Energy Group

Chapter 722:

The 722nd Festival departs for Namibia

It can only be said that Li Cong’s **** luck is really good. Angola has an internal "unrest". No matter what kind of internal "unrest" in Africa, there must be a great power behind the whole incident. African countries are all countries, but everyone knows in their hearts that if there is no developed country standing behind them, then their own regime will not last long.

Civil strife occurred in Namibia, a large southern African country. The Republic of Namibia is located in southwest Africa, bordered by Angola and Zambia in the north, Botswana in the east, and South Africa in the south. 1000-2000 meters above sea level, arid and drier, has a subtropical, semi-desert climate. The country is divided into 13 administrative regions and 50 local "governments". The capital is Windhoek. Namibia came under South African rule on March 21, 1990.

The two major political parties in Namibia, the Namibian People’s Movement Committee (referred to as the Namibian People’s Movement) and the Namibian Democratic League (referred to as the Namibia) have completely declared a break. The People’s Movement headed by Prime Minister Nahas Angola declared that the League is an illegal party. The ban, which led to the fire, began a civil war throughout Namibia, and even swept across southern Africa. Neighboring countries Botswana, Angola, and South Africa all announced the closure of the border at the first time. The specific opening date depends on when Namibia ends. The civil war is over.

Li Cong didn’t understand why the old man called himself to Zhongnanhai early in the morning to watch such a short film. His base didn’t say he wanted to release Namibia, but he wanted to release Angola. His main power in Africa was mainly concentrated in the central and northern regions. The southern part is really a rights blank. This morning, Li Congzheng was holding Liu Yan’s Zhengxiang who was sleeping. He was dragged here by the secretary of the "Chairman", and the weapon purchase list he left yesterday was signed. The name of "Chairman", and did not produce immediately, but used the reserves of the troops to be transported to the Zhanjiang military port at a fast speed, and from there to the sea to Africa at a fast speed.

This "government" gave us too much support. What I wanted was two thousand instructors, but now I have given three thousand, and they are all composed of non-commissioned officers. Good guys, this is not ordinary support, these years. There is no such thing as a free lunch waiting for you to eat. Of course, President Li knows this very well. Besides, this is the advantage of the "Chairman", so it won’t be easy to add to it. Li Cong just said nothing slowly. Drink the Biluochun specially provided by Zhongnanhai and wait for you to say.

"The Namibian People’s Movement Committee is supported by us, and the Namibian Democratic League is supported by Westerners. I want you to go to Africa to preserve the power of the Namibian People’s Committee. This is the only power that we control in Africa. The "government" in Africa has only gained With such a little effect, I don’t want it to be wiped out by Western countries. American aid is on the way. I will find a way to delay their aid. Your task is to use your power to help them keep their political power." "Chairman" see Seeing that the little fox in front of you doesn't get angry, you guys should take the initiative because of my big beard. If I don't talk like that, you might be an ostrich for the day.

Li Cong also shocked the old man directly. No wonder he was so nervous. It turned out that his African boy was beaten. The People's Sports Committee, Li Cong felt a little different when he heard the name. No wonder his early African development forces. At that time, I didn’t see a trace of China. It turned out that the country has changed its strategy. From the comprehensive development in the 1960s to the current key development, it has quietly controlled more than half of a country.

It’s no wonder that I prepared everything for myself so quickly. It turns out that the root cause is how I am like a fire-fighting captain, and I go wherever I need it. Is this "turmoil" in Africa the same as other places? Where is the battlefield, it is very dangerous, but Li Cong thought again, didn’t he just want to recruit troops, how could he recruit troops quickly if there was no such "chaos", and he also wanted to train his own troops during the war. Originally, I wanted to start a war, but now it's fine, I only need to participate in it.

The energy group happens to have its own power in Angola. Although it has not achieved the ability to control a country, it can definitely do what it wants to do in front of the dignitaries of Angola. Li Cong's plan is to ship all the equipment and personnel to Angola first. For the rest of the plan, the "Chairman" basically agreed to this plan. After all, a local war is not just intervening, it must have its own reasons.

Everything is negotiated, and the rest is to implement it by himself. Another cooperation with the Chinese "government" is formed. Li Cong's income is that he can flood his forces into Namibia after the war, which is not a disadvantage. With the support of the Chinese "government", Li Cong can quickly build his own army and start the reconstruction plan of Namibia after the war, but Li Cong really didn’t take a fancy to this reconstruction plan, a country of more than 800,000 square kilometers. Excluding deserts and wasteland, it only has less than 300,000 square kilometers and a population of about 3 million. The domestic economic output value is only less than 6 billion U.S. dollars, which is far behind a medium-level prefecture-level city in China. Quite a few, even if I went there, taking the mountain as the king did not seem to be of good quality.

Looking at Namibia on the map, Lee felt that there might be something that would attract him, and he should also go to Africa to see this backward and mysterious continent.

"Who, who signed this order, the weapons and equipment are not for you for nothing." The "chairman" saw Li Cong who was about to leave and stopped him immediately. It just happened that there was another flood in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and I was worried about the disaster relief. This kid is here. The cost of these weapons is only about 17 billion yuan. But our supply speed is relatively fast. The international standard price is about 35 billion yuan. If you want to pick up the goods at this speed, you must To 50 billion yuan, you will need 30 billion yuan for your cooperation, and 20 billion yuan will be used as cost plus profit for the major arms groups. The remaining 15 billion yuan can be allocated to the disaster area. Disaster relief.

Li Cong didn’t know much about the price of weapons. He felt that the things he bought this time were a little too much. The RMB 35 billion is not a lot. He signed it immediately, but he will supply another one according to this list in three months. This time I only paid 70% of the purchase price. Next time I can’t deliver it, I won’t pay. After drinking the tea in his cup, Li automatically walked to the "chairman" table and picked up the "chairman" tea. Bucket left with a look of admiration. This thing can't produce a few catties a year. It can't be bought for tens of thousands of yuan outside. I am really sorry if you don't touch him.

Beijing Capital International Airport.

In the morning, the president of the maiden flight received a call. He wanted to "sex" pack 20 large passenger planes to transport 3,500 soldiers. It was ordered by Zhongnanhai. However, the bill was paid by the Energy Group. Li Congdai A bunch of entourage was in the office of the president of Air China at this time.

"Mr. Li, we really can’t make such a charter flight today. You know, we need a large passenger plane from here to Namibia. Our group can only take out five at a time, and can only transport 1,600 at a time. Can you divide it twice? I promise you can definitely do it within a week." This is the first time that the president of Air China has encountered such a thing. If this cooperation is really achieved, he will be able to give himself in this week. It brings hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. Usually, a single ticket to Namibia is 13,000 yuan, and the average chartered flight is 20,000 yuan. The total amount of this cooperation is 700 million yuan, and my group can get at least 150 million yuan. The profit of 10,000 tons is even high, and it is cash. The 700 million yuan of Bank of China promissory notes on the table are repaid.

"I don't care how you do it. Anyway, I will transport it to me once "sex". I will pay an extra 50 million. You can contact other airlines for charter It's better to speed up the time, three days, three I want to see them at Angola’s Capital Airport in the next few days. If you can’t do it, I’ll see your seat is over. Of course, these two million are my personal bonuses." Li never said unnecessary nonsense, he said. So coming here to talk about this in person is also because of his own special plane refueling, and the reason why the military leader has not yet arrived.

Li Cong owns 4% of the shares of international airlines. It’s not a big or small shareholder. It’s nothing to give a bonus of 2 million. It’s just that the president has to break his leg today and arrange for the pilot to follow the others. Airline consultations, work efficiency can still be stimulated by money. Immediately, the five chartered flights of China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines also arrived in Beijing on the same day. After setting up the route and contacting the refueling point, it is estimated that they can leave in the evening, and it will be possible in ten hours. Arriving in Namibia, the price is the delay of two normal international flights, they will naturally have reasons, what kind of aircraft failure, pilot problems, anyway, you just wait.

Li Cong has been waiting on his own plane for 20 minutes. What the **** is a military commander who is so big, commanding three thousand people is a brigade commander level. What's the big deal? General Lao Tzu sees it. That's too much. You are a little brigade commander. Li Congzheng was about to scold him, but when he saw someone coming up, he swallowed his words back abruptly. Good guy, isn't this his older brother-in-law Liu Zhi? In the past, the Xinjiang base was rebelling, but now he has become the leader of this time. Fortunately, I did not scold it. If Liu Yan knew about this, it would be fine. The brother-in-law scolded the brother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law would not be choked I'm wondering.

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