Energy Group

Chapter 788:

Episode 788

For people like Xie Dongyang, Li never give face or not is his own business, and his own words have been very tactful, if you still insist on your own point of view, then you can only be sorry, Li Since I am rich, I cannot throw my money into the water.

Of course, Polanyi also told Li Cong that there is one way that the Chinese government can win. There are also two ways. If the government is willing to hand over trillions of U.S. government bonds for use, the chance of winning will increase by 30%. The other is The energy group has invested more than 10 trillion US dollars, and the chance of winning can be increased by 30%. Coupled with the help of the energy group's investment department, the odds of this group can reach more than 70%.

Obviously these two methods are not feasible. The government launched this financial war to save these trillions of dollars in bonds. If the rescued person dies, who else will it be saved? Ten trillion US dollars Li has never been able to get it, but in this way, the energy group may face a shortage of funds, and he risked such a big risk to offend the Skull and Bones. In the end, he did not have any benefits. In Li Cong's view, things must be strictly eliminated.

In fact, Li Cong is also a bit curious about why Xie Dongyang is so obsessed with it. After all, you are a businessman and what are you doing so enthusiastically about government affairs. Besides, you have to put all your wealth in. This is already out of a good It's a citizen's obligation. As soon as Li became curious, he wanted to solve the matter, and immediately had the investigation department to investigate the matter.

But when this matter was investigated in the middle of the investigation, I ran into trouble. The nine people sent to investigate were all knocked out and sent back. Li Cong also knew that he had kicked the iron plate. There are not many people who have such skills in Beijing. He didn’t want to execute the people because he didn’t want to destroy the relationship with the energy group. Naturally, Li Cong would continue to ask people to investigate this matter, but he also understood a little bit. It seems that Xie Dongyang also belongs to several big families in Beijing. , It should be higher than Longying.

This is also a good explanation for why Bai Ding, who has no background in Xie Dongyang, became the president of the Shanghai Financial Club. Not to mention that all the members support him as the president because the club was founded by his father. If this is the case, go It is better to cheat children in kindergarten.

After sending Jie Dongyang away, Li never walked to the front of the model. This is the model of the energy group’s largest Qingdao base. The energy group is too big. If all the models of the base are to be moved in, it is estimated that Li will come from this thousands of square meters office. I can't pretend it at all. Every time I see this model, Li Cong feels his own responsibility. The current energy group can't enter a large spiral nest. It is better to not mix things related to the Skull and Bones.

What I did in the United States last time was a bit too much. The Skull and Bones didn't move themselves because they were not sure. This peaceful period is what they need, and they need to vigorously display their power in this peaceful period.

At this time, Li Cong also has a sense of responsibility. His group has 21 million employees from various countries. Although Li Cong can't say the lie about being responsible to others, let them settle down and follow him. Still must.

"President, Sister and Young Master have already boarded the plane, and now they are probably flying out of Moscow." Hearing Dai Lai's words, Li could not help but feel a headache. It was Xie Dongyang. If it weren't for you, maybe he would follow The son and daughter had a good time in Moscow, and couldn't help but scold Xie Dongyang again.

"Well, I see. Arrange a plane for me. I have to go to Russia too. By the way, ask the investigation department to arrange for Nova to come to me. She is still a very capable girl." The employees who can make Li Cong remember are really happy. Otherwise, if you just throw you in one place for several years, then you will have nothing.

In fact, Dai Lai still has something to say, but when he saw Li Cong returning to his model intently, he didn’t say anything. Dai Lai cared about his good sister, Blueberry, and Blueberry’s feelings for Li Cong. I know, but Blueberry is the core staff of the National Security Bureau. It is not easy for such a person to get out of the National Security Bureau. Of course, it is not difficult for Li Cong no matter how difficult it is. It only depends on whether he wants to do it. Obviously Li never wanted to do that now.

Blueberry is also depressed now. She hasn't made any mistakes in her recent work. I don’t know why she was transferred from the front line and came to the National Security Bureau’s Beijing Headquarters Archives Office to be the director. Li Cong is definitely the one who can have such great energy. Now, since this guy is worried about my safety, why didn't he let me go, thinking that Blueberry had lost his temper with the child, and squeezed the doll that looked like Li Cong vigorously, as if Li Cong would also hurt.

Li Cong was helpless when he saw Dai Lai’s hesitant speech just now. He walked to the sand and took out a box of Chinese for entertaining guests. He ordered one for himself. Li Cong usually does not smoke. I am also a little worried. I have not brought blueberries to my side for so long. It also represents my attitude towards the government. The government knows that blueberries are important to me. If no one in my family works in such a confidential department, it is to me. Your trust will also drop, wait, wait until a suitable time, you will come.

"Why are you smoking?" Li Cong didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked. Anyway, the crystal ashtray was full, and he didn't know what he had done during this time. He just felt his mind was blank and heard someone talking. Looking up, it turned out to be Zhang Ou. Looking at the time again, it's been more than a while, good fellow, and half a pack of cigarettes went in.

Li Cong beckoned her to sit next to him. Recently Zhang Ou often came to play with Li Cong. Originally, Li Cong wanted to arrange a seat for her in the group, but Zhang Ou was not used to this kind of office work. She still likes her job. Originally, she thought that someone with such status would never let her girlfriend get involved in the entertainment industry, but the real situation is that Li Cong respects her considerations, but secretly how many people look at her Then I don't know, Boss Li will not be so stupid to tell her that I have sent someone to follow you.

"It's okay, business affairs are a bit annoying, what's wrong, you're all right, why do you think of looking for me." Zhang Ou is seven or eight years younger than Li Cong, and more often he is like a child. When he came in, he dragged his high heels aside and shrank into Li Cong's arms like a cat.

"I finished shooting the commercial. It was shot in the lobby of the group. By the way, come up and see if you are there. You are really there." Li Cong smiled and patted this ghost girl's buttocks, and didn't ask anyone to lie. Ask, as long as Li Cong is in which branch, which branch will light up the lights under Li Cong’s photo in the lobby. This is something that all senior employees know. Zhang Ou also talked to Li once. When I came back, I saw that Li Cong had just stepped into the hall with one foot, and the light was on, and then it went out when I came out. I asked Li Cong to find out the reason.

"You are not afraid that I have important guests here, and I ran in without asking people to knock on the door. If there is something rude to outsiders," Li Cong said pretending to be angry.

"If you have a guest, ask him to go out and then make an appointment. Give him an appointment next month. I don't need to make an appointment. And if I get it, I have to meet me. You are not such a president in front of me, it's mine. "This girl still speaks the same as before, very overbearing.

Looking at Zhang Ou’s red lips, with lipstick on them, Li Cong didn’t care if there was any chemical reaction in the mouth when this food was eaten, so he kissed him directly, and Zhang Ou hugged Li backhand. A more intense kiss came from the neck.

But just a hot kiss is not enough for Li Cong. Li Cong gently picked up the remote control on the table and closed the door first. Although others would not come in, but if Dai Lai came in and saw such a beautiful scene I'm sorry, it was the first time that Zhang Ou smelled the smell of smoke in Li Cong's mouth. It wasn't particularly annoying, on the contrary, there was a bit of freshness.

Zhang Ou wore a dress, which made Li Cong easier to handle. He took off his underwear. Zhang Ou also knew what Li Cong wanted to do. Although he was already emotional, this is the office. He was able to do such a ridiculous thing, but seeing Li Cong’s brother was about to jump out, he still smiled and opened Li Cong’s belt, bowed his mouth to do his favorite thing for Li Cong, for a while. The office has unlimited light.

It lasted almost two hours before it ended. At this time, Zhang Ou was lying in Li Cong’s arms like a muddy trip. Fortunately, the room was covered with a thick carpet. Otherwise, the temperature might really catch a cold. Jue, let her wear a skirt, look now, all the clothes thrown in the office are Zhang Ou's clothes, and her black lace **** are actually hung on the lamp on her desk. If she was an emperor in ancient times, she would definitely be For a mediocre monarch, maybe the matter of the princes of the war beacon can be done by himself.

"Is it comfortable?" Li Cong asked clearly while holding Zhang Ou's pink bumps.

"I'm dying." This was the best answer. Li Cong kissed the girl affectionately and held her tighter. Not only did he have 20 million employees, but he also had his own. Wives, as well as their own sons and daughters, as well as their own family members, you must be careful every step you take, and you must not make mistakes.

It took almost half an hour before Zhang Ou took out the wet wipes to wipe Li Cong and her. Li Cong directly picked her up and walked to the lounge next to her. There is a bath in there, so it’s better to wash. Yes, Zhang Ou’s legs are soft, as if he likes doing it in the office? Otherwise, why did it sound so loud just now? Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of Li Congban's company is very good. Otherwise, it is estimated that people in the entire building will have to hear this painful and happy cry.

After another wash, they looked like a dog when the two finally cleaned up, and the sky was completely dark.

"Where to have dinner? I was delayed anyway. I'll just ask for a little more delay and stay with you." Li Cong took Zhang Ou out of his office, and smiled sorryly at Dai Lai, because of his own It’s absurd that the airport side waited for myself for an afternoon, and now I have to postpone it until tomorrow, and now it’s one hour after work hours, Li never walked out of the office, and the 30 or so people in the president’s office could not leave work. This is the responsibility of being a secretary. It will be troublesome for the boss to think of something and find no one.

Before Zhang Ou could answer, Li Cong walked to Dai Lai's side and said, "Go and find a place to invite everyone to have a meal. I said that I invited it, and the pilot at the airport was with the flight attendants. , We will go to Russia tomorrow." Li Cong took a check for 200,000 yuan that he had written a long time ago. The money is enough for his secretaries to go to the best place in Beijing to have a violent meal.

"Comrades, in order to compensate us, our president specially allocated a huge sum of money to us and told us to have a meal. Everyone should hurry to get off work." After Dai Lai took the check, he looked at Li Cong's neck with some ill intentions. The lip print, although it has been processed, is not very obvious, but it can be seen by careful observation.

"Long live President Ye." The people in the president's office cheered at the same time. Tonight, they can enshrine their five internal organs temple again. Everyone squeezed into Dai Lai's office and said that he wanted to eat somewhere, and waited until he finally wanted to go. There are a lot of people in this place, so everyone will go to the restaurant together. This is also the long-standing rule of the President's Office.

What kind of success his man has achieved as a woman is happy, just as Zhang Ou saw Li Cong’s employees admire him so much. At this time, he is also proud of Li Cong. He is undoubtedly outstanding among women. But his own man is definitely the best among men.

In the evening, Zhang Ou had to have dinner with two Hong Kong directors, but now it has passed the agreed time. When Li Cong heard about the Hong Kong director, he thought of how he paid attention to Zhang Ou in the first place. The mad man who took care of his wife came out immediately. , I have to follow, but Zhang Ou is worried that Li Cong will be known to everyone, and there is no need to talk about work when I go there at night, just look at Li Cong directly, he is much more important than any celebrity.

Li Cong took a pair of black-rimmed glasses and suppressed his aura. He looked like others, he was just a man with good features. In fact, Li Cong also restrained his aura and changed himself. More like an ordinary person, he can even change his appearance if he can, but that requires the assistance of a Tektronix computer.

In fact, although the help of Li Cong made Zhang Ou's career exhibition very fast, she still hopes that she can get some exhibitions on her own. The center of the Asian entertainment industry is Hong Kong, and being able to make a Hong Kong movie has always been My dream, but these directors have not been very careful to read scripts and research films recently. Most of them are trying hard to make commercial blockbusters with little connotation, or they are researching out some weird things for the audience to watch. I felt very empty in the future, and I didn't see what this movie wanted to express.

Today’s dinner was contacted by a friend of Zhang Ou in the circle. His job is to connect the Chinese and Hong Kong entertainers, so that the two sides have a chance to contact. Because his surname is Zhou, his nickname is Bridge Week.

The dinner was arranged in a private club, located in the southern suburbs of Beijing. It still seemed to be a different place. Li Cong watched Zhang Ou driving an Audi a4, thinking for a while that he might have to drink without driving or calling the driver. As a gift to herself, every car she owns is millions. Zhang Ou doesn’t like luxury. She bought this car with the money she earned. It’s her idea not to rely on men. She didn’t start before. I can rely on Li Cong’s help. Now I have succeeded. I can’t rely on Li Cong. Although she said that, her biggest annual income is still 5.7 million yuan in advertising endorsement fees for the energy group. Originally, Li Cong I want to give Zhang Ou all the billions of dollars in the sky-high price contract. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what advertising his group does. At this time, there are still many customers who don’t advertise themselves, but Zhang Ou still picks them out. I don’t want to manage a few stocks that are suitable for me.

Although Zhang Ou’s a4 is also nearly 300,000 ~ is a good car in the eyes of most people, but when I went to the parking lot, I saw the clubhouse full of BMWs and Mercedes-Benz, and there were even several tens of millions of cars. With limited cars, Zhang Ou knew how far his car was from here, and even the security guard in charge of the command looked strange to him.

Li Cong didn't say anything. He usually says to give you one. You don't want to drive your own. At this time, you know how important a good outfit is.

Originally, Bridge Week arranged three actors and two directors tonight. I didn’t expect the two directors to arrive very quickly. Two of the three actors did not arrive, so there came a man and a man in the private room. What else can I talk about when talking about work? Qiaoqiao came out on Monday to call Zhang Ou and another actress. You guys don’t bring people like that. Are these two directors kind of good? They got tens of millions in box office. The great director of Beijing Films is not a half-way monk performer who has invested a few million outside Beijing Film and raised a team.

It just so happened that I came out to call Zhang Ou. When I was calling, no one answered. I saw Zhang Ou’s car when I went out. My heart settled down. In fact, the two directors’ goals were also Zhang Ou. Ou, as for the other two are purely for soy sauce, from the directors who don't have much to say to the man, you can see that this beauty always has priority if she wants to be famous.


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