Energy Group

Chapter 758:

Section 758 did it?

In Beijing, everything spreads fast, the virus is fast, but the message is faster than the virus. Now the Liu family has basically become a topic among the upper class society in Beijing, and this version is becoming more and more vague. Now some people say Liu Zhi’s teenage son is not his own. Fortunately, the child is still a director. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to explain it to the child. Could it be that your mother has a wife and your mother has a white-collar worker?

Li Cong doesn’t have any impression of Wang Peiyun, this woman. Maybe I’ve seen this woman in Liu’s house before, but now I don’t have any impression of her at all. What if I have it, let Liu Zhi lose such a big person. Let Liu's family become the topic of others, this is also related to his wife and daughter. Those people outside who want to make a blind connection between their own daughters and their wives will suffer a lot.

"Master Liu has nothing to do, right?" When Li Cong came out, he felt that he was superfluous to ask. The old man asked himself to go home for a drink at night. He must be fine. Isn't it okay to look for trouble? Does he really want to Talk to Blueberry for a while?

"I didn’t say what’s wrong with the old man outside, but your wife is very powerful. People in Beijing found Wang Peiyun and asked her to come out and tell the Liu family that Liu Zhi begged Liu Yan to leave. Otherwise, I don’t know what your wife is doing. That's how it is." Blueberry emphasized when he said the word "Madam", Li was never very embarrassed.

It’s no wonder that my daughter-in-law knows that the temper of her daughter-in-law is not an irritable one. My cousin must be **** off by such a thing. In addition to the power of the Energy Group in Beijing, and Bai Chen’s Cooperate, if Wang Peiyun stood up without being played to death by her, it would be almost the same, and the fool would not stand up at this time.

At this time, Li Cong still wanted to chat with Blueberry. When Blueberry and Li Cong’s phone rang at the same time, both of them were thoughtful people. Naturally, they knew that something major must have happened. They both picked up without saying anything. The phone came to answer the phone, and both people received the same news that Li Cong and Liu Yan’s daughter Li Yinshu had an accident. The reason was that Liu Yan ran into Wang Peiyun while taking her daughter to shop today. Liu Yan’s character is naturally cynic to her, and she also asked the specialty store not to sell to Wang Peiyun what she had already liked. Although this is a bit bullying, the entire World Trade Center is owned by the Energy Group. Don't listen, Wang Peiyun used to be rampant in the capital before. I used to think that this little sister was not very pleasing to the eye. Isn't it just that he is good at business and married a good husband? Could this be a reason to despise himself?

When Wang Peiyun was arguing with Liu Yan, he accidentally turned off a clothes rack, which was directly hit by the third lady of the Energy Group, Li Yinshu. Li Cong's love for the children did not need to be considered. Li Er, the eldest son of Li Er, was inspecting the World Trade Center Tianjie. This guy couldn't get angry at first, but now it was good to see that his sister had her head broken. It was not bad. He kicked Wang Peiyun when he went up. Although the child is only in his teens, he has followed Li Cong to learn some physical fitness skills since he was a child. That kick is not easy to explain. Wang Peiyun immediately fell to the ground, and the next thing was even more bizarre. According to Li Er No matter how powerful it is, you can't kick a person out of consciousness. Liu Yan felt that something was wrong, and immediately called someone to send her to the hospital. Only after an examination did she know that she had a miscarriage.

Li never heard it before he scolded, "Who is protecting the young lady today, he will send it all to me, if anything happens to the young lady, I will shoot them directly, and the little bastard, tell him to wait for me. So, what did you do earlier? My sister kicked her head all the time. What should I do? See if I don’t kick him to death. How can I be a brother like this.” Blueberry feels that this brain is not enough at this time. , Li Cong just educates his children? No wonder the children of the Li family are so arrogant. It turns out that there is such an unscrupulous Lao behind. It would be strange if all of them were knowledgeable and reasonable.

"Wait, you can't go there. It's messed up now. I know that your daughter is hurt and you feel uncomfortable. But the loss of a child is even more uncomfortable. You haven't heard me finish the network of forces behind this. There are too many people involved, and it might cause shocks.” The things in this are definitely connected one by one. The time that Liu Zhi and Wang Peiyun have been separated is not short, and that child certainly cannot be. Liu Zhi’s, and that child’s father is not a simple character. Although the child is only in his twenties, his family is quite prominent. Although he can’t be equal to Liu’s family, he is not much different. That child His grandfather is the Long Family who ruled the Northwest after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

"What caused the shock? Lao Tzu’s girl was wronged. If my father doesn’t give her the shot, who can she rely on? Good guy, I have such a big girl who dare not touch her finger. It made my daughter’s head bleed. If I don’t give this group of dog days a bit of power, they really think that our Li family is a good bully." Li kicked off Blueberry’s hand, and Blueberry knew that It was impossible to stop Li Cong on his own. He immediately followed Li Cong and got into the car while making the phone call. Who knew he hadn't sat down before Li Cong took the phone.

"If you are a friend, follow me. Don't you waste time calling here. I just got off the plane and I was sleepy. If you call, I will be confused." Li Cong said afterwards. The mobile phone was thrown out, and if the height drops, it will be disintegrated freely, and the most capable engineer may not be able to piece it together.

This incident spread quickly throughout the capital. Good guy Li Cong is a demon king. Everyone who sees that guy walks around. This guy doesn’t play cards according to common sense, so he’s looking for the master of everything. It's fine now. Someone dared to break the ground and beat his daughter too old. It's strange that half of Beijing City should be turned over. But then everyone heard that the daughter of the Wang family who had just come out of the Liu family was pregnant. Then, the eldest master of the Li family kicked the children out of the family. The people in the capital felt that their eyes and brains were not good enough. How could this be his situation, how messy? , Is there a quasi-credit.

Most of them are watching the excitement. A few people know what's going on. There will be a shock in the political arena. Although the Wang family is not a prominent family, it is also one of the top 20 families in Beijing that can talk. , The Long Family is an authentic Northwest King. If there is a ranking in the whole family, it would also be the top five. Of course, it can’t be counted as the families of the Chinese Association. This ranking is a pure political family, and the other side is even stronger. If nothing else is enough, just two families are enough. The first family in the world, the Li family, and the first family in the middle world, the Liu family. On the surface, the two parties are not on the same level at all, but you can analyze it carefully. Although the Li family It is recognized as the first family in the world, but its power in the political circle is still a bit weak. There is nothing but a Great Wall Club as an ally, especially in terms of local power, which is basically no different from the blank. Even worse, now that we are developing the economy, all military cadres have to stay behind.

The people on both sides were in anger, but as soon as Li Cong’s motorcade arrived at the entrance of the hospital, the phone number between Mr. Liu and the Prime Minister arrived. The prime minister was also afraid of something big. He knew that at this time, everyone except Mr. Liu talked to Li Cong. As I didn’t say, Mr. Liu didn’t want this matter to expand, so he called Li Cong to go home. Although he said it was a discussion, there was a meaning in his tone that he couldn’t resist. Li Cong always respected Mr. Liu. The hospital looking far away picked up the intercom in the car.

"Tell me to look at the lady and the lady well, and tell the **** to deal with things here, tell him I remember what he did, and if his sister goes back and tells me that she is wronged, I will interrupt him. You’re doglegs, drive, and go to Liu’s house.” Blueberry was sitting next to Li Cong and almost fainted when he heard these words. It’s better to let Li Cong go in and deal with it. Li Er is more ruthless than his laozi, so let Li Er deal with it. It is estimated that the people of the Wang family and the Long family have suffered.

In fact, Li Er is already in the hospital, and the doctor has repeatedly promised that he will not leave a scar on Li Yinshu's forehead.

"It’s not easy for you doctors. If my sister had no scars when the stitches were removed, it would cost 100,000 yuan per person. If I see something wrong, let alone the 100,000 yuan, who is my Li Er? You know, don't blame me for not giving you face." Li Er said viciously to the doctor while holding his sister's little hand.

Fortunately, these doctors have relatively good psychological qualities. After ten minutes, they can be considered as bandaging Li Yinshu. Li Er quickly asked his subordinates to send a big red envelope of 10,000 yuan to the I am too lazy to care. These doctors, anyway, they are not worthy of pity. Today they are so humble when they meet themselves. If ordinary people come in, they don't know how they will make things difficult for others.

"Sister, do you still hurt?" Looking at his sister's bloodless face, Li Er felt more pain than himself.

"Brother, it doesn't hurt. My brother can't beat people anymore. That aunt has shed a lot of blood." Li Er felt even more angry when he heard it. My sister was so badly hurt and still thinking about that woman. She used to call her aunt. Because Li Yinshu is still young, she has not been told about the divorce.

"Well, my sister is good, my brother doesn't beat people, my brother has to go to the company, sister, take a good rest, and your mother will come later, my brother will come to see my sister in the evening, and take my sister to eat big lobster, OK?" Li Er tried his best to fill his face with a smile, but his sister was so hurt that it was really hard for him to put a smile on him.

Perhaps because of the power of the medicine, Li Yinshu clenched his elder brother's hand, nodded vigorously, and then rested. The little girl is so cheating, how can he eat seafood when he is injured like this.


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