Energy Group

Chapter 967:

It is said that it is to witness some information of the gambler. In fact, these things can be completed in a few minutes, and there is really no need to cheat in this situation as a gambler. Although 4% of the shares are very important, it is still It may not be possible to make Gambling Ji lie, and her reputation as the Mitsubishi family is much more valuable than this. (For reading novels, you can go to Ye Ziyou~you M)

"Everyone, after the rest just now, I think everyone has regained their energy, and our experts have also found out that there is no problem with Gambling Miss Ji’s shares. After our consultation with Mr. Li, we decided to follow The conservative price of 2.5 billion U.S. dollars was used to redeem the chips, and the gambling Miss Ji has already exchanged 2%, and the gambling between both parties is going on again." Before Uchida Kumiko finished speaking, Mr. Oshima fainted. I thought this lady was only going to exchange 1%, so she exchanged 2% directly. This matter must be known to my father. I can't manage it. I knew why I gave her so many shares at that time. Up.

Everyone took a sigh of relief. This is really a gamble. It adds up to more than nine billion US dollars of bargaining chips. A medium-sized company in Japan has so many assets, and these are still It's all cash. Except for some big families and banks, the people here probably won't be able to come up with that much cash. Even the Yamaguchi group's estimate of that kind of business is not allowed.

"Miss Gambler, I think if you are inconvenient on hand, we can make an appointment another day. There is no need to play that big, right? You are all at the level of selling a house and selling land. If I win you again Doesn’t it seem that I’m too unkind? I’m a Chinese, but there’s an old saying that keeps everything, do I have to leave you a line now?" Li Cong said while looking at his pile of chips while chattering. Fortunately, Gambling Ji's filtering function is also good, otherwise you will have to vomit blood.

Uchida Kumiko seems to have not seen it. She would have tried to persuade him to say a few words. Now she knows how strong Gambling Miss Ji can bear it. There is no need to intervene in the past. If she doesn’t speak, she thinks she didn’t hear it. Yes, if I said something, I would appear to know this. It would be troublesome to explain later. I would have known that I would not be a croupier for them.

The gambling game started again, still playing stud, but Li Cong saw the gambling Ji’s eyes seem to be red. There must be no problem in this game. This person has basically lost his reason now, although he still can’t look at it. What came out, in fact, she couldn't control herself at all in her heart, just like a red-eyed person on the battlefield.

In the first chapter, the famous brand Li Cong got a 9, and the gambler got a 7, but the gambler's hole card was also a 7, and it was a small pair. The gambler's heart was a little bit confused. Same as last time? Impossible, the same thing can't happen to him twice, Gambling Ji cheered himself up.

"Mr. Li's hand is big, Mr. Li, please place a bet." Uchida Kumiko said.

"It’s me who came up to speak. It’s only the first chapter. I think I’ll play with a ten million card. Don’t be too big, otherwise this round will be lost. Some people’s bargaining chips are selling houses and land. It’s not easy to come out.” Li Cong said with a smile. Gambling Ji saw his expression and couldn’t wait to come over and give him a punch. She has lived for most of her life. Why is this the first time I have seen such a person? I really hate it. If it weren't for my family's ancestral house, I wouldn't have said a word to such a person.

"I follow." Gambling Ji's words are more concise. In fact, she doesn't know what kind of card she will be in the future, but ten million dollars is good to see what the next card will be. It is a pity that she also won one. With a loose card, Li was just as bad from there, and he also got an unmatched card, but the two of them were in a flush. Is this kid in a flush again? In this battle, the face of the card is the gambler talking, but after the last flush, the woman is a little scared, let's take a look with another card.

"Twenty million US dollars." Gambling Ji raised his bet a little bit. The money is basically not money anymore, just some numbers. The difference between this one million and one hundred million is from his own mouth. It's just a difference. If it's all cash here, it's estimated that neither of them will bear it. But knowing that it doesn't matter if they face some bargaining chips, they may feel that these are just some props in my heart.

"Hehe, it seems that Ms. Ji Gambling is very confident. It's rare that you are so powerful. I'll be with you for 20 million but I have to beat you for 50 million." Li Cong directly threw out 70 million in chips. Billion, such a small game in Li Cong's view is not worth his own gambling, only a bet of more than 100 million can be shot by himself.

The gambler frowned. There is no chance of winning on this card. If the kid is a flush, he is not a flush, but if he has a pair, he can't do it himself. Look at the back. Well, gritted your teeth and followed these tens of millions. Anyway, so many have gone out before, so I don't care about this anymore.

"I follow." Gambling Ji bit herself vigorously, as if Li Cong would feel pain in this way. But looking at Li Cong's face, I knew that this kid didn't feel it anymore. He was busy arranging his own chips, as if Gambling is like a secondary thing.

The fourth card Gambling Ji got a 7 but Li Cong still had a flush. Now Gambling Ji has three, which is one lower than the flush. It’s impossible. He can’t get a flush. Yes, I will definitely win. If I give up, I will lose a lot. Gambling Ji thought of looking at his bargaining chip and pushed 100 million dollars in.

"Hehe, gambling Miss Ji, is this a little bit of fun? I'll be 100 million with you, and you'll be 100 million with you. If you don't tell me, let me eat your 200 million dollars." Li Cong seemed Playing with his own chips like building blocks, it doesn’t mean that I didn’t look at the cards on the table. In fact, Li Cong’s **** flushes have different hole cards and cards, but she has four flushes, this woman She will definitely not follow her, and it is okay to eat hundreds of millions of dollars on her desk.

Gambling Ji thought about it. If she hadn’t followed her in the past, even though she had three, the other party was also in danger of getting a flush. If she did follow, it might be her own loss. No, you don’t want to participate in such a gambling round, but the current gambling Ji simply forgets what he is doing. This round has already exceeded 200 million chips, and Li Cong has not even taken out his ancestral house. At the beginning, I would definitely remind him, but now, I have forgotten about this matter, and I'm full of pretending to win this kid. (For reading novels, you can go to Ye Ziyou~you M)

"Don't want to steal the chicken, I will definitely not let you succeed. I will only be with you 100 million. I want to see if you can get a flush with both." Gambling Ji figured it out naturally. Don't hesitate, just push out the card in his hand.

The last card was a hidden card. Gambling Ji got a very useless card, but now both sides don't know the other's card, and now Gambling Ji can put a big chip to force Li Cong to back.

"This one is for me to speak, betting on Miss Ji, I am one hundred million dollars." Li Cong placed a small bet.

This kid always likes to play with big ones. The last one was worth 300 million US dollars. Why did this one come with a small one? That is, he is not sure if I have three in my hand. I should have three. If you win, you will lose.

"I'm 100 million with you, and you're 100 million." Gambling Ji placed 200 million in chips. Although I was sure in my heart, there are already more than one billion dollars on the table. It is better not to risk yourself.

"Haha, Miss Gambler, you are really brave, I will show you this card of mine, I am a flush, sorry, and the last hole card, I can tell you responsibly, then Cards are not a flush. I bet a billion dollars." Li Conghua put out a billion dollars in chips, and the casino staff next to him was stupid and had to record this game. A card Betting billions of dollars, this can definitely set a world record, which is set in our casino.

Li Cong’s four cards really made a flush. The kid said that he was not a flush, but he made a big bet of one billion dollars. What happened? Gambling Ji’s mind was hot at this time. I was prepared to keep up with the billion dollars. Now I have more than 1 billion on the table. If I add this billion, I will throw in 1% of my shares.

Shares? Thinking of this, the gambling girl seemed to be a little more sober, and she retracted her hand reaching for the chips.

"Billion dollars, Mr. Li, although I have three in my hand, the chance of you getting a flush is really not small. I won't follow." Gambler said with a smile, the blood redness in her eyes has disappeared at this moment. He has returned to a normal person, but Li Cong shook his head regretfully.

"Flush? I think Miss Ji really watched too many movies. As you said, how can a person get a flush on two adjacent cards? Sorry, my hole cards are actually a bit flush. It doesn’t matter. I was stealing chicken just now, but I succeeded. Let me see your bargaining chips. It’s really a lot. There are more than a billion dollars. I still make a lot of money. If you really throw it away In one billion, I will lose more than two billion." Li Cong happily turned over his hole cards.

This time I almost didn't make the gambling girl mad. I was fooled by this kid. I lost more than one billion dollars. This kid's hole cards have nothing to do with these four famous brands. How much does it take? Do you dare to play like this with strong concentration? Gambling Ji herself does not have the guts. If she holds a hand of cards like that, it is estimated that she will show her flaws. But after watching this kid for a whole night, there is basically no flaws. From his eyes, he is No useful news.

"Sometimes gambling is just a pleasure to see yourself. Although I didn't bring your last billion chips in this round, I am already very happy to see you. The expression on seeing you is really It's very comfortable, Miss Miko, help us start the next game, but I think Miss Gambler Ji’s chips are not enough, so let’s continue to exchange your stocks.” Li Cong pointed to the half-shrunk chips on Gambler Ji’s table. Said.

"This is my own business, so I won't bother Mr. Li." The gambler's face was also a little bit awkward. It would be unhappy to lose such a big person.

The next game is about to begin soon. In this game, Ji has four cards, so in this game, Ji made a heavy bet of 1.5 billion US dollars. Li Cong's hand looks like a straight flush, but Ji Ji It feels like Li Cong is stealing chickens like the last game again, so Gambling Ji threw one billion dollars in the last card. If Li Cong followed himself, Li Cong would lose 25. With billions of dollars, the gambler was attracted by the huge profits in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Miss Gambler. Although I usually like to steal chickens, and I just won you by this way, but I really didn't have it this time. I am a straight flush. I can win no matter how you look at it. Your four eights, sorry, you have no more chips."..

Next game

"I'm sorry, Miss Ji, if you play the last card with me, the three billion dollars on the table will be yours. Unfortunately, you didn't follow. Where did I come from? I only have three. Yours The flush was wasted in vain. I won, and you lost another 1.5 billion dollars. I think your 4% of the shares have also lost more than half. Would you like to exchange points? Let's have a tens of billions of dollars in a gambling game?" Li Cong said with a smile. The table on his side really can’t put down the bargaining chips. This gambler lost more than 8 billion dollars to him today, and he just took them The family’s hundreds of millions of dollars of bargaining chips came, and every penny of his own capital is all plums. Li Hui over there just stopped watching the gambling, and took out the notebook she carried with him and began to see where to buy something. Of course, the principle is to only buy the expensive, and the most expensive.

"Continue to change the chips for me. I don't believe that I can't beat you." Gambling Ji was also agitated by Li Cong, and directly wanted to put all the remaining two percent of the chips in his hand. Exchange it.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Miss Gambler, we don't have enough chips. Our entire casino is speeding up to ship it in soon." Kumiko Uchida looked innocent. When will his casino need tens of billions of dollars in chips? Yes, even if these things are just a prop, there must be a limit. Those dozens of dollars of chips are there, but if those things are taken out, the room must be full.

"There are no chips? How does your casino do things that affect the emotions of Miss Ji and Gambler. I think it's good. The two percent of the shares on Miss Ji's table is considered a bargaining chip. I will be them. Five billion U.S. dollars. Just record it when Miss Ji places the bet. You can exchange it later when the chips come. How about it?" Li Cong looked like a good person.

"No, this time I bet five billion dollars directly, and we won't bet on Stud in this round. Let's go back to play sieves. Each has a dice clock and six sieves. How about a higher number of points than ours?" At this time, she finally came out with her assassin. If all six sieves are six, it would be thirty-six o’clock, but the gambler once had thirty-seven o’clock, but no one knew about this, so bet Ji said confidently, "Of course I hope Mr. Li will add our family's ancestral house to the 5 billion bargaining chip."

When I heard my sister talking like this, Mr. Oshima's heart was relieved. To say that the sieve is really no one better than his sister. I should have used this trick long ago. I only use it now. Maybe it will flow. Those people can go back. Maybe they don’t need to make a move here. Although this one gets back 5 billion US dollars less, but the sister’s shares are all back, the money is just thrown away. This little money Compared to the ancestral house and the Mitsubishi family's face?

"No, Miss Gambler, this is not compliant..." Uchida Kumiko didn't finish the rest of the words, because she saw Gambler's eyes, if she continued to speak, it would be her who died, and that look seemed like Like a beast, I’m so scared. If someone who has gambled with the gambler sees this look, they will be familiar with it, because this is the look when the gambler’s strength is fully taken out. In this state Gambler, playing sieve, it is estimated that the whole world is not her opponent.

"The gambling game here is me and Mr. It's just using one of your places. What are the rules and irregularities? Do your Yamaguchi team still want to interfere? Mr. Li, what do you mean? "The gambler didn't look at Kumiko Uchida next to him, a junior from the Yamaguchi group, even if Watanabe nurtures you, when Watanabe first debuted, he was better than him. What kind of thing would you dare to interrupt me? Speaking, if it weren't for being in front of the Chinese, it would directly kill you.

"Me? I don’t have any opinion. I just want to play a big one in the last one. Is the 5 billion dollars less? I have more than 10 billion chips left. If Miss Ji wants to According to your gameplay, I would bet 10 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, it would be your shares and other ancestral homes. If you don’t bet, I won’t play. Tired, my appearance fee is not cheap, these people are all watching me perform for nothing." Li Congzhen is not shocking and endless, a 10 billion dollar bet? Even the gambler hesitated at this time.

These five billion dollars are all my own. Where can I get the other five billion dollars now? . ..

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