The auction of the King's Divine Weapon is over, but there is still a lot of discussion in the Yaoguang Palace.

The treasure seal just sold for the highest price today.

But at that time, there was no movement on the auction table. Everyone was curious and talking around, asking the people around them what was going on.

It seems that the final item is here, but I don't know what it is! Zhou Tong was also a little curious. Even the King's Divine Weapon was not the final item. Are there any holy weapons for sale?

Finally, after waiting for a long time, a middle-aged monk came up from behind holding a jade plate.

The jade plate was finally placed on the display stand aside. Suddenly everyone saw it. The display stand shook slightly, and some monks' eyes also trembled.

The display stand in the Shaking Light Palace was not made of ordinary things. It was made of black ice jade. It had an amazing endurance, but it was shaken.

You can imagine that the things on the jade plate weigh at least ten thousand kilograms.

Next is the grand finale of this auction——

Just when everyone was looking there, the auctioneer suddenly lifted up a piece of red cloth on the jade plate——

What!? There is such a thing?

This... this is a treasure that is hard to find in the world! Such a big piece...

Oh my god, this luster, this light, there is no mistake, it is fairy gold!

Eternal Blue Gold!!

Everyone was shocked and looked at the jade plate on the display stand with burning eyes.

I saw a palm-sized piece of blue fairy gold there. It shone with mysterious luster and was hundreds of times more dreamy than sapphire. It was difficult to take your eyes away once you looked at it. It was like a star falling from the sky to the earth, brilliant as a dream, with blue light flowing like the most dazzling star in the universe.

This is a piece of emperor-level divine material, a rare piece of immortal material, exclusive to the ancient emperor and difficult for others to match.

Eternal blue gold, a small piece of it is rare to see for thousands of generations. Today I saw such a piece here. You must buy it. The Holy Son of our clan needs such a thing to refine the instrument of enlightenment.

It is worthy of being the emperor's exclusive sacred object. It is so gorgeous! God sent this object into my hands. It is destined that I will follow the path of God. I will refine a fairy sword with eternal blue gold. It will definitely be able to kill fairies and ghosts. world!

This piece of eternal blue gold looks like a fragment of a certain weapon. Is it a fragment of an imperial weapon? No, the Dao patterns have been wiped away, and now it is just the purest material.

There were waves of fluctuations coming from those VIP boxes.

At this moment, the auctioneer spoke: Everyone, the last item is this piece of eternal blue gold. It's just that the senior who handed this piece of eternal blue gold to us had previously said that he would only accept the extension of his life. elixirs and elixirs, other things, whether they are ancient scriptures or divine sources, will not be accepted.

What? You don't even accept the divine source?

how so?

For a time, everyone was shocked and did not accept the divine source, which meant that the capital in their hands was of little use.

And the senior once said that he has used many life-extending methods, and ordinary elixirs are no longer effective for him. The auctioneer finally said, Next, the auction begins!

Although it was said that it had started, no one had ever made an offer.

The word extending life sounds simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult.

If a mortal who has not practiced cultivation wants to extend his life, he only needs an ordinary grain of energy; and for a person with lower cultivation level to extend his life, he only needs a drop of dragon marrow or some elixir that has been used for thousands of years; but the cultivation level The higher the monk, the more difficult it is to extend life.

The one who took out the eternal blue gold was called senior by the auctioneer, so he must be extremely high in terms of age, cultivation, and seniority. It is extremely difficult to extend the life of such a person.

And more importantly, this person has already used many life-extending methods, which makes it even more difficult.

Various life extension methods are often indispensable. The first time they are used, the effect is amazing, but the second time they are used, they will be greatly reduced; the third time they may not have any effect.

Our Purple Mansion Holy Land is willing to produce a 50,000-year-old little medicine king - the red blood orchid. After waiting for a long time, someone finally spoke.

Although the Little Medicine King has the miraculous effect of extending life, different types of Little Medicine King must have different medicinal effects. The Medicine King that specializes in extending life is actually very rare. This red blood orchid is not the kind of medicine king that prolongs life.

The auctioneer waited for a moment and then said: The 50,000-year-old Little Medicine King Red Blood Orchid, is there anyone with a higher price?

It seems that the senior is behind... Zhou Tong saw that the auctioneer waited after the price was quoted in the Zifu Holy Land, presumably to wait for news from the senior.

But... there is also the road to the fragments of the Emperor's Armament that have erased the Dao marks. It should be easier than I thought to collect the Nine Color Immortal Gold... Beidou is definitely the place with the most fragments of the Emperor's Armament. Zhou Tong couldn't help but feel in his heart. The thought crossed my mind.

My Ji family is willing to give you the 60,000-year-old medicine king--Golden Ginseng! But not long after, a second voice came out.

Golden ginseng is not a little medicine for extending life, but in the year of 60,000 years, it can also extend the life of ordinary powerful men by two to three hundred years! Zhou Tong said secretly, I just don't know if this senior has any I have taken too many drugs of this level...

There are also levels of elixirs.

The elixirs that Zhou Tong obtained from Longshan in Kunlun Mountain are all the highest-grade elixirs. They are only inferior to the elixir of immortality and are much stronger than the red blood orchid and golden ginseng.

Next, those who had the elixir began to announce their bids.

Among them, the highest bidder was from the Jiuli Divine Dynasty, who offered the 90,000-year-old medicine king, Inuye Veng.

The senior behind him still hasn't reacted at all. It seems that he has used enough life-extending medicines... There is no reaction at all from so many precious medicines!

Zhou Tong was silent for a while, before turning on the word secret, with wisps of light shining between his brows.

I didn't notice the sense of crisis. Yaoguang didn't seem to bring the imperial soldiers here?

That's right, the emperor's soldiers cannot be used easily; but there must be the legendary saint soldiers guarding here... But it doesn't matter, the legendary saint soldiers and so on, don't be afraid! Zhou Tong's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he spoke -

Three drops of essence of the White Tiger's magic medicine!

Zhou Tong's voice was not loud, but it instantly silenced the entire Yaoguang Palace, and even the voices of discussions stopped instantly. But then, an even bigger noise ensued——

Magic medicine?

Someone actually came up with the magic medicine!?

Oh my god, someone actually came up with a magic medicine to trade!

Everyone was stunned, almost in disbelief.

Is there a complete miracle medicine? At this moment, an old voice came from behind the auction table.

The magical medicine can fly into the sky and escape to the earth. Even the ancient saints have difficulty catching it. The younger generation just happened to catch it and took a few drops of the essence while the magical medicine did not react. It then escaped into the emperor's formation and was hard to see. .”

Of course Zhou Tong would not admit that he had the White Tiger Magic Medicine.

Tell me where you found the magic medicine, and add these three drops of essence, and this piece of eternal blue gold will be yours! The old voice behind him said immediately.

It's useless, I don't know where that place is, maybe it's not on this ancient planet of life! Zhou Tong said lightly, That's the method arranged by the ancient emperor. Even if I go there once, I can't find anything. path.

No matter what, the ancient emperor's methods are indeed unpredictable... This piece of eternal blue gold belongs to fellow Taoist! The old voice seemed unwilling to say anything more and made a decision directly.

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