More than ten days have passed like this, and Zhou Tong has been constantly meditating on the Qilin magic on top of Zhuo Peak; his whole person seems to be possessed by a demon, his mind is wandering in a trance, and he is meditating on the supreme Dharma.

Outside, people from Xingfeng are also constantly provoking Zhuofeng, provoking Ye Fan, and fighting.

But none of this has anything to do with Zhou Tong. No matter how much the outside world hits him, he remains motionless. He has no idea what is happening and does not want to know what is happening. He has been comprehending the Qilin Treasure Technique.

But on this day, Zhou Tong, who was enlightened, suddenly shook his figure, and then showed a hint of surprise.

He raised his head and looked at the top of Zhuofeng, only to see a void there, extremely quiet. The vegetation inside was prosperous and then withered. Sometimes the green leaves were dripping, and sometimes they were withered and silent.

At the same time, the nine-step ladder also exuded mysterious fluctuations, which continued to amplify. Finally, it seemed that there was a jade tower emerging above the ladder, lying across the void.

Li Ruoyu was like a fossil, sitting there cross-legged, facing the nine-step ladder.

The inheritance of Zhuofeng has begun! Zhou Tong's heart moved and he sat down cross-legged, quietly feeling the wonderful Taoist charm in Zhuofeng.

What he comprehended was not the cultivation scriptures at Zhuofeng. In fact, he did not lack any scriptures or secret techniques. All he needed was the charm of the great avenue above Zhuofeng.

The charm of the avenue left by the sages Zhuofeng is truly the most precious thing.

At this moment, I saw that above the Zhuo Peak, it seemed that the world was evolving, and the inexplicable Tao and Principle were intertwined.

All things in the world are full of vitality and flowers are blooming, but then the leaves are withering and the cold wind is biting. It all happens over and over again.

This is the most ancient truth in the world. It is the most natural thing for plants and trees to wither and flourish again.

Zhou Tong sat cross-legged on the clumsy peak quietly, motionless, and his whole aura suddenly became ordinary from the majesty and heaviness of the previous Qilin Dharma.

His eyes went from brilliant to dull, from bright to hollow, as if they had experienced an evolution from prosperity to decline.

At the same time, there seemed to be inexplicable trajectories emerging between heaven and earth, forming complex and profound rules and orders, and deriving mysterious lines and patterns.

The whole clumsy peak is full of ancient charm and has a natural atmosphere flowing around it.

Naturally, such changes in Zhuofeng could not be hidden from the other monks in Taixuan, and everyone looked at Zhuofeng in shock.

It's ordinary, without any changes, so natural. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the day to start the inheritance!

I remember that there were sages who received the inheritance before it was started. In the end, their magic power was so great that it was comparable to the great powers of ancient times. They were extremely powerful.

Can Li Ruoyu be compared with those ancient sages?

The people on other peaks were all shocked, and they all realized that with this change in Zhuofeng, I am afraid that it is really going to rise, and it is very likely that a powerful person will emerge.

But at this moment, on top of Zhuo Peak, Zhou Tong was still immersed in the mysterious Taoist charm.

Zhou Tong's eyes, from bright to gray, from vitality to emptiness, and then reverse again, change with these inexplicable lines, capture their trajectory, and evolve with them.


The remaining sources among the ten divine rings in Zhou Tong's body began to burn continuously, and then turned into essence and poured into Zhou Tong's body.

His body seemed to have undergone slight changes with the opening of Zhuofeng inheritance.

The purple sea of ​​suffering gradually dried up and then froze, as if it had returned to the time before practice. The sea of ​​suffering was as hard as divine iron, and even the flames on the sea of ​​suffering seemed to be extinguished.

But soon the originally dry sea of ​​suffering showed signs of life, the purple sea surface once again sounded the sound of waves, and the flames became more intense.

From extreme prosperity to withering, and finally rebirth, all this is like a reincarnation, as if there is an eternal law evolving, and there are more dao patterns in the sky in his wheel and sea. .

At the same time, the birth and death of the pattern was quickly imprinted on the Overlord Bell, and gradually the entire Overlord Bell also changed. From the radiance before, it gradually returned to ordinary.

It was as if the constantly rising and dying Dao patterns had turned into a layer of silk clothing, covering the Ba Zhong.

After the changes in the Wheel and Sea are over, there will be changes in the Dao Palace.

The Dao Palace also seems to have gone through a cycle of reincarnations. The dead self, the original self, and the Dao Self also seem to be constantly rotating. The life essence brought by the burning of millions of kilograms of sources is continuously poured into Zhou Tong's Dao. In the palace, it seems that the miraculous changes of the Tao Palace have been further developed.


At the same time, a layer of mysterious and unpredictable patterns seemed to appear around Zhou Tong. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter rotated, matching the four poles of Zhou Tong's body. A mysterious aura of time cycle emerged from his body. .

Completely immersed in the charm of the Tao left by the ancestors of Zhuofeng, Zhou Tong seemed to have re-cultivated his own secret realm of the Wheel and Sea, the Secret Realm of the Tao Palace and even the Secret Realm of the Four Extremes.

The ancient scriptures that were originally incompatible with each other among the three secret realms now have some vague similarities, as if there is a mysterious force connecting these three secret realms.


At this time, Zhou Tong was shocked and escaped from the mysterious Taoist charm.

At the same time, a mental method emerged from his heart like floating clouds and flowing water. It was the inheritance of Zhuofeng and the most fundamental cultivation method of Zhuofeng.

The mutually incompatible Yuhua Sutra, Emperor Sutra, and Hengyu Sutra are now connected at all! Zhou Tong felt that the power in his body seemed to be suddenly connected.

This feeling is like grafting an apple tree and a peach tree, and finally the grafted branches begin to grow on a brand new tree. Although it is not a perfect fusion, with such a slight penetration, it is enough to greatly increase Zhou Tong's combat power.

The scriptures of the Wheel Sea Secret Realm, the Dao Palace Secret Realm and the Four Extremes Secret Realm are all connected in the slightest. This is adjusted and connected by the inheritance of Zhuofeng. The feeling I had before about rebuilding the three secret realms...should be I was also influenced by this Taoist charm...but it’s also a good thing, my foundation is more solid.”

The Great Way of Nature is indeed powerful. The Tao is natural. Even the unrelated ancient scriptures in my body have a sense of being connected together. If I continue to practice, maybe the Great Way of Nature can allow me to penetrate all the secret realms.

I can feel that I can trigger the catastrophe of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm anytime and anywhere!

Zhou Tong also understood in his heart that the bottleneck he had been trapped in had been quietly broken through with the help of Zhuofeng's natural avenue.

Next, he only needs to find time to overcome the tribulation, and he can easily break through the Four Extremes Secret Realm and advance to the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

However, there is no rush yet. This tribulation can be suppressed a little. Anyway, the tribulation can be triggered at any time. There will definitely be many people interested in my news...

Zhou Tong didn't think much and continued to close his eyes, quietly immersed in the enlightenment of the great road.

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