Energy Group

Chapter 779:

Episode 779

Li Cong is not good at answering Zhu Qiming’s request. Many things in his position are not what he can do as he wants. Take this donation matter, if you use your current will If you increase your academic donations to Peking University, then other well-known universities will probably ask for money from yourself. You can’t favor one or the other. After all, universities are short of money.

Regardless of the amount of government funding for education, some universities seem to be very wealthy. In fact, these funding is not enough for some famous universities, but for some third-rate universities it is just to maintain the normal school. If they don’t conduct various studies, they still have a surplus of money, but this is because the country’s policy has nothing to do with a small businessman. It’s been this way for decades, and I don’t talk too much.

"President Zhu, I also know your difficulties, but you also have to think about it for me. I see the sacrifices made by the teachers of Peking University. Of course, the graduates of Peking University have also made great contributions to our energy group over the years. I will discuss with them after I go back. I think your new office building will have results soon. Now I think we should study the medical project I am interested in. "Li has never been a philanthropist. Although I admire these people very much in my heart, since the company's major policies have been established, it cannot be changed at will. However, it is still possible to build two office buildings for Peking University, which is worth millions.

Zhu Qiming and Zhang Lan couldn’t help being disappointed when they heard Li Cong say that. They had heard that Li Cong was bold and unrestrained. They didn’t expect people from the school party committee to accompany them on a tour for so long. They only got two office buildings. If the land energy group contributes funds, it will only cost a few million at most, which is far from what I originally expected.

Zhu Qiming is the principal of the school. Naturally, it is impossible to know what kind of project attracted Li Cong's attention. The second half of Li Cong's sentence also gave this guy a new excitement. Cooperation is also possible. If Peking University can Cooperating with a world-class enterprise such as the Energy Group will greatly improve the school’s reputation. It would be even better if Peking University could become the energy group’s talent delivery base.

Zhu Qiming glanced at Zhang Guotao, who was in charge of academic research. He was in charge of all the research projects within Peking University. He saw the principal looking towards him and knew that it was the project of the kid Liu Jianzhong, so he whispered a few words beside the principal. .

Zhu Qiming has been working in education for a lifetime. How can he not know what type of this project is? Such a project will never cooperate with people at Peking University. The huge investment is a roadblock. If one person accounts for half, the energy group will How much will Peking University invest if it invests hundreds of millions of dollars? How can manpower and technology alone account for so many shares? If the share is less, is it worth investing such a large amount of manpower and material resources? So selling this project is everyone's idea.

However, Zhu Qiming did not like that Wang Yu who wanted to blackmail Li Cong. A principal and a deputy dean had different perspectives. Zhu Qiming asked about the specific transfer price of the previous project. Li Cong immediately offered Li Cong a price of 3 million RMB, which was 1 million lower than Wang Yu expected. After all, this is only the initial stage of a big project, just a student using the school’s laboratory for research. , Is it tens of millions more?

Li Cong was also prepared for Zhu Qiming's asking price, but he did not expect that Zhu Qiming only asked for three million, which made Li Cong a little embarrassed. This project can definitely bring himself tens of billions of dollars in the future. If you let others know that they only bought this project for 3 million yuan, I wonder if some people will use this to make a statement in the future.

"President Zhu, are you taking care of me too much? I feel that the value of this project is definitely more than 3 million yuan. It's better than that. I think the money is set at 3 million, but I assisted a large-scale project in Peking University. Biological laboratory, the standard is the same as the R (National Biological Laboratory) in the United States." This is really to suppress these guys.

The National Biological Laboratory in the United States was built by the Americans in a few years and spent more than one billion U.S. dollars. Of course, it cost a lot of materials and talents, but the hardware of the laboratory also cost nearly 100 million U.S. dollars. There are only two such laboratories in the world, so in the future, will Peking University have the world's top three biological laboratories?

"Mr. Li, I really don't know how to thank you. On behalf of all the 50,000 teachers and students of Peking University, I sincerely thank you." Zhu Qiming's voice is really choked up. Some equipment in the laboratory doesn't mean you have money. What you can buy but what others cannot buy is not a problem for the energy group. There is nothing in this world that the energy group can't get.

Finally, Li Cong got rid of several Peking University leaders who took turns thanking him for getting on the train, and Liu Jianzhong followed. Up to now, this kid has not recovered from the joy just now. He just knows how much the laboratory is from the newspaper. Advanced. Just now, my brother-in-law and the principal promised that all the equipment will be in place within three months. Tomorrow, people from the Energy Group Construction Department will be stationed at Peking University and discuss with Peking University engineers where the new biological laboratory will be built.

"Brother-in-law, you are really great." The boy suffocated such a sentence for a long time, and almost didn't scare Li Cong. What nonsense is this? If it weren't for your boy, he would be able to go to Peking University and throw more than 100 million. U.S. dollars.

However, Li Cong also thinks that this money is also very worthwhile. Although he also feels that he has paid a lot to the society, it is still far from enough compared to his huge wealth. However, in this matter, Li Cong also kept selfishness, secretly confessing that he must step up the construction of the energy group’s own scientific research institution. This action to help Peking University can also be regarded as an experiment to lay the foundation for his own laboratory in the future. Moreover, Li Cong didn’t want to. Three million is a big advantage of Peking University.

It is not possible to blindly rely on Tektronix technically, but the current energy group's scientific research institutions are all in Africa, and there are more weapons researches. It is better to have military and civilian advances in the future. This can be regarded as opening a new field. .

The energy group’s assistance to build the Peking University Biological Laboratory was on the news network on the same day. Li Cong also wondered how these people were so fast. Later, he learned that this was specially ordered by the prime minister, although it only accounted for less on the news network. Fifty seconds, but for people who are used to watching the news, this incident has already won a lot of reputation for the energy group, and it can be regarded as a compensation for the decline in the reputation of the energy group in the previous period.

Li Cong just sent Liu Jianzhong back and didn't go in again. Who knows what's going on inside, Liu Jianzhong cautiously asked about his Porsche Cayenne and then went in. He didn't have any other place to go, there was a strong wind inside. He had to go in during the heavy rain.

The situation in the house was very calm. Only the old man was watching the news at home. The nanny had already arranged the food.

"I'm back. Didn't you say that you and your brother-in-law went to see him in the afternoon? Why did the news say that he appeared in your school? Why did you donate a laboratory?" The old man's words were unfriendly, Liu Jian Khan who is loyal to the forehead, this brother-in-law had to come in. I guess I knew this situation a long time ago. I took you away in the morning so righteously. You are fine, and I threw myself in.

"It's such a grandfather. My brother-in-law was interested in a project I studied on the road, so he went to Peking University with me. It happened that our principal was also there. The school sold my project to my brother-in-law for 3 million yuan. In the group, my brother-in-law felt a little bit cheap, so he helped to build such a laboratory. Grandpa, did you know? There are only two such laboratories in the world. In the future, our country will also have world-class biological laboratories. ." Liu Jianzhong said happily.

The old man is obviously very happy too. In fact, he still likes the children at home, especially when you make contributions to the country. The old man listened to Liu Jianzhong's words and kept saying "Very good, not bad, haha." "

Regarding Li Cong’s visit to Peking University in person and donating to Peking University’s laboratory, the Energy Group Propaganda Department hyped up, and the major media were also very cooperative. After all, this is news on the news network, and the Energy Group also gave If you don’t work hard, how can you be worthy of the red envelopes that others gave yourself? When calculating after the fact, the Energy Group paid about 120 million U.S. dollars to Peking University for this, and nearly paid nearly to the major media. Thirty million yuan, which directly increased your reputation by five percentage points. If you rely entirely on advertising, it is estimated that it will take ten times more funds and twenty times more time than this. Facts have proved that large companies are still very effective in doing charity. .

Therefore, Li Yan, the Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Group, absolutely reduced the remaining 4.2 billion yuan in advertising expenses that year, and all of it was transferred to the Charity Department. The Charity Department decided to follow the pace of the president and select potential universities from the 985 Project across the country. All kinds of student cooperation, including the expansion of laboratories, for which the Energy Group held a press conference. After such a toss, the damage to the reputation of the Energy Group has been greatly affected. Reply, and even improve.

"Xiao Li, doing well, the country needs businessmen like you. I think the reputation of your group has improved well." Li said the prime minister when he received a call from the prime minister.

Can that reputation not improve? I have spent several billions of RMB. If there is no effect at all, I can just find a tofu and kill myself.

Of course, Li Cong himself is not the living Lei Feng. He also has his own requirements. That is the main reason for his return this time. The arms problem. Russia and the country’s weapons are different now. Although they belong to the same ancestor, there are some places. National weapons have come to the front of Russia's weapons, so Li Cong is also preparing to purchase a large number of weapons in China, but he has done another thing in Africa.

It’s just that Li has never regretted the thing he did. It turns out that Angola’s guy is really worth the price. I’ve read the report from Africa, and Angola’s African-style training is done. It’s quite good. The combat effectiveness of the troops has improved rapidly. Now there are basically no other forces in Angola except the government forces. They have all been wiped out by Angola. If not for Li Cong, I guess this guy would dare With the army directly into the capital of Angola.

The Angolan government is also quite afraid of this. Angola signed an agreement with the Angolan government when he entered the suppression of various forces. If these guys are eliminated, Angola will have to pay for the military. Unfortunately, Angola is poor. Selling pants can’t afford Angola’s $1 billion. The country’s annual GDP is less than $80 billion. You want him to pay $1 billion instead of destroying him.

Angola actually knew about such a situation early in the morning. The Angolan government miscalculated the strength of this guy. Unexpectedly, he would be able to wipe out the other three major forces in Angola before a month’s time. After nearly ten years of military expenditure, the strength has not been completed. Angola is not a loss-making trader. You have no money. I will take it first. When you have money, when will I? Here you are, so the Angolan government still controls the area around the capital. Other local energy groups have taken over, but the Angolan government can send local officials.

Such a result is acceptable to the Angolan government. After all, the four forces used to control Angola together. Now there are only two left. Moreover, people can hand over the local administration to themselves. At least the domestic war can be done. It's turned off. As for the so-called national interests, let's wait until I have strength in the future, and the army led by Angola is still the Angolan army in name.

Angola’s plan is very crazy. Next, he will expand his army to 100,000. The reason is very good. He alone has more than 70,000 prisoners. Could it be that these people who can shoot guns go home to plant Land? That was a waste of talents. Angola kept Li Cong to carry arms to him immediately, so he couldn't let his people train with fire sticks every day.

Of course, the control of Angola also needs to be strengthened. Although Angola cannot be mentally instilled, his two children are still fine. Under Li Cong’s secret authorization, Angola’s daughter first Something happened. His son is still enjoying in Shanghai. Let's do it after returning. As long as you control your children, you won't be afraid that you will make other tricks.

Russia’s munitions are no longer a problem. Because they were purchased in the name of the Angolan Ministry of Defense, the Russian Navy sent two old destroyers to **** the entire process. By the way, they encircled the pirates in Somalia. In fact, they even brought these two destroyers. It was Li Cong who bought it, but he lacked naval officers and needed these Russian soldiers to drive him over, and the pirates there became the best excuse.

The son and daughter are doing so well, and I can’t be idle. At this moment, the Prime Minister praised him, and he had to climb the pole. Right now, he said that there are important things to talk to the Prime Minister. Li Cong’s car It was logical to enter the State Council.

Unfortunately, at this time, the State Council still has foreign guests. It is the youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong-chi, who is waiting for the Prime Minister to receive him. Lao Kim is old and his son is taking over his duties, but he can establish his own country. The fundamental reason is that the Chinese are standing behind them, and they have to ask their master to see what their successor looks like.

After getting off the car, Premier Li’s confidential secretary came over and told Li Cong that he would have to wait ten minutes. Boss Li became angry as soon as he heard it. What the hell, the second generation ancestor who knew eating, drinking, and having fun was actually in front of him. He had What kind of ability, what age is it now, and it's still the world.

"Mr. Li, the Prime Minister was already ready to meet you, but this person is a guest from afar. Let's not get familiar with them. It will only take ten minutes. Why not accompany you to see the scenery of the State Council." Secretary Zhuo is not the first. Once I dealt with Li Cong, I knew that this guy could do anything, but in my heart I also cursed Jin Zheng to death. When do you come, you have to come at this time, because to meet you, so much of the daily life Have to start again.

"I said Secretary Zhuo, you have come here as if you were in the mountains. I don't know what is so beautiful about the State Council. Look at all of you who work here without squinting and what's so beautiful. No, this kid is not the boss of a country, so he stood in front of me? Even the president of the United States has to make way for Li Cong said that he didn’t make a big deal. The prime ministers of some small countries President Li Cong doesn’t need to be so polite at all. It can be said that Li Cong doesn’t think of him except a few leaders of the country. In his opinion, these Korean sticks are from the south or the north. There is no good thing, what else can you do except for money and things.

"No, no, President Li, this is the State Council. You can't rush into it. Give us people a way to survive. When the prime minister turns back to blame, we won't have any good fruits."

"What are you afraid of? If the Prime Minister fires you, you will go to my place. The arrangement is much better than yours here." Li Cong's body is not something that Secretary Zhuo can hold. Besides, this is the innermost place. There was not even a guard in the surrounding area, and Li Cong directly opened the door of the Prime Minister's office.

The Prime Minister's face inside was a bit unsightly, but it had nothing to do with Li Cong, because Li Cong felt that the Prime Minister's somewhat cold gaze was aimed at that Jin Zhengzhi.

"Well, you are the son of the golden sun? I have something important, you will talk about it later." Li Cong knows what role he should play at this time. Being polite is not good, so he has to be a jerk. Just work.

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