Energy Group

Chapter 700:

The second elder is someone who has seen the world, what kind of big iron bird, then his is an airplane, when I have never seen anything? When those Japanese devils came to Southeast Asia, Lao Tzu also pierced that kind of big iron bird with a spear. What's so great about this little thing that made you panic? The second elder glared at the guy and ignored him. At this time, the second elder was attracted by Jebel’s words. Now that these people are dead, it is not important that they have their own grandchildren in them. The important thing is that There are no totem gems, so many people are afraid of death. Isn’t this the return of more than 20 black wizards, these guys can do anything to allow the clan to recognize their status, and recognition of their status is not just a sentence Talking about things, I have to admit that their power is already very strong now. The three people have done things that more than 20 clansmen have not done. Now the enemy is just looking at the skills of these guys, and by the way, they use the enemy to consume it. They are not easy to manage after saving.

The leader of this dark wizard is called Mark Da. He has been wandering on the surrounding islands for decades. I really didn’t expect that I would come back here, and I would be on an equal footing with the elders, when I left. I was taken away by a dark wizard. I can’t say enough about the hardship I have suffered over the years, but I finally survived the wizard training. I have absorbed hundreds of wizards. My strength is the existing black wizard. The most powerful wizard among the wizards. The three that died just now are all useless things. The three useless things can make the second elders of the clan look upon themselves so highly. It seems that if you help them yourself If these outsiders are defeated, then the profession of the black wizard will be recognized by the elders in the clan. Can the holy land in that clan be allowed to enter?

From the day when the Titans were born, countless black wizards were doing the right thing with the clan. They had only one requirement, that is, the people in the clan can recognize their status, but the clan even negotiated with them. It doesn’t mean anything, anyway, all the people in the clan kill the black wizard when they see it, because the elders in the clan think this is something that can wipe out the entire genocide. The growth of a black wizard requires at least the sacrifices of dozens of black wizard apprentices. , There are only a few thousand people in the whole clan, and even tens of thousands at the time of its heyday. How can it withstand such a serious consumption? Moreover, the skills of the dark wizards in the past were not very strong, and one elder could deal with it. Several things are different now. This mark is not exactly the black wizard anymore. He is the first black wizard **** to appear in thousands of years. In fact, the black wizard **** is also the name of these black wizards, except for them. The people still don't recognize this god, and think it's just a little better than the average black wizard.

"Hey, there are heavy casualties in the clan now. Some young children have been seriously injured. We are temporarily unable to go out and fight those invaders. I don't know if you can be there." The second elder is honestly reluctant to talk to this guy. Letting him sit next to him feels a bit tainted, but he still has to beg them at this time, otherwise he can only do it himself. If he does it, the clansmen who don’t know the truth may think that the entire Titanic tribe has reached one. It will cause turbulence among the people in the life and death.

Mark is hidden in his black robe. If I can laugh out loud, I really want to laugh at him for three days and three nights. I am so happy. How many black wizards, how many black wizards they look up to, have not done it. I did it myself. The second elder was hailed as the strongest elder in a hundred years. Such people can talk to themselves in a negotiable tone. They have done things that countless ancestors could not do. This is really worth celebrating. However, I can’t let this old guy just let his own people go to give him his life. I now only have a dozen black wizards, and each of these dozen black wizards has the same combat effectiveness as the elders, but they are cultivated. It's not a price to get up. It's impossible for an elder to grow up within forty years, but a dark wizard only needs ten years.

"Second elder, we have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter, but I think there is still a vacant lot in the northwest of the island. I don't know if we can give us a man-made residence." The expressions of the people in this room changed after the mark was finished. , This is not as simple as building a house for them. This is obviously blackmail. If they are allowed to take root on this island, at least hundreds of juniors will become apprentices of the black wizard every year, and the whole nation is in danger of extinction. Yes, it may become an apprentice of the Dark Wizard in the future.

"Second elder, there is absolutely no problem with our elders. Why do we want them? We can't be fooled by this guy." The eighth elder has the hottest temper. He wanted to give this guy a punch when he came up, although there are usually several elders. There are also contradictions between them, but they are all contradictions among the people and can be resolved by themselves, but if these dark wizards enter the island, it is not an internal contradiction, and the conflict will definitely intensify in the future.

"Eight elders, ninth elders, you lead a few people to help them build houses. In the future, they will be the ten elders in our clan. If there is any disrespect, the clan rules will help." The second elder closed his eyes and motioned. Everyone can go down and do things. In fact, how is he willing to cooperate with people like the Black Wizard in his heart, just for the treasure of the clan, for the totem gem, in order to make the clan stronger in the future, he can cooperate with everyone.

"Second elder..." The eighth elder and the ninth elder stood up together, but when they saw the second elder still closed their eyes and did not look at them, they had been together for decades, and naturally they knew the temper of the second elder. I really let the clan rules deal with these people, looking at the proud mark, I can only bite my teeth hard and go down to work.

"Second elder, don't worry, these thieves are on my body." Ma Da stood up and gave the second elder a peek to the end. I will also be an elder in the future. When I think my body was selected when I was young, it was only slightly better than those outer island disciples. Point, at that time, a deacon was all kind to himself. Now he is an elder. It is really impermanent, but I also know that I can be an elder. The second elder just gives myself a chance. You need yourself for the next thing, and you still have a way to deal with those people. In the end, who is the winner of black witchcraft or modern technology? Then we will know.

Outskirts of Jakarta

The outskirts of Jakarta have always been famous for being dirty and messy. When the dignitaries in the city mentioned this, they would pick up their handkerchiefs and cover their mouths and noses, as if they would smell bad smells there, but today Here, he won the most expensive person in the world, that is Li Cong, chairman of the board of directors of the Energy Group.

No. 15 Heping Road has always been one of the most mysterious neighborhoods in this district, because it is very different from other places, it is dirtier and messier than other places, but this is not what makes this famous, the reason is There lives a fortuneteller here. The name of this fortuneteller is also a bit special. He is called smallpox. Smallpox was originally a name for a disease, but now it has become a person's name. This is very strange, but Li came to see him today. It wasn't for divination, but another identity of this guy, he was also a dark wizard.

The energy group learned this news by chance, because when this guy first moved here, a group of gangsters came in to make trouble, and the smallpox took the initiative to teach those guys, and didn’t see how he moved the gangsters. The boss caught fire all over, and later several people went there and were burned to a pile of ashes. Originally this was a murderer, and the Indonesian government would not care about it, but I don’t know why he was arrested and released afterwards. He came out, and the police in this district were also instructed not to take care of this smallpox matter, unless he tells you to take care of it. Later, people knew that he could divination and was extremely accurate. The dignitaries regarded him as a guest. , But this guy still lives in that dirty place, and he doesn't even want to move out.

Li Cong frowned when he looked at the **** on the floor. He had visited a lot of dirty and messy places, but compared to this place, they seemed to be clean. If the place where he got off was not cleaned by someone, he stretched out his legs. It may be stepped on the feces that do not know whether it is a human or an animal. Flies are the permanent population If there is a beat, it is estimated that you can kill more than a dozen at once. It is too dirty. , But thinking of his original intention, Li Cong definitely wanted to go in.

The fortress was broken from the inside, and the same is true for dealing with the black wizard. He needs some strong information. He must deal with them first and eliminate this variable to continue Yebili’s plan. Otherwise, all future plans. Maybe the black wizard will participate, and all plans need to be revised, which is absolutely not allowed.

Smallpox may really have the ability to predict the future. It is not surprising to see Li Cong walk in alone. Li Cong also knows that such people are a little different, so he left all his followers outside and saw Smallpox. At that moment, Li Cong also felt a gloomy cold, his eyes were too ruthless, he had seen countless people for so many years, and it was the first time he saw a person’s eyes that would shiver, it seems that his cooperation this time It should be working with the devil. This guy is not easy. Smallpox is also very interested in Li Cong. I don't always maintain this state. I have used the strongest ability to see Li Cong. At a glance, if an ordinary person took that look at him, he would have escaped now, and he would never forget the look in his eyes just now. He would often have nightmares. This kid is really fine.

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