Energy Group

Chapter 732:

Episode 732

With the preparation of the Antonov family, almost all of Russia knew about Nova’s appointment ceremony. All the major forces except the Antonov family were very shocked, because the current situation is very Obviously, the energy group wants to maintain a balanced situation in Russia, but now it has suddenly given such an important position to the Antonov family. What does this mean for so many other families? It means extinction, but the other big families can’t show it all on their faces. If there is some disrespect towards Nova Antonov, then the energy group, such a face-saving company, will never give it to itself. To save face, this is the strength of the energy group. 9m81,

The brightly lit Energy Group Branch Building is a 60-story building. In the southern part of Moscow, this is not the center of Moscow, but since the Energy Group Branch settled here, the surrounding land prices have caught up with Moscow’s prime locations. Even the Moscow City Hall is also preparing to rebuild several roads around it, so that the surrounding land prices are even more valuable. Today, almost all executives of the entire energy group from all over Russia are here, and on the surface they are coming to welcome this promise. Miss Antonov’s, it’s not right, it should be Minister Nova Antonov’s now. Actually, this is not the case. Some of the people who came this time have more background than her.

Nova came this time on Li Cong’s Fire Phoenix special plane in Jinan. No one has used this plane except for Li Cong’s immediate family members. Today, Nova’s treatment is really a precedent for Russia. The major newspapers in China are speculating whether one of Nova’s feet has already stepped into Li Garden, but it seems that Nova’s hand does not yet have the mark. The mark is a jade bracelet that Li Cong’s mother asked someone to hit. Now Zhou Yu, Liu Yan, Jin Meiren, Jenny, and Josephine Yake are all carrying them on their hands. Although that thing is not particularly precious, it is a symbol of Li Cong’s woman. The baby's hand is still her original Kadia diamond bracelet, which seems to have not been there yet.

After the seemingly welcoming banquet ended, Nova also came to the conference hall of the investigation department in the branch, let alone a bug here, even satellites could not see through here, the defense was absolutely strict, a group of people were standing, Nova No one looked at her after entering. Everyone looked at the top of the table. Sitting there was Li Cong’s eldest daughter Li Yinluan. The person who was truly qualified to ride the Phoenix was her, the leader of the Energy Group. Miss, it's no wonder these people in the investigation department are so low-pitched.

Although it was the first time I saw the eldest lady, the conversation and wisdom of the eldest lady deeply surrendered them. Before, I only heard how powerful the prince is. Now it seems that this daughter is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Fortunately, she is a girl. If it's a boy, I'm afraid there will be a lot of competition in the group.

"Miss Nova, please sit down, everyone. I'm just following to see the learning experience. Miss Nova will decide everything. Everyone treats me like a teenager. Now, do everything you need to do, and all things are subject to Miss Nova’s instructions. This is a little courtesy I give to everyone, and it’s not a respect.” Unlike Li Er’s arrogance, Li Yinluan does things. It's really easy-going. Although she learned from Director Li Yan, she didn't learn Li Yan's cold temperament. Instead, she was just like Li Cong. She was cold when it was cold, and she was kind when it was time to be kind.

It is said to let everyone treat you as a child, but who can treat you as a child? There are more than 50 cadres, and each of them received a cheque, not more than 40 million rubles per person, probably That's 10 million yuan. Can teenage children spend that much? Looking at Li Yinluan's grinning look, it is really impossible to connect this little girl with the one from the previous group cleaning. At that time, this little aunt's grandmother swiped hundreds of thousands of people and immediately lost their jobs.

In fact, Li Yinluan's purpose in coming to Russia is really to come and see. Zhang has been playing abroad when he is so old. He hasn't done anything yet. He didn't stay in the Skull and Bones like her brother for so many years and learned a lot. Things, although you can learn something with your aunt, it’s a pity that aunt is a member of her own family and will not treat herself harshly. The little girl is not prone to abuse, but she feels that she is so far from the truth. , So this time when her father arranged things, she followed. Although Li Cong gave all the power to Nova, she was still not at ease. She was looking for someone to watch. This girl volunteered herself, no one else. If you can have her own girl’s letter, she just let her come here by herself, but the eldest lady’s tour is not an ordinary situation. Immediately, the security department and the investigation department of the group began to formulate various plans, and all major departments in Russia also made plans. With the corresponding adjustments, Li Cong's expectations for the eldest daughter have always been high. This is the future chief executive. At this moment, if the flattering is not good or something happens, he will look good.

Nova also understands the importance of Li Yinluan, so even her family didn’t tell this time. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better, and the more one knows, the more dangerous it is. What happened? According to Li Cong's temperament, it is not impossible to turn Russia over. Others are afraid of this and that. This guy is a good old man.

"My person, Zhang Xi, is the deputy minister of the Russian branch of the Energy Group. On behalf of the more than 80,000 regular employees of the Russian branch of the Energy Group, I welcome the arrival of the eldest lady and the minister. I will introduce you to the company's senior management. This is... This is..." Although the deputy minister was talking about introducing two people, Nova saw that Li Yinluan was the only one in the eyes of this guy, not just him, but other cadres who came forward to talk. They have no place in their eyes either. They have a kind of awe of Li Yinluan, the kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts, because this teenage girl is in control of their life and death, and they are just a point. The head of the department only came to the post because of something, and he didn't even know when he did it.

After more than fifty people introduced, even Nova lost patience a bit, but Li Yinluan still looks like just now. She stood up very patiently and shook hands with every cadre and said a few words not to repeat, there was nothing at all. The perfunctory nature of Li Yinluan, and Li Yinluan must also have some understanding of these people. The cadres were more than happy to see that Missy actually knew what he was responsible for. The energy group was just like him. There are too many cadres, and there are really few people who want the lady to call out her name. I am really lucky to catch up with the lady’s first tour. If there are more such things in the future, even the lady’s memory will not be remembered. .

"Everyone, thank you for the welcome party. I also express my condolences to you on behalf of my father and all the senior leaders of the group. It is obvious to everyone that the group has worked hard in Russia. I hope that everyone will continue to work hard and write a more brilliant future for the group. Let’s ask Minister Nova to talk about the next move of the group branch. I’m just an observer and a supporting role. Don’t make any mistakes. "Ms. Li is not a supporting role wherever she goes. The status is a bit embarrassing. If it weren't for Li Yinluan's mention of her, no one would have thought of it. Everyone is hoping to flatter the little master. Moreover, the Chinese inside the energy group, especially the high-level people, are very exclusive. They also despised an old external chief from the bottom of their hearts, but no one stood up against the president's decision, so such cold resistance was inevitable.

At this time everyone remembered that there was a minister next to him, but there was no fear. This minister was only temporary. There are hundreds of ministers of this level in the energy group in the world, but the Russian branch can obviously be ranked. In the top ten, such ministers are generally held by people who have worked in the group for more than six years, and there are more Chinese than foreigners. She will certainly not hold the position of this minister for long. The group’s policy in Russia is Balance, if she does it for a long time, this balanced policy will be broken quickly, so everyone just looked at Nova politely, and they all wanted to hear what this woman had to say.

"Thank you all for giving me this opportunity. Although I am a Russian, I am now the head of the Energy Group but strictly speaking I am a newcomer, so many times I hope everyone It can help me to integrate into this role as soon as possible. I will not interfere with other jobs when I come to Russia. You can do it now as the group’s previous plan. All the daily work is managed by the Deputy Minister Zhang Xilai. I only take care of one. The thing, that is to dig out the top pilots and pilot instructors of the Russian Air Force. I hope everyone can cooperate.” Everyone was shocked when they heard this. This woman is also a character, and she gave up everything, just for the mission of the president. Underestimating her, not just relying on her face, but also some other skills.

Li Yinluan swept around. These people seemed to be able to treat others arrogantly. He still attached great importance to his father’s decision. His father’s prestige in the energy group was really great. As the creator of a huge empire, he was There are too many legends, so learn more by yourself.

"Minister, we have received notice before you come to Russia. This is some information we have collected. This year, the salary of Russian fighter pilots has been continuously reduced. Their salary is not even enough for their family to eat and drink, even our group The internal team leaders are all paid higher than theirs, so now they are very dissatisfied with these policies. They just want them to leave the Russian army. I’m afraid they can’t.” Zhang Xi divided a folder into two, although Li Yin Luan said he was only here to take a look, but he understood that everything must be respected enough, and all secrets of the group were not kept secret from Missy.

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