Energy Group

Chapter 941:

Episode 941

Although the prime minister was very worried about his grandson's life, he still knew that he was the prime minister of a big country and then the grandfather of the child in front of him. The son had already rushed over from Beijing, but he came to see all this and was dizzy. It passed, but fortunately, the doctor had already seen it. There was nothing serious about it, just because I couldn't stand the irritation in front of me.

The prime minister knows that his son is just a nerd. At that time, he didn’t want to be willing to get married, but his son was very happy, and the pressure on him from Vice Chairman Wang. At that time, he was not the prime minister, he was just a deputy prime minister. A deputy prime minister who has not been a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, at that time, did not dare to offend the vice chairman's in-laws.

In his son’s impression, Wang Yue was just a wife who was a little flawed but good to the family. Although she knew she was a bit ambitious, she would never have thought that the smuggling case that shocked the whole country had something to do with her own wife. She looked dead. He couldn't bear his wife and his son who was still in the greenhouse. Although he didn't want to faint so much, he couldn't control himself, so he just lost consciousness.

"Doctor, give him a stabilization shot and let him sleep a little longer." The prime minister just said to the doctor sadly after spending a while in front of his son's bed. The doctor nodded his head understandingly, if possible, the child It's better to wake up later.

After the prime minister’s son and grandson were hospitalized, the prime minister did not wait to guard the two most important people in his life in the hospital, instead he started to form a new Fujian government fǔ on one side, and did not forget the people in prison on the other. , Their trial will also be accelerated together.

It was at this time that Li Cong’s compensation plan came to the Premier’s place. The Premier was a little relieved after seeing it. I really didn’t think that the person who understood him best was Li Cong. The biggest thought in my life was to see myself fighting for it all my life. The country can become stronger. The situation at hand is definitely not what I want to see. The prime minister knows that Li Cong wants to compensate him, but the prime minister will never take it, and the compensation to the people of the whole country does not give the prime minister the opportunity to refuse. Because the Prime Minister knows that at least hundreds of millions of people across the country are in great need of this part of the energy group's materials.

No matter how beautiful all the reports say, there are still many people in China who live on the food and clothing line. A family of three can have no electricity bills for two months because of Li Cong’s compensation, and no need to buy food for three months. They are in need of increasing food prices.

"Very good. This is a big project. Let some CCTV reporters follow up on this plan. I will sign it with Mr. Li Cong after I return to Beijing." The prime minister said to his secretary that this may be the case. The happiest thing in the past few days.

The secretary nodded, and after thinking about it, he still had to tell the prime minister.

"Prime Minister, the former Director of Xiamen Customs Wu committed suicide in the prison after making the last official confession." The secretary said heartily. This seems to be shady. The prime minister has already arrived in Fujian, so there are people who dare to do such things. Isn't this person's courage terrible?

"What was the last time he confessed?" The prime minister did not rant about his subordinates like other leaders, because he knew that it was basically useless to scold them at this time, so it was better to ask something important.

"Some difficulties. He said that the last organizer of their organization was Li Cong, the president of the Energy Group." When the secretary finished speaking, he felt that this was a little bit of a talk. Li Cong himself has formal export procedures that the whole world uses. Do they still want to smuggle energy in their homes? Are you kidding me?

The prime minister waved his hand to let him out. This is no big deal. It's just the bite before the other party's death, but it's okay to bite another official. How could Li Cong be involved? Is this a bit too wrong, Li Cong He will definitely not get involved in this matter, but he can’t help but prevent the other party from making insidious tricks. Even though Vice Chairman Wang has reached an agreement with himself on the surface, he is going to retreat. Both his son and niece There is great resentment with Li Cong, so he can do anything.

For the time being, it’s better to block this news. This case can’t involve more people. In fact, Guanchang Wu also adhered to the above meaning when he was dying. The bigger the incident, the better, so he bit the biggest when he was dying. A person in, who does not know that the current media has been controlled, this news will not go out.

The energy ministries of several foreign countries have taken advantage of this opportunity to actively contact energy groups, complaining loudly, saying that the two-price mechanism of energy groups has affected their normal domestic energy companies, especially in the news. India, which was broadcast in China, dispatched Energy Minister Raj to lead a large delegation to the headquarters of Jinan Energy Group.

According to the information they provided, a total of nearly 30 million tons of environmentally friendly oil was smuggled to India in the past ten years, causing very large losses to the Indian Petrochemical Group. I hope that the energy group can consider the Indian people and the people of other countries in the world. The benefit of the abolition of the dual price system.

Naturally, Li Cong has no time to listen to this guy's nonsense. He doesn't have so much time. The curry taste of this Indian, whether it is a minister or a trafficker, the Indian is all curry. I really don’t know how they live their lives, even if they make curry in China, they don’t have the same taste.

Li Cong arranged for the Deputy Minister of the Public Relations Department and a Deputy Minister of the External Relations Department to receive these Indians. He asked them to get me back within a week. Now, China is already very good. What, and I called He Xiong in Hong Kong and reprimanded her. If I can't do this, I can talk about mastering Asia. The American countries dare not do this to the Skull and Bones.

"President, the case in Fujian has been closed. The prime minister gave an order. Twelve people fell on their heads for life, and dozens of them were in prison for more than ten years." Karelina was sitting with Li Cong about Fujian. Even if he was used to seeing the big world, Karelina was a little scared by this handwriting. Among the twelve dead, one was at ministerial level, two at deputy ministerial level, and the others were department-level officials. China’s anti-corruption campaign hasn’t been so strong for a long time. It seems that this determination is not

It’s over. Okay. Now that the storm has blown so badly, and the people’s hearts are already very unstable. If it doesn’t end now, then it’s time to shake the country’s roots, and it will be terrible if it will cause civil upheavals. The results of the reform and opening up over the past decades have gone in. Most of my net worth is in China, so I naturally don't want anything like that in China.

"By the way, how is the Indian Raj? Still not leaving?" Now that guy has been in Jinan for a week, Li Cong feels that there is a smell of curry in his office building, although he does not want to see him , But it’s not a good thing to stay here all the time.

"Not yet, because we have never made any statement on the dual price track. The minister seems to want to die with us. The report given to us by our branch in India says that it will be in the future. Let them go back within the day.” Karelina only has less than fifteen minutes of reporting time a day, usually Li Cong said what this beautiful Russian girl said, and never said much.

"Go and tell this guy directly, it means that if he is still in my building tomorrow, I will directly raise the price of the next shipment in India. As for how much higher it is, let them think about it or say that it is inversely proportional to the degree of his departure. , The slower I walk, the higher I lifted. In addition, let him remember that this is Asia. If you want to follow the Skull and Bones people, please be careful." Li Cong knows that this is the Skull and Bones. The ghost, otherwise, how could the xìngzi of those people in India come to the door? As long as the Skull and Bones find a chance, it will find something for itself, which is really annoying.

Karelina nodded and continued to give her own briefing. Let alone the news from India, the president does not care about her own country, Russia, and Li Cong also likes her calm appearance and general demeanor. .

The following report attracted Li Cong's attention, and swallowed back the words he had just wanted to curse the Skull and Bones.

"President, in a secret military base of the Roy family, our people cooperated with the Skull and Bones action team and destroyed more than half of the Roy family’s nuclear weapons in one fell swoop and captured all nuclear weapons experts, although there are still half of the nuclear weapons. We didn’t get it, but the experts are here, unless the Roy family can train another group of experts within a few months, otherwise the remaining nuclear weapons will be no different from scrap iron.” This news has also been a bit mysterious. Li Cong's heart is settled down, very good, at least not so dangerous.

Originally, Roche and Skull and Bones collaborated on this matter. Who knows that Roche’s people are really too good and can’t do anything at all. Skull and Bones people saw that the energy group was also investigating this matter, and it happened in two clicks. By hand, the efficiency is definitely several times faster than working with Roche.

"What's the attitude of the Roy family?" Li Cong can't believe that it has reached such a point that the Roy family will still hold on to their remaining nuclear weapons and not negotiate.

"The Roy family has been in contact with the people in our European branch, but Roche meant that they must be wiped out. Even if we let the Skull and Bones people let go, they would not let it go." Roche naturally didn't want to be in Europe. There is such a big enemy in the hinterland.

"Don't worry about Roche's attitude, what's the attitude of the Skull and Bones?" Li Cong wondered if the old guy on the Pacific Ocean did what he thought, really doing things for his allies wholeheartedly? No, the old fox of Anderson wouldn't let Roche go so easily. The cooperation is only a temporary one. Clearing out the entire Europe as Roche's hinterland? Anderson hasn't been so confused yet.

"The people of Skull and Bones have a rather ambiguous attitude. They have not rushed to the Roy family like Roche, but they have not been like us. It can be said that it is a good choice." After that, the Skull and Bones are still there. Without deciding on their own strategy, they also understand how dangerous it is to win a piece of space for that guy at Yale.

"Notify my nephew and let him pay close attention to this matter. The result I want is to keep the Roy family, but the influence cannot be too big. Don't push Roe too eagerly at this stage. In some places, we can retreat. , Let the Skull and Bones people see Roche’s potential." Li Cong is best at things like the Yin people. Your loose alliance will only be together when there is a crisis. Other times are guesses. .

"Okay, Boss, I've written everything down. I'll retreat if there is nothing to do." Karelina filled Li Cong's teacup with water after a day's work, and then stepped back, although Li Cong only said a few words. Words, but in Karelina's view, these few words will make tens of thousands of people in several departments work for a while.

Li Cong waved her out. This Roy family is different from Zhu Ran in South America. Zhu Ran is a mysterious person. Maybe he still has a lot of cards that he hasn’t revealed. Such a person wants to be true. It may be really hard to get rid of it, but this is different. The Roy family is also very powerful, but I have basically figured it out through the information I found and the investigation during this period of time.

After calculations by the Investigation Department and Tektronix's estimates, I can fully control such a force, and the necessary support must be given to them, so that they can be nailed to Eastern Europe like a nail, and on the one hand, they can attack Roche and become their own cannon fodder. On the other hand, it can also become a vanguard in deterring Russia. A great empire like Russia never thought that he was completely in control. The reason why Russia’s power class listens to itself now is that he has not touched their bottom line. If one day I really reach their bottom line, and the day of unity is not far away, when the skeletons will blend in again, I can sleep peacefully?

"President, Mr. He from the Asian branch has arrived at the headquarters. Do you want to see her right away?" Wang Lingling's voice came through the microphone, and Ye Zijun's injuries are no longer significant, but the arrangement that was not arranged has changed to two. People’s catalyst. It’s said that now the Ye Zijun’s wallet has successfully loaded Wang Lingling’s photos. Li Congda is really happy for them. No wonder Ye Zijun will say that if he knows this, he will endure it a few more times. It’s just himself. The secretary is so familiar with it, and if they become successful, they will change secretary again.

"Please come to my office directly, Mr. He, and make her a cup of sugar-free coffee." Li Cong said, because of the old thing in India, Li Cong felt that he had to talk to Hexiong about this issue, by the way, Japan and South Korea. Things.

He Xiong, who hadn’t seen each other for a while, came in. She was still in a smart suit, but her skin seemed a little better. She didn’t look like a person in her thirties at all. She was a person in her twenties. No one doubts that this beauty in front of her helped her manage Hong Kong and the entire Southeast Asia, and was a great contributor to the group.

"When Karelina was reporting work here just now, I still talked about you. What's the matter with these Indians, you can't deal with them?" There is no politeness to come up, and the subordinates who have trusted him will have to In this way, it's not too late to talk about serious things first, as for other things later.

"I'm sorry, President, this is a dereliction of my duty. Recently, the state of India is powerful, and the power we hold has been under pressure. Indian Prime Minister Singh is no longer under our control, and the first family of India, the Gandhi Nehru family I have completely fallen to the Skull and Bones, and I am here for this.” He Xiong said embarrassedly. When the Asian branch was first established, at that time, the entire Asia was still the world of the energy group, but he took it by himself. After I came here, because I wanted to conquer South Korea and Japan, I ignored the affairs in South Asia. I didn't expect these things to be beyond my control when I arrived.

"It's already so serious. It seems that the Skull and Bones have not been idle for a while, and that's right. It is the rule of doing things to have contacts ~ You can't just let people suffer." Li Cong said to himself. Talk to yourself.

"President? Why are there any contacts? Why don't I understand what you just said?" He Xiong said with some confusion. It seems that he said it to himself, but it seems not. It is better to ask for insurance.

"It seems that you basically didn't care about the affairs of the group for a while." Li Cong's face blushed after talking about Sister He. He basically flew between Japan and South Korea for a while. The other actions of the group basically didn’t care much. “We made a big loss for the Skull and Bones in South America. Naturally, they would not let us live so honestly. It seems that India is theirs, although you are not to blame. , But there are indeed some problems with the intelligence of your Asian branch. It’s time to rectify it when you go back.” Li Cong said with some disappointment. Although there are reasons for this, he used to think that Asia is very safe, but he did not expect it to be so. .

"Yes, President, I admit that the recent shift in power is the main reason for this incident. I will vigorously rectify when I go back, and at the same time, I will take full responsibility for this time." Sister He's attitude is still very good. .

"That's not necessary. I know you have been working hard in Japan recently. How is it? Are there any results?" Li Cong asked while reading the documents. Kazuo should have achieved results, otherwise he would not come to see him.

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