Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 57 Passers-by can’t do it this time

At this time, a terrifying murderous intention instantly filled the air from the metal cocoon.


With a soft sound, the dark golden metal cocoon shattered directly, and then a black sword light shot into the sky with cold murderous intent.

The biting murderous aura shocked people's hearts and directly shattered the cocoon. At the same time, a one-inch long black sword appeared on the spot, erupting with a clanking sword sound and murderous aura soaring into the sky.

What a terrible murderous intention. The Nine-Aperture Stone Man is indeed a divine fetus raised by nature. He actually gave birth to such a divine sword, which is absolutely intertwined with 'Tao' and 'Principle'!

No, look, that sword is made of... black gold with dragon patterns!

That's right, it's black gold with a dragon pattern!

Each of these old men looked in disbelief. The inch-long sword was densely covered with countless dragon patterns, which looked simple and natural.


Zhou Tong naturally knew that this sword had spirituality and might run away next. He took out the Lihuo Divine Furnace, opened the furnace mouth, and put the sword directly into it.

Emperor Hengyu's treasure is in hand. Not to mention that this sword is only a preliminary interweaving of Tao and Principle. Even if it is a holy sword, it cannot make waves.

I saw the flames roaring in the furnace, and the resentment in the dragon-marked black gold sword seemed to be purified and disappeared quickly. The black light also quickly converged and turned into a small sword one foot long.

Why did you just put it away? Several other old people looked at Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tongtong: Since it has been opened, it is my thing. Isn't it normal to put it away?

The Taoist nun also wanted to see the sword. She was about to speak, but when she heard what Zhou Tong said, she immediately shut up. If you continue to persuade me, you will break the rules of Shifang for countless years.

There is another stone next! Zhou Tong ignored the old people and continued to unravel the stone.

For this piece of stone, Zhou Tong was not so violent. Instead, he took out a knife and unwrapped it little by little, for fear of damaging the treasure inside.

As Zhou Tong explained the stone, the old men stopped saying anything and watched Zhou Tong's movements carefully.


Suddenly, Zhou Tong's sword fell, and suddenly a dazzling light turned into a light and shadow rising into the sky.


It looks like a figure!

That's right, a person flew out, a fairy in the stone!

The old men were excited again, looking at the stone in Zhou Tong's hand with burning eyes.

The old Taoist nun guarding the park reacted very quickly. With a touch of light in the void, a curtain of light was immediately propped up, covering the Tianzihao Stone Garden, sealing the space to prevent any divine objects from escaping.

This is a restriction that was placed before Daoyi Holy Land to prevent anything from escaping.

The old Taoist nun said at the same time: Don't worry about cutting the stone. I have sealed the stone garden. Even if there is something incredible, it will not be lost.

Zhou Tong knew in his heart that this stone was the stone in the original work, the stone with the human-shaped magic medicine.


There were sounds of rocks breaking, followed by a burst of frost, and the air suddenly turned cold.

The source of alien species, the source of ice and snow! Someone immediately recognized it.

No, although the source of ice and snow is very valuable, there is absolutely no way to form this kind of flying fairy phenomenon. Some people retorted, There must be something in the source of ice and snow.

Soon, the stone skin completely peeled off, and with a brilliant light, a palm-sized source of ice and snow appeared in Zhou Tong's hand. Of course, the things sealed in the source also appeared.

Elixir, this is the elixir!

The flying fairy in the stone must have been created by this elixir!

The few people immediately gathered around and kept looking at the source of ice and snow.

I saw a light blue rhizome like a human foot sealed inside the ice and snow source, as crystal clear as a sapphire. There were no leaves above the rhizome, it was just the rhizome of the elixir.

It's a pity, it's just roots... Although it looks like a humanoid, it doesn't have much value anymore! Everyone shook their heads.

Obviously, none of the old people here recognized this magical medicine.

It seems that not every passer-by is so well-informed. This time's passers-by can't do that! Zhou Tong was also a little happy in his heart. He didn't say anything more, and before any passers-by could react, he directly put this magical medicine into his Ten-hole Heavenly God Ring.


As soon as he entered the Ten Caves Heavenly God Ring, the ice and snow source on the outer layer of the magical medicine immediately peeled off, and then the light blue rhizome that looked like a human foot quickly took root next to the divine spring, and a mysterious aura emanated, filling the entire Ten Caves. Ring of gods.

Even some unknown and strange changes are taking place in the Ten-hole God Ring.

If my ten-hole divine ring continues like this, I'm afraid it will become a magic medicine garden! Zhou Tong said secretly in his heart, But this change is not bad. Although I don't know what it will become in the end, it will not be bad. where!

Oh, what a pity. If it were a complete elixir, it would definitely be worth a lot of money. It might be worth hundreds of thousands of kilograms! An old man sighed, shook his head, and patted Zhou Tong's shoulder. A look of regret.

It's bad luck, there's nothing we can do about it! Zhou Tong also looked pityful.

Little brother, you are very good. You cut out a dragon-patterned black gold sword. This time, you have made back all the more than 90,000 kilograms and there is still more. How many people have completely lost their money by gambling on stones?

That's right, little brother, are you considering selling this dragon-patterned black gold sword? The last person asked immediately after changing his voice.

Even the Taoist nun said: Little brother, you can consider selling this dragon-patterned black gold sword to us at Daoyi Holy Land. We will definitely offer an ideal price and you will not suffer any loss!

Zhou Tong shook his head and indicated that he would not sell.

Little brother, do you still want to buy stones? At this time, Master Yuan looked at Zhou Tong with some excitement.

Zhou Tong shook his head and said, Forget it, I'm lucky enough to find two good stones here; I'll go somewhere else next!

Just kidding, he doesn't know any source skills. Without the reminder from the original work, he will definitely die.

Zhou Tong didn't want to say anything more, and left Daoyishifang directly after Master Yuan persuaded him to stay.

My luck is really good. It seems that I chose the time well. There are only three ignorant old men in Daoyi Holy Land and they are not famous! Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

Zhou Tong's heart trembled when he thought of the passers-by in this world.

That kind of vision is really terrifying. In the eyes of passers-by, there are almost no secrets. From the secrets of the great emperor to the legends and secrets of some remote places, he knows almost everything.

Fortunately, we didn't meet such scary passers-by this time, only three ignorant old men.

While there was no big noise, I changed my appearance and went to the Ji Family Stone Workshop. Although I got the treasure this time, I lost nearly 100,000 kilograms of source. I remember that there was a piece in the Ji Family Stone Workshop called 'Shenyue'. 'The stone contains a divine source worth at least 500,000 kilograms of pure source... Go back to the source first!

Zhou Tong was thinking as he walked to a secluded place, changed his appearance again, and walked directly towards Ji's stone workshop.

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