Energy Group

Chapter 786: Wind and Cloud Russia

Episode 786

Moscow Energy Group Branch Building, Russia

Li Er is in the final discussion with Nova Antonov. This time the task his father entrusted to him has been completed very well. Of course, he dare not say that it is all his own credit, but it is indeed under his own leadership. It's done. My sister just gave some guidance on the side. What Li Er didn't understand at this time was that when she thought of her sister, why did she think of the word as a guide, is it really smarter than herself?

From this nearly one month contact, Nova also knows how powerful these two little masters are. How many Russian giants who usually dominate the hands of these two little guys have become playthings in the hands of these two little guys. Li Yinluan dealt with her last time. Naturally, she knew about Li Er’s way of doing things, but she didn’t expect that Li Er’s way of doing things was even better than his sister’s. Last time she only involved two families. This time she involved all the top five big families in Russia. Up.

If only these families were involved, many people would be able to do it, but the ability to play them all on their own hands would be admirable. Nova really doesn’t believe this is a teenager. The child can do things, but he is relieved immediately. This child is not an ordinary child. He is Li Cong’s son and the next president of the Energy Group. If he can’t even control these families, then he’s really Is not worthy of this position.

Li Yinluan was just sitting and reading her pictorial. Only then did she behave like ordinary children. When she was a child, this girl used to be very domineering and bullying her younger siblings did not happen frequently, but since she became sensible It has never appeared before, maybe the reason is that Li's children are precocious.

This time the two siblings came to Russia together. She was nothing, but her younger brother was too strong about rights. Even if he was his own sister, he would not allow himself to intervene. Li Yinluan also saw At this point, I was just silently calculating every step of my brother, hoping to give him a certain amount of help. Fortunately, my brother was very proud and successfully completed all of this, which also consolidated the power of the energy group in Russia. .

In the past, the main power of the energy group in Russia can only be said to be a kind of illusion. Naturally, you dare not give you face for some insignificant things. But when it comes to the survival of others, it is hard to say. Now Li Er wants to change. To become a real world, let the energy group completely land in Russia, and let the major Russian forces truly recognize that the energy group is the world's leader.

"Nova, I think my father's appointment to you has expired. This time I think you will follow us to the headquarters. Someone will take over the affairs here." The quiet Li Yinluan was talking. When it was about to end, there was such a sentence. Not only was Nova confused, but Li Er was also a little unclear. When did her father say that she would bring Nova back to the headquarters?

In fact, this is a loophole that Li Yinluan gave to Li Erbu. His father did not say that he would bring this woman back to the headquarters, but now the power of this woman has begun to expand. Someone must be here to watch her. It's a pity Currently, none of the energy group in Russia can live with her, so she has to leave here, otherwise she will have to die.

Li Er is better. Even if Li Yinluan did something he didn't understand very well, and at this moment, he still felt that his authority was challenged, but this person was his sister, and his father always said what he did. To treat the aunt, he has to treat his sister. This is a kind of inheritance, something that the Li family must have.

This inheritance is to don’t interrupt your sister. If you have something to maintain the authority of your sister, even if you are the president, you can’t. At this time, Li Er can feel where he differs from his father. He has seen it several times. My aunt didn't give face to my father, but this was the first time my sister had interrupted what she said, and she felt a little bit reprimanded in her heart. It seemed that her way of doing things was still not at home.

"Miss, I am doing very well here in Russia, and I am familiar with things here. There are so many talents at the headquarters, so I shouldn’t be missing." To be honest, Nova really doesn’t want to go to China. Over there, what I am not familiar with in my life and place is that I can make a name for what I have no ability to see.

Li Yinluan was obviously dissatisfied with Nova’s words, "Miss Nova, I hope you can understand your identity. You are only temporarily acting as the minister of the Russian branch, and I am the deputy minister of the investigation department. I have the right. Ask you to do anything." Li Yinluan took out his official position and said, the deputy head of the investigation department, which was given to her by Li Cong a few days ago.

Nova still wants to say something, but now I also understand that I have to say a flower to estimate that I have to go to work in the country. Although I have been happily working with the young master recently, but the young master did not say a word just now to see this sibling The two may have reached an agreement, so I don't want to put that effort into it. I bent over a little, bowed to my sister and brother, and left.

"Sister, what's going on? Does my father mean it? Why don't I know?" Li Er's tone of voice has shown that he has become the number two figure in the energy group, and talking to his sister is also a kind of Questioning.

However, Li Yinluan is in no rush. She is her sister and should let him.

"Brother, this is what you missed. In Russia, you did everything very well. Even if your father is here, you may not be able to do better than you, but you have neglected a little, it is this Nova She is a local. Although she didn't use the rights of the energy group to do anything to her family, it was under our supervision. If we were not here, do you think she would be so honest? "It doesn't need to be too clear. Both of them are smart people.

"Thank you sister, I still can't think about it." This sentence came from the heart.

"Hehe, I'm a sister, so naturally I have to help you take care of the things you can't see. Don't worry about it. We will leave here when father comes. It's better to take advantage of the rest. Let’s play well in Moscow these days. It’s probably not that easy to come here in the future.” Li Yinluan touched his brother’s head affectionately, although the difference between the two is only a few minutes, but this sister is the real one. Li Er is very competent, and Li Er also agreed with a smile. It's been a long time since I played with my sister, so I have a good time out now.

The siblings went to play, but Nova was in no mood there. She drove her luxury sports car back home, and the power figures in the family were waiting for her here. Originally, her family thought they could rely on energy. The group won a huge exhibition. I did not expect that there are almost no exhibitions now. On the contrary, it is not as good as before because of the large-scale entry of the energy group into its own family. The Antonov family used to be the well-deserved boss of Russia, but the current boss is The energy group, and some of the previous hostile forces are completely out of the question, but with the help of the energy group, they have been able to compete with their families.

"Sorry, you guys, I have to pack my things and prepare to go to the country. I am no longer responsible for matters on the Russian side, so all the plans in the family have to be reformulated." Nova almost shut the house as soon as she entered the door. The high-level family members in here were shocked. How did this change? They were very happy when I went in the morning, and now there is such a terrible message.

The Antonov family’s five-year plans for the future are all based on the consideration that Nova is the minister of the Russian investigation department. Now that she is no longer a minister, these plans are basically useless.

"Nova, isn't Mr. Li coming to Russia in person in a few days? Will there be room for reversal if I talk to him about this matter?" Katie thought.

"According to previous experience, it is not possible. Our president seems to take good care of me, but that is only when I am still useful, like now I am useless, the fight is over, it should be the cunning rabbit. It’s time to die, they naturally want to send someone they trust to Russia as the head of the branch.” Nova seemed to say inadvertently. In fact, it is really uncomfortable in her heart. If you do it, no one will be happy.

"There's nothing more. Let's go out first. I have something to discuss with Nova." Katie is still the patriarch. Although his words are not so useful outside, there is no one inside the family yet. Oppose him, but it is not far away. Someone has calculated an account for him. In the past year, he has earned less than 60 billion US dollars from the energy group, but he has already paid 50 billion US dollars because of the energy group. , If we calculate the theoretical figures alone, the Antonov family has only earned less than 10 billion U.S. dollars, and someone in the family already wants to question the patriarch.

Nova also knows that the patriarch must have something to tell herself, but this matter herself has no effect at all. Her current boss is not an employee of the energy group, but the eldest lady and the prince of the energy group. If someone else did something wrong, it is estimated that Li Cong will be punished, but if his own children did something wrong, they will not be held accountable in order to maintain their authority in the group in the future.

“Nova, it’s impossible to ask our family to revise the plan. All the family’s current funds have been invested in, and the transformation of the family has begun. If we stop now, our losses will be too heavy. Could it be this? Is there really no room for reversal?" Katie asked for a reason. Maybe there were a lot of people just now, maybe there was some risky element. Nova is hard to say, now there are only two people left, it should be said.

"Patriarch, the method I said, one is a desperate and full counterattack. Using all our forces can absolutely destroy all the power of the energy group in Russia, but the price is that our Antonov family declines until it disappears. It is to selectively destroy other partners of the energy group and let those people retreat. The cost will be great, basically the same as the loss of our adjustment plan, and many, many enemies will be established." The baby's words stimulated Katie's nerves like a sharp knife.

Has the family reached such a threshold?

"Don't tell others about this matter, I'm thinking about it." It's about the life and death of the family, and Katie can't decide on his own. He still needs to discuss with the other rights holders in the family if they disagree. I can't just mobilize my direct power to accomplish this.

Nova separated from Katie after she had to pack her things. They thought they were talking secretly, but the content of the two people's conversation was passed to Li Cong's place in a few minutes.

While listening, Li Cong thought of the happy half night between himself and Nova in Russia. I didn’t expect that girl had such great courage. In fact, Li Cong is still a little sad now, and how many of him and Nova are also She was once a friend, but she was so embarrassed to count herself directly, but when she thought about what she was doing, she was relieved. At the beginning, she was the one who counted. You can't just allow the state officials to set fires and not allow the people to light the lights.

"President, this Antonov family is so courageous. They dare to challenge us. It's better to ask their subordinates to lead people to get rid of them immediately. Besides, the young lady and the young master are also in Russia, which is really dangerous. "The One has returned to Li Cong from Africa and heard this recording. Nova and Katie are so courageous that they dare to do something with the energy group.

"Hehe, number one, don't be so impatient. Katie and his Antonov family are also useful in Russia. We can't do things impulsively. Any mistake may give them opportunities and give us. To bring disasters, just strengthen the security of those two little guys. I guess they still have the guts to do it on us, but if he does it to our other allies, then we should do our duty as allies. , Prepare them as early as possible and don’t let our allies suffer major losses.”

It has always been a matter of fact that there should be no benefit in the end. However, No.1 believes that his boss can get the most out of the fire, so that the energy group can get the most benefits in their internal struggle.

"President, Young Master has already developed our own power in Russia. I believe that our power will spread all over Russia in the near future. We won't need these people at that time." Li Cong smiled nonchalantly after hearing the words of No.1. laugh.

Haha, this kid, do you really think that if an empire is so easy to win? Do you really think that Russia is already weak enough for our countrymen to be the masters? The overall national strength of the United States and the former Soviet Union is almost the same. Behind the United States stands a skeleton group, but are there really those second-rate forces behind the former Soviet Union? That is absolutely impossible. It’s just that Li Cong doesn’t know who is supporting this huge empire. He has to do everything step by step. It’s not time to force them out. Maybe they will It will jump out by itself.

"Our own power? This kid is still too young, but how can he learn new things without suffering? Speaking of which he rarely fails under my aura, like me, he never wants to face failure. Sometimes it’s good to have this kind of self-confidence, but sometimes it’s not a good thing to have too much self-confidence.” Li Cong seems to be chatting with No.1, but No.1 did not go on, a good subordinate. You should understand when you need to speak by yourself and when you need to be silent.

"President, Mr. Xie Dongyang, chairman of the Shanghai Financial Club, has arrived in Beijing, and his post has reached our headquarters, but a special plane to Russia has been arranged for you. Look?" Dai Lai's voice interrupted Li. From the idea.

Xie Dongyang? This guy is too greedy and is not Li Cong's favorite object, but this guy still has a certain ability. He himself is not a good player in finance, but he can gather a large number of financial experts. This shows that this guy is very capable. Organizational ability, and in order to please the energy group, he can destroy his left and right hands. It is this cruelty. I believe there are not many that can be done.

"Do you know what this guy came to Beijing for?" Li Cong asked towards No.1, but I couldn't ask Dai Lai in this In Dai Lai’s place, I just dealt with Li Cong’s opinions. Sunny thing.

"It is said that I came to participate in the Asian Financial Forum. Of course, you also know that people like him are just listening in the audience. It’s just that this financial forum is very evil in Beijing. Previous forums like this are all in one A city with a very high economy, although Beijing’s economy is good, isn’t it much worse than Shanghai and Hong Kong?” Obviously Li Cong was not very satisfied with No.1’s answer. This guy came in a hurry, absolutely nothing. For any signs, we cannot blame the Investigation Department for not investigating clearly.

"Check it out for me right away and see who is here in Beijing this time to participate in this financial forum." Li Cong was a bit angry. "You go and reply to them, saying that I will meet him in the office in the afternoon. In addition, I will notify the Russian side to delay, so that the young lady will go to Africa directly after having enough fun with the young master. There is no need to wait for me in Russia. Anyway, the child Yinluan has already gone. It's over." Li Cong turned his head and said to Dai Lai.

According to Li Cong’s perception, this matter is not so simple to change places. It must be a big move. Otherwise, the old fox Jie Dongyang will not leave his lair and come to a place like Beijing. You must know Beijing. They have always been politically charged. These brazen guys hate coming to Beijing the most. They still prefer the free air of Shanghai.

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