading company was half-dead. He really didn’t expect it to be sold at such a price. The competition among the trading houses in the city is really fierce, but the Cao’s house has its own set of business philosophy for its rapid rise.

This is in the pill and magic arrow. Li Cong stipulates that when the trading houses under Li Cong sell these things, if they are their own customers, they can buy them first, and other customers do not have such a discount. For example, if you find some herbal medicines worth 400,000 silver in the Warcraft Mountains, you can get a pill worth 410,000 taels of silver here. There are as many mercenaries in this world that need the pill. There are as many archers as there are archers who need magic arrows, so these two things of Li Cong are definitely very powerful. These two things can be said to be the basis for the success of Cao’s trading house. Li Cong This person is indeed a bit lazy. If this guy can learn about forging, it is estimated that the business of this trading house will definitely be better.

As for the purchase and sale of grain, it is necessary to come in. The expansion of Cao's commercial firm now uses grain and trading houses as a front stand, and other things can be said to be able to be followed. Only these two are the things that are most needed now. Yes, in many cases these two things are necessities of the people. At least 300 million people around this county town need to buy food for food, so Li Cong must sell food here, and he doesn’t make a lot of money. , But this is a good business that affects the national economy and the people's livelihood. If one's own food station is closed, the whole world will be disrupted. This is one of the most classic words Li Cong said to his shopkeepers.

The price of grain in the Southern Empire was much higher than that in the Northern Empire, but Li Cong's grain prices here were the same as the original prices. These grains really did not need to be managed. Li Cong was in the southern part of the Western Empire. Ten billion acres of deserts have been purchased to grow food in 50 provinces. It can be said that the initial results have been achieved. The outside world does not know how much food is inside, but Li Cong himself is very clear. , Each mu can be cooked twice a year, that is, two tons of grain, more than 20 billion tons of grain, if you don’t sell all of it, you can only keep yourself as garbage, even though your own wheat The storage period is much longer than normal, but these things are not stone, and they may become smelly after being stored for a long time, so there is no problem if the price is cheaper.

The employment here is one thing different from that on the earth. The people who grow the land in the grain base on the earth all ask for money but not food, but the people here all ask for food but not money, so Li Cong is even more happy. Yes, all the people who work here each have a lot of grain each year, and the external sales are 12 cents per catty of grain, and the salary of the subordinates in the inner top is 10 cents, which can be regarded as a scalping. Generally speaking, one person here manages 20 acres of land. Usually you take care of yourself, and one-fifteenth of the output is your own. That’s one-fifteenth of 80,000 catties, and each person has more than 5,200 catties per year. Li Cong directly gave them 5,300 catties of grain. Compared to the wealth they created, this is really nothing, so he sold his own. There are many people who land to work for Li Cong.

It’s more than three hundred taels of silver every year. This income is definitely not a small amount. For ordinary people, they can earn more than a dozen silver dollars a year after working hard. Of course, working for Li Cong is not that simple. Li Cong’s land is in areas with relatively harsh natural environments. It doesn’t matter if you are willing to take the family with you. You have to save some water resources. It can be said that only people who can endure hardship can come. If you make Li Cong’s money, if you can’t endure hardship, then forget it. This job is not suitable for you, so you have to sign a contract at the beginning. If you can’t do it, then you can get out of it in half a month. , I won’t ask you for any trouble. If you don’t want to do it anymore, I’m sorry. The compensation in accordance with the contract will be paid. So when these people enter, they must be reminded.

The Southern Empire also has a lot of such lands. There are at least tens of millions of acres of wasteland around this county town. Boss Cui has already bought these places for 500 yuan per acre. It took less than four million taels of silver. The local magistrate knew that all they wanted were such useless places, and even gave away a lot of them. As long as these places are planted with seeds, one mu next year The ground can produce two tons of grain, which is 4,000 catties, which is a full 60 taels of silver. This return is absolutely generous. Of course, it takes money to hire people, but the profit is 30 times. There is no problem. The most important thing is that this thing belongs to the lifelong benefit of a xìng investment. From now on, you only need a small amount of money to continue to harvest the things in this field. The tax is only one-thirtieth. The salary given by Li Cong is 10% every year, and 90% is his own. It’s really rare that this grain business can achieve this level. Of course, the current income is the most important thing. That's because the seeds don't need to be managed by others. As long as they are planted and waited for harvest, there is no need for you to watch them for a while, and they will grow quickly by themselves.

In addition, the Investigation Department has also begun to recruit troops from the Southern Empire. Before, their news was obtained from the market, and now they need to do it themselves.

Boss Cui is developing vigorously over there. Li Cong has also begun to rectify his own guards in the two empires in the northwest. Most of Li Cong’s business needs some of his own guards. In the past, the number was not many and nothing. It’s just like a security company on the earth. Now that there are more people and bigger organizations, everything must be well regulated. It is also at this time that Li Cong knows how many security he has. Yes, I didn’t know if I didn’t read it before, but now it’s clear, and I’m scared. The scale is really not small, and the treatment and other things have to be unified.

First of all, the top of the entire system is the ninth-level fighter. There is also a ninth-level fighter in the training camp. In addition, there are only two ninth-level fighters in the training camp. The Western Empire is the highest level of the guards of the two empires. The treatment of the two is also very good. There are three big houses in the two empires, all in the prosperous areas of the big cities. The cost is not small. The six big houses for two people cost Li from 18 million taels, which is nothing. Both of them are equipped with top-quality equipment, especially the guy who came out of the training camp. It took Li from 1.7 billion dollars to make this guy look like a ninth-level fighter. As for Tuoba Yuanye, he doesn’t need his own heart. This guy came with his own equipment and doesn’t need to give it to him. heart,

Secondly, there are a lot of eighth-level fighters. The total number is more than 400. This number sounds like a lot. But now that Cao’s house has developed into two empires, more than 2,000 provincial capitals. Ten thousand counties and cities can be averaged to one in these provinces. Speaking of which, the number of masters is really not that many. With the addition of various departments such as the Investigation Department, this can be even less divided. Each of them can choose a place by themselves. The Chamber of Commerce will buy a four-entry mansion. All the supplies inside are provided. Each person has an annual income of 300 million silver, a set worth 100 million silver. Basic equipment, of course, these are only those who are hired from outside to get this kind of treatment. Naturally, the ones made by themselves in the training camp are not needed. They will have so many on the surface, but in fact they don’t have it. That's a lot, because they are all ordinary people, and they won't live like this for the rest of their lives. Their family members are also very satisfied, not like those who are originally eighth-level fighters. Yes, after this rectification, these hundreds of eighth-level fighters

It's time to eat up Li Cong's nearly 100 billion silver. They are also a class that spends a lot of money.

Below are the ranks of sixth-level fighters and seventh-level fighters. They are the most high-level stratum among the guards of Cao’s house. Among them, there are 35,000 seventh-level fighters and 104,250 sixth-level fighters. Their treatment is like this. I also choose a three-entry house by myself. If you need to choose the firm’s own prescription, it’s even better. Seventh-level fighters will pay 25 million taels per person per year, and sixth-level fighters will cost 10 million taels a year. There is not as good treatment as level 6 fighters, at most it is about half of level 5 fighters, and it decreases in order. The level 4 fighters is only half of the level 5 fighters, and the three-pole display is half of the level 4 fighters. Ah, when it comes to the second-level fighters, there is no house treatment. They only have a salary of 500 taels per year. The first-level fighters are 250 taels, but the number of first-level fighters and second-level fighters is They are huge, so their expenses are not very small.

In addition to these people, Li Cong also has a large number of ordinary people guarding them. These people usually **** food and grass. Li Cong's treatment is not low. Everyone has a basic salary of one or two silver per month. Yes, and then collect your salary according to the distance you have gone out. Generally speaking, it is no problem to have twenty taels of silver left in a year.

Li Cong took a look at the summary. In addition to the more than 100,000 level six fighters he saw before, there are a full 400,000 level five fighters, more than seven million level one to four fighters, and nearly 40 million ordinary guards. People, this is only possible if they are scattered throughout the two empires. If they are gathered together, they are definitely an incredible force. It is estimated that the imperial families of the two empires will not allow this army to appear.

In order to manage them well, Li Cong divided all of them into twelve levels. Naturally, this ordinary person is the lowest level. It is the same as the military rank system on earth, but most of the ranks here are based on It is based on your own strength. Of course, if there is any major meritorious performance, it will be no problem. There is absolutely no unwillingness to promote such a person.

Ordinary people who just came in are corporals. People with only physical strength or speed and some special skills will become sergeants. After two years, as long as you are still here, you will become sergeants. The salary is also It will increase by more than 50%, and you will have ten people under your team. This is the organization of a small team. According to Li Cong, this is the class. Although the people below don’t understand very well, they also know. This is what the boss meant. No one else can violate it. Five sergeants belong to one sergeant. It is not easy to become a sergeant. Even if you are a first-level fighter, it is impossible. To become a sergeant, you have to be a sergeant for two years, that is, the squad leader. According to Li Cong, the sergeant is the platoon leader. There are fifty people under him. This is not a small guard. A county has about two platoons. Of course, this is not absolute. If there are three to four troops in a more developed area, it is possible.

Next is the position of the first-level fighters to the three-pole fighters. The position they hold is the second lieutenant. There are five sergeants under them. According to Li Cong, they are the company commanders. They have about 250 guards. Among them, in addition to the company commander who is one to three-pole fighters, there will be at least two first-grade fighters, and there will be three to five in some key areas, which is different from the places where they are stationed.

Above it is the position held by the fourth-level fighter. Of course, if the fourth-level fighter does not have command ability, he cannot hold this position. He can only have this right and dignity, but without this unit. Five companies are one battalion, and the fourth-level fighters will become one battalion. In addition to the five companies under them, the battalion will also have its own direct troops. The organization is also two companies, and one battalion is seven companies. The establishment of nearly 1,800 people in a county is basically an establishment of about two battalions, and of course the one with the more powerful battalion commander serves as the unified command.

The commander is naturally a level five fighter. Here, the commander must receive more than two months of military teaching and training during the training. The teaching materials and everything are all obtained by Li Cong from the earth. Although they are not necessarily useful, they are many. Learning a little is always better than not learning. Li Cong himself taught the first batch of 30 military academies, and the rest are all taught by these 30 brothers. At present, it is still very good. Yes, the official establishment of a regiment is five battalions, but there is another battalion directly under the regiment, that is, the establishment of six battalions, with an establishment of more than 10,000 people.

Sixth-level fighters serve as brigade commanders. They have five regiments plus their direct troops, which is seven regiments, with more than 80,000 people. They are generally stationed in a province, but now they are stationed in Row

The province has only half a brigade. Starting from the brigade commander, the sixth-level fighters are still a small team leader. They have one green and a special squad. The members are one sixth-level fighter, five fifth-level fighters, and ten fourth-level fighters. The formation of fighters, they can do some small tasks and so on, this is also a strategy of Li Cong, so that the action ability will also increase a lot.

At this time, the seventh-level fighters are the commanders of the generals. Although the generals here are not granted by the court, they are treated much better than those given by the court. At least on the surface, there are many people outside. Those who are greedy for this job, in addition to the pay they fancy, they also fancy the hundreds of thousands of soldiers under a division commander. This is also what they want to enjoy. Of course, the seventh-level fighters are only a necessary condition. If you want to become the commander of the guards of Cao's house, there is no problem, as long as you pass the assessment, the assessment is not that simple, and the exams are all brainy things.

The commander of the eighth-level soldier is like a great general of the imperial court. There are five divisions under each army, and more than 250 soldiers are under their own jurisdiction. Such a person is really very powerful, but There are only seven armies now. From the First Army to the Seventh Army, Li Cong has already assigned them defense zones, and now they are sent one by one.

After this rectification, some of the internal guards of Cao's House of Commercial Bank have their own positions, and they also know what their goals are. They are not the same as before. Even though they all knew that they were Cao's House of Commercials. People who feel that the firm is too big, and I don’t have any ownership of this firm. I feel that I am too small in it, and there is no room for improvement. No, there are a lot of gangsters, but after this reorganization, all of them have become clear. As long as the squad leader and platoon leader see what I do, I will be able to get ahead sooner or later. , This day will definitely come, so some people do things very hard.

In addition to the guards, Li Cong, the employee below, also set ten levels for them. Generally speaking, you can stay up the time slowly. After a few decades, the lowest level can also be upgraded to several levels, but that is It’s just going from level one to level five. It takes time. If you want to get to a higher level, you can only see if you have the ability. If you don’t have the ability, you can only stay in that position for a lifetime. .

The formation of the **** also made the force of Cao’s House of Commerce violent. In the past, many people didn’t think that Cao’s House of Commerce was so powerful, but this time everyone seems to be wrong. Cao’s House of Commerce is already growing. It has become a huge crocodile. At this time, the royal family of the two empires in the northwest is a bit unbelievable. How long has it been, that is, how can there be such a powerful armed force after a few years of work, Cao family The friends of the firm are naturally very happy. They have such an ally, and their future sons will be better off, but the enemies of the Cao's firm are not so happy.

The most unhappy ones here are probably those black potionists. Humans are looking for black potionists. These black potionists are also looking for news about humans everywhere. They want to get news from humans, but they are better than humans. The news is much easier. There are only fifteen black magic pharmacists in the entire world. Although there are hundreds of preparations, it’s still a question of whether those people can succeed. After this period of development, this The weakest among the dozen guys is almost the same as the **** back then. If a dozen of them appear together, even the current Xiaohu will probably have to retreat. Their strength is really a bit tough.

It’s just that the black magic pharmacist clearly knows that they are not the ones who can appear right now. All human beings are paying attention to them. If they come out now, they will definitely be surrounded by everyone. This is definitely not what they want. What they hope is that no one can pay attention to them. The most important thing they want to do is to improve their strength without knowing it. To achieve this goal, they still have to implement the previous strategy. , That’s the kind of cooperation with Zhou Tian, ​​the former leader of Caobang, find a safe place to rest by yourself, let your agent outside do this, just wait to smoke, so every time a few hundred There are hundreds of people, but it’s okay. It’s just that this agent is not so easy to find at the moment. Most of those people are unwilling to do so, and some people will immediately report it when they hear this. Of course , Among them, there will definitely be cooperation with them. I hope that relying on these people can improve their abilities, so they must disappear recently.

These guys also thought about the trouble of finding Li Cong, but after thinking about it, forget it. If you really find Li Cong's trouble, you will really suffer. At this time, Li Cong is really a strong soldier. If you really want to encircle and suppress yourself, you will definitely be the one who suffers. When that happens, you will really regret it, so they can't do anything no matter how Li Cong develops or how fast he develops.

The rectification of the guards of the Cao’s House of Commerce has made the Southern Empire’s killing of Confucian a little depressed. Now the two Northwest empires are helpless. Will they be like this in the future of the Southern Empire, but now if the Cao’s House of Commerce is not allowed to enter If they do, their losses will be even more severe. Don’t be kidding, the southern empire belongs to the royal family, but the magicians’ union is definitely not small. If you want to check and walk near the Warcraft Mountains, it’s a fart. There is the magician union’s world, even the locals. Officials all listen to them. When the zhèngfǔ orders are over there, they will fart. No one will really listen to that. Besides, the airship of Cao's Commercial Bank can run everywhere. It is impossible to check. , So they must make this matter public. According to the latest news, millions of boxes of Dukang have flowed into the market again, and the wealth of the Southern Empire was quickly earned by Cao’s The good thing in the middle is the Mage Union and the people below them. As for the zhèngfǔ side, a large number of court officials are their customers, and there is no other good.

Killing Confucianism has already held two meetings with the highest level of the Southern Empire. Most people feel that they should be allowed in, but there are also a small group of conservatives who think that they cannot be allowed in. If they are allowed If they enter, the current Northwest Empire is their end, so they cannot be allowed in. Many people have this idea. Now it is really a bit embarrassing. The Southern Empire emperor thought of a compromise, that is, in the Southern Empire. The river in the central part of the river sets a limit. Cao’s commercial firms are allowed to enter in the north of the river, and they are not allowed to enter the south. Although this can effectively curb the development of Cao’s commercial firms, it is okay in the short term, but in the long run, it is for the south. The economic development of the empire is still not very good, that is, the people here don't have any vision about economic development. If someone has such a vision, it will let Li Cong enter. Unfortunately, no one here has one.

Li Cong also heard about the Southern Empire, but if they want to use this method to deal with themselves, maybe you are all blind, we are not so easy to deal with, so Li Cong immediately asked Cui Xianer’s Cao Charity Foundation Enter the Southern Empire first, so that the people of the Southern Empire will benefit first. In this way, many people will receive the Cao’s firm first, and they will have the support of the people when they enter. Everything is easy to say. Cui Xian'er is also very good at doing this. of. RS! .

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