Energy Group

Chapter 702:

On a small island less than five kilometers away from Titanic Island, it is said that this is a small island, but it is actually a coral reef. It is in the water for a year and seven months, but fortunately, it was out of the water when Li Cong came here. Li Cong can already observe the island at close range with a telescope. Next to him is a newly developed air cannon. The power of this air cannon can be adjusted. It is said that if you adjust it to the maximum, you can make this one in ten cannons. Sweeping a small island of several square kilometers, of course, the cost is amazing. This requires tens of millions of kilowatt-hours of power supply. After ten shots, this cannon will be sent back for overhaul, otherwise the eleventh cannon may destroy itself. Give it to heaven.

There is a 30-square-meter red carpet, a white round table and three stools on the hundreds of square meters of sand. A person is sitting alone, and dozens of black-clothed men with live ammunition are standing around, and there is a bottle of amazingly expensive on the table. This is the whole picture of this place. If someone sees it, they will think that this person is faulty. If there is money to run here to show off, it can't be called show off, because there is no one here. Who will show it?

There is nothing special about this small island when you look at it up close. The surrounding islands are all uninhabited. This one is human, and because of the helicopter hovering these days, a large number of people on the island are surrounded by the beach. Looking at the planes and ships in the distance, Li Cong wanted this effect, but at this time Li Cong suddenly remembered a movie he had watched before, the American movie Avatar, which seemed to have such a lens in it. As an advanced person, Foreign civilization wants to change all of this, but the final ending of that movie is something that Li never liked. In this world, people who fall behind must be given up. It is correct to enter the advanced. It is the same here today. The man was defeated.

"Call the island, I want to see their top leader." Li Cong sipped the wine in the glass, feeling that it was time.

Immediately two helicopters flew over quickly, but for safety reasons, the flying heights were not low. The huge loudspeaker was promoting Li Cong's meaning. Although the second elder and other leaders did not come out, they still heard clearly. To be clear, Yebili scolded Li Cong for being too long-winded. He just threw a few missiles up and it was done. He didn't want to think about where there were so many shit. If the missiles were not open, he might just throw them away. The kid was sent to God, but God would not have a good face to this infidel.

"Several elders, this Li Cong is the president of the Energy Group. We confronted this person outside. He was on an island a few kilometers away from us." Yebili quickly explained to the elders. In fact, He thought it would be best if these elders listened to their own words and wanted to be simple at this time. It would be best if they couldn't help but rush to the island on the opposite side to head-on with Li Cong. Li Cong is like that. People must be prepared for them. If the elders are all lost, how many people on this island can have the skills?

"Hmph, I want us to negotiate with him. Does he have the qualifications? Elder, only a few kilometers away, it's better to ask me to kill him. After all, the eight elders have not seen the power of the energy group, but his words are very agreeable. Yebili means.

"Don’t be foolish, Xiao Jiu has almost nothing to win with you, and it’s useless if you go. The old man hasn’t been out to talk to outsiders for a long time anyway, so I’ll meet this guy, Yebili, mark you guys. The two will go with the old man, and I will listen to the third elder when I am away.” The second elder has absolute authority in the clan, with the mark that he has the strength close to his own, while Yebili is one. My own consultant, after all, he has been outside for a long time, and he knows some things better than himself.

Others wanted to persuade the second elder to say a few words, but they stopped after seeing the second elder's eyes. When the Japanese devils wanted to capture this place a few decades ago, it was similar to the situation here. At that time, the second elder went out alone without a word of nonsense. If he said more, he would kill their general. Is it possible that the second elder has to perform it again today? However, it is not decades ago after all, and the weapons outside have long been renewed how many times, if the second elder still has that kind of thought, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

The second elder who went out took a deep breath and grabbed Jabil, and threw Jebeli out with a loud shout. Everyone was dumbfounded. What is this? Jebeli called It's like killing a pig. Does the second elder already know that I am a traitor? This is about to execute himself, but Yebili threw it into the sky before he called out anything. He had made a plane, but he had never flew it. But now Yebili didn’t want to experience this feeling. For the next few decades, it’s absolutely worthless to change these few minutes of flight.

But the second elder obviously didn’t want to throw Yebili to death. He wanted to kill Yebili in many ways. There was no need to do such a thing. After throwing out Yebili, he immediately kicked the next one. The bamboo was bent to an impossible degree. The second elder flew directly with the elastic force of the bamboo. The target was the island where Li Cong was located, and the speed was faster than Yebili. Double, and only in this way can I receive this guy before Yebili landed. As for Mark, I don’t need the second elder to take care of him. If that guy doesn’t even know how to come, then he is not qualified to become a Titanic. Ten elders of the Er nationality.

Just as Yebili rose up, the killers from behind Li had already aimed their air guns at Yebili. When the second elder flew up, two-thirds of them aimed at him again. If If Li Cong wanted to kill him, he would definitely not be able to run. He couldn't turn so flexibly in the air, and he couldn't dodge the speed of an air gun even on land. Li Cong stood up, the head of the family had already arrived. It seemed that he was too rude when he was sitting. Li Cong signaled that everyone behind him put away his guns. This is not something to welcome friends.

Judging from the eyes of a normal person, Yebili must have been thrown to death, but Li Cong knew that the second elder would follow this guy. The current facts also proved all this, Yebili looked terrified. Was caught by the second elder. The second elder didn’t look at Li, so he threw Yebil on the beach and looked back at Ma Da. The reason why he came here earlier than Ma Da was to see how capable this guy is, although This was the time to declare force to Li Cong, but the second elder also didn't understand the strength of Ma Da. At this time, he also wanted to see the true strength of this person.

Mark is not as brilliant as they are. Walking slowly to the beach, the people in the clan despise this guy a bit. Isn’t this guy wanting to swim past it, but then those who look down on Mark will apologize, and Mark is casual. He threw out a string of beads in his arms, but these dozen beads lined up in a row, about six to seven hundred meters, and one was hanging in the air. Li Cong knew that it was the high speed of the beads. It was caused by the rotation. In fact, these beads were also falling, but the speed was relatively slow. Makda stood up lightly and slowly stepped on the beads one after another. Although he did not have the skills of the second elder, it was considered to be It was perfect. Li Cong was absolutely sure that this guy had more than half the strength of the second elder, or even more. Li Cong's judgment was seen in the eyes of the second elder.

"Yebili, I didn’t expect your life to be really great. You are the first living person to run out of my hands, but our grievances will be discussed later. You are the only person here who has seen the leaders of both sides. Should I introduce it?” Seeing that everyone is coming, Li never has so much time in the United States to grind his teeth with these guys. It's better to get into the topic quickly.

Yebili was very good at acting. He didn’t care what Li Cong said, but pulled out the chair for the second elder and let the second elder sit down. After seeing the second elder nod his head, he walked to the middle to introduce to both sides. Knowing that this guy is just the second elder, he quickly explained that the elder has been in seclusion for more than ten years, and everything in the clan is under the management of the second so the second elder can definitely be the master, Li Cong's face is only slightly. It looks better.

"Junior, you are the second person to bring so many people to my clan's territory. Do you know who the first is?" The second elder exudes an aura, if ordinary people are there, it will definitely be The one who was frightened and fell to the ground was that Li Cong and Slaughter were not ordinary people. If it were to be more than this kind of "battle," Li Cong could only give out more, but now Li Cong has passed. It's time for the kind of young and frivolous before.

"Old sir, ah no, the second elder is right. I know what happened to you from Kad's mouth." Li Cong saw this old guy's eyes jump obviously when he heard him say Kad. Coming to kiss your grandson is still very influential on this guy, "You were also a person who fought against a Japanese devil back then. As a Chinese I admire you very much, but now you have to see the form clearly. I am not a Japanese. You Although I may have a stronger ability than I did in the past, I also have a stronger force. If you want to compete with you before the negotiation, I have absolutely no opinion, but the price of my contest is half an island of your clan. As long as I make the second half of the island disappear in no time, so that we can talk honestly, I think it’s better to ask you to see the power of modern technology." Li Cong snapped his fingers after speaking, and then Li Cong On the other side of the island where they were, several helicopters crazily tilted their rockets towards the sea.

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