Energy Group

Chapter 369:

There is no way for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to come to Li to raise grain from here. This year, several major grain exporting countries are reducing their exports. There are also famines everywhere. Only Li suddenly produced 100 million tons of grain from here. Knowing that the first batch of food will not be able to catch up, what they want is the second batch of food six months later. Unfortunately, Li Cong is not a bird of them. The United Nations says that Li Cong looks down on them. It's okay to indulge you, what are you doing?

Night came soon, and Li Cong also knew what is called the largest canteen in the country. There are 17 large canteens and more than 20 small and medium canteens in the entire western region. The largest one must ensure that 50,000 people eat at the same time. The president of the group company, coming to the group’s cafeteria for dinner is also a necessary item during the trip to the northwest. To put it bluntly, it is a show.

The Energy Group never treats any employee badly. This was said by Li Cong’s sister, Group Chief Executive Li Yan, and has always done that. Just look at this meal. The Group Administration Department requires each person to have a daily meal. The fee must not be less than 35 yuan, and the daily expenses of 650,000 people for food alone is more than 20 million. If there is no strong support, it is basically impossible. Generally speaking, it is two meat and two vegetables, and pasta. It is also very diverse. Looking at the expressions on the faces of each employee, Li feels that the Northwest side is still okay for the employees.

"Your income and expenditure statements this year have not been calculated. I see so many people eating mine and drinking mine. I am afraid that I will be poor. This meal is really good." Li Cong joked with Gianni while eating. But he thinks it’s a joke. The people below can’t do that, especially when it comes to some of the company’s plans, statements, and the like. When the president asks questions, someone will naturally have to answer. The responsible person in the Northwest Finance Department heard the president ask this. The matter immediately wiped his mouth and began to report.

"President, our Northwest Agricultural Base expects that this quarter's revenue will reach 170 billion yuan, and the total annual revenue will be 400 billion yuan. The main expenditures are workers' wages and road freight. Because the government gives us tax exemption but there is no Give us agricultural subsidies, so we don’t need to consider this aspect. We estimate that transportation expenses will be 9.5 billion yuan, workers’ wages will be 31.2 billion yuan, and other miscellaneous expenses will be less than 10 billion yuan. Twelve% of the income is lower than the group’s revenue targets for environmentally friendly oil and electricity, and higher than the group’s revenue targets for other companies." Li Cong almost didn’t spray his own food out of his mouth, and waved his hand to make this guy hurry. For dinner, I just made a joke casually. The people below really took it seriously. It seems that as a superior person, it is right to have no friends.

"Attention, fellow workers, today is an unusual day. Mr. Li Cong, the president of our energy group, is having dinner with us in this restaurant. Now, our president has almost eaten, and we invite our president to serve Let’s say a few words, OK.” Although I knew that the show would come sooner or later, I didn’t expect it to be so fast. Who said he had almost eaten, and he started without taking two bites. There was no forecast.

The staff quickly tuned up the channel for Li Cong. Li Cong could talk to the workers in the Northwest region who were eating as long as he took out his mobile phone. This is the informationization of the Energy Group, and it also appeared on the big screen. Li Cong’s image, it should be said that the workers are very grateful to their president. After all, most of them are veterans, farmers, and unemployed, but now they are all employees of the energy group, and they all have 50,000 yuan. Annual salary, if there is no energy group, how could one have such a high annual salary, so they still respect Li Cong.

"Hello everyone, everyone, I am your president and friend Li Cong, speaking of my president is a bit very irresponsible, I did not show up when the base was created, nor did I show up when it was harvested, until now everything is up I only appeared on the right track, but I think you can believe it, and it is also worthy of my belief with the entire energy group. Six months ago, this was a desert. Now it is you who created the world’s largest piece of food production on this desert. Base, you are using your hands to change yourself, change the energy group and even change the world. This agricultural base broke dozens of world records from the beginning, so your work here can be regarded as your lifelong pride. Future generations can also be proud of you, because you are the first people to grow food in the desert." Maybe I feel that I am not tall enough now. Li Cong just talked and walked to the canteen's podium. When he is used to being the boss, let him It doesn't seem to be very exciting to mingle with the workers.

"The group also attaches great importance to your resettlement. On behalf of the group, I also thank you for coming here to contribute to the energy group. I dare not promise you anything else. The group can help you solve the house problem as appropriate, but all of them are resolved. It’s not very So the group plans to build a home for everyone in the northwestern regions at a rate of 100,000 housing units per year, but only those who are able can have their own homes, I won’t say more, one year Later, I hope you are the one who is in charge." Li Cong made a motion to point to the camera. The people below heard the president's words directly stupid, and then they were excited.

In fact, it’s normal for them to think like this. If they choose to go back to the mainland, the job will definitely be gone. They are reluctant and impossible to lose this job. But here is an empty desert and their family members will take it. No matter how you live, the group’s policy may carry a heavy burden, but it definitely makes money in terms of people’s hearts. The people’s hearts of 600,000 people are more important than the money.

Li Cong’s words seemed to drag the people of the entire agricultural base back to the 1980s, because only the workers at that time were waiting for the company to allocate houses. At that time, people felt that housing was difficult and it was difficult to allocate houses, but at least it was There is hope, and it is much more realistic than buying a house at a price of hundreds of thousands at every turn.

Naturally, the group will not give away the house for nothing. According to the plan, the group will only build small-sized houses, about 60 square meters. The construction cost here is 800 yuan per square meter, and the group’s selling price is one square meter. Thousand yuan per square meter is not the money Li Cong wants to make for the workers, but the money spent on other supporting facilities. The group will deduct one thousand yuan from the workers’ wages every month as the house purchase and sale expenses until the delivery is completed. So far, if you are fired or resigned by the group for some reason, the group will refund the full amount and take back the house. Workers can understand these terms. After all, this is just a company benefit and not a social benefit. You are not an employee of the energy group. Naturally, he can no longer occupy here.


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