Energy Group

Chapter 878:

Episode 878

Yes, why didn’t I think of this? Most of the Chinese people sympathize with the weak at this time. Now they are a bunch of princelings and naturally no one will sympathize with them, but in the future they will be better than one. Ordinary people, maybe the Skull and Bones will come forward at that time. ~

Of course it will not come out to preside over justice. They will definitely use the media in their hands to publicize the matter for a while, such as what happened after the founding father, the replacement of the old and new nobles of the Republic, etc. It seems that this step is still necessary. Pay attention early, if you don't have Grandpa's reminder, I really don't know how to keep it.

"Grandpa's teachings, my grandson has written down." Li Cong replied respectfully. At this time, his reliance on Liu Lao was undoubtedly leaked. When his own grandpa passed away, Li Cong was depressed for a while, so He knew this kind of pain, and now looking at Old Liu's appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. If the old man in front of him left him, would he be able to withstand the blow.

"Hehe, I can't talk about any teachings. The things you have done in recent years have been very good and some have shortcomings, but generally speaking, you can pass. Now that I can help you watch, I will be the same as the old man. Go report it to Marx, and everything will depend on you at that time. Your group, Bai Chen, and the Liu family will all need you to take care of it." The old man felt a little unbearable, and he didn’t want to take care of it. Everything is given to Li Cong. This burden is too heavy, but everyone is sī hearted. If the Liu family does not have a strong person to support it, it will soon fade out of people's sight like the Qiao family.

In this case, it is the first time that Li Cong heard Lao Liu say it. It seems that this time Lao Long’s departure really brought great feelings to Grandpa. What method should I think of to get Grandpa out of it quickly? , Otherwise, a bad mood is really not good for the body.

The two masters talked about other things. After half an hour, Bai Chen’s dishes were almost ready. At this time, all the members of the Liu family were basically back, one by one, just like the calf. I continued to fight with Li Cong the last time. The old man didn’t have the energy anymore. He just watched his grandchildren play with Li Cong and occasionally laughed a lot. It seems that the only way to heal the elderly is to come back often. .

Xi'an Funeral Home

Today is the last day of the farewell ceremony for the remains. Most of the leaders of the party, government and military in China have personally participated in their condolences. Even the prime minister who visited Europe also asked his wife and eldest son to come over. The funeral of Mr. Long was indeed done. It's a scene, but because the level is not enough, the national funeral is still impossible.

"Here you are." With this voice came Liu Yan, the vice president of Energy Group, and the senior executives of the Northwest Group. Li Cong thought for a long time that it would be better for someone to attend the funeral of the Long family, although they did not inform him. , But if you don’t go, people will definitely say that you are not. The death of such an important person will make people feel that the group is too proud if the energy group does not express it.

On the issue of candidates, Li Cong originally felt that he should go in person. After all, the No. 1 chief had passed by himself, but after discussing with a few senior executives, I felt that Liu Yan was better in the past. Once Liu Yan's identity as the vice president is sufficient. , Secondly, she is also a child of a family, and she is more emotionally acceptable, and some women from the Long family have some sighs with Liu Yan, and they are also easier to talk to. ~

Liu Yan sat in a black dress, and everyone behind him was also in black suits. He walked to Lao Long’s body and bowed three times deeply. Liu Yan also admired the father of the Republic from his heart, so he bowed. At the time, there was no pretentiousness. People in the Long family naturally knew that this was Li Cong's daughter-in-law, but more often they knew that this girl was also like them, who grew up in the military compound.

"Sorry, please." Liu Yan shook hands with several people next to her. Some of the Long Family's attitude towards her was fairly acceptable. It seems that Long Ying has not yet returned. Liu Yan came here to express condolences, but followed The number three behind her was not here to do this. He mainly came to see if Long Ying came back.

Two pawns have already been sacrificed in the United States, and Longying's whereabouts are still not revealed. Li Cong will feel uncomfortable if he finds this guy a day earlier.

Long Ying belongs to the kind of person who can create miracles. Such a person has to be in control all the time, otherwise the loss to himself would be very great.

Compared with the grief of the Long family, there is no grief on the Beijing government. For a central government, any power in a separate place is not allowed to exist, but the Republic has only existed for less than a hundred years. Such a phenomenon is inevitable. Although the central government has its own strength to allow this force to fall apart, it may cause major disputes across the country. This is absolutely forbidden in the eyes of the central government. Everything needs to be done. stable.

The central government can tolerate the phenomenon of some high-level bureaucrats dividing land as boundaries, but it must be within a certain range, and your own authority cannot pass the central government, just like the Qiao family. Although you have different rights in the southwest, you still have There is a certain gap in the power of the central government in the southwest. Take military power as an example. The military power in the southwest region is still in the center. The Qiao family only occupies political power, and not all.

But the Long Family in the northwest is different. The entire Northwestern provinces of the party, government, and army are in the hands of Mr. Long, and the central government still doesn’t pour water into it. This is what every central government agency has. It cannot be tolerated. The reason why you have been enduring it all the time is that stability is a major aspect. The second one is that Mr. Long is no longer in the Central Government. The Central Government does not want to bear the bad reputation of killing the Lord. Effective.

In the month after Long Lao's funeral, the military and political leaders in the northwest have undergone tremendous changes.

The former commander of the Lanzhou Military Region was transferred to the Shenyang Military Region as commander

The former political commissar of the Lanzhou Military Region came to Beijing to recuperate due to medical reasons.

The former secretary of Ningxia Autonomous Region was transferred to the reform committee as deputy director

The former governor of Gansu Province was transferred to Zhejiang Province as governor


Li Cong looked at the internal reference materials in his hand and read it for ten minutes. It turns out that the long family's background is so rich. No wonder someone would call the old man Long as the king of the Northwest. Almost all officials come from his name, in fact, there are more at the bureau level below, but the ones above are naturally out of place as soon as the heads above go.

Regarding the big cake vacated in the northwest, Bai Chenwei’s Great Wall Club will naturally not just be a spectator. He immediately arranged for his subordinates to station in the northwest. Of course, it is impossible to do what the old old man did. The central government also divided the Northwest into several factions, so that you have the ability to contain each other, but if you want to be the dominant one, there is basically no such possibility. ~

"This is how a huge local group is over. The central government's methods are really fast. The old man is not cold, and the central government is like this. It's a bit too much." In Bai Chen's office, Li Cong said.

"You are not politically involved. Naturally, you don’t know the meaning of the above. If the upper hand is slower, perhaps the entire Dragon Group will immediately select a letter boss. Although it is not as prestigious as the old man, it is also not. Strength, you think that there are nearly 20 provincial and ministerial-level officials who are about to catch up with one-third of the strength of our club, but our club is scattered all over the country and the central ministries and commissions are naturally nothing, but that two More than a dozen of them are in the three-square-acre land in the northwest. Just think about how powerful this concentration of rights is." Bai Chen is very clear about these things, that is, Li from such a layman does not understand, Li From what I understand are things that are easy to understand in official circles, but when it comes to the essence, it is far worse than Bai Chen.

"Okay, I can't tell you about these things. Recently, we have all converged. The domestic movement is a bit big." Li Cong casually picked up a newspaper and said, directly talking to his own in this office of Bai Chen. Fabi, there is nothing here, maybe because Bai Chen likes something different from Li Cong.

"You don't need to tell me this sentence. As long as you can take a good look at yourself, I promise nothing will happen." Bai Chen rolled his eyes and said, when did you use Li to educate yourself? Is this a joke? Your son makes trouble everywhere like a terrorist, now you become a teacher of educating people?

Li Cong always sought out Bai Chen for North Korea’s affairs. Li Cong meant that the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Liaoning Province needed to move him. The ally of Qiao’s family was still a little worried. Like a time bomb, I can't always stare there.

Jin Yuna’s report to herself said that there are often various troubles there, and there are more troubles from the provincial party committee. It is necessary for the provincial party committee to pay more attention to such a large project, but this attention is obviously a bit too much. Li Cong has nothing to do with the secretary of the provincial party committee. He has basically used all the methods that the senior members of his public relations department can use. The secretary of the provincial party committee still handles affairs according to his own intentions. One check today and another meeting tomorrow. Yes, seriously affecting the progress of the project.

Since you can't move you from below, you have to start from the top. Taking advantage of this major change of the Long family, it is probably not difficult to replace the provincial party secretary, and Li Cong also said it.

"This matter is not a big deal in this matter. When I look back, I will discuss with a few people and give him a different place. It's just that I can't be the lord in changing someone. You have to be prepared. Maybe the one above will arrange another one for you. It's difficult to pass." Bai Chen said with a smile, and it would be easier to ask God when it is time to send God, this big boss should not run here again, then this trouble is not over.

In fact, Li Cong’s company is a world-class enterprise, and a provincial party committee’s attempts to interfere are limited. It’s just that Li Cong is worried that this guy will be a hindrance. If the North Korean base can’t ship on time, his losses will be great. People pay half of the advance. The gold is here. If there is no production on time, even if it takes a minute, I have to compensate tens of billions of yuan. Losing money is still a problem. The point is that my reputation is damaged. Otherwise, Li Cong will not come to see him. morning.

"Since it's not a difficult matter, you can do it for me quickly. I feel so relieved. Anyway, this person is no longer a good person. I am afraid that you will arrange something for me? At most, he will be just like him. Are you free today? Go for a drink?" Li Cong was also idle at night, and originally wanted to go to Qiao Mengyuan's side, but recently her psychologist always took her out for shopping, tired all day and night. It is impossible to go out for dinner with myself.

"It's better for you to eat by yourself, we have an appointment with the beautiful lady today." Bai Chen smiled mysteriously.

what? Just like this, you still have an appointment? Zhang's is indeed a little more handsome than himself, but how can a square-faced person attract girls? Which girl would like to be with you? What an international joke.

"What? Where did you coax the girl and tell the buddies." Li Cong asked curiously.

"Go away, you are a daughter-in-law fù followed by a daughter-in-law fù. When you get to me, you will be a coax. Your son is running all over the street to help you. I haven't got married here yet. You must not know anyone. Don’t ask me anymore. I’ll tell you when there is a result. Remember to take the money.” Seeing Bai Chen’s stinky ass, Li Cong can’t wait to give him a kick. It turns out it’s still shaved and hot. , They haven't agreed yet.

Li Cong flipped his cell phone and wandered around Beijing boringly. At this time, it was really inappropriate to find anyone to eat, but now his stomach was hungry, so he just found a decent restaurant, and Li Cong went down. The car is out.

Only when Li Cong just sat down before ordering, a man in a white suit sat in front of Li Cong.

This person Li Cong is very familiar with him, that is his enemy, Long Ying who was sent to the United States by himself.

Looking at Long Ying's white suit, Li Conggang wanted to open his mouth and say that someone is dead in your family. The dress is so white. Later, he thought that it was a dead person in his family. The bones of his grandfather are not cold. .

"Mr. Li still remember me? Is it so lonely to eat alone? Why don't I eat with you? Of course I know you won't invite me to dinner, we will be aa, and I don't like to owe you." Long Ying Said.

Long Ying took off her coat, put her walking stick in it, and ordered a few dishes. Li Cong looked at the Long Ying in front of him. He was really not alone with the one he knew. The Long Ying in front of him said he was It's not an exaggeration that one was released from the prison just now. There are three blood stains on his face. It seems that the tuǐ can't walk normally, his head is gone, and he is a bald man.

"Of course I remember you. No one knows you better than I. I know you hate me. I brought you all this?" Li Cong asked with a smile, and looked at Long Ying's bald head provocatively when he spoke. , It's so funny.

"Hehe, do some things as soon as they are done, why don't you dare to admit it? It is because of your gift from Mr. Li that I have become what I am now. I cannot stand up in the second half of my life, okay? So I had a goal at that moment, that is, Mr. Li as long as you are upset, I will do it, as long as you hate, I like it." At this time, Long Ying seems to have lost her mind, basically like a The lunatic is almost there, and the people around the tables that have been offended have looked over.

Li Cong smiled and made amends with the guests around the tables, and then called the waiter to say that he bought the orders of these people around him, and those guests didn't say much.

"You are very sad, Long Ying. I didn't like you since the day I met you. You know that. Why do we come to the opposite side? It seems that both of us have reasons. You went abroad before. Maybe we could resolve it at the time, but now we can’t. I don’t have any hatred with the Skull and Bones, but it is better than any huge hatred, because there can only be one king in this world, and that’s me. If you choose to join the Skull and Bones, then I I will target you. These are just appetizers. The feast will arrive in a while. Don’t think that the old fellow Anderson really appreciates you. He knows why you are better than me. Once you are useless, Maybe your end will be even worse." Li Cong said while eating his bowl of rice. In fact, he didn't want to say a word to this guy. He was just eating now. If he didn't eat, he would leave. Looking scared?

Li Cong is Li Cong, and Long Ying praised in her heart, this guy is really courageous. He came back to China and didn't go home to see him first. There was no panic in the eyes of this man, he just said it by himself. With those almost crazy words, this guy hasn't changed the slightest, this mind is definitely the first among people he has met.

"Is there anything wrong with being sad? I know he is using me, but I like to be used by others, just like you said before. If a person loses the value of being used by others, then it is the saddest thing. , The matter between you and the Skull and Bones has nothing to do with me. There is only our own contradiction between me and you." Long Ying touched the scar on his face. As long as he exerts force, it will be very painful. The current medical technology It is possible to cure this place, but Long Ying stopped a good intention and let herself feel the pain here, so that she could know more about who gave these things to herself.

The dishes came quickly. Li Cong asked for a bottle of Erguotou before, and now he took a cup and poured it in front of Long Ying. For nothing else, he had a companion for the meal.

Long Ying obviously didn't expect that Li Cong would pour herself a a little surprised, but the appearance of this guy who didn't surprise him made him startled.

"No matter how great the hatred between us is, I hope we can abide by a rule, that is, we can't attack our relatives." Li Cong raised the cup and said to Long Ying.

Long Ying squinted his eyes and looked at Li Cong. It turns out that this guy also has weaknesses. Now you know that you told me that I was wrong with my relatives. How did my child and my wife die? Have you forgotten all that? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have missed the last time of Grandpa. All I want to see is the cold stone tombstone.

"I can drink wine, but the war between us has no boundaries." Long Ying and Li Cong touched, and then drank the wine in the glass.

Li Cong now understood that this is a war without turning back.

"Hehe, great, then let's start. After this meal, you may not leave this restaurant. I will do what I say." Li gave the order after he finished speaking, although this is Beijing. But Li Cong, such a dangerous man, obviously didn't want to say anything to this guy, but this meal has to be finished, it's a road meal for him.

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