Energy Group

Chapter 706:

Li Congmei slept for a while, and when he got up, he turned on the TV. The corruption scandal in Indonesia was being shown on the TV. Of course, he was all directed at the group of people headed by the Minister of Finance. He didn’t know where the Energy Group Investigation Department got it. According to the evidence, dozens of officials were involved. In total, more than forty officials were greedy for more than 20 million U.S. dollars, with an average of 500,000 U.S. dollars per person. In Li Cong’s view, this is small money, but Indonesia The people of, don’t read that much. Through this morning’s news bombardment, the guys who were making trouble in front of the energy group have long since disappeared. This is much better than standing up and explaining the matter to them, letting you know the truth. It’s not a little bit better than what I said.

"It seems that this president is really good at doing things. I don't think there is anything left for me to stay here. I will arrange a special plane for me to return to Jinan this afternoon." Li Cong read the newspaper and ordered the secretary next to him. Miss, because this time I came to do some dangerous things, Li never brought people like Dai Lai.

The secretary agreed and went out. In fact, Li Cong wanted to go back soon and still hung up on his own group. Although there were so many people watching, his son was the first contemporary president after all. What has the company done? If this kid really has the ability to retire, it’s better to call this kid to manage it. Then the tiring things must start with the baby, otherwise this kid will start again. What should I do if I quit my son, thinking that I am so lazy, my son will definitely inherit himself.

No. 3 will stay here for the time being to handle the rest. After lunch with a few important people in Indonesia, Li Cong embarks on his return journey. This period of time is really the most thrilling life he has ever had. However, in the future, I will have another strong training base, and it can be said that I have a strong allies. Although these allies are not very obedient, it is still possible to take time. However, Li Cong is deploying three small groups around him. At the time of the island, five air cannons were specially left on each small island. You must absolutely make sure that you order the island to be wiped out in a few minutes. This is the only way you can hold them, even if you kill them all at once. Four thousand people are cruel, but which high-ranking person is not stepping on more corpses than this.

Compared with Li Cong’s vigorous stay in Indonesia, everyone’s days in Jinan seemed a bit boring, but they were tired, but everything they did had rules and regulations. Everyone was very happy about Li Cong’s arrival. The little daughter in Zhou Yu's arms also laughed happily. Li kept hugging and kissing since he got off the plane. He was really incompetent for his little daughter as a father, but Li Cong was also a little daughter. Prepared a good gift, it is a fairy tale castle in Spain, I believe this little girl will love it when she grows up.

After the excitement, Li Cong got on his own special car. What's different from the past is that there is one more member besides Li Cong and Li Yan in this car, that is, Li Er, the acting president of the group, looking at his son who is a little tired. It seems that Li Cong is also a little distressed, but you are the next owner of the energy group, you have to give up some things, you have to do the best, if you don’t even understand your group, how can you control To conquer the whole world.

"Sister, how is the time when Xiaoer is in charge of the company? What's wrong?" Li never asked his son directly, because what he said doesn't count, so it is better to ask his sister at this time. My sister is already the absolute veteran of the Energy Group, and her words will be accurate. Moreover, she is also the aunt of her son. Even if some things have been said, I am not afraid to offend the future president of the Energy Group. If others say this, it is not good. It is hard to guarantee that this kid will not retaliate against others.

Li Yan smiled and glanced at Li Er. This kid is also looking at her aunt. Could it be that these girls are hiding something from herself?

"To sum up, Xiaoer's housekeeper is still good for you. In the past two months, I have been very modest. I have almost visited several large bases of the group, but there are some shortcomings, that is, I am a little too eager to do things. I know you want to do something to show your dad, but you have to know that the group is not for watching, but for doing things. This is why I prevent you from opening two thousand gas stations throughout China, understand?" It seemed that the problem Li Yan was talking about was Li's guilty conscience. He just didn't expect that his aunt would directly point out his mistake in front of his father, making himself a little embarrassed.

The opening of gas stations in mainland China has always been prohibited by energy groups. After all, there is a Chinese government here. The two major oil groups basically rely on these gas stations to live their lives. Energy groups are only symbolic in some big cities. Owning a few gas stations, Li encountered Waterloo last time when he was fighting a big fight to implement the gas station plan across the country. It seems that this kid wanted to get up where he fell. Is it because he wanted to stink him? Just let Lao Tzu see that you are better than me?

The thing is just like that when things are said to be done. The family talked and laughed and arrived home. Li went to rest since he went home to visit his elders. Although he slept well yesterday, the things he experienced in the past half month are real. Is it a little too much, or better rest. Now he is sleeping like a baby with his little daughter.

Although Li Cong has taken a rest, the Jinan Headquarters of the Energy Group Investigation Department is operating at full capacity, verifying the entire military strength of the Energy Group. This is an order from the No. 1 account. Li Cong's idea of ​​establishing his own army is getting more and more. Seriously, according to the understanding of my boss on the 1st, this plan should mention the content of the meeting within three to five months, and it should be put into practice within half a year. Obviously, it is absolutely impossible to develop this in China. Then we can only go abroad for development. If it is suitable for any place, it should be called No.1, that is, except for the Skull and Bones’ sphere of influence, basically other places are OK. Although Europe still has Roche’s remnant power, it is related to energy The group is too far behind. Hundreds of thousands of people in Europe are pouring into the actual control area of ​​the energy group every day. It is said that cards will be set up at the border soon. This news has further intensified this wave of immigration.

The first problem for the energy group to build its own army is to have a territory, but now they are all sovereign countries. It is difficult for Li Cong to build a country. This will attract the attention of the international community, although he does not care about it now. , But this will also pose a lot of obstacles to the future development of this country, especially there is a skull and bones on the other side of the ocean. Originally, another plan of the investigation department was the mercenary plan, but Li Cong directly did not catch a cold with this thing. In Li Cong’s impression, the mercenaries were used by hundreds of people to help a certain small country in Africa fight civil wars. The army they wanted was to fight against the US military. Those African terrorists usually bullied ordinary people. It’s okay, but if you head-on with American soldiers, see if he can do it.

After studying for a while, the energy group still set its sights on the African region. Now the energy group’s largest military base in Africa is in Angola, which should be the best development base for the energy group. In Angola, the energy group has thousands of Armed people, these people can become standard soldiers as long as they wear military uniforms. Besides, Angola has been in turmoil for many years. Several major forces in the country are constantly engaged in wars. As for the life and death of ordinary people, it is estimated that those uncles don’t care much. , They care about their own territorial issues.

It is still possible to support one of the energy groups to achieve unification of Angola in a short period of time with the strength of the energy group, but this investment is relatively huge. No tens of billions of dollars can not be supported. Of course, these tens of billions of dollars are not just for war. Yes, it also includes a series of costs such as future reconstruction. As long as Li Cong wants to build an army, he should understand that this is a gold swallowing Even with the financial resources of the energy group, it will feel a little tricky. It is equivalent to spending hundreds of billions of dollars in additional expenses for the energy group every year. I wonder if the president can afford it.

There is also the issue of soldiers in the army. It is not very realistic to solve this problem in one country in Angola. It is possible to recruit in other countries, but an army that only fights for money can imagine its combat effectiveness, although it can. Use Tektronix to improve their combat effectiveness, but the speed is relatively slow, and air weapons can’t be in their hands. Who knows what they do, maybe they’re ready to start rebellion and self-reliance as soon as they get this weapon. It's the king. These black people did it. It should be clear if Angola changes its leader today and tomorrow.

Next comes the issue of weapons. This is not a big problem for the energy group. The energy group of the weapon production line can basically manufacture it by itself. Over the years, the energy group has also begun to build some machinery manufacturing plants, but they are all small-scale. Yes, it is mainly for the maintenance of energy conversion machines, but it has also accumulated some mechanical and technical personnel. This machine is similar to the gun, and it will definitely be no problem after learning for a period of time. It is a large weapon. I don't know how to do it. I'll wait for Li Cong to decide this. I think the boss will have a good idea.

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