Energy Group

Chapter 2362:

The flooded Seventh Army of Guan Erye back then is believed to be known to many people on the earth. Today this place is much larger than the one at that time. It is almost equivalent to a tsunami. Of course, what is said is an exaggeration. It’s not that serious. Many people are surprised that they don’t know what to say. However, most of the soldiers in Cao’s business have already gotten something that they don’t think can be useful. After all, this thing It's all gas inside, just open the valve, and then it becomes that big. Can something like this withstand floods? A few people still didn’t understand, they were immediately beaten by their squad leader, and then put some red things on their bodies. According to their squad leader, this thing can keep themselves from sinking. How can things be reliable? They knew about such things in the past. In fact, the monitors didn’t know such things one by one, but the above was explained in this way, and they couldn’t help but do it. Let’s talk about it. It's just a dead end, and you can't run out. The speed of the cavalry can be said to be very high, but there is no way to compare with the speed of the current. Except for those who got on the airship, the rest People are probably going to die here, and they don’t think their inflatable thing can save themselves, but now there is no other way. They can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. There was nothing else. When these people saw the huge wave coming, they felt like they were stiff all over. There were also people who didn’t listen to orders. They didn’t believe in this inflatable thing at all. So they all ran away hurriedly, some officers, Han and others, were of no use. These people would definitely die. ≥, even the world 100m champion will definitely die here. Can you stick to the top speed for a few minutes, and can you keep going? Besides, even if you use the top speed, it’s definitely not someone’s. Human ability. After all, the flood came according to the original time. The 200,000 Cao’s merchants’ soldiers were all submerged, and the hundreds of thousands of Western Empire soldiers were also washed away, even though they belonged to the Cao’s merchants. There were a lot of rubber rafts, but because the current was too fast, a lot was lost. In the first wave, at least tens of thousands of people died. Those who escaped with their feet can be said to have not survived. Yes, they were all washed onto some obstacles by the turbulent water. I have been bumped into several pieces. Many people can't believe that they are dead like that. But this is also a fact. There is no other result. The soldiers of the Western Empire are still relatively close to the mountain. So they all ran up, and those behind were also drowned. They were very puzzled that this place has not been flooded for many years. How could there be a flood at this time? It also surprised them all. Is this kind of thing done by the people inside them?

After half an hour, the water here has basically entered a relatively stable state. Many people are also thankful for the inflatable thing under them. It can be said that even the officers did not. Believe that this thing can have any effect, in their concept, as long as the water comes, even a ship may be overturned, but today it is completely different. Before, they all tied a rope to their bodies. They all knew that the boat was pulled up by the rope when the boat capsized. The boat didn't sink in any way. This kind of thing made them happy one by one. It's about to jump, of course. It’s in the water, it’s impossible to jump up, but this will also save you a life. Of course, those who ran early won’t have that good luck. Those guys are even now. It’s impossible to find my own body, and I don’t know where to go. Although they survived on such days, this is just the beginning. There is an extra area of ​​thousands of people. There is no high place around the square kilometer of the lake. The only high place is the highland occupied by the Western Empire. Although the people of the Western Empire have also lost a lot, their strategic goals have been achieved. It took four days to destroy the army of Cao’s house. All the heavy weapons of Cao’s house were blown up. Although their soldiers still had tens of thousands on board, they were basically There is no need to attack them. Sooner or later, these people will die. Although they can drink water, but without food to eat, these people cannot stick to it. Although the water can carry them, it is also They just wander around aimlessly. They don’t have anything to row, they can only use their own hands. It’s impossible to get out with something like this. The airship above is also There is no way to give them any rescue, because the ship is too small. Even if some supplies are dropped by air, they are afraid that they might be hit. If they go to some other places where there are no ships, they are afraid that these people will simply There is no such thing as that time. Even if they can pass, it is estimated that the thrown things are wasted. I really don’t know what to do. Hundreds of people died in one afternoon, most of them because They were wounded and passed without timely treatment. They were all on the boat, and the command system collapsed. These soldiers followed the people in front of them aimlessly one by one, and their speed was all. It’s very slow. Someone who can swim also tried the water depth below. They are all more than 20 meters deep. Otherwise, it’s a good thing to go down and push the boat. There are the generals of the Western Empire on the mountain over there. This is a happy one. Although it is costly, it has also alleviated such a crisis. Cao’s business firm’s idea of ​​opening the gap from here can be regarded as being pulled. This lake here will take at least half a year. It may dissipate, and then this piece of land will be a swamp. There is absolutely no way for such a place to be used for combat.

It was four days after the senior officials of Cao’s House of Commercial Bank received the news. Only less than 40,000 people were rescued after four days, and 160,000 of them died in this place. It was also an unacceptable thing. They never thought that a reorganizer would be maimed by the people of the Western Empire, and the propaganda agency of the Cao Family Commercial Bank immediately publicized the situation of the battle. Of course, it is enough to propagate this matter in one's own theater. The Western Empire has already tightly blocked the news, and as long as there are people who talk about this matter, they will all be arrested immediately. For this reason, the senior management of Cao's Commercial Bank did not pass the matter on. However, they can block this kind of thing for a while, and someone will tell it later. Such a thing can't be blocked at all. It is impossible to get all the mouths of the whole world. Dead, this is impossible. At the same time, it also announced the failure of the first phase of the Cao Family Commercial Bank. This place can no longer be used as a battlefield. That's good. Before that, Li Wei also felt that he was a little eager for quick success and quick gain. It just happens that the recruits can train well, and at the same time increase the role of airships, and begin to transport a large number of soldiers to the rear of the Western Empire. I hope that these soldiers can cause some trouble to the Western Empire, and do not ask them to get much money. Credit, as long as these people are still alive, they are still alive behind the Western Empire, this kind of thing will put a huge pressure on the upper level of the Western Empire. This is a sure thing, each of these people clearly knows their tasks. It’s not to fight the enemy hard, just let yourself survive and have a sense of existence. Most of the dispatched in the past are veterans, and they all have experience in performing similar tasks. If you let it go. I don’t know how long it takes to get rid of it. People on this kind of thing are also aware that the senior leaders of the Western Empire didn’t publicize this great victory. Although the general was promoted. However, they were also transferred from the position of real power. Such people have contributed to the empire, but they are guilty of other people. It is better for such people not to continue to be active in the court, but Some nephews and nephews in his family need to take care of everything. Without these people, the empire might now be cut off from the eastern empire. If there is no ties with the eastern empire, their lives will be lost. It may be the same as it is now, and they all understand things like this, so they didn’t do other things one by one, just stay here honestly, you can’t make trouble by yourself, just stare at it. If you have done such a thing under so much pressure, you should know that it was such a result from the beginning. You won’t get any credit if you win, but if so many people have died, your brains will fail. But there is no need for it.

Li Wei also convened some high-level executives to discuss the future. It can be said that this incident has dealt a large blow to Cao's firm. It is not just the loss of so many people in the previous period. Cao's firm is also ready to The attack on the Western Empire at 345 Heights is now over, but it's not natural conditions. These people are not very comfortable one by one. For them, they blamed themselves for not predicting this matter beforehand. Yes, if I had expected this place to be knocked down long ago, there would be no such thing. Unfortunately, time can’t go back. What has happened will happen and there is no way to change it. If this is the case, Cao Some of the major simulation policies of the domestic business must also be changed. Now the main thing is no longer the combat goal. The first thing they must do is to step up the training of recruits, and then the reconstruction of the vast areas of the southern empire and some sweeps. It is necessary to kill all the resistance organizations in the southern empire. Although it is said that the southern empire is already the vast majority of Cao’s business, this matter is just talking about it. It’s not like this, they all understand what’s going on. There are still many opposition organizations on the territory of the southern empire. These opposition organizations were very implicit at the beginning, but When news of the failure of Cao’s House of Business came, they all began to come out one by one. It is estimated that it was organized by some of the Southern Empire’s royal families in various places. In the database of Cao’s House of Business, there are about more than Thousands of members of the core royal family of the Southern Empire are not in the capital. These people are generally serving as city lord officials in the surrounding cities of the Southern Empire. These guys are hiding in the beginning when they do things. , Because at that time the momentum of the Cao Family Commercial Bank was too strong, if they stood up at that time, they would definitely be killed directly. But now it’s different. Now the people in Cao’s house are going to review their defeat in the war. If they get up now, it’s estimated that they will have a good effect. They just didn’t estimate it correctly, if they guessed until now. Some policy words of Cao’s House of Business. It is estimated that they would not do that. The people of Cao's House of Business are already preparing to clear the rear, and give them a stable rear. In the past, Cao's House of Business paid great attention to the war in the rear when fighting against other empires. It doesn’t make sense. Now it’s my turn not to do such a thing. For them, this is an important thing. The Cao’s family firm is preparing to invest 470 reorganizers in the 300 northern provinces of the Southern Empire. At the beginning of this eradication plan, no one thought that this would turn out to be the biggest plan made by the Cao Family Commercial Company. They had never seen the Cao Family Commercial Company mobilize so many troops before. You must know that an ordinary reorganizer in Cao’s house now has 200,000 people, others have more than 300,000 people, and strengthened divisions have 700,000 people. On average, there are more than 300,000 people. The mobilization of nearly 140 million troops is the scale of this time. In the past, there have never been so many troops engaged in such large-scale operations. This is also a record.

The resistance organizations of the Southern Empire certainly didn't know this news. They all knew that the Cao's House of Commercial Army would be mobilized on a large scale. Many people think that the Cao’s family of firms will dispatch a large number of newly trained troops to mercenary the new empire. The Cao’s family of firms can be said to have encountered two failures in the Western Empire. This time I am definitely going to come with the people of the Western Empire. I will definitely not retreat casually. They will start to recruit troops secretly. As long as their local troops are dispatched, they will immediately take over. All government organizations, at that time, the Southern Empire would continue to grow up on this continent with a prairie fire. Such things are exciting news for anyone. Of course, this is their one-sided word. Many people in the Southern Empire are not willing or willing to follow them. After all, Cao’s family business The treatment is also very good. If you continue to fool around with them, if you win, you may have a good future. If you fail, your head may hang on the gates of the city. The people at Cao's firm have said that, regardless of the past What was it doing when the new government was established? As long as the new government didn’t do anything extraordinary after its establishment, it would be a good citizen of the empire. All things are negotiable. It is definitely not what you are right now. If you continue to do such things If anything happens in the future, it’s my own business. At the beginning, the people at Cao’s house said that other things can be taken care of, but the rebellion is absolutely necessary to beheaded, serious. All the nine clans must be implicated. In the past, Cao’s house firm never did such an impediment to the nine clans, because they felt that a person’s mistake had nothing to do with his entire family, but now it’s different. This kind of thing should let these people know that they are afraid. It can be said that the affiliation of the nine tribes means that they have lost all the thoughts of this person in this world. It can be said that it is the highest punishment. Many people convened by the Southern Empire are also They all have so many worries. If they really fail, their family members will also die. I really don’t know if it’s worth it. When the new government of the Southern Empire was established one month and fifteen days, the first resistance organization raised the flag of resistance in a county 750 miles away from the capital of the Southern Empire. This was called the prologue of the Southern Empire’s Qing Suppression War. , The organizer was originally a viscount of the Southern Empire. Although the title is not very high, it can be said to be relatively close to the original Southern Empire emperor. It is a nephew of the Southern Empire’s former emperor and a nephew of the current Southern Empire’s emperor. , Led a team of about 800 people and quickly occupied a county town and drove out 40 soldiers from Cao’s house in the city. However, they also paid the price of about 150 deaths and 70 injuries, although it was a small one. The battle, but it also illustrates the beginning of the organization of these resistances, and it can be regarded as a sign.

People from all over the country felt that their uprising certainly didn't have much good fruit to eat. Sure enough, they were immediately destroyed by a company of Cao's firm within less than a day of their uprising. The uprising can be regarded as a prelude. On the second day, such incidents occurred in 1,800 districts. Li Wei’s instructions for these incidents were “kill”. On that day, more than 250,000 people were beheaded, including their family members. Two million people have also been confiscated as lifelong slaves, which is even more terrifying than that of the Nine Clans, because of the matter in front of them. Let the rest of the people who are preparing to rebel have stopped their steps. It doesn’t matter if you die, but if your family members are slaves for generations, this thing is not a good thing. All of them are unwilling in their hearts. This cannot involve their family members. Many family members do not know that they are doing such things, and they think they are doing something when they go out. Serious things, who knows that they are engaged in such dangerous things. It was only after the soldiers from Cao’s House of Commercial Company arrived at their home and captured them all that they understood what was going on. At this time, they all wanted to kill this guy. The family didn’t want you to bring anything to the family, but they also I definitely don’t want your relationship to bring your family to the abyss, but this also has an advantage, that is, the Cao’s family firm directly raided the homes of hundreds of thousands of people, and they are also some of them. There are relatively wealthy people in the family, and this has allowed Cao's firm to harvest hundreds of billions of silver and various things. But now the people in the Cao's house have not awakened from that state, for them. One thing to do now is to quickly find out those big people who want to rebel. These small organizations of hundreds of people have no effect at all for them. Such people can make them all at any time. Those who don't speak, the most important thing now is those who are more powerful, such as some princes in various places before, if they really rebel. Hundreds of thousands of people can be pulled together. Now there are hundreds of such people everywhere. They are the ones who need to win in one fell swoop, although these people also sent some representatives when the king became king. Something is coming, but it can be judged from their behavior. They really have no closeness to the actions of Cao's House of Business. They look at these people with cold eyes. For them, the thing in front of them is their most depressing thing. Should they raise troops? , This is what they need to think about most. These guys are all in trouble one by one. For them, the thing in front of them is something that makes it difficult for them to choose. If they choose to rebel, they will be caught by the Cao family firm. Suppress Thunder, but if they choose to continue to dormant like this, the people of Cao's Commercial Bank will surely slowly wipe out all of them. They can't just watch as their power is gone. , It is impossible for them to accept such a thing, it is too difficult for them.

People in the Western Empire and the other two empires also knew about this news. After all, they are still a huge empire. Although the Southern Empire has become the world of Cao’s business, their intelligence organization or something. They are still working. They quickly hope that their people will give a message to these resistance organizations in the Southern Empire. It is absolutely not allowed to raise troops at this time. At this time, the people of the coalition can be said to be unable to give them any support, even if it is. When raising troops, they must all come together slowly, so as to deal a huge blow to the people of Cao’s Commercial Firm. Now they are not connected. If they raise troops, it is very likely that they will all They couldn’t find the North, and they all understood the result, but these resistance organizations are now hidden deeply, and many of the Cao’s businessmen have become intelligence personnel from the two empires. Many of them have already suffered such a loss, so they are not very convinced of such a thing. In their opinion, a real coalition intelligence personnel may be accompanied by three The four agents of the Cao’s House of Business. At the end of the day, as long as the people of these resistance organizations heard someone say that they were the coalition forces, they would kill them directly, and they would not ask whether they were true or false. Cao’s house firm’s intelligence agents got in, but at the same time the coalition’s intelligence personnel couldn’t get in. In addition, the other group of people were all masters. The Cao’s house firm gathered about thirty brothers and ninth-level fighters. Entered the Warcraft Mountains with two tenth-level fighters. Their task was to quickly find out the whereabouts of the last emperor of the Southern Empire. At the beginning, I chose not to kill him because the prince wanted to ascend to the throne. Killing the original emperor’s superior is completely different from this kind of superior. If it is really killed, it will require a lot of people to scold him. , But now it’s different. Now they can all take care of this matter slowly, and they are all very aware of the matter in front of them. But now the timing is completely different. This guy must be killed at this time. Otherwise, if he is doing something, this is not what Cao’s family members want to see, especially Now when the resistance organizations everywhere are about to move around, they should kill this guy even more. As long as this guy is killed, they may not be able to eat just by fighting for internal rights. Don't talk about training well at the time, it is hard to say whether they can have such an organization. After all, people are selfish. At this time, I think that most of them are their own. If they want to give their rights to others, this is impossible. The realm of these people is not that high, as long as there are people. There will be a fight, either with outsiders or with yourself. This is human nature.

To be honest, there are not many people who know where the Emperor of the Southern Empire went. The intelligence department of the Cao Family Firm has already offered a reward of tens of millions of dollars. But there is still no one to provide some accurate information. Although many people say that they know it, their news can't stand scrutiny at all, and you can immediately understand that these people are actually here for money. , Such a person would naturally have to fight to get them out of the way, and several mercenary organizations in the world have also taken over this task. The deposit of up to one billion silver has been paid out. This is the largest order in their history. The price offered by the Cao Family Commercial Bank is two billion silver if it is found. If it can kill it, it will Twenty billion dollars, even a tenth-level fighter wants to make enough money, it takes a certain amount of time. They also knew that the Southern Empire emperor was definitely surrounded by masters. The price of Cao’s family firm was not very high, and their mercenary organizations had never thought of asking their own people to talk to the Southern Emperor’s side. People fight for it, and they all know that they are not of that person. They just need to find someone honestly. As long as they find the news, they all have to give themselves money. In comparison, they still earn a lot of money. , As for other things, I don’t need to know it. I just earn my money honestly. As for the other money, I don’t think about it. If you really do something to yourself, that would be the most terrible thing. By then, you will really suffer and die. They all understand this kind of thing very well, and they all know the current situation. Things are not understandable by themselves. Many people also admire so much talent, but when the greed in their hearts comes out, other people will come out to remind this guy, look at your own head, if you have that ability Just go and get it. Although the emperor of the Southern Empire was kicked out, some experts in the Southern Empire's royal family followed this guy. With these experts, he can organize the top ten mercenaries. Kill it, do you think you can make the tens of billions of silver by relying on your own ability? Don’t be kidding, you don’t have such great wealth in your life. Even if such great wealth comes to you, you still don’t have the ability to take it. You might be crushed to death by these guys. I have calmed down. Even if it is a tiger that has been beaten away, it is ultimately a tiger. If you want to mess with this tiger, the person who suffers in the end must be your own. There is nothing like this. Suspenseful, but this also gives some people who spend their days in the Warcraft Mountains a chance. As long as it is a useful message, they can be paid tens of thousands of silver. The agents of the Cao Family Firm in the Warcraft Mountains are all Like the Sancai Boys, they bought such similar news everywhere. Although they were all messages of little use, it also made the Southern Empire emperor in the Warcraft Mountains nervous for a long time. As for the contact with the resistance army. I just threw it behind my head.

In fact, this is the result that the people of Cao's Commercial Bank want. They just have to make a gesture. Of course, it would be better if they could really find this guy. When this guy left the capital of the Southern Empire, the people from Cao's House of Business followed them, but after entering the Warcraft Mountains, these people have disappeared. If Li Cong was there, it would be fine. Let the Warcrafts help themselves. I was looking for it, but now Li is never gone, even though the monsters will not attack the Cao's business. But he wouldn’t help the people in Cao’s house. Of course, they would listen to Li Yun’s orders, but Li Yun did not give them orders in the past. For Li Yun, he thought these things were obeyed. Grandpa's orders, his orders are probably worthless in their eyes. Such things also make them feel uncomfortable, but this is also a fact. It has been fifteen days since the first rebellion. In these fifteen days, the Cao’s house has cleared 652 counties and their subordinate counties, and the Cao’s house has also begun to give They have established a complete household registration system. The Cao’s Commercial Bank is going to use three years to integrate the entire Southern Empire into this household registration system. Everyone must have a background, no matter what you are. Everyone in the place must register. If there is no such thing from the government in the future, it will be a refugee. According to the current decree of the Southern Empire, as long as it is a refugee, you can be directly arrested and used as a laborer. Of course, it will also give you half of the salary of an ordinary laborer. As long as you can honestly work for five years, you can basically leave. Because of five years. Even if it is an intelligence agent no matter how elite it is, it basically loses contact with the original organization. Such a person is of little use. It must be found in the southern empire to live honestly in a place. They don't want to continue to go back to places like mines to do voluntary labor for the people of Cao's Commercial Bank. The people everywhere are very welcome to such things. In their opinion, this kind of system should come to their own place as soon as possible. What have been done by those so-called liberating people. If they rebel, the Cao’s commercial armies will surround the entire city. If they can It’s not bad to open the city gate, but if you can’t open the city gate, you’ll fire a gun. This will cause some damage to the civilians. This is caused by the so-called rebels. In their opinion, the Prince Xian and Wasn’t the original Southern Empire emperor all two brothers? Since this one has already become the emperor, it will be useless if the elder brother is noisy. It was originally two brothers. Back then. It is also possible for the prince to inherit the throne. Isn’t it another internal struggle for power? How come there is no such thing? If these words are heard by the royal family of the Southern Empire, they will vomit blood. Damn it. What? One was originally the emperor, and the other was the puppet.

No matter what the situation was, the anti-suppression movement of Cao's House of Commercial Firm began vigorously. Finally on the twentieth day, two dukes could not bear it. They ran out of the capital overnight and brought them. With tens of thousands of family members and some minions preparing to go to their fiefs, their fiefs are nearly 1,000 miles away from the capital, and the people in the fiefs have long agreed with them, and there are about millions of troops. They all got up and began to resist, but it was not so easy for them to get out of the city. They were all blocked on the avenue of the capital. These people were directly dumbfounded. They never thought that Cao’s army was actually There are still so many people in the capital, and the army of hundreds of divisions is not a joke. Do you think that the number of troops on the surface is reduced? This tens of thousands of rebels were defeated in less than ten minutes. It can be said that these people are a mob. They have no great skills at all. These people have been beaten one by one. Their mothers can’t recognize them anymore. In troubled times, they need to use heavy codes. Li Wei understands this very well. At other times, he can show his kindness, but at this time, it’s not necessary at all. All these tens of thousands were killed, and they were all buried alive. Although it was a bit more tragic, it also gave other nobles in the capital a big you still follow them Similarly, if you think about regaining your old rights in the future, you can try this. Maybe it will give you some unexpected benefits in the end. If this is the case, you will probably be very happy one by one. Yes, the dignitaries in the capital have all gone to the imperial palace to beg the puppet emperor. I hope he can see that in the past, everyone was an old ancestor and told the Cao family business people. Don’t do it too much. That's it, who knows that the emperor didn't even see them. The prince Xian also had his own ideas. Every one of my mother's brains is problematic. I just had a good conversation with the people from Cao's house here. Yes, you will rebel against Lao Tzu. You know you guys look down on me as the emperor early on. Normally, you don’t respect me so much. Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. Let’s just So don’t discuss anything about this kind of problem. If you have the ability, you can solve it yourself. Anyway, I don’t have the ability to solve this kind of problem with you. You all know that this kind of thing is yours. To do it, the prince Xian gave these people a signal that the new emperor was already a member of the Cao's House of Business, and he would not care about the lives of these people at all. This kind of thing also made them feel helpless. Now, how come there is such a guy? How come I didn’t see that this guy is still such a person before. It’s really cruel to treat himself, even if he treats other people, he doesn’t have such an attitude. Well, I really underestimated this kid, and I can't go too far in doing things with him in the future. (To be continued...)

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