Energy Group

Chapter 2000:

Their relatives and friends are the same as ordinary people. There is no way to expand this matter, but they want to rob these officials.

It’s completely different. The officials’ relatives and friends are also officials. They all have a very strong influence and want to work in South Africa.

In the upper bureaucratic society of the empire, chaos was created. These officials were shot because of this. They are Li Cong’s people.

, They will help Li never complete your order. Of course, they are unwilling to complete this, but there is no way.

No, I was robbed, I have to pay a little bit.

After three hours, almost all the wealthy households and officials at home were seen by Li Cong’s people.

They didn’t simply look at them with their eyes. They took away all the valuable things in the house and looked at the boxes of people.

The west was transported out towards the outside, and these relatives in the city were all dumbfounded. This is all their lifetime accumulation.

Su, now there is nothing left, everything has become other people's things.

"Hehe, I said that you people are also very good at searching people’s money. You should know what is weak.

Meat eating? I shouldn’t tell you this truth, because you all understand better than me.

I was robbed by me, don’t be bitter, who would you show it to? It’s the same when you rob others.

Can't you stand it one by one on your own? "Li Cong saw the city lord and the wealthy family struggling in the living room.

Speaking of, Li Cong couldn't understand the faces of these guys at all. When they rob the people, they do better than rob their hands.

There are too many paragraphs, but they are all wrapped in civilized means. Just do it yourself, but basically speaking

This is relatively straightforward, how many times stronger than their unknown?

"This gentleman said a joke. We usually have a very good relationship with the people. There is absolutely no robbery.

What happened, gentleman, the city has become like this now, and I have to give me an explanation. you

Can you tell me where you are from pirates? If you are willing to say it, I think we will reduce a lot

The trouble, the court army is going to attack, you and you can also run faster, it is a win-win decision for us

Policy, you should be very clear about the imperial court’s policy towards pirates over the years. If you just rob ordinary people and some

Words from unrelated people. Then the court will not send troops to suppress you, but you robbed the court’s official warehouse, this is not

A simple matter, if you want to solve this matter, I think we need to sit down and talk about it.

"The chubby lord of the city said, Li Tong is full of fat in his brain for this guy. I feel very disgusted with this.

Such people have nothing to say? According to Li Tong’s understanding, this guy is a guy who I do no evil.

I didn’t do the pirate cooperation once. He thought that Li Cong was the same as the pirates, so he proposed this.

Conditions. In their eyes, the lives and property of the people are simply not worth mentioning, but they did not expect the pirates to

Dare to rob his things.

"My lord of the city, sirs. You believe that you know everything you do in your daily life. I won’t be here.

I have introduced you one by one. The things you usually do may be a bit awkward to describe as heinous, burn and kill.

You didn’t do something like looting, but what you did was a hundred times more powerful than this, I tell you the truth

That’s it, I’m not here for your money, but to make trouble for your Southern Empire, so you

I will never keep his life, and you don’t need to try your best to please me and kill you all.

There will be vacancies for officials in the southern part of the country, so that the upper echelons of the empire will pay more attention to the robbery. My wish

Hope has been achieved. As for what purpose I have, I think you don’t know and it’s not very useful, because you will all

To die. "Li Cong said with a smile. These officials are usually decent one by one, but now they are all panicked.

Anyone will panic when facing life and death, these guys who usually look very serious are also panicking at this time

Well, especially some of them with high authority, the greater the power, the more powerful they enjoy life and the more they treat death.

Fear, as it is now, they are the most disturbed, but unfortunately they are all fish in Li Cong’s hands, thinking

Whenever I kill you, I will kill you when, and no one will pity you.

"Report that all the official warehouses in the county and the warehouses of large families have been moved, and everything is delivered according to your destiny.

When we go to the designated place outside the city, we have already cleared everything in the entire city, which belongs to the people’s emergency supplies.

We haven't moved. We have already shipped some luxury goods and other major merchants' money. Now our army has arrived

It's out of town, please give me your instructions. "The head of the Marine Corps came in and said at this time.

"Haha, fortunately, you have done a good job. Now we are leaving the city.

All people’s houses are lit, let the fire blaze, and let the upper level of the Southern Empire see the determination of our pirates,

By the way, put these high-ranking officials in those luxurious houses and let them burn with their beautiful houses.

They belong to this place. They have to die differently from the poor. They die in a gorgeous house, not from the poor.

To die, this is the last dignity I give you. "Li Cong went out after speaking, and didn't speak to these guys at all.

Room, of course. There are not no good people among these officials, and there are several good Li Congs left behind. Oneself

Those words have to be told to the high-level people of the Southern Empire, they are the ones who pass the microphone, and things like massacre can be their own

It can't be done, but it is still possible to burn some merchants' houses.

Li Cong took his own people and left like that. When they came in, they didn’t have anything, but when they went out, they were fully loaded.

And return, there is a huge place outside the city, where a lot of looted gold and silver treasures are piled up. Before these things

Li Tong has also seen it, but now I see these things from the robbery, Li Cong is very happy, maybe he

Born to be a robber, this is not true. Who knows what his ancestors did? May be a robber


"Soldiers, you are doing very well. These are your spoils. Don’t think you are doing bad things. These

The officials are not so fair to get these things, they also get such huge wealth by accidentally plundering.

Yes, we have now taken these wealth from their hands, and we can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. I promise that the money will be

Used in the right place, not in the wrong place, I ordered all participating soldiers to be rewarded with 50 silver. "Look

Until most of the soldiers were still uneasy, after all, there were also many Southern Empire people among them. For these people

Robbing the official mansion is the crime of beheading, and it may also implicate all his family in it. Come out and follow Li Conghun

, In order to enable his family to live a good life, but Li Tong was unexpectedly robbed of officials’ property by them.

In the southern empire and even the other three empires, they are all extraordinary things. They are all sins to beheaded.

Guan Dou, how can they not panic in their hearts now that they actually do such a thing.

Seeing that many soldiers didn’t look happy on their faces, they got 50 silver for no reason. They should be very happy.

, But now they are not only not happy, but very worried. They are worried that the money is

Evidence of their decapitation later. Li Tong knew what they were thinking about? Because this is the Southern Empire, not the Eastern Empire

, If they do something like this in the Eastern Empire, they probably don’t feel at all. They do something like this in the Southern Empire.

, It seems that this is really a mind-blowing thing, but Li Cong admires them very much for obeying orders, after all, if they

If you disagree with you, you may not be able to do these things today. They are worthy of the title of a soldier, and everything they do

Worthy of training for them.

"You may not understand what you are doing today, but I know that you are all born in poor families.

In your hometown, haven’t you received any difficulties from landlords and officials? impossible? Wherever there are people, there will be oppression

Everyone came from a poor family. Everyone has been oppressed by these officials for a long time. They want to oppress here.

For the poor people, you are venting the people by doing such things. You should think of these things.

There is no border in this matter of resisting oppression, no matter which empire people are, they are all suffering from such oppression,

You should have this understanding, you should feel that you are just to liberate these poor people, what you did

Things are just. All oppressors should endure some feelings of being oppressed. These are what you are doing now

situation. "Everyone who heard Li Cong's words seemed to have untied their own knots. They felt that they

What they did may be right. Although it is uncertain, they have understood these things and they also feel that,

They may do a lot of these things in the future, at least in their hearts, they can get by.

Li Tong knows that now is not the time to mobilize their thoughts. The surrounding cities should know the situation here.

In any case, they can't stay here anymore, they must retreat, and glanced down at the gold and silver treasure hands in front of them.

With a wave of these things, they all disappeared. The soldiers around were still amazed at this matter. After all, Li Cong had the world inside.

The matter was kept secret, and these soldiers thought that Li Tong had put things in the ring. They are all surprised by their boss

How could there be such a large space ring, Li Tong didn't explain much about the expressions on their faces. What do you think

What's the matter? The more you explain this, the darker it gets.

The officers below are all starting to count the soldiers under their own hands. At this time, even a soldier cannot be less. If you stay

They were caught here, which allowed the Southern Empire to get the handle of Li Tong’s attack. This is absolutely impossible, Li Cong does

These things are to be done in absolute secrecy. If they are caught by them, all of them will be successful.

Abandoned. It was very good. No soldier was left behind. Even a dead soldier can take the body away.

There was also a very discordant scene when Li retreated from them. At this time, some saboteurs in this city

All came out. They took advantage of this rebellion to extend their devil’s claws to the homes of the people. Li Cong’s army began to treat the old

The common people Qiu did not commit any crimes, but these people robbed the common people's homes. Li Cong knew that until this time,

The only way to punish them is to retreat first, and come up again when there is a chance to punish them.

The bad guys all regard themselves as pirates, not just for the things in the common people's homes. Mediation also caused them a

Some personal injuries, Li Cong watched what they did on the boat. He really hated how he didn’t treat them first.

Get it out. After they did something like this, they made their plan a little bit too far. At least in the future, the people will also

I hate my own. They were also afraid of Li Cong's destruction of the people's assets. This was the only shortcoming of this operation.

However, this operation was considered a success anyway. You have successfully used most of the wealth in this county

Taken away, of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Li Cong has completed his strategic points.

Now, he wants to make the upper level of the Southern Empire feel nervous. Everyone believes that when the news reaches the capital of the Southern Empire, Nan

What kind of reaction will the empire’s top leaders have? There has never been a similar situation in the South before, and they have not

I am worried that this will happen, because the southern part of the Southern Empire has no powerful groups except a few pirates.

Team, but now it’s completely different. There is a pirate who can completely capture a county town.

A very strong garrison city.

Five hours after Li Tong’s army left here, the army from two nearby counties also arrived.

Fang Zai investigated carefully, but at the end he found that no clues were left. They didn’t know these.

Where did the pirates come from? I don’t even know what their next goal is. They can only put everything here

Sum up, and then report to the superior. Naturally, the capital cannot be delayed, mainly because of the dozens of stored here.

100 million taels of silver was taken away. This is a very important matter. For the entire Southern Empire, it has never been issued.

If this matter is not reported, no one can bear the responsibility. Of course, they can also think of it.

If the money has nothing to do with the empire, you don’t need to be so anxious.

What kind of repercussions this matter will arouse in the capital is now not something these low-level military officers are considering, these

Everything should be thought by the big bosses in the capital. Li Cong’s purpose is to make the upper echelons of the Southern Empire feel that there is east in the north.

The trouble between the Empire and the Thunder Gate, and the trouble with pirates appeared in the south, it made them feel that they should quickly

The trouble is eliminated. Now the trouble of pirates has just begun, and the trouble of Thunder Gate has already begun.

It has been a long time, so they should choose to end the northern affairs first, so that their support for Li Cong will be high.

This small-scale landing battle was not Li Cong’s final combat goal. Naturally, her final combat goal was to attack Dongdi.

The Eastern Empire is Li Tong’s final goal. In Li Cheng’s eyes, the other three empires are already under his own hands.

West, when you want to eat it in? Although the royal families of the three empires seem to be very strong

Great, but Li Cong’s power has begun to develop deeply in these three empires. He doesn't need to be in these three empires

How much effort was wasted in China, but it was the Eastern Empire. In the Eastern Empire, Li Cong’s strength can be said to be basically absent.

So far, it has only established an intelligence organization with little ability.

This intelligence organization has not brought any benefits to Li Cong from the beginning until now, and the strong strength of the Eastern Empire also made Li

From feeling it, the biggest threat on this planet, he himself has reached the level of a ninth-level magician, and the warrior has also arrived.

In the realm of the ninth-level pinnacle warrior, it can be said that the goal that the individual pursues has been completed, and the remaining goal to be pursued is the unification.

Rule the entire planet. Even use this as a springboard to look outside and see what's in the space here.

On the way back to the island, Li Cong asked his men to calculate the success or failure of this troop dispatch, and waited for the benefits obtained.

To Li Tong's surprise, the wealth from looting is always quick. It’s always slow to spend. In this landing battle, Li Cong’s warship

A total of about 1252,000 silver was consumed, but more than 20 billion silver was obtained on this island.

Li recalled from himself the way that colonial empires accumulate wealth on the earth was like this. It turned out that this way of accumulating wealth is super

Through any kind of hard work to get rich, as long as you rely on your own boats and guns. It can be done, and now Li Tong has become

In which colonial countries, this process can be completed only by relying on their own boats and guns. Now where is Li Tong?

These colonial countries? He relied on his own artillery and a series of advanced technologies. Soon this county town of the Southern Empire

Become something in your own hands, so the wealth of others becomes your own. But at the moment he doesn't have any in his heart

Feeling guilty, it’s worth sacrificing some for your own hegemony. Moreover, I didn’t want the wealth of the ordinary people.

What I want is the wealth of these noble people. Their wealth is not very good at first, so I can be regarded as

The people are killed.

On the other side of the situation, officials in the southern part of the Southern Empire quickly sent the news to the capital of the Southern Empire because Li Cong

The airship, please let them deliver messages many times faster than before. When Li Tong sent the airship to the Southern Empire

I’m afraid I didn’t expect to help the Southern Empire for this reason. The officials of the Southern Empire are now accustomed to using airships.

I have handed them their news. Although it seems very safe, how could the initiator Li Tong not take advantage of this?

What about favorable conditions? Li Tong can’t say that he didn’t know all the news spread on the airship, but at least 50% or more, very

He knows all important news, but how does he know? This is a question worth thinking about.

The high-level people in the capital of the Southern Empire, when they first received this news, thought they had encountered a big joke.

There is nothing but the sea in the south, so how could such a powerful pirate come out? Did they all fall from the sky?

Nothing? This is simply impossible. Many ministers did not believe this news, but when the southern provinces reported

When they came here with one letter after another, they all understood that the news was true, not fake, and not an official.

The prank, but their county city was really robbed, and all of the more than tens of billions of silver were gone.

The emperor of the Southern Empire was directly shocked by the news. He immediately called a cabinet meeting. At the meeting, most officials

The officials still hold a wait-and-see attitude towards this news. Many officials have not believed this news to be true until now. It’s no wonder

, Because in the history of the southern empire there hasn’t been such a thing in the south for hundreds of years, and even some small rebellions have not happened.

It has appeared, and the southern part is a very safe place in the hearts of senior officials of the Southern Empire.

Among all the officials, the one who is least willing to believe this is probably the Hubu Shangshu. The Hubu Shangshu has already been counted this year.

The accounts are completed, all expenditures have been listed, and they have been handed over to the emperor and the emperor has also approved it.

There are several items of cost that are very important. The source of these money is all shipped from the southern region.

it is good. Nothing is left. The originally planned things will probably be postponed. Other officials are also thinking about this time.

How serious is the loss? Whether it will interfere with their own interests, everyone feels very sad.

"What the **** is going on in the South? Until now, there is no one of you who can give me a correct answer?

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Southern Empire said depressed. Until now, there are some who say this, and some who say that, but there is no

What a guy said is reliable with this matter. It’s no wonder that the emperor will get angry. The tax bank will be robbed

If there is no correct answer, what shall we do in the future? How many people will do this? So this matter

Love must be guarded strictly. Strive to minimize the influence of this matter, and those pirates must be killed

We must give all the pirates and bandits a vigilance, let them know what to do and not to do.

"Your Majesty, our military department attaches great importance to this matter, but the piracy matter is not what we want to suppress.

They can be wiped out immediately. We also read the information ahead. Our navy is seriously aging. No

To say that the pirates have been wiped out, it is unknown whether they can come back if they are asked to go out. "When the Minister of Military Affairs spoke

But looking at the book from the Ministry of Households, just what you old guy said in the past few years about this and that, to save money and so on. just now

Well, the pirates have come to the door, even if it is to build a navy, it will not cost so much money.

"How could this be the case? Wasn’t the navy very strong before? We have a strong navy in the south, then

These pirates can only survive on some islands, how dare they attack a county on a large scale now?

What? Why haven’t the Navy developed at all over the years? The military department does not attach importance to the navy or what is going on? "Your Majesty the Emperor

Almost ranted out. His understanding of the navy remained at a military parade decades ago, when the navy’s military

There are indeed many ships. Some officers and soldiers are also very high-tempered, but after so many years, he does not remember that he almost

Never once asked about the navy.

In the military department, the navy is an army that grandma does not love and uncle does not love. The military department has said several times that it will buy more warships and increase personnel.

Proposal, but it was quickly decided by the Ministry of Households. The Ministry of Military also has its own ideas. The army is constantly expanding, and the funding is also

There are only so many, if it is divided into the navy side, the army will reduce the corresponding supply, and all the money is fixed.

In the past few years, the royal family has spent huge amounts of money to manufacture some palaces on a large scale. I want the navy to be the same as before.

It’s absolutely impossible to expand, even if it’s temporary maintenance, there’s not much. The navy’s payment can be seen.

Come out, what a big gap between their armies.

"Your Majesty, the Navy has not increased its military expenditures in the last 300 years. The warships are very old, and they are usually

Maintenance is not timely, so they can only carry out some patrols in the coastal waters, and there is no way when they encounter pirates.

Action, our military department also mentioned to the Ministry of Households a lot of ideas to increase military expenditures, but the Ministry of Households refuted it to us.

It is said that the navy is useless now. The southern coast is very safe. There is no need for a large-scale army there.

The team exists. According to the imperial regulations, the navy’s military expenditure is to allocate 5 billion taels of silver each year, but now there is not even 5 million taels of silver.

I received it. Most of the money was embezzled by the Ministry of Households and transferred to other places. Our Military Ministry has no other way.

The payment is the most important thing. "The Secretary of the Army said helplessly. He doesn't really value the navy very much, but

His Majesty the emperor is getting angry now, this matter cannot be pulled to his head, so he can only push everything

When it came to the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Households was anxious when he heard this. What do I mean by embezzling funds?

Home, I will never move a penny, all the money is used by His Majesty the Emperor, but he can’t say anything about this situation.

When you come out, what you say is to offend His Majesty the Emperor. What impression will it leave on the working people?

Everyone thinks, His Majesty the Emperor is doing his own little things. After spending the military expenses, what is this not a faint monarch? The emperor wants most

What is tight is your reputation. Of course he would not take this matter to himself. It would be unlucky for a minister, the emperor.

No matter when the emperor is not wrong, it is only their ministers who are wrong.

His Majesty the Emperor looked at the people around him angrily, and the ministers below also knew that today’s matter cannot be that simple

It was solved. A few people sat and looked at the right to see that no one wanted to come out and take on this matter. Finally, they all looked to the side.

Hubu Shangshu, who sees these people's eyes also understand what's going on? You want me to bear this black pot

. It’s impossible, I didn’t make any mistakes, and I didn’t take personal gains for myself. It doesn’t matter to me.

Hubu Shangshu was also looking at the ministers around him, wondering who could help himself with this matter, he saw in the corner

One of the ministers is the minister of construction and office, and this person may share some burdens for himself. Except for the minister of construction

The military itself is also responsible for this matter. According to the rules of the Empire, they should make a plan every year, but

The affairs of the military department are all inclined to the army, and I don’t have much thoughts about the navy department.

After seeing their own thoughts, other people saw Hubu Shangshu’s eyes, and they all thumped for no reason. It seems

This old boy wants to make this matter a big deal. It’s no wonder that we didn’t help this kid at all just now

Yes, it is not surprising that he has this idea now.

"My Majesty, I am not confused about this matter concerning the Navy, and indeed I have an unshirkable responsibility. The old minister pleases your Majesty.

, Please come to sin. But the veteran still has some ideas about the navy. "Hube Shangshu knelt down and said that he too

He is a veteran of the two dynasties. His words will have some weight in the court. His Majesty waved his hand to make this guy stand up.

Said, the other ministers were mad at heart, you old boy Yi Lao Mai Lao first began to confess his sins.

The next thing is estimated to be taken out by someone. The skills of such a guy are really amazing.

Sure enough, what this guy continued to say had nothing to do with him, but it had a lot to do with other people.

"Your Majesty, the military department also has their responsibilities for this matter. They only stated in the plan to expand the sea in the first few years.

The plan of the army, but they did not mention anything about the navy later. Our household department manages the national economy and people’s livelihood.

Of course, it’s impossible to manage the Navy’s affairs. Since they don’t have this plan, why should we do this?

I’m responsible for all matters, and there is also the construction office. The construction office has not designed new warships for the navy for several consecutive years.

The navy is still using the old style decades ago. If you really want to buy a silver two-configuration battleship, you must use the old old style.

Model, what is the difference between this and no increase? "Hearing what the Hube Shangshu said, the Minister of Military Affairs and the Minister of Construction

Everyone's eyebrows are raised, so you old fellow, you old boy really dare to say. When the two of them were also responsible

My heart was over, but I didn't expect this old guy to speak so brilliantly, they would target themselves first.

His Majesty the Emperor glanced at these two guys. These two guys should have paid for their behavior. These two families

Everyone is watching the ministers around him. What you should do at this time is to involve more people. If this is the case

It is estimated that there is no need to listen to so many people, they may all push things to others, and then lead

There are too many people to punish and not to punish the people. This is also an axiom in the court. The most important thing is to bring in several powerful officials

In this case, it is estimated that the emperor will pick up and gently put it down. This is also a way.

"Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that it is meaningless to discuss this now. No matter how we deal with this matter,

Basically, nothing can be restored. What we have to do is to find out who these people are and strengthen the South

The coastal defenses, now immediately order the construction staff to design the latest and fastest warships for the empire, and allocate them from the treasury

It will take time to earmark funds to do this. But if we don’t do it now, we will lose more time

of. "The Taishi stood up and said at this time. He is also considering the empire, of course, he also knows that this matter

It is to continue the investigation, and he will definitely be involved in it. He should stop this matter, too.

He is the veteran of the three dynasties. From the time of the emperor's grandfather, the Taishi was the Taishi. Until now, so many years have passed

Go, the official position has reached the highest, and the title is also the Grand Duke, and it is hereditary, it can be said that it is already

He has reached the highest level, and he has nothing to improve. Now his thoughts are just mixed up like this.

"Yes, yes, the humble post also thinks what the Taishi said is reasonable, Your Majesty, this time is the eventful season of our empire.

If you hold you adults accountable, I am afraid that the entire imperial government will enter a kind of chaos, which is not worth the gain. So

What we have to do now is to solve the problem, not to cause trouble within ourselves, the humble duty knows your majesty

If you are very annoyed, don’t leave it to the military department and the household department to discuss it. If they do well, let them

Atonement is good. If they don't do well, then they can count it together. "Doctor Shizhong always does this

Things. He often just came out and muddled the mud. Many ministers felt that this guy had no ability at all, why

How can he have such a high position? Now it seems that this guy also has his own skills, at least he is very capable of

Okay, now the people in the court do not say anything, everyone understands, this guy is still very good, doing very well, especially

It is from His Majesty the Emperor, and the emperor himself is **** a tiger. If this matter is investigated, there may be a large number of things.

Officials are implicated, but if they are not held accountable, they will not be able to survive on their own terms.

But just when these guys hadn’t discussed anything one by one, the urgent matter came again at this time. A palace guard ran in quickly outside the door, and you can see what he was holding. This is an important news of the military. Such things do not usually appear. They only appear when there is an emergency war. Many people are whispering at this time. What happened? This kind of thing hasn't appeared in at least decades. When it appeared last time, the border between the Southern Empire and the Northern Empire was disputed. Could it be that something big happened? His Majesty the Emperor had obviously seen this too, and the ministers who were speaking were afraid to speak immediately when they saw His Majesty's eyes. At this time, they couldn't remember them, otherwise their own destiny would be miserable.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, sirs, the southern province has sent an urgent document. Several counties and cities in the southern province have been attacked on a large scale at the same time today, but nothing similar to robbery has occurred, but ordinary people The panic is very serious. Many people have left the city with their families and are ready to go to the countryside, especially the most severely attacked County, with hundreds of thousands of people throughout the county. All have been evacuated from the city and have become refugees. The defense of the county city has been accepted by the local militia because the regular army has been killed." The soldier said, his words made many people here shocked, **** it. , Who did this on earth? Why hasn't this matter been investigated clearly yet, here it comes again.

It was too deceitful and too much. The Southern Empire emperor could no longer control his anger at this time. The superb teacup was thrown on the ground at once, no matter if it was an antique for hundreds of years? This kind of thing is so precious. A teacup like this among the common people can make them live a life of peace and stability, and it is still delicious and spicy, but under the emperor’s anger, such a teacup has become fragmented. She Angrily looked at the soldier who had come to report, "Who did it? Didn't the Southern Province send a detailed report?" The soldier shook his head in horror. He didn't even know that he was working in the capital. Yes, how could he know about the Southern New City? The emperor was also fainted at this time. What rank is this soldier, and how could he know that?

This is Li Cong’s other plan. You must pay attention to this matter absolutely. More than a dozen counties are within the range of Li Cong’s attack, but these places have no looting value, and they are not the same as the counties of the Eastern Empire. Some are oily and watery.

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