Energy Group

Chapter 1974:

People in the three major empires did not expect such things, especially those in power. They absolutely do not want to see such things happen in their empires. In their opinion, this lightning gate should be eliminated quickly. Yes, and the blockade of the frozen forest is the most important one. The Eastern Empire has naturally seen this important point, so they will break through Li Cong’s blockade at all costs. Their army has reached the Yami Plain. Along the way, 1540km to the southeast is the Eastern Empire, and 450km to the west is the Northern Empire. In the past, caravans of the Northern Empire often came here, but now because of the too many monsters, There are no caravans coming here anymore, so there are many people in the caravan family, too, right? If this comes, it will take his own life.

They are stationed in this place less than 30 kilometers away from Li Cong’s army that blocked the frozen forest. Li Cong understands their intentions very well. They must rush over from this place, as long as it is a message to the people at Thunder Gate. Yes, the people at the Raiden Gate headquarters will naturally not appear. They will definitely tell the Eastern Empire most of the news about Raiden Gate. At that time, it will be convenient for the high-level people of the Eastern Empire to contact the people at the Thunder Gate inside the three empires. After hundreds of thousands of years, the infiltration between these four empires is also very powerful. If they do this, they can be much more powerful than the people who come out of the Thunder Gate. Then Li Cong wants to be the same as before. It’s impossible to stop it, if this part of the force is integrated. Dealing with Li Cong is absolutely no problem, but Li Cong is not the goal of the Eastern Empire. The Eastern Empire may take risks and ask those people to revolt. This is all possible. By then, within the other three empires. The chaos began, and they could gain the benefit of the fisherman. Li never wanted to see such a thing. From now on, all of Li’s forces are in the territory of the three empires. If there is any chaos in the three empires, he himself The loss will definitely be very severe. Li never let him happen to such a thing. Unknowingly, Li Cong himself was kidnapped by the three empires. Now both sides are on the same boat, so Li Cong can only hurry up with the army of 15 divisions that he can integrate. Went to the east of the Northern Empire.

Among the fifteen divisions, there were members of the guards of the three divisions originally formed by Li Cong himself, and the rest were just formed. But they are still different from other newly formed armies. They were compiled entirely. It was really a change of clothes, all of which were in the original army, so the order is very good, if it is really reorganized. Not to mention fighting on the battlefield, it’s still unknown whether Li Cong can get there. Now Li Cong is very pleased to see their tidy steps, at least there is no hindrance to himself, of course there are still among them. For the infantry of the two divisions, this speed is naturally not so fast. Li also thought of asking the cavalry to advance quickly and let the infantry pass slowly, but then he thought that if the infantry without the protection of the cavalry encountered the enemy For the cavalry, it is simply the enemy’s living target. Such a thing cannot be done. Originally, his own strength is not as good as others, and now he cannot do that. Every soldier is very important to him. People.

Li Cong is naturally riding a tiger, but if this guy releases his breath, it is estimated that these millions of military horses will immediately have to lie on the ground. This is absolute, not to mention them, it is a Warcraft The monsters in the mountains would do that. They are pure kings. Many soldiers are very envious of their general’s mounts. They come and go like a gust of wind. The most important thing is that they don’t seem to be tired from seeing this guy. They also know This must be a beast, but it is absolutely unexpected that this will be a tenth-level beast. In their opinion, the tenth-level beast is dead and cannot be used as a mount for a human, which is too shameful.

"Report..." Li Cong saw the three people in front of them riding horses with red silk on their backs running over. This is the red silk emergency report. The emergency military situation generally looks like this, they are. People belong to spies. Could it be that something happened before? According to the rules in the army, these people can report without having to dismount. The three guys have been sweating for a long time. They didn’t wait for Li Cong to allow one of them to start talking. "Report to the general. There are more than 200,000 enemy archers in the front 30 miles, and there are a large number of cavalry behind. The number is unknown." This guy said, it is no wonder that they have not been for a long time. Those who came to the battlefield, it’s no wonder that they saw the enemy's nervousness like this. Li Cong also understood that it seemed that they had to be given a little confidence. I was scared to death. This kind of thing is definitely possible. They have all arrived 30 miles in front of them. It seems that they also know that they are here and are ready to give themselves a meeting ceremony.

"Order the whole army to speed up. The people from the 321 and 330 brigades of the 2nd Division rushed to the front for me and stopped at a distance of 500 meters from the enemy. In addition, all the company commanders of the army showed me to the front. Now, you guys continue to investigate, and if there is any trouble, come back and tell me immediately." Li Cong said confidently. He has already shipped 200,000 serial crossbows from the planet rty. This thing is in the war of ordinary people. Zhongna is very good. There are also rules in this war. You, a tenth-level fighter, cannot slaughter ordinary people. If you want to slaughter ordinary people, you have to kill your opponents, so you can play whatever you want. It's your own business, but in general, the masters are disdainful of fighting against ordinary people. It seems that they are too low in price. Ordinary people’s wars still depend on ordinary people. Besides, some large-scale wars are not moving. Just hundreds of millions of people. How many can you kill as a tenth-level fighter? With such a large number, killing a few million people is probably tired. If you want to kill on a large scale, you can only rely on magicians, but if the opponent also has a magician. If you kill someone, they will kill you too, so the masters will decide the victory or defeat with the masters first. This is basically the rule of war. Of course, the chances of losing the masters are also higher. .

The 170,000 combat troops of the two brigades of the Second Division received Li Cong’s news and immediately began to advance quickly. They were originally infantry soldiers, but Li Cong wanted to improve their mobility so they bought horses. One by one, they didn't run slowly, and they were also very interested in the serial crossbow in their hands during training. Good guy's. This thing is simply a killer weapon. They looked at the 300 bows and arrows on their backs. In the past, they wouldn't be able to use that many in a war, but they understood after practice. It is estimated that this is enough for one battle. You **** of the Eastern Empire are in luck.

Three million people in a legion of the Eastern Empire over there were ordered to stop Li Cong. The two legions over there were on their way. They really didn't expect Li Cong to move so fast, and they didn't want to meet such a fast opponent. To be honest, the soldiers of the other three empires did not experience much war, and the soldiers of the Eastern Empire did the same. They all felt the same about the war, it was the fear in their bones, but they were not afraid of their numerical superiority. Besides, their equipment is also dominant. It is said that their equipment is worth more than 10 taels per person. It is said that the Northern Empire is only 8 taels of silver, although 2 taels of silver do not necessarily have anything. At least on the battlefield, their psychological effects are huge. Under the same conditions, they have one more chance to survive than them, which is incredible.

The army of the Eastern Empire naturally did not want to head-on with Li Cong. They hoped to scare Li Cong back with their military might. They also investigated Li Cong’s details and knew that this guy was a minister of the Northern Empire. Bastard, although such people usually see more of the world than the children of ordinary people's families, how much does this guy know about things in the real army? It must be that they don’t know much. Since this guy knows this is not so much, he will definitely think about whether he can fight or not fight when he encounters the Eastern Empire army in the future, although he has seen a few big ones. Fighting, but war and fighting are still two different things. No, the generals of the Eastern Empire wanted to give Li Cong a prestige first. This matter can also be settled. The victory or defeat of the first battle is very crucial. , Such a thing must be understood.

The armies of the two sides began to approach step by step on this very fertile plain without food. If food is really planted here, it should be very good. It is a pity that there are monsters here in normal times. Regardless of whether it is a first-level monster or a second-level monster, this is nothing to some fighters, but it is not good for the common people who are farming. The first-level monster can also get them to run around, but now on both sides Tens of thousands of troops are approaching quickly, and the Warcraft naturally dare not come here when seeing this posture. Why don't you run faster? Li Cong’s two brigades, with hundreds of thousands of people, and a regiment of the other side, with millions of cavalry and 200,000 archers, are about to match up. What Li Cong wants is to use his two brigades to the people of the Eastern Empire Look, you are not Lao Tzu's opponents, it's best to hurt you all at once.

The two brigade commanders of the 321 and 330 brigades are also very confident in this. With their own spies watching in front, they will not be able to ambush or wait. In fact, the people of the Eastern Empire did not expect to be able to ambush. For them, what people want is to kill you from the front. If you don’t do that, you may not be able to give you a good start, but to give you a reason for not being able to find a reason in various ways. This is a real failure. This is right. Your confidence blow is very important. Only in this way can you roll back. The blockade of the frozen forest can be ignored. It is just to block your side. If we do not block it, it will be of no use. Thunder The biggest backstage of the door is the Eastern Empire. If they can help each other, this mission will be a failure. The three empires will also suffer heavy losses. They will not be subjugated, but they can't afford to lose. Actually speaking of losses Come, the first person to be depressed is naturally the Eastern Empire. Without this guy Li Cong, they could completely occupy the four empires, but now they don’t have that ability. They can only do their best to make themselves. The loss was reduced to a minimum, so the people of the Eastern Empire basically had very big opinions. They could have been the masters of the entire continent, but now there is basically no hope. Although they will continue to grow stronger through the development of the ocean, as long as the three empires are united, they will not have a chance. Put all the anger on Li Cong.

Soon, the people of the Eastern Empire also saw Li Cong’s men. They were very good at Li Cong’s military discipline. The people of the Eastern Empire had originally thought that these people might be like farmers. Scattered, if that's the case, you don't need to do anything with them. As long as the archer on his side sends a thousand arrows, it can directly scare those people. It's a pity that they didn't show up as they thought. Some of the veterans of them saw at a glance that the cavalry who came in front were not very capable, that is, they had a strong face, and the recruits were still a little scared. Don’t you say that they are all the same as farmers? How can it be an army? The veterans can tell at a glance that these people should not be cavalry before, they should all be infantry, and they should be riding temporarily. This kind of nondescript army is the least threatening. They are called horse-riding infantry. These people do not have the impact of cavalry and the combat effectiveness of infantry. It can be said that they are the most important thing on the entire battlefield. They just made it out. I can see that the commander is also useless. Besides, it doesn’t matter if they are really cavalry. Didn’t you see the 200,000 archers in front of us? You have come these hundreds of thousands, it seems You are going to make dumplings for us. You walk a little faster. Why did you stop at the place where the archers can’t reach. As long as you go a little further, we will I can kill you. It seems that the commander is not completely foolish. If you rush over so suddenly, it will be your nightmare. Looking at the Eastern Empire army in the distance, the two brigade commanders looked at each other. At a glance, this is indeed the case. The two of them are happy, and they will kill you in a while.

"Brigade commander, the people from the Eastern Empire over there are already starting to give us semaphores." The brigade commander's guards had better eyes, and they quickly saw the actions of the Eastern Empire team on the opposite side. Although this was useless, every time the battle started. It was the first time that Li Cong encountered this kind of war. It seems that he can omit this link in the future. Although unscrupulous, it is very effective.

The brigade commander just wanted to ask his soldiers to send back a message to the other side. According to the normal order, they should come that way, but Li Cong's order came immediately, ordering the people here to start attacking immediately, not to mess with the other side. What I said, the brigade commanders were all guys who took genetic medicine. Naturally, they followed Li Cong’s words. The soldiers below didn’t understand this very well. In their opinion, it would take a while to communicate. It's not that we have to fight hard when we come up, but we are just a soldier. Whatever we say above, we have to do what we have to do. If there is a place for us to talk, naturally we will start fighting quickly.

The troops of the Eastern Empire are not fools. They can still see the movements of hundreds of thousands of people. They will enter a state of combat without saying a word. How could there be such a person? But they thought that Li Cong is a non-soldier soldier. Such a person cannot be rational in doing anything. Soon most people began to change their formations, but just after they changed to Half of the time, they suddenly discovered that the opponent was already attacking. How could those guys be faster than ours? We are all regulars, and none of these guys are regulars. Why?

Li Cong sneered. There is really no way these troops can say about them. All of them are fighting according to their own ideas. That can only be sorry for you. You all come in accordance with the rules, but I There are no rules here. The two cavalry divisions behind the officers and soldiers of the two brigades are already ready. After the serial crossbow creates chaos for them, the cavalry here will rush up, and you can look good at that time. Yes, yes, as long as the first battle is won, the side-to-side matters will be much easier to handle. At that time, I am afraid that your Eastern Empire people will not hurt? It was also a huge blow to the people of the entire Eastern Empire.

Of course, from the perspective of the Eastern Empire, it is impossible for them to fail. Isn’t it just moving faster? This does not prove that you are the same elite as us. It is very easy for us to kill you, but Just before they changed their formations. There seemed to be a puff of black smoke flying out of the phalanx on the opposite side. The recruits naturally didn’t know what this thing was, but the veterans knew very well, especially a group of officers. This was a lot of bows and arrows. The black shadows that came out, they often saw things like this before, but they didn’t see them very much since there was no war in the last few years, but it’s not the time to watch this right now. Those who shoot arrows on the opposite side The human objects belong to us, and these bows and arrows have not yet come to us. distance is too far. They couldn't come here, but it was considered a tentative attack. It was like firing a cannon, and you had to look at the point first. Otherwise, how to adjust it. People are one step faster than us. Just when Li Cong's army fired their bows and arrows, they did not have the awareness that they were about to be attacked. One by one, they felt that the opponent's speed was a little faster, if they could act on their side. It can also kill them.

Ah... the screams began to be heard in the formation of the Eastern Empire. The people in front had already started to run around. If the people who have been fighting for a long time may still have their own self-control, but these guys All of them have never experienced war. Seeing that the people around them are covered in blood, they are naturally scared. They didn't expect the enemy's bows and arrows to have such a long range. They were scared one by one. I wondered how I could keep my head. If I didn’t run well, I might not be able to go back. The tens of thousands of people in the front army were killed in the first wave of attack, but this was not enough. The fatal damage was caused by insufficient training in the army, so this situation has emerged. If the guys on the planet rty came like this, the first wave of battle results would be twice as high as this. Yes, but it’s okay. This is not good for the first time. Let’s have a second time. If the second time is not good, we still have a third time. There will always be a time when these guys will suffer a big loss. The problem, we can do it.

Although the first wave of bows and arrows attacked hundreds of thousands of bows and arrows and killed 10,000 people, the hit rate can be said to be very low, but the damage they themselves caused was much greater than this number. Those guys in the immediate future Some of them survived the first attack, but they didn’t care about the comrades next to them, so they rushed out of the queue and ran towards the back. Several officers took their whips and wanted to stop them. Yes, I was just hit by these guys. Someone took the lead. The rest of the people are not fools. You can survive if you run out. I will have to wait to die if I stay here. People with brains? Most of the people will start to run right now. The man who fell on the ground is usually his brother, but at this time, he doesn’t have the ability to pull you up. If we do the same, I guess we too It has to be the same as you. You fell on your own. This is also your own bad luck. Everyone knows that if you fall on the battlefield, there is a dead end. You can step on one foot and one foot. When they died, they were just like you and I began to retreat one by one. Whether it was trampled to death or killed by an officer, it turned out to be several times the number of thousands of people. The army of the Eastern Empire was already defeated.

The 200,000 archers behind the Eastern Empire also reacted at this time. If they are now taking advantage of the cavalry in front of them, they can advance 50 meters, so that their bows and arrows can reach Li Cong’s people. But the people who attacked the Corps in front were in chaos, and there was some commotion along with them. However, after the officer killed a few troublemakers, it was quiet, but it is impossible to attack others. Looking at the cavalry rushing back from the front, the leader of the group can only help his men to show their refusal, otherwise these cavalry will definitely rush in and disperse their queue. Thousands of cavalrymen died on these sharp rebels, and they don't know what they thought. Damn, they didn't kill a few people at the beginning, and they died a lot.

But they haven’t finished saying these words. The second wave of offensive has arrived. It didn’t take more than ten seconds before and after. How could this be possible? Even the most skilled archers in the army would not have this. They don’t have such a fast speed. Are these guys all first-class archers? This impossible thing, from the shooting distance just now, it can be seen that these guys are all ordinary people, and they can't have such a great ability. This is not in accordance with the law, but the fact is like this. People who survived the first ten seconds have finally seen a dark cloud in the sky coming over. Just now because Li Cong’s people were just here. It came, so it hasn't stood firm yet. The number of people shooting arrows is only about 130,000. Now it is different. 160,000 people have started shooting. It seems that there are a lot more bows and arrows.

That's how the overwhelming rain of arrows came. There are at least five or six bows and arrows on the cavalry who have not run. You are wearing armor, and you admit that your armor is much better than the cavalry of the other three empires. If you use a bow and arrow, you may not be able to shoot you, but you are not covered in your whole body. Even if the whole body is wrapped up. This bow and arrow also has its own impact. It will hurt if it hits you. The result of five or six bows and arrows coming together is to knock you off directly, which also declares your death. We don’t need to do anything, your people will give you a terrible death.

The 200,000 cavalrymen of the Eastern Empire were able to run back less than 20,000 to 30,000. This was because their archers risked their lives and advanced 30 meters and shot arrows and blocked Li Cong’s two brigades. This allowed you to run. That's right, otherwise, I guess none of them can go back. Shoot the bow and arrow right? This may be what Li Cong wants most now. Your distance can't keep up with us, but our distance can keep up with you. The commanders of the two brigades won't go head-to-head with each other. If you move forward, we will retreat. That's it. We will attack you in the same way as we retreat. This is the same as the gap between a rifle and a submachine gun. After we fire one, we can continue to fire the second one. You are different. You have to use your own arrows. Take it out of the bag, and then waste our tremendous strength to fill up the bow and arrow, but all of this is unnecessary for us. We can just pull our fingers. I believe you also We wouldn't believe it. We didn't believe it before, but we did it on the battlefield. You can see if your people fall in pieces.

The results of the bow and arrow shooting came out very quickly. The 200,000 archers of the Eastern Empire died more than 80%, and the rest retreated with the cavalry. They stopped at a barracks ten miles later. Li just came from here. Less than 2,000 people were lost. This is definitely a big victory. The 2,000 casualties killed more than 300,000 enemy troops. This ratio has never appeared on the entire continent. Of course, if a magician comes up. The slaughter is a different story, but now it is obvious that there is no magician, and the people in the Eastern Empire Magician Guild will not help others to deal with the magician, although they have not seen Li Cong and don’t know this. Guys, but in their hearts, this magician is much more noble than ordinary people. The world magicians are a family, but it's not that simple to say it casually. Most magicians agree with this sentence.

However, the loss of bows and arrows is also very serious. This time, the soldiers of these two brigades directly fired frantically. There is no way. They are all recruits. Only in this way can their tension be relieved. They are in a short period of time. More than 7 million bows and arrows were used in ten minutes. Li Cong was also a little surprised when this number was reported to Li Cong. Damn, these guys are a bit too cruel one by one. Is the price of a bow and arrow here? Very expensive, because the materials are very easy to find. Collecting this stuff from the common people is just 10 cents. This is a small encounter with so many bows and arrows. The loss below is huge.

Every archer is precious, so the cleaning of the battlefield is naturally left to the infantry behind. After a half-hour break, their two brigade commanders immediately led people to the east, 10 miles away. The imperial army barracks are gone. At this time, the soldiers are very fast. Although they also want to take a good inventory of their trophies, there will be greater military achievements waiting for them. At this time, yes, they have to In the past to see how much credit could be gained, one by one rushed up like the howling tigers, and the sound of their horses hooves directly made the Dongdi team in the barracks terrified.

There are more than 4 million cavalry and 2 million infantry in this barracks. There are also millions of archers. They were originally going to support the front line. Who knows that all the people on the front line have returned. What is going on? Why did these guys come back? Defeated? None of the generals on the front line came back, and they were all killed by arrows. The only two generals were injured in the general’s camp. At the beginning, I didn’t know what they were talking about. But after waiting for less than three minutes, the four soldiers of the general went in and took these two The general tied it up, and then escorted it out. He immediately picked up the knife and cut it off... This action was fast. At this time, the seven million troops in the barracks quickly understood, and dozens of them were sent out. Thousands of thousands of troops came back, and all the rest were killed. It was so terribly defeated at war. No wonder the general is angry.

Before they could react, all the scouts came back. There were hundreds of thousands of cavalry at the gate of the barracks. The general was so angry that he didn't understand what the two guys said. ? There is no such thing as ambush. How come your army is all over. Look at the time. How long is it, one hour, if you subtract all the time on your journey. That is less than ten minutes of effort. In ten minutes, you have lost 300,000 people. Even if the empire has an army, it’s not enough for your loss method. Okay, these **** from the Northern Empire have come to the door, look. What they said was not wronged, they really came. Lao Tzu wanted to see how you killed Lao Tzu's people. I heard that hundreds of thousands of people came, but they didn't follow up at all. , That’s even better, eating you is also saving Lao Tzu’s face, so it’s not a failure to say it, the loss of tens of thousands of people can still be reported, after all, this is a war, how can there be undead? Things.

The general immediately brought his own 100,000 armored cavalry to the forefront. One of his cavalry equipment is worth more than twice that of ordinary cavalry. Of course, the combat power will be much higher. If you have your own investment, you will have your own. In return, his cavalry is well-known throughout the Eastern Empire. One by one, one hundred thousand cavalrymen looked down at the northern empire cavalry who had just arrived in front of them. They were with those who just died. The same is true. These guys are a group of mounted infantrymen. I really don’t understand how these guys were killed by these guys. Have they all become mentally retarded?

The two brigade commanders and the people below don’t care about semaphores or the like at this time. This thing is the same as the boss said. It’s useless at all. They just ask the people to spread out and find a position that is good for them. , Just start archery. The people below him have gone through the last battle, and now they have more experience than before, and they are more calm. This calmness is the most precious thing on the battlefield. If only one person can be If Zhan Changhang was calm, what he brought was definitely not as simple as killing one more enemy. A brigade commander waved his flag vigorously, and the first wave of attacks passed, and the opposing general directly took My eyes widened. How could this be unruly? As usual, it takes a while to start cursing. Besides, archery in your position? The man on the horse shoots arrows? What a joke, it would be nice if you can control your own body, but you still shoot arrows right away. This is simply killing yourself. Your cavalry can come in front of you with a single charge. You shoot arrows? The general felt that these people were a little funny at this time, how could such a thing happen? Those of his own died in the hands of these people? It's no joke, this guy feels that his cognitive abilities are not enough...

If this general was not so anxious just now and listened carefully to the words of the two generals he killed, it may not be the case now. He is so powerful himself, so let the two generals not finish. , Those people also said that the other party has a very powerful weapon, but unfortunately he didn’t listen to it. He thought that such a weapon was impossible. The reason why the two guys said that was because they wanted to take responsibility for failure. It boils down to those weapons that don't exist, so he killed the two guys in anger. If they hadn't said that, he might have saved the two guys.

But it was too late at the moment. The general had already seen the downward bow and arrow appearing 60 meters above his head. This is true. The general himself has the ability to be a seventh-level fighter, of course he doesn’t. I was afraid of the bows and arrows shot by these ordinary people, but the people under him might not have his abilities. The general roared, and the dozens of bows and arrows above him immediately became inaccurate, but he could This is the only way to do it. Several people around him have been pierced through their heads. The density of bows and arrows is not very high. For hundreds of thousands of people, these bows and arrows are not many, just the firing of bows and arrows. The frequency is really a bit high. At this time, the general thought of letting his cavalry begin to attack. The general's own 100,000 cavalry was killed in the first wave of attacks. They did not run around like those cavalry ~www. After all, it is well-trained, and after receiving the command of the general, it began to rush towards the two brigades.

Seeing the cavalry rushing over, they were also a little flustered. After all, the cavalry they encountered just now started to run, and there was no intention to continue rushing up, but they also had their own when training. They immediately flattened their crossbows. The 20,000 archers in the front threw away their crossbows and began to throw some Mitsubishi nails and the like tens of meters in front of them. They couldn’t carry the rebels, so they used them. They were taught to them by Li Cong. After throwing them, they didn’t pick up their serial crossbows because that would be a waste of time. All that was done was to find the air strike and run to the back. The people behind them immediately formed a three-row attacking phalanx, and their serial crossbows were launched without waiting for the commander of the brigade commander.

Although the armor of this era is good, but it is not enough to encounter a very powerful thing like a serial crossbow. The cavalry in the front is directly shot into a sieve, even with their horses. After getting out, it’s okay for a cavalryman to fall, but in such a dense cavalry queue, a fallen cavalry can trip most of the people directly. This is something they did not expect. Their clan thinks that the cavalryman They should be facing the cavalry. The more dense they are, the more they can feel safe. Unexpectedly, the tactics of tens of thousands of years have completely failed at this moment. (To be continued...)

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