Energy Group

Chapter 781:

Episode 781

Jin Zhengzhi also knew that asking for help this time would not be so easy. He was already a little dissatisfied with his father's decision when he was in China. His father's power is too strong. The Chinese have given so many things. Can't you give others some benefits? My father and grandfather are basically the same kind of people. From the beginning of the Anti-US Aid Korea, these two people only wanted to seek support here in China but never wanted to return. They always felt that they were the frontier battlefield in China. They supported themselves. It should be. ..

Although Kim Jong-chih knows that this is not good, but there is no other way. Now in North Korea, his father is covering the sky. Let alone others, he is himself. As his son and the next generation's successor, he treats himself as well. It's very close. The people who came to China with me this time are helping me in name but in fact they are not here to look at me.

Thinking so much is nonsense. The most important thing now is how to fix the president of the energy group in front of him. He has been inked with him for almost half an hour. Still nothing serious is done, and there is no important assistance at all. Progress. If you can’t bring back the assistance yourself, the life and death of those people is of secondary importance. Whether your position is stable or not is important. There are many people who say that they are incapable, if they can’t get the assistance and go back. These people were given the opportunity to attack. Although there would be no vacillation to have a father in their own seat, it would eventually leave a stain on themselves. If their father is not there, they would attack themselves with this, and it would be enough to drink a pot. .

"Oh, when I get old, my body can't hold it anymore. I didn't expect to fall asleep. I'm really sorry, Vice Chairman Jin." The prime minister heard that the two people basically had nothing to say. Li Cong also estimated the government's thinking. It's almost there. Anyway, you don't have money. If you don't have money, you must have political conditions. The Prime Minister can wake up at this time.

When Jin Zhengzhi saw the excitement of the Prime Minister when he woke up, his eyes were full of tears. Where did Li negotiate with him? Is it clear that he is making things difficult for him? Where can I get him 50 billion yuan? The whole of Pyongyang could not be sold for that much money.

"It's okay, Mr. Prime Minister takes care of everything every day, but you should also pay proper attention to your own body. Didn't the great leader ever say that the body is the capital?" Jin Zhengzhi hurriedly pretended to be concerned, and Li Cong thought that this kid is also A piece of good material for the exercise, if an average person is estimated to be really moved, but who is the prime minister? Who are we? How about two Oscar winners who can be fooled by you? It's too much.

"Haha, it's okay, it’s easy to get sleepy when you get old, Xiao Li, how are you talking about, you should have reached an agreement, report to me." Li scolded this old ghost secretly, I didn’t believe it. You really fell asleep, what kind of agreement have you reached? This guy didn't want to leave alone. Our family didn't open a welfare institution. Li actually regretted it from this time. , Stand on such a guy.

"Xiao Jin has always said that North Korea is more difficult. I hope that China will continue to carry forward the socialist spirit of selflessness and give these things to North Korea." Li Cong scrapped his tongue for half an hour except for taunting North Korea from top to bottom. He didn't knock anything out of the meal, and he couldn't keep up with his spirit at the moment.

Jin Zhengzhi said, how do you speak, how do you aim at me everywhere? I am also unlucky. How could it be so easy for people who came to ask for help before. When it comes to me, it is this and that. It turns out that my father gave him a credit. Yes, how come I find that it's not the case at all.

The Prime Minister lit a cigarette. He knew that Li Cong usually does not smoke, so he did not let him. But Jin Zhengzhi smoked, and the Prime Minister did not let him. This shows that the problem is coming, and people simply don’t wait. meet you.

"Vice Chairman Kim, I heard that your country has just carried out an ideological reform in the party some time ago. We welcome this matter. There are also many problems in our party, but we do not have yours in ideological work. While the development is going well, you also know that China’s main energy for the past 30 years has been to develop the economy, so I want to send an observation group to North Korea to take a look. I want North Korea to send Cui Yongnan to the future education Let’s take a look at the younger generation of our observation group. What do you think?” The show is only playing now. Even Li Cong, who doesn’t know much about politics, knows that the Prime Minister is only now talking about business. An insignificant person?

Choi Yongnam? This guy was dismissed by his father because of his style of work last month, but that’s a statement. The real reason is that this guy is too close to China. His Capital Guards 2nd Division has always been in the Korean People’s Army. The elite army is also the army that accepts the most equipment from China. In other words, it has the most contact with the Chinese. The investigation department in the Korean People's Army has found that this guy has a disinterested attitude.

Li Cong basically doesn’t know this person, but I heard that this guy has visited Beijing several times as the head of the North Korean delegation. The Prime Minister is very familiar with this person. Cui Yongnan has always been a target of the Chinese government and is ready to let him He drove another hill in North Korea to contend with the Golden Sun Chamber, but now he was pulled down by Golden Sun before his wings spread. It was not only Cui Yongnan who was pulled down, but also the other core figures. After being replaced, the reason turned out to be the same, a matter of life style.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I'm really sorry. There is no problem in observing the delegation. We must do a good job in receiving it. However, Cui Yongnan has now been expelled from the military and the party and is still working on the Laogai Farm in Mount Kong. We used to I mistakenly believed this guy. It turns out that his life is very unscrupulous. Our supervision department has already checked it very clearly, so he may not be our reception representative." Jin Zhengzheng was embarrassed.

"Life style issue? I said Xiaojin, this issue is still a problem on your side?" Li Cong intervened and almost didn't let the prime minister squirt the tea out of his mouth. This kid is really scary, this drool. If it comes out, it will lose face for the country.

In North Korea, there are many women and few men. It is normal for high-ranking generals and high-ranking officials to have a few young wives. If you don’t talk about others, just talk about Golden Sun. Now he is married to the fourth wife. Only on the surface, the ghost knows how much that guy is secretly.

"You don't understand this kind of political issue. Don't talk casually." Looking at Kim Jong-zhi's embarrassment, it was the prime minister who came out to relieve him, but everyone could see that the prime minister was actually very happy. It is good to say that all meals are good. In recent years, this little socialist brother has been too disobedient.

"No, Prime Minister, I think the issues are separate. What we want is ideological and educational issues. Problems with his style of life are not the same as what we need. I said Xiaojin, people have problems on the one hand, you can’t. Just kill other people’s advantages. Let’s just talk about my energy group. I have a problem with my environmentally friendly oil. Isn’t it possible that I don’t sell other electricity and food? I don’t know the people on your side. Since the prime minister likes Cui Yongnan so much, I don’t think you should communicate with the country first. If you really don’t want it, we can’t force it.” Li Cong said on the side. Tap the aid plan on the table with a pen, and tap on the most serious items. If you don't let the officer reinstate, don't expect to get these things.

"That's right, Xiao Li, I think you should be able to work in the Ministry of Energy. You speak at a good level and you have enough ideological awareness. Haha, Vice Chairman Jin, our Vice Minister Li means what our government means. , I hope you can help us convey to your great leader." The prime minister picked up his own water cup after speaking. Generally, this is to send off guests. The ancient culture does not know this little Jin Ming does not understand.

Jin Zhengzhi still didn't realize that he should go, he hadn't got any practical things yet, but seeing that Li Cong had no intention of talking with the prime minister, he had to leave.

Seeing that Jin Zhengzhi, the old one and the two foxes who went out, didn’t mean to go out and give away, they came to ask for help and they acted like I owed you. I really don’t know how many catties I have. He must have despised this kid directly.

"I said, Prime Minister, you are a bit unkind. The last time you interceded with the Long family, I just looked at your face. This time you brought me in and didn't tell me in advance. Fortunately for me. The thought response is fast enough, or else you can't harm the country?" Only his own people are left, and the speech is more casual.

"I don’t know your mind. Ten people don’t turn as fast as you alone. It’s not good for some words to come out of my mouth. After all, I represent a country and speak out of your mouth. It’s the best, and it’s okay to make a mistake when you are young," the Prime Minister said.

"I can see it, and all say that businessmen are cunning. I think that compared with you who play politics, we businessmen are really pure and can’t be pure anymore. When it’s time for dinner, I ate in your State Council cafeteria, by the way. Your old man talked about a few important issues. By the way, look at my memory. There are still a few bottles of the best Tibetan immortals in the car outside. Let’s drink him together at noon.” Li Cong said he was going out to get the wine. .

The Prime Minister did not refuse anything like Tibetan Immortals. Hearing Li Cong said that, Li Cong went faster than Li Cong. Last time Li Cong brought a bottle of Tibetan Immortal puree, the taste was nothing to mention. At that time, I hadn't rested for more than 20 hours, and I felt refreshed after a drink, but it was a pity that the second half of the bottle was asked to leave by Chairman Qiao.

Once the bottle is opened, it is really fragrant. The Prime Minister will also violate his own rules at this moment. What civil servants can't drink at noon should be put a little later.

"Good guy, what do I say is so fragrant? So you old kid hides privately. I smelled it upstairs. After all, the prime minister can help you. I said Li Cong, your kid is not authentic. If you have something good, don’t you say hello, I’ve never seen you in my place, no, I’ll have to add a meal at this table today.” The person who spoke was Zeng Qingyan, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, nicknamed Ironmian official, Li Cong With a bitter face, you don't even look at what department you are in charge of. You are fine to join in the fun, and before Li Cong speaks to the Premier, you just sit on it.

"I said Lao Zeng, you can't just close that door first, just like this one bottle, and then you open the door and go around in a while. Those old things will come over in a while, let's not drink anymore." The prime minister can look six ways and listen to all directions even when he is drinking. Secretary Zeng looks out like a thief. It's good that there is no one, so he closes the door and drinks immediately.

Li Cong looked at these two people just like the old child. Are they still the two unsmiling people on the TV?

The dishes are still four dishes and one soup, but because one more person has a lot more, Li Cong is still very optimistic about the cooks of the State Council. Although it is four dishes and one soup, it is still full of oil. Li Cong I bet that the standard of this cook is definitely better than his own five-star hotel.

A bottle of wine for three people will naturally disappear after a while. Secretary Zeng swayed an empty wine bottle and looked at the last drop that came out. He was really reluctant. "I said Xiao Li, look at your stingy guy, you go to the State Council Do you just get a bottle of wine? You see, it's gone at the beginning. Who are you so stingy with?"

"Secretary Zeng, I’m really not stingy. This wine is puree, transported by air from Tibet, and it was brought to me by others. I can sell such a bottle for millions of dollars. By the way, you are a commissioner for discipline inspection. Secretary, isn't this a bribe? Don't you send me in after drinking my wine when you look back." Li Cong joked.

"Haha, it would be a bribe if someone else gave such millions of wines, but the chairman had already said that whether it is money or something, as long as it is your kid, it is not a bribe. I will give you a month to get one for me. Let me go with this stuff, or I’ll ask someone to check you.” Knowing that Secretary Zeng was also joking, Li Cong also laughed. This wine is a newly developed variety of Cangxian, and it’s okay to wait for mass production to give you enough. of.

Secretary Zeng drank the wine and knew that the two of them must have serious things to talk about. After saying something, he left. The old leader is better at this point, that is, no matter how much curiosity he is, he does not belong to him. Don't even ask.

"Let’s talk, I’m full of food and drink. I have something to trouble me this time. I will do it for you as soon as possible. But you have to pay for the aid for North Korea, and I will be you next year. The tax is paid." Li Cong, who heard the previous words, was very happy, and wanted to take out the bottle of private goods left in his car to honor the prime minister. He almost didn't jump up at the second half of the sentence.

"Huh? Why? What kind of government is this? How can you live this year and start collecting taxes for next year? My prime minister, that's not five hundred yuan, but fifty billion yuan. Give it to him like this. You see that kid is like an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. You leave it to me to take care of it. If you don't have money to get things for nothing, there is no door." Li Cong said at this time. The amused Prime Minister smiled unclearly when he had no money and didn't give anything.

"You also know that it is 50 billion. Even if you clean up North Korea, they won't be able to get the money. In the face of this 50 billion, I will give you approval if you ask me for anything. But let’s talk about it first. If you want an atomic bomb, I won’t give it to you. I can’t be the master of that stuff.” The Prime Minister didn’t say too much. Maybe someone like Li Cong would dare to ask himself for an atomic bomb.

"I'm not a terrorist. What do I want that thing for? I just want a batch of munitions. Before I came, I checked it out clearly. Our domestic munitions inventory should reach the age limit for destruction. Those things are useless. , But you know that my African security army just started, those things over there are useful things, and I don’t want new ones, I have to order old guns and ammunition, this is always okay." Li Cong The arms procurement of China is divided into two parts. These old weapons are considered as one part, and most of the new weapons are purchased from Russia.

The Prime Minister knew what Li Congtian was doing every day without leaving his office. He immediately became displeased when he heard this.

"You kid don’t want to keep our own things. Why are you going to Russia? They produce better than ours? There is no problem with handling inventory, but we also use our own new equipment. You purchase it together with the PLA. It can reduce a lot of production costs. Whoever makes money is not making money. If you have domestic products, you have to buy foreign devils. Isn’t that unpatriotic.” Li Congzhen did not expect the words of the Prime Minister. He thought his Africa plan had caused the country to suffer losses. The government is not going to sell him weapons.

"Well, this 50 billion yuan should not be used as my tax revenue. I think it should be my purchase expenses. I don't need more. I will need 50 billion munitions." The two hands are held together. The large-scale arms purchase is considered complete. In fact, the government also wants to understand. After so many years of operation in Africa, it has achieved a little bit of results. In the final analysis, it is still too far away. There are also people in Africa. The milk is your mother. Today he listens to you. If the Americans give more money tomorrow, he will not recognize you immediately. It is better for Li Cong to toss over there than all the Americans. At least this guy looks like I am a Chinese.

China’s inventory of ammunition is something that Li never expected. There are billions of bullets alone. This time all of them were packaged for Li Cong and asked him to take them away. The arsenal has already started producing new ones at full capacity. All major military districts now regard Li Cong as their own God of Wealth. As long as this guy sees something, he will be taken away immediately. When he comes back, he will report to him which group of equipment is called the energy group. Need to produce new ones.

The people in the lower military area are busy changing equipment, and the people in the upper military committee are not idle. They also have a way to cooperate with Li Cong, which is the PLA's military training plan. The PLA has not fought a war for 30 years. This training is a must What we need to do is that there is a lot of war in Africa, and it is necessary to let these old soldiers go to Africa to exercise.

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