Energy Group

Chapter 374:

The riot outside is definitely the biggest since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It has assembled the core forces of 15 East Turkistan organizations, organized tens of thousands of people, and divided them into thousands of vehicles to attack the agricultural base of the Energy Group. The northern troops of the 127th Division have already been in front. When the fire was turned over, these rebels were not holding cold weapons as mentioned on TV, but all AK47s and bazookas. These East Turkistans have been preparing for more than ten years, and it seems that this time they are going to play a big game.

"Everyone pays attention, everyone pays attention. Everyone stays in their posts immediately. Now the prohibition is imposed. No one can walk around at will, no one can walk out of their own department. Unexplained reasons outside, please cooperate. ·····" This notice is constantly being broadcast on the speakers inside the Energy Group. Fortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of retired officers and soldiers among the employees. No major disturbance has occurred yet, but the gunfire outside is getting denser, Li Never sit still.

Li Cong heard that the pilot who came back said that there was a large group of cars coming towards the base, so he could not sit still. Even though he was sinking, he never thought that with the pistol in his hand and the three-meter-high concrete wall, he could not sit still. To block the insurgents outside, besides, the security forces of 30,000 people are too big compared to the area of ​​100 million mu, which does not include the living quarters.

   Ten kilometers north of the energy group base, the first blockade line.

This is a defensive position composed of the first robotic regiment of the Armed Police Xinjiang Military Region. Hundreds of Dongfeng Warriors are distributed in a mountain pass. They have resisted for nearly two hours. Their casualties in these two hours are not very large. , But the ammunition consumption is quite severe. They have won a lot of time for the 127 division in the rear in these two hours. The 127 division has set up two lines of defense within ten kilometers, and they can retreat as long as they hold on for another 15 minutes.

"Captain, these guys really don’t know what they think. It’s the fifth time now that we have such a strong defense, and we’ve lost hundreds of cars. I know if these people have any heads.” The head of the guard, Xiao Su, was secretly looking ahead with the head’s binoculars. Inside, one after another exploding cars appeared, like blossoms. This mountain pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The regiment occupies favorable terrain and is well-trained. Of course, it is impossible for those mobs to rush past.

"What do you know, if we can't even withstand these people's offensives, what do we have to do? Our Chinese Army is the number one in the world. These people are not even an army. If we are defeated by them, go home and coax our children. I ordered the brethren to hold on for another ten minutes, then the first battalion covered, the second and third battalions quickly retreated, and evacuated directly to the periphery of the base to replenish ammunition. Don’t stop at the two defense lines in the middle. What kind of skills." The head of the army, Lu Lanzhi, is a typical soldier, and he will not admit defeat in his heart. What ace army is not left to you by your predecessors. Although our army is not as famous as yours, we can fight bandits in Xinjiang. After so many years, it is not yours.

The Mecha Regiment did a very good job. Relying on its own weapon advantage, it persisted for two and a half hours and then began to retreat in an orderly manner. The 54th Army’s helicopter units came to cover, and the Mecha Regiment people swallowed fiercely. With a spit, this **** ace army is different. When will we have such good equipment.

   Five kilometers north of the Energy Group Base.

In front of the position is a defensive line five kilometers long and three hundred meters deep. If the garbage force composed of thousands of broken vehicles can pass through, the 127 division should be removed. You can see the dust rising in front of you. Xinjiang’s robotic regiment retreated and looked neat on the outside, but the elders of these 127 divisions always held their heads up and looked at people with their nostrils. They didn’t think these armed police units did a good job, they thought it was just that. The place was changed to their 127th division and it was no problem to get a battalion there.

Although I thought so in my heart, I still had to admit that this was a sibling army, and immediately let go of a way to let them all pass. The regiment commander asked the deputy regiment to lead the team to move forward and supply supplies. Take a look at how the Fifty-Fourth Army dealt with the enemy. This place is different from where it was just now. It was a mountain pass just now, but here is an open area. Seeing the strength of the troops here, there will be one regiment. If they can stay here for two hours on defense. It must be much stronger than our robotic regiment.

"Captain Lu, thank you for staying to serve as our staff. This group of gangsters looks very strong on the surface, but they have no rules. They dare to attack the defense position of our 127th division. I have to show them, Lu Commander, please." Zhong Hanmin, commander of the 127th division and 1st regiment, said to Lu Lanzhi, but it was obvious that there was not much compliment in the meaning of the words. What he meant more was to ask this commander Lu to see what the Fifty-Fourth Army was. How did the war go, but at this time a helicopter landed behind the position, and division commander Liu Zhi came over in person.

   It seems that the ambition of the 127 division is really great. The third line of defense seems to be a decoration. Otherwise, the division commander should stay in the third line of defense. Now he is running ahead. UU reading www. has only one meaning, that is, this is the end of these people, otherwise the teachers will come, if they want these rebels to rush over, their 127th division will be absolutely ashamed.

Liu Zhi just came from Li Cong. He went to meet Li Cong personally, explained some outside affairs to him, and guaranteed that the battle would be resolved within two hours. Li Cong also saw this on the big screen. The insurgents are so powerful that they dare to boast that the battle will be resolved within two hours. I really don't know if it is the teacher Liu who is boasting, or the 127th division is too arrogant.

Now the convoy has entered the range of two kilometers away from the defense line, and some long-range weapons can reach them, but the group of people did not make any moves, but insisted on their posts. Master Liu Zhi waved his hand and immediately There was a gunshot, which was strange, not from a machine gun.

The sniper gun is the sniper. This is the first feeling of Commander Lu. Sure enough, Commander Liu has brought fifty sharpshooters. You must know that those who can be called sharpshooters in the fifty-fourth army are absolutely rare. This ability is in the whole world. The army can definitely be counted. These fifty people form a special operations team with a division of several kilometers on the front, but they are the first protagonist of the 127 division today.

Sure enough, after dozens of shots, the effect came out. These snipers were divided into two groups. One group only shot the driver, and the other shot the tires. When the car came over, they shot the fuel tank immediately. The great changes made the insurgents a little confused. How did they fight the war? They didn’t play cards according to their routines. The group just hit me with machine guns. Now how can I hear the loss of Sheila’s gunshots than before? It's big, I just met one person, it should be said that I haven't seen each other yet. Why did you lose dozens of cars? This loss method is over before it reaches the place.


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