Energy Group

Chapter 793:

Keywords: Energy Group Text Section 793 Russian President and Prime Minister

Section 79 Russian President and Prime Minister

"Welcome to Russia again, on behalf of the 135 million people of Russia, I welcome you. () Click www.." Li Cong went up and grabbed Li Cong's hand after he stepped down the spiral staircase.

"Haha, thank you, Mr. Prime Minister, for your welcome, oh, some of my old friends are here too, the movement you made is really a bit big, it is called extravagance and waste in our country." Li Cong only briefly told him As soon as he shook hands, he walked behind him. Putin wanted to say a few words to Li Cong, but he didn't expect him to lose face.

Putin has always been an iron fist in Russia. Some energy groups invade Russia's national interests and this guy has blocked it. It's not bad that Li never troubled him. Give you a friend? Isn't that nonsense? The people who followed Li Cong greeted Putin lukewarmly and passed by. Putin seemed very shameless.

Attentive people began to wonder at this time. Is this big brother from the country already hating this prime minister? This is really good news. If this is the case, then maybe the seat of the Russian Prime Minister will be vacated within a few months. Is it because your family will do something about it?

There are not a few people present who have this idea. Putin’s reputation in the upper class in Russia is absolutely very poor. This guy put his hand at the rich when he came to power, and his prestige among the poor is not small, but most of the country All rights are in the hands of the rich. What use is it for you to curry favor with the poor? Russia’s democracy is not truly an absolutely fair democracy.

"Hello, my dear old friend, it's been a long time, you are still so healthy." Li Cong, who was far away, saw Katy Antonov, and Li Cong was the most affectionate to greet him. The old guy gave a hug.

Katie is not a little white who doesn’t understand anything. Naturally, I know that Li Cong is an actor at the level of an international movie star. Such a trivial matter is just a piece of cake for him. Your energy group was still embezzling my power a few days ago. It’s only a few days since I started to call me brothers and sisters, but so many people are watching themselves, we can’t let the place go cold, otherwise, the days when we go back will only be worse. People who have fallen into trouble are everywhere, and sometimes their compatriots around them are even more dangerous than the people in front of them.

"Yes, my body is still fine, thank you for your regards." The words to Li Cong are absolute, which means that I am still tough and will not collapse so quickly.

Li never said much to this old guy. It is okay for people to have emotions and ask them to revise all the plans of the whole family. His daughter really knew what to do and not to do. In fact, he didn't have it at the time. Asking my daughter to do that, this little girl can see it all by herself, she played a good card, but just played a card, which made the water in Russia even more muddy.

It took half an hour for Li Cong to get to know the hundreds of people present here. These talents are the real upper-class people in Russia. 70% of Russia’s political power and 80% of economic power are here. Of course, it is not possible for all the Russian forces to be present. Therefore, those who have not come can only be sorry for you. Li Cong's plan is to use you first. ~

Li Cong got into the special car and drove to the Kremlin, where President Medvedev was already waiting.

Seeing the distant Li from Putin's eyes showed a brilliant light, it is really irritating that a Chinese dare to shame himself so much on the land of Great Russia. If Putin at this time touched him. It is estimated that he just punched it over. No one at his age can insult himself so much. Li Cong, you are really the first one, and you are still a Chinese.

Putin is a deeply hidden person. On the surface, he is the best friend of the people in the hearts of the people, but what he does is not something a friend should do. If you don’t say anything, just talk about the oil pipeline. The problem is that he was the one who proposed this plan, and he was the one who could modify the plan. The purpose was to provoke disputes between Japan and make himself tempted. Unfortunately, the emergence of the Energy Group changed everything. Petroleum is no longer a strategic resource, and it is slowly disappearing. His plan has failed, but the mask of his friend in front of the people of the country has also been torn off. All this is what the old Premier Li Cong told Li Cong before he left. , Otherwise Li Cong would not hate him so much.

In fact, there are Putin’s allies among those who came today. As for those who did not come, there are some forces that have not been involved with the energy group. These people are the targets of Putin's wooing. A war without gunpowder is about to come. Li Cong started with Putin, a businessman and a prime minister.

The scenery in Russia is still very beautiful, especially the Russian girls on the street. Li Cong had heard that there are many Russian beauties, but he didn’t believe it at that time, but he believed it after seeing Nova Antonov. Looking at the spring in the streets of Russia, it seems that the previous rumors are absolutely true, but it is true that the Russians' skin is not delicate.

"Come here on the 13th to temporarily serve as the Minister of the Russian Investigation Department, and ask Nova to come to me tomorrow as my assistant. Temporarily, only in Russia. You will return to Jinan tomorrow. This is not suitable for you." In the car Li Cong said to Dai Lai that Dai Lai was arguing about coming to Russia to see the world. Li Cong brought her here, but seeing Putin like that, he felt a little bit lost in his heart. This guy was born in Russia’s powerful Keb. It's really bad to say what can be done. I am not afraid, but these people who follow me are not necessarily afraid.

Turning on the 13th is to strengthen the defensive energy around you. Now that the investigation department has been expanded, there is a Thunder Action squad of 20 people under the people before the 30th. Everyone is in the Southeast Asian Titans after indoctrination. Those of the Neil tribe who have stayed for more than a hundred days are absolutely capable. One person can single out more than a dozen Russian KKB senior agents. You must know that KKB senior agents can be in five U.S. The SEALs retreated under the siege.

Tuning Nova Antonov to be her assistant is also a good move. It is to let the major Russian families guess what they mean to the Antonov family again, so that you can’t guess that is your goal. I have almost trampled Nova’s family to the bottom, but now I want to lift them up again. I have to decompose your power bit by bit by stepping on and lifting them, and then become my own power. To put it bluntly It is the annexation of the Antonov family through the forces of other families, and then the annexation of other families through the Antonov family, the whole thing is a pick.

"What are you doing? I told them to go back just after they got off the plane. What's there to worry about? I have arranged everything at home and nothing will happen." Dai Lai obviously didn't want to go back. I'm not happy because they haven't set foot on the land of Moscow yet, and they beat them back without even taking a photo.

Li Cong shook his head helplessly, his secretary is like his own sister, making troubles unreasonably, don't go back if you don't go back, maybe you won't be so capricious if you make you suffer once.

The Kremlin is very majestic, but Li Cong doesn’t like it very much. The old Maozi who bullied the Chinese people were probably born here. In fact, Li Cong wanted to run to the wall to learn from the characters in the movie. "My Hu Hansan is back again."

Russian President Medvedev is a very aggrieved president. Many people think that he has no abilities. He came to power because Putin stepped down and temporarily gave him a chance. Putin will still take this seat back in four or eight years. Medvedev took the throne of the Russian president in this voice. Putin was his former senior superior. Many of his own work are really a bit constrained. Li Cong also knew this, so he personally came to close this gap. Give unlimited expansion.

The president said that he is a straw bag. I’m sorry for him. He is still a little capable. He also has strength behind him. But there are reasons why the major forces sit and watch Putin bully him. They just can’t let the power behind him be too big. Create a kind that, although your family has a president, does not help your family’s influence at all.

Medvedev is also very sad about the image of such a puppet, but this is the result of negotiations between the major families. He only won the false name of a president, but his rights are not as great as when he was prime minister, but Li Cong is right Russia's reshuffle is a new opportunity, maybe it's his only opportunity.

Li Cong’s attitude towards Medvedev is much more enthusiastic than Putin’s. This is Li Cong’s habit of acting. He must be enthusiastic towards incompetent opponents, but capable opponents depend on the situation. .

Medvedev was very interested in taking Li Cong to visit the Kremlin. Although Medvedev was proud of the Russianization, he was a great musician, but in Li Cong’s eyes, I don’t think those guys have anything worth seeing for yourself. Those of you people who have a history of hundreds of years show it off to Lao Tzu. You can find any thinker in your own family that is an old monster for thousands of years, like Western European countries or Americans. Compared with yours, your transformation is pretty good. Compared with our countrymen? You are still far behind.

Medvedev belongs to the Dmitry family, a local power in St. Petersburg, Russia. This is a new family. It should be said that a force that only started to rise in the Soviet era. For such a family, a Russian president Li Cong also appeared. Not surprisingly, it would be nonsense if a president like the Antonov family came out.

This time at the airport, the patriarch of the Dmitry family also arrived, just because Li had never known him, but simply nodded. It seems that he will be treated differently in the future because of the guy in front of him.

When the two people were chatting, a secretary-like person came over and said a few words in Medvedev’s ear. The president changed his face. Although he was still talking with a smile, Li clearly felt this guy. The mood is different from before.

"Mr. Li, our Prime Minister Putin is also back. He heard that Mr. Li is interested in our Russian architecture, and he is ready to come over and chat with Mr. Li." Although he tried his best to pretend to be normal, But Li Cong still caught a trace of emotion from the tone of his speech, and that was anger.

This **** Putin really looks at himself too tightly. It’s not enough that the people around him are yours. You have to stay with Li Cong for a while and you have to come and blend in. With him, many of your own plans will There is no way to say it. Is it because he has to deprive him of his only opportunity?

"Haha, are you? Then let's wait for him for a while. Prime Minister Putin is an old friend of our countrymen. Before leaving, our Prime Minister wants me to greet him." Li Cong replied neither humble nor humble.

Putin jogged all the way, he did not dare to slow down, not because of how much he respected Li Cong, but whether this puppet president was a worry-free guy, he knew better than anyone else in his heart. Medvedev knew Li Cong. It is an opportunity to liberate him, Putin also knows, so he must come to blend this foot, can not give them two opportunities to be alone together.

"How can Mr. Prime Minister come to accompany me when he is busy with official duties? Mr. President is enough. If you have any urgent official duties, it is better to deal with it. Let's have a drink together tonight." From what Li said, it’s a good one. You are busy at work. But how busy you can be as a prime minister, your boss is idle and nothing to do. The faces of the two people who said this are a little bit difficult, especially Medvedev. The fact that he was being emptied seemed to be a secret that no one said about it. Putin didn't show any uncomfortable appearance, and he passed away with joking.

When the two people were so uncomfortable here, Li Cong naturally had no intention of continuing to visit. He ended his visit to the Kremlin ahead of time. Li never concealed his dissatisfaction. Medvedev thought it was. Putin's arrival has swept up Li Congxing. People were very happy just now. You will become what you are now.

Putin blamed all of this on Medvedev. It's because you kid doesn't know how to cooperate, otherwise Mr. Li can continue to visit?

After returning to the office of the president, the two parties began to discuss some business matters. Putin shouldn't stay here. This is the office of the president. This is not the place where your prime minister should stay. However, Li Cong also knows that if Putin is not there, he can say anything. Just like talking nonsense, Medvedev dared to confront Putin in small matters, and he really doesn't have that courage if he is the master of some big things.

"Both of them are very busy, so I won't talk any more nonsense. I have two main things to discuss with your government. One is the renovation of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the other is the issue of weapons procurement. "Seeing that two people didn't deal with each other, Li Cong also lost the fun of the conversation. It is better to talk about the main issues.

Both of these problems are not trivial. Since Li took control of one-third of Europe, he has paid more and more attention to ties with the European region, but the ties between air and sea are endless. Where people like it, railways are necessary, but the railways in Siberia are too old now. Investigators sent by Li Cong found that the existing railways simply cannot meet the needs of energy groups.

Putin and Medvedev looked at each other, knowing that there are some things that can’t be kept secret. Since the energy group started selling energy like Europe, the Trans-Siberian Railway has basically been used by the energy group. Every year, the energy group will also give The Russian government’s billions of yuan in maintenance funds are completely sufficient for railway repairs, but the railways are still the same now. There is only one possibility, that is, the annual funds are misappropriated.

The Energy Group is not a fool. It was investigated at the time, but Li never let anyone talk about it. It’s time to talk about it. The reason why Li Cong didn’t want to talk about it at the time was because he took it. I can’t stop these big billions of RMB every year, just to find out that these guys moved the money from other places, looking for some other reasons, I can only delay the construction period, but It's not the same now. It's been five years, and tens of billions of renminbi have been corrupted by you. It's a matter of talk.

"Mr. Li, this is actually the case. I know that some people below are greedy for some maintenance money, but the railway is still unblocked so far. Our supervision department is already working hard to recover the money, I believe it will be soon The railway will definitely be overhauled in the future.” Putin said the usual diplomatic rhetoric. Originally, Li Cong thought that only the officials of the country would say this. Unexpectedly, the same would be true in Russia. Medvedev did not come out anyway. This greedy money is only a small head, and most of the money is swallowed by you. Who cares about this?

"Is that so? Mr. Prime Minister, as far as I know, it’s not that I have greeted part of the maintenance money, but I have greeted all the maintenance money, right? I have definite evidence that your government spends money on railway maintenance every year. It’s just one-twentieth that I paid to your government. Should I thank you for the one-twentieth that is still running the Trans-Siberian Railway?” Li Cong’s words didn’t give them the slightest face. It is given by someone, but if you are shameless, there is no need for others to give you face.

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