Energy Group

Chapter 755:

Episode 755

Angula is also a person with revenge and ambitious. Before, he had no conditions, so he could only nest in a small place like Namibia. Now it is different. Li Cong gave himself a platform to display and he naturally wanted to give him Give yourself an explanation for the energy group. Man is such an animal. As long as his power begins to expand, no one can stop it.

A Southern Africa needs 400,000 troops. It really makes Li Cong a little helpless. Now that there are less than 20,000 people, he is a bit overwhelmed. The annual expenditure of the 400,000 troops is definitely an astronomical figure, although he has an energy group as his strong backing. , But one or two years of energy groups can be sustained, ten years or eight years may not be necessary, there must be a good way to support war.

Li Cong also asked how Angola used to maintain his army. Angola’s answer made Li Cong a little depressed. He actually said that most of the military expenditure came from support, not just him, but other Africans. This is basically the case in the country. There is basically no oil or water to dig in the country. It used to be hoped that there will be some minerals and oil, but the oil is basically gone now, and other minerals cannot be extracted at all. , In such a sad environment, who is willing to throw his money in this place.

"At present, the 400,000 army is a bit unrealistic. Just take a look at the populations of your countries in southern Africa. Where can I go to find 400,000 people." Li Cong gave the old guy a blank glance, and he was just blunt. What.

This is actually wronged Angola. This is already a very conservative saying by Angola. With a population of hundreds of millions of people and an area of ​​millions of square kilometers, you still want to control this place. There are already 400,000 people. It is the least. It can't be said that it is a complete occupation. It can only be stationed in some important places, relying on its own powerful deterrence to rule this area.

As for the issue of the openness of the army, Angula is more experienced. He suggested that Li Cong get a regular organization for these troops, which belong to regular troops of various countries. Of course, the treatment, command and training do not belong to the local area. Borrowing one of their names to cover the public opinion of the international community, although Li never understood how it was operated, it is certain that money cannot be separated from it. Li Cong left this matter to Angola to handle it. Anyway, Angola gave him a satisfactory answer a week later.

Angola took a gift worth tens of millions of dollars in the capital of Angola for a week. Of course, his appearance has changed now, otherwise the senior officials will have to take into account the current diplomatic relations between the two countries. La is now a wanted criminal in Namibia. As a senior official in Angola, meeting with a wanted criminal in a neighboring country will always cause some diplomatic disputes.

Angola brought back an organization. The full name is the Angolan Fourteenth Army. It consists of three army divisions, an air brigade and a naval formation. It is full of 110,000 people. Li Cong feels that this organization has fewer people. , But here is not a domestic one. An army that does not move has 200,000 people. It is very remarkable that there can be so many military units in Africa. Li Cong also paid more than 1300 for such a piece of paper. The price of millions of dollars, and two super luxurious Aston Martins, Li Cong wondered, your roads are so uneven, what is the use of such a good sports car? what.

Angola went to be responsible for the recruitment of personnel. If nothing else, he said that his old subordinates in Namibia, it is estimated that it is not a problem to bring tens of thousands of people over. The thing he gave to Li Cong was to let Li Cong I will get the arms in two months. My own production line cannot be exposed at this time. Li Cong just arranged the production line made by Tektronix in a very hidden place. He has no intention of producing himself. If he asks the skeleton to follow some Other organizations know that they can produce arms, and God knows what they will do.

The equipment of one hundred thousand people really stumped Li Conggi. A submachine gun alone would cost one hundred thousand, plus a base number of 300 bullets. Of course, Li Cong must not only import one. Basically, when they are training, they have to shoot hundreds of bullets a day. They all say that this good marksmanship is fed by bullets. They must not lose money on this issue, but they, or they will regret it later.

Almost every week, there is an ammunition ship sent to Russia or to Angola. It is loaded with ammunition and other things. Ten to twenty thousand people have already consumed so much. The consumption of 100,000 people in the future Li Congguang thinks. I felt that my whole body was weak.

Li Cong and the people in the investigation department roughly estimated that if the 14th Army is full, based on a Wednesday’s live ammunition training calculation, it will need 100 million rounds per month. This is still the most conservative estimate, excluding those. For artillery shells, the previous import channels are obviously not working anymore. It seems that this kind of large-scale import has to go there by yourself.

"Are you going back? Can you take me there?" Li Conggang stretched his tired waist and heard a blunt word.

Talking about the mercenary supervisor appointed by Li Cong, Taylor, a very beautiful European girl, just looks a bit like a woman of dust, Li Cong has always used most of her ingredients, but doesn’t know she wants to talk to herself What are you doing back, is it to go to China to take on some tasks? If I kill myself like this, I can’t take her back. Although I don’t object to their mercenary department to accept domestic commissions, I still have to face it. It’s best not to get involved with myself, otherwise it will be very difficult to explain. Troublesome.

"Yes, I really want to go, but I just don't know what you are going for? It can't be because of the sights of our country and want to travel." Li Cong guessed that although this girl is now his own subordinate, I don't know much about her.

"I want to see Liu Zhi with you. I know he is a high-level general of the People's Liberation Army. If you took me there without you, I guess I would have broken my head and couldn't find him." The little girl said this. At that time, Li spewed the tea in his cup from a single sip. It happened that there was an LCD monitor in front of him. Now it seems that it should be scrapped. Li Cong almost didn’t come up. His mouth was not So effective, I just made a joke on them, is this little girl really tempted? That would definitely not work. Liu Zhi came to Africa once with himself, and nothing was done. There were various punishments after he returned. He was taking such a sister back, so Liu Zhi really had no family business. Now, it's strange that his sister Liu Yan couldn't kill herself.

"I went back to do serious things. I didn't have time to worry about your affairs, and..." When Li Cong just wanted to say a lot, tears came out when he saw Taylor, "Forget it. , Forget it, don’t cry, I’ll just take you back, but you have to promise me, if he doesn’t agree, you can’t meet him in front of you, I promise you to see if he is good, if you don’t agree If you do, then you can keep crying, anyway, women are made of water, and you won’t lose a lot if you cry for a while, just drink more water later."

Taylor originally wanted to ask for something, but from the look in Li Cong's eyes, she knew that she couldn't ask for anything even if she asked, so she had to put away her condensing steam, nodded with Li Cong, and jumped around. After jumping and leaving, Li had only one feeling from this moment, that he was cheated, and he was so charitable.

It’s good to have your own airplane, you can go anywhere in the world at any time. Yesterday, the old guy Angola was still explaining what he did after he left. Of course, he had to explain to his four bodyguards. If there is anything abnormal about this guy, then kill him directly. Such a hero must never give him a chance, give him a chance to rise, and it is estimated that he will suffer in the future.

The plane steadily parked at the dedicated parking space of the Capital International Airport. "Everyone has their own dedicated parking space. You, the richest man in the world, are really amazing. You can even have your own dedicated parking space at the airport." Taylor, who spoke how to speak, rarely said a word, but Li Cong felt that he was so uncomfortable.

The Energy Group has two dedicated seats at Beijing and has invested in a dedicated runway. Although others are envious, they can’t help it. The Energy Group has to give the airport to the airport every year. In terms of handing in 20 million yuan, plus some auxiliary things, you have to pay 30 million yuan each year for this, but for Li Cong to be comfortable, this little money can still be spent, in Li Cong’s view, there is nothing. The big deal.

"What do you know, it's called enjoyment. Why don't you keep the money? Besides, it's not me who has my own parking space at the airport." Li Cong pointed his fingers around several places, from Taylor's Li Cong got a bit of satisfaction on his face. Do you think you European talents are rich? There are a lot of wealthy people now. There are many people who spend 10 million yuan to buy a parking space. There are seven or eight planes in the surrounding area, and there are a few without planes. This one was originally Wasteland, bought at a very low price by the airport, is now the most profitable area for international airlines.

But then Li Cong couldn't laugh anymore. He saw an old acquaintance of his. It turned out that the National Security Bureau sent his assistant Blueberry. Originally, Blueberry had been out of the order of the National Security Bureau, but in the end he couldn't bear Li Cong's mischief Going back again, this made Li Cong very heartbroken. Now that she sees her, I really feel different.


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