Energy Group

Chapter 738:

Episode 738

The cement factory was really delivered. If I didn’t take it, I would really be sorry for them. I would compensate us for the small invasion of China. The Energy Group has several large cement plants in Africa, but they are all in Africa. In the central or northern regions, most of them are used for their own enterprises, and a small part is used for sale. This thing is not rare in cement plants, and it is everywhere. In Africa, this is a rare thing, because Africans conceal it. During the war, no one is going to do construction, so there are fewer people working on cement plants.

My own construction in Angola is already underway. Now the cement is still shipped from the Congo. It’s already a bit far away to Angola. Next I would like to invest in a cement plant with an annual output of 400,000 tons in Namibia. Yes, now it seems that these hundreds of millions can be saved, just let this little one out for us.

"Grab a fart, I said brother-in-law, I am a civilized man, a serious businessman, not the king of the mountain. Don't grab it at all times. It's too vulgar. You can find someone to find out first and see if they can do it. What kind of cement is made, this matter is not in a hurry. I carefully pondered how to grab it, ah, no, how to get it." Li Congyi also talked like a robber, and Liu Zhi doesn’t need it now. After praying, I quickly put on my clothes and went to find out about the situation with the local guys.

This is a technical job. What Li Cong thinks is to find a local engineering team and ask them to contract the energy group’s airport construction and order a large amount of cement. When the time comes, he will have some friction with the construction team, and then he will not give it. The construction team just owes money to the small ones. How much financial support a newly opened factory can have will not last a few days. When the time comes, you can run it yourself. It shouldn't be a problem to buy it at a low price.

Li Cong then went to check on people’s investments in Africa. The next check really scared him. Are there plans to erode Africa? There are many people in every country who invest There are not a few companies, and your local masters have to listen to Lao Tzu, not to mention you outsiders here. You bullied people in the last century, and you are unlucky when you meet me in this century.

St. John's Hospital in Berlin, Germany

Heli was here when he woke up. He thought he was dead, but he was not dead, he was still alive, and there was no one around him that he knew, but these were not important anymore. The important thing was his daughter. I’m fine with my mother, and my mother’s surgery has been completed and it’s very successful. All this seems to be a dream. Who is doing this? Heli is no longer a child. He knows that someone is operating this Everything, but who is this person has so much power that can make traitors appear in the KKB.

"Hello, Mr. Heli, I am Li Yinluan of the Energy Group. On behalf of my father Li Cong, I welcome you to join the Energy Group." Just when Heli was confused, he made such a voice behind him, and Heli looked back, this The little girl is very beautiful, she looks like an elf. She is a person at first glance. It is really rare for people to have such a white skin. She has big round eyes, long eyelashes, a slender figure, and a decent red. Coat, what did this girl say? His father Li Cong? Energy Group?

As Russia’s most outstanding pilot, Heli has a very good understanding of the world situation, and naturally also knows the meaning of these words. At this time, he understands it. This time it was the people of the energy group who saved him. Of course he would not think. What kind of relatives do I have with others, they must have taken a fancy to their own skills to save myself. Although Heli hates this type of invitation, but he helped me to pick up both his daughter and mother. Of course, Heli did not know about the hospital. It was also planned by the Energy Group. Of course, he could not find out. The investigation department will naturally do things very cleanly. This kind of thing that needs to be killed is definitely not allowed to continue to live the dean. Only the dead can be best protected. Secret, everyone knows such things.

Heli gladly accepted Li Yinluan’s invitation. In fact, Li Yinluan held a respectful attitude towards this top Russian pilot. She could feel that this person would be in the hands of her father and younger brother. An important chess piece, it is necessary to represent Li Jiashen and him now, and it is not wasted to diverge from the air to Berlin. Berlin is not the world of energy groups. There are three powers, the strongest. Naturally, the Rothschild family returned to Europe, followed by the Energy Group, and then the Skull and Bones. Since Roche returned to Europe, he didn’t care about anything. He just worked hard to manage his own three-acre land. Said the effect is very good.

Being appreciated by Miss Heli is something that Heli will show off throughout his life. He is also the first person to recruit Li Yinluan into the group. Of course, Li Yinluan’s treatment for Heli is also very good. He is in a beach house in the coastal city of Qingdao. There is a Heli, where Heli’s mother will take care of the elderly, and his daughter is also starting her own new life. Heli’s annual salary is as high as three million US dollars. This was unimaginable before. If he continues to stay in Russia, I’m afraid It’s impossible to get so much money in a lifetime. There are people. Under money, everyone will be greedy. He is a normal person. So after he settled down with his mother and daughter, he embarked on a flight to Angola. There he will continue to fight side by side with his former comrades, but he is not fighting for Russia anymore.

Angola Energy Group Base

Liu Zhi has already figured out the request. This is really not a small factory, with an annual output of 400,000 tons and an investment of billions of yuan. These small groups are really rich, but Liu Zhi also heard about a news. It is these guys who accidentally discovered a diamond vein when they opened the mountain, but these guys didn't report it, but they became ignorant. If this diamond vein was really mined by them, it would definitely make more money than this cement factory. Up.

, Can such a good thing be so cheap? But if you know something like this, you won’t report it. Are you silly? This is a diamond. A small piece of cement can hold a pile of cement. Everyone is not a fool. Li Cong never thought of reporting it. They, after all, there are a lot of such things in Angola. I remember that someone said that diamonds can be dug out in Africa with a shovel. Although this is an exaggeration, I have to say that there are more diamonds in Africa than in other continents. Many.

"I said, you just said something, so good things were taken away by Xiaoji?" When it comes to thinking of ideas, Liu Zhi has ten and can't keep up with Li Cong. He doesn't actually want diamonds. Don’t care about him. If he thinks it’s a military factory, he’s absolutely willing to accept it. The reason is that the factory is human. Their old Liu family doesn’t have an eye on them. When I saw a devil, I wanted to go and beat others.

"How can it be possible? Let alone diamonds now. Don't we still want other people's factories without this? You said that you are not a gangster at all. Why should I teach you such things? Locals, the employees in their place can't be all people doing work. Something happened. You go to Angola and call them to investigate. Anyway, you can't let them start work. Ask your family members to make trouble for a while. , You go to be the backstage for that family member, this is all done, and our cooperation with the cement plant should be carried out quickly, they will only want to transfer them only if they have a large amount of foreign debt, I don’t believe in these internal and external troubles The guy still wants to continue working here." Liu Zhi really convinced this brother-in-law after hearing Li Cong's words. This is nothing short of a personal spirit. It's really unlucky for these little guys to run into you.

Russian Antonov family

Katie looked at his family members with a dark face. I didn’t expect Li Congdong to have this thought. All Antonov’s family are in Russia. If Li Cong continues to dig the corner of Russia like this, it will be seen in the short term. It has no effect on the Antonov but it is very influential in the long run. If the Russian military’s combat effectiveness declines, then Russia’s international status will decline, and it will eventually be affected. It is still the major families in Russia.

Although Katie wanted to stop the energy group’s actions, he also learned something this time. All of the Keckberry’s internal traitors were all made by members of the Vasile family. It turns out that the energy group is not the only one in Russia’s own family. As a partner, if you don’t do it, others will do it naturally. I don’t see that Li Cong can carry out such a layout as a young man, and let his daughter sit in Russia, making Nova subject to many things. Nova’s The ministerial position turned out to be an empty shelf under certain conditions.

"Similar things must never happen again in the future. This time, the elites of our Russian Air Force will go. And the Pacific Fleet will also work harder. The influence of our Antonov family in the Russian military is absolutely not tolerated. There is a loss." In the end, Katie could only give one order, and Li Cong's behavior had touched the bottom line of the Antonov family.

"Yes, the patriarch." All of you present here are elites, and there are definitely no short-sighted people who want to curry favor with the energy group.


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