Energy Group

Chapter 741:

Episode 741

The best thing about being a pilot is that you don’t have to see a **** sight. The situation is like this. Heli and his wingman killed and wounded hundreds of soldiers from that alliance this time, but Heli didn’t see it at all. I can see the fire mushrooms blooming one after another. As for the **** scenes, I can't see them. I saw that I and the wingman had no ammunition, and even the auxiliary fuel tank was thrown down. Such an attack is real. It’s so boring, it’s not interesting at all. The army’s anti-aircraft weapons are two 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, but these people usually use anti-aircraft machine guns for flat-fire. This time they really saw the plane. They should show themselves. When they are capable, these people are afraid of death.

The task of the joint force was completed very successfully, and it had a very big impact on Namibia. Now the two sides have basically completely different ideas. The alliance side thought it was definitely a human airplane, and the human transport side thought it was definitely a human airplane. It’s a human plane. Although Amadera didn’t do anything, his U.S. Army Staff Corps was all killed in battle. Here are some retired U.S. military officers who were hired by him with a high salary. These men's blood treatments cost millions of dollars. These people are not those African soldiers, and they can be sent away by giving them a few hundred yuan.

After Li Cong saw Heli’s original role, he would naturally not allow Heli to complete such a task again. Of course, he had a better position reserved for Heli. Although it is a bit of a misnomer to call Heli the commander of the Air Force, after all, there is less. Twenty planes dare to say what the commander is. It’s too funny, but together we know Li Congken’s economic strength. If Li Congken vigorously develops his own army, the world’s first air force would not dare to say that the world’s air force is definitely strong. There is no problem. This thing is a money-consuming machine. As long as you have enough money, this thing can be piled up for you. Li Cong also understands this very well.

The long-distance attack of the two aircraft cost Li Cong 700,000 US dollars with weapons and ammunition. The air force really can eat more than the army. An ordinary attack mission cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, mainly because of the above. Ammunition is too valuable. At this time, Li Cong knew why the U.S. Army had to send an army in when the U.S. Army attacked Iraq. With the Air Force alone, the U.S. would also have to go bankrupt. An air-to-surface missile costs more than 100,000 U.S. dollars. The most expensive thing is this. There are things, and the others are secondary. This is still a small one. The large one costs one million. Fortunately, I bought a lot of stock and kept it, otherwise I really have to rest.

"Why, I feel so distressed. I told you that it's not a trivial matter to get an army. Look at your army with less than 20,000 yuan, which cost more than 30 billion yuan. Now the training is still It’s not fully developed. Fortunately, you make oil, otherwise the oil alone will make you feel bad every day.” Liu Zhi’s remarks are not alarmist. Take a mechanized infantry regiment as an example. There are about a hundred people, and there are about three hundred vehicles of various kinds. This is not the kind of car on the street. This is a tank and armored vehicle. These vehicles have more than 30 oil per 100 kilometers. If calculated in RMB, it would cost more than 100,000 to go out for a round, not to mention high-intensity marching. The vehicle-mounted machine gun fires hundreds of bullets per minute, and it shoots continuously. That box of 500 bullets is not at all. How can it be used? You have to make thousands of dollars in a few minutes. Finally, Liu Zhi gave Li Cong a report. The cost of a full-equipped mechanized infantry regiment is 1.2 million yuan for a day. Around 10,000 yuan per person on average.

Of course, when this is high-intensity training, this is the most economical army. The training costs of the navy and the air force are generally five armies per navy, twelve armies per air force or even more. Li Cong read Liu Zhi After the report, I feel that this cannot be done. Now that the number of people is small, I can still support myself. If there are really hundreds of thousands in the future, what should I do? But when the army is not in war, it is a pure consumption thing. What can I do? Li Cong still has an uncalculated account, which is the issue of the salaries of the soldiers. Now these are all Africans who can give them some food. When the army can be expanded later, people from other countries will definitely join. , Those people can't be dismissed by giving them some food. Soldiers' salaries have always been the biggest expense of the teams, or second only to military procurement.

"I don’t feel distressed, but it’s not a problem to always be like this. How can we make our army self-reliant? Now that there are fewer people, I’m not a problem, but what should I do if there are more people? Is it the same as borrowing every year? Trillions of dollars to support the army? People are a country, but I am not a country, I can’t afford this army.” Li Congku said with a face, he used to think he had money, this little money is fine. But it really hurts to spend so much. This is not a small amount of money. In just two months, it has cost tens of billions of yuan. This is what he has seen.

"The initial spending is so great. Most of the money you spend is for military purchases. The things you purchase this year will not be used next year, and will not be used for at least five years. I estimate that the cost of next year will not catch up with this year. Half of it, I actually have an idea to allow your army to feed itself, but I don’t know if you want to." Liu Zhi was a little bit wanting to say but not wanting to say it. Li Cong has seen him have This expression is the first time. Does this guy want to ask himself to be a robber? He can steal something from this place.

"Don't hide it, there is nothing we can't say." Li Cong said innocently, and put a cigarette on Liu Zhi by the way, and he had to put it on if he didn't smoke in order to curry favor with this kid. The right to talk about it is to support the army.

Liu Zhi glanced at the only two people around him. If he went back to let his family know that he was the one who made this idea, I don’t think he would be able to strip himself alive. If such a thing is told to others, it’s probably useless, but what’s in front of him Who is this person, who is the most courageous and dares to do anything, there is nothing in this world that he dares not to do. If he has an atomic bomb in his hand, he dare to scare the president with it.

Liu Zhi’s idea is really not a good idea. It is not bad from Li Cong’s. But being a robber is only one aspect of it. Liu Zhi’s idea is to make Li Cong’s army the largest mercenary in Africa and help some destroy the armed forces. Or help the armed forces to overthrow the present. Anyway, whoever pays the high price will do it, so that it can train the army and make a lot of income. Of course, this price does not need them to give real money. Li Cong wants it. It is the interests of these countries, and we must grasp the key departments of these countries.

As for being a robber, Liu Zhi also thought about it. Ordinary people don’t have much money in their hands, and they won’t get anything if they rob them. However, most of the richest people on the pyramids in Africa are rich and unkind. They talk to them every year. After discussing it, it’s okay to ask them to pay some protection fees. What rich people cherish the most is their lives. You will damage his car with a gun today, and you will go to school to scare his son for a while, you See if he is afraid or not, so don’t ask for too much. A family of five or six people will cost him 2 million yuan a year. These people’s money is not from the right path, your investigation department What is it for? When you encounter the kind of force and plunder, you will kill it. This is still for the people.

After a while, Liu Zhi talked about being a robber, and he also included some assassins. Anyway, there is nothing that can make money. Most of them are done by the underworld. Talking about the underworld. The investigation department has its own forces in various places, and it doesn't take you to do it with such a big fanfare, but Liu Zhi's proposal can help the black bosses resolve some disputes, and the method of charging them some money is not bad.

"Are you the People's Liberation Army? How come our people's army is pretending to be a gangster. You are a protection fee and a robber. This is how the party and the state educate you? Pay attention to you in the three major disciplines. I can’t remember at all. This is a clear one, no, I have to talk to my grandfather about this problem when I go back to This is not bad, the grandson of party leader Liu Tau always wants to be a bandit. "Liu Zhi really has an ugly face. When you counted those people a few days ago, you were even better than yourself. At that time, I said that I was not nasty, so I didn't go back to make up the lesson, so I asked you to say that about yourself.

"Well, okay, when I didn’t talk about the matter just now, the most important thing at the moment is that we first test whether your method will work. I think that the small company’s idea is a bit slow. Go test it?" Li Cong saw that Liu Zhi’s eyes were a bit unfavorable and quickly turned the topic off. Sure enough, Liu Zhi was happy when he heard that it was a small matter. He also felt that Li Congchu’s idea was really too slow. The process couldn’t be done in less than a month. In a month, those little devils could dig up as many diamonds as they could. Liu Zhi viciously pulled Li out of the golden Colt pistol from his belt and turned his face sideways. Go down to gather people.

I'm sorry, this guy is such a way to be a robber and dare to be sentimental. Others have not suffered yet, he has suffered first, his gun is a limited edition, fifteen thousand US dollars, this guy took himself first when he came up , I can’t go back and file a complaint with my wife. Your brother bullied me. Li Cong couldn’t do anything when he was depressed. He found a tree shade and called Liu Yan to chat with Liu Yan. By the way, he sue his brother-in-law for the tricky case. This thing can't just be over.


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