Energy Group

Chapter 298:

The Hongmen in the United States is also one of the top Hongmen organizations in the world, with tens of thousands of community members. Basically, one out of every three Chinese in the United States has a relationship with Hongmen more or less, which is such an important place. Huangfuyu naturally didn’t worry about handing him over to others. His proud disciple Zhong Lu has been the eldest brother in the United States for ten years. This is simply unbelievable in other places. This also shows that Huangfuyu treats him. Trust.

The two major businesses of American Hongmen in the United States are drugs and smuggling. The major gangs in the United States are basically related to drugs, but Hongmen has a different approach. The local gangs in the United States mainly sell cocaine, while Hongmen sells cocaine. It is heroin, which is related to the two major drug production bases.

The United States has always been the world’s largest drug sales market. About 8% of Americans take drugs. The annual profit from drug trafficking alone is as high as 80 billion U.S. dollars, second only to arms and oil. The entire United States is large and small. There are as many as 300,000 drug-related organizations. It can be said that one third of the world's drugs will flow here.

As a large American gang, Hongmen naturally has to take a share of such huge interests. Unlike other organizations, Hongmen’s goods come from Asia. Generally, when the harvest in South America is not good, Hongmen makes big money. But on the contrary, Hongmen will suffer when the Asian harvest is not good. At that time, it was mainly engaged in smuggling.

Hongmen’s drug business is also mainly distributed in the economically developed areas of the United States, and the main network is formed in the hands of Zhong Lu. He is responsible for everything from transportation to sales. With this he can provide Hongmen with ten The net profit of 100 million U.S. dollars, based on this alone, is too far from Zhong Lu's big brother drug dealers in other regions.

Seeing Li Cong calling someone over to call himself, he rushed to sue a few blond beauties, and walked towards Li Cong quickly. The beauties can be soaked anytime, but the opportunity to talk to the dragon lord is not always available. Yes, although this dragon lord’s status within the Hongmen is a bit problematic, but the official is three points big. In nominal terms, people are taller than us. It’s not one or two levels. Besides, he is the current leader’s eldest brother and his master. There are also some origins, no matter what, I can't neglect.

"Dragon Lord, his subordinate Zhong Lu has seen the Dragon Lord." The body is tilted forward 30 degrees, the standard Hongmen etiquette, because there are many people here, it is not easy to meet each other with fists, you can only use this etiquette, ok Li Cong is not a person who cares about this either.

   Zhong Lu is actually a little puzzled. He has nothing to do with this Mr. Li, so why do he solemnly ask himself to come over?

"Sit down, don’t be so restrained. Although I am the dragon lord, you are a local snake. If you are so restrained, I think we don’t need to talk. Don’t you all talk about the Hongmen brothers’ family? "After hearing these words, Zhong Lu felt that the dragon lord really has no airs, that is, the guard who just called himself has a bigger airs than the dragon lord. After all, they are from the headquarters, and they have all the people below us. In their opinion, these people who are underneath in their eyes are similar to some people.

"Thank the Dragon Lord, I don’t know if the Dragon Lord called his subordinates to come over?" Zhong Lu was a little confused, but people in the organization also said that the Dragon Lord prefers to go straight, so he should ask directly. Even though I am a slippery person when this and that matter happen, it is an outsider, so I don't want to use it for my boss.

"Haha, I have nothing to do. Qin Zhongtian told me for a long time just now, which means you can give him a little of the goods in your hand. You can understand what he wants. I eat and live with others, and I still have a little bit with Father Qin. Yuanyuan, I don’t know if I can have this face?" Li Cong said casually, in fact, he was already prepared. Once Zhong Lu refused, Zhong Lu would immediately give him a reason, so that he could persuade Qin boss, but the result was Let him a little disappointed. .

Zhong Lu was also taken aback when he heard it. It seemed that the dragon lord hadn't been very concerned about Hongmen's affairs. How could he care about these gray businesses now? Although the profits of drugs are huge, they are related to his energy group. It's still not very interesting in comparison. How can you still look at these for making hundreds of millions of dollars every year? However, he is also the Dragon Lord. What he said has no room for rebuttal. This is Hongmen. Even if you are a name, but you are the Dragon Lord, what you say is the imperial edict. I am the chief official of the border and I only have Obey unconditionally.

"Dragon Lord, this is no problem. I don't know how much Master Qin needs? Although our goods are not very sufficient this year, we can definitely give him a certain share. We have a lot of bases in the Golden Triangle." Li Cong was beaten up by the words, and his face seemed to be really okay, so he waved his hand to Qin Dashao who was the cat over there, because he didn’t understand the affairs between them at all, so let them talk about it. .

"Big Brother Qin, Mr. Zhong gives me a lot of face. You should talk to him about your Eagles. I'll leave for a while." Now that Li Cong has left, he really doesn't want to get involved in this kind of transaction. , Shady.

Without Li from the two underworld bosses like brothers, Qin boss did not lie, Hongmen's supply of goods is absolutely sufficient, but the sales channels are not so good ~ ~ now the inventory exceeds three tons, if something happens If you organize an attack, you will definitely lose a lot. This is a drug worth 600 million US dollars. If Eagle Gang is willing to help sell it for itself, the price can be reduced to 180 US dollars per gram, and the price is 200 US dollars. It’s from Colombia. The Golden Triangle of Asia is better than Colombia’s. There is absolutely no problem with selling more points. Eagle Gang’s profits should be objective.

After half a day of negotiation and Li Cong's face, Zhong Lu decided to sell the two tons of **** to the Eagle Gang as a whole. The Eagle Gang paid 200 million US dollars in the first installment and paid the balance after the sale. However, Hong Men obtained the qualification to enter San Francisco. , You must know that in the past, the fat eagle gang in San Francisco was not allowed to enter. Zhong Lu was really a not very disadvantaged character. While arranging shipments to the eagle gang, he would contact the Golden Triangle to quickly deliver the goods. His own people never sold it.

   Li Cong is not interested in their drug trade at all, but what he is interested in is those nightclubs. No matter what the industry, Li Cong is interested in getting involved. The few nightclubs in a few can never satisfy the energy predator's appetite.

   "Baby Gianni, it's me. You can help me see how much money we have in the United States." Taking advantage of the negotiations between the two underworld brothers, Li Cong dialed the phone of Gianni who was sleeping in China.

  Although it is impolite, he still has to fight. After all, Li Cong can't worry about asking others about such a confidential matter.

"My dear, you can write a check at any time to withdraw 5 billion U.S. dollars from Citibank. We have a total of 16 billion U.S. dollars in deposits in the United States, but if you want to make a lump sum, you must file with the bank." Gianni It seemed that he was sleepy, and he continued to dream of Zhou Gong without waiting for Li Cong to say anything.


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